The curse that corrupts all [HimekoxTinyThings]

Every bit of Grim, was starting to writhe and wiggle with joy, as she felt her twin sister, submit bellow her. Her ears and face down, her arms limp by her side. She even let her at her throat, showing a deep trust, that she hadn't been able to get, from anyone else. Her twin trusted her, with her life. This caused Grim to whimper with joy inside, her eyes closing as she squeezed Layla's soft skin on both her wrist, and the leg she was holding on to. With her cock deeply lodged into her twin, she looked down, listening to Layla's verbal submission. Grim grinned widely, as she was asked if they where bonded. Grim breathed heavily, with a slight pant, as she lowered herself over Layla, just above her lips.
"We are, sister.. Bound.. By so much more, than just blood. Your -my- mate, now.. You'd be allowed.. To feel pleasure, by an accepted.. Third party.. But.. Never.. Will you be with another Wolf's offspring.. Your mine.. And one day.. Somehow.. I'll fill that empty bit of you, with -our- offspring.."[/i] Grim whispered, before closing the distance between their lips, dropping into another deep, affectionate kiss, wrapping her tongue around Layla's. Grim had a surprisingly long tongue, able to twist and turn inside Layla's mouth, tasting every inch of it, as her nails dug into Layla's thigh, as their abdomen's grind together. The slow movement of their abdomens, caused the massive member to writhe inside of Layla's warm pussy, even managing to nudge against the other Elf's cervix.

Realizing this fact, Grim growled happily, as she started pulling out slightly, only to begin thrusting, once again. Her hand stroked up Layla's leg, letting it fall where it would, as the hand found it's way up Layla's body, only to lat down next to her head. The long fingers grabbed at the fur of the bed, as the thrust's started picking up their pace. Grim started panting now, only stopping her kisses to get panted breaths in between. The thrust's grew in such pace, that her balls started slapping against Layla's skin, as Grim's eyes closed. Her hand let go of the furry bed, and stroked into Layla's hair instead, getting a firm grab of her head, as Grim pushed herself up, getting into a better thrusting position. She looked down at Layla, with burning lust in her eyes, as her thrust's took even more pace, slamming the massive member so hard inside of Layla, that it poked against her cervical entrance, every time. Both twin's breast's wiggled with the thrust's now, as Grim closed her eyes, to moan out loudly, as she leaned her head backwards, letting her hair cover her face in the act. Sweat was starting to trickle from her body, as the heat only kept increasing. Grim had laid with women many times, and had build up an impressive amount of stamina. And today, she would expend every second of it, and let her twin sister.. Her new lover.. Her mate.. Feel just how good she could make her feel.
Grim had lowered herself over Layla now, just above her lips as she gave her the answer she had been wanting to hear before their lips met once again. The kiss meant so much to her as their tongues pressed against one another once again, granted her elder twin had a longer tongue than she did, it only meant to her more to suckle on as she moaned deeply into the kiss when her nails dug into her thigh. "This makes me so happy... To belong to someone who loves me so much like you do... I'm more than happy that I'm your mate... I will only bed with you and whomever you see fit, but I will only ever carry your offspring, this I promise you my love." She spoke in her mind, knowing that Grim would be able to hear it since she didn't want to break the kiss. What they didn't know, but Grim could probably feel it, but when the two were still in their mothers womb Grim had already imprinted on Layla, binding the two before birth. That was one part of the curse and it was inevitable to happen when the two were in contact with one another.

Not like it would matter to the two, they both knew that this was right to them and it was destiny for them to be together as mates for life. As their ground into one another she could feel the massive cock writhing inside of her as it nudged against her cervix, causing her lower half to buck slightly in pleasure. Hearing Grim's growl that was different before, this time it was in happiness as she began pulling out just to start thrusting yet again. As Grim released her leg she could feel her hand stroking against it as it worked its way up her body before laying next to her head. The moment her elder twin started thrusting into her at a faster pace, caused her moans to grow as her lower half started bucking more in rhythm with Grim's. "I've never known that something like this existed, let alone would feel so good. You're so amazing Grim..." Her mind said while her heart was racing in such joy as she panted heavily in-between kisses.

