A Chess Game of Love (Harry Potter) {ArchonXeno & Frogger}


Jun 16, 2015
First thing in the morning, Professor Archon had to teach third-year potions.

Granted, he made his schedule, and it wasn't as if he were going to sleep in at all. When he did sleep, it was never for very long. There was research to do and potions to brew. Well. A rhyme. He claimed to be many things, but a poet was not one of them.

He was a renowned Potions Master and wizard, a highly-regarded magical theorist, and one of the more well-like professors at Hogwarts. Or, at least, so it seemed to him. But who really knew. He was Head of Slytherin House, so often he was more proud and full of himself than was reasonable. Nonetheless, a great deal of students took his Magical Theory classes.

And those classes were not easy at all. He almost felt sorry for them.


He unlatched the door to allow the students in, stepping away to his desk, eyes watching them as they filed past his raised lab table. "Good morning. Find a place to sit, you know by now that I don't care where that is. If you think you need a lab partner, sit at a table with them. If you think you can make it in third year without one, take a chance, sit by yourself, and best of luck to you. You know me well enough to know I won't go easy on you for being brave." He slipped off the outer cloak of his robes, revealing a more fitted set of garments underneath. His arms were wrapped with black cloth, and a fairly fitted black shirt covered his torso. His pants were just as black, but fairly unremarkable. He could have passed for almost normal in the Muggle world, save for the silver belt around his waist. It was about an inch thick, with a silver clasp on the front, and each panel of the belt was inscribed with a different rune. It shimmered in the pale green light that lit the potions room.

"Are there any questions before we begin? Most of you should know my class and how I operate by now. I'm not going to waste any of our time with that sort of first-day babble when we could be brewing potions. Or attempting to brew potions, for the less talented." He said, the faintest hint of a smirk playing across his lips.
Holiday had to admit, she didn’t think she’d be so lucky as to have Potions on the first day of classes.

Most Gryffindors hated Potions; Professor Archon is a renowned Potions Master and Wizard, and he isn’t exactly kind when it comes to delivering homework. Perfection is an expectation, and anything less will earn you a failing grade. No, it’d probably earn you homework not even a Seventh Year could finish.

Snippets of conversation filling the air, Holiday kept off to the side, waiting for the door to be unlatched. Fiery red tumbled against the girl’s -no, young woman’s- features, tones of ivory, bronze, copper and more bringing out the captivating green of her eyes. Being tall and slender, Holiday is the envy of any Gryffindor, first or Seventh year… and the envy of the Slytherins, not that any would admit such a thing.

“Good morning. Find a place to sit, you know by now that I don’t care where that is. If you think you need a lab partner, sit at a table with them. If you think you can make it in third year without one, take a chance, sit by yourself, and best of luck to you.”

Blue, green and brown eyes exchanging nervous glances, Holiday had to bite back a laugh.

Those bewitching green eyes moving on, Holiday followed her classmates into the room, robes flowing about her slender, and yet curvy frame. What with high, defined cheeks, a proud, aristocratic nose, and a smile that which is inflames the imagination, it is a wonder no one has honestly say they are dating the Gryffindor. A couple males glanced over in her direction, clearly appreciating the curves hidden underneath those robes… and also clearly imagining what else is hiding underneath. Taking a seat towards the middle, Holiday sat down, one leg crossing over the other… revealing hints of a long, slender leg. “Good morning to you, too, Professor Archon,” Holiday greeted, offering him a smile. “How was your summer?” Professor Archon was not one for idle chit-chat, Holiday knew that much for certain, but she was curious… and… well, she had to admit, he’s hot for a teacher. If he was just… a couple years younger, she’d probably ask him out on a date… okay, most likely, not probably.

Resting her chin in the palm of a hand, Holiday’s smile took on a cheeky quality, all while fiery red fell against mesmerizing green.
Archon would be a liar if he said that Holiday's lovely visage and appealing physique had escaped his notice. He truly wasn't that old, and she, being young and perfectly curved as well as exceptionally bright, caught his eye early on. But now, in her third year, her maturity was particularly clear. And it took extreme self control to not make a move on her. It had been a while since he had been intimate with anyone. Let alone any sort of relationship. His lifestyle wasn't really one where it would be fair to have someone worried all the time because he wasn't eating or sleeping or that he was going to blow off one of his hands in an experiment.

He had come way to close to comfort with that last one.

"Good morning, Miss Bell. My summer was cold, truthfully. Not emotionally, though I'm sure a great deal of you would call me that. I took a research trip to the Alps. Anyone interested in my research can come by my office after classes. Though I'm not sure too many of you can handle advanced Magic Theory, but we'll see who is taking that class later today." He had moved from talking to Holiday and was addressing the class now, and switched back to her. His eyes noted the empty seat next to her.

"No lab partner, Miss Bell? Always a brave soul. You'll do your House proud." He said. Hm. That was a compliment. Better be careful. "Of course, whether or not you'll make me proud has yet to be seen." There. Better.

Of course, she had always excelled in his classes, so he's probably be eating his words in a few weeks, but he wouldn't mind. It always did please him when someone did well. Even if he showed it by challenging them further.

"We are past the time for books!" He announced. "You know doubt noticed there was no book requirement for this class. We will be memorizing some potion recepies, and doing others from the board. You'll see today's is already written. Complete it to the best of your ability. We'll be feeding them to toads, because while the correct potion is supposed to give a boost of energy, I don't particularly want to be accidentally turned blue. It's a horrible color on me. No offense, Ravenclaws." He said, a small smirk returning. "Begin."
Feeling a bit smug and pleased with herself, Holiday stuck her tongue out at the Professor playfully, mischief dancing within those green eyes... almost like fireflies. Professor Archon took a research trip to the Alps...? Huh, interesting. I wonder what he found there. With a small nod to herself, Holiday decided she should see this research for herself. Magic Theory was a class she was taking this year too, and it gives her the perfect opportunity to ask... and even if she hadn't, she would have asked either way. Holiday returned to the present whenever he mentioned her being without a lab partner, and couldn't help but chuckle under her breath.

