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Hunted (BurningWillows & BloodMoon)


She dressed quickly and looked towards Xael, his arms folding around her as he nuzzled her. Curling her arms around him, Lunar pressed her body to his, looking up at him affectionately.

“My sun and my stars, I love you more than I can possible fathom.” She smiled, pressing up on her tip toes and kissing him. Her hand slipped under his shirt, her nails teasing his skin softly as they stood, allowing time to stop between the two.

As they headed back, Lunar could feel her partner’s growing stress as they neared the group, knowing they would feel the pressure and their need to accept their decision.

As they stepped out into their camp, Lunar’s arm curled around him with her fingers intertwined within the loops around Xael’s belt. Looking up at the man, she smiled happily, her eyes locked on his face while they waited for the group to respond.


His arms wrapped around Ash, his arms pulling her into his lap, his lips pressing to her neck as he grinned up at her.

“Relax Ash.” Braxton purred against her neck, nibbling softly at her soft and perfect skin. His white eyes looked up at her brightly, his eyebrows wiggling as he tried to lighten the mood. But then, the bush’s rustled, and out came a pissed out wolf, and another two happy figures. Everything got quiet, the air suddenly getting very tight between the group. Finally, Braxton lifted his head and smiled at the two.

“Congrats you two for taking the plunge” He grinned, his arms tightening around Ash as he looked down at the perfect woman within his arms.


Eli grunted, his eyes rolling towards Braxton’s late warming welcome to the couple. Rolling his shoulders, Eli leaned against a tree towards the back of the group as he separated himself from the group. He wasn’t here to stress on the personal decisions.

She waited for someone else to speak, but finally Braxton broke the silence. His words were off, adding to the tension. Ash's eyes remained on Jay, waiting for him to start, since they all knew he had the most to say.

"Did you have a good night?" she finally asked, when no one else could come up with something better.


Reyn slipped to the back of the group, silently slipping past even Elijah's radar as she found a spot far enough to be out of the blast when the fight broke out. It seemed imminent, like everyone was a fuse, and all they had to do was light one and watch the chaos.

In Reyn's opinion, the two of them were perfect for each other. But maybe that was the siren in her, seeing the compatibility with them. It wouldn't matter if she voiced that though; none of them aside from Elijah respected her. So she sat against a tree, hidden in the shade with her hood up, watching the processions.


"Thank you Ash," Xael smiled warmly at his closest friend, "Everything was beautiful. Should've seen her face. You outdid yourself."

Smiling, the wolf looked over to Ash.

“It was breathtaking, Thank you very much Ash.” She responded. “I couldn’t of asked for anything more beautiful.” Lunar’s soft whimsical voice sang, looking up at Xael in awe. Her eyes examined him as her hand slid around his waist and her fingers brushed his softly before she looked over at Jay.


The wolf huffed, before looking back at the two.

“My instinct says to rip you to shreds for what you’ve just done to my sister… You can’t even begin to know the commitment you just made to her.” He spat. “You’re stupid, and reckless. If you’d known her as long as the family, sure what ever, but you haven’t.” Jay commented before turning back to the group.

“Who’s ready to start walking?” He added, inviting himself to their escapades as he looked at the group, moving on. In the corner, a gruff noise left Eli’s throat as he laughed roughly at Jays comment, seemingly spectating louder then he wanted to be about the twos future.

"Yep, let's get moving," Ashlin sighed, getting up and helping Braxton up.

As they moved around and got ready she walked up to Elijah shooting him a raised eyebrow, "No comments from the peanut gallery? I heard you grunt. Can't handle their happiness, or are you agreeing that their doomed?"

She didn't know whether she agreed with Xael's decision or not, but she wasn't about to not stand up for her friend.


Xael's shoulders tightened, and if it wasn't for Luna's soft touch he'd knock the male werewolf off his feet. As everyone bustled around getting ready, Xael pulled Luna and him forward, nudging Jay's shoulder as they past with his own.

"Try to be happy for your sister," he snapped quietly, "And don't go threatening me...pup."