The more Grim's thrusting grew in a much faster pace, the more she could feel something starting to build rapidly within her. Her pussy clenched tightly around Grim's cock as her juices were starting to flow out of her, splashing onto the floor as her sister's balls slapped against her ass. This was the first time her body ever felt like this and it was trembling in pleasure below Grim's body as the swelling urge of her orgasm was starting to rapidly build. "Hah... Hah... Nnn... What... What is this feeling that is building up inside of me... Inside my lower half?" She asked through deep pants as her sister's hand stroked into her hair before getting a firm grip on her head as she pushed herself to get in a better position. Layla looked into Grim's eyes matching the burning lust with her own as her moans had grown louder with her sister slammed her member so hard that it was hitting against the cervical entrance with each and every thrust. As her body was moving in rhythm with Grim's she could feel her breasts starting to bounce up and down.

Layla didn't understand the feelings that were overwhelming her, but she knew it felt good and knew it must mean something good was about to happen to the both of them. When Grim had lifted herself she could feel the air hitting against the sweat that covered her body as she panted heavily, feeling some of her saliva starting to drool out of the side of her mouth. To her this is what heaven felt like if such a place existed on Azeroth, but overall, it was pure bliss to her. Her orgasm continued to build to where it was almost ready to release, but instinctively she held on as she waited for her twin to join her. From now on she would do whatever she could to keep her sister happy and this is what she wanted, as Grim's new lover and mate, this is what she knew was right. "I can feel it building more now... I don't know what to do sis... But I'm having a hard time holding it back..." She moaned as her eyes closed while her lower half started bucking harder and faster now, adding more stimulation to the both of them.
While Layla was introduced to a whole new world of pleasure, Grim felt herself feeling even better than ever. She'd never actually taken anyone's virginity, nor felt it this tight before, but that wasn't it. This time, it felt so much better. It felt special, in a way it never had before, and Grim loved it. She wasn't about to let this end, anytime soon.
Listening to Layla's promises, caused Grim to grin widely with both joy and deviousness. Layla was her's, now. And one day, she would find out how to properly mate with her. She knew, that what they did now, would carry no offspring, she could feel that.
Being complimented like she was, caused Grim to feel both proud, and happy. To know, that she could please her beloved twin this well, warmed her heart. Made it even better, that she now felt Layla's orgasm building up, slowly reaching it's peak. A small smirk spread across her lips, as Layla questioned the feeling. She hadn't even tried that before. So innocent and pure. Grim's long tongue licked her lips, as she gazed down at Layla's sweating body, her fingers grabbing at the fur bellow them.

"Your welcome.. To try.. But I doubt.. You'll be able to hold it, at all.. I'm in no hurry, my little pet.. But the longer you hold it back... The better it'll feel.." Grim grinned, as she removed her hands from the fur, sitting up on her knees. She lifted Layla's legs in front of herself, wrapping an arm around them, to press them against her breasts. Her other hand grabbed Layla's rear, lifting the other Elf's lower half off the ground, to match Grim's. The arm around the legs let go, and moved to Layla's side, as she started thrusting even harder, their bodies slamming together with loud smack's, as Grim started pushing Layla towards her climax. While the Priest wanted them to climax at the same time, the Werewolf wanted the Priest to do so several times, before this was over.
The grip of Layla's soft skin tightened, as she pulled the Priest's pussy against every single one of her hard thrusts, starting to pant eagerly.
"So.. My pet.. How long.. Can you hold it, hm? Look at me.." She demanded, her eyes shining down on Layla, as she watched the Priest fight her own climax, waiting for it to happen, as she happily thrust.
Layla's body was feeling so good right now, she didn't want this feeling to ever end, or to ever be denied this. With the way her elder twin thrusted inside of her with such skill was making it very hard to hold back. Her eyes closed once again as her panting became heavier than before as some more saliva started drooling out of the both sides of her mouth as she could feel herself getting lost into her lust-filled state. As her moans mixed with her pants grew more and more as her orgasm was beginning to become completely uncontrollable, feeling more of her juices starting to drizzle out of her pussy more and more with each thrust. Her body was burning up with more than just pleasure and lust, but she was burning with the need to release. She could feel her mind starting to slowly shatter now the more she tried to hold back the waves of the unknown and knew that she wouldn't be able to hold it in much longer. As Grim started changing positions once again she then found herself being lifted up to match her elder twin. She couldn't help herself as she wrapped her arms around her elder twin's back as she started slowly digging her nails into her skin while in the heat of the moment.

