Ariana's Rescuer (with Ryanmo97)

May 5, 2015
Ariana Grande was busy putting on her boots and other skiing equipment. She was taking a few weeks off to go skiing and vacation, after a busy year touring. She couldn't wait to hit the slopes. As she was busy getting dressed, her agent called. "Hey there Danny!" Ariana said in a bubbly voice, removing her glove to talk on her iPhone.
"Can you promise to take it easy" her agent implored on the other line.
Ariana frowned, despite the fact he couldn't see her. "I'll do whatever I want. In fact, I'm thinking about tying one of the bigger slopes today."

She hung up and then headed out. Taking the lift up the mountain to a good mid range slope. Strapping herself into her skis, she pushed off and headed down the slope, eager to feel the powder and wind as she raced down. Slaloming along, Ariana could feel the rush that she had craved. She slowed herself down a little in order to be able to enjoy the view from the mountain more easily.

But then she turned and followed the path and found it more heavily covered with snow. She began to sink into the drift. "Oh god!!" She screamed to herself as her skis began to sink further and further into the snow. In a desperate attempt to correct herself, she speed up and tried to go in a different direction. Only for her skis to catch on a rock, sending her tumbling over and into a massive bank of snow. Her head smacked against a rock, and she lost consciousness.
Ryan Morris
Age: 35
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Body Type: Athletic.

Ryan Morris at one point in his life had it all. He was the founding partner of a very successful public relations company. He also had a beautiful wife, Annabelle. But everything changed about 5 years ago. One night, Ryan and Annabelle were in a terrible car accident. A drunk driver ran a red light and crashed into the passenger side of their car. Ryan was OK but Annabelle was killed instantly. After Ryan got out of the hospital, he sold his share of the company to his partners and moved to his and Annabelle's cabin in the mountains near Lake Tahoe.

He build a cabin after he made his first $10,000,000 It had all the amenities, full electricity, Satellite TV and Internet. One winter's day he was coming back from town, there was a big blizzard coming and he wanted to make sure he had plenty of food. The weather report said they could get up to three feet of snow that night. Enough to keep him inside for a month or two. He was unloading his car when he heard a female voice call out. "Oh God!" He grabbed his skis and headed in the direction of the voice. He saw saw someone in the snow unconscious. He walked up to the person and saw it was a woman. He gently shook her... "Miss... Miss... Are you OK?" He got no answer. He saw the snow was starting to fall. He didn't think he'd have time to get to the hospital before the blizzard hit. He didn't see any blood in the snow. He decided to take he back to his cabin.

He picked her up and carried her back to his place. He got her inside and her skin felt very cold. He figured it was at least 15 minutes before he found her. He knew he had to warm her up. He took her back to his bedroom. Then, he sat her on the bed. He took of all of her clothes and then he went in the closet. He still had all of his late wife's clothes... he couldn't bear to get rid of them. He put a dry purple nightgown and panties on her. Then he tucked her into the bed he put the young woman's clothes by the fire to get dry. As the young woman slept there was something about her that looked familiar but he didn't know why. Ryan then went into the kitchen to get her some soup.
Ariana was asleep for ours. Her body had been so close to a sever case of hypothermia, she barely survived. When she did finally awaken the next day, she felt odd. Terrible cold. Her whole body felt achy. like it had been beaten black and blue and then stabbed with a thousand needles. She barely registered her surroundings, but it definitely wasn't anywhere she was familiar with. she sat up, and felt a rush. her body unable to cope with the sudden movement. She crashed back down, realizing it was not a good idea to try. "Where on earth am I?" She asked aloud in her typical high bubbly voice.

The cabin she was in looked nothing like the ski chalet she had rented for her vacation. It was totally different, and also stocked with lots of tvs and other electronics. She moved around slowly in the bed, surprised to find herself in a night gown and panties that didn't belong to her. Feeling suddenly freaked out, Ariana began to wonder if she had been kidnapped. The last thing she remembered was falling into the snow, and then black. There had to be an explanation for this.

"Hello!!" She called from the bed. She knew that if she'd been kidnapped it was the wrong thing to call. But what other choice did she have. She needed to know where she was and why she was in totally different cloths. She sat up again, this time very slowly and deliberately. Trying to keep from having a major accident.
Ryan was really worried about the young woman in his bed. She was out all night. Ryan was afraid they young woman was going to die because of the blizzard. There was so much snow he couldn't get out and it wouldn't be safe for rescue people to come get them. Ryan was in kitchen when he heard the young woman call out, "Hello!"

He got up and rushed into the room, He smiled when he saw she was awake, "Oh... Thank goodness, your Okay... I was sure you were going to die... I found you out in the snow... Are you OK?"
Ariana watched as a man in his mid thirties with brown hair and eyes came into the room. She had never seen him before, but she could tell from the smile on his face and the way he looked relieved that he wasn't a kidnapper. But that still didn't explain some things. Like the panties. "Well I should probably say thank you first." She replied. Feeling a little nervous that she was wearing lingerie in front of a strange man. She pulled the covers up to her chin to hide herself.

