The curse that corrupts all [HimekoxTinyThings]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
It had been several years since the war against the dark council of witches. Years since the curse had been placed upon her family, granted her family didn't speak much of the curse, after all why should they? It was something they were ashamed of it and ashamed of their dark secrets they had kept hidden from their daughter. Walking down the halls of their castle, Layla Sunsorrow sighed heavily to herself. She was bored and all of her studies for the day were over. For years she had felt all alone, for years she felt that deep down inside something was missing in her life, or someone. She could feel a strong link with someone who was very distant from her, yet whenever she tried to talk about it to her parents they just shrugged it off and told her she was just imagining it. Still, she knew that they were wrong, that they were hiding something from her and she knew it. For years her family had rigorously had her trained to be a priest of the light, ever since she was old enough to be trained. As she continued to walk the halls she found herself walking towards her parents chambers. "No! For years we have kept her safe from all of this! For years we have sheltered her from knowing about this and damn it Freya we are not going to ruin EVERYTHING we have worked so hard on by just telling her about this!" The screams of her father could clearly be heard from outside their door. Ears twitching Layla could tell they were talking about her, so leaning in closer to the door so she could hear what was going on. "But she has to know Draven! Her birthday is tomorrow and she has been asking us questions for ages now. It is time that she knows the truth, it is time that as her parents that she should know about our curse and the fact that her older twin was left to die in the woods! Clearly if she has been sensing her twin then that means that we failed and that her sister did not die in the woods like we had thought and hoped would. You know that twins have a strong connection to one another, and if we don't take precautions now we may lose our child who wasn't cursed at birth!" Her mothers voice raged on.

Curse? So it is true... And wait... I have a... A... A twin? A older twin at that?! What do they mean by they left her there to die in the woods and they failed?! Her mind was racing now and she heard it all. So this entire time that she knew she was right... All this time she knew they were hiding something from her, and now... Now she was proven to be right. Tears swelled in her eyes as she slowly backed away from the door and started bolting to her room. "I knew it!" She screamed as she slammed her door shut and ran over to one of her empty bags in her closet. "For years I knew they were hiding something from me! But I never imagined that my family would hide from me the fact that I had a older twin!" She shouted as she started flinging stuff into the bag. "How could they do that?! How could they live with themselves like that?! Knowing that they tried to kill off my only sibling!" She continued on as she finished shoving what she needed in the last bag. "I'm going to her, if she is in fact alive still... I need to at least see her. I cannot continue to live in this... This place knowing what they did to her!" She finished as she grabbed the two bags and jumped out the window, using her levitate spell to keep herself from falling to her death. She walked over to one of the stables and opened the door and went inside. "Hey there old friend. We are making a long trip and I know I can't do it alone without you." She spoke softly to the hawkstrider in front of her as she petted his head gently before taking the reigns and leading him outside. She fixed her bags on the each side of him and then got up on his back and she gripped the reigns in her hands and made her way into the woods.

On the way her mind was still spinning from what she had heard not too long ago from her parents bedroom. She still couldn't believe they had kept this hidden from her for so long. She didn't know where she was going aside from the fact that she was heading into the woods, which was forbidden to everyone from entering. From what she had read there were powerful monsters and beasts in there, creatures that no one knew of. The reason for that was those who entered the woods, never came out alive. But she knew that her parents had gone in there to dump off her elder twin and clearly her twin was still alive, so the books had to of been wrong, right? After a few hours of traveling she could see the edge of the woods. "Well boy, this is it. There's no turning back now, not like I'd want to. Lets keep moving on." She spoke softly to her friend as they made their way into the woods. After a while of being inside the woods, she could see that things were slowly changing around her. The woods looked normal outside but after being inside and going in deeper, it was not as normal looking as it seemed. There were vibrant flowers and exotic plants that she had never seen before, hell even the trees had odd plants growing on them. She was amazed at how beautiful this place was and the deeper she got in, the further away from being able to turn back was slipping from her. Little did she know she had caught the attention of many things in here, but more importantly, she was being followed by some sort of beasts. "This place is amazing... It doesn't seem so dangerous in here." She stated as she went in deeper, yet still being followed.
Dark purple eyes, glared thoughtfully at the newly arrived woman in the forest. The eyes recognized the woman, yet still didn't. She'd never rode a Hawksrider before. Worn robes like that. Something was different about her. First of all, she wasn't usually foolish enough to traverse the outskirts of her own pack's territory, in her Elven shape. She knew she couldn't transform fast enough, to respond to an ambush. She was vulnerable like this. Not anywhere near her full strength. The hood the woman was wearing, made it impossible to see the distinct feature, that made it obvious if it was actually her. So the purple eyes, followed close by, knowing her's wasn't the only eyes watching. An ambush -was- coming.

A little further down the small path they where taken, they reached a small lake. The area was almost prestine, rays of moonlight lighting up different areas around it. There was a small clearing in the trees, leading down to the alluring water, that would be almost impossible to ignore, the first time one laid eyes on it. And when she approached the waters, she also limited her escape options. The attack would be now, and the purple eyes knew this. Muscle's tensed, as the strong body behind the eyes, got into position, prepared to leap, just moments before a crack was heard, when a massive shape came leaping out of the bushes, towards the woman in robes. In the blink of an eye, the purple eyes reacted, and made a leap from her own bush.

What the Priest would see, was a massive werewolf, flying towards her, with it's fangs barred and aimed toward her throat. But long before these teeth would've met her skin, another massive wolf flew in from the side, slamming against the other creature, sending them both flying towards her, but no longer with teeth aimed at her. Instead, the two bodies would probably bump rather harshly against the Hawkstrider, as they both flew towards the shallow waters at the edge of the lake. With a splash, and more whimpers in pain, the two quickly got back on their feet, staring each other down with barred teeth and furious growls. While the werewolf would be several heads taller than Layla, the wolf was still not much smaller, standing far taller than any natural wolf, being just as tall as Layla herself.
THe Wolf got between Layla and the werewolf, defensively keeping the tall beast at bay. But the werewolf was not ready to give up it's hunt, knowing what status this kill could earn him. He leapt forward, going straight for the Wolf, who quickly jumped forward in reaction, both pile of fur slamming against each other with growls and barks alike. The Wolf went for the Werewolf's throat, but had to settle with it's neck, while the Werewolf pierced it's claws into the sides of the Wolf. The Wolf whimpered, quickly making a tug with it's body, to throw the Werewolf away. The Wolf took a few steps back, already starting to pant in pain, knowing very well she wasn't made up to fight like this. So when the Werewolf charged with another jump, the Wolf jumped back to avoid it. But while she flew through the air, her body almost instantly changed shape, in a gust of dust, and a tall, blue skinned Night Elf landed on the ground, with one leg stretched out against the ground, and the other crouched. The Night Elf quickly gazed back on the Wolf, as she reached towards the ground, digging her finger's into it, and pulling up a vine from the undergrowth. The vine seemed to change shape, and almost in an instant turning into a long spear. All this happened while the Werewolf did another leap, so it had no way to react, when she suddenly threw a spear at him, and jumped to the side to avoid the leap. The spear pierced the Werewolf's heart, the woman clearly having a really good aim, causing it's body to limp to the ground with a whimper, and the fight was over.

The Night Elf slowly stood up, looking down at the dead body, only flinching in pain when she was sure it stayed still, placing a hand over the wound on the right side.
"What.. In Elune's name.. Are you doing out her.. Out of your Feral shape!?" The woman almost screamed, as she shot a glare towards layla, finally taking time for her. The woman was wearing tribal clothes, with only threads of leaves covering her shapely breast's, and privates. She had several types of war painting around her, with one thick, green stripe over her eyes. Her long purple hair, swayed slightly in the wind, as the equally purple eyes glared at the other woman.
Everything had happened so fast and she couldn't believe her eyes. First there was a giant wolfish man looking beast lounging towards her, with its massive fangs barred at her as it aimed for her throat. Horror stuck her face as her hawkstrider cawed and bucked up slightly, sensing the danger in this beast as it was aiming for its mistress. Before she knew it another figure leaped from another bush and was now standing in-between them, it was a giant wolf and it slammed into the other beast, causing the two to hit against her mount. The hawkstrider cawed louder as it backed away from the two figures, leaving Layla to watch as the sense unfolded before her. She couldn't believe what she was seeing as the two beasts fought one another and most of all she didn't know if the new wolf was on her side or not. Though she thought it was safe to assume that she wouldn't be targeted right away since the two were currently locked in combat as she motioned for her mount to move backwards a bit more, so as to not be in the middle of the fight anymore than they already was.

It wasn't too long before the wolfish man was taken down, granted the other wolf, or in this case Night Elf had taken a pretty big beating in the process. The other elf had very good aim indeed and had been able to end the fight with the spear she had somehow summoned from a vine that she had pulled from the ground. Layla didn't understand how the woman did that but knew that it had saved her life. She watched as the woman slowly stood up as she looked down at the fallen wolf man before turning her gaze towards her. Hearing the elf's words caused her ears to twitch as she looked the Night Elf over, taking note to every detail down to the warpaint. "I uh... Huh? I believe you have me mistaken for someone else... I am a Priestess who has come in search for my older twin sister..." She paused as the woman was still glaring at her.

Even she couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth, she didn't even know what to think of this awkward situation. "I do thank you though for saving my life..." She paused as she noticed the wound on the woman's right side. "If... If you'll allow it I can heal your wound, a-as a thank you for saving my life..." She said softly, but to where the woman could hear her as she slowly got off her hawkstrider. "Please... Allow me to thank you for your kindness..." She asked as she started approaching the other elf. She could tell this woman was pissed, but she didn't understand fully as to why. Especially since the woman accused her of being someone else, which to her she didn't understand seeing as she was in her priestess robes and the Night Elf before her was in tribal clothing, completely different from one another. Clearly this woman would come to see to reason that she was honestly trying to repay the favor and wouldn't turn around and attack her instead.
The Night Elf's eyes narrowed, as the other Elf's reply came slowly. That was unnatural. The Robes. The mount.. The hesitation. This couldn't be her Alpha. An impostor? No one would be foolish enough, to try such a thing, and not wear the same as Grim. But the face. The face was the same. How could this be possible? No one could imitate someone so well, that -her- eyes wouldn't be able to tell the difference. And as the answer to her questions came forth, the Elf's ears slowly perked downwards, as her eyes widened. The Shaman had been right. An.. 'Impostor', would show herself. Weather good, or bad intentions, she was to change the way things where. That is what the Shaman had said. Who would've expected it to be a twin sister? Coldtooth, certainly wouldn't. He'd have his fangs right down on this impostor's throat, before he let her change the way things where. The balance was already tilting in his favor.

