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Cat and Mouse(KaryxCheshire)

She hadnâ??t felt him move, all through the night she hadnâ??t felt much of anything. The girl turned out to be a decently heavy sleeper. She was not bothered when her â??pillowâ?? stretched, she didnâ??t even notice it. If she had noticed it then she would have noticed the hand on her backside and probably wouldnâ??t have been too happy about it. As it was she was so tired from all the sleep Aliwar made her loose that she needed to catch up a bit and sleep in. By the time she stirred the sun had risen and the day was bright and warm.

Even then she did not seem willing to rise. She nuzzled her pillow and curled up tighter as if attempting to ward off the day. When that failed she relaxed a bit she let out a big yawn that exposed her cute mouse like teeth. At first she didnâ??t realize anything but slowly as she woke up more she realized someone was running their fingers through her hair. She looked up to see who it was, her eyes barely open, lids still heavy with sleep. It didnâ??t come to her at first but when it did it came down on her like a brick.

Her eyes widened quickly and her face exploded in blush. She finally realized the situation. She had snuck into his bed last night and now he was awake, not only did he not pull away but she could feel his arm around her and his hand running through her silky hair. She quickly realized that for however long he had been awake he must have been watching her sleep and her blush deepened. By this time embarrassment flooded her still sleepy head and she couldnâ??t gather what to do. Without the slightest idea of how to react she laid there, still clinging to him, arms and tail, with a heavy blush painting her cheeks in what could be the cutest red he had ever seen.
Talwin couldn't help but smile as he watched hr stir, his pale hues watching as she had yawned and looked up at him with half open hues. He laughed slightly when she had suddenly stared at him with wide open hues, his gaze locked onto her own. "Afternoon sweetheart..Did you sleep well?.." He felt her cling to him, wondering if she realized she was or not, but truth being, he didn't mind in the least.

He watched her gaze, and smiled when she had been blushing a dark red, his hand once stroking through her hair moved slightly to comb a few strands of it behind her ear. "Don't worry, I'm not mad at you..In fact, I liked having someone to share my bed with.." He meant it too, even he at times got lonely when sleeping alone, and having this adorable little girl clinging to him, make him comfortable. Looking into her eyes, he continued to run his fingers through her hair. "Even just waking up, your beautiful."

Holding her close, he closed his eyes and sighed, leaning toward her, he kissed her forehead. "When you want to get up, we will go out and get you some clothing, but I am comfortable here as long as you are.." A knock at the door, and soon Caleb had entered, carrying a tray of food. "Here is your meal Talwin." Talwin smiled and looked at Caleb. "Thank you Caleb, you can go now, and make sure you keep James in like, I know he's the troublemaker of you two.." Caleb laughed before he looked at the girl and smiled. "Seems you didn't need my room after all.." He laughed and soon exited the room.

Smiling toward her for a moment, he pulled the tray close and picked up a piece of cheese and placed it against her lips, hoping she would take it. "Eat something sweetheart...I got some cheese just for you, as well as some berries.."
â??A-afternoon?â? she questioned him. She had never slept that late before. Aliwar always woke her up to take advantage of her before he had to go to work and it was difficult to sleep after that. All she could do was nod to his question, her mind still trying to pull itself together to figure out what she should do. As it turned out it wasnâ??t a dream because she woke up again into this new life of hers and it was part of that â??newâ?? factor that made it so hard for her to figure out what to do.

He continued to run his hand through her hair, even pushed a few strands behind her big golden mouse ears. Her ears twitched turned slightly so they could better hear him. It was good to know he would not be mad at her but hearing that he liked sharing the bed only deepened her blush and being called beautiful sure didnâ??t help lessen it. Here he was, holing her close to his bare chest, just as she thought she had some idea of what to do he leaned forward and kissed her forehead. It was as if the kiss sucked the thought from her head because when he pulled away she had no clue what it had been. He mentioned the cloths again but she still couldnâ??t get over this.