The loud smacks could be heard over Layla's moans rather clearly which caused her ears to twitch in pleasure. She still had her ears lowered in submission knowing full well that her sister was in complete control over here and she did not wish to anger her sister, let alone upset her. She had clearly accepted her position in being completely submissive to Grim and deep down inside of her, she knew she could only see herself with Grim and Grim only. The harder Grim's thrusts became, the harder it was to control the inevitable climax that was soon to come. "I... I don't think I can hold it back anymore..." She moaned as she looked into Grim's eyes as she could feel her pussy was starting to throb as it started to clench down much tighter on her sister's cock. It wasn't long before she finally gave in and let go as her head reared backwards and a loud howlish-moan escaped her throat as her orgasm started washing over her. She could feel what seemed like a massive amount of thick juices starting to flow out of her and every time Grim pulled back she could feel it splatter against them as it started coating both of their lower halves. "Ahh.. F-Fuck... This is so... Amazing!" She moaned loudly as her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she continued riding out her first orgasm, which she knew more were to come due to how her sister held back quiet well. Needless to say, she didn't mind it, she was just letting go of every thing and was just giving into her primal urges and ever burning lust as she could feel yet another orgasm starting to slowly build up. Once she got started, she was finding it hard to stop as she was enjoying this experience for the first time in her life.
Feeling her sister's nails starting to dig into her skin, Grim gave a pleased growl, enraging her thrust's even more, as she slid them both closer to their climax'. Her sister was getting ultimately close, as Grim grinned, holding their bodies close together, with both hands on Layla's rear. As Layla cried that she wouldn't be able to hold it much longer, Grim smirked happily, as she started lifting her sister a little, with every thrust, getting herself a little deeper, as her nails also started digging into the smooth skin of Layla's firm ass.
"Then.. Don't.. Let it go, sister.. Let yourself go!" Grim snickered, as she watched her sister lose herself to the pleasure, drooling so uncontrollably. The proper lady, that had walked into Grim's territory last night, had quickly been turned into lust hungry woman, who knew the pleasure's of giving in. Giving so completely in, that he sweet ears twitched in the lowest state possible, that wasn't anguish or sorrow. That perfect position, that made it clear who was in control. And to opposite it, Grim's ears remained perked and proud, as she too pleasure in her newest mate. Her -only- real mate.

Grim felt Layla's walls clenching against her, almost begging her to release as well. But Grim didn't want to. She knew what happened, when she first finished. More often, than not, she would become exhausted, especially in the mornings. If this had happened during the day, Grim could've gone several times, but at this time in the morning, she knew that she was done after a release. So Grim stayed strong, and fought against her own climax. Layla wouldn't notice either, which Grim was happy for. She wanted to look strong. Wanted to make it clear, that Layla would never be in need of more pleasure, than what she offered.
As Layla leaned her head back to howl her pleasure, Grim grinned with joy, continuing to thrust into the other's throbbing walls. Everything about Layla, made it easier to hold her own orgasm. The pleasure in seeing her new lover in such joy, made an Alpha's day much better. And once Layla finished, Grim pulled her up again, to put their lips together, for yet another loving, affectionate kiss. Grim moaned against the other's lips, as her thrust's slowly started slowing down a bit, soon just holding the other close, in a passionate kiss. Her hands groped over Layla's body, feeling every inch she could.

"Mmh.. Ready.. For more, sister?" She murmured against the other's lips, opening her eyes to let them shine with a grin, as she gazed into the other's eyes. "Ready.. To be taken.. To feed the rest of -my- lust?" She asked, grinning deviously, before pulling Layla in, for yet another passionate kiss, before letting go of her, and sitting her gently down again. She was less gentle, however, when she moved the other's legs away from herself, turning Layla around on her stomach. Grim quickly jumped her, like prey, laying herself on Layla's back, to pin her down, grinding her abdomen against the others, scratching her nails down Layla's side.
"I'm going.. To fuck you.. Until your body gives up, and you won't even be able to stand.. And then... I'm going to make you feel like a princess.. Who've done good.. Turn you into my loyal little fuck toy.. And then treat you, like the lady you are.." Grim warned, as she kissed Layla's neck. A warning of such different things, it seemed strange to mix them. But Grim wasn't always a savage. In bed, she was. And she was going to show it now, after Layla had accepted her position, and the pleasure Grim could provide. Now, she was going to show her, what she did when -she- needed her lust sated.
As her first orgasm had taken its toll on her, she could still feel herself still having a lot of strength leftover, which if she had been any other 'normal' Blood Elf, she would have been more than well spent at this point. However, that was not the case for Layla. It was as if her body was made to endure more than the average elf and would use this to her advantage as she continued to sate not only her own lust, but the lust of her sister's as well. She wanted their first time to be perfect after all and with all this strength, she knew it wouldn't be too hard to do so. After her orgasm calmed down her lips then met her elder sister's lips once again as they kissed each other once again in a deep loving and affectionate was. Her breathing at this point was starting to calm down as she held her sister close to her and began to gently rub her hands up and down her back, gently scratching at the skin.

