Only One (Ren Olvry & Gilen Brooks)

(I'm on it then)

A grin made its way unto her face when Riolu agreed to her suggestion, cheering internally and hoping that the training they would go through would surely pay off in the end. And so, Alexis went and trained Riolu, battling other trainers and wild Pokemon while also being subjected to the fighting-type's own training regimen of sorts which mostly consisted of her trying to build up stamina and getting faster in her running. Certainly, the dark-haired trainer knew that it all paid off because she was able to run for longer amounts of time now without getting too exhausted and Riolu himself had learned a few new moves along the way as well. So far their journey was off to a good start, not the best but certainly not the worst as well.

It had been some time since she left her home and went on her journey and she wasn't planning on going back anytime soon as well. Currently, she and Riolu were on their way to the next town which happened to be Floaroma town which was famous for all its flowers, passing through large fields of grass and so far avoiding any wild Pokemon which was quite a feat in itself, "Now Riolu, can you try greeting me now?" Alexis had been trying to teach the fighting type to both read and talk ever since they started their journey together and they were making progress, a little bit slow, but progress nonetheless.

As they were walking and speaking to each other, or at least the trainer was doing almost all of the speaking, several gold eyes watched and waited in silence just several feet from where the two were. Alexis didn't even notice it until it was too late, a grown was heard before a pack of Shinx appeared all of a sudden from the tall grass, surrounding her and Riolu, "C-Crap...." She muttered, gulping inaudibly as she tried to find an escape route, knowing that Riolu might not be able to take all of them on his own even with all the training they've undergone. While she tried to think up of a plan, another resounding growl was heard and soon arrived the apparent leader of the pack, a Luxio who fixated its eyes onto Riolu, as if challenging the fighting-type.
Well, Alexis was getting better over time, the Riolu would give her that much. Still a long ways from being able to truly keep up with him, but then he doubted that most humans would ever really be able to in the first place. Perhaps that was just more of his pride speaking, but... he was stuck with her either way. He didn't always completely enjoy it, but that was how it was, and at the very least, he could give her some credit: she'd not confined him to that pokeball, and she'd not wasted time in catching any other pokemon that he was certain he wouldn't want to, or perhaps be able to, deal with. More personal pride on his part, likely enough, but he couldn't really help it; some of it just came naturally.

He wasn't certain that it was just some silly personal pride, however, that was making him think he might've grown a further inch or so since they'd first started out. But really, it was hard to tell very accurately, and he didn't worry about it too much; just looking forward to the day when he got stronger, might eventually so much as evolve. That would definitely be something.

Then... this. He was about to try and speak, something he'd still been struggling some with, but if this was the way the wild pokemon, the packs, wanted to do things, then... fine. The Riolu was nothing if not calm even as those several Shinx surrounded him and Alexis, his nose and ears picking up a little on the Luxio even a bit before it openly revealed itself. He'd be very hard pressed to ever say he didn't want to fight, but the Riolu, while prideful, wasn't stupid; electric-types like these, there could be accidents where the girl herself could get hurt... and whatever he might ultimately think of her, he wanted to at least avoid that much. Somehow.

Grumbling slightly to himself even as his brain started to sift through anything that might work, the little Riolu pointed his tail a bit back and to the side, toward what at least could be a small gap. "Will... defend..." he struggled out speaking, before darting suddenly forward at the Luxio, the clear leader of this little pack. Never mind that the thing was probably tougher and stronger when it really came to it; Riolu could at least keep up in speed as was quickly made clear from each swiping at and dodging each other for now. All he needed now was for the girl to be out of harm's way, and he was certain he could handle this. Somehow or other.
Seeing as Riolu liked it much more outside of his Pokeball, Alexis didn't bother putting him inside and besides, she quite liked the company that her Pokemon provided even though it was mostly her babbling about different things. It was still company and much better than feeling alone, also it was much better seeing all the beautiful scenery they passed by when she had someone to share the sights with. Although at the moment, the sight they were seeing wasn't the most beautiful, it was the opposite actually. Maybe seeing a wild pack of Shinx from a safe distance might be interesting, but being surrounded by the pack with only one Pokemon wasn't really the most welcome situation for anyone.

The Shinx made no move other than moving to stand behind their alpha's back while the trainer made to stand a few feet behind her own Pokemon, worry displayed clearly in her eyes as she fought to not appear weak right now when both she and Riolu were endangered, "I'm not going to leave you behind" She stated in a determined voice as she clenched her hands, internally calming herself down since panicking wouldn't do any good right now. "Remember our training, don't just mindlessly attack but always go for the weak spots!" She reminded him, knowing that the Luxio might be stronger than the fighting type so regular uncoordinated attacks might just drain Riolu of energy while his opponent was still in tip top shape. At the moment, she was acting like a real trainer, one that not only focused on the strength of her Pokemon's attacks but also formulated strategies that would help them win.