Eli looked down at her, his arms crossed and his lean body leaning against a rather large and sturdy tree. Standing, the man dropped his arms and began to walk down the path.

“They won’t last.” He commented, taking several steps before his foot paused and his head turned slightly, the short blonde strands of hair waving with the movement.

“Wolf and bloodsucker do not mix, let alone co-exist beside each other.” He spat. “And all she’s good for is the fur on her back.” He grunted, turning back to the path to begin the upcoming journey of the day.


While he wasn’t trying to be an ass, he was trying to get his point across. Jays golden eyes surveyed the group, the tension rising even between Xael and his best friend. Rolling his eyes, he began to move slowly with the group before the man bumped his shoulder. Like that, Jay’s fist lashed out; A pale hand catching it within a flash before her teeth where bared.

“You will not touch him. You will get along. And you will agree with your alphas decision. If you don’t like it go back to Abass.” She growled, her silver orbs staring him down. The compulsion of the alpha had always hurt, but he’d bow his head in fear of their wraith; In fear of Lunar’s wraith. Shaking her off he growled before lowering his head before moving his large frame moving towards Reyn, stashed off to the side to avoid the chaos. Looking down at her, he grinned and held his hand out for her.

“You coming Darlin’?” He grinned, winking at her.

"I shouldn't of asked," she sighed, walking back to Braxton and outright ignoring Elijah's last comment, although she knew anyone with super hearing heard it. Xael's eyes flashed up and forward, his jaw working. Not only was he dealing with Jay's comments, she'd added to the stress by getting Eli to talk.

"Sorry," she muttered to no one in particular, shoulders dropping as she approached Braxton who was moving back to the path.


She bounced up using his hand, but waited behind for Elijah, making Jay wait too. While Brax and Ash took the lead, with Xael and Luna behind them, the other three took the back. After they'd fallen enough behind, Nereyda decided to let her opinion known.

"You're both wrong," she piped up, arm in arm with Jay but watching Eli with a sultry grin, "You guys are looking at the big picture...not the small one."


Xael unballed and reballed his fists, trying to keep from outright tackling the wolf in front of him. His jaw worked, his teeth grinding to keep back from snapping. Eli's comments in the background weren't helpful either.

As Jay strode away, effectively ending the conversation, Xael pulled Luna in behind Brax and Ash, eager to walk. His whole body was tight with tension, trying to keep his anger in check.

The wolf couldn’t help the growl escaping his lips.

“I’ve known her since she was born a pup. I know how she reacts and how she works.” He snorted.

“I’m looking after her well-being.” He spat, his golden orbs trying to find something calming.

“I’m not wrong.” He growled.


Braxton’s arm curled around Ash’s waist, his lips pressing to her hair as he mumbled sweet nothings to her.

“Just leave it all now beautiful.” He commented, pulling her deeper into him as they walked.


Lunar nuzzled her man softly, her body plastered to his as they walked.

“Shhhhh” She soothed, her hand slipping up under his shirt as her fingers traced shapes along his skin.

“Ignore them… Ignore Jay. He’s being a dick for some reason.” She whispered.

“Think of last night.” She grinned, winking at him.

Her fingers along his skin gave him goosebumps where she traced circles and he groaned inwardly, kissing the top of her head and whispering into her hair.

"Keep that up and I'll be asking for a new kind of distraction."


"Ooooh touchy," Reyn whistled, letting his arm go to dance ahead of them and twirl in a circle, then turning and walking backwards so she could face them both.

"More touchy then they were last night," she winked and laughed whimsically at her own joke.

"Your looking after nothing," Reyn lectured, smiling bitterly sweet at him, "You think you know what's best for her. But you've yet to ask her if she thought this through. Instead you keep puffing your chest out, acting sooooo much better than anyone. Even Elijah had the decency to just walk away, righ? And speaking of which, Eli you, handsome, are also wrong. They can co-exist. Obviously they are doing so right now."

Both men looked displeased with her words but she shrugged them off, "Stop being so jealous you two. She hasn't been yours for years Eli. If you want to stick your dick in something, I'm happy to oblige baby. And you, Mr. Sexy Wolf man...she ain't yours to keep. Whatever mixed up, unspoken love thing you got for her kind of got butchered last night when, ya know...fucked."