"You.. You, are Grim's sister? This.. This is not good.." The Night Elf explained, letting the other woman approach her. Her eyes narrowed a bit again, as she stood straight once more. The Elf's brain started racing, as her eyes flew from Layla, to the lake, to the bushes. Her ears perked as well, already hearing the pack approach. Without answering Layla's question, she faced away from the approaching Blood Elf, putting her finger's into her mouth, whistling some sort of signal, as high as she could, before closing the distance between the two.
"No.. You can not heal me. Coldtooth, and his entourage, won't believe I fought off a Vilefang, without being wounded.. How alike are you?" She questioned, quickly shooting a hand towards Layla's head, trying to remove the hood, hiding her ears. Without asking permission, her fingers gently grabbed one of the other Elf's ears, eyeing it mindfully. "Shit..." She complained, with a grumble in her voice, as her hand moved again. Again, she did not ask permission, but placed her hand on Layla's crotch, feeling for something she very quickly didn't find. He face turned grim, as she removed her hand again, rubbing her face in dismay. "Not.. -That- alike... Of course. Shit." She complained again, taking a few steps away from Layla, rubbing her temples.

She contemplated for a moment, before turning her purple gaze back onto Layla, eyeing her up and down. "Get you hood on, again.. And get your robe's dirty.. When they come, they will ask you where you got them.. Do not respond.. You are far too hesitant, to sound like Grim. They -will- think, that you are an impostor.. And they will kill you, before you get to meet your sister. Let me do the talking, and.. You are a Priest?" She asked, as she crouched down, taking a handful of mud, from the edge of the lake. "Then you better pray, to what ever deity you believe, that Grim will get here, before Coldtooth has his way.. I can't, and won't, fight off him, and his entourage.. Not for anyone. Not even my Mistress' twin sister..." The Elf explained, as she tossed the mud towards Layla's robe, trying to get it muddy.

Not moments later, before the other Elf would even have had a chance to introduce herself, another Werewolf jumped from the bushes, landing with a growl on the ground. The Werewolf was quickly followed by four others, all standing straight on their bag legs, snarling with dismay.
"Again, our stupid 'Alpha', as gone astray to the outer rim, of her own territory.. Will the little fool, ever realize the danger? And, again, -you- where hurt, because of -her-... Do you enjoy the abuse, Ahmelien?" The one in front growled, as it crossed it's arms. Ahmelien rolled her eyes, taking a few steps towards the Werewolves.
[/b]"You know Grim, Coldtooth. She loves this lake.. And trouble is over. I killed the Vilefang. Go home, and get Astalia to meet me half way."[/b] Ahmelien requested, as she slowly moved towards the woods, begging to her gods, that Coldtooth wouldn't question anything. But she could see in his face, that this wasn't the fact.
"Hrmph.. What on the moon, are you wearing, Grim?" His eyes narrowed, as he slowly started walking towards Layla, hulking like the monster he was. Ahmelien sighed, looking towards Coldtooth, as she prepared an explanation.
"She found i.."
"Shut up, Ahm! Something isn't right here, and you know it.. Grim... Would've already changed into her feral form.. She is far too afraid of me, not to.." He gazed back towards Layla, with narrowed red eyes. The Werewolf had a scar over his right eye, and a chipped tooth, that made him look even more terrifying. "You.. Aren't.. Grim.. Are you?" He snarled, glaring towards the newly arrived. Ahmelien closed her eyes, with a heavy frown, starting to beg for her gods again, hoping Grim's beautiful sister, Layla, knew how to protect herself. At least, for the short time, it would take the heavy steps Ahmelien heard in the distance, to get over here.
Looking at the other elf she slowly nodded before speaking softly. "I suppose so, I only found out today that our parents brought her here to die because of some stupid curse that was placed on our family... I had no idea... No idea whatsoever that I had a elder twin... But more importantly, what's not good?" She asked and before she could get her answer she watched the woman's ears perk up before turning her back to her. Her ears twitched when she heard the whistle and the woman closed the distance between the two of them. Finally the woman somewhat answered her question as she made it clear that she wasn't allowed to heal her for whoever this Coldtooth guy was and whoever he had coming with him. As she had been asked just how alike she was compared to her twin, she was about to answer before the elf's hand shot up towards her head and slowly removed the hood, revealing her ears.

The woman did not ask for her permission but went ahead and gently grabbed one of her ears as she looked it over before mumbling to herself. She then removed her hand and this time placed it on her crotch, causing Layla to blush slightly. "H-Hey!" She said as the woman removed her hand, clearly not satisfied with what was there, or lack of? She didn't know what was going on, but hopefully everything would make sense soon. As the woman complained again before taking a few steps back from her as she rubbed her temples before growing silent. After a moment she turned her gaze back to her as she eyed her up and down before speaking again. She listened and did as she was told as she placed her hood back over her head and nodded. She was scared at this point, this was something she wasn't prepared for and she didn't even know what was going on. She grabbed the mud that was tossed towards her robes and started rubbing it in them as she was instructed to do so.

She stayed there in silent as more of the wolf men jumped from the bushes and landed with a growl before quickly making its way towards the woman who had helped her. She noticed four others with him and complete fear struck her as she tried her hide herself, letting the woman before her speak. Ahmelien was her name as it seemed when the wolf man spoke to her. Before she knew it she was the center of attention and this time it wasn't what she was wanting. As he neared her she could see his features and it terrified her. Still, she knew what she had to do when she was found out and did what she could. "No I'm not, but she is my older twin sister who I must see! And I'll be damned if you or anyone gets in my way." She snarled as she jumped backwards and started casting a spell. It was something she had been dabbling in, something that was forbidden to her family and she didn't care. Tentacles sprouted from the ground where the wolves stood and held them in place as she continued to channel her spell. Yes, even though she was a priestess she still had gone behind her families backs and studied the very dark magic that the witches had used back during the war. Granted it was nothing as potent that they had once wielded, but it was enough to keep them still till something, anyone came to her rescue.
Layla's obedience, had been a refreshing breeze of relief to Ahmelien. Although she knew this probably wouldn't work, at all, she still felt she had to try something. And that, was all she had.. She was on an oath to the pack, that ran so much deeper than her love for Grim. She couldn't attack the pack, even if she disagreed with their choices. So when Coldtooth arrived, she knew she had no choice but to watch.

Coldtooth's eyes narrowed, as he watched the Blood Elf react to his growls. She was scared, but there where still something in her eyes, that he could not ignore. It reminded him of his Alpha, and it caused him to calm down, for just a second. But the conviction of her eyes, weren't strong enough to stop him from advancing.
When Layla jumped back, and began to channel a spell, he knew very well this wasn't Grim. Grim had never been able to cast spells. And when the Elf explained herself in words, the beast's eyes turned a bright flame.
"You.. Your the impostor! I will not let you destroy, what I've worked so hard to fix!" He roared fiercely, and quickly jumped towards her. During this spectacle, Ahmelien's eyes widened, as she rose a brow. That energy. She knew it. The powers of her ancestors. The reason she was now exiled here, and put under an oath to the pack. This Elf.. She might just be the one she had been waiting for.
When the tentacle's arrived, Coldtooth growled loudly in dismay, as the tentacle's wrangled around his wrist's and legs. He gnarled and snapped, trying his best to reach out for Layla, as his eyes glared.
"This.. Won't hold us forever! And if.. Just.. One of us break loose.. We will destroy you!" He snarled, as he bit out at one of the tentacle's, his strong jaw easily snapping through it. "These powers.. They once bound us the the Witches' will! We broke it! We will do so again!" He roared, snapping another tentacle, releasing his arms from their bounds. He reached to stop the tentacles upon his legs, but as he did, thicker tentacle's, clearly cast from someone a little more experienced in them, and someone who only focused its powers on one enemy, and not the entourage, grabbed at his wrists, and stopped him from releasing himself entirely.

"I will not let you hurt my ancestry! I.. I was bound.. To your pack.. Because of my ancestors crimes, and because I was the only one left! But no longer! She has the ability to control our ancestor's magic.. That makes her.. Me." Ahmelien shouted, as her hands glowed a dark black, controlling the tentacles upon Coldtooth's wrists. Ahmelien looked towards Layla, a small smile on her lips. Finally. Finally her oath had been fulfilled. Nothing bound her any longer, than the love she felt for Grim. No longer would she be the toy, of the est of the pack. And she would be damned, before she let any of Coldtooth's entourage hurt her lover's sister.

"Raargh! Cut that treacherous Witch! Make yourselve's useful!" Coldtooth roared, as one of the entourage managed to bite through a tentacle, releasing it's left arm, enabling it to cut out for Ahmelien, hitting her arm, creating yet another wound on the Night Elf. Ahmelien groaned in pain, as her spell was broken, and she tumbled to the side, dropping to the ground. As she did, Coldtooth immediately started work on the tentacle's on his legs, but before he could finish, a furious roar broke through the commotion.
Another Werewolf came running towards the group, it's steps creating small ripples in the lake by it's side. Coldtooth's eyes immediately blinked towards this beast, as he stopped working on the tentacle's, holding out his hands in defense, as his expression now turned to fear. The newly arrived Werewolf, was at least a head taller than the others, several taller than Layla. It's massive size, was only outdone by it's bulking muscles. It would be hard to spot, that this Werewolf was a female, having no excess fat anywhere on her body, the entire thing muscled like a tank. The beast jumped towards Coldtooth, easily breaking every last one of Layla's tentacles, with it's massive claws. It might seem that was to protect Coldtooth, but it wasn't the entire reason. The beast grabbed Coldtooth's neck, and his lower back, easily lifting the massive Werewolf over her head, to throw it towards his entourage. The entire group bundled up in a pile, as the new beast's attention turned towards Layla, with a furious glare to it's red eyes, as it roared threateningly, taking a few steps towards the Blood Elf.

"D.. Don't.. Fight her, Priestess!" Ahmelien quickly warned the other, holding a stopping hand towards Layla, as the massive beast approached. If Layla refrained from attacking again, the beast stopped, a few steps away from jaw distance, pointing at Layla.
"Stop, hurting my pack!" She roared, taking another step towards Layla, glaring down at her. "Sit down!" She roared, threateningly again, still glaring at Layla, but the beast's expression had turned slightly less furious, and had a hint of desperation in it's eyes. Weather Layla obeyed the order, the beast turned it's back on her, and pointed towards Ahmelien.
"You! We'll talk about your disobedience to the pack, later!" The beast roared, causing Ahmelien to nod a few times, looking down in 'shame'. The furious glare of the monstrous beast turned towards Coldtooth, and his entourage, pointing towards them as well. "And you! Get Ahmelien back to the hovel, and get the Shaman to look at her! We'll talk about your... Defiance. Later. And if you lay a single claw on Ahmelien's beautiful body again, I will rip each and every one of your throats out!! Is that clear!?" It roared. Ahmelien smiled a little at the protection, as Coldtooth and the others nodded in fear, quickly picking up Ahmelien. "I'll be there.. Later.. First, I'll deal with this, so called.. 'Impostor'.." The monster snarled, as it slowly turned around, glaring down at Layla again, slowly walking back towards her. Coldtooth grinned, as he looked back towards them, before him and his entourage moved off.