Alexis knew that the only way for them to get away from the pack was to either beat the pack leader or make their escape, but Floaroma Town was half an hour of travel by foot and although Riolu could get there, it wasn't the same for her and might only end up dragging him down. If worse comes to worse, she was willing to let the fighting-type go on ahead of her, she'll just find a way to prevent herself from being electrocuted to death by the pack is all. Riolu wasn't going to get out of this battle unscathed, that she was sure of, but if she could at least minimize the casualties then so be it. She was not going to let her Pokemon, partner, and friend be beaten to the brink of death by a pack of Shinx, not on her watch.
Hm... the girl wasn't even going anywhere? Fine, then; as it was, he could only loosely pay any attention to her when the majority of his focus was on the Luxio, and a bit each on the Shinx pack around them. He was a pokemon himself, after all; he had some idea of pack mentality, and pack mentality dictated that the leader face the strongest opposition alone. Or, in the event that the leader seemed to be losing, well... he'd just have to deal with that when it came. And he'd no doubt it would come. Much as he'd love to, he just didn't have the strength right now to very convincingly beat down this particular opponent; certainly not to the point where its followers would flee in fear.

Well then... seven against one it was in the Riolu's head, not counting Alexis who wouldn't likely be able to fight against these things anyway, not with just the strength she had now. Little scratches from near-misses were slowly starting to build up, along with a few little jolts he'd taken that were less than comfortable, but if he was going to give up with just that, then what was ever the point? Quite the contrary, all he was certain he needed was one; one good strike to turn over everything and put himself on the offensive. Never mind that one of the nearest Shinx was clearly starting to get a bit testy and would probably be jumping in soon enough.

One good strike, then... to which end the Riolu took a rather solid headbutt right to the chest from that Luxio, that perhaps sent him staggering back for all of two seconds before he was right back on the thing almost in an instant with even more force than he'd just been hit with. His palm struck straight, forcibly into the opposing pokemon's chest, sending it crashing back into one of the Shinx... which, therein, was effectively the trigger. All of them soon started to jump in, only for the Riolu to start ignoring most everything else. Quickly and forcibly, he darted about here and there, taking a few more hits but giving plenty in turn, and all in all keeping them away from her but perhaps for a relatively small, stray shock. By the end of it all, they were hardly alone on the ground; he was still perfectly conscious, but rather unmoving, and not too willing to change that at the moment. He'd won, though, somehow, with a sliver of stamina left... at the very least it put a little smirk on the Riolu's face, before a slight white glow started to surround him... then faded.

Close, but not quite yet.

He just hoped he'd eventually be able to get up before the rest of them, and that Alexis at least was fine.
Her eyes were wide the whole time as she watched Riolu fight, never expecting all the training to pay off so much and make him this strong to take on a whole pack of Shinx along with ther Luxio leader. As soon as every single Pokemon was defeated and had scurried off, the trainer immediately made her way to the fighting-type, going down on her knees and placing her hands on him, "Are you alright? Does anything hurt badly?" She asked him as she checked his body for any major wounds, her face set in a grimace for not really being able to help with anything and letting him take the brunt of all the electric types attacks even if he did win.

Alexis scrunched her face up, unwilling to show any weakness as she checked up on her precious partner, "We should get you to a Pokemon Center immeidately. You may have won, but you're hurt..." She whispered, clenching her fists after taking her hands off of Riolu and squeezing her eyes shut, "I'm sorry if I wasn't able to help much. I...I'm not a very good trainer, am I?"If she was perhaps a better trainer then maybe they could have avoided the fight altogether and prevented her partner from getting hurt, "Even did good. Did I ever tell you that you're really strong? I may not be a trainer that every Pokemon would be proud of to have,'re the type of partner that anyone would be lucky to have" With a small upward tilt of her lips, she managed to smile as she gave Riolu a pat on the head.
Badly? Not that he could tell, though the Riolu was vaguely aware that he was probably a bit too numb everywhere to really tell anyway. As Alexis went on speaking, though, he blinked in surprise, glancing up to her curiously. Well... sure, he hadn't liked or even respected her very much at first, but she'd kept up, as best she could; there wasn't much more that he could really expect. The fact that she was still even teaching him things that most pokemon would probably never learn, and many might not even be capable of in the first place, he also had to hold to her credit.