Why would I need a lab partner, when I can take care of things myself?

If Holiday didn't know any better, she could have sworn the man's first comment was a compliment. Magnificent green eyes blinked, long, dark red eyelashes brushing the tops of her cheeks... casting small shadows onto the skin, surprise lurking within their depths. It wasn't but a moment later that her attention was directed elsewhere, reading the potion recipe written in neat, elegant script across the blackboard. I did notice there wasn't a book requirement for this class, but... I didn't think we'd be memorizing recipes...

A tiny smirk playing along Holiday's lips as his last parting words about how blue wasn't his color, the class began... much to many students' horror. Chaos erupted as cauldrons were brought out, notes from previous years, and other items.

Holiday calmly pulled out her cauldron, mindful to set the heat low while she read the ingredients carefully. One mistake could end up being where her hair is dyed purple, not too serious... or her losing a hand, which was tons more serious.

"Bubotuber pus, newt, rose oil and cinnamon..." Holiday murmured under her breath, lining up everything she was going to need. "Easy, considering the potions we brewed last year..." More than half the class failed, from her understanding, with her being one lucky student among five to move on. Intent on the task at hand, Holiday waited until the cauldron was ready before beginning, adding three drops of rose oil first into its awaiting belly. Next, she cut the green balls into half, mindful not too be overly rough, and squeezed each half in, making the potion take on a light lavender color.
Archon bit back a smile as Holiday stuck out her tongue. The action was... adorable. He shook his head slightly, as if trying to get rid of the thought. Really? Adorable? Her reaction to his words (that may or may not have been a compliment...) was attractive, her lovely eyes blinking sweetly, mischief still lit in them, her pretty lips... NO. He would not admire a student in such a manner.

Shaking it off, he returned to his lab table and picked up the leather bound book on his podium, glancing through it. Maybe there was something he had missed. He had retrieved this book from the Alps, where it was said that a powerful mage guarded it so the secrets of such immense powers did not fall into the hands of the unworthy. In truth, a little old wizard had let him into a warm cave where he had given Archon food and shelter for a night before sending him away with the book the next morning. But Archon wasn't going to tell anyone that and would just let them believe what they wished.

But thus far, he had been unable to find anything within the book regarding the wandless magics. There were healing potions of supposedly great power and there were spells to remove different magical wards, as well as warding spells that were resistant to those very counterspells. Perhaps there was some secret, perhaps one of the last blank pages of the book held the secret, written in a kind of invisible ink. He would have to prepare a revealing potion.

As he stood to fetch the ingredients (he had most recipes memorized, hence why his students were going to do the same thing), he glanced around the classroom, examining the colors of the potions around the room. Unsurprisingly, many of them were vibrant shades of every color but the one the potion was supposed to be. With a sigh, he tapped his desk to gain their attention. "Everyone except Miss Bell has done something incorrect. Ten points to Gryffindor, I suppose." He said, waving a hand dismissively. "Bring your potions up here for me to correct, or restart. If I correct them for you, remember, I do take points from your score. Miss Bell, continue the recipe with continuing precision. It gets tricky there on the last step." He said, partially a tease, partially a warning.

He crossed the room to his own supply closet and walked in, grabbing a few jars and bottles from the shelves, balancing them between long, slender fingers and then storming back up to his own lab table, where he set about heating his own cauldron and setting out the ingredients.
“Everyone except Miss Bell has done something incorrect. Ten points to Gryffindor, I suppose." Holiday blinked, having lost herself in thought… and in the process of making the potion absolutely… perfect. It was a tricky one, she’ll admit that much, but she wasn’t going to give up. Bright green eyes lifting, vapors wafting from the lavender potion and caressing her features with ethereal fingertips.

No one else has-? Really? A small, pleased smile forming upon the girl’s lips, Holiday lifted a hand and brushed several threads of hair out of bewitching green. Twenty students, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw alike, rose from their seats, heading towards the front where Professor Archon waited with ingredients to correct their failed attempts. It was somewhat amusing. From what Holiday could tell, no one remembered much of last year, or the year before, otherwise they'd have done better. One girl brushed her fingers over the burnt remains of her hair, despair widening her eyes whenever bits and pieces crumpled onto her shoulder. Luckily her potion was the only one which went volatile.

A sprinkle of peppermint, and thin, silk-like wisps of pearly-white emitted from the cauldron as the brew within darkened to blue. Alright, here comes the tricky part, Holiday realized, eyes taking on a look of deep concentration. Working with slow precision, she added ingredient after ingredient, potion taking on alternate colors with every new addition. At one point, Holiday could have sworn the potion had smelled of wildflowers and… something exotic, but that may have been just a figment of her imagination.

Holiday held onto a breath, unconsciously doing so while doing the task at hand. Wayward strands of fiery red tumbled forward, gracing the girl’s features… though this, she didn’t notice either. Finally… three drops of Lobalug venom… One drop rippled the potion’s surface, another following on its heels… and the three taking its sweet time on the descent. Violet blue brightened, a puff of smoke leaping up, almost like… a great, big cough upon its completion. Holiday let out the breath she was holding, delight dancing in bright green as she relaxed back in the seat. It was a tricky recipe, however… no recipe will ever get the best of this Gryffindor, not now, and not ever. Several students shot jealous glances over in her direction, but she didn’t pay them any mind. Why should she care, when… it’s their faults, not hers, their potions weren’t coming along?

“Professor?” Holiday called out, lifting a hand in order to get his attention. “I finished the assignment.” Smug satisfaction and pleasure swirling within those eyes of hers, revealing the golden specks hiding within the depths, the girl indicated the cauldron with a wave of her hand, waiting for him to look it over himself.
Archon got distracted for a moment as his cauldron was heating up, his gaze sliding off of the workspace in front of him to the young Gryffindor woman working on her own potion in front of him. Her fiery hair, her green eyes, lovely curves... She truly was appealing. He couldn't deny that, on any level.