Grim stood staring down Layla for a few moments, as it's ears focused it's hearing backwards. And when she knew they where far enough away, the beast sighed softly, rolling it's eyes, as it sat down with a bump, reaching one of it's hind legs to it's ear, scratching behind it.
"I am.. Terribly sorry about that, dear.. But we're all primitive creature's out here, and we only understand hierarchy.. I had to show my dominance..." The beast explained, now with a much calmer voice. The creature relaxed it's features, letting her muscles calm down, revealing a lot more of her feminine side. Her eyes quickly turned towards Layla again, as the foot stopped scratching her ear.
"But you can stay seated.. I am still not clear, on your intentions.. And.. How do you.. How do you look.. So much like me? It is.. Uncanny.."
She didn't understand what he meant by imposter, but she knew she was who she was and no one else. All these years of practicing the darkest of black magic were paying off. Though she didn't wish to harm the beasts since they were somehow connected to her elder twin. Layla didn't know what sort of curse had been laid on their family, but she knew she had to find her sister in hope of finding out the truth since no one else would be honest with her. "I'm not here to hurt you! I have come seeking answers!" Her voice had flared up as she held her ground, yet knowing that this beast did not seem to care and only wanted her dead. As Coldtooth easily bit through one of the tentacles. Shit... This is not good... I've never had to focus this much of my power before. This beast is far too strong for me... Ugh, I won't be able to keep this up much longer if he keeps breaking the bindings. She thought in dismay as another tentacle was snapped to release his other arm. Just as she was about to push herself beyond its limits more tentacles appeared, but these were stronger and thicker that wasn't hers. They kept him held in place completely while she was able to focus on keeping the other bound.

As she was about to question who had done this, the woman from before spoke up and was shocked at what she heard. This woman... She's the last remainder of the witches?! But my family swore they killed them all... H-How could this be?! Her mind questioned in curiosity as she saw the small smile upon Ahmelien's face. She now had more questions to ask than that of her twin, and hopefully once everything had calmed down she would get that chance to ask away. She watched in horror as Coldtooth bit through one of the tentacles on his wrist and then slashed at Ahmelien, hitting her arm and causing yet another wound to appear. With the woman rearing in pain she knew that the spell would be broken and embraced herself as she waited for what was next to come as he started working on the ones on his legs. Just as he was about to finish there was a very loud roar that everyone heard and shook Layla to the very core. She watched as another beast, which was larger than she had seen from the others here before her. As it walked she noticed ripples formed on the water as the creature made its way towards Coldtooth, and when she saw the look on his face, she was shocked at what she saw.

He was terrified, and that was a massive one eighty turn he had pulled there and she knew that if he was scared of this beast, she should be too. She watched as the scene unfolded before her and she stayed where she was in complete silence. She didn't know whether to thank the beast for saving her or try to run away, still she stayed there and held her ground. After Coldtooth had been dealt with, the beast turned around and started heading towards her. Hearing Ahmelien's words she lowered guard and released the spell that held the other four from attacking her. As she heard the words from the newly arrived beast, all she could do was nod and do as she was told as she took a seat on the ground. Her ears lowered somewhat as the woman her had saved her was being disciplined while the others were as well being told off. Layla sat there completely silent until it was just the two of them and that was when things started clicking in her head. Wait, they said I looked like their 'alpha' or whatever that is, and the way this beast treated them... Is this... Grim? My... Sister? She questioned to herself as the beast turned its attention back to her. Looking up at the beast as it stared down at her before sighing and rolling its eyes as it took a seat. She didn't know what to think when it spoke to her, yet this time in a more kinder tone. After listening to the beast's last words before growing silent she knew full well that this was Grim.

"If you say I look just like you... It would mean that I have found you... My sister... My older twin..." She managed to finally find her words as she reached up slowly and removed her hood to reveal her full face. "I... I just found out today about you... Our family has caused a horrible crime and I... I just couldn't stay there any longer! I have no idea as to what this 'curse' they speak of, but they got rid of you in fear of it spreading to me. But I don't care! For years I have felt a connection to someone, for years I have asked if there was someone out there linked to me... And for years they lied to me, saying it was all in my head... Yet, after overhearing them, I found out the truth..." She paused as tears started forming in her fel green eyes. The beast sat there and continued to listen to her as she began speaking again. "But seeing you here... You and I are different... I cannot go home, for that is no home of mine... Yet I clearly don't belong here either... I don't even know what you are... I have never seen beasts like you or the others before... All I am is what my family has created, a priestess, granted not a priestess of the light, but a priestess of darkness. For years I've been studying in the very magic that my family feared, but when I was able to travel I found ancient books that the witches our family swore they had completely wiped out... I knew what I had to do... I was... Drawn to the darkness and even went so far as to find a Warlock willing to teach me the ways of harnessing the powers they offered... I did this out of defiance to our family, knowing full well they had been hiding something from me and if it meant giving into the very thing they feared would bring me the answers I've been searching for... Then..." She shook her head. "It doesn't matter... I have found you and that DOES matter... But you have a life here, and there is no place for me here nor back at that horrible palace... I thank Ahmelien for saving me from that other beast that would have ended my life as well as helping me from your... Pack was it? But I fear there is no where for me to go... But somehow I'll find my path... Whatever it is..." She said softly as she slowly rose. "I promise to not intrude on your lands again my dear sister... Please take care of yourself..." She finished wiping some of the tears away as she slowly walked over towards her hawkstrider. "And to be honest... I never meant any harm to you or anyone here... I only used bindings to keep them from charging at me..." She added as she reached up towards her mount. Should her sister stop her, it would be welcomed at this point.
The beast's ears raised, as she listened closely to the 'impostor', as she been called by the pack's Shaman. But the more the Priestess explained, the less she became an impostor, and the more she became a missing piece. Grim had run wild, for so long, missing so many pieces of her existence. The pack had filled one piece inside of her, the day she took it over from Coldtooth, and turned it into a much stronger pack, far more acceptive towards the females of their race. Before, females had just been breeding tools, to enforce and enlarge the pack. Now, they where invaluable members of the pack. Grim had shown them, that the women had talents, the men would never have. Female Werewolves where usually far more nimble and fast, and made exelent hunters. No one went hungry, ever since Grim stepped in. There was always food, because every hunt was a success.
But the pack, hadn't made Grim whole. That was why she always ran off from the pack, leaving others in charge. Grim was running out, to find the missing pieces of her soul. She had all this strength, and all this willpower, but she never truly felt complete. And with every word from Layla, another pieces was filled inside her. Had she been able to truly cry in her feral form, her eyes would've turned teary by now, in reaction to Layla's tears.

And when Layla 'gave up', and walked towards her mount, Grim's head tilted lightly, as her eyes narrowed.
"Is that.. What that horrible family taught you? To give up? Give up on something, more important than anything?" Grim started, getting up from where she sat, to take the few steps towards the mount, and place a large hand on Layla's shoulder, stopping her from jumping up. "Stop.. And sit back down." She asked, this time not as demanding as before, but still trying to sit her down by pushing her shoulder, as she did the same, sitting back down, now even closer than before. "Our Shaman predicted that an 'impostor' would come, and change things the way they where.. And the way they are, is power tilting back into Coldtooth's favor.. And he, doesn't want that to change, obviously.. And you'd give up, because of those puppies? No.. No, I won't let you.. You need to lighten up.." Grim explained, smiling lightly, as she stretched her back, and her body started to alter. Several cracks came from Grim's body, as her muscle's started getting smaller. Her fur started pulling into her skin, revealing a pale'ish skin, almost exactly the same color as Layla's herself. The woman who slowly showed herself in front of Layla, sat on her knees, with her legs lightly spread, and her hands resting down between them, on the cool ground bellow. The woman showed herself to be completely naked, but her arms covered her shapely breast's nipples, and the massive package she carried between her legs. When the transformation was complete, her bright green eyes, gazed back at Layla, as her furry ears perked. The furry, long Wolf ears, and ruffled, wild hair, and the member between her legs, that Layla probably wouldn't have seen yet, was the only things keeping the twins apart. A bright smile revealed itself on her lips, as she tilt her head a bit again.
"You.. Are me. And I, am you.. You don't belong anywhere, but right here. Your not the only one, who've felt incomplete.. And none of the puppies in this pack, is going to change that.. Your not going anywhere. -I- won't let you.." She made that last bit, very clear, with a somewhat demanding voice, as her smile became even bigger. "And you... Really need a hug..." Grim giggled, as she closed the distance between them, giving Layla a few seconds to notice the parts of her naked body she had been covering, before she wrapped her arms around Layla's neck, placing her lips on Layla's. The kiss wasn't just sisterly, but affectionate. Like someone who'd really missed the second part of herself, and finally found it. Layla would also feel, the flacid member resting against her stomach, the way Grim was hugging them close, letting her know why Ahmelien had really checked her crotch that awkwardly.
Layla's ears twitched when she heard Grim's words and her head lowered slightly. In many ways, they had taught her to give up if she failed at something, which since she wasn't as devoted to the light like they had thought she was, proved it. Whenever she would fail the more advanced spells of the light they would just shake their heads in disappointment and just give up on her. It got to the point to where they stopped even trying to teach her and as they say, you learn from example, and they had shown her that well. Her passion was dark magic, something she had excelled at, and even when she failed a spell the warlock who taught her never once gave up on her. Instead she just made her practice harder until she got the hang of it, that was the only person in her life that had showed her that giving up wasn't always an option. And now her sister was showing that to her right then and there. "Our family would always give up on me when I failed at learning the true ways of the light... They only gave me one chance to get a spell right and when I failed... They would simply give up until they fully gave up on me... However... The warlock who taught me the ways to harness the dark magic, never gave up on me... Not even once... In many ways she was more like a mother to me than our real mother... Grim... I'm sorry for giving up like I did..." She replied as she turned to look at her sister who had her large hand resting on her shoulder.

There were more tears in her eyes when she was asked to stop and sit back down as she nodded and complied as she sat back down with her sister. They were closer to one another this time and to her, for the first time in her life, she was finally feeling something she hadn't felt before, well except for in her dreams. It was something that she had been missing for so long and now, the empty void in her heart was starting to ease. "So this... Shaman of yours predicted that I was this imposter that would destroy all you had worked for?" She asked as she shifted her head to the side slightly while her eyes turned slightly to the ground before turning back to Grim. "But I am not like you sis, I can't turn into whatever it is you are... You've been here for so long, you fit in with the others..." She trailed off as she watched her sister stretch out and then her eyes grew brighter as she watched in awe as her sister's body started shifting. She watched as Grim's body went from the beastial form it had once been before changing into an elven form that was just like hers.

As she looked Grim over, her eyes fell upon her ears which was covered in fur as they perked up. They were furry long wolf ears and her hair was completely wild, but overall, she looked just like Layla, proof that they were twins. Her sister was completely naked as she hid most of her body from her younger twins eyes as a bright smile appeared on her face as she once again tilted her head. Hearing her sisters words brought more tears to her eyes, this time tears of joy. After Grim told her she was in need of a hug she removed her arms and hands that hid her privates from Layla's eyes and allowed her to fully see her in her true elven form. She almost found herself flying into Grim's arms as she held onto her elder sister and embraced her tightly as Grim kissed her affectionately. She could feel the emptiness of the void in her heart starting to slowly close as she embraced her sister for the first time in their life. Yes she could feel her sister's member resting against her stomach, yet it didn't bother her, but she did understand now why Ahmelien had checked her crotch earlier. "Am... Am I home sister? Even though I don't fit in with everyone here?" She asked softly through her cries as she had slowly broken the kiss.