Her ears twitched again when she heard the door. As if this situation wasnâ??t bad enough Caleb entered carrying breakfast, or possibly, because of the time, lunch. She wanted to say something, anything, maybe even apologize for not using his bed after he so kindly loaned it to her but he spoke first and his comment easily silenced her. Watching him leave she looked back and forth between Talwin and the door, wondering if she should just make a break for it when he suddenly had a piece of cheese pressed to her lips. She looked up at him before down at the cheese pressed to her lips. Slowly, as though she was unsure about it, she opened her mouth and leaned her head forward enough to take in the cheese. Only, she pulled her head just a little bit too far and he would soon find the tip of his finger between her soft, red lips.

It remained there for only a second before her mind kicked her into doing something. Scarlet covering her cheeks she quickly pulled herself away from him, unwrapping her tail and forcing out of his arms. She didnâ??t bolt to the door though, instead she reacted much like the mouse she was... she burrowed into the sheets. Not knowing what else to do she dove under them and pushed her way to the foot of the bed. Beneath them she curled up, hands covering her face out of sheer embarrassment as she spoke finally. â??Iâ??m sorry! I didnâ??t mean to! I wanted to try and sleep on my own but it was dark and I heard noises and someone as snoring....â? she tried to think of a way to explain what happened, â??I-I donâ??t know how I curled up to you, I fell asleep on the edge of the bed....â? she admitted, hiding beneath the sheets and too embarrassed to come out.
Talwin widened his eyes for a moment as he watched her soft lips close around his finger before she retracted, it did indeed have an effect, but nothing physical revealed it. He tilted his head as he watched her force herself free of him, which his hand moved to his side, rubbing it slightly. He watched as she hid within his sheets at the foot of his bed, he assume she didn't like the fact she had cuddled up with him as much as he actually did. He arched an eyebrow as he listened to her reasoning. "I understand..Its alright..Your always welcome to come by and spend the night in my room with me.."

Moving the tray to the side of the bed, he slowly got off his bed on the other side. His muscles tensed as he stretched once more, still wearing only his boxers, his morning 'friend' had gone away a lot earlier while she was sleeping. He moved to a closet and began to pick out some casual wear, slipping on a pair of black jeans, and putting on a white shirt. He glanced toward the pile where she cowered. He sighed and moved to pull out a rather beautiful blue dress, though it was well covering of her body, it was more like a sunday school dress. He draped it over the mound where she hid. "Come on, get dressed and lets get you some new clothing.."

He had gotten the dress from another servant, which he had asked for in exchange he would get her another while he was out. He smiled for a moment as he collected his wallet, keys, and his phone.
He was still nice to her, even after all she did. It was not that she didnâ??t like sleeping with him. She loved it and wanted to do it more but she was still unsure about all of this. Still a bit scarred from her past experiences. She kept expecting something to happen, for him to turn and hurt her when she least expected it. Then maybe he would even turn and laugh at her for every trusting her in the first place.

She heard him move the tray and she wanted to peak out, worried he was going to take it away before she got to have a real breakfast. He was next out of the bed and she was left in it alone. Still nothing happened, no pain, violation, nothing. She listened to him moving about the room. When he told her to get dressed she poked her head out from underneath the blankets to see him standing there, dressed and ready. She looked at him confused, she was beginning to wonder if this as the longest she had gone without being raped. Realizing it very well might be she wasnâ??t sure if she should be happy for that or sad for all the times it had happened before.

Slowly she climbed out of the bed, keeping her eyes on him as she got the dress. She looked it over and her smile widened as she explored it more. It covered her well, it wasnâ??t anything slutty or tight, it was just a blue dress. She smiled, turned her back to Talwin and changed right there. She still had a pair of panties so he didnâ??t get to see anything but she couldnâ??t wait to get rid of them. She couldnâ??t stop smiling as she put the dress on, then she straightened it out and turned to him. Her hair was messy so she took it down, telling the pigtails out and the long golden strands hide her back. â??Can I borrow a brush?â? she asked him. IT still didnâ??t seem real, she still thought he might turn but for now she would enjoy it at least. â??C-can we get other stuff too?â? she asked him, unsure but hopeful he would agree. â??L-like ribbons... for my hair?.... and underwear?â? she asked him, hoping to get more than just dresses.
Watched as she climbed out of the bed, then when she turned away, he did as well, he wasn't going to watch her undress. He brushed his hands down his chest and shoulders, creasing the shirt and removing the wrinkles. His ears laying back against his head as he had slowly combed his hair back, fixing it up from the bed head. Once he was done, he reached back offering her the brush. "Here, use this one.."