Ears still lowered, she opened her eyes so she could look into Grim's as she nodded. "I'm more than ready my love... My body can handle this and it still craves for much more..." She panted as she then found herself being sat down gently as her sister kissed her again before moving her legs away from her as she then found herself on her stomach. As Grim pounced her back, she then found herself being pinned down as her twin started grinding her abdomen against hers while scratching her nails down her side. "That sounds... Amazing dear sister... My body belongs to you... To be your personal fuck toy... And I will always be at your beck and call..." She replied with a devious smile on her face as she tried to imagine what Grim was talking about. To her what she saw was amazing and hoped that that had been what Grim had in mind. But she knew that in the next moments to come, everything would come into play.

Her eyes were glowing brighter than they had ever done so in the past as she awaited what was next to come. Her body was pretty much starting to move against Grim's as she could feel her juices rolling down her thighs to hit the soft fur bedding below them. "I love you so much..." She moaned as her body was burning for more now. She was needing this more than she had ever needed anything else before and knew that only her elder twin could satisfy this -new- side of her. Which, to her she rather enjoyed this new side seeing as it gave her something far more than anyone else could have given her and Grim was her only alpha she would obey and submit to. That is what she personally vowed to herself, knowing Grim would be able to understand that from her mind.
Layla confessing that she was ready, and the fact that Grim could see into the other Elf's mind, that she wasn't even getting that exhausted yet, sent Grim's mind in overdrive. Her lust was tenfold now, as she had flipped Layla around, and started grinding her massive member against the, still soaked, and open, entrance. Grim leaned down, kissing Layla's neck several times, as she groped her sister's ass. Her fingers where firm, and nails dug in, feeling every inch of the soft flesh. She laid herself down on top of Layla, legs making sure she wouldn't be able to spread her legs very much, as her other hand moved between the bedding and Layla's breast, squeezing that had as well. Grim closed her eyes, as her breathing grew heavier, and her member throbbed eagerly. And as Layla said she loved her, Grim sighed softly with joy, before her body let itself go, sitting up on her knees.

Grim grabbed on to Layla's hips, lifting her up to her knees as well, positioning them both, before recklessly thrusting her massive, throbbing member inside her twin's relaxing walls. They didn't get to relax any more now, Grim leaving no more time to rest, as she started thrusting eagerly. First, she also lifted Layla up, hugging her Twin's back, against her own firm breasts, as she wrapped her arms around her. Her hands found every sweet spot on Layla's body, leaving no spot uncaressed, turning the other's head, to be able to somewhat kiss her lips. The thrust's where still slow, due to the position they where in, but as they slowly grew in strength, the caress of Grim's hands started slowing down. Grim groaned, as her mind's lust started taking over, and the interest in caressing another, dropped.

She wanted it faster now, pushing Layla's upper body down again, grabbing her by the hair. Her thrust's could now get a lot more eager, fast and deeper, as she started slamming their bodies together. Leaning a bit over Layla, Grim positioned herself to thrust as deep as she possibly could, now nearly penetrating Layla's cervix. Grim pushed Layla's head down as far as she could, to the point where her cheek would be touching the bead, while also keeping her ass up, and ready to please. Grim groaned, as she positioned her legs a bit differently again, as the grip in Layla's hair grew tighter. Being in control this way, sent Grim's mind into overdrive, as the grip on Layla's hip, started tightening too, nails digging into Layla's soft skin. The thrust's where so hard now, that Layla's body was forced to move forward a bit, with every thrust, but Grim pulled her back every time, making sure she staid in place, even if Layla wouldn't have done so herself. But the grip on Layla's hip, suddenly let go, as the hand was raised and then brought down on Layla's ass, slapping the soft flesh, hard enough to leave a red mark. The hand didn't go away, but instead squeezed the sting of the slap to last a little longer, as she kept pulling their sweaty bodies together, with every thrust.
Her hands gripped the fur bed below slightly her as Grim started grinding against her soaking wet entrance. "Nnnn...." She moaned when her sister kissed her neck several times while groping her ass, which to her felt really good as Grim's fingers were firm as her nails dug in feeling her soft flesh. "Ahh.. Right there... Mmmm..." She purred as her twin laid down on top of her as her sister's hand found its way to her breast, squeezing it hard and causing her body to shiver in pleasure. Her breathing had calmed down quiet a bit at this point, however she knew this was only a relaxing period before the next round started. As Grim got back on her knees she then felt herself being lifted onto hers as well before she felt her elder twin begin thrusting her massive, yet throbbing member inside of her. This time it was more reckless and she didn't mind it one bit, it felt good to have her sister's cock burring itself into her again as she moaned loudly in pleasure.