Failing being able to really move at the moment, the Riolu instead gave an annoyed little scoff, managing to tilt his head just enough to properly look the girl right in the eyes. Clearly struggling with it just as well, he rose a paw enough to rest upon the girl's hand that was on his head, a slight sigh escaping his mouth. "You... keep up. Better than... others would," he managed to speak, even if his speech in general was still a bit... lacking, yet. "...carry me?" he somewhat grudgingly asked, his eyes averting as he did just as a matter of pride. Much as he hated to request something like that, he was fully aware that he wouldn't be moving for a bit longer yet, nor was he terribly heavy. If she could at least get them away from here, and perhaps somewhere to rest, he was certain it would be fine.
Not really expecting him to place his paw on her hand, nor him reassuring her, she almost burst down into tears but she merely stayed strong and nodded as she gently scooped him into her arms, "You were really great there earlier. I thought we were goners, but you went and showed them who's boss" The smile from earlier transformed into a proud grin as she carefully stood up since she was kneeling on the ground earlier to reach Riolu's height, "Thank you...for protecting me and for risking yourself to do so. I don't know how to even being thanking you for what you've done" Now that she thought about it, he may sometimes be uncooperative and stubborn, and makes her chase after him often as her own form of training, but it was all for her own good and that Riolu does indeed care for her as his trainer.

"Then again you are my partner so it's to be expected that you did what you did, still means a lot to me that you protected me like that from them all" Adjusting her hold on him slightly until she was sure that he was comfortable, she then started walking on the path that was headed straight for Floaroma Town, "I've decided, as reward and thanks for protecting me like that, we can do anything you want once you're all patched up. Does that sound good to you? It's the least I could do for you" It wasn't it until half an hour of walking did they finally reach the town, the first thing she noticed being the many flower beds and the their scent in the air.

Making her way through the town, she speed-walked towards the Pokemon Center where Nurse Joy was stationed as always, "Please heal my Riolu. He just fought an entire pack of Shinx and is really weak" She stated in an urgent tone of voice as Nurse Joy carefully took the pooped out Pokemon in her arms, "We'll take good care of him. Just take a seat over there while you wait" Giving the ebony-haired girl a reassuring smile and motioning towards the chairs, Alexis sighed and nodded as she took her seat with her hands clasped as she went and prayed to Arceus that Riolu would be alright.
Blinking in curiosity at her little offer, the Riolu gave a small nod, though he wasn't sure at the moment what that would actually be. Then again, his general weariness wasn't failing to extend to his head, even making it a little hard to think. Best not to just yet, perhaps; he could always remember that offer for a bit later, once he was actually recovered. For now, he had to admit this was a bit... comfortable. He'd never been carried before, nor did he ever particularly want to be, but if he was going to be anyway, now while he couldn't move and had requested it... well. Might as well enjoy it, he figured, his head shifting just a little further against Alexis. Then the scent of flowers as they came closer to the next town over... tempting as it was with that and how much damage he'd taken to just fall asleep, he didn't want to. Not yet, at any rate.

So soon enough, he found himself being passed over to the local Nurse Joy and taken to the back for healing... healing that he wished he didn't need, but again, that was just the pride talking. Considering the level of his injuries, he was tended to a little before being left alone to recover and let the healing in general do its work. It left him plenty of time, he found, to just... consider things. What he might want to do, and about her, even. By the time the Nurse Joy came back to check on him, though, he'd already gotten himself up and disappeared elsewhere on his own.

And the girl... she had admirers, it seemed. Or at least one boy about her age, coming in and starting a path straight for her with a few flowers in hand. He didn't get far before he was carelessly shoved a little out of the way, only for the one that had done the shoving to calmly lower a larger gathering of multi-colored flowers calmly into Alexis's view. The figure himself wore a little grin on his face, even standing a bit taller than the girl would be if she stood up. Rather than just a Riolu, there a taller than normal Lucario stood... though lacking in a chest spike, mostly given the toll of some of the damage. "Flowers for the young lady?" he spoke up, pointedly before she'd quite caught sight of him.
Although she had the time to go and explore the town while Riolu was being fixed up by Nurse Joy, she found that she couldn't and wouldn't go off gallivanting on her own and having fun while her partner was stuck here inside the Pokemon Canter getting patched up, because he was protecting her from what could have been her in the hospital being treated. She didn't even notice when she dozed off a bit from worrying so much until Nurse Joy herself woke her up, telling her that Riolu was gone, but Alexis didn't worry too much and merely sighed, running a hand through her raven locks. She knew that her Pokemon had a tendency to run off to be with his own so she didn't bother worrying too much especially because she knew that he'd be back sooner or later anyway, she trusted him that much.