When she turned around, she would see his back was still aimed toward her, he was making sure she was dressed before he turned, as to make sure she wasn't in a compromising position. "Well I consider panties part of clothing, so of course..and as for Ribbons.." There was a pause for a moment, he was grinning to himself. "I suppose we can get you some ribbons, but only because your so cute.." He was obviously playing with her, of course he would get her some ribbons.

Rummaging through his closet, he sat down on the bed and slowly slipped on socks, then his more comfortable shoes, he didn't care for the shoes that fit formal attire, it was as if they were made to be uncomfortable. Once his shoes were on, he moved to grab a black jacket and putting it around his form, covering his arms, though the tattoos on the backs of his hands were still revealed.
She was happy to see that he had decided to turn his back to her. She hadnâ??t felt his eyes on her and she had been allowed to put on her own dress. She gratefully took the brush from him and began to comb out her long golden locks. She wasnâ??t as fast as he was at doing these kinds of things. There were times when she was left alone for hours so doing things slowly helped pass the time. Brushing her hair was one nice way to pass the time.

When she finished she looked at the pink ribbons and the blue dress. She frowned, they didnâ??t match. She decided to put them in anyways, parting her hair into adorable little pig tails and listening to what he said they could get. She bit her lip just slightly during the pause, her mouse teeth showing again. She seemed to jump for joy when he said that she could get ribbons.

After that she went over to the breakfast tray, she didnâ??t know where to start. â??This is the best morning ever!â? she exclaimed happily, smiling at him. She meant it too and if he had known half the things Aliwar had done to her he would have no problem believing it was true. She picked up the little bowl of berries, smiling as she looked through them. She just seemed to be in a really good mood. She picked out a few blackberries from the bunch, happily eating them, then some raspberries, it seemed those were her favorite. There were even a few strawberries in the bowl and she was eating those when she stopped and looked down at the bowl she held them over to Talwin.

She walked over to her master and held u a strawberry for him. â??Berry?â? she asked him, trying to offer him some of her berries before she ate them all.
Couldn't help but smile as he looked down at her holding a berry up to him, he wasn't a huge fan of berries, but he had to accept at least this one from the darling girl close to him. "Alright, though just the one, I brought in the cheese and berries just for you.." He slowly lifted his hand, the tattoos revealed to her as he took her small wrist with his hand, leaning down and slowly taking a bite from the strawberry, he slowly took the strawberry from her hand, his fingers trailing hers for a moment before he placed the rest of it into his mouth to eat.

Finished the strawberry, he watched her with a smile before he moved toward the tray and began to eat some of the cheese from it. Soon enough, James knocked at the door before opening it and handing a leash to Talwin. James looked over the girl in her blue dress and smiled, if he could talk, he would have told her how beautiful she looked. Once he was done, he bowed and backed out of the room. "I'm sorry hun..But I have to put a leash on you, so that no other cats try and claim you.."

His face reflected how he hated doing this, he wanted her to be happy, but he knew she wouldn't be so long as she had worn that wretched thing. He handed the collar to her, so she can put it on herself, so she knew he wasn't trying to make her feel uncomfortable. "I will try and make this as quickly as possible..Unless you would rather do some work around here, and I send someone else out to get what you like..You would just have to make a list.."
She smiled. She could hardly believe all this was just for her. She noticed the tattoos again and wondered why he had then. She had seen dogs with tattoos but that was usually a symbol for their pack. She wondered briefly if he was in a pack before pushing that absurd idea from her mind. It was easy to forget it when he hand wrapped around her wrist. Aliwar had grabbed her wrist before to drag her places, it usually hurt, She still had a few bruises on her neck form the night before, as well as on other parts of her body but not her back, he liked to expose that part of her any chance he got so he kept it mostly unharmed.