"But can you please tell me who you are and what I'm doing here? Shouldn't I be in a hospital right now? And...." she paused and blushed, embarrassed. "Can you please tell me how I wound up in these cloths. Just tell me you didn't see anything. "

Ariana needed to call her manager and tell him she was safe. But she needed to find out some info first. Before she was willing to totally trust this guy.
"My name is Ryan," he said with a smile, "You are in my cabin. I was stocking up on food before the big blizzard hit last night. I was just bringing in the last of my bags when I heard you call out. I found you unconscious. I didn't think I'd get you to the hospital before the blizzard hit so I brought you back here. Um, you got in those clothes because your other clothes were absolutely soaked. I need to get you dry so I took off all of you clothes. I put them by the fire to get dry. I promise I didn't do anything bad to you... I bet your hungry would you like something to eat?"
Ariana felt strange. Clearly the man, who was much older than her, was friendly and meant well. But she still felt strange wearing underwear and lingerie that wasn't her own. She would need some real clothing. She looked him in the eyes and smiled. "Well thank you again. I really appreciate you saving my life. How bad is this blizzard? I need to contact my people and let them know I'm alright. Are we snowed in? If so, do you have a phone that I can use?"

Suddenly her stomach started to grumble. She could realize use something to eat. "Food sounds great honestly. I'd love some. Do you have a robe or something I can put on? I know you mean well and everything, but I feel weird wearing this lingerie. Especially since it doesn't belong to me."
"The blizzard is bad. It's still going on and won't be done for couple more hours. There's about 4 feet of snow out there and more coming. I'm sorry but we are going to be stuck here for a few months. I hope you don't have to be anywhere any time soon. I do have a phone, so you can call out. And, I have something better than a robe..." Ryan came back with the clothes that Ariana wore skiing. "Here are your clothes, nice and dry. Oh and here's my phone." He handed it to her, "And, don't feel to weird those belonged to my late wife. And, if we are stuck her for awhile you are free to use them... By the way... I didn't get your name..."
Ariana sighed at the revelation. She had only planned on being on vacation for a few weeks. Now she was stuck her for an indeterminate amount of time with a man who she'd never met, wearing his wife's lingerie. It was about as weird as it could get. But thankfully he was a perfect gentleman thus far, which gave her some modicum of hope. "Thank you very much." She replied as she took the cloths from him. Before grabbing the phone as well. "Excuse me for a moment while I make a quick call. Thank you very much for your hospitality. My name's Ariana by the way. Ariana Grande."

She punched in her agent's number and gave him the news. He was overly excited and tried to say something about renting a fleet of snow plows. "Don't bother. I doubt you'd find any anyway. I just looked out the window and the blizzard is pretty bad." She said, before calming him down and hanging up. Ariana got up and went to the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom she was in. Changing into her normal cloths again, minus some of he heavier skiing cloths, she returned to her host. "You mentioned something about food?" She asked in a sweet and bubbly tone.
Ryan sat there with his jaw dropped. He saw Ariana Grande naked... Although, he didn't really see anything he was too busy trying to save her life. When she came out and asked about food he said, "Yes. I was about to make some bacon and eggs. Would you like to come downstairs with me or would you rather just stay in bed and rest a bit more?" He was trying to keep from freaking out he was a fan of her work on Victorious and he didn't want to creep her out more that she all ready was.
"I can come downstairs." She replied as he gave her an odd look. "I've been cooped up in that bed for who knows how long. I'd like to get moving and see more of your home. If we're going to be stuck together I might as well get to know you a little. Is this your master bedroom? Do you have another one I can stay in?" She was feeling really hungry and wanted to recover her strength. Pulling her hair back in the usual ponytail, she smiled at him, waiting for him to lead her to the kitchen. Bacon and eggs sounded really good. generally she preferred only the best food, but she was starving, and really needed the energy.
"You've only been in bed just over night," said Ryan, "and this is my bedroom I have some other rooms you can use down the hall. "Ryan smiled as he took her hand and lead her out of the master bedroom. There were several doors that Ryan said were spare bedrooms and the upstairs bathroom. Then they headed downstairs to the living room/dinning room. It had the same paneling as the rest of the house. There was a fireplace on one wall with a big couch and on another was a 42" flat screen TV with another couch in front of it. The floor was all hardwood with some rugs in front of the couches. There was a good sized dinning room set in the dinning room area of the rather large room. Then he took her to the kitchen.