He shook his head slightly. What he could do was deny himself the ability to act on his urges. He'd keep his attraction to her quiet, try not to allow it out too much. He returned to his potion, removing roots from a jar and chopping them up on a chopping board with lightning speed and deadly precision, knife flashing dangerously in the green light of the dungeon room. Then the knife was set aside as the root was added to the potion, a flash of white accompanying its entrance into the cauldron. Then half a bottle of unicorn tears, followed by six counterclockwise stirs. Crushed scarabs, one and a half cups....

He lost himself for a while in the process of brewing the potion, and mused over the problem of his project. He did wish a student or two would appear interested in his research, contribute. He felt like most could learn quite a bit from magical theory, and from research. And, of course, if Holiday were to appear interested, he would certainly welcome a pretty face and exemplary mind like hers as an assistant.

Purely in the sake of research, of course.

He was pulled from his brewing reverie by the sound of her voice, and he looked up, his eyes taking in her raised hand and the satisfaction and pleasure in her eyes. Pushing aside all the thoughts that her look brought to his mind, he screwed a flask into the tap on his cauldron and let the finished potion drain into it. "All right, Miss Bell, let's see how you've done." He said, gesturing to one of the other students to bring one of the toad cages as he pulled a medicine dropper from a box on his desk. The toad was brought to her table and Archon withdrew a few milliliters of her potion with the dropper, then offered it to the toad, who obligingly opened its maw. The small crowd of students had gathered around them, and Archon tried not to notice how the group had pushed him noticeably close to the younger woman. Close to the point where he could smell her distinctly feminine scent and he was glad he had showered the night previously.

The toad took the drops of fluid, and Archon set the dropper aside, waiting for a few seconds while the potion took hold. Then it did, and the toad instantly perked up, hopping about in its cage. A small smile teased the corner of the professor's mouth. "Well done, Miss Bell." he said, picking up a glove from the table and donning it. "You. What's your name?" He demanded of a nearby student. The female student looked mildly terrified before stammering a response.

"Felen, sir, Clara Felen."

"Fantastic. Hand me two metal flasks from my desk, Miss Felen." He said, smirking slightly. It always amused him how easily students were startled. Some students.

The girl complied and he opened one flask, plunging it into Holiday's cauldron. It filled rapidly, and he withdrew his gloved hand and wiped the flask down, sealing it carefully before handing it to the red-headed student. "One flask of an energy potion, evidently brewed by an expert." He teased. "Well done indeed, Miss Bell. So well done, in fact, that I'm going to keep a flask for myself." He said, and repeated the process, flashing her a small, rare smile.

"Clean up your area, and your assignment is a one page paper on the purpose of each ingredient. You don't have to include all the ingredients, just the main ones." He told her, then addressed the group. "The rest of you, I expect a full paper with all the ingredients and their purposes addressed, since evidently you are missing something. Tomorrow evening I have an open lab if you want to retry this potion or get extra time. Class dismissed." He announced before returning to his podium. He still had more classes for the morning, the other potions classes, before he could get to Magic Theory, his favorite class to teach, in the afternoon.
A small crowd gathered round, one or two murmuring under their breaths about how it'd be funny if the toad fell over dead, and others looking on in curiosity. Holiday herself felt a nervous sort of excitement coursing through her veins; this was the moment of truth. It was always thrilling, not to mention nerve-wrecking, watching the fruits of her labor at work.

Hushed whispers quieting, everyone drew closer as the toad obligingly opened its maw, four drops of potion falling into it. A few seconds crawled on by, and then… it immediately perked up, hopping around its cage with an energy that was absent earlier. I did it… Holiday could not be any more pleased. Of course she enjoyed her summer break, as any other student would, however… at least once a week, she made it a point to review the material she learned in school, as to not forget it. Lifting her gaze, light reflected off bright green, yellow radiating throughout… and the young woman realized, with a small jolt, just how close she and the Professor had become. Drawing in a breath to calm herself, musk entered her lungs… obviously, it being his natural, masculine scent, and nothing else.

Pink washing over her features upon realizing this, a beautiful contrast to Holiday nibbled on the corner of her lip. Underlying the musk was a strong spice, one she couldn’t identify right then and there… however, it wasn’t unpleasant, she knows that much. Nervous butterflies fluttering about in the pit of her stomach, Holiday cleared her throat, watching as he donned a glove and frightened a poor student into retrieving metal flasks from his desk.

Why am I… noticing his scent, of all things?

It’s not as though Holiday never noticed him as a man before - far from it. In fact, on several occasions.. she thought of him to be handsome. It happened once or twice… or perhaps more times than that, and at the strangest moments. If… If their positions were different, what with him being a student alongside her, or her being a fellow Professor… well, things may have turned out different. The pink darkening across her features, thus highlighting the rich, vibrant green of her eyes, Holiday tried to brush aside such thoughts and focus on what was going on. Professor Archon made up two flasks of her potion...and handed one to her, their fingertips brushing. "One flask of an energy potion, evidently brewed by an expert." His words had a teasing note, one that caused something to leap throughout her body… as though electricity was infused into her very blood. "Well done indeed, Miss Bell. So well done, in fact, that I'm going to keep a flask for myself."

“Oh?” Holiday caught sight of the small, rare smile that graced his features, and bit the corner of her lip in order to keep back a laugh. “I’m honored… Professor Archon.” Lifting those green eyes of hers, Holiday offered a small smile in turn, and then chuckled… the musical sound dancing in the silence following. <i>Only a one-page paper detailing the purpose of each ingredient? How generous,</i> came her thought, it guiding her smile into one that revealed a small dimple in her cheek.

I have to admit, though… I don’t envy the others.

With a chuckle, Holiday began the task of cleaning her area, making sure not to leave a trace of her work behind. It didn’t take long, seeing as how she didn’t have to scramble over herself in order to make the potion.

