Awakening The Soldier (Krystal x Defiant)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Steve had annoyed someone again. All he wanted to do was watch the war film at the beginning of the movie, but this man was talking much to loud. He had politely and patiently asked him to quiet down, but all that had gotten him was in an alleyway. Steve hated bullies, and this man was definitely one of them, because now he was cornered in said alleyway, with 3 instead of one guy. He was in a bit of trouble. Luckily, a beautiful blue haired woman with icy blue eyes happened to walk by. Her name is Krystal. She too hated bullies, and she walked down the alleyway, looking worried.

"Hey, who's the pretty broad?" The man asked, whistling a little at pretty woman who just snorted derisively. She cocked an eyebrow at the now badly beaten Steve, who looked all but helpless. She kneeled down to him. "Why don't I get you cleaned up, huh?" She asked softly, and Steve just nodded, looking shocked that such a pretty woman was talking to him. "Don't bother with this wimp" the man said, and she could smell the alcohol on him as he pulled her away. She acted quickly, tossing him into a dumpster, knocking him unconscious. "Don't you dare lay your hands on me!" She growled, as the other two men went towards Steve. All he could do was watch helplessly, to beat up to do anything but let it come.

Krystal wouldn't have that though. She stood in front of the frail man, a samurai sword looking as though it appeared in her hand. She points it toward the men. "If you don't wanna end up like your buddy there, I suggest you leave." She warned, but they lunged at her anyway. She sighed and went to work in a beautiful yet dangerous dance, quickly knocking the two on their asses, her sword at their throats. "Go. Before I decide to cut your necks." She told them flatly and they ran away just as Krystal was picking Steve up. "Thank's for saving me, ma'am" he told her with a cough, his asthma acting up. She stroked his hair and walked out of the alley, surprised to run into a handsome man. "Bucky. I'm okay." Steve wheezed out, and Krystal softened, knowing he wasn't a threat, seeing as the man she saved called him by name.

"He was being beaten up when I came by. I hate bullies, so I saved him. I'm Krystal by the way. Krystal Kobayashi. And you two are? I didn't catch your names. Steve smiled a little then wheezed. "Steve rogers. Pleased to meet you ma'am." He told her, his breaths calming because of her healing seeping into him by touch.
For the last twenty minutes James had been eyeing the clock. It was rare he got held up at the docks but of course when he had plans this close to end of shift he'd get stuck. Work at the docks was usually cut and dry. He was there on time and left at quitting time. Today though a boat had docked just before he was set to clock out and meet Steve for a movie. If the goods weren't perishable and needed to be stored properly before the evening he would have left the task to the few men they'd caught. And the extra money wouldn't hurt either.

He was nearly an hour and a half late when he finally clocked out and headed from the docks to the theatre. The movie would be started by now and Steve would roll his eyes. Steve and his movies. He took them pretty seriously but money to pay rent was important. Time's were rough and war was on the horizon. At least there was talk of America jumping in with the British on the European front.

Buck was walking at a brisk pace when he ran into a stunning blue haired woman with eyes like he'd never seen before. He'd never seen blue hair on a woman either but it was beautiful on her. He heard Steve's voice and noticed his scrawny friend, wheezing. He took in Steve's face, frowned then listened to the blue haired girl talk about saving his best friend.

“James,” he said in way of introduction after she'd introduced herself. The smile slid easily onto his lips as he looked at her and held his hand out. He wasn't dressed the best, he was kind dirty actually. And he could have used a shower but Bucky Barnes was pretty confident when he was talking to women. “I should buy you a drink for saving my friend,” he suggested, a light smirk tugging at his lips.

He saw the eye roll from Steve out of the corner of his eye. He knew leaving work he'd be getting one of those from his scrappy buddy.

“I'm assuming the movie is off the docket for tonight. How about we all go get a bite to eat? Or drinks. Lady's preference,” he said, flashing her another charming smile.
Krystal smiled, a slight pink blush on her cheeks before she smirked. "A drink sounds nice. Follow me. I know a good bar." She said, flashing back her own heart melting smile. Krystal had never met any humans that she particularly liked in her 1,930 years, but these two had caught her attention. Neither were particularly tall, but she could sense that they both had good and strong hearts. Fae, particularly those of the dark court, valued people who were good and strong hearted. These men exuded that, if what steve had been fighting about was any indication. "Pleased to meet you James. You can just call me Krystal. I'm not much for titles." she said, her face showing unreadable emotion.

