The Asset - Avengers (Moon Struck Fox & Defiant)

“I have enough nightmares. I'm sure anything Howard's done wouldn't seem too monstrous considering what I've done. Or what's been done to me,” he said and watched his friend as he finished up the food and the eggs. “I dare them to try with you. Like I said, I'll kill them,” he stated, being completely honest and meaning every word.

“Well, it's something I always did. Wasn't it? Watching your back. It was sort of my job back in the day, nothing really has to change in that sense. I want to do it,” he stated and looked down at the food as he was handed a plate with a huge omelet and a smoothie then nodded his head as he told to go and sit. He sat in the same seat he had earlier.

He nodded his head at the question. “Of course I can go with you. Why wouldn't I be okay to go?” He asked, lifting his gaze as he looked to Steve curiously then dropped his gaze. “I survived alone for a while Steve. I'm not scared of people. And if Hydra comes for me they won't kill. They want to control me again. They've tried,” he commented as he cut into the omelet with a fork and inspected it a moment before lifting the fork and taking the piece into his mouth. He chewed slowly before swallowing. “Don't remember your cooking being this good either,” he said with a teasing smile.
"well, i don't know." Steve admitted softly. "you never had a personal attachment to the person who you tortured or hurt." he admitted before shaking his head. "never mind. it doesn't matter much in the long run." he admitted before smiling at James. "you don't have to kill people anymore." he promised James with a smile. "well. yeah you've always watched my back." he agreed with a smile. "i've always watched yours as well. i did go across enemy lines on my own to save you." he admitted with a smile. "We'll watch each other." he promised. "keep each other safe and make sure we're all okay." he promised with a smile.

"when i first woke up, the idea of going into a crowd filled me with terror." he admitted. "the idea of going outside was s scary that i would actually start shaking." he admitted. "wasn't sure if you'd have the same problem." he admitted. "im glad your not scared." he admitted. "i still get scared really. actually i think i always did." he admitted with a smile before he growled at the idea of Hydra having James again. "i'll slaughter them if they ever dare try." he promised before huffing. "don't take that tone with me, my food has always been amazing." he growled sulking at James because he had so not wanted the other to remember the masterpieces of charred, burnt and inedible meals he had tried to make when he had first started learning to cook.
Bucky watched him as he spoke, studying his face and his pupils, the way his lips, muscles and everything moved in tandem. Each sign telling a story. He knew some, certain things Steve'd do to show he was frustrated or sad or genuinely happy. He didn't remember them. He couldn't put them together in his mind. But he knew in the back of his mind he knew them. So as he watched Steve he tried to remember what was what and how to tell what Steve was feeling without his words. Words were easy to fake, it was easy to say 'I'm fine' when inside you were anything but and he wanted to know how to read that.

“I like crowds, it's easier to blend in. Easier to hide if you how,” he tilted his head, eyes still focused on Steve as he seemed to forget about the food on the plate in front of him. His stomach already rolling from the small amount he'd ingested. “You never liked crowds. Right?” He frowned, eyes flicking away from his face as he tried to remember the little guy who he knew Steve used to be. “Hiding away in the theater, sitting in the park drawing. I dragged you to dances and expos. But you, yea you preferred being a bit more solitary. You never said no to going out though,” he said and set his fork down beside the plate.

“In your defense too, the food we got wasn't exactly quality stuff. And we did boil everything back then,” he said and allowed himself a few more minutes before eating a little more of the omelette then calling it and pushed the plate away just a little to signify he was, in fact, finished. He'd eaten about a fourth of the large omelette and he did feel a little guilty for not finishing the plate but it had been so long since he'd had something solid and so flavourful.

“Also,” he added, taking note of Steve's sulking face. “My cooking wasn't exactly something to brag about and we lost more than a few days of groceries when it was me in front of the stove. But that was when you were sick. And you probably just don't remember it,” he said quietly, feeling a little gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach as he remembered how sick Steve used to get.
Steve blinked a little at Bucky and then had to grin because, well, Back had always liked crowds. he had always been a people person, had always enjoyed being the center of attention. Steve had always preferred to, not. "No. i never liked crowds. too many bodies, sometimes if the crowd was too large i felt like i was breathing recycled air." he admitted. "and like that air wasn't enough. sometimes i'd have such bad anxiety attacks it would trigger my asthma and i'd have to sit in a secluded corner and use my inhaler." he admitted with a smile. "i liked to watch from the edges though, watching people has always been fascinating." he admitted. "besides, why would i say no to going out? you where a slut but i loved watching you with women." he admitted with a grin. "i couldn't often do it myself, so i liked to watch you do it instead." he admitted. "sometimes the girls didn't take it too well, but most of them thought it was pretty hot." he admitted with a chuckle before laughing.