Holiday gathered her things next, returning it all to the bag before drawing it to a close. Other students grumbled under their breath about how unfair Professor Archon is, shaking their heads and every once in a while, shooting glares in the man’s direction. Really… it was ridiculous, and amusing, all at the same time. While strict, he was not unfair, at least… from what she could tell, he wasn’t. Professor Archon expects perfection when it comes to the art of brewing potions; is that so hard to understand?

“I will see you in Magic Theory later, Professor,” Holiday said in lieu of a goodbye, amusement flickering within those bewitching green eyes of hers. Unlike most students, she had both classes instead of the mandatory one, and not only that, she excelled in both with a grace few lacked. Waving at him, and with a rather cute tilt of her head, Holiday breezed through the door, heading towards her next class upstairs… Magic Theory, ironically enough. Who would have thought she would have him not only for two classes, but one class right after the other? Chuckling and shaking her head, Holiday went through the new door before too long, taking a seat near the window.
Her chuckle caught him by surprise, and the sound of it was so pretty it made him smile for the briefest of seconds before he regained his composure. The smile was gone as he turned away from her and ushered the class out of his room. His sharp green eyes me with her warm ones of similar color. "Indeed you will, Miss Bell. Indeed you will." He said, nodding his head slightly. Once all the students had left his room, he slipped back into his black outer robe, draping it loosely over his shoulders. His front, fit arms wrapped in the black silk, his torso covered in the black cloth shirt, black pants secured with a silver belt, wand tucked into it, was exposed as the robe billowed behind him like his shadow.

He walked briskly out of the dungeon room to the stone staircase, ascending upward toward the third floor, where the Magic Theory classroom was located. He entered that room without pause, closing the door behind him with a soft click.

"Good morning, students." he said, giving a look to the mere ten students sitting in the classroom before him. "The ten of you are either brave, foolish, overconfident, or, though this last one is highly unlikely, actually brilliant." He said with a straight face, storming to the raised dais upon which the large black counter that served as his desk stood. Next to it was an oak lectern holding a very large book bound in leather and bronze edging. He paced to the lectern, casting off the outer robe again. It got in the way when he tried to cast spells or move around, or brew potions.

"Throughout time, wizards and witches across the globe have attempted to determine where magic comes from. So many concepts get brought up, including things like the soul, destiny, deities, and the like. There is, as of yet, no answer to the question. But this class will explore several different theories as to why some can perform magic and others cannot. We will also explore ways of manipulating magic, creating spells and binding them to wand patterns and words. This class will not be just book-work, though there will be intense amounts of that. We will test theories, we will create spells, and we will study existing ones. There will be mathematics and calculations. You will write. You will read. It will not be easy." He said, his face conveying no sense of sympathy or hint of concern. "And I will not be easy on you. But the wizarding world knows that a passing grade in this class, under my teaching, is high praise indeed." His eyes worked over the eyes of the students, and lingered for a moment longer on Holiday than he had intended.

"I will offer extra credit to those willing to assist with my research, but ONLY if you are capable of providing actual assistance and worthy ideas to the work. For those interested, my current topic of study is wandless magic. It is proving... difficult, even for me. And I don't expect many of you to want to assist me, even for extra credit." He said. "But it is an option."

"Now. Are there any questions before we begin lecture and I teach you about the basic theories of magical energy?"
"Good morning, students," Professor Archon announced, walking into the classroom without missing a step and closing the door behind him. Those sharp green eyes of his glanced over the ten that chose to take Magic Theory, before he continued on. "The ten of you are either brave, foolish, overconfident, or, though this last one is highly unlikely, actually brilliant." More amused by this display of general grumpiness than his earlier display, Holiday bit the corner of her lip to try and not laugh, which only made her nose wrinkle cutely. There he goes again... she thought, leaning forward and resting her chin atop her linked fingers. I have never seen him smile before... that is, not until today. I wonder why that is? Wisps of red falling forward to rest against her cheek, Holiday lifted a hand to brush these aside, listening to him explain what this class is about.

“Throughout time, wizards and witches across the globe have attempted to determine where magic comes from. So many concepts get brought up, including things like the soul, destiny, deities and the like. There is, as of yet, no answer to the question. But this class will explore several different theories as to why some can perform magic and others cannot. We will also explore ways of manipulating magic, creating spells and binding them to wand patterns and words. This class will not be just book-work, though there will be intense amounts of that. We will test theories, we will create spells, and we will study existing ones. There will be mathematics and calculations.”

Holiday opened one eye, light reflecting off beautiful, warm -though surprisingly sharp- green. Of course we will be working hard, seeing as how this is you who’s teaching the class. The tiniest of smiles playing along the girl’s lips, a chuckle almost escaped the pair… however, luckily, she managed to restrain herself from doing so. Besides… I’d rather have it where you don’t take it easy on us… More strands of fiery red coming to rest against her cheeks, Holiday rolled her shoulders… black robe parting ever so slightly, exposing ivory skin… not only that, but the curve of her breasts as well.

Long lashes casting shadows upon her cheeks, Holiday glanced up at the mention of extra credit. Hm… an opportunity to work alongside Professor Archon, and earn extra credit? I like it. I may not need the extra credit, however… it is never a bad idea, just in case something happens. Wandless magic is also an intriguing subject, being one that has eluded many researchers for years… decades, centuries… who knows how long? Holiday always was fascinated by the unknown… thus, the reason why she chose to take this class. How else will she receive the answers to questions few have taken into consideration? Feeling sharp green eyes linger upon her, equally green eyes lifted… only to clash with the first pair, and a spark of electric energy shot down her spine. Wh-Whoa… A light pink washing over her features, which was a sweet contrast to all that fiery red, Holiday bit the corner of her lip… not sure what to think. The tiny smile taking on a different note altogether, her gaze ventured on to the other students, to gauge their reactions to his words.

From the looks of dismay, shock, and nausea, it seems as if this class will be interesting, indeed. Holiday returned her attention back to the front, cheek coming to rest within the palm of her hand once again. Do I have any questions? she asked herself, only to find that nothing came to mind. With a blink and a shrug, she directed those green eyes of hers back onto the Professor.

