A Chess Game of Love (Harry Potter) {ArchonXeno & Frogger}

Why didn't she think of it sooner? Holiday tilted her head while tapping a finger against her cheek, lips pursing... almost as though asking for a kiss, a silent, but extended invitation for something more. "That is true..." she realized. "As children, our first acts of magic were without wands... and triggered by an emotion so... intense, overpowering, even... that we had to release it somehow." The soft candlelight flickered over her features once more, dancing over her dark green eyes, mysterious and hiding treasures one can only guess at... and playing over her lips, parted ever so slightly. It was a long moment until she spoke again. "You are right, Professor. I believe emotion is the key, though how to bring it into play while you are in the circle..." Holiday trailed off again, her finger tapping a rhythm against her chin this time. "I doubt simply recalling a pleasant memory will be enough..." she murmured under her breath, unaware she was doing as such. "The emotion has to be fresh, powerful..."

Perhaps if she was to do something...?

No. Out of the question. Although, if it was for the purpose of research... No. No! Why is she even considering it? It's crazy, it's ridiculous, it's... it's...

Holiday glanced up at him, a smile tugging at her lips unbidden... much like a secret, waiting to be discovered. "Are you willing to try...? Do you trust me, Professor?" she had to ask, tilting her head and nibbling on the corner of her lip. "I am assuming that... you'd like to..." A hand lifted in order to brush several pieces of hair behind an ear, the girl moving... just a bit closer, until there was nothing more than a handful of inches between him and her.
He didn't miss her puckered lips. Nor did he miss the flicker of firelight upon her features, how it made her even more beautiful and even more attractive in his eyes. He watched as she mused over the words. Then a flicker of something happening all over her face, a sparkling of an idea. He just raised an eyebrow.

She slowly approached him. "Trust you? I have a feeling I'm about to find out." He whispered softly, a vague idea of what was happening in her mind. His heart rate escalated. Those pretty lips not to far from his, her breath so close, Her beautiful face tilted upwards...

"Yes..." He sighed softly, "I would." And he leaned slowly toward her, his head tilting to the side, moving close to her. One arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her the rest of the way to his lips as white-hot excitement hummed across his skin like electricity. He could feel the power of the magic building, lifted by the emotion and the excitement, but his mind was focused on her soft lips to his.
To think that he'd pick up the direction of her thoughts, and acted on the idea first... Holiday could hardly believe it. An arm went around her waist... pulling her in until no distance separated her from him, or him from her... their bodies melting together. It was almost as if they were two puzzle pieces, fitting together... the curves of her body molding to the firm, more muscular planes of his. Honestly... it felt exquisite, for some reason... The strength in his shoulders was obvious, but... to actually experience it firsthand... Professor Archon's lips descended onto hers, banishing what little thought she had left as excitement prickled over her skin.

O-Ooh... Liquid heat traveled down her spine, and began to spread throughout her entire body. It was... new, and exciting, and different... for never before has she ever felt anything remotely close to this. How is it possible to... to feel such intensity, such... raw, unbridled heat? It shouldn't be possible... and yet... Fiery red falling away from her features, Holiday lifted her hands, the fingers curling into the fabric of his tunic and gripping on. A soft, nearly inaudible noise played in the back of her throat, trying to escape... and in doing so, parted her lips underneath his with an equally soft sigh.

Holiday could feel the power, humming across his skin... but it didn't seem to matter, not at the moment. Rosy pink spread over her features, which went on to paint the curve of her neck... the tips of her ears, and everything else. It wasn't long until the kiss fractured and broke apart, the need for oxygen too great. "Why don't you try now, Professor?" Holiday whispered, the words teasing his lips in a sensual caress.
The kiss overwhelmed him, surging through him with a passion and a desire like none other, like a victory finally won. He tingled with excitement and energy, the air just above his skin practically sizzling with the power at hand. She gripped the front of his tunic, a soft noise coming from her, her lips parting under his, the soft, warm petals so deliciously pleasant.

Then the kiss broke apart, as they both needed to breathe, and that soft, teasing whisper as she asked him to try it now. Blinking for a moment, he raised his right hand, palm up to the ceiling. "Incantatem Lumos." He whispered, adding the extra word to give the magic direction, to focus what would otherwise be raw energy into the incantation.

This time, it felt different.

Before he could feel the power flow to the place where he focused it, his mind driving it there, but it lacked the force it needed. It did not have the power to jump across the barriers from his body to the world, and so it stopped, merely humming inside him. But this time, he could feel the energy hit his palm and explode upward, through his hand. He memorized the sensation, trying to push aside the thoughts of the kiss long enough to remember what this felt like so he could mentally cause it again. A ball of light burst into existence above his hand, blindingly bright, hovering there and spinning for a long moment before popping out of reality. His palm glowed a pale gold in the aftereffects of the spell.