The men would not be able to tell, but Krystal had opened a portal between her world and theirs, leading to her favorate bar in the dark fae city. "Rabbit! Two of our best scotch of the rocks, and a beer for blondie!" She called, pulling at both mens shirts, bringing them to a booth on a corner by the stage, where a pretty woman with hair like blood sang seductively, sending a smile at the new arrivals, though she knew it was unwise. Krystal had a hot and short temper. Anyone she came in with was strictly hands off, and this time she'd came in with two.
Bucky noticed the pink blush on her cheeks, it only made him want to flirt more but he'd keep it to a minimal with Steve around. He knew the other man struggled with talking to women and he hated making the smaller man feel like a third wheel. He put a hand on Steve's back and pushed him forward, after Krystal when she began to walk, before he could come up with an excuse to go home, sit in his room and draw. “Enjoy life a little Steve. Having a drink with a pretty lady has never killed anyone,” he pointed out.

He could feel Steve preparing to argue but he actually managed to hold back and followed after the blue haired girl, Buck at his side.

“Well I'm glad you're not much for titles. Since we don't really have any, besides a last name,” he said, the statement was curious since he'd never heard anyone talk about titles before. Maybe she was important.

“Surname isn't really a title Bucky,” Steve pointed out and glanced around the bar they walked into. He ignored the nudge to his shoulder. Both men stopped to look around. “You ever been in her before?” Steve wondered aloud.

“Nope. Never, you?” He asked, he noticed the small blonde shake his head.

Steve and Bucky both needed the pull from Krystal to start walking towards the booth. The woman on the stage caught both of their attention. Bucky returned the smile with a slight nod of his head while Steve just shuffled into the booth. “You and your friends, never saw any of you around. The hair, you'd stick out a bit,” Bucky said as he looked to Krystal.
Krystal grinned like a little kid. "You like drawing? I love drawing. You should let me take you to my studio. I'd love to draw uou, James" she said with a smirk and a slight blush, handong him the scotch and steve the beer. She took a sip a sip of her own scotch before pulling at the boys and frowningbat Celeste, the singer. The she gave her definately said "no. Mine."and the woman would know to back off. The bartender looked at Celeste. "Bad idea, cele. Clearly their krystals." He told her, looking around the bar. There weren't many people around, so he relaxed.

Krystal chuckled at the boys. "This place isnold and new." She said, sitting next to bucky. The man maybe dirty but he was extremely handsome. Not that she didn't steve was handsome too, she just liked men with a bit more meat on their bones. She snapped her fingers, and the bartend came over with bugers and fries for all ofbthem. She chuckled again. "We just moved in. My place is still being workednon, so i'm crashing with Howie Stark. As much as I love him, he's a horn dog. He's practically my brother and is trying to jump me." She explained, looking annoyed. For all his flaws though, she did love Howard, even if he could be a dick of a human sometimes. He was the only one she liked save these two in their dimenstion though, knowing deep down he was a good man.
Both men stopped and stared at her for a moment when she began to speak. Steve was opening his mouth to ask how she knew he liked to draw but then his mouth snapped shut, audibly, when she said she wanted to draw James. Bucky also seemed to be at a loss for words since he was usually the lead in the flirting process but she was beating him the punch. Steve didn't usually drink but he snatched the bottle from the table and took a long pull. Bucky's eyes moved from Krystal to Steve and he arched a brow then grinned. “I think I could handle that,” he chuckled as he took the scotch and took a sip. “Yours huh? Never had a woman lay claim to me like that,” he said. The situation all around was different from anything he'd been in before but he wasn't all that worried about it. It was finding it very intriguing while Steve was entertaining himself by watching the people on the stage.