“I think we have that covered, Professor Archon,” Holiday declared, a sly smile forming upon her lips while she tilted her head. “I know I’m more interested in your lecture than silly questions.”
Archon raised an eyebrow as Holiday spoke up, boldly declaring that there were no questions. "Well, then, if no one objects to Miss Bell's statement, then we shall begin. I give lectures once and once only, so write quickly." He said, tapping a knuckle on the lectern.

"Let us begin with the ultimate question: Why can I do magic? There have been many theories, the oldest being the Levicati Theory, which postulates that each witch or wizard is simply capable of extracting more energy from dietary nutrients and that excess energy is stored up to be released when enough focus is established. It is important to note that, at this time, 'spells' as you know them were not in existence. Wands were made by one's family and given on a birthday, Muggle-borns sometimes never noticed they had abilities, and no one had bound any spell to a word. But I digress slightly. This theory is obviously flawed, as a wizard or witch who has not eaten in several days can perform magic as competently as one who has. A second theory, the Cupid's Theory, is, indeed, aptly named. It postulates that magic comes from the same place as emotion does, which is why magic always manifests in scenarios in which the young witch or wizard is under emotional stress or strain. It would also explain why, when a witch or wizard is angered or frightened, their spellpower increases. However, it does not explain why one can still cast spells when entirely calm and completely emotionless."

Archon paused for a moment, glancing over the class, eyes meeting with the students... And again linger for a moment longer on Holiday's. Damn it. I need to stop that. While she might be pretty and brilliant, she's also significantly younger than you are! He mentally chastised himself. Still, when his eyes met hers he couldn't help but feel a strange sensation, drawing him to her, a flare of something...

Pulling himself back together, he continued. "Thirdly, and finally, we have the most recent official theory that this curriculum covers. It is simply called the Universal Theory. The creators of this theory believed that the universe creates wizards and witches in order to maintain an equilibrium. That whenever a item is vanished with the Evanesco spell, it is created somewhere else in the cosmos - which has been proved. We will do that experiment. The theory suggests that witches and wizards create a balance by moving energy and power around when the natural cycle fails to function properly, and that Squibs and Muggleborns are created as the universe attempts to adjust the number of magical people within itself. No one claims that this theory is the most correct. There are several flaws, such as the assumption that magical people cause stability, when, as evidence clearly shows, we are just as capable of chaos as any other human being on the face of this earth."

Archon paused again, letting his words hang in the air. "Now class. That concludes my lecture on the theories of the source of magic, at least for today. You'll notice that class is only half done, for this is a longer class session, and that is because I wish to address your questions. You would not be taking this class if you did not have some questions about the nature of magic you wanted answered, and I want to hear them. I will answer them to my fullest extent. Your questions must be better than last year's class. Absolutely dull, those were." he said, straight-faced, but his tone was that of mild mocking and maybe a bit of sarcasm. "And I know Miss Bell has something on her mind. She always seems to." he said, his eyes locking onto her, the corner of his mouth twitching, containing a smirk, eyebrow raised in that teasing manner.
Professor Archon’s class passed by remarkably fast -far faster than she anticipated. Maybe the Muggles’ saying of “time flies by when you are having fun” has some merit… that is, unless they figured out how to use broomsticks and time travel. The theories of where magic originates did bring forth a lot of questions… ones which demand answers.

Why is it witches are able to perform magic, and not Muggles? Where is it that magic resides within a witch and, here is a good question, is it even possible for spells to be done without the use of a wand? All these questions, and no known answers… it’s just maddening. Holiday loves answering questions no one else can… not just for information’s sake, but for personal satisfaction as well. Intrigued, fascinated and who knows what else, Holiday gathered her things together before moving forward. “Professor?” she spoke up, offering him a small, coy smile. Threads of fiery red tumbled forward, gracing the young woman’s jawline and the light picking out the colors of ivory, copper and gold that which hides within. “Ah… You mentioned something along the lines of… taking on an assistant to help with your research, right? If you have no objections, I’d like to help,” Holiday told him, deciding only to be honest. “I know I may not be much help, but… I’d like to help in whatever way I can. Please, just think about it and let me know what you think, alright?” With a tilt of her head and a smile, Holiday left to attend her other classes, or more importantly, take a nap during her History of Magic class.

Hours trickled on by this time, one stretching into two before coming to an end. Holiday tickled her quill against her chin for but a moment, and then added the finishing touches to the essay she was assigned. Once that was done, she stretched her arms up high, arching her back while groaning. “Finished at last…” she murmured, opening one eye to gaze upon the glorious essay which she has written.

“Not bad, if I do say so myself,” Holiday spoke next, a pleased smile gracing her lips. Unfolding herself from the chair and rising up onto her feet, the girl stretched her arms higher still, tank top lifting ever so slightly to reveal ivory skin. “All my homework is done… and I’m free to do what I like.” Maybe I will stroll about the castle before heading to bed… In fact, that just about sounds perfect. Holiday has never been one to follow the rules… especially ones concerning curfew, or anything along those lines. After a quick glance about, the fiery redhead ventured out from behind the portrait which conceals the Gryffindor common room, wandering without any particular destination in mind. Shadows danced with her every step, flickering over the sleeping portraits that line the halls. Holiday was mindful not to make any noise, otherwise draw attention onto herself, get in trouble… and on the first day, no less. Wouldn’t that be a new record of some kind?

Fiery red dancing about her features, wearing nothing more than a tank top and shorts, Holiday went down one hallway and then another, not really paying much attention to where she’s going. Does it matter? Having attended Hogwarts for years, she knew this place better than anyone… and then some. All throughout this mansion are secret passageways, a handful sealed off… but others, available for her use. Who would have thought these would be useful for when she is running late to class… or wants to be something students are not allowed? Holiday had to chuckle at the direction which her thoughts have taken, tucking her hands behind her back and tilting her head, gaze playing along the portraits. Doing this made the fabric of her tank top stretch across her breasts… and also, making her nipples harden from the friction.
Having dismissed the class, Archon set about packing up quills and books, when Holiday approached his desk. He raised his eyes from the book, considering her as she looked up at him and spoke from the opposite side of the structure. "I shall keep that in mind, Miss Bell, and I shall let you know my decision." He told her, and watched her go. He had to admit... the possibility of spending hours working closely with her, getting to know her... That was tempting. But he couldn't allow such emotional drives to interfere with his project.