She couldn't help it anymore at this point as she rested her head on Grim's shoulder and cried her eyes out for the first time. Back at home her family had told her that crying was a sign of weakness and that it wasn't allowed. And every time she had shed a tear, even the smallest one, she would get beaten severely over it. Her back was covered in terrible scars from all the beatings, and just as the image had appeared in her mind, Grim would see it too. With the twins being reunited their bonds as twins had also been reborn, allowing them to see each others pasts as it appeared in their heads. In many ways they were mentally linked and it was something that couldn't be broken now that they were together at last. Layla didn't know that her past was now to be seen through Grim's mind and if Grim had anything of her past in her mind at that moment, it would be shown to Layla. After a few moments of crying she slowly stopped and pulled her head back as she lowered it in shame. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be crying... Please.. Don't beat me..." She whimpered softly as she closed her eyes, unaware that her sister had seen what had happened to her in the past.
Layla's apologies had almost been ignored, as Grim's bright spirit shined through, clearly not being necessary. She held no grudges. Not for anyone, but a few weak spots of her past, which she always did her best to hide away, even for herself.
Everything Layla mentioned about the Shaman's prediction, and her being different, was put aside for later discussion, as Grim had been changing while she spoke, and the hug felt far more important, and necessary than this conversation. And with the kiss, Grim's ear's relaxed down, with a well of emotions, as her heart seemed to elevate in her chest. She felt a warmth and joy, she hadn't felt for so long, that she thought it was truly gone. True, Ahmelien's love had gone both ways, but their relationship had been a bitter one, both knowing Grim was missing something. Ahmelien had been among the people, who helped Grim get by, her entire life. Something Grim would never neglect, or forget, and would always treasure.
But now, Grim was complete. She felt a love for her sister overwhelm her, while all other connections she shared was enforced. None where forgotten, or pushed aside, but everything just seemed brighter, and better now.

Grim nodded happily, when asked if this was her home, giggling with a dismissive wave, as she mentioned being different.
"Oh, shue you.. Our Shaman couldn't change into a frog, if she tried really hard.. Mind you, she can change everyone else into critters of all sorts though, if we don't behave.." She giggled happily, as memories started rushing over them. Seeing the pain and unfairness her sister had been subject to, reminded her of her own hardship of youth. The Shaman of the pack had been the one to find her, and nurture her back to health, after almost dying, as was expected of her by her former family. She'd grown up in a pack, where females where considered breeding stock, and of no other use. This made her own situation, quite horrible. She could not carry children, and had a man's tool between her legs, as well as a woman's. No male wanted to touch her for this, if not to beat her. Pictures of bad memories, watching the other women of the pack being used and abused, purely for breeding, and fooling around. Gim herself, had been beaten and teased many a time, for being the way that she was, which had fueled her anger and spite towards the pack as it was. This had made her strong, and eventually powerful enough to beat down Coldtooth, and rip his pack from his claws. After this day, all the women where to be treated equally. Nothing more, but nothing less than a male. This had created a pack of love, and care, with many of the pack's males embracing this new system, falling in love with their female counterparts. This had also empowered the new younglings of the pack, creating more powerful, and intelligent young. They weren't only trained to fight, and eat by their fathers. But now also taught to hunt, run and compassion by both their mothers, and fathers. Everything was a joint effort now, and the pack was stronger than ever.

The horrible memories, had caused a single tear to be shead by Grim, as she watched her sister cower back, after crying on her shoulder. She hushed Layla, placing both her hand's on the Priestess' cheeks, making her look back up at her.
"Sis... The only thing I might ever beat you for, was comparing me to the horrid place you came from.. I would never hurt you, for expressing you emotions.." She smiled, kissing Layla's lips shortly again. "The Shaman's prediction wasn't that you'd 'destroy' everything.. But 'change' it.. And you already have. You've made me.. Complete.. Happy, again.. Something I haven't been, for a loong time." Grim smiled, gently nuzzling her nose against Layla's. "You have a home here.. I'll be damned, before I let you, or anyone, take away from me, what you've just given me.. Something to fill an empty place in my heart." She smiled happily, as she stroked Layla's cheeks.
She was relieved to hear that the shaman wouldn't bring any harm to her for intruding on their lands. Just as she was about to speak she could see the images forming in her own head that she soon realized was memories from her older twin. Seeing what she had gone through and what she had accomplished brought upon many mixed emotions. But overall, she was proud of her older sister for doing something that she couldn't have done back at the palace. Grim was amazing and made a horrible situation for all the females in the pack into something much greater, something that revolved around love and respect for one another, something she did not know of ever existing in aside from books. In many ways it brought back another memory of her own, one where her family had arranged for her and one of the other royal members of the outer ring of the family were to be wedded. It had been arranged five years ago and she was supposed to get married next week, but now she was free from that. When the two were kids he would always talk down to her and made fun of her because she couldn't do magic properly.

Yet their families had thought it would be best if the were to marry later on in life for it might have been the loophole they were looking for in breaking the curse. Not that Layla had been aware of it back then, but it started making sense now. When Grim placed her hands on both of her cheeks as she hushed her, making her look back up to her, tears still staining her eyes as she listened to her sister's words. Her ears lowered slightly before she found herself being kissed again lightly on the lips before her sister finished. "Th-Thank you... So much sis, you have no idea how much this means to me... You're not the only one who feels complete now... I've never known what real happiness was until now... But now I have the only piece that has been missing in my life... You... We're family, but not like the ones who abandoned you and raised me... Someday..." She paused as she nuzzled her nose against Grim's. "Someday I will have my revenge on them... Neither of us should have had to suffer like we did, let alone to be separated like we were... But now is not the time, now is the time for both you and me to make up for lost time. Maybe... I can learn what it feels to be loved and wanted..." She said softly as she nuzzled her cheek against Grim's.

For once, the darkness in her heart had been set at ease, which was the first time in her entire life it had ever been calmed. All she had ever known was hatred and disrepair. While in many ways, she had hated her very own existence and always questioned why she was raised the way she was, never knowing what love was let alone what it was like to have a family that even gave a damn about her. But being with Grim, made her heart whole and showed her that her life wasn't as meaningless as she had thought it was. Grim could see this and Layla had kept this part buried deep inside of her, but she knew that things would be different now, at least this is what she was hoping for. "Sis... Please don't ever leave me... I don't want to know what it feels like to be all alone anymore..." She whimpered as she clung heavily onto Grim's body and held her everso close to her. "Please... Allow me to be fully part of your world, allow me to experience what I never knew existed..." She whispered as she rested her head once again on her sister's shoulder.

This is what she wanted, what she needed and to her... It felt good... But deep down inside of her, she knew that someday she would make her family pay dearly for what they had done to the two of them. That was something that had tainted her heart and was the main reason for so much hated that had consumed her for so long. But for now, it was at ease, the lust for revenge was put aside as the moment was not then and there. She had better things to look forward to and she was hoping that it would be enough to calm the waves of darkness that had been consuming her. "This feels good... Being back together after so long... I never want to lose you again..." She said softly as her eyes slowly closed. She was tired and exhausted and she was having a hard time fighting off sleep, but she was doing her best to stay awake, for fear of waking up to being all alone and back at the palace. Granted she knew deep down inside, this wouldn't happen, but the fears were still there.
Seeing the arranged marriage, and the brat she was meant to wed, made Grim sigh softly, and frown a bit at the thought. The thought that her baby sister was meant to 'love' someone, that she had no interest in, was absurd to her. In her world, you fought for what you wanted. And if fighting wasn't necessary, you took it willingly. There where no oppression here. Not anymore. At least not as long as she was in control of the pack. Which might not last forever, if Coldtooth had his way. Something that had been building up, with a few other male pack members taking his side, wanting things back to the old ways.

Grim smiled at the mention of family, shivering lightly at the thought. She'd never really had anyone to connect to, as a family, other than the pack Shaman. And the Shaman had no interes tin motherhood, and therefor only granted training and mental advice. The first person she'd ever had a real connection to, was Ahmelien. It felt good to finally have it complete. Her life. Her existence. Everything was brighter now.
Grim's head tilted lightly, at the mention of 'revenge', furrowing her brows a bit worried. While she didn't feel the family deserved anything, she was horrible at holding grudges. Granted, she didn't have to suffer through childhood with the family, but she had been left to die by them. Forced to grow up in a world of abuse, and degradation. And still, she didn't feel the burning hatred towards their family, that Layla seemed to.
"Hey, you will. You already are... This.. Is what it feels to be loved." Grim happily smiled, stroking Layla's cheek, as she placed a hand on the Priestess' chest, above her heart. "The warmth your feeling in here? That's love. As well as this.." She continued, taking one of Layla's hands, to place it on her own naked skin, above her heart. Layla would feel the warm skin, heat her palms, while still feeling the love Grim felt inside. "You are loved, and wanted here, sister.. Right where your supposed to be.." She giggled lightly, kissing Layla's lips again.

When asked not to leave Layla, Grim smiled comfortingly, as she happily wrapped her arms around the other Elf. One arm wrapped around the other's back, while the other rested bellow Layla's bum, almost as if she was carrying the other Priestess, protectively. She closed her eyes lightly, resting her own head down against Layla's, as her hands gently stroked her skin in both places.
"I wont, sister.. I won't. I'll show you, what is really worth living for." She whispered, squeezing her sister's body, as she felt the other start losing consciousness, as sleep seemed to slowly take over.

"Go ahead, sweety. I'll get you back to my house. Before you fall asleep, though, could you tell that thing to keep up? Unless you want to leave it behind, and be food for the Vilefangs?" She said, very sarcastically, as she slowly stood up, easily lifting her sister with her. She still had one arm wrapped around Layla's behind, to keep her up, as she slowly started growing fur, and went into her feral form. As she did, she turned Layla around in her arms, so she could carry her sister in the most comfortable way, to allow her to sleep in her arms. And soon after, the Priestess had fallen asleep in her arms, causing the massive beast to let out a small small and a sigh. She moved along, starting to move towards the pack's main territory.

