Ariana's Rescuer (with Ryanmo97)

Ryan smiled, "You got it..." He walked over to the coffee pot and poured her a cup. "Any cream or sugar?" he asked.
"Lots of both please." Ariana said with a smile. "I'm use to drinking very girly sorts of coffee. I think my local Starbucks knows me before I even come in. Thanks so much."

She took the coffee from him and began to sip at it. Her fork working to eat the food he'd made. "This is delicious. Thanks so much."
Ryan smiled as he handed her the coffee., "You're welcome..." Ryan sat down and started to eat. He looked over at Ariana and smiled. It had been a long time since he was with a woman. But, He promised he wouldn't due anything to her. He respected her to much to do anything like that... but if she offered... that would be a horse of a different color.
Ariana spent the next few minutes eating and drinking, so hungry that she wasn't able to carry on any more conversation until she'd eaten. After her second cup of coffee, and three quarters of her meal down, she sighed in contentment.

"So Ryan. What do you do for fun?" Ariana asked after chewing another bite. "If I'm trapped here, I'd like to get to know the guy I'll be stuck with."
"Not much this time of year," said Ryan, "I pretty much just hang around the house watching TV and Movies. When the weather's nice. I'll take hikes in the woods plus I like to travel too." Ryan finished up his breakfast and started to clean up the kitchen.
"Ah okay." Was all that Ariana could say. She wasn't really one to do much in the outdoors. The skiing trip had actually been out of character for her. She preferred the beach and showing off in a little bikini.

Just the thought of the warm sand distracted her. She wished she was there and not snowed in. Hopefully Ryan would be a good host and entertain her until they were able to escape.
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