His day was finished after several long classes and teaching, then several more hours spent in his private lab, working on revealing any hidden message within the pages. Unfortunately, he was having no luck. The book was not any more than met the eye, it would seem. So he left it on the lectern in his lab and took a trip to the staff bathrooms, relaxing in the hot bath, the steam coiling around him, muscles of his torso enjoying the heat, his mind wandering... And, unchecked, it wandered to her. Holiday.

Slender body... pale, delicate skin, flushed cheeks, fiery hair and gemstone-like eyes. Deliciously curved body and length of leg...

He shook his head shaking away those thoughts. No. He could not get involved with a student and certainly shouldn't allow himself to fantasize about her.

He stood up, water dripping from his body, and quickly toweling himself down, though the water left a glistening residue on his skin. He pulled on the cloth pants and tossed his sleeveless black shirt over one shoulder. His torso was exposed as were his arms and the small ring of runes around his biceps.

He walked out of the baths, moving back toward his private labs when he turned a corner to the staircase area and stopped, surprised. There, looking up at the portraits, in all her loveliness, was Holiday. After a long moment of uncontrolled gazing, he forced himself back to the moment.

"Miss Bell. I do believe it is after curfew."
“Miss Bell. I do believe it is after curfew.” Holiday tilted her head towards the familiar voice, a bit taken by surprise. Teachers patrol the hallways, looking for students out of their beds… however, they normally don’t go down this hallway...at least, as far as she knows. “Professor,” she greeted, a cocky grin coming into existence along the curve of her lip… that is, until she caught sight of him… all of him. Whoa… Who would have thought his robes would be hiding so much…? I like what I see… Taking a moment to enjoy the view, Holiday lifted her gaze to meet his, shadow and light reflecting off bright, vibrant green.

Their eyes connected, and... if she didn't know any better... she'd say that a bolt of something electric had passed through her body, setting fire to her very blood. "Is it, now? I had no idea," Holiday supplied as an answer, knowing fully well that it was past curfew... well past. Of course, the mischievous twinkle in the young woman's eyes gave her away, as did the smile creeping onto her lips. "I lost track of time, after having finished my Potions essay... All I wanted was a breath of fresh air, explore the castle a bit before I head off to bed."

Who was she kidding? Holiday knew very well what she was doing... and the Professor, he was no fool. Time and time again, he has proven himself to be... much more than that.

"Professor, what are those runes on your arm?" Over the years, she caught glimpses of said runes... but never has she gotten a close enough look to satisfy her curiosity.

Fiery red tumbling about to grace the young woman's pale features, Holiday moved forward without a second thought... the very tips of her fingers brushing over his bicep and the runes which color the skin there. "I never gotten an opportunity to ask, what with everything that goes on in classes... and I hardly see you outside of classes, as it is..."

Holiday shifted closer, eyes tracing over the intricate loops that form the runes, their vibrant green darker because of curiosity and the thirst to know. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say these were Ancient in origin..." she murmured under her breath, other hand coming to rest on his chest.

Too late, Holiday realized what she did, and quickly withdrew the hand. "Ah, sorry! I must be bothering you, aren't I?" she asked, laughing softly while placing some distance between him and her. "I didn't mean any offense, Professor."
Was it his imagination, or did her eyes linger on his body for a moment longer than perhaps... innocent? Trying to ignore the ideas that put in his mind, he pushed it away, raising an eyebrow in clear disbelief as she said she hadn't noticed it was past curfew. "Little lion, I think you know that I am not so easily fooled." But he wasn't one to enforce the rules heavily either, especially upon such a successful and attractive student. She approached him, her pretty eyes on the bands of runes around his arms, and before he could react, the very tips of her fingers traced along the skin and the muscle underneath... He suppressed the urge to make sound of approval... He hadn't been touched by someone else in a while... his life left little time for that sort of thing...

He tried to push that away as she withdrew her hand. "Not a bother at all, Miss Bell, and no offense taken. I enjoy your curiosity. They are Ancient, part of a ceremony that draws the magic in the body to the arms and hands. I had hoped they would bring more power to those areas so wandless magic might prove easier. Currently, however, that has yet to occur. Though I've noticed my reflexes and dexterity in my arms and hands has increased, so perhaps once I find the secret to unlocking the theory behind wandless magic, they will indeed assist me. But, beyond that, I merely enjoy how they look." he said, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards in a small smirk.

"Speaking of my research." he said, looking down at her. 'I'd like to formally accept your request to assist me. I think, of you and your peers, you will be the most helpful, if you have half as much talent for Theory as you do Potions." He said, and for a moment there was a genuine smile on his face before it darted away, like some rare creature that you only saw long enough to know it existed.
Little Lion? Holiday had to admit, she liked the sound of it… and she wouldn’t be able to say that, if it had come from anyone else. A blush spreading its way along her features, not pink, but somewhere in the vicinity of… peach, or apricot, making a rather lovely contrast to the fiery red which frames her face, the young woman tilted her head and offered him the sort of smile that causes hearts to skip beats. “I know you are not so easily fooled, but it was at least worth trying,” she told him with a shrug, sticking her tongue out at him soon afterwards and looking… both cute and sexy at the same time. One hand lifted to brush aside strands of hair, the smile melting away while amusement remained in her vibrant green eyes. Her heart racing a bit faster than she liked, Holiday ventured forward again, fingertips tracing over the runes once again.