She swung around to walk forwards, missing Jay's anger rising, "Sex...fucked...made love. Whatever people call it these days. Xael gave her the night. Of. Her. Life. Just looking at them I can tell."

A grin pulled at Lunars lips as she wiggled beside him happily and teasingly.

“Oh I can defiantly give you a distraction.” She winked, whispering softly before feeling a blackening cloud hovering over her brother’s head behind them.


Jay rolled his eyes and passed off the wave of nausea from not just his sisters comment but Reyns comment.

“I’d rather not think about what he was doing to my sister.” He snarled, glaring at the back of Xaels head while Reyn piped away. He was disliking her arrogance about his sister. He was worried about last time, and how far off the edge she had gone. He wouldn’t drop this, not even with Reyns expertise in the subject.

“While your bringing it up, the only thing I have for my sister, is my sincerity for her well-being.” He barked, trying to hold back his anger. The more the girl spoke, the more the man cringed, speaking of what they had done pissing him off more and more.


Like that, Eli’s arm reached out as he yanked her into him. His lips forced their way down onto hers, muting the words she spoke, and quieting the inner annoyance he was building. While she had been honest, it was even grinding his gears. His hands slipped down, gripping her ass tightly as he pushed her body into his.

“Shut up.” He growled against her lips as a hand moved up to yank her hair.

His mouth closed on hers, shutting her off mid-sentence and making every nerve in her body burst into flames. His roughness had her moaning, ready to rip his clothes off then and there.

"Unless your joining, I suggest you catch up with the group," Reyn spoke breathlessly to Jay, her whole frame leaning into Eli as her fingers raked through his hair, "We'll catch up later."

Elijah rose one eyebrow making her squirm in his arms, "Don't tease baby."

He looked cooly down at the girl, raising a brow at her quickness to respond. While she shoed off the wolf boy he grinned and his hand yanking her down to her knees before the wolfs eyes could quickly divert.

“Get lost mutt.” He growled, his hand still holding a firm grip on Reyns hair. Hearing a huff, the man looked back down at the siren.

“Get to it then.” He growled.


As the Eli forced the siren down to her knees, the wolf turned. Groaning his pace quickened, hoping to get as much distance between them as possible.

He could hear the conversation as much as she could, and knew the whole thing must be rather uncomfortable. He wanted to distract her, keep her smiling. With lightning speed he scooped her up and over his shoulder, listening to her squeal.

"Just as I like you angel," he teased, slapping her ass, "Bent over."

While she scoffed at him, Xael heard Ash snort, trying her damnest not to listen in. Picking up the pace, he fell in line beside Ash and Brax, grinning madly.

"How's the view back there Luna?" he joked, catching Ash grin and shake her head at him.

"You didn't have to shoo him off," she whined, undoing his pants way too slowly, "I like a little doggy-style with my morning."

As the conversation grew mature, the wolf was quickly distracted by Xaels quick response. A squeal flew out of her lips and sheer joy filled her heart. Her hand flew out, slapping his ass in response before quickly settling to grope it with a grin.

“I can’t say I’ve seen anything better” She squealed, a smile pulling at her lips.

Eli growled softly as he grabbed her hair more violently.

“Shame you can’t comment on that when your too busy choking on my dick.” He spat as he shoved her head forward.

"Well get use to that sweet scenery," he chuckled, feeling her nails dig into his ass and add to his arousal, "We got a ways to walk yet."

"Just going to carry her all the way there now?" Ash joked, joining in.

"Of course," he grinned, bouncing her gently on his shoulder, "At least until she starts kicking."

She couldn’t help the giggling, the small whimsical and uplifting sound growing slightly breathless with how hard she was laughing. The wolfs hand followed down his ass and his back thigh, her nails teasing and tickling the skin softly.

“Just don’t drop me” She squeaked between giggles.


Joining the group, the wolf looking up to see his sister giggling madly; he wanted to butt in and comment, but he hadn’t ever seen her laugh that hard.

