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Blank (Beautiful_Disgrace and I)

"Well, this is your fault," Ian shrugged. "If you hadn't blared everything out there like some kind of crazy woman, nobody'd care. So you'll just have to deal with it." Ah, revenge was so sweet...
"Hey, you left it up to me because you didn't know what to do. So I did it for you and you whine about it? Whatever." She stuck out her tongue.
Ian fingers reached out with surprising quickness and yanked on her tongue. "Remind me to never leave anything up to you again," he smirked dryly. "And you should know better than to stick your tongue out at your elders. It's very rude, you know." So if that meant people would 'talk' about them, then that was just fine with him, really.
Adrian smacked his hand away in annoyance before crossing her arms."I would have bitten you but I'm sure you would have bit me back." She rolled her eyes. Yeah...she wasn't going to play around with stuff like that. Their instincts got weird sometimes.
"Unlike you, I don't resort to such childish games to proving I'm better," Ian smirked. "Making sure you get harassed for the rest of the day by everyone else is victory enough for me."
"I'll be in my room for the rest of the day, and you can't stop me from doing that." Adrian told him with a haughty grin. "Unlike you, I don't need to be taught how to control myself."
"Some of the people I've talked to, tell me otherwise," he remarked flatly, grateful for the smell of breakfast. Things were a little less crazy this time around, maybe people were adjusting to his presense...or they just didn't care and wanted breakfast, he was fine with either. "All of them, in fact."
"Just who have you been talking to? Sieglinde doesn't count." Adrian said as they got in line for food. They were here early...luckily that meant they didn't have to wait long.
"Unlike you, she's been helpful," Ian said dryly. "So if she doesn't count, you must be the dirt underneath the worms." He knew what it was like being at the bottom, but he knew what it was like being at the top, now. It was a confusing mix of everything, he didn't know what to do with it.
"Yeah, sounds about right." Adrian said with a casual roll of her eyes. "If she's so helpful, then next time you can spar with her. You can see just exactly how helpful she is. Ask her to bring her friends along too. It's the only real way to get a challenge from her." She still remembered...still had the scars from when they jumped her a few months ago.

And she still got away.
He sighed after a moment, but he was grateful for the fact that the meat they were giving him smelled a little bit like real meat. Better than what he got at the barracks. "This reminds me why I hated school," Ian groused. "I must have pissed someone off to be here." So many layers to people, but what did those layers mean here?
"Maybe," Adrian said after she got her food. "But you're here now. There's not much you can do about it. I mean, you can run away. But they'll just send us after you."
"I'm not running away," Ian said. "I'll just have to find the answers I want, on my own. That's the only thing I can really do."
"Guess so." Adrian agreed as she took a seat at an empty table. "Depends on what questions you are asking, though. The higher ups sure do like their secrets."
"I noticed," Ian murmured. "Or maybe I just feel it, maybe because I had no idea there was an actual District in the center of Eden, but I suppose I never did wonder where you-...we came from," he said. "You have to live somewhere, after all."
"Did you think your cavalry just appeared on golden chariots from heaven to save your sorry asses?" Adrian asked with a haughty grin before taking her knife and cutting through her pancakes. "Did the thought not cross your mind that we all congregated somewhere? I don't think that's a very big secret even if the location was."
"No," Ian admitted. "But nobody thinks about it, nobody thinks about a lot of things, because we're too busy being scared." Even in the Rangers, they were still human. Still people who kept hoping that one day they wouldn't have to live behind a giant wall.
"Pussies." Adrian muttered under her breath. "Well, this place works a little differently. It's fine to be afraid, but you can't let fear cloud the way you think. If you do, you'll frenzy." She grinned.
"I heard that," Ian said casually, eyes narrowed. "Not everyone gets these kind that we have, you know." Stuck up, wasn't she? "Not everyone knows or can protect themselves, either."
"I know, I know. I'm just warning you that fear is bad. It's one of our strongest base instincts aside from the one we get to mate. If we aren't careful it will make us snap. Fight of flight, we'll lose our minds. It's our last defense but more often than not we end up doing more harm than good when it happens." Adrian said with a shrug as before going back to eating.
"I think I know how to handle something like that," Ian replied, stabbing his fork into his food. "Thanks." He was new to...this, but he wasn't new to combat. He supposed he was new to this kind of combat, however. Ugh, no matter how much he felt like he was growing comfortable, it never seemed to actually be true unless he was in the middle of a fight. He didn't know how he felt about that.
"Oh yeah? How?" Adrian asked curiously as she rested her chin into her palm with a chesire grin. They were so cute when they thought they knew everything. She supposed she could forgive him given his immense talent, but still. Smug little know it all.
"Because I used to be Ranger?" Ian remarked dryly. "You get used to seeing a horde of blood hungry little freaks wanting to claw your eyeballs out and eat them, not everyone can handle that kind of feeling. It gets scary when they get close, we don't have any special tricks like you do, just a lot of bullets." It was hard to forget seeing people screaming bloody murder, begging and pleading as they drew their own handguns to put a bullet in their brain to spare them the misery, or worse...a grenade. But that was standard tactics, don't add to the number...being too scared to commit suicide was a worse dishonor than death, and families paid for it.

His eyes took a bit of a distant quality before they focused back in, remembering he was still in the process of chewing his food.
"Yeah, I still remember from the last few times you told me." Adrian said impatiently as she placed her fork down on her plate. "Look, not to spit on your friends or anything, but rangers handle all the small fries. We are the elite. We handle the vampires that can't be killed with bullets. This won't be a cake walk with special powers, Ian. It will be just as hard as when you were only armed with bullets."
"Well, then I guess I'm prepared, aren't I?" he chuckled. "If it's going to feel the same, and be just as difficult, I'll be right at home." That was a small comfort, but it was a comfort that he was oddly okay with.
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