"'Ancient... part of a ceremony that draws the magic in the body, to the arms and hands?'" Holiday repeated under her breath, intrigued. "'Has yet to occur', however... and has increased the reflexes and dexterity instead? Fascinating." A smile blooming upon her lips, almost like the first flower of spring, only much more dazzling, Holiday lifted her gaze... only to realize that she was rambling on, and, more likely than not... making him uncomfortable. "Ah, I'm sorry... again," Holiday added on, laughing softly under her breath as she took one, two steps back. "You know how I am when I find something that fascinates me." Lifting a hand and scratching the back of her head, fiery red danced about her features, crackling under what little light there is.

“I hope I prove helpful for your research.” With a soft laugh, one that danced through the silence as if it were music, Holiday offered him a smile and a tilt of her head, not sure what else needs saying. “I do have a few...opinions on wandless magic, so hopefully I will get to see whether or not any prove to be… well, of any use, I suppose you can say.” Realizing that her heart was racing a bit fast at the sight of that… smile which was more of a daydream than a reality, Holiday would have cleared her throat if it wasn’t for the fact that… it’d make things way too obvious. “Ah, anyway… How are we going to… proceed from here? Will you be escorting me back to my room, having caught me out of bed… or… what, exactly?”
Archon smiled slightly. "Well. Actually. If you are to be my research assistant, you might as well get used to being awake late. I don't sleep much and do a lot of my work at night. Besides, I'm curious to hear these opinions on wandless magic that you have." he said, also, undeniably, liking the idea of being alone in a lab with a pretty young girl late at night. "I was just on my way to my lab."

He was finding it harder and harder to deny that this young woman was beautiful and irresistibly appealing in every way. Cute, sexy, brilliant... What more could he want?

Well. He admitted. I could wish I were several years younger and not her professor so a relationship would actually be feasible in any way shape or form.

In that moment he realized he was staring at her, for once not at her body but at her face, alight in the torches and her pretty smile sneaking across her lips. And she had stuck out her tongue at him in a way that was both childlike and teasingly sexy. Her touches on his arm were just a bit longer than was strictly necessary...

He broke his stare and gestured to a small side hallway. "If you'd like to join me?"
For a fraction of a second, Holiday could have sworn that… he was staring at her, not in surprise… but as if he was drinking in the sight of her smile, or something along those lines. Her heart pounding faster, she tore her gaze away… a rather delightful pink blush dusting across her features, bringing out the freckles that are splattered on her nose and cheeks. N-No… I must be imagining things… right? Uncertain, she glanced up at him, a few pieces of fiery red falling over her eyes. A new smile curved her lips, playful and pleased, all at the same time.

“I’d love to join you,” she replied at great length. “Oh, I must warn you… I tend to stay up late, studying old textbooks and conducting mischief… I’m already used to staying well past bedtime.”

Her words followed by a playful, almost saucy, wink, Holiday’s fingertips trailed down along the runes one last time… and then went through his arm , their elbows linked.

Bright green eyes met his for but a moment, her smile bright and warm, if a bit mischievous. “What? You didn’t plan on escorting me to the lab, like a gentleman? Well, then… I guess I have to take the lead.” Holiday stuck her tongue out at him again, a dimple revealing itself in her left cheek as their arms parted… only for her fingers to weave through his, gently and intimately.

“I have to admit, I’m rather excited to see how far you’ve gone with your research,” Holiday threw out over her shoulder, already leading the way down the hall.
"Mischief, huh?" He teased. "You are the most Slytherin Gryffindor I have ever met." He teased her again, and was surprised as she took his arm, teased him, then too his hand and led him down the hall." That surprise must have been obvious on his face for the briefest of seconds, for she smiled brightly, fully aware of what she was doing. Did she.... did she know he found her attractive? Did she find him attractive? If she did... would he act on it? Would she?

And the wink she gave him! So playful. So youthful. Teasing? Probably. Seductive? Maybe not intentionally so.

He allowed her to lead the way, and unlocked the door when they came to it.

"Well, I'm not quite sure that you'll be too terribly impressed." He said, flicking his wand. Candles and torches around the room blazed upward, revealing counters along the walls covered in manuscripts, wall filled with chalkboards, a few windows facing a secluded courtyard below, and a couple stools. On the stone floor there was a standard magic circle carved, through there were chalk smudges where he had clearly added extra circles that funneled more power into the main one. Advanced magical theory. "I've been able to prove that wandless magic was originally possible through some translations I've done. Apparently it was the main use of magic, but then wands were invented, and they were easier to teach." He stopped, musing. "You're Muggle-born, yes? So wandless magic was the horse-drawn carriage and wands were cars. So many people got cars, most forgot how to use a carriage. Which is harder than most think." He added as an afterthought. He didn't use "Muggle-born" in a tone of accusation or disdain, but more as simply a fact. He almost seemed happy to be able to make the metaphor. He himself was of pure blood, though much of his family had disowned him for his focus on studies, and he had spent a lot of time travelling in the Muggle world in his search for knowledge.
“‘Not too terribly impressed’? Think again, Professor,” Holiday replied in a heartbeat. “I find the whole subject of wandless magic to be fascinating. What if we can perform magic, without our wands? It’d be amazing. In my opinion, wands are great to teach children how to focus, how to… perform their spells… however, ultimately… I hate to say it, but… wands become a crutch that we depend on whenever we are older.” Once a wizard’s wand breaks during a fight, what then? Find another one in the blink of an eye? It’s more complicated than that.

Holiday cast her gaze about, studying the magic circle drawn onto the stone floor, noticing the chalk smudges here and there.