"i used to grow some stuff. Tomatoes mostly, so we wouldn't get Scurvy." he admitted with a chuckle. "i managed to grow some skimpy looking potatoes too. i was rather proud of myself." he admitted with a grin before smiling as the other finished up and snagged the plate, gulping down what was left because Steve was still affected by spending twenty plus years going hungry. even during the war, they never had enough food. the army couldn't afford to feed everyone, so they got rations. rations meant hunger and no wasted food, ever. "well... i usually was able to salvage what you ruined and even if i didn't we ate it anyway." he admitted with a chuckle. "i remember." he admitted with a smile. "you used to fuss something terrible." he admitted. "i don't get sick anymore." he admitted with a sigh. "sometimes i miss it." he admitted, smiling at Bucky. "not because i enjoyed it but... well it doesn't matter anymore i guess." he admitted, scraping out the last of the food and set the dishes in the sink. "come on. we'll go shopping and we can spend the rest of the afternoon by the T.V. or something." he offered with a smile.
Bucky was surprised to hear Steve talk about watching him with women before they'd gone to war. It was like a dividing point in their lives. Before the war, after the war, and now they could add after Hydra if everything went as planned and he himself was actually able to cope and remain with Steve in one way or another. But he was still curious as to why he'd have sex with a woman in front of Steve and not with Steve himself. He kept the question to himself for another time. The word slut was one he knew the definition of though, so if he was a slut he probably enjoyed multiple different partners back then. He couldn't for the life of them give them a face though.

Bucky stood when Steve said they'd go do some shopping and walked over to the counter to be closer to him. “Why do you miss being sick? You didn't just get colds Stevie, you'd get the sniffle then the next day you'd be on your deathbed,” he frowned, lowering his gaze at the memories. They were stashed away with the bad memories, as far as he was concerned they were just as bad as the memories of what Hydra had done to him.

“If we're going shopping I'm going to need to borrow some clothes,” Bucky uttered as his gaze drifted down to look over himself still clad in the Dr. Who pajamas Steve and put him in before they'd laid down for some rest.
Steve smiled a little at Bucky and shook hs head. "i miss it because as miserable as it was, ou'd take care of me..." he admitted softly. "people seam to think that because i have the Serum now i don't get hurt, or sick, or have days where i just want to lay in bed and have someone fuss over me... with the dreams an the memories i get depressed and all i want to do is curl up on the floor with a bowl of chocolate and think about the way the world used to be." he admitted. "back when it made sense." he admitted. "back when i still had you." he admitted. "it was miserable, and horrible, and i thought i was going to die so many times because f some stupid head cold... but at least i wasn't alone all the time, you where there and you'd take care of me and even if i never said it i loved that." he admitted before smirking a little at the other. "i dunno, i think our super cute in the PJ's." he admitted. "Come on, i'll see what i can dig up for you." he promised with a grin.

in the end they where close enough to the same size for James to make his own selection. "A Lot of people keep supplementing my wardrobe." Steve admitted when he flung open his walk in closet. "apparently owning three shirts and two pairs of pants means i don't have any idea how to shop for clothes and people started getting me things so help yourself." it had to be the most eclectic collection ever. from slacks to button ups to leggings and wife beaters. leather pants and jeans, shorts and Capri and there was even a pair of assless chaps in there that Steve flushed about and mumbled that Tony was a dick with a terrible sense of humor. still, Steve had kept them so he either really liked having Tony as a friend or he really liked the assless chaps. it was hard to be sure with Steve. once James was dressed though, Steve happily led him out of the house and down the street, pausing to ask a tiny little old lady if she needed anything from the store. her reply that her grandson had just gone shopping for her made him smile. that was Steve though, he hated seeing anyone without help and always went out of his way to help anyone who might need it.