When James came into the room and smiled at her she smiled back and even did a little spin to show off her dress. When he left she went back to the tray and put the berry bowl down. The tips of her fingers were blue form the blackberry but she smiled. She picked up a cube of cheese and nibbled on it. When he began to speak again at first she didnâ??t get it then she realized what was going on. She was going to have to wear the collar and leash again.

She swallowed and rubbed her neck. She finally got the thing off, if she had been allowed outside more she would have a tan line from having it on so often. She wanted to run and hide but she knew that he wouldnâ??t force her to wear it like Aliwar did, hopefully he wouldnâ??t choke her with it like that man had done. She took the collar and put it on, making sure it was loose and had room to move about so it would be more comfortable.

â??I want to go.â? She told him quietly and sadly, â??Aliwar never took my anywhere. When he was with me he was.... doing bad things.... when he left he left me behind... I canâ??t remember a time when he took me out of the house other than for your ball... I-I want to see what else it out there.â? She told him. She really hadnâ??t been anywehre and she was so curious about all these places but scared at the same time. â??H-He told me... cats... eat mice.... is that true?â? she asked him, hoping it was a lie.
Watched her for a moment, the girl confused him, but then again, it couldn't be helped, she just had a knack for it. He continued to offer her the collar, watching her rub her neck, it was when she took it and loosely put it around her neck, he nodded. He didn't care of how loose she had put it, just the fact she had worn it had resembled that she was 'owned' and no one were to touch her without permission.

"Alright, we will go then...." He almost cringed when she mentioned cats eating mice, his pale hues slowly turned toward her before one of his hands moved behind his head. "Our ancestors once did..Though now its considered an act of cannibalism, seeing how close in likeness we are.." He sighed and took the end of the leash and turned toward that of the door. "Come on, lets go get you some new clothing, and a new collar, this one is nasty and needs to be burned.." He nodded as he opened the door, holding it open to let her out first. "I just really need you to obey me while we are out, I don't want to have to act cruel to you.." Leaving the bed, he knew it would be cleaned and fixed by the time he had gotten back.

At the front door, he opened it and led her out, the sunlight was shining brightly, the sky was blue, it was almost a perfect day. Leading her to the car, he slowly opened the door for her and let her get in the back of the limo before he climbed it himself. The inside of the limo was large, and stocked with all forms of drinks. As the limo backed out, he headed toward that of the mall. "I want you to enjoy today.."
She watched him, waiting for an answer, waiting for him to say that Aliwar had been lying... but he didnâ??t. He said that they did a long time ago but now it was considered cannibalism... but he didnâ??t say it stopped. Her mood brightened when he mentioned burning the collar. She wondered if there were pretty collars she could get, she really would have to wait and see. But now the leash was attached and she had to keep an eye on him if she didnâ??t want to be pulled.

It felt strange to be back on the leash now. As she as lead out of the room she looked back at it. It felt like she was leaving a part of her behind. The free part of her. Here she was a slave again. She had liked being free. Liked being, dare she even think it, an equal instead of lower class. The thought that she might not be pushed around and abused anymore made her so happy but that was only inside and she didnâ??t want to stay inside her whole life.

When she saw the day outside she stopped in awe of it. The sky looked so much bluer, the grass looked so much greener. She could feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and the soft breeze. The sky seemed to go on forever. She felt a small pull and realized he kept going. She corrected herself quickly and hurried after him. Climbing into the Limo with him she looked around before her eyes were glued to the window and looking at all the sights there were to see. Last night it had been to dark and she hadnâ??t even been able to hold her head up to look around so this was really the first chance she had ever gotten.
Looked out the window as they passed by a restaurant, which specialized in mouse meat, and he cringed, closing his eyes and sighing. "They do still eat mice..Its something I don't condone, but they do eat mice..." His face and voice obviously reflected the fact he despised that fact. He couldn't stand but look at her, his pale colored hues stared out the window.