“Howard Stark?” Steve and Bucky both asked in unison. They weren't huge fans of his, he was more of a lady's man but the man was genius and years ahead of technology available to just about anyone else in the world. Plus he was probably the richest man in the country. How was that not impressive. “Well, considering his reputation it's not very surprising,” Steve said with a shake of his head. He was too much of a gentleman sometimes. Not that Bucky wasn't, Bucky treated women proper but he was more confident than Steve who he was positive would remain a virgin until his wedding day sort of proper.

Steve went in for the food, watching the people on stage while Bucky opted to pay attention to Krystal rather than the food. “Well, if you are looking for a better place to stay we do have an extra room,” Bucky offered. “Yea. Like you'd be much better than Stark in that standard,” Steve smirked and shrugged at Bucky who gave him an annoyed big brother type of look. Steve looked to Krystal. “Just being honest,” he shrugged and ate another fry.
Krystal grinned, sitting down next to Bucky. "Good. Maybe i'll show you two my studio later." She said, taking a sip of her scotch. She had never been much of a drinker, but she did like good alcohol once and awhile, usually when trying to impress a guy. It wasn't everyday a man would see a woman who would just drink the good stuff straight. Krystal smirked. "Well, i'm not like any other woman." She said simply, though there was a cryptic edge to it. She had to disern if they would be like the other humans once they found out that she was not human.

Krystal chuckled. "Yes, Howard Stark. He's a sweetie, but he's also a horndog." She explained, eaiting a few fries. She wasn't ready to eat her burger yet. She nodded at Steve's comment, letting out a soft sigh before taking another sip of her scotch. As much as she liked Howard, he needed to back off. She was glad her penthouse apartment was finally finished. Krystal chuckled. "That's very sweet of you to ask, but it's not necessary. My penthouse apartment was just finished yesterday. I'll be moving in tomorrow. Could use someone strong to help me." She said with a bat of her eyelashes at both men, though directed more at Bucky.

Krystal stood up, smiling at both men before walking over to the stage. "May I?" She asked Celeste sweetly, the other woman happy for the welcome break. She had been singing for what felt like ages. Krystal smiled, then took the mic, taking in a few breaths before starting to sing. Her voice was like caramel as she sang, sitting on the edge of the stage. The song was almost sad sounding as she sang it, speaking as if she'd lost a love. She had. About 500 years prior to this moment, she had the man most important to her. His name had been Onyx, and Bucky was almost a carbon copy of the man she'd loved. While she found it very curious, Krystal would say nothing to bucky. It was to early to tell if he was anytbing at all like the prince she once loved, so she would give it time. If he truly were onyx, he would hopefully remember, but the woman would be content to love him just the same, even if he didn't. Krystal would watch to see how things would unfold, just as she had 5 centuries before.
Steve scoffed a bit when Krystal said it was very sweet of Buck to ask her though he knew his friend and despite how much he loved him, Bucky had kind of one track mind when the fairer sex was involved. Especially an attractive member of said gender. He grunted at the light elbow Bucky nudged against his ribs. He smiled as he ate another fry.

Steve and Bucky watched as she took to the stage and began to sing. Her voice was beautiful. Bucky couldn't take his eyes off of her and just swatted at Steve's hand when his friend poked a fry at his lips. “Bugger off punk,” he grumbled and glanced at Steve before looking back to Krystal. The song had a sad undertone and he picked up his drink and downed the rest of it.

Bucky watched her a few minutes before he heard Steve whispering in his ear. “How did she know I drew?” He asked, curious since she hadn't answered his question when asked. “I dunno. What's it matter? Do you have anything on you which she saw?” He asked, glancing at Steve then popped a few of his fries into his mouth before he looked back to Krystal. “There's something off about this place Buck. Tell me you don't notice it,” Steve mumbled and rolled his eyes when he realized Bucky wasn't listening but had his eyes focused on her again.
Krystal kept on singing, relaxing as she sat on the edge of the stage. "Kiss me once, and kiss me twice and kiss me once again. Its been a long long time." She sang, the words coming out like butter, though there was a sad undertone to them. She locked eyes with Bucky as she sang, the rest of the world melting around them. It was just her and Bucky. When the song finished, krystal's tune changed. While she was still singing, the melody had become slightly sadder. She was singing a song from long ago, one that if she were right, James might recognize.