Layla would wake up, in a primitive house, made out of wood and branches. She woke on a bed of thick fur, the pack seemingly got from a wild animal. The pack used everything from their kills, in honor of the victims spirits. Over her, was a blanket of thick leaves. This blanket was surprisingly soft, and only gave a little bit of warmth, due to the warm nights currently above them. But more noticeably was her sleeping sister, hugged close up against her now naked body. Grim had an arm, ether accidentally or completely on purpose, over her chest, a hand on her breast. One of Grim's legs was also wrapped around Layla, keeping them close enough for Layla to feel the massive member, currently flaccid.
Should she look around the room, closer, she'd see her robes hanging on a branch on the other side of the room, now perfectly clean. Other then that, there where very little in the room, worth of furniture. There was just the bed, and a small pile of books next to it. If Layla didn't want to wake up Grim, she wouldn't wake up by Layla's movement, but instead she'd meet Ahmelien, wide awake, outside the rooms door.
Layla didn't want to take anything away from her twin, but she knew she would do whatever it took to keep her sister in the position she had worked so hard and long for. But she still had to think of what was going on at that very moment. She couldn't help that she had a burning desire to destroy the family that took everything away from her and tried to force her to marry someone she despised and hated. Hearing Grim's words brought a smile to her face when she was told that for the first time in her life, she was loved and that this is what it felt like. As her sister stroked her cheek she could feel herself starting to blush before Grim's hand was placed on her chest, just above her heart, which was pounding heavily. She looked deeply into Grim's eyes and felt a wave of warmness starting to wash over her as her hands was then was gently grabbed and was placed above her sister's own heart. Her sister's body was warm against the palms of her hands and she could feel that her sister's heart was pounding just as much as her own.

She could feel what Grim was feeling and it felt good to her, really good. "So... This is what it feels like to be loved? To... Be wanted? It feels really good sis... I never want to lose this..." She replied softly as she continued to smile warmly towards her sister. As her head rested against Grim's shoulder she enjoyed the warmth from her sister's naked form, not caring at all that her sister was naked. She figured that this was normal and didn't make anything out of it, after all they were siblings. Whenever her sister kissed her lips, it made her blush more. In many ways she was feeling something more than just a sisterly love towards her sister, but quickly placed that in the back of her mind for fear of her sister hearing her unruly thoughts. Hearing that her sister wouldn't leave her and that she would show her that her life had something worth living for now, it made her happy. Her ears twitched slightly as sleep was starting to overcome her. Hearing the last of what her sister said helped her stay awake long enough to speak to her mount. "Come Draven... Follow us..." She said sleepily as she soon found herself falling fast asleep in her sister's arms.

The hawkstrider's head turned as it had listened to his mistress's words and followed behind as Grim shifted back into her feral form and carried Layla back to where Grim's home was. As she slept on she had dreams of her being free from their family's grasp, free from everything that bound her to the torment she had suffered with for years. Her dreams had then shifted from that to something more sinister as she could feel herself being pulled into a world of darkness. Dark voices were calling out to her and were cooing to her whim. "You know you want to make them pay for their crimes... They ripped you from the only person who you will ever love, leaving her to die and leaving you to suffer... Just give in... Get your revenge on those who've wronged you and your sister..." Little did she know that this was the beginning things to come, the curse that would soon take over her.

She had been asleep for hours and finally found herself waking up slowly. Her head was slightly groggy from her dreams as she found herself in a warm bed of thick fur while she was covered with a blanket of leaves that was very soft. She could sister's body against hers and then noticed she was naked as well, though it didn't seem to bother her at all. Though she found herself blushing heavily when she felt her sister's arm wrapped around her chest and a hand on her soft and ample breasts. As she tried to move she found that her sister had her leg wrapped around her as she kept them close, then she felt her sister's member resting against her, which caused her to blush even more. This was the first time she had ever been in bed with anyone before, yet to her, it felt right, even in a perverse sort of way. She smiled softly to herself as she slowly got up, trying to not wake her sister as she looked around the room, it wasn't much but she felt at home here, which was a good thing. She saw her robe was clean now and was happy to see that this was her new life.

She gathered her robe and got dressed, even though it felt weird since she was in a new territory that wasn't so, formal. She waited a few moments before deciding to walk outside where she was greeted with Ahmelien who was wide awake outside the room. She looked at her and bowed her head in respect. "Hey Ahmelien, I wanted to properly thank you for what you did back there. It means a lot to me that you saved my life. Though I'm deeply sorry you got injured on my behalf..." She said as she lowered her head in shame. She noticed that the woman's wounds had been healed up, which for that she was thankful for. She did notice that her mount was outside as well and her belongings were there too, clearly all intact. She didn't know what would happen next, except for her to not have made any enemies.
Grim had certainly felt the warmth from Layla, but hadn't seen the extra wanting towards her, other than the sisterly love. Grim, however, never had a reason not to consider such a thing. She'd never known family, the way Layla did. To her, the love she felt for Layla, might as well be that for a lover. She wanted it, to be that. Layla was beautiful, and sweet, although a little vindictive towards their family. Grim had started to feel the darkness inside her, and it caused her heart to drop slightly. It was a darkness, she once felt on Ahmelien as well. She could only guess, it had something to do with their magical powers, knowing now that they shared that. But Grim knew, that she had brought Ahmelien back from the darkness, and helped her resist the corruption, so she knew she could do it again.

After bringing Layla home, Grim was forced to explain a few things to the pack. While most of the pack agreed to welcome Layla into the pack, almost all of them mentioned that they would be cautious, at first. Coldtooth, and his gang, had already mentioned, that Layla had the ability to use the old Witche's powers, just as well as Ahmelien did. This hadn't helped. But with the combined efforts of Ahmelien and Grim's promises, it was agreed that Layla could stay. The pack was, more or less, a democracy, whenever it came to important choices. A vote was cast. But before it was, Grim promised that she would leave with Layla, if the vote went against her. This had increased the odds in favor of her, since most of the pack loved Grim. So Layla, stayed.
After the meeting, Grim had to have a conversation with Ahmelien as well. They discussed her actions, and Ahmelien let Grim know the facts. She was no longer bound to the pack, but instead bound to Layla. Her promise had been, that for as long as she was the last Witch, she would belong to the pack. Now, she wasn't the last Witch, and her oath send the binds over to Layla.
After this, Grim joined Layla, and Ahmelien sat down to wait. Ahmelien never slept anymore, the corruption having ripped the ability to, away from her. While this might seem a blessing to some, it felt like a curse to Ahmelien. She was never felt depraved of sleep, though. But she had so much time to spare, and so few things to do. Her life span had already been increased by so many years, so she had nothing to look forward to there, either. It was just a very, very long life, with no rest.

As Layla moved around, Grim moaned slightly, making herself small as Layla was out, almost crawling into a fetal position. But she stayed deep asleep, silently breathing as Layla left the hut.
When she stepped out, Ahmelien quickly looked up at the Blood Elf, and smiled happily, quickly getting up from the primitive chair. She shook her head a bit, as she was thanked, loooking upon Layla with great joy in her eyes. And when she was apologized to, she looked surprised, and then a little sorry, as she walked closer to the other woman.
"No, no.. Do not be sorry.. What.. You did.. For me. I could never repay." She started, smiling as she tried to make Layla look up again, without touching the other woman. "You.. You couldn't possibly imagine.. How it feels, to be loyal to a pack, that holds so little love for you.. Or.. Maybe you do, but.. But I have been oath bound to this pack, for so long.. Used for.. So many things... And all, because of one big mistake." She looked down for a second, but didn't break into a frown, instead looking back up at Layla.
"But.. No more! Because, I am not the last descendant of the Witche's blood, anymore.. So now.. I am bound to you, instead.. Th.. Thank you." She thanked Layla, as she sat down on her knees, with her hands on the ground, bowing her head before Layla.
"I am yours, now.. To do with, as you please." She said, with a small, relieved smile on her face. She had felt so much pain, in her life in the Pack. Only after Grim took over, had she felt love. But still, she had no place among them, and she would never be respected, for anything but the loyal dog she was. Ironically, being that in a pack of Werewolves. A ironic joke, she didn't want to be part of, anymore.
When she saw Ahmelien she noticed the woman was smiling, happily at her as she listened to the woman reply. "Trust me, I know how it feels, it might not have been in a pack, but the way my family treated me, it sounds like we have had similar experiences in life." She replied softly. "My family did not love nor care for me, all I ever was to them was a giant failure that they easily gave up on. They thought that if they forced me to marry someone in the outer ring of the family that they'd be rid of me in a more 'proper' way." She stated as she reached over and gently laid her hand on Ahmelien's shoulder. "And as for the Witch's blood, are you saying it's been passed down to me?" She asked rather confused. "And bound to me, please explain. This is all so new to me... All I've done was study from the ancient books of the Witch's that I found while rummaging through their old ruins, I managed to find a total of thirty books that was still intact. But sadly all the others had been destroyed." She said as she shifted from side to side.

"If you don't mind, I can explain a bit to you." She started as she took a seat where Ahmelien had once been sitting. "A few years ago, more like ten to be more precise, I was able to go off on my own and explore. After hearing about the Witches that my family had fought and supposedly they had killed them all off. Which, clearly they hadn't since you're a descendant. But still, something called me there and yet it felt right. Once I found the books there, I knew what I had to do, so I defied my family and took the books for myself. During my travels later that year I found a warlock who was more than willing to teach me the dark magic that was contained in the books. Granted he had no knowledge on the magic that was in the books until I had presented them to her and thus she began teaching me from the books. Even though I had failed many times, she still kept teaching me, not once giving up on me like my family had done so." She paused for a moment before starting back up.

"All this time I've been training with her, with Gerla. The warlock who had taken me in was like a mother to me, more than the one who gave birth to me at least. She even taught me how to summon minor demons to practice my magic on and let me tell you... The moment I started learning the dark magic, I knew I had finally found my calling in life. But yet that wasn't enough... Still there was something missing and when I tried to confront my parents about this 'link' I was feeling to somewhere out there, and yet they lied to me and told me that it was simply all in my head. But when I found out from overhearing them... Found out the truth behind everything that they had kept hidden from me... I knew I had to leave, knew I had to get away from there as fast as I could. And so, I packed what I needed, the books of course and whatever else I needed. I could feel the connection growing stronger the moment I entered the woods and after awhile, you showed up and saved my life. If it hadn't been for you, I would be dead right now and I would have never gotten to meet my older twin." She said as she looked up at Ahmelien and smiled softly.

It felt good for her to open up to someone and she had two people she could be open with, and hopefully more in the future. "But this darkness that has been growing inside of me... I cannot help it and the lust for revenge is strong... I want to make the family that took everything from me, the ones who left my own twin to die out here and for me to suffer... To all pay... I have been containing this within me for so long that after what happened earlier before I left that palace... Grr... I just..." She sighed as she stopped her train of thought. She could feel the fel magic burning deep inside of her and was doing her best to maintain it. Seeing that Ahmelien was still bowing before her worried her as she shook her head softly and gently reached over with her hand to bring her head up to look at her face to face.

"You do not have to bow before me, but instead maybe..." She paused for a moment before finding the right words again. "Maybe we can be like family? I know you and Grim are very close and I've never known what family was before meeting Grim. And I've seen that this pack, that you, all mean so much to her. I know I don't fit in at all here, but maybe... Someday I can be seen as family to everyone here? Maybe I can have something I've never had before... It would be... Nice..." She finished as she now allowed Ahmelien to speak, seeing as she had spent most of the time there rambling. Granted it felt good to get things off of her chest.
Ahmelien listened closely, turning as Layla took a seat where she'd once been. Ahmelien remained on the terrace floor of the hut, sitting herself a bit more comfortably for the talk. Hearing about Layla's backstory, didn't make it entirely obvious, why Layla had become a descendant of the Witches. Ahmelien saw the curse inside Grim, from a very young age, but it wasn't as obvious in Layla. Putting dots together, Ahmelien began to think, that the curse had directly affected the twins' father, and turned his offspring into descendants of the Witches. Grim had gotten the curse, as so many others had, including a lot of the pack's members. And Layla, had gotten the magical powers of the Witches. Both a blessing, and a curse. While these powers where unlike any other, and more powerful than any conventional magic, it corrupted so easily. Turned good people, into bad. Turned bad, into monsters. The curse was relentless, and not easy to resist. She knew, that she herself, had killed many innocent people, back when the curse had been brooding corruption in her heart.