Rest time was over now and she wanted to continue to feed into her sister's lust. She could clearly tell that this was Grim's first time to ever really get like this and it excited her deeply. As she was lifted up she found her back resting against her twin's chest as her sister wrapped her arms around her. Feeling her sister's breasts against her back felt wonderful, yet her sister's hands wondered over her body leaving no spot untouched or uncaressed. As Grim turned her head she then found herself kissing her twin once again, which was pretty amazing to say the least. The more her sister's thrusts started picking up the less her caressing was seen before coming to a halt. Her upper body was pushed pushed down again, yet this time Grim was now grabbing her by the hair this time, which didn't bother her since she had already given herself fully to her elder twin. Grim's thrusts had grown more eager as she moved fast and deep inside of her, slamming their bodies together.

"Fuuuck... Soooo... Sooo good sis...~" She moaned loudly as her sister leaned a bit more over her, getting herself positioned better as she began going in deeper almost penetrating her cervix this time. Her pussy clenched down on Grim's cock again as her eyes began closing slightly with her breathing turning into pants again. Her head was pushed down to the fur bed as her cheek was now pressing against the soft bed, all the while her ass was still remained high up in the air. Her eyes clenched shut tightly as the grip on her hair grew tighter as Grim repositioned her legs a bit differently again. Layla liked being in this position and enjoyed being her sister's bitch, after all she knew that this was a good position she was in with her sister. As Grim's grip on her hips started tightening the nails were now digging deeper into her skin, causing her to wince slightly but knowing that this was just how things were now for her. Her nails dug deep into the fur bed as Grim's thrusts were so hard now that her body began moving forward a bit.

She kept a tight grip on the bed so that she wouldn't move too much, but with Grim making sure she didn't move did help. Having someone in control of her like this was something she needed, it wasn't the same kind of control her now former family had once had over her. This was different and she loved it. She would do whatever it took to make sure her sister and her pack stayed safe and would protect them with what she had been gifted with, her magic. She had no physical strength, but her magic was strong enough to do some harm to her enemies, and if she continued practicing she'd be able to be equal to her sister in a sense. She always wanted to prove her worth and her magic was the only thing she was good with, even though she didn't excel too well in light magic, but here she hoped she wouldn't be shunned for her use of dark magic if it was used to protect her sister and those she saw as family.

The moment her sister's hand let go to be raised then brought down on her ass caused her to groan in pleasure as her ass now stung from being slapped. As Grim didn't remove the hand but instead squeezed it to make the stinging last longer caused her body to twitch in excitement. "Who would... Have ever thought... That pain like this... Would be... Nnnn... Pleasurable..." She moaned through panted breaths as her twin kept pulling their sweat coated bodies together with each and every thrust. Her nails dug deeper into the bed as her pussy started throbbing again in need as she could feel her orgasm starting to build again. She was growing accustom to this feeling now as it was starting to not be so foreign to her. This time she would try to hold it in as best as she could so she could experience what her sister had mentioned before. She wanted to see just what she meant when she said it would be more pleasurable and she was already becoming addicted to this pleasure that Grim has introduced to her. "Please... Don't... Don't stop!" She groaned as her body started bucking against her sister again as she tried to urge her sister to go faster.
Continuing to thrust, Grim growled silently with pleasure, as she watched her sister squirm bellow her. Her sister did, what ever Grim's hands told her to. She moved, when guided. She submitted, when demanded. The grip in Layla's hair loosened, as the fingers began stroking her hair instead, while still pressing her face down. This position caused Grim to shiver yet again, as her thrust's grew in strength, her balls slapping hard against Layla's skin with each thrust. Every movement by either of them, caused pleasure to them both, as Grim's massive cock was burried deep inside of Layla's tight cave. Her twin sister was squeezing tightly around Grim's member, causing growls and groans from Grim, as she continued forcing them open.

The more Layla moaned and begged for more, the more she got, and admitting how wonderful the pleasure was, caused Grim to grin with pride. She'd always prided herself in her ability, to fuck a woman into submission. But Layla was different. She wasn't just proud, to watch Layla enjoy her lunges out. She was overjoyed. To see her twin this happy, and bliss, caused ripples of joy down her spine.
When asked not to stop, Grim licked her lips, and started stroking the hand in Layla's hair, down her back. On the way, her nails occasionally scratched Layla's beautiful skin, until it reached her firm rear. There, it raised as well, smacking down another hard slap, as both hands started pushing Layla forward whenever Grim pulled out, and then pulling her down on the massive cock, each time she thrust. This caused their bodies to smack together even harder, as her fingers continued to roughly massage Layla's ass cheeks.