"Dream of you my dear, for always my heart... So manh nights I spent without you, and now it seems i've finally found you. So stay with me, stay with me, give me love again. You are my heart." She sang softly, her eyes showing her great emotion and loss. By the end of the song, she had sparkling tears falling from her eyes. She missed Onyx, she felt guilty about falling for James. What was she to do? "Onyx..." she whispered, before she passed out.

The bartend looked on in horror as Krystal passed out. He picked her up, eyes concerned. "Follow me you two. She'll want to see you when she wakes. She'll want to apoligize, among other things." He told both James and bucky, opening a portal to her bedroom, walking through. He set Krystal in her bed. "Make yourselves comfortable. She'll come to soon. She likely just needs blood." He explained, telling them of her anemia.
Bucky tilted his head just a bit when she whispered, but couldn't hear what she said. “Holy shit!” He exclaimed when she passed and stood up quickly. “Language!” Steve barked as he followed his friend to go stand in front of the stage close to her while the bartender picked her up.

“Maybe we should leave,” Steve mumbled quietly then looked to the bartender when he told them to follow him. Steve followed behind Buck, unsure of what was going on and why she'd want to talk to them as she'd just met them and was just flirting with Bucky. It wasn't like she really knew either of them. “I have anaemia too, but uhh, why would she need blood? Normally it's treated with pills and red meat,” Steve pointed out.

Bucky looked down at Krystal as she slept then back to the bartender. “Let her explain when she wakes up,” he said and gave Steve a nudge to let the bartender alone as he took a seat. Steve sat in another chair and looked around the room. “So, what do you think happened? You don't just pass out from anaemia,” he mumbled, curious as to what had brought it on.

“Could be worse than what you have,” Bucky suggested and chuckled at the look Steve gave. “Yea, nobody could be more sickly than you,” he teased and grabbed the pillow Steve threw at him. “What was that song she was singing, she couldn't take her eyes off of you while she singing it. It sounded really sad too,” Steve pointed out. Bucky shrugged a shoulder. “I dunno. It's not the type of music we usually listen to,” he said quietly.
The bartender sighed as he set Krystal down on her bed, shaking his head. "No, you both should stay. I've never seen the queen take such a liking to mortals. It maybe because you look like her deceased fiancee, and her oldest friend, who were both killednin war." He admitted, pointing to the painting on the wall opposite the bed. There, a large painting hung, with krystal, ageless as ever, and Bucky, though her looked more regal, dressed in head to toe black and silver dragon armor. He wasn't wearing his helm though, and his dark hair cascaded to his shoulders as he held krystal, who wore a long dark blue dress reminiscent of the midevil time. "I will let the queen explain. She should wake soon. The fainting never lasts long." He said, leaving the room.

The bartender was right. After a few minutes, Krystal's eyes opened and she shook her head slightly. Despite looking a bit disoriented, she was fine. She lookedbto the men, holding her head a bit. "I do apoligize you two. I have alot of explaining to do. All in good time. But you should eat." She said, smiling softly, a cup of tea appearing in her hand out of the air.

She looked at them again, taking a sip of her tea. "Its curious how much you look like them. Its like looking into my past. When I saw you, steve, I had to save you. I couldn't stand to see you as hurt as you are." She said softly, taking his hand. A blue glow enveloped him, and any bruises he had and any pain he felt would be gone. She frowned a bit, looking over to the pucture and back to the boys. "I apoligize for being so rude. I have not been completely truthful with you. I am queen Krystal kobayashi, of the dark fae. I know that this must crazy. But you must beleive me when I tell you, that I speak the truth.
Bucky and Steve both looked to the bartender as he spoke and both nodded their heads before looking over towards the portrait. “Holy shit!” Bucky gasped, staring in awe at the portrait. Steve usually pointed out when Bucky swore and usually made him apologize but this time, Steve only nodded.

“Wow Buck. You got a brother out there you don't know about or something?” Steve asked, staying in his seat as he watched Bucky walk over to the portrait and stare up at it. The resemblance was uncanny and almost creepy.