Ahmelien let Layla finish, before bowing her head again, when being looked at. But she raised her eyes again, to look back up at Layla, when lead to. She smiled at the suggestion, lowering her ears slightly.
"I.. I would love to. That.. Would mean, that I am free? Finally forgiven for the things that I have done. I have caused much pain in my time, and I want to no longer. You see, the powers that you've dabled with, and probably descended down upon you because of the Witches' curse, easily corrupts." She started, crawling a bit closer on her knees, to put a hand on Layla's knee, looking up at her.
"The anger.. The hate. It all empowers you. But, it also corrupts. I was like you, once. Playing with things, I didn't understand, back then. It lead me into a world of mindless acts, where my will, was no longer my own. I didn't chose to do the horrible things I did, but I did it anyway. I was bound to the Witche's will, and I... I killed innocent, and guilty alike, in their name." She paused for a moment, sitting down from her knees, as her eyes dropped in shame once more. "When released from the binds of the Witches, after their Eldest where killed, I saw what I had done. In regret, I lay an oath upon the Grimfang pack.. I pledged that I would serve them, in atonement to my sins against their families. I took many lives, while under the spell of the Witches.." She looked back up, with a light smile. "Promise me.. You won't do the same mistake? That you won't dive too deep into the darkness, where you won't have any light to guide you back? Because the darkness is strong, and full of will. But it also corrupts.. Makes us do things, we don't want to do, until we learn how to control it.. Promise me.. That you will come to me, if you ever feel the darkness overwhelming you?" She asked, gently stroking Layla's knee.
Hearing more about the Witch's curse and what it had done to Ahmelien caused her ears to lower slightly as the Night Elf finished speaking. "Yes Ahmelien, you are free. I bare no ill will towards you and for me, that is all in the past. Even Gerla warned me about what I was delving into and told me that I had to keep a strong mind and will in order to control the magic that I was using, and that coming from a warlock who made deals with demons, was saying something. Even though this darkness inside of me has been building within me for all this time, I have still managed to maintain myself and stay true to my beliefs." She paused as she gently laid her hand on Ahmelien's who had been gently stroking her knee. "But I will promise you that if the darkness starts to overwhelm me, I will come to you." She assured the woman as she smiled softly to her.

Though to Layla she didn't know that the demons she had been summoning to practice on had been in contact with had been telling the other higher up demons about her actions. That such rumors had made its way to one of the lieutenants of the old god N'Zoth, the very old god who had fully corrupted the former aspect of earth, Neltharion. Before she was reunited with her sister, she was close to losing herself in the darkness, but now it was just laying dormant inside of her once again, waiting to be pulled out of her. The demons in the void found her interesting and the lieutenant had been secretly watching over the two for years. Granted not near as much as he had been paying attention to Layla as he had been with Grim. But he knew that Layla would bend to his will eventually and that the beast inside of her would soon consume her as it had done to Grim. Granted she was more fragile than any of the others in Grim's pack, so he would have to improvise and change her into his image.

Layla then stood up and stretched as she yawned lowly as she looked at Ahmelien. "I think I'm gonna go train a bit before I go back to bed. I promise to be careful and stick to just improving what I have been working on for the past few months. I won't do anything that I'm not familiar with, so you can rest at ease." She said as she started walking over to her mount to grab a couple of the books she had been working with, along with a few other items for summoning purposes. "I won't be far and I should be back within an hour to an hour and a half. Just need to keep myself in top shape since magic is all I have to protect myself with." She hopped that Ahmelien would be okay with this since she assured her she wouldn't be doing anything reckless or stupid. Should Ahmelien have no issues with letting her go she would then make her way back into the trees to find a safe spot to practice in quiet, yet away from the pack so that she wouldn't wake anyone.

If Ahmelien had quietly followed her and stayed hidden, she would be just watching as Layla set up the summoning circle and began chanting one of the many summoning spells. As she laid there on her knees she could feel the fel magic starting to burn inside of her like it normally did whenever she tapped into her powers as the circle started glowing a fel red color. Gerla had trained her well in demon summoning and told her to only summon demons that she knew without a shadow of a doubt would be able to control, and that is what she had always stuck with. Like her adoptive mother, to say the least, she had a way with demons and even befriended some of them. Despite all the darkness within her heart, she was still kind and caring, even towards the demons she summoned, which was rare. Most demons who were summoned were only used for tools of war and were just mere puppets to those who summoned them. But to Layla, she cared for them and their well being, which oddly enough made them much less hostile towards her.


Back in the Void.

As Layla had begun the summoning ritual many of the demons who had been summoned by her from before could feel the call coming to them. "Looks like it's time for training again." One of the void walkers commented as he floated around the void. "Yess, yess! The mistress is in need of our services again!" A imp replied. "Hrmph, so the little elf is in need of your services again?" A very grunt voice called out, which sent the other demons into quaking. Walking out from the shadows came a very large, beastial looking demon as he spoke again. "Is she summoning you once again?" He asked them and this time his true form could be seen. His body was that of a werewolf's but in a twisted sort of way, yet had large black feathered wings protruding from his back, long black horns that laid parted in the middle of his forehead, but what stood out the most was the fel red tribal markings that covered his body. One of the succubuses swallowed hard as she approached him, bowing before him as she kneeled down. "Yes Lord Sath, she is summoning one of us again." She replied as she cowered before him.

"Heh, the master told me to intercept her summonings from now on. He has plans for her and as his lieutenant, I have been tasked in doing what the master has ordered me to." He said as his body began shifting into the form of a void caller. "Whenever the elf summons any of you from now on, you are to report to me at once!" He snarled from his new form as he began intercepting the summons. His plan was to come to her in a form she was familiar with so he could easily 'befriend' her and start corrupting her slowly. Just as the summoning was almost complete he had managed to intercept the summons well and could feel his body starting to vanish from the void as it was now starting to enter the mortal realm.


Back at the mortal realm

It took her only fifteen minutes for the ritual to be completed and when she opened her eyes she saw a void caller standing in the middle of the circle. The demon looked at her and nodded towards her. "You've summoned me mistress?" He called out to her in a echo-y voice. "I'm sure you've heard of me from the others whom I've summoned before." She started as she slowly got up. "In order to stay strong I need a training partner. I will keep you healed while practicing on you, that's if you're okay with this." She finished as the demon looked at her and bowed his body. "I've heard a great deal of you Layla Sunsorrow. My fellow demons have spoken of your uncanny kindness you show towards them, so I would be honored to serve as your training partner." He replied as he waited for her to begin. "Thank you friend, I have done my best over the years to treat your kind with kindness that others would not show." She said smiling softly towards the demon as she then walked over and picked up one of her books. "Anyways, shall we begin?" She asked cheerfully as she started flipping to one of the pages she had last been on since yesterday's training.

His eyes looked at her and if he had a mouth in this form, he'd be smirking at her. "Yes mistress, lets not waist anytime." He said as he waited for her to begin casting her spells at him. "Very well then, my friend. Do your best to try and break my spell, and I will do my best at keeping you contained." She said as she then began channeling the spell from earlier that she had used to bind the werewolves. The moment the spell made contact with the demon was when he began to set work on her. She wouldn't notice what was going on as she channeled her spell, but he was slowly seeping part of his essence into her. If anyone had been watching they would only see Layla channeling her spell and the demon doing his best to try and break free, they wouldn't be able to see what he was truly doing to her however. After a good while of this he had managed to get just enough of his essence into her mind so that he would be able to later start corrupting her from the inside out, this was just the first step to getting her to bend to his master's will.

He could see her past and recent memories and noticed that she had made a promise to one of the Witch's descendants and knew if he was to do this right, he would have to slowly corrupt her to where she wouldn't be able to see just how far into the darkness she had gone. After all, he didn't want any outsiders to interfere with his masters plans for this one. Even though he could easily break the girl's spell right then and there, but he knew he had to pretend to be a lesser demon so he could continue gaining her trust, thus he only broke it once. With his essence starting to burn inside of her, she would later find out that her magic had increased a fair bit and only would grow more from that point forward. After an hours worth of practicing her spells on him, some even injuring him as he had allowed them to do so, she then walked over to him and bowed her head. "I'm sorry to have hurt you my friend, please allow me to heal your injuries." She apologized sincerely as she gently placed her hands on his body. "You are truly too kind Layla. My fellow demons were right about you and your kind heart. No one else would even bother to heal our wounds after they've trained with us as you do. You are more than welcome to heal my wounds, but pray tell, just how do you plan on healing me with holy magic that burns?" He asked curiously, causing her to smile and giggle slightly.

"My teacher taught me ways of using void magic to heal those who would be harmed by my holy magic." She replied as she began channeling her void magic to heal him. The wounds on his body disappeared and vanished instantaneously before his eyes. Yes this one showed great promise and he knew that she would be the one to fall from grace, just as he had thousands of years ago. "Thank you little one, seeing as you've healed me back up to full, does that mean that training is over with?" He asked as he then reached into her mind and began speaking to her. "If you would like, you could continue to use me as a training partner for the future. I can lead you to greatness if you so choose it." She blinked a few times, curious as to how he had spoke to her within her mind as she then replied back to him in his. "H-How are you doing this?" She asked and in her mind he chuckled. "It is quiet simple my friend, us void callers have the ability to connect to those who are powerful and those who show great promises. He answered her. "I see then. Well anyways I would love to have you be my training partner from now on, if you don't mind." She replied and he nodded to her before slowly disappearing back into the void, leaving her with one last message. "Very well then Layla Sunsorrow. From here on out I will be your training partner. Though I can teach you in ways Gerla couldn't, or in many ways wouldn't. We shall meet again for your next training session." And with that he was gone, for now at least.

Yawning heavily now as she blew out the candles and started gathering her belongings she then made her way back to her sisters hut where she would hopefully still find Grim sleeping. If Ahmelien had followed her, she would see that she had kept to her promise and would be able to go back with no worries on her mind. Once she got back to where the pack's home was she walked over to her sleeping mount and placed her belongings back in her bag before making her way back into her sisters hut. Thankfully Grim was still fast asleep and Layla took the time to remove her robe, leaving her naked once again as she walked over to her sister's sleeping form, which was now curled up in a fetal position and laid down next to her. The moment she laid down next to her sister, Grim would have gotten out of her fetal position allowing her to snuggle up next to her elder twin as sleep soon washed over her once again. It felt nice to be this close to someone, and even though she wasn't familiar with how normal sibling relationships were, to her this seemed normal for the two of them to be sleeping with one another completely nude.

