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You'r Mine Now. [ Between Corvo and Openots ]

Oct 24, 2009
The seventeen year old trainer was wandering around the quite forest she had found. Streams of sunlight beaming down around her from the small breaks in the branches and the leaves above in the trees. The only sounds around her that of snapping twigs and the various wild pokemon that had not yet showed themselves. She did not have any pokemon herself, simply because she was looking for something better. Something far more interesting.

She stood at 5'7, A tank top covering her upper half that stopped just below her belly button. Long sleeved fishnet sleeves covered her arms. Around her waist was a simple black studded belt, which held up her comfortable fitting dark cargo pants. Black, laced up boots covered her feet, which were perfect for just about any area she found herself in. Her dark red, brownish hair was cut short, strands hanging only past her ears. Her dark green silver streaked eyes scanned the area around her, in hopes of finding just what it was she was looking for. With a soft sigh escaping her plump red lips, she adjusting the bag she was carrying with her on her travels. Corvo was this trainers name.
The littletit was laying next to a tree, asleep. It had been a productive day for her. She had shut down a power plant, set off a trainers pokeballs, and stolen some clothing which she was now wearing. Her dirty blond hair was shoulder length and messy and matted, probably from having lived in the woods for so long. She was dressed in a pair of tight fitting pants and a light blue button front shirt, though it had taken her a while to figure out how to button the damned thing as well as the pants. Usually, she just went around naked, but in the last town several of the humans in blue uniforms chased her and tried to capture her with two shiny rings attached by a chain. (Handcuffs)

To any regular passerby, she looked like a short, small breasted woman. But almost any trainer worth their salt would instantly be able to recognize the rare pokegirl on sight. This was mainly due to the fact that her kind did little else but cause humans trouble, but they were also extremely rare. Several people had tried to capture her in the past, but she had always managed to escape. So, as a normal precaution, she stayed deep within the forest to sleep; after all, what human would think to go deep into the woods to look for a pokegirl.

She was fast asleep, and didn't even hear the human female that was passing through the woods.
Corvo tried to stay has quite has she could, hoping not to scare any pokegirls away. If there just so happened to be one around that is. Her only thing now would be how to capture one when she saw it, she did have a speical pokeball that would capture it. But she was hoping it would not come to that, she herself was hoping to simply 'be-friend' the pokegirl. Before capturing her in a whole new way, most of not even tried yet. Just for the sheer factor everyone can settle with the pokeball, but Corvo wanted to do more then just simply capture it with a ball.

The girl stayed silent, starting to get annoyed with herself has the light was starting to dim. Which of course meant it was indeed starting to get dark in the world, and being in such a heavily filled forest. Meant it only got darker quicker. Corvo started to quicken her pace, using every bit of light that she could to find that rare pokegirl she was so dying to find.
She sat up and yawned. It was finally getting dark, which meant that she could go out ad have some fun. And with her new clothes she could easily sneak into a town and cause havoc! With a groan, she stood up and began walking away from the tree. No humans would be in the woods this late, then again; humans did a lot of stupid things that confused her.

Happily, she made her way through the complex maze of paths in the forest. She was looking forward to seeing if the town had gotten their power back online, so she could drain it again and watch the townsfolk panic. After about twenty minutes of prancing through the woods, she stopped in her tracks. Not, but ten feet away from her a human was standing. Not only was she a human, but from the looks of her she was a tamer as well.

Hesitantly, she took a step back; trying her best to be quiet. She managed to back another five feet away before her bare foot fell upon a twig, making a loud "Crack!". She looked down at the twig, almost stupidly, before looking back up at the tamer.
Has soon has Corvo heard the twig snapped, she quickly turned her head in that direction and stared at the pokegirl before her. She smiled gently towards the creature and twisted her whole body to face her. Taking only small steps towards her. "Well Hello there. I suppose you already know I am a tamer. But don't worry, I won't hurt you. I promise." she spoke softly towards her. Her eyes scanned over the pokegirls body, something in her groin twitching lightly has she stared at the far more the attractive body the tight clothes were more the willing to reveal.

Corvo kept taking small steps towards the pokegirl, eagerly working on gaining the trust of this creature. Seeing one know made other things responde rather it was on the outside or inside of her. Honestly, she had not thought one to be like this. But that could be her gain and the creatures possible down fall in a later to come situation. "Do you have a name? My names Corvo."
The pokegirl had frozen when Corvo turned around. She listen to the woman in silence, not moving an inch. Thousands of options ran through her head, the main was shocking the woman and running, but she wasn't trying to capture her, at least it didn't seem like she was. The littletit was starting to calm down a little, her posture showing it as she stood in a more calmed fashion.

She let out a small giggle, when Corvo asked her; her name. Pokegirls weren't able to talk, at least not without the help of one of those machines humans made. She clasped her hands behind her back and gave Corvo a sly smile.
Corvo watched her movements carefully, waiting to see if she would attack her or not. Once she saw the littletit move to a more calming stance, she relaxed herself. Before relaizing her stupid question the pokegirl. "Oh of course she can't talk yet. Well if you will allow me to get close enough. I can help you with that." Removing her bag for a breif moment she opened it to pull out a thin, almost collar like choker, a device on the side of it that would allow the pokegirl to talk.