Bucky turned around quickly when he heard her speaking and looked at her curiously then moved over to the seat he'd been in before. “We just ate,” Steve reminded her then balked when the cup of tea appeared out of nowhere in her hand. “Whe...” Stever mumbled, becoming slightly pale.

While Steve was looking more flabbergasted Bucky only stared, his lips slightly parted as he took in the sight and tried to make sense of everything. When Steve began to glow blue he jumped up and tried to shake it off, doing a sort of dance. The panic caused his heart to pick up a bit and his asthma made it hard to breathe. His eyes rolled back and he hit the floor before Bucky could even register what was happening.

He leaned over and knelt by his friend and tapped his cheeks a few times, having been used to this happening every now and then. “Wha... whe... Buck. Fairies. She said... and blue,” he slurred.

“Yea buddy, I know,” he mumbled and helped Steve sit up and back in the chair. “You alright punk?” He asked, giving him a smile when Steve nodded his head. Buck straightened and looked back at Krystal. “It wasn't exactly rude, but uh... it's a bit of a shock,” he pointed out and glanced at the painting. “You think I'm him? Is that why you brought us here?”
Krystal chuckled slightly. "Stevie, stop that. The energy is helping you." She said simply, before she frowned as he fainted. The magic did have that effect sometimes. She looked yo Bucky, sighing. "As you well know, fae are immortal. In my many years, I have never seen a mortal reincarnate. Uncle said it wasn't possible, and yet.. the resemblance is to much to ignore." She admitted, pacing a bit as her clothes changed and her hair came down, now wearing a similar dress to in the painting, and a white gold and sapphire tiara on her head.

Krystal looked very confused as she watchedbthe two, looking to steve as bucky helped him back up. "I do apoligize for the shock. I don't mean to scare you. I have been alone for a very long time now, mourning Onyx and Garnet. I do not know what to do or think, James. I've never seen this happen." She explained, handing steve the picture next to her bed. It was of Onyx and Garnet the last time she saw them, Onyx in his black and silver armor, and Garnet in shining white armor. She sighed softly, and both men would be able to see the pain in in her eyes as she looked at them. "That was the last time I saw them. The only mortals i'd ever loved, gone to fight in a war that was not theirs, for me. I still blame myself." She admitted meekly, taking another sip of tea. She hated that she was shoking them so, but she hoped maybe that she wasn't crazy and that they'd returned like they'd promised, albeit 500 years later.
Bucky shook his head. “You're not really scaring us,” Bucky started and looked at Steve when he laughed.

“Really? You're not scared Buck? Look at this. It's like... us. But not us. How is this even possible?” He asked with a frown and shook his head as he handed the picture over to Bucky.

As he looked down at the picture his brows knitted together then he looked back to portrait before his gaze moved back to Krystal. He'd been listening to her speak and he saw the pain in her eyes as he held the photograph back out to her. “I'm sorry about them,” he said and glanced at Steve then back to Krystal. “I don't know what you expect from us though,” he offered, motioning between himself and Steve. “But I think we are completely out of our league right now,” he admitted and Bucky wasn't one to give up very easily.

Though he wasn't exactly giving up. He just didn't know what she was expecting them to do or if she was even expecting anything from them. “I mean, we'll help you out in any way we can but... I just need some guidance into what you need,” he said and glanced at Steve who gave him a curious look before they both look expectantly to Krystal.
Krystal chuckled a little, rolling her eyes. It was funny how much steve and Garnet were alike. She looked to Bucky, then smiled softly. "I'm not expecting anything. I know it's not possible that you're them, but.. some part of me, however small, hopes that you are and simply don't remember." She admitted, sighing as she played with her hair a bit. This was all very new to her as well, and she wasn't sure what to do.

Krystal took the photo back from bucky, sighing softly. "Thank you for that. It means alot. I've spent a long time alone, and its nice to just be near actual people who arn't paid to watch me." She said, a darker than normal chuckle escaping her pretty red lips. She looked to the painting one more time before her eyes showed a slight hope. She walked to the bookshelf, picking up a leather bound book. "My mother used to read me these as a child before she was killed. There is a particular legend, one of my favorites, which Ibthink might offer insight." She told them, opening the book to the right page out of memory.