She was naive in many ways and she had played right into the lieutenants claws as he now had enough control over her to begin his work. In time the more she used her dark magic on him, the more the corruption would spread. But he would take it slow and easy on her so that he didn't destroy her existence, after all he needed her alive for what was to come. Little did she know was that all werewolves originally had descended from him, he was the first of their kind and in time their forms had lost their wings and even their horns. The red fel markings were only granted to those who served N'Zoth as it was his signature that branded those tied to him. While Yog'Saron's followers had green fel markings to prove their loyalty to him and their brother C'Thun had his followers branded with blue fel markings. Making each of the old gods unique with their followers who were bound to their will. The Witches who had cursed her family had ties to N'Zoth, even though most of them but the eldest knew that dark little secret. This is why Layla had become the target for him and his lieutenant.
Ahmelien's smile grew, when she was offered her freedom, a soft sigh of relief escaping her lips. Finally. Finally, she was no longer bound to an oath. She didn't have to just live with bad behavior. Being bullied around, by the lesser people in the pack, or anyone else. She could just be.. Herself. The curse, had been lifted by the pack. And now her binding oath, was lifted by Layla. A huge boundary in her heart fell, as she felt her joy grow gitty and overwhelming. She'd rarely been this happy before. Grim had managed to get her this far, but she'd always fallen back, to her brooding, bitter self.
Ahmelien nodded, when Layla promised to come to her, if things got out of hand. However, Ahmelien knew that sometimes, the corruption of the old Witche's power, didn't exactly let you chose to tell others. Let you -chose- to do anything. It usually ended up, taking away your actual choices, and left you behind with choices, that you thought where your own. Luke the burning hatred Layla felt for her family. While, granted, it wasn't misplaced. It was a horrible family, who had done horrible things. But no one deserved the fate, the corruption offered. Not even those most horrible out there. And while Ahmelien had so many things she wanted to do, she wanted to keep a half eye on Layla. She didn't want her to go through the same things, she had in the past. No one should.
"Good. I'm glad to hear, Layla.. And.. Thank you. Thank you so much, for setting me free. I.. Can't describe, how much that feels to me.." She thanked, getting up as Layla did it, nodding a single time, as she called for training. "Of course.. Remember.. Remember to be careful." Ahmelien smiled, as she placed both her hands on Layla's cheeks, stealing a quick kiss, as she looked into her eyes. "Again.. Thanks." The joy in her eyes, made it obvious how much this had meant to her, and she ran off towards her own hut, as Layla left to train.

Grim's dreams had been pleasant. Often they where filled with nightmares, that she'd grown to fight back, due to how painfully the haunted her. But this night, she slept like a baby. And when Layla returned, Grim's unconscious body, was quick to wrap back around Layla's, with a happy little moan. And when sleep slowly faded, she found herself with both her arms wrapped around Layla, as well as one of her legs. As her eyes slowly blinked open, she groaned happily, stretching her muscle's by hugging Layla even closer against her body. Grim yawned widely, trying her best not to be too noisy in the act. Her eyes tierdly blinked open, as she looked over upon her sister, with a happy little smile. She was so foggy with joy, and being half awake, that she didn't even notice, or think about, her morning erection. However, her instincts where quick to reminding her, causing her to gulp slightly. She realized now, that the two sleeping so close, might not've been such a good idea. While she'd just wanted to give Layla comfort, she'd forgotten how she was in the mornings. Grim took a deep breath, as she bit down on her lower lip, letting her eyes gaze down Layla. She was so beautiful. So perfect. So damn attractive... And it wasn't just her looks. There was something else, deep down in her instincts, telling her she wanted this. So, badly.
The way she lay, her erect member nudged against Layla's abdomen, throbbing with the excitement inside Grim's head. If Layla would wake up then, and there, the erect member would probably be among the first things she felt. Grim had to roll her eyes, before she managed to control herself, and turned over on her side, releasing Layla from her leg's grasp, and the members touch, hoping she hadn't already woken up.
After repositioning, Grim remained in bed, looking at her sister, as she waited for her to wake up, with a constant, happy smile.
To Layla she was just happy to be able to do some things right in life for a change. She was happy to hear that Ahmelien was now completely free, after all... She knew what it was like to be bound by obligations that she had been set free from the moment she had decided to leave the palace. The one thing that did throw her off was the kiss. She wasn't use to having this much physical contact since her family had never touched her for as long as she could remember, aside from the beatings which had been done with a whip. To her that was as far as her father ever got in touching her physically. Still though, she would do her best to be careful when it came to her using her magic as she had promised to Ahmelien that she would.

Her dreams normally were about searching for someone, yet never finding them in the dark world of her mind. Yet this time her dreams were at ease now that she had finally found what her unconscious had been seeking. However her dreams were a bit more perverse as she could see herself with her sister doing things she had never seen before. If Grim was awake at this point she would be able to see her dreams. She was with her sister in bed like this right now, but Grim was on top of her with her member buried deep inside of her as both their bodies were covered in sweat as she was thrusting inside of her. To her it felt so real, probably because of how close her and Grim were right now as she continued sleeping.

If Grim could see her face right now she'd see that Layla was blushing heavily as the dreams continued. However the moment when Grim moved she found herself clinging closely to Grim's body before slowly waking up. "Nnn..." She moaned softly as she nuzzled her head into her sister's chest as she slowly opened her eyes. The moment her eyes opened she could see her sisters breasts seeing as her head was buried into her chest. Blushing deeply as she slowly pulled her head back in embarrassment and then looked into Grim's eyes as she saw her sister smiling happily. "G-Good morning sis." She said softly as she leaned over and gently kissed her on the lips. "D-Did you sleep well?" She asked nervously with the dream she had recently still playing in her head.
Grim's morning groggy mind, was rather slow to catch up on Layla's dreams. But the second it did, her eyes widened slightly, as her member throbbed energetically at the thought. In her mind, she saw what Layla was dreaming, and it caused Grim's blood to rush through her body in excitement. Grim bit down hard on her lower lip, as she closed her eyes, letting the dream fall over her, as if she was in it herself. Her lower body started making slow thrusting movements towards the roof, having already rolled over. However, when Layla woke up, she lay still, her smile growing into a grin, as she looked down at her sister. Her breathing had taken a little gasping to it, as her chest heaved when Layla removed herself. Grim snickered a single time, when asked how she slept, raising her brows, as she bit down at her gums.
"Never.. Slept.. Better." She stated, grinning happily, before grabbing Layla's head, to kiss her more deeply, and with so much affection. Her ears perked, as she tumbled them both over, so she sat on her knees above her sister, looking down at her with deviously playful eyes. Layla would certainly feel the erect member, now nudging against her abdomen, but Grim's grip of her cheeks, stopped her from looking down.

"Since.. We found each other.. I've seen what you think... So don't even try to deny, what is going on, inside your mind right now... Embrace it." She grinned, kissing Layla again, before sitting up on her knees, and letting go of Layla, now letting Layla observe her massive erect member. "See.. If your.. Horny, perverted mind.. Can ignore this.." Grim grinned, as she stroked her hands down her sides, arching her back to strut her breast's a bit, and point her erect member towards the ceiling. Should Layla get tempted to touch, Grim would quickly stop her hand, with a gentle slap.
"Ah, ah.. Imagine. Let that.. Naughty mind.. Fantasize, what I would be able to do to you.. With this..." Grim teased, as her finger's stroked down her erect member, causing it to throb lightly.

While she did this, Layla would be able to see Grim's own fantasies. How she would pin Layla down, and thrust inside her so eagerly. Her teeth would gently, but also forcefully, bite on to Layla's neck, leaving light bite marks behind. Her finger's would cup Layla's breasts, and squeeze them just hard enough, for her to scream in both pain, and pleasure, inside her fantasies. She would move her around, pinning Layla's stomach to the ground, and thrust back inside of her again, being in complete control, of Layla's body, as she continued to ravage her body. Her nails would gently scratch, just hard enough to leave lines behind on Layla's smooth skin, as her teeth bit down hard onto her shoulder this time. She'd even stuff the the thick, and throbbing member, inside Layla's ass, not even thinking about it in the heat of the moment, nor showing any attempts at hiding the fantasy. She just let it roll, as her eyes stared lustfully down at Layla.
Her ears twitched when her sister replied to her before her head was grabbed and she found herself being kissed deeply and with affection that was foreign to her. The moment Grim rolled them over she found herself staring up at her sister as her face was held to prevent her from looking down as she felt the hard and errect member against her stomach. This caused her to blush heavily as she looked deeply into her sister's eyes as she listened to Grim's words and then felt herself wanting to hide in embarrassment, but knew that it was too late and her sister knew of her dreams. Layla kissed Grim back as she was then released and was allowed to see her sister's lower half, which almost caused her to moan in awe. She took the time to fully look at her sister's body and could feel her own lust starting to burn with need. "S-Sis... Your body is so... Amazing..." She panted as she then started seeing the images starting to form in her mind as she was now seeing her own sister's fantasies.

As she closed her eyes she allowed herself to mentally merge with Grim's fantasies as her body started feeling like it was really happening to her. "F-Fuck... So... So good..." She moaned as her lower half started squirming slighty while her hands were now at her side and started slowly digging into the ground below her. Just seeing herself being fucked by her sister was causing her to grow very wet at this point and she knew her sister could feel how she was enjoying it. Her body was starting to burn with more lust and desire for her sister now than ever before. The more she saw, the more she was wanting it to be reality. Layla moaned more as she watched as Grim thrusted into her more and more, which caused her lower half fo arch up to rub against her sister's errect and throbbing member. Her arms then moved up towards her breasts as she began groping them and even pinching her already hard nipples as she began moaning more in pleasure. As she delved deeper into the fantasy she then moved one of her hands down to her now soaking wet pussy as she began rubbing her clit before sliding her fingers deep inside.

She was starting to pant and this point as she continued enjoying what her sister was showing her and found herself slowly opening her eyes as it finally came to an end. Panting heavily at this point she looked deeply into Grim's lust-filled eyes as her eyes were filled with pure lust. She was needing it now and her actions were clearly showing it now. "Grim... Please... I... I need that to be reality..." She paused now begging her sister. "I want you to fuck me please... My body... It burns with desire.. I've never felt like this before and it feels so... Amazing... I'll do whatever it takes to get you to grant me my wish..." She moaned as she began thrusting her fingers as deep as they could go at a decent pace. Deep down inside she knew she couldn't resist the urges and she hoped her sister would give her what she was now begging and pleading for. This would be her first time and she wanted it badly. She wanted her sister to ravage her frail body and use it as her personal fuck toy, so to say. But needless to say, this is what she was wanting and Grim knew it very well.
Grim watched her sister closely, as she closed her eyes, and let her delve into her thoughts. Grim bit down on her lips, as their minds came together, and became one. One fantasy, two sisters. She didn't see her sister's thoughts, at this point, but only saw her own, as they both reveled in it. As Layla proceeded to caress herself, Grim did as well, her hands both reaching up to caress her breast's, squeezing them tightly. Grim moaned deeply, as her cock throbbed badly for attention, almost forcing her to lead a hand down to start stroking it. Grim wasn't gentle to herself, or careful in anyway. She was as rough, and merciless, as she was in her fantasies, squeezing both her breast, and member, hard and firm. Her strokes where long and rough, as her body's heat grew into overdrive. She'd never needed sex this much before. She'd always wanted it, whenever she slept with Ahmelien, or any of the other females in the pack, but it hadn't been this deep.