Holding the item in her head, she replaced the bag where it should be and started to ease her way towards the pokegirl again. "Now. Be sure to be a good pokegirl ok?" she questioned seeing the sly smile on her face. "Has I said, I promise I won't hurt you, this device will just help you talk to me is all."
The littletit looked at the item for a moment, with an expression of confusion. She knew very little about technology, aside from the fact that she could suck energy out of thick black cords, and that buttons confused her...immensely. Hesitantly, she took the device, and looked it over carefully before trying to put it on. It took her around five minutes to figure out how the clasp worked, but she managed to get the choker to clasp onto her neck tightly.

"I, be good?" She half asked, speaking her first words. A look of confusion spread across her face as the words came out of her mouth. "I be good." She nodded, looking back up at Corvo and smiling brightly. By now, the woods were completely dark, though just enough light was showing through the branches to illuminate the paths.
Corvo smiled has she watched the pokegirl manage to finally fit the collar around her. Hearing her speak caused her to smile only more. "Yes, you are good. Now, do you have a name I may call you?" she asked has she moved closer to her. Moving towards her until she was face to face with the pokegirl. Her eyes scanning around idly has she noted how dark it now was, besides the few beams here and there around them.
She shook her head. "No name." Her grammar and pronunciation left much to be desired, but then again she had just started speaking so it wasn't bad. "Corvo, friend?" She asked, grabbing one of Corvo's hands with both of her smaller hands. She had; had friends before, but they had been her sisters or other pokegirls. The dirty faced, pokegirl gave her a questioning look.
Corvo smiled once more and nodded her head. "Yes, that's right. I'm your friend. Would you like to come stay with me? I can help you speak better, also clean you up." she offered. Simply offering the pokegirl the simply idea of having somewhere better to stay. Something she herself could offer the creature, more then the forest could. "If you do, no more Tamers would come after you here."
Somewhere to stay? Maybe that meant a home! "Yes! Stay with you!" She exclaimed, nodding. Personally, she loved the idea of tamers not chasing her anymore, and this Corvo woman seemed nice enough so she thought she could trust her. "We go now?" She asked, looking up at her.
Corvo smiled, clearly pleased with the pokegirl and her answer. "Yes, of course we can go. We can get you a bathe too, leaving out here should has made you messy." she teased. "Alright, well just follow me, we can use the moonlight for now." Turning she started to back track back to the small place she called home, at least to many it seemed small. That was how Corvo planned on keeping it.
Bath? She didn't know what that was, but it sounded fun! She followed Corvo back to her home, trying to keep up with the taller woman. The last building she had actually been in was a power plant in the next town, so she was interested to see what a humans' home looked like. She wasn't planning on stealing from this human, at least not yet... it depended upon whether or not she ended up trying to capture her against her will.
Corvo was silent has they walked, the girl was plotting the best ways to be-friend the pokegirl. Then of course later on, amuse herself with the pokegirl later on, but that would be in the lower part of her home, one of which no-one was allowed in. For the moment she unaware of the surrounding of the woods has they were slowly making their way closer back to her home.

Did you want Team Rocket to kidnap her now or later?]
The littletit had been walking alongside Corvo happily, not having let go of her hand. She had a friend, even if the friend was a human, it was a friend none-the-less! "Where is home, Corvo?" She asked, looking up at her. She knew the woods fairly well and had never seen a house before. Then again she hadn't been to this area in a long time.

(You choose X3 )
Corvo blinked for a moment before looking over at the littletit. She smiled gently "Not long, maybe another 25 minutes of walking? Don't worry. You'll enjoy it I'm sure." With that out and said, she went back to her thoughts. Unaware of the peering eyes of three others in the forest with them. Ones of which had carefully maked their own scents so not to be tracked.

The three team members of course were apart of the famous group, Team Rocket, known for stealing pokemon and doing experiments on them. With the pokegirl, it was no different. The main idea of seeing if she could produce more of the rare creatures. The three watched them carefully has they walked, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
She snuggled up to Corvo's side happily. Pokegirls often felt a natural connection with humans and would usually attach themselves to one if they liked them. She was also eager to see what this 'bath' was. She didn't have a name, hence why she had never answered the question completely.
After a moment she looked over towards the littletit and spoke. "Hm..I suppose we need a name for you uh?" she questioned. "Hm..I suppose you wouldn't know of any so you would like me to name a few for you?" she offered looking at her once more before looking a the road a head of them.
"You pick." She smiled up at Corvo, still not letting go. She did owe the woman, for giving her the little neck thingy that let her talk. Her feet were starting to hurt a bit, though the callouses she had built up on the soles of her feet had helped a good deal. "We close to home?" She asked again, leaning her head on the side of the woman's leg.
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