It had worked.

He smirked softly. "It worked." He whispered. He eyed her with an accusatory glance. "We shouldn't have done that. But what's done is done so..." The smirk slowly worked itself into a small, mischievous smile. "Why not another? For celebratory reasons, of course." He whispered to her, his hand cupping her jaw and bringing her lips back to his, delighting in that sensation once more.
"You did it." A smile, full of wonder and joy, came to be on her lips in seconds. "I can't... I can't believe it; you did it." Holiday laughed, the musical sound dancing through the air and wrapping about the two... much like a gossamer veil of sorts. Pieces of fiery red fell against her features as she tilted her head up, emphasizing a light pink flush... not to mention her bright, and yet somehow dark, green eyes of hers. "You did it, Professor."

To think that a kiss caused him to perform magic... and without a wand... Her lips parted, a soft breath escaping while the girl -no, young woman- tried to get her thoughts back in order. For some reason... Holiday could not stop thinking about their kiss... how it felt, having her body against his... the muscles she felt, underneath his tunic... all that, and more. Shouldn't she be excited that he did the very thing they were hoping for?

Her heart skipped a beat... and then two, which didn't help matters any.

"We shouldn't have done that." Holiday blinked, finally lifting her gaze... the candlelight reflecting off emerald green, revealing the golden flecks that hide within their depths. It wasn't long until her lips curved into a tiny smile. Maybe that is true, but... I can honestly say I don't regret it... Professor Archon's smirk melted into a small, mischievous smile... and her heart, silly little thing it is, only skipped another beat or two. "But what's done is done so... Why not another? For celebratory reasons, of course." Light pink darkened to a sweet, sort of rosy pink in less than a heartbeat, Holiday taken by surprise at his words. His fingers went along her jaw... and then... her lips were to his again, in another kiss that took her breath away.

Once again, heat surged through her veins... melting any and all thoughts she had of protesting.

No... Holiday didn't plan on protesting, not in the slightest bit. Her fingers curling into his tunic, she gripped on as though for dear life, while her lips parted beneath his in the softest of sighs. "If... If I didn't know any better... I'd say you enjoyed our kiss..." Holiday managed to whisper, their bodies having not an inch of space to separate them... and her heart racing fast, as though in anticipation. Of what, she couldn't say... but she did know one thing: she didn't want this to stop.
(Really sorry It took me ages to respond)

He couldn't help but smile at those words that she whispered out. "Oh? Enjoyed it? Now why would you say that?" He whispered back, teasing her. "I would gather by your soft sigh that you certainly did..." He added with only the slightest of smirks, his hands pulling her hips close to his body.

But he couldn't lie about how she made him feel. She did excite him, there was a warm heat in his veins even now, as she stood nearby. Her lips were addictively soft against his, and the forbidden nature of that kiss made it all the sweeter. She was beautiful and charming and like forbidden fruit. He bit his lip slightly. Perhaps this was a mistake. but it certainly wasn't one he was regretting just yet. He could feel her soft curves under the clothes she wore, and could most certainly see how they emphasized the fact that she was no child. Moreover, she was simply the most perfect girl he had ever encountered, being blessed with both brains and beauty far exceeding average.

But as to what he should do from here, he knew not. Return to their attempt at research? Or return to the lovely kisses and see where that goes..?
What do I do? No, a better question is... where should they go from here? Holiday initiated the first kiss, but he initiated the second... and they are standing at a proverbial fork in the road. Do they pretend as if it never happened and return to research, or... do they kiss again, and see where that leads? Both paths are cloaked in shadows, making it impossible for her to see what sort of outcome to expect.

Impossibly dark, emerald green eyes lifted… a thousand and one questions swirling within their depths. A few pieces of fiery red fell against her jawline, curling just so while she bit the corner of her lip. Every part of her wanted to lean in… to press her lips to his, to… see where this takes them, but another part of her was… well, uncertain. Holiday is good, no, great, with history, potions, anything she puts her mind to… however… she knows nothing when it comes to matters of the heart. Of course she has always felt a certain… spark whenever their eyes meet, or their hands touch… what does that mean, though? Does it mean anything? Not only that, but… he’d be putting everything on the line, if they do try and… further their relationship. He’s a teacher, and she’s a student. They shouldn’t even be considering this...

Holiday lifted herself up, hands resting on his shoulders as she pressed her lips to his. Maybe this wasn’t the wisest course of action… but to hell with logic. This is what she wanted.
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