I wonder how many times he’s gone over this, and changed the runes…

A smile curving her lips, intrigued and sweet, Holiday moved forward without a second thought. “I am Muggle-born, yes… but I think my blood has nothing to do with my ability to perform magic. One of my opinions is based off this… that everyone has the potential to be a wizard, just some more than others… I know, it must sound silly, but…” Her words trailing off, she got down onto her hands and knees, the tip of her finger tracing over the runes. Pieces of fiery red fell against her cheek… the lights bringing out the bronze, copper and gold that hides within the strands. Her tank top dipped forward… revealing quite a bit of ivory skin… not to mention… a generous amount of her breasts. Holiday went on, not noticing the view she was presenting him with. “Have you considered changing the order of these runes? I can tell that you are trying to draw magical power to this circle… however… I think you might be able to do it through a different order. Oh!” A sheepish smile replaced the one she was wearing previously, only to be followed by her nibbling on her lip. “I’m rambling, aren’t I? Sorry. I tend to do that at times. We were talking about wandless magic, and I started going on about this…” Holiday shook her head, climbing back up onto her feet, though remaining bent in order to brush off her knees.
Archon nodded. "I came to a similar conclusion, that magic cannot be focused in the blood. if that were the case, we would have to be able to track the heritage of Muggle-borns to at least one magical ancestor on one or both sides of the family and that is almost never the case." he said, nodding and leaning on the counter.

He watched her as she knelt to examine the circle, and could not help but notice the lovely pale breasts she exposed so much of as she did. Additionally, her derriere was... pleasant to the eye. He took in the view for a very long moment before realizing that he was staring and glanced quickly away. "I'm sure the circle could be rearranged, yes... " He considered. "Though I've done that a couple times with not much change." He said, trying to keep his eyes on the circle and not on her. "I do not mind rambling, after all, that's how I tend to work best. To speak ones ideas out loud." he added, giving her a small smirk.

"Now, go on, tell me what you think about wandless magic."
The light reflected and refracted off emerald green, revealing specks of gold hiding within their depths... not to mention the excitement she felt. It didn't take long for a cheeky sort of smile to grace her lips. "Long ago, wizards were able to perform magic without the use of wands," Holiday began with, standing upright and pulling out her wand for emphasis.

"It wasn't until a wizard stole the tail feather of a phoenix, and put it in mahogany, that we first thought of using wands at all. Ironic, in my opinion. They are a tool which makes our lives easier, and yet we depend on wands to the point that, without our wands, we are basically powerless." With a sigh and a shake of her head, Holiday continued on, playing her fingers over the designs carved into her wand. If anyone was to look closely enough, that person would see dragons and backlinks and who knows what else. "History proves that it is possible... The only difference is that we have changed, as a whole. Wizards are not what they used to be."

Holiday went to sit on top of a desk, crossing one leg over the other... The light, this time, playing over the naked skin. "I think it might be a matter of concentration."
Archon nodded, taking her comments in and considering them. "I am fairly in agreement." He said once she had finished. "History does back up that we did not use wands for much of the time before approximately 1000 AD. And precisely, wands make life easier. But I've done some calculations and the amount of power a witch or wizard puts into a wand is about twice the amount of energy of the resulting spell. That means they are less efficient but easier." He said. He paused briefly as she spoke again and he was distracted slightly by the movement of her lovely legs.

"Concentration is definitely part of that. And simply, some people don't have the ability to focus well enough. I've trained myself to focus extremely well when I want to, as well as having been trained by several masters." He said, pacing the circle. "And it's possible to tell when you are generating magical power and prepping a spell. Most witches and wizards can feel a spell brewing, and with instruments and such, you can tell who is the source, the power level, and what the spell is." He said, and gestured to a large cabinet in one corner. "I have that equipment and have been able to generate spell energy in my hands. But casting the spell and releasing that from your body takes control and force I have yet to master and I'm not sure if the incantation is missing a part that has since been forgotten because it was no longer needed with wands, or if there's something I'm missing. Additionally, theory says that since I'm used to a wand, I'm trying to walk after having been being raised on a crutch. So I practice and run experiments. And try to think of theory that will back an aditional incantation, if there is one."
"Not very surprising, considering," Holiday replied, tilting her head and making it to where a few pieces of red, which flashed like true fire under the influence of candlelight, resting against her cheek. "Anything that makes our lives easier tends to... either demand something in return, such as more of our energy, or steals an ability of ours, in this case... us being able to perform magic without the use of a wand. Muggles have their cars, their technical devices... and we our wands. The irony," she murmured next under her breath, her eyes narrowing in thought. It didn't take long for Holiday to hop off the desk and join him, pacing around the circle.

Light flickered over ivory and fire, over emerald green and a thoughtful frown. “I think you may be right…” came her soft murmur, after quite a while. “Something is missing… There has to be, otherwise, it’d have worked ages ago.” Holiday tapped a finger against her lip, nibbling on the corner of it meanwhile. Okay, you can generate magical energy… but casting the spell is another thing entirely…” Delving deeper into thought, it was a long moment until she realized that she was near him… so near, in fact… that she could feel his heat, his… distinctly masculine scent, musky, with a hint of something else to it… and so close, she could study his features more closely. A wicked smile threatened to tug at her lips. I never thought Professor Archon was so... so… No, Holiday would be lying if she told herself that she never realized he was so handsome. “Ah… I’m sorry, Professor, it seems like I’m not much use to you after all…” Feeling a chill all of a sudden, Holiday gathered his cloak more tightly about herself… which teased her slender frame, hiding some features… emphasizing others.
He tried not to be too distracted by her, and he tried so hard to stare as she paced with him, though he failed at that a few times. She paused very near to him, and he looked over (and slightly down) to her. "I have a theory. As children, our first acts of magic are wandless. They are also triggered by emotions- shock, surprise, anger, mirth." He mused. "Through the circle I've honed the ability to generate energy and direct it to my palms. What if we were to trigger the release of that magic with emotion somehow? Perhaps then, given my training, I could direct the energy into the spell, should I be able to release it." He said, turning with the slightest bit of excited energy in his voice and face. It quickly became apparent how close she was. Maybe a foot. So close. He could smell her feminine, light scent, a bit muted by his cloak. He could see every fleck of color in her eyes, and the very kissable shape of her lips...


He composed himself. He couldn't. No matter how much he wanted to.

"The problem is inducing emotion within the circle, true emotion that would catch me off-guard enough yet happen where we planned it." He said. "And no, I'm sure you'll prove useful. This problem isn't going to be solved in a few mere hours of work together. I've been puzzling over it for at least the last two years."
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