he headed for the local grocery store only a block down and grinned at James. "i know your probobly well used to it by now, but i love the new centuries grocery stores. sometimes i pick out something i've never had before. there's a lot. there's this thing called Sushi that Tony insisted i go to... it was raw fish but it was actually pretty good. never eat the wasabi." he warned, babbling about things he'd had that he'd never before, like that was a Kiwi, they where pretty sweet but your not supposed to eat the fuzzy outside. and that was a mango, the seed inside was almost bigger than the fruit was. and those where dragon fruits ut he was too scared to try those. "Hey Bucky? what are Eggrolls do you think?" Steve wondered, staring into the freezer section. "it's Chinese i think.Sam ordered some Chinese once but it was this stuff called Lo-mien and it was pretty darn good." he admitted. "we're gonna try it." he decided pulling them out of the freezer and tossed them into the cart on top of all the fruit Steve had picked up. apples and banana's and pears, peaches and plums and all the things he loved most but that had been so rare during their childhood. "are you still lactose intolerant?" Steve asked Bucky. "you used to be, but i know that they put some form of the Serum in you, so..." after all Steve's Serum had fixed everything in Steve, maybe it had done the same to Bucky?
“The serum means you need someone to keep a closer eye on you more than ever,” Bucky mumbled, hands shifting to slip into the pockets of the pajama pants. “You put too much pressure on yourself. Always did. You think it's your job to do things which should fall on others,” he spoke quietly, his eyes taking on a distant look for a moment before following Steve to his bedroom to change. He looked towards the closet, glancing at all the different articles of clothing in there.

Bucky just ended up plucking a pair of dark jeans, an undershirt then a long-sleeved shirt. He looked down at himself and then to Steve. “Whoever is buying you these clothes wants to sleep with you,” he said, glancing at Steve. “They're all two sizes too small,” a light smile slipped onto the corner of his mouth as his had a bit of mischievous sparkle just waiting to burst out. There was still so much of Bucky just below the surface, waiting to break free from what Hydra had done to him.

Bucky paused back a bit when Steve spoke with the elderly lady then fell into step beside his friend, his senses all on high alert for any possible threat. It wouldn't take Hydra long to come after him if they figured out where he was. He was beginning to doubt his decision to find Steve out but then Steve was speaking and he seemed at such ease. Bucky forced himself to relax as he wandered over to where the other man was and listened quietly, answering when asked a question. “I'm not really used to them. Haven't gotten much into the solid foods yet so I haven't really experimented,” he replied, picked up a box of egg rolls when Steve drew his attention to it and flipped it over to look at the picture of an open one. “It just veggies and pork inside a pastry,” he said and set the box down when Steve put his in the cart.

At Steve's question he frowned, shaking his head. “I didn't know I was and I don't know if I still am,” he said, not exactly sure what Steve was asking. Bucky paused, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he looked quickly at Steve before slipping down an aisle and walked out the front doors of the grocery store. His pace was casual and easy as he moved behind the grocery store, there were a few men around the loading docks with their trucks idling. Bucky slowed, he heard footsteps rushing behind him and then slowing as they approached.

“Leave. Don't tell anyone where I am,” he stated, his voice low, dangerous.

A scoff was the reply he got. “I already called them. You're valuable. A perfect killer when programmed properly. But just like any weapon, it needs to be calibrated,” Bucky turned to face the man and squared his shoulders, eyes narrowing at the commando standing a safe distance from him.

Bucky jerked forward and smirked when the man flinched. “Captain Rogers didn't bring his shield. Unless he's got a new collapsible one then he's pretty vulnerable right now, you going to risk him by putting up a fight?”

Bucky's jaw clenched and he stalked forward but turned to catch a bullet which happened to be a tranquilizer and back up, keeping the new guy and the other one in his vision. He didn't have anyway to warn Steve but they were only two though the new guy was completely covered in black with a white across his chest. The one he'd already spoken to stepped back and sat on the loading docks. “You guys are going to want to run away,” he warned the workers who stumbled inside to warn everyone inside. After seeing what had happened with the aliens a few years back and then in DC and pretty much everything, the civilians were taking no chances.