Once the mall had come into view, the limo driver pulled up next to the building, and Talwin opened the door. He didn't really know what to say to her after he had told her that his kind did eat her kind. He held the leash and waited for her to get out of the limo. "Lets get you some clothes..." He was barely holding the fact he was upset in check, it came out almost, emotionless. Once she had gotten out of the limo, he would have moved toward the door to the mall and opened it, the first store happened to be the one selling panties.
She looked out the window as they drove, looking at all the cars and people out there. She had never seen so many people before. She saw people with spotted dog ears and others with horse tails, she even saw a family of rabbits and she could not help but smile. Then she began looking at the buildings, however it was one restaurant that really caught her eyes. There were lots of rich looking cats there and they were all eager to get their food. She thought it was a really good fish place until she saw the dayâ??s special fillet rodent. In other words, mouse steak.

Her eyes widened with shock and horror as she moved back from the window. She looked to Talwin for some explanation but what he said was not what she wanted to hear. She could hardly believe it. He didnâ??t sound fond of what they were doing... but she began to wonder, had he ever eaten mouse?

She sat back in her chair, keeping her eyes at her feet. She was barefoot but being a slave that kind of thing was normal. Still, she couldnâ??t get it out of her mind, couldnâ??t meet his eyes or bring herself to speak. When the car stopped she looked up at the mall. It was huge and she was excited, then she noticed all the cats around. Her hand went to the collar around her neck, as long as she wore it she was safe from anyone there, well, not Talwin but he had been nice so far... she just hoped that he didnâ??t get hungry.
Talwin glanced down at her as she had grabbed the collar loosely fitted around her neck. The cats around her licked their lips, noticing was loose, one of them grinned. "You might want to keep a better hold on your meal there, I'd hate to see her..Go to waste.." It was obvious if she made a break for it, they would be more than happy to 'find' her for him. "Don't worry, I have a tight hold on her.."

Shaking his head for a moment, his muscles tensing before he tugged her toward that of the pantie store. Once they were in relative solitude, he looked down at her and smiled slightly. "Alright, pick out some panties you like, and I will buy them for you.." He would give her slack on the line, merely following her around while she looked through panties. He looked around as cats seemed to go about their business, a cat owning a mouse wasn't too unheard of.
She couldnâ??t see them, her eyes were focused on the ground, but that didnâ??t mean she didnâ??t feel their eyes. They traveled her body like one would look over a piece of meat. Then again to them that is exactly what she was. When one of them spoke it drew her attention and she wished she had kept her head down. She saw him actually licking his lips as he spoke about her to her master. She was beginning to wish she had put the collar on tighter.

He led her through to a clothing store where panties were sold. He led her to a part of the store that barely had anyone in it and smiled at her. She didnâ??t say anything. Her eyes met his for a moment. She was frightened, that much was clear. She nodded slightly and thanked him quietly before she began to look around.

She was happy though, being able to shop, only it was harder with the way the cats looked at her. Their eyes lusted her flesh, whether to eat it or to use it she didnâ??t know and didnâ??t want to. As she looked around she picked up a pair of panties and gave them a funny look, she held them to herself, they were too big. She was starting to get it, picking up only the ones that were about the size of the ones she was wearing. She picked up a few pairs, one with a pink heart right over the crotch, another like that but with a star. There was a pokadotted pair and other cute designs. She even picked up a few frilly ones. Her mood was improving as she shopped, when she finished she smiled and looked up at Talwin, unsure how to ask him to buy her something and still sound like a slave. Asking for things was something a slave simply didnâ??t do.
Talwin watched as she had moved toward the panties, looking them over as she had picked out the ones she liked. He leaned down slowly to her ear so that she was the only one who could hear. "Cute little panties your getting.." He laughed softly, smiling before it faded when he stood. Obviously he was still kind, he just couldn't show that fact around the others. He took the panties from her before he nodded. "I suppose you have to have something to wear.." He walked toward that of the cashier, placing the panties on the counter.