Krystal smiled at them, showing each of them the page. She smiled at them and the started to read, weaving together the story of a brave human prince and his first general who went to war for the princess they both loved, yet died before they could come back to her. The legen also writes that if the promise and love are pure enough, that they could be reborn. She looked to both men as she closed the book, taking a sip of her tea. "Perhaps that is what happened? I'm really not sure. What I will say though is that I refuse to be alone any longer. I would ask only that you stay with me. It comforts me to have you both near, despite knowing you are not them." She explained softly, a quet, lonely vulnerability showing in her glacial blue eyes.
Bucky and Steve exchanged a glance as she read the passage from the page and then looked to her. “I have no idea,” Bucky said and scratched the back of his neck. “This is all a bit much,” he mumbled and looked down at the book once more then back to Steve, who's blue eyes remained focused on the book.

“Ummm, well it kind of makes sense. In a crazy, sciencey sort of fantasy way,” he said and gave his head a shake. “I really don't know Buck. I'm... this is so far out of my league I don't even know what to think right now,” he said and pinched the bridge of nose.

Bucky nodded his head and licked over his lips as he raked his fingers through his hair and leaned back. “Okay, so you think we're reborn from those guys?” Bucky asked, arching a brow and looked at the portrait once more then back to Krystal.
Krystal nodded, looking at both of them. "I do apoligize for that. Though, if it makes you both feel better, looking like that or not, i would have stole you anyway. You are the type of men I happen to like. They seem fewer and fewer." She explained, taking a sipnof her tea. It was true. She didn't just like them because of their looks. She could sense how good hearted and true to themselves they are.

Krystal half nodded. "I think that it is possible. There is no real way to be sure." She said simply, giving him a smile. This whole thing was certainly irregular, but not impossible. Things like this had happened before, though it was very rare and special. She sipped her tea, looking to steve. "Fae have long since known that science and magic are two sides of the same coin. So, you are correct in your saying." She told him, handing them each some tea.

Krystal looked contemplative before pulling some thing from her drawer. It was two thin jewel like boxes, one black and one red. She handed one to each of them. Inside held a small black or red pendant with her crest carved on the delicate stone. "These are tokens of friendship, a custom of my people. They are charmed with strong magic of protection,and also made so that if ever you should need me, i will be able to find you. There are still fae and mortal alike who might wish to hurt yiu because I have laid claim. The dark court is not well liked by the other courts for they fear our power." She explained, her eyes showing her fear for their saftey despite knowing bucky could take care of himself.
Steve scoffed with a shake of his head. “Yea. I'm sure you have just snagged me off of the street as well as Bucky,” he said with a shake of his head. Bucky rolled his eyes and gave Steve a light punch.

“How many times do I have to tell you you're a catch?” Bucky said with a roll of his eyes then crossed his arms over his chest and looked over towards her again.

Steve took the tea and smirked a bit as Bucky gave it the evil eye. “Bucky doesn't like tea. He'd rather cut off his own arm,” he chuckled and took a sip of his tea. “This is delicious, thank you,” he said politely and sat back in his seat.

Steve set aside his tea when she handed them the boxes and they both accepted the box each and opened it. Bucky had the black and Steve the red. “Thank you,” Bucky said, staring down at it then looked to her when she said they were in danger. “Of course, more people to cover your ass from,” Bucky said with a roll of his eyes, and a smirk on his lips.

“Yea, cause you know how to handle fae. You fight them off every other day eh?” Steve shook his head and rolled the pendant around on his hand, feeling the carving against his hand. “So, how will we know if someone's coming after us cause of this fae stuff?” He asked, curious.
Krystal chuckled slightly before she smiled at steve. "You are very handsome, stevie. You are simply small. I have a feeling that will change soon. Dark fae do not fall in love because of looks. They fall in love because of the heart the other posses. Mortal's with pure hearts are a rare thing, so they are deeply valued in my world." She explained taking a sip of her tea.