Grim could feel Layla's cervix, with each and every thrust, and it got her a little riled up. She grinned widely, as she started stretching her back a bit, as fur started growing in a few places, mainly on her neck, and just above her rear. Her tail started growing out, as her ears got a little bigger, and soon, Layla would feel the main part of this little transformation. Grim's cock started growing, just slightly in length, and thickness. This allowed grim to smack their bodies hard together again, this time ruthlessly penetrating Layla's tight cervix, causing Grim to howl loudly with pleasure, as she tilted her head back. Her tail had grown out completely, but wasn't as fluffy and thick as it was in her complete transformation. Grim's hands started squeezing and groping Layla's ass cheeks, occasionally nudging a fingertip against the puckered rear entrance.
"Mmmrh.. All the way.. Inside.. How was that, pet?" Grim asked, having paused her thrust's, with the tip of her cock still buried inside Layla's whom now. Grim bit down hard on her lower lip, as one of her thumb's started rubbing against Layla's ass whole, as both hands continued to roughly grope the soft skin.
Layla had been taught obedience while growing up, yet was always defiant behind her families backs. However this time there would be no defiance since the one she was being obedient to was someone she respected and trusted. She admired her elder twin for her true strength and knew that being obedient to Grim was the right thing to do, she was the alpha, but not just any alpha, she was her alpha now. After seeing her sister's memories she understood just what her sister was and what the others were and would no longer just see them as wolf-like monsters. To her they weren't monsters but werewolves of nature, cursed yes, but still part of nature. As the grip loosened on her hair she could feel her sister start stroking her hair instead, yet keeping her face pressed against the fur bed. Her moans grew in strength to match her twin's thrusts as she could feel her balls slapping against her skin once again with each thrust.

Her nails dug in deeper into the bed as her sister's cock continued to force her pussy's walls open as they tightly clenched down on it. Nothing in Azeroth had felt this good to her and her body writhed in pleasure the more Grim continued her movements inside of her. Her ears twitched slightly in their lowered position as she felt her sister's nails scratching against her skin as they made their way down to her ass. Her ears twitched again as if sensing what was next to come, which no sooner had happened as she felt the hand smack against her ass again, causing her to groan loudly in pleasure. With Grim's hands on her lower half she felt herself being pushed forward when her sister pulled out and then pulled back onto the massive cock as she continued to fuck her younger twin. Her face grew red again as Grim started roughly massaging her ass cheeks while Grim's cock kept hitting the entrance to her cervix, causing her to moan loudly in need.

Feeling her sister's cock start to grow slightly in length and thickness caused her to groan slightly more in pleasure as this time the wait had been well worth it. Grim was now ruthlessly penetrating her cervix, which was making it hard for Layla to hold her own howls of pleasure back. This is what she had been waiting for and was needing. Panting heavily she could feel Grim now groping her ass while nudging against her tight little hole, causing her to blush more. "Hah... Nnnn... That is perfect... My... My mistress... My alpha..." She moaned as she felt the twitching cock now paused while buried in her womb. "Ahhh... My ass is yours to do with as you see fit..." She said as she could feel her tight little hole was now twitching against her sister's thumb that was now rubbing against it. She knew what Grim was wanting and knew better than to deny both of them what they wanted. She panted heavily as she waited for her elder twin's next move now.
Hearing her sister's groans and howls in pleasure, caused Grim's body to shiver with excitement, as she felt her cock starting to throb even more eagerly. She could feel her own ejaculation coming closer, as her member had started growing, and penetrated the tight cervix of her twin. The feeling was overwhelmingly wonderful, as she thrust her cock as deep as it could, now peeking into Layla's whom. Remaining there for a moment, as her finger's groped Layla's ass, she listened closely to her twin's words. Licking her lips with a grin, her fingers continued what they where doing, but bringing one hand to her mouth, getting her thumb wet. Moving her hand back down, she pressed the thumb against Layla's tight, twitching hole, and pushed it inside, opening it up. Grim bit down on her lower lip, as she imagined burying her cock in there, one day, but knew that wouldn't be today. She wanted to keep penetrating Layla's whom, and shoot her seeds as deep into Layla as she possibly could. However, she had more appendages to do with, which caused her to grin again.