The kitchen looked very modern. There were oak cabinets all around. There was a large stainless steel refrigerator and a stainless steel double wall oven next to the door that lead to the laundry room and stainless steel dishwasher by the sink. The counter tops were all black marble. The island in the center of the kitchen had a cook top, a griddle and a grill. There was a bar on the other side of the island with a couple of stools. Then he showed her the laundry room, it had the top of the line washer and dryer. "Well, that's about it. What you think?" he asked.
Ariana followed Ryan around his quite spacious and luxurious cabin. She had to admit, he had clearly spared no expense in the way it was built and furnished. Clearly he was wealthy. Perhaps even more so than her. She almost whistled at the sight of his kitchen. It looked like what a celebrity chef might film their show in. She had no doubt he was sufficiently stocked for food during their forced stay. Which relaxed her a little.

"Your house is really quite something." She commented. "It's very tasteful. My house in Malibu isn't even half as nice as this, and I paid a lot of money for that. I don't even want to begin to think about how much this house cost. But you'd have to sell a lot of albums for the total. Which reminds me, when the blizzard ends and we're free, I need to make sure and repay you for the kindness you've showed me. Do you have any relatives who'd like tickets to one of my shows? I'd be happy to provide some as well. "
Ryan started on making breakfast, when she asked about getting tickets to of of her shows. He said, "No... I don't have any relatives who would like tickets... But I woudn't mind some..." Ryan got out the pan and the bacon. "So... How do you like your eggs?" he asked.
Adriana walked up and sat at one of the bar stools. "Oh?" She asked in a very sweet and bubbly voice. "You're a fan of my music? Why didn't you say so? I'd be more than happy to give you some tickets. Backstage passes even. Especially since you've been such a great host. I really appreciate it by the way."

"I like them scrambled with some cheese if you don't mind." Ariana asked politely. "That's pretty much all that I eat eggs wise."
"Well, I'm not just a fan of your music," said Ryan, "I loved you on Victorious and Sam & Cat. I didn't want to creep you out..." Ryan then got some eggs and cheese out of the fridge and started to make Ariana some scrambled eggs.
"Oh really?" She asked surprised. Looking at Ryan, she wondered how old he was. "That's surprising, considering how much older you are than most of my fans. I'm use to teeny boppers being the one's who watched such things. So this is a little different than what I'm use to. But thanks so much for being a an. I appreciate it."

She couldn't feel if she found it odd that a guy who was nearing his middle age was a fan of her work, or if she was flattered. It was definitely weird, but somewhat cute at the same time.
"Well, your welcome," said Ryan as he cooked, "A lot of the comedies on network TV are junk. Your shows were very funny and entertaining." Ryan put some bacon in the pan. "So what were you doing out in the snow all by yourself?"
"Thank you so much. You're very sweet." Ariana replied, her heart warming to her host. It was always nice to hear compliments from someone other than a tween. Especially someone who didn't work for her.

"I was skiing." She replied. "But I must have hit a rock or something that caused me to wipe out. I may have been getting a little ambitious, but I wanted to have a good time. I'm supposed to be here on vacation, before I have another leg of my tour in a couple of months. Hopefully the snow will melt in time for that. Otherwise I will have to get my agent to bulldoze me out.
"Baring any more blizzards," said Ryan as he continued to cook, "We should be able to get you out of here in couple of months." Ryan continued to cook. "It's nice having someone around... I don't spend much time with other people... Don't get me wrong... I like other people... I just like being alone..." Ryan truthfully didn't want to find someone to replace his late wife. He had promised her to find someone if she died before him. But he just couldn't... He loved her too much.
"Ah. That sucks." Ariana was trying not to act like a Diva. It wasn't his fault she'd crashed during a blizzard. But she really wanted to get out. She sighed and tried to focus. There was no need to freak out and release the diva within her. She needed to make the best of a bad situation.

"Can I ask you something?" Ariana said, a thought coming to her. "IF you don't really like people, where did that lingerie I was in come from? "
Ryan sighed when "That lingerie came from my late wife, Annabelle. I lost her in a car accident 5 years ago. Our car got hit by a drunk driver, in the passenger's side, she was killed instantly. After that, I moved up here to our cabin... I brought all of her clothes with me because... I couldn't bear to get rid of them..." Ryan then wiped a tear from his eye and then he continued cooking.
"oh....." Ariana said, embarrassed. She hadn't thought to that possibility. Now that she knew the truth, she felt embarrassed and uncomfortable. She didn't want to open old wounds. She didn't really know what to say. But she felt incredibly sorry. She reached out and out and touched his hand with her's.

"I'm sorry sorry." the bubbly pop star said in a muted voice. "I didn't mean to cause you any pain. I was just curious. I won't ask anymore."
Ryan smiled, "It's OK... You didn't... I have some wonderful memories of Annabelle..." Soon breakfast was ready he put some eggs on a plate for her with some bacon. "What would you like to drink? I have orange juice, milk, coffee..."
Ariana sighed. She didn't want to make the poor guy upset. Maybe she would be able to make it up to him at some point. But she wasn't going to keep hurting him.

"Some coffee would be great actually." Ariana said. She left out the news that she had a massive coffee addiction. She generally drank around twenty frapachinnos a week from Starbucks.
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