Krystal let out a light chuckle at bucky's expression, flicking her wrist and the liquid in Bucky's cup turning to coffee. "Is that more to your liking, James?" She asked with a tilt of her head, her blue eyes showing an apology for not realizing his dislike for tea. She was the type of person who had to make everyone around her happy, or she wasn't happy herself. She got joy from making people smile, and helping those in need. Her uncle told her she was to much of a bleeding heart for the mortals, but she couldn't help it. "I am glad you likenit. It was imported from japan. I fae friends there who like to send me things. It's a lovely place. When this war is over, I hope to return there." She tsaid, smiling as she gestured to a nearby bookshelf covered in all kinds of different things from all over the orient, some she had bought herself, and others that were gifts.

Krystal let out a small chuckle, though her face was serious and slightly worried. "The pendants will blink if someone with ill intentions towards you, fae or mortal, are near. They will protect against any mortal weapon one would use to hurt you. Each is charmed heavily with a protection spell that creates a shield around you." She explained, taking another sip of her tea. She brushed her hair out with her fingers as she smiled at them, expression curious. "I will keep gaurds stationed at your place unseen, but you are safest here. Stay in my palace as long as you like. The mecklaces will create a portal back to your world whenever you need it." She told them both, motioning for them to put on the delicate looking necklaces. Despite their appearance, they would never break. The magic was to strong.
“Which part? I won't be handsome no more or I won't be small?” He asked, curious as to what she was talking about. He wasn't healthy enough to be much use with the physical aspect of life. So the chances of him actually gaining muscle mass or becoming bigger... “Or am I going to get fat?” He asked, frowning. He didn't have anything against overweight folks... but given his health issues already. There was no way he'd last much longer if he packed on a lot of weight.

He lifted the cup and took a sip of the coffee. “It's good,” he said with a nod of his head. “Whiskey would be better though,” he said with a bit of a smirk on his lips as he swirled the liquid in the cup around a bit. He wasn't one for the hot morning beverages. He liked things that had a different kind of burn on the way down.

“How many fae are there out there?” Bucky asked, siting back in his seat as he looked at her then let his gaze follow the direction of her gesture and looked over the items. “And if you're dark fae, why are you so nice? I just... I mean the dark side of things are generally... evil or bad right? So if you're dark fae, does that mean you like to... are you going to kidnap us and make us your sex slaves?” He asked, brows furrowed.

“Bucky!” Steve shouted and swatted his friend hard on the arm.

“What!? She said dark... I'm just going with the logical question,” he said with a frown. “And it wouldn't be that bad of a trade off. No rent and...” he glanced towards her and couldn't help but grin when he saw how red in the face Steve got.

“You're impossible,” Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. “I'm sorry for him. I really am,” Steve mumbled and risked a quick glance to Krystal before lowering his gaze again.
Krystal shook her head. "You will be neither small nor fat. When you join the army, you'll finally be the man that you deserve to be." She said a bit cryptically, though she smiled. She had always been able to tell the future, but she only told it to thise she deemed worthy. If only she knew how much falling for them both would hurt in the end.

Krystal let out a small chuckle. "If you prefer that it is easily changed." She said, giving him a smile, waiting for an ok before flicking her wrists and changing coffee to alcohol. She wanted them as comfortable as possible.

Krystal looked curious a moment. "Oh,
millions, but I have very strong ties with the rulers of the summer and winter courts. It is typically the solitary fae, seelie court, and the court of order that oppose me." She explained, adding details on each court as she went. She chuckled, taking a sip of her tea. "The darkness is merely misunderstood my dear buckeye. While I admit sex with either of you would be enjoyable. I do not think stevie could handle me quite yet" she said the smirk gracing her lips quite mischevious.

Krystal chuckled. "Its no bother stevie. Where I come from, sex is like food. Widely talked about and expirinented with. I quite like indian kamasutra, as it were. You have to be very flexible though" she admitted, grinning at him as she caught him looking at her.
“I've applied twice already. They've rejected me both times. I have a feeling I won't be joining up with this army or make it in for this war,” Steve sighed, frowning. He really just wanted to do what every other man in this city was doing. Signing up to serve their country. The doctors had barely had to look at Bucky before he approved him.