Her tail whipped behind her, before it moved it's tip close to Grim's own mouth. Her mouth was already filled with drool, from all the excitement, and she stuffed her tail inside, instantly getting the tip soaked. Grim's abdomen started grinding against Layla's, letting the tip of her cock tease the tight cervix, while her tail moved to stroke between Layla's butt cheeks. Grim removed her finger, allowing the tip of the furry, wet tail to nudge against Layla's asshole, before pushing inside of her, without wasting any time. Grim looked down towards Layla's face, to see her reaction to the tails intrusion, as the tail kept pushing deeper, quickly getting three or four inches deep, as she slowly started thrusting again.
"Mm.. Submitting so.. Deeply, to your own twin sister... Who.. Would have thought. That such a beautiful, proper Lady.. Could become such a horny, sex crazed slut.. In so little time?" Grim whispered teasingly, as she leaned over Layla, kissing her neck again, as a hand reached around to Layla's abdomen, as a finger rolled down to start rubbing her clit as well.
"Mine.. My, little slut.. My toy.. My pet. Your never going to get to leave my side.. And whenever my cock get's needy.. I'm going to take advantage of one of your holes again... You won't go a -day- without getting your holes filled, at least once.. I am going to see to that.." She whispered into Layla's ear, before invading it with her tongue, licking down the entire length of the ear, before biting down dominantly at the tip, pulling it slightly.

Her lower body started thrusting again, as her teeth kept Layla's ear hostage. Her tail also started thrusting inside Layla's tight ass, both appendages working in unison. Her cock now pulled out of Layla's cervix, only to penetrate it with another thrust, as she started thrusting faster, and faster again. SHe quickly reached her former pace, as the tail started thrusting just as eagerly as well. She placed one hand on the fur bed, as the other continued to rub Layla's clit, teasing as many sweet spots of Layla's as she could, still nibbling and pulling at the sensitive ear.
Panting heavily she found herself getting more and more lost into her lust-filled pleasure as she continued to feel the cock inside of her throbbing. She could feel more drool dripping out of her mouth as she felt Grim's wet thumb penetrate her tight little twitching asshole, bringing another pleasurable moan to escape her throat. "Ahh! Th-That feels so... Amazing!" She groaned as her hands continued to clench tightly onto the fur below them. Sweat trickled down her forehead as she could feel her body temperature begin to rise more now. With her sister's cock now bigger than it was before, she soon found her orgasm starting to rapidly build in response to Grim's actions. This time she would hold out as long as she physically and mentally could, after all she wanted to please her elder twin more than she had already done so so far. Her mind and body was broken, but only to Grim and her elder twin would know this well.

As Grim's cock teased her cervix she could feel something fluffy rubbing in-between her ass cheeks before feeling her sister remove her thumb to have it be replaced with the furry object. Which she soon found out was her sister's tail, as the wet tip nudged against the entrance before entering her, causing her to moan loudly as her eyes slowly opened, showing the now brighter glow in her eyes. She looked at her sister's face as the tail moved inside of her ass deeper and deeper before she started thrusting again. "Nnnn... M-Maybe... It's cause I was meant to belong to you...? Ahhh... It's hard to resist the truth though... What I see or dream about... Cannot be unseen by you... Hah... Not like I'd have it any other way..." She answered in-between heavy pants as her eyes then began to bulge the moment her sister began rubbing her clit. "To be honest with you... I don't think my... My... Nnnn... My body nor mind would be able to last a day without this... This feels so... Right... And I do not for a second... Nnnn.... Regret submitting to you... Even if someone asked me if I could go back... And redo this... Hah... I'd still chose this over my old life any... Any day... I regret nothing except for not finding out sooner that I had a elder twin..." She said as her panting and drooling was becoming uncontrollable again now.

The moment Grim's tongue invaded her ear she once again found herself going limp as she felt her ear being licked at before feeling teeth biting down dominantly at the tip before being pulled slightly. As she quickly learned her ears were her main weakness and somehow Grim knew this and was using it to her advantage, not like she really cared. She belonged to her elder twin now and she, in more ways than one, enjoyed being taken control of like this. As her twin started thrusting again, yet keeping her ear hostage, she felt the tail inside of her start thrusting now as well. She was finding it rather hard to hold her orgasm back now as not only was her ear being toyed with, but now both her lower holes were now being fucked remorselessly. To top it off her clit was still being rubbed and teased while her ear was still being pulled at, causing her to moan louder than she had done previously. She could feel her juices starting to pour out of her pussy with each time her twin pulled back before pushing back in again. This was now proving to be very hard to hold back her orgasm as it was now begging to burst, yet to no avail would she allow it to erupt just yet. She was truly going to ride this out the best she possibly could, in hopes that this would make Grim pleased.
Hearing how her sister loved the attention to her ass hole, caused Grim to grin slightly, as she licked her lips. Grim had always had a thing for anal, that she couldn't quite explain. Maybe it was the mixture of pain, and pleasure, it mostly caused. Or maybe it was because of the complete control she felt she had, when allowed to play with every hole, on Layla's body. And so she did. THe only hole, still untouched, was Layla's mouth. A hole Grim would make sure to fill as well, another day. But for now, she had so many others to focus on, and she wanted to feel her own orgasm, exactly where she was. Deep inside Layla's squeezing pussy, directly into her womb.