The workers skidded out of the back, yelling for everyone to get out and go through the front doors.

Bucky and Crossbones remained still, just staring at each other before Crossbones took the initiative and ran towards Bucky who dropped to a knee, twisted and threw his metal elbow into the man's gut. Pushing up his hand balled into a fist, catching the jaw of the mask and throwing him backwards. He didn't give the other time to recover as he moved to bring his fist down on his skull.

Crossbones latched onto the metal and grabbed a small knife sheathed in his boot and shoved it between the metal plating near the shoulder junction of Bucky's left arm. The arm spasmed and Bucky was quick to try and retreat but with the way the other had latched onto his arm he couldn't shake and was put off balance by the 200 ish pounds now on the damaged appendage.

Bucky threw himself forward, slamming Crossbones' back against the ground then brought his knee down on Crossbones' neck. He snarled down at him as he applied pressure then threw his head back and cried out at the sudden burn of another knife but this one was embedded in the meat of his upper just below his glute muscle and twisted. He punched to get the man to let go of him and stumbled back, his leg buckling and he hit the ground. He pulled himself away before pushing himself back up, as he did he yanked the blade out and grunted as he was tackled to the ground.

“Asset comply and disengage,” Crossbones spoke for the first time.

“Go fuck yourself,” Bucky ground out, his face being pressed against the asphalt. Crossbones grabbed a handful of dark hair and lifted his head before slamming him face first against the hard ground.
He shrugged. "Most people never realize that." he admitted. "besides, if i don't do it who will? no one else is going to step up and do what needs doing. i tried that already." he admitted before chuckling a little as he watched Bucky examining his closet. "That would be Tony. he has a... ah, Thing for Captain America. he's somehow managed to separate 'Steve Rogers' from 'Captain America' but he's a bit... nuts? yeah nuts and sometimes the two get confused. or he just got my size wrong. i've grown a bit since i was frozen." he admitted with a grin. "and Tony, as super brilliant as he is... well, simple things totally escape him. things like clothing sizes, people's birthdays, they don't have room in Tony's brain." he admitted, smirking at Bucky. "Compared to you who doesn't have a brain at all." he teased. an old joke from a time long ago and Steve almost regretted it because what if Bucky didn't remember? then again Bucky would remember, with time maybe so he supposed it was okay. he was probobly the only one so up on the past. with Bucky still alive, maybe that would get better. he hoped so.

"Huh. well i'll just show you lots of good things. fruit is good for a stomach not used to food... i think." he admitted. he continued to babble, completely unaware that Bucky had ditched him for a moment before sighing when he realized that Bucky had vanished. he wondered if this was how Bucky felt every time Steve vanished, back when he was still tiny and overly prone to getting into trouble. at least it wasn't hard to find out where he was, the screaming people rushing through the store was hint enough.

Crossbones wouldn't have a chance to slam James head into the ground again. a large red white and blue shield sailed through the air and slammed into the one that Steve didn't know, the Shield sailing bak into Steve's hands, the man watching them. "Seriously. i'm best friends with Tony fucking stark. you really think i would be unarmed with Hydra running around?' Steve demanded, shield in one hand, gun in the other, aiming at the stranger and pulling the trigger three times, bullets bursting against the body. only they weren't bullets. they where blue, and splattered like smoke vapor. "It's a nice little toy isn't it?" Steve asked, wiggling the gun. "Non-lethal. very nice. a long term dendrotoxin. or something like that. makes taking people in for questioning much easier." he admitted, setting his feet apart and slid the shield in front of him, ready for an attack when he focused on Crossbones. "so. Brock. shall we finish our fight? i never did get to crack your skull open for betraying me." Steve admitted, still feeling the bitter sting. Brock had been his friend, or so Steve had thought. the while events had left him feeling bitter and hurt. "You can give up now, or i can beat the living shit out of you. your choice."
Rumlow's fingers were still tangled in Bucky's hair when the shield hit him and sent him sprawling onto the cement, pulling Bucky over with him. Bucky rolled away from the man and climbed to his feet. He looked to Steve, having a chance to recover he realized Steve knew Rumlow from before and flexed his fingers, watching as Rumlow got to his feet and laughed, the sound muffled and menacing under his mask.