“Thank you!” Bucky grinned and lifted the cup to his lips and drank it down in one gulp then set the cup to the side and shifted in his seat. “When did you go for the second one?” He asked with a frown, glancing at the smaller male.

“Yesterday,” he answered and looked to Bucky then shifted his gaze to her when she spoke of him not being able handle her quite yet. “Well that's promising, means someday I will. Or at least you think so. And I'm willing to take the word of someone who can change tea to whiskey,” he said and glanced at Bucky who was staring at Krystal.

“How do you know all that? What else is going to happen?” Bucky asked with an amused smirk on his lips as he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his thighs as he waited for her to answer. Curious about what their futures could hold.
Krystal smiled. "When the right person sees how much you want in, you'll get in. A doctor." She told him, sipping her tea again as she got up, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Try at the world's fair." She added, smiling at him.

Krystal let out a chuckle at his enthusiasm, having never seen someone so keen on drink. She personally wasn't much for straight liquor, but she would indulge when the mood struck. "You're welcome. Glad you like it. Its single malt. Never been able to get blended wiskeys right." She said, letting out another chuckle.

Krystal gave him a smile, kissing his cheek. "You will be. Don't worry. Just make me a promise, okay? You won't let yourself get too big headed, okay?" She asked looking curious and hopeful. While she was sure he was a good man, sometimes even the purest man could be changed.

Krystal chuckled again, relaxing in a chair nearby Bucky. "Since i was a child, i've been able to see a little bit into the future. That's how I knew where to find steve. Sorry if that's a little creepy. As for your future, buckeye? I see peril when you get to war. Steve and I will have to save your cute ass." She admitted, not shy when using curse words. Fae are very candid, and she simply said what she felt, no matter what. It was a gift and a curse.
“So we're not going to the fair this year,” Bucky muttered and glanced towards Steve and Krystal. He hated the idea of Steve going to war, even if he was going to get bigger. He didn't want his friend to risk his life when he'd been so lucky to last as long as he did with how sick he'd been growing up. Even now, when winter hit Steve had to be careful. He couldn't imagine them letting someone as sick as Steve into the war and he hoped she was wrong, even if she could turn tea into a very good whiskey.

“It was delicious,” he said with a smile and arched a brow at the way she spoke to Steve. “He's already big headed,” he snickered and pulled back when Steve reached out to swat at Bucky.

“I am not. I've told you... I just don't like bullies. And my father died in the war, and men are dying. I have no right to sit back here and watch it play out on the screen,” he frowned and cast a glance at Bucky then to Krystal.

“Exactly Steve, it's war. Not a brawl against someone who was being a jerk,” he reasoned then looked to Krystal. He didn't know what surprised him more, the fact she said he was going to be rescued by her and Steve of that he had a cute ass. “Nobody's called my ass cute before,” he stated and felt a flush come onto his cheeks. He never blushed either. He glanced at Steve who was smirking at him.

“And you're gonna get rescued by me and her. So what's that tell you? The table will turn my friend,” Steve uttered and took another sip of his tea.
Krystal rolled her eyes at Bucky. "No. You have to go to the fair this year. If you don't, steve and I won't be able to save you, because he won't get into the army, and if he doesnt, I won't either." She explained flatly, hovering her tea over to herself and taking another sip. She knew how worried Bucky was sbout his friend, but she also knew that all this had to happen. Without steve, the world could be tsken over by HYDRA. She didn't want to see that happen.

Krystal smiled, sipping her tea again. "I'm glad you liked it. I do enjoy good whiskey and scotch as well. I prefer tea at the moment though." She ssid with a chuckle, playing with a lock of her long blue hair.

Krystal rolled her eyes once more. "You doubt him? Sometimes the smallest men can make the biggest difference. Besides, the doctor who will pick stevie will do it for his personality and values. The strength will come later." She explained, smirking slightly at the blush on bucky's cheeks. She chuckled a little at him. "Of course it is. Fae cannot tell lies, nor can they refrain from speaking their minds." She said smirking as she sipped her tea. She had big plans for them both.
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