The cashier smiled for a moment, Talwin had successfully made it look like he had chosen the panties for her. "Ohh very nice choice sir, I'm sure whoever these are meant for will look great in them.." The girl behind the counter smile before eying the slave. Talwin eyed her in return before he simply paid for the panties and led her out. Soon enough, she would have found herself surrounded in dresses, from all shapes and colors, sizes for all. "Go wild.." He whispered into her ear, smiling before he stood straight once more.
Her ears perked up when he whispered into them and she blushed. Part of her was happy that he liked her choices though all she wanted o do was make that part shut up. He took the panties from her and brought them up front. The woman behind the register made a comment that made her blush. She worded why it seemed that everyone had an opinion on a slaveâ??s clothing but the slave? Well she was just happy for the cloths.

He took her through more of the mall and her eyes widened at the next store. She heard what he said and she just could not help but break into a smile. She walked in and looked at all the dresses, occasionally taking one off the rack to hold it up to her. Some were too short and others were just ugly but when she found one she liked she knew it. They were basic sun dresses, noting super fancy, she didnâ??t want anything super fancy. There was a blue dress on the rack with a big dark blue bow in the back, there was a yellow one with small white dots and a sun on the chest and another one with flowers all over it. She picked out a bunch of dresses and then looked around.

The store sold shirts, shirts, even pajamas. She looked up at her master, questioning him with her eyes. She was hopeful to get other items but was well aware of the image he had to put on for the others around them.
Couldn't help but smile when he had seen her smile openly, his muscles relaxed as he slowly moved behind her, carrying the leash as he let her look through the dresses, holding the ones she wanted. He grinned as he patted her butt, though when she would have perhaps been turning to look at him for it, she would have noticed an officer watching them from just outside the window. After he had done so, he walked off, they were suspicious of mice, but since she was owned by a cat, she was left alone.

He smiled down at her, his ears twitching lightly. "Sorry sweetheart..Didn't want you getting into trouble..cute butt though.." He grinned and watched as she looked up at him, once the shirts and pajamas had come into view, he nodded. "Cant have you only having a large worn out shirt, now can I?.." It seemed almost as if he were treating her more of a spouse rather than a slave, but no one noticed the difference, they just believed he was getting her prettied up to use later.
She blushed when he patted her butt but she made sure not to jump like she usually would have. Being her master she should be used to him doing a lot more then touching her ass. It was then that she noticed the police officer had stopped. He was a cat. She did her best to ignore him until he left and when he did she looked back up at Talwin, blushing deeper at what he said she looked away. She wanted to toss him a playful glare but didnâ??t was to risk someone else seeing it.

She was happy when he said she could get other things. She picked out a bunch of cute shirts in all colors and picked out just a few pairs of shorts. Her selection of pajamas was different though. She walked down the aisle running her hands over the fabric, when she felt something she liked she would stop abruptly and look it over, if she liked it and they had it in her size she pulled it aside to buy. She got a beautiful silk nightgown, it was baby pink with lace around the top and lace straps. She also got a silk pair of pajama pants and a matching sink top, it came in a set with a silk robe to mach. She got a pair of short green pajama shorts and a shirt with a little frog on it that matched. She picked out lots of things and by the time she was finished she was barely able to hold everything.

When she finished she looked up at him, she thought it would be best if this time she carried her own things since slaves were supposed to carry things for their master. After this she just needed a pair of shoes and then she would have everything she needed.
Handed her the things after she had picked out all of her clothing. His muscles tensing slightly as he smiled at her, he knew the glare was playful, and it made him smile. Tilting his head for a moment, his pale hues looking into her own before he headed toward that of the counter. "Go ahead and put them on the counter.." He waited for her to put the clothing at the register before he pulled out his wallet, pulling out his credit card.