As they both snapped out of it, Grim looked down with a wide grin, as her sister started begging for it. Note a single part of her, thought that these depraved feelings where wrong. Every single part of her, wanted this. Grim bit down hard on both her lips, before lowering herself over her sister, almost shooting her tongue into the other elf's mouth, as her hands moved to the others body. Both her hands grabbed Layla's breasts, squeezing them both hard, as she moaned against those soft lips. Her nails pressed against Layla's skin, as the long didgets continued to caress, and squeeze every inch of the firm breasts.
"Keep playing with yourself.. Mhmm.. Get yourself.. As wet as you can.. I'm going to hurt.. Badly.. But your going to love it..." Grim moaned against Layla's lips, grinning as she crawled downwards a bit, letting her lips embrace one of her nipples, as her hand firmly grabbed around the breast. Her lips suckled, before her teeth bit, biting hard enough to hurt, but gentle enough not to be unbearable. In this position, she could nudge the tip of her massive cock, against Layla's fingers, as they where lodged inside her burning pussy, bringing a warning of what was to come.

And Grim, wasn't about to let either of the wait. Continuing to bite and squeeze Layla's right breast, her other hand moved down Layla's body, scratching the other woman's stomach on the way, before slapping away Layla's hand, and grabbing her own member. Thrusting forward, she pressed the thick head of her cock, against the arching, wet lips of Layla's entrance, moaning deeply as she did. Grim looked up at Layla, both her furry ears perking with joy, grinning as she bit down on Layla's nipple again, pulling up a bit, as she started pushing inside of her. The thick head, would be the first to really break through, and would also force Layla to stretch the most. Grim took it slow, but still faster than she probably should, as the head slowly forced Layla open.
To Layla this felt right as she returned Grim's kiss deeply, pressing her tongue against her sister's as she kissed her deeper than they had kissed before now. As Grim's hands reached her breasts, she moaned loudly with her sister into the kiss as her sister squeezed them hard, causing her body to arch more into her sister's hands. This is what she was wanting, and in her subconscious this is what she had been needing for years from her sister. She wrapped her free arm around her sister's back as Grim pressed her nails against her skin as she continued squeezing and caressing her breasts, leaving no spot unattended to. Hearing Grim's words she then started picking up speed as her fingers began thrusting in and out of her, causing the burning need to increase more for her sister's cock.

As Grim broke the kiss and made her way down to her breasts she could feel her body starting to completely bend to her sister's will as her mouth met one of her nipples. "Nnnn..." She moaned as Grim grabbed the breast and began suckling on her nipple before biting down hard enough for her to let out a pleasurable whimper. She was use to pain seeing as her body was covered in the scars from what her father had done to her, yet this was different by far and she was enjoying it. She then could feel the tip of her sister's massive cock pressing against her fingers and knew what was coming next, and welcomed it greatly. As she continued her work on her dripping pussy as she spread her fingers inside of her to stimulate and prepare her for her sister's cock, which would soon find itself buried inside of her.

As Grim continued working her right breast Layla's moans grew louder, not even caring if anyone heard them. In many ways she knew that no one would care given where she was now living, but she still didn't care. She could feel Grim's other hand start to move down her body as it scratched at her stomach before reaching her hand and slapped it away. As soon as her hand had been slapped away she could then feel the tip Grim's cock pressing against her soaking wet pussy lips. Layla's ears instinctively lowered in submission as she looked down at Grim and smiled softly in return as she saw that her sister's ears were now perked up in joy. The moment Grim started pushing her cock inside of her as she could feel the head enter first, stretching her far more than her fingers had.

To her this was painfully slow as her pussy throbbed and the walls were practically trying to pull Grim's cock in more. "R-Right there! Ahh...~ Fuck so big... But so good... I don't care if it hurts... It feels amazing sis!" She moaned out as she reached down to her sister's ass with the hand that was now free as she squeezed it roughly. The more she felt the cock go inside of her, the more she could feel her mind starting to slip into nothing but a lust-filled state. Her body seemed to have been craving this for far longer than she could ever imagine, yet here they both were doing what would normally be forbidden or taboo outside their inner circle of two. "Grim... I... I love you so much." She groaned in pleasure as she leaned her head down to gently lick the tip of her sister's ear. Once they had finally gotten started, there was no turning back now, then again she would never want to turn back for this was fate and what she knew was needed.
Every single one of Layla's reactions, sent shivers through Grim's body. Her eyes where rolling behind closed lids, as her teeth kept grinding over the hard nipple. Her bites didn't grow harder, but continued to dance that pleasurable dance, between pain and pleasure. Her fingers wrapped as far as they could, around the soft breast, squeezing it tightly as she felt Layla's body arching bellow her, causing her to growl silently with joy.
Again, her member throbbed eagerly, as she felt Layla's hands on her ass, causing her to purr happily, as she suckled eagerly on the nipple once again. Her lips moved around it, starting to kiss, nibble and suckle on the smooth skin as well. She kept pushing her cock deeper, as Layla begged for more, her eyes looking up to her sisters again, grinning widely as her lips shot for the others. She kissed her deeply once again, closing her eyes as she continued to growl silently. Her kiss grew into a bite on Layla's lower lip, pulling at it gently, as she thrust a little extra, forcing the entire head inside, the ridge of it popping inside Layla's tight walls.
Then, feeling her ears being licked, they twitched slightly, before they lowered a little bit. She tilted her head, to make it easier for Layla to lick, nibble or suck at them. What ever she wanted, she got to. However, it only lasted for a few seconds, before Grim growled a little more dominantly, as she raised her head, and ears, away from Layla's mouth. Her hand, formerly leading her member, quickly pushed Layla's arm on her back, away, pinning it down to the ground. It was clear, that Grim's ears where a weak spot, and lead towards cuddling, or submission, something Grim's instincts didn't want, now glaring down at Layla, with a dominant, lustful expression.

And so, without warning, her teeth shot for Layla's ear, biting down dominantly, as her grip continued to pin Layla's arm down. She growled dominantly, as she pulled lightly at Layla's ear, before her legs started to reposition herself. Her legs pushed Layla's aside, moving between the other Elf's, as her teeth kept biting at the other's ear, showing her dominance, before finally letting go of the, possibly pleasurable, torment.
"Your a horny little pet, aren't you.." She whispered into Layla's ear, before licking inside of it. She began to push deeper once again, this time doing it a bit faster, but pulling back two inch, with every four pushed inside, already starting a thrusting rhythm. Grim trailed kissed down from Layla's ear, before biting down on the others neck, again displaying dominance, as her thrusting motions, started pushing herself deeper.
"Your mine, now.. Sister.. My pet... And I'm going to fuck every inch of a doubt, out of your head.. Until only.. My cock is left.."[/i] Grim growled against Layla's neck, as her teeth started gently marking their territory, over Layla's throat. She didn't bite down on it, but showed that she could, showing just how much in control she was.

Grim's other hand reached for Layla's leg, lifting it slightly, as she pulled her cock a bit back from it's progress. She only did this for a few seconds, before thrusting vigorously inside of her, pushing the last inches necessary inside of Layla. As she did, she raised her head above the other Elf, growling furiously loud, as she looked into her eyes. Several of the other pack members, would've certainly heard this, but no one dared to interrupt, when Grim was making noises like this.
Layla's body was being thrown into a world that was filled with a mixture of pain and pleasure as her sister's teeth and hands did not stop their little game. As the head of the cock went in completely with the ridge popping inside of her tight virgin pussy. As the walls spread open she could feel the veins that poked out from the throbbing cock that was now starting to enter her much deeper now. As Grim kissed her deeply once again she could feel something else starting to build inside of her, but this was something she didn't know exactly what it was, but it felt familiar to her. Layla could feel the aura of dominance that radiated from her sister's body and when Grim lowered her ears a bit and she tilted her head to allow her better access to her ears. She took the opportunity and let her tongue slide out more as she then suckled on it gently and lovingly before Grim growled in a slight dominating way, startling her before she raised her head and ears away from her mouth.

As her arm on Grim's back was then quickly pushed away as she found herself being pinned down now. Seeing her sister now glaring down at her, she knew now that she had done something wrong, yet the expression on her sister's face was full of lust. Before she could apologize Grim shot for her ear and then bit down dominantly, causing her to yelp in surprise as her arm had continued to be pinned down. Her sister growled more dominantly as she pulled lightly at her ear, causing her other arm to fall limp on her side as she could feel herself fully submitting to her elder twin. Her ears, as she had just found out, was her weakness and was the main key to her submission. She could feel Grim repositioning her legs as well as herself as she pushed her legs open more as she moved more in-between of her. Grim kept biting at her ear as she continued to show her dominance over her younger twin before letting go, which caused her to whimper slightly as her ears had now completely lowered in submission.

"Nnn... Y-Yes I am..." She answered as Grim licked the inside of her ear while pushing deeper inside of her yet again, but a bit faster this time as she felt her pulling back a bit before pushing in deeper than before. Her sister had begun thrusting into her with a decent rhythm as she kissed her way down from her ear before biting down on her neck to further prove her dominance over her little sister. Layla could instinctively feel her new place that was to be bound to her sister's will. Hearing her sister claiming her caused her head to lower slightly, but it was a sign of acceptance. "I am yours to do with as you see fit sister. I belong to you and only you." She replied through her pants as Grim had growled against her neck, feeling her teeth gently marking her as Grim's. She knew Grim wouldn't bite down on her throat, but knew full well that she was more than capable of doing so and she knew full well that her fate was sealed and now fully bound to Grim.

Layla didn't care that she was now Grim's mate, in many ways this pleased her because she knew that she was wanted and loved at last. What she had longed for for so long was now becoming reality and it felt good to her. She felt Grim's other hand start lifting her led slightly as she pulled her cock back for a brief moment before thrusting vigorously inside of her, pushing every inch of it deep inside of her. As Grim raised her head above her's she heard her growling furiously loud as their eyes locked once again. "We will never... Nnnn... Never be apart sis... From now on we are bound to one another, correct?" She asked as her pussy twitched and clung tightly onto Grim's cock. She knew the answer to this, but wanted to hear it from Grim's mouth as she kept her head where it was, though wanting to lean up and kiss her deeply again. She loved the taste of her sister's tongue inside of her and just flat out loved her sister. Layla knew that she was not only bound to Grim, but her pack as well. And it made her happy to actually have a family that would be more than willing to look and interact with her than the family she had willingly abandoned to be here where she was now. Yes, this is where she belonged and she knew it. She felt stupid for almost willingly walking away from her twin lastnight after they had finally been brought back together, but that was in the past now and she had the future with her sister to look forward to.
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