Awakening The Soldier (Krystal x Defiant)

A frown slipped onto Bucky's face as he looked at her. “I don't doubt him. I think he's too stubborn to know when to back out of a fight and when you're going up against another army that's not something to be taken lightly,” he pointed out, feeling particularly annoyed with the way she kept rolling her eyes at him. She hadn't been there for the last 20 years to keep Steve's mother company as he battled for his life because of a simple cough and now he was expected to just believe all of this.

“C'mon Bucky, I'm gonna be war hero,” Steve said with a grin, he could feel excitement fluttering in his chest as the idea of actually being able to help with the war but he knew how protective Bucky was and how he felt it was his job to take care of him since his mother passed away.

Bucky just shook his head and pushed himself from his seat. “Enjoy your tea,” he offered and Steve began to stand but Bucky'd already made his way out of the door and Steve heard the music from the bar before the door was shut and Bucky was gone.

“He gets a little hot headed at time,” he said with an apologetic look in her direction and took another sip of the tea, unsure of what to do in this particular situation.
Krystal frowned. "I think he's wise enough to know the difference." She said flatly, well aware of both men's pasts. A simple touch and she could see someone's whole history, even if she wasn't trying to. She knew how sickly steve is and was, but she knew he wouldn't be that gor long. "Would you rather see your friend die young then live the life he deserves?" She asked, looking at bucky curiously.

Krystal smiled at steve. "You'll both be war heroes. Howling commandos you and your group will be called. You steve and I will stop both HYDRA and the Nazi's from taking over everything." She explained, smiling.

Krystal frowned as he left, and steve could see how genuinely hurt she felt. She had always been kind of meek despite her tell it like it is personality, and his running off hurt her because she thought it might change her future. While she couldn't see to far into her own future, she did know she was going to be with bucky. Would her ornary argument break that?

Krystal nodded. "I know, Stevie. Its alright. Its probably my fault. But, he did ask about the future. I only told him what I saw. I just hope telling him didn't break my future." She said, frowning slightly as she sipped her tea. She really was worried about it.
Steve shook his head quickly when he saw the hurt look on Krystal's face. “No. Don't worry about Bucky. He's just sensitive to some stuff. He's always been kind of over protective of me,” he said with a light smile and took another sip of the tea she'd given him.

“And he was drafted,” Steve pointed out. “It's not like he wants to go. He doesn't like to admit it now that he has no choice and he sees how much I want to go. And he's scared,” Steve added. “He's being sent into a warzone against his will. He says he signed up but he didn't. He's just... confused and scared.”

“I don't think he was expecting that. Or for you to be so detailed,” he said with a shake of his head and shrugged a shoulder. “Why would you break your future?” Steve asked curiously, watching her and wondering why her future was so tied to them.
Krystal smiled and nodded, taking a sip of her tea. She played with a loose strand of hair, blowing it out of her face. "Thanks stevie. That makes me feel a little better." She said, taking another small sip of her tea.

Krystal nodded. "I can understand. Going off to war can be very strenuous. I was once in a war, many years ago. Some days you feel so trapped you wantbto die, and other says you feel ready to conquer the world. It takes a very balanced man to handle it. Me? I just wanted to see some heads roll." She said, and evil grin and a wink at steve to show she did have a darker side, though she was quite mellow. The woman had practiced meditation for centuriesbto keep herself levelheaded. Her twin, who had been her absolute balance, had been killed long ago, and she needed the peace of mind.

Krystal nodded. She could understand. "I was only detailed because I trust you two. For some reason, i feel safer than I ever have with you two." She explained, adding in her reasoning for being so vauge when not talking to them. Many hadbtried to take advantage of her, and she refused to let that happen again. She was an independant woman, not someone's servant. So only the people she trusted most got everything. Krystal blushed. "Well, when I met you two I had a flash of bucky proposing. I've never seen that far before. Its curious. Almost as if you both somehow amplify my powers." She explained, embarrassed despite trusting steve. She didn't want him to feel left out. She did adore him as well, and fae are known for having multiple lovers.
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