“Fuck it, I’m joining the other two” He groaned, his body quickly turning around as he took his eyes off of Lunar and her new mate to distract himself elsewhere.

"Oh here comes my wolf," Reyn giggled, pushing Eli only slightly away so she could stand, her hands now gripping him and rubbing softly, "Share nicely now."

As Jay walked up she pressed her back into Eli, wiggling her butt against his exposed member. When he got close enough Reyn reached out and grabbed a handful of Jay's shirt. Pulling him in roughly, her lips smashed into his with a heated force, begging him to touch her as she continued to lean her backside into Elijah.

He tossed her down, catching her as she fell and kissing her long and hard. Finally he set her to her feet, grinning madly at each other.

"I love you," he breathed into her hair as he pulled her in beside him, keeping one arm around her shoulders protectively.

The man behind her growled possessively. His hands moving to her exposed bosoms as Jay’s form moved up, pressing forcefully against her. Leaning in the wolf growled as his hand gripped her jawline, his head moving in to force a kiss as his hands wandered, staying clear of the other man’s limbs as the two played with the woman sandwiched between them.

Her giggle fit quickly moved into a squeal of glee as he caught her falling body. Looking up, the wolf playfully swatted at Xaels face, her silver eyes heavily flecked with gold. Kissing him back deeply, the wolf batted her lash’s at her mate.

“I love you too” She whispered, her eyes twinkling up at him after he set her down. Her arm looped around his waist, pulling him into her possessively.

Her moans grew quickly, both men expertly fawning over her. This was a new experience for her. In all the orgies and threesomes she'd had, she'd never had much selection for partners. Ninety percent of the time she got unskilled men and women, who ruined the night long before her appetite was satisfied.

These two men were nothing like that. The attention was pleasing, four hands touching her instead of two. She caught Eli's possessive growl towards Jay, a challenge in her mind. Who could do better?

The wolf groaned, Eli’s hips still thrusting deeply as the siren moaned his name. Her body raked with scratch’s from the two trying to collect her towards themselves. While Eli’s hand played with her boobs while she sat ontop of him. While Jays hands held her hips roughly, red marks indicating where his fingers had pressed.

“Another one bites the dust.” The Halfling groaned, his hands sliding down to Reyns hips to force the motion of her body against his. He pressed his dreamy torso to her body, a hand slipping up to grab both of her hands and sliding them behind her back. Jay’s body pushed slowly, panting as he slowly finished, Eli’s body continued to grind against Reyns, her form fitting to his like clay. Bucking his hips the angel kissed her harshly, nipping at her lips demandingly as his breath only grew. Eli’s head slipped down, slipping between the girls breasts as a free hand slipped downwards, playing with her while the other remained to contain both of her wrists.

Groaning, the man came to a finish, his breath steadying as Reyn laid ontop of him, Jay’s body already fully clothed and gone.

Nereyda rocked on him hard, and as soon as Jay finished the warmth of his body disappeared. She noted it, but Reyn's mind was too far gone in pleasure for her to stop and get annoyed. Elijah continued and she basked in his glow, feeling his rough hands. Her groans became screams as she called his name into the trees, then collapsed on his sweat beaded chest.

When she caught her breath she murmured into his rising and falling chest, "He ditched didn't he?"

The answer wasn't pleasant. Reyn's nostrils flared and she suddenly felt used. She understood needing space; Eli hated cuddling, and favored sleeping on his own. But she considered it disrespectful to leave while the fun was still going, without so much as a word.

As her now sore and spent body grew numb, she thought over it more, growing angry with the werewolf.

"Am I that much of an object?" she whispered, her voice breaking as she began to drift off to sleep on her muscular halfling.

Eli shook his head softly, his arms curling around her as she slowly came down on top of him.

“No you’re not.” He replied before she lulled off to sleep. The man collected her clothes, along with his, sliding on her clothes quickly followed by his own before he picked the girl up. Carrying her bridal style, the man nonchalantly carried her sleeping form down the path, towards where the group.
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