Grim panted heavily, as she began thrusting at a faster pace, listening carefully to Layla. Grim grinned happily with Layla's words, admitting how much she loved this. How much, she'd become addicted to it. Something Grim would certainly abuse... Grim leaned down, whispering close to Layla's ear again, panting breaths in between words, heating the sensitive ears.
"That.. Is a good pet.. Mmh.. You deserve.. A reward.. For that.." She snickered, kissing Layla's ear again, before starting to nibble at bite it once more, pulling at the tip of it, as her hands started teasing other parts of Layla's body.

Grim's thrust's grew in pace, as she felt Layla's entire body clamp together, as her orgasm clawed it's way out. Grim had started panting heavily now, as her own orgasm was getting close. Any alternate stimulation right now, would surely have her orgasm rush over her, and now it was time. Grim leaned down, fingers still rubbing Layla's clit roughly, as her tail thrusted a little harder, and deeper, inside Layla's ass hole. Grim's other hand reached up, squeezing Layla's breast firmly, as she pulled at her ear once again, before whispering.
"Stop holding back.. Let your orgasm go.. I.. Will join you..." Grim whispered, groaning with each thrust now, her cock still slamming deep into her twin's cervical entrance, as her body started trembling.

Even if Layla did not let her orgasm roll, then and there, Grim thrust as deep as she could, roaring loudly with a growl, as her seeds started spilling out, deep inside Layla. Grim stretched her back upwards, hands now moved to Layla's ass cheeks, keeping herself elevated, grinding their bodies together, just to stimulate the head of her cock a bit more. The cum didn't seem to stop, endlessly spilling deep inside Layla, filling every inch of her whom. Grim's fingers kept massaging Layla's ass, as the tail continued to roughly thrust, forcing Layla's orgasm to last a little longer as well, as she kept filling Layla up. It got to a point, where there weren't any more space left inside Layla, but Grim still didn't pull back, or stop. Cum started expanding Layla's petite body, gently, and slowly inflating her, as some cum also started spilling out past Grim's cock, trickling dowb both their legs.
As Grim picked up speed she could feel herself being driven even further towards her orgasm as she listened to her twin's words. She didn't know just what sort of 'reward' she was to be granted, but figured she'd soon find out as she whimpered in pleasure from her ear being toyed with once again. While Grim was working on her ear she was also busy teasing other parts of her body as well, thus stimulating her even more than before now. It felt so good to her and it was driving her poor pussy insane because of her orgasm that was just waiting to burst. Gripping the fur tightly in her hands as her nails dug deeply into it the more her sister continued to rub her clit roughly while the tail was now thrusting harder and deeper inside her ass. "Nnnn!" She moaned as her breast was squeezed just before her ear was tugged at yet again. She listened to her sister's words and closed her eyes again as she could now feel Grim's body starting to tremble just above her.

She wouldn't disobey her sister and would allow her orgasm to take its toll on her once again as she could now feel Grim's cum starting to fill her womb up. She howled in pleasure as both her and her sister came together, feeling the warmness from Grim's cum flooding her insides with such force. This, is what she had been waiting for. To feel her sister's cum fill her womb with all its glory. She could feel her stomach starting to bulge a bit after a good while as she felt both their mixed juices starting to coat both their legs. "Fuck... So... So wonderful... That... Nnnn.... That was amazing... Mistress...~" She panted as she could feel herself starting to calm down slowly as her orgasm was nearing its end. "So... This is... What its like... To feel pure... Nnnn.... Pure bliss?" She asked through her heavy gasps for air. She could feel that her elder twin was starting to slowly calm down as well now as she slowly opened her eyes, longing to look up at her sister but knowing best not to do so unless given permission first. She could feel something inside of her starting to stir, yet didn't understand just what it was and for now, simply ignored it. Little did both of the twins know was that the curse that had been lying dormant inside of Layla was now starting to emerge and would soon consume her like it had done to Grim.
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