The cashier merely smiled, though a hint of jealousy was hidden behind the facade, wishing she had someone to purchase things like that for her. He grinned to himself as he glanced down at her before he watched the girl angrily put the clothes into a bag and handed it to the girl. "Alright..Now some shoes..and some Ribbons.." He smirked for a moment before he led his little girl out of the store.

Moving across the walkway, they entered a shoe store. "Alright..Get three pairs.." He nodded his head once more, she was already carrying a lot of baggage, and he was curious to how much she planned on getting before she was done.
She took the things from him. There was too much this time for him to carry it without it looking suspicious. She followed behind him and put it on the counter when he instructed her to. She noticed the look on the cashiers face. It was funny to see someone jealous of a slave. She did her best not to look overtly happy but she could not hide her smile.

She took the bags, they were heavy but she managed. She followed him out of the store, her smile widening when she heard what he said. She was so excited that she wanted to cheer but she held her composure, she had to, an overjoyed slave was not only something you never see but it was not allowed.

She went to the shoe store, managing to keep a hold of her bags. She tried on a few pairs but finally settled on three, a black pair of running shoes, A pair of flip flops with flowers all over them and a pair of winter boots with some kind of fur on them. She had seen the snow from the window but was really hoping to go play in it this year and these shoes would keep her feet warm while she did. She brought the shoes to him so that he may see them and approve or reject them. After this it was ribbons. By this time she had totally forgotten about the hungry looks from others around, she was just enjoying herself.
Smiled when he noticed her smile, he could tell she had noticed how jealous the cashier was. Once they had entered the shoe store, he watched as she tried on pairs that she found she liked. His muscles relaxed before he nodded, glancing up toward that of the male behind the register, who glanced down at her before looking up to Talwin. He was young looking, a teenager in fact, he decided it was a bright idea to make a snide remark. "Pampering your slave? What a waste of money.."

Talwin snapped back at him, slamming his hand on the counter. "I will do whatever I like with my slave, once you get your own, which you wont if you can't get any better than this..You can do things your own way.." With that, the teen shut up, except mumbling under his breath before he rang up the shoes. "Have a nice day..sir.." He shook his head before he had gave the bag to her, smiling before they left the store.

Standing in the middle of the room, his head turning as he looked for a ribbon store. "Do you see a ribbon store?.."
Her ears twitched as she heard what the man said. She didnâ??t like hearing things like that. She didnâ??t like to think it was a waste to give her what every free person already owned. She jumped slightly when Talwin quickly slammed the table. She kept her eyes on the ground so that the man would not see the smile on her face as her master told the boy off.

When they left and he asked about the ribbon store she took a glance around, it looked like she was looking for stores but she was looking at people, several were looking at them so she had to play it like a slave. She kept her eyes on the ground and when she spoke her voice was quiet, almost timid sounding. â??Master Hawkins, if I may be so bold to suggest that we should look for a craft store. They sell all kinds of ribbons that one can tie on anything.â? She told him.

She hoped she played things right and that she would not draw too much attention. Sure enough there was a craft store down the way where one could buy rolls of ribbons for gifts. The more expensive kinds were softer and better for hair decorations but usually used to tie gifts given by rich people so it was no strange sight to see a rich person buying ribbon.
Sighed and looked around for a moment, nodding his head when he heard her say a craft store, he would help her play off being a slave. "Ah that's right, a craft store..I need to get some ribbon for gifts, better to get it now while its cheaper.." He noticed one further down the way, he tugged her along lightly. His muscles relaxed as they entered the crafts store.

Soon enough they were standing in the more expensive section of the crafts store, looking over the ribbon, they had every type, colored, texture, designs, everything a person seeking a ribbon would want. He smiled down at her before he nodded. "Pick out what you like..And then we will head back to the car.." He heard the phone in his pocket ring, picking it up and placing it to the side of his head. "Hello?..Yeah, we're almost done, go ahead and pull around to pick us up.."
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