“Betraying you? I was never with you,” he laughed. “I knew our mutual friend here before I knew you,” he informed Steve as he cast a glance towards Bucky then returned his gaze back to Steve, the smirk on his face was evident in his eyes. “He remembered you ya know? After the fight on the highway, the first time you saw him,” he said as he walked closer to Steve, his pace slow and steady.

He pulled the gun from his holster and aimed it towards Steve in the blink of an eye though before he could fire a shot Bucky'd removed the blade from his bionic shoulder and threw the knife, embedding the steel in Crossbones' forearm. The man growled in pain as the gun fell from his grasp and clattered by his feet.

Bucky had moved closer to Steve, edging his way towards his ally with little notice from their enemy. Crossbones pulled the blade from his wrist and flipped it in his grip, his eyes flicking between Steve and Bucky. He knew he was outmatched between the two supersoldiers, even with one slightly less than in perfect condition.

Crossbones' movements were slow and calculated, he was aware of everything going on around him and while he may not be a supersoldier, something had happened to him when he'd survived the Triskellion collapsing on him. He pulled the knife from his forearm and threw it back towards Bucky. As soon as he'd thrown it he dropped to his knee to grab his gun and fired a single shot towards his old weapon.

Bucky's first inclination was to block the knife with his bionic arm but it was slower and less coordinated from being caught with the blade. He twisted to avoid the knife then heard the shot and felt the force of the bullet hitting the flesh of his thigh. He went down to a knee with a grunt.

Having heard the grunt and the dull thud of bullet hitting flesh he charged for Steve, firing a few shots to the man who thought he'd been giving the orders but had been duped since he'd been pulled from the ice. He turned the gun to the side, shooting the Hydra agent who Steve had shot with non lethal bullets in the head. Hydra couldn't afford the chance of someone talking.

He grabbed the shield in Cap's hands and shoved him back, adjusting his grip on the gun he angled it towards the other man's legs and fired a few more rounds.
"You alright Buck?" Steve asked softly before glaring at Rumlow. "I thought you where my freind." Steve informed the other. "I thought you where someone i could trust. for fuck's sake we used to go get pissed together!... or, you know. as drunk as i could get." he pointed out. "Don't you feel even the slightest bit... i don't know. sad, ashamed, regretful? Something!?" Steve demanded, well aware Rumlow didn't, but people tended to drop their guards a bit when their opponent was teary eyed and emotional. "...he remembered me." Steve muttered, glancing at Bucky, unable to help himself. explained a lot, actually. despite his rather lackluster appearance in fighting Rumlow, ever sense Steve had was aimed at the man and as soon as he felt the gun being drawn he was pulling the Shield up to defend and grinned when he saw the knife jutting from their enemies arm. "Nice shot Buck. glad to see old age hasn't slowed you down." he admitted.

Steve moved, trying to block the knife as well and flinched when he missed and let Buck get shot on top of that. shit, he needed a lot more training, this couldn't be allowed to go on. he was going to have to arrange for as much close range combat training as he and his team could handle in the future. this wa+*s just pathetic. "Shit!" Steve cursed, blocking the bullets aimed for him and hissed with rage when their nicely trussed captive was shot dead. training. they needed a lot more training! Jesus. he snarled when the hands settled on his shield and he thrust forward, slamming the shield into Rumlows face, singing his free fist straight into the man's shoulder before a strangled scream forced it's way out of his lips as the bullets seared their way through his leg. "Jarvis!" Steve snarled. "Have Bruce on Standby!" he ordered before he got to his feet, tossed his shield tot he side and tackled Rumlow, intending on getting rid of any decorum and just beat the man into a pulp, fists flying and mostly unconcerned that he was slowly bleeding all over the floor and leaving fist shaped cracks in the concrete floor when he missed Rumlow's tender, fleshy body. just working out as much rage as he could on the bastard, and the floor. he wasn't trying to kill Rumlow after all. not yet. there was a chance that the rat bastard could still escape, but Steve didn't care for the moment. right now, getting back home where Bruce could patch them up was more important. if they could catch Rumlow, great, if he couldn't, then, well he'd catch him later after they got the bullets removed from their bodies.
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