Who: Raphael Mechoulam
Species: Human, Necromancer
When: Dusk
Where: Nightmare Academy: Living Quarters
Company: Mother's spirit
Raph found his way with Mother's guidance to Professor Lovelace's quarters, leaving her bags outside the door. As a spirit she could act as a guide, sadly Raph dealt more with her running commentary of his life than much help that he had seen. At least here she proved her worth showing him where to go in the long halls of the Academy. It had the feel of age, like a museum in some ways, large, impressive as if it contained the wisdom of the ages. Yet there was a playfulness in the air. Some of that he thought was from watching the other students and the family play around outside, that familiarity that came with being kin that allowed them to play and tease without consequence. Raph wanted to be a part of that, the invitation to the Common Room later lay on him like an itch, he wanted to go and now but knew there were things to be done first.
It's here.
Raph stopped outside the door. Tentatively reaching a hand up, as if touching the door knob would shock him. Reaching up and turning that knob, entering the room, simple acts in themselves, would change his life forever. An excitement crept over him, if not for the cigarette he thought his mind would be reeling, his thoughts twisted in excitement and anticipation, as a subtle push came over him. Touching the cold metal of the knob he turned, hearing the click. The door shuddered as it was released, and slowly opened into the room. He stopped, shocked. A step inside, his hand slacked and his bag hit the floor with a thump. It was the room he had always wanted.
Lit by candelabras spaced around the room, the candles showed dripping wax, but the flames never seemed to burn them down. The large four posted bed, piled high with mattress and quilts, a large chest at the foot of the bed. That took his eye first, but it was the rest of the room that made him draw in his breath in excitement. The large mantled fireplace, with two chairs before it, beside the fireplace a small bookshelf already filled with leather bound volumes. As he ran a finger over the deeply embossed spines he could feel the letters under his skin. Books he had read before, and liked to reread for entertainment, and alchemical tomes the had heard of but never read, along with copies of ones he had at home. The center of the room was spare, which he liked, as it was the work table that had his full attention.
The large wooden table held mortars and pestles of different sizes, a scale with a set of small weights of various sizes. On top against the wall was a large cabinet of drawers, small and large that ran the length of the wide table, Raph thought he could lay across it with room to spare. More than enough space to mix his herbs and tobacco's that he used as a mechanism for his spells. Above the drawers were cabinets with rows of shiny bottles, all with stoppers. A quick glance at some showed they were filled with the most common of ingredients, like ones he had at home, the rest empty and waiting collection. The room was dim and dark, as he and the spirits liked, though it had an atmosphere to it that lifted the dank, made the room seem alive somehow, lived in.
Smiling as he leaned against the table, a gesture of his hand as he exhaled the smoke towards the fireplace that came to life, the fire roaring for a moment as the wood caught and burned softly. Relaxing a bit, the apprehension he had felt to come here melted away. Here people wanted to talk to him, they shared what he had. He was no longer the outsider, as a smile broke out Raph quickly put his small case on the table. Removing the one item in there he treasured, his grandfathers Grimoire. The entire knowledge of the man, his spells, and all that coursed through Raph's blood. He could read maybe a tenth of it, here he intended to understand the rest. Running a hand over it, opened a large drawer in the table and placed it in, a spell of protection over it as he closed the drawer.
Adjusting his suit, checking his cases in pockets, turned back to the door, "now to fit in."