The whole time she was there at the Pokemon Center, she didn't even notice that she'd caught someone's eyes, too busy worrying about the condition of her precious Riolu to notice anything else. Until of course there came such a time as when her admirer went to announce his intentions with a small bouquet of flowers. It was only when she heard a yelp did she lift her head up to see what had just transpired before her only to have a large bouquet lowered onto her, "Thank you" She thanked the person who'd given it to her, accepting it only for her eyes to follow the hand that had previously been holding it up to his arm until she reached his body.

She almost dropped the bouquet in shock and surprise as she stared at a Lucario, one that was obviously quite taller than your usual ones and the most shocking thing? He could talk! Alexis had been teaching Riolu how to speak ever since they started their journey and she'd never heard him speak so fluently before so this couldn't be her Riolu right? She just saw and carried him earlier and he was still so small and was easily carried by her. Standing up from her seat, she examined the new arrival, wondering why she was given flowers by him and if he perhaps knew where her own Riolu was, but at the moment she couldn't find the voice to speak or say anything.
Silence. He'd... not quite been expecting that; the glare from the boy he'd moved out of the way, who was now grumbling and making his way off, but not the silence that soon fell. But then again, he possibly should have. Even he hardly knew how it had come to pass, but with evolution in body seemed to come much the same in mind and vocal chords, curiously, and now... now he could speak. Properly. And what he'd spoken hadn't exactly done much to give away the real fact of who he was, in retrospect.

"That's all? You usually have something to say," the Lucario teased, giving a little smirk. Same old, one might say, only... now he could really talk, rather than just relying on various means of non-verbal communication. For better or for worse was anyone's guess at that point. Not to mention his vague awareness that he'd been developing some sort of crush on the girl over the past few days. "Well, never mind that... come on, there's still things to see around here, even if I did make sure to get some of the best-smelling flowers around," he suggested, giving a slight tilt of his head back toward the door.

Rarely if ever stopping... another bit of proof that he was still much the same.
No one could really blame her for being speechless, because just some time ago she had a RIOLU and not a Lucario that can speak fluently and was even taller than her compared to her adorably small partner. You could even say that her mind almost completely shut down as she gazed at him, opening and closing her eyes repeatedly along with her mouth, the thought of her Riolu having evolved without her knowing being something that was quite hars to believe. It felt lile it was only yesterday she was given him as a gift from her father and that they'd just left Twinleaf Town.

The color red wound its way to her cheeks at the teasing, her eyes widening in realization because only with that statement did she realize that he really was her Riolu or Lucario as he would be known now. When he was still a Riolu, his voice was like that of a pre-teen, but mow that he was a Riolu he sounded like a man. A man with a very smooth voice that would make any woman swoon at the sound of it with how roguish it sounded. "A-Ah, you're right. We still have many things to see here in this town. The flowers are just the start of it" She was having a bit of a hard time accepting that Riolu was already a Lucario and even stood taller than her now, but she trued to get used to it. With a small smile, she held the bouquet in her arms and started walking towards the exit of the Pokemon Center with her newly evolved partner.

"So umm....when did you evolve? Nurse Joy almost had a heart attack when she realized that you were gone" That was the first thing she asked the fighting-type as the both of them walked around the town.
As the girl's cheeks quickly started to turn red, the Lucario blinked in some surprise and curiosity, his crimson eyes wandering to them for a moment. But one of still no doubt many human mannerisms that he just... didn't understand, though right now, he rather wished he did so he could have some better idea what was seemingly going through Alexis's head. Even with his read on emotions suddenly getting better now that he'd evolved, that only went so far for him.

Then again, there was still that and his new, rather larger body to steadily get used to. Allowing himself somewhat of a leisurely stretch even as his trainer got up from her seat, he calmly took a place at her side, deciding, at least for this once, to not go ahead and take the lead like he usually would. At her next question, he seemed to think it over a little, his eyes wandering up to the sky, before coming out with his answer. "Just... while I was back there on my own, thinking about some things. I suppose it was just about time for me, especially after earlier... though I admit I was just as surprised as you when I found I could actually speak properly now," he replied with a little grin. Soon enough, he even tilted his head a little to the side for a moment as he glanced over to her, indicating a direction he wanted to go in. And as if someone like him could just leave it at that much, he went so far as to wrap an arm lightly around the girl's waist, starting to gently lead her off that way. Over to the outskirts, away from all the people who still cast him looks thanks to his kin's general rarity.

"You said we could do anything I want, so... here. We've been out and about for so long since we left that home of yours and doing all sorts of stuff, I think we could both use a bit of a break," he spoke again as they reached the area he had in mind, out of the way and with a few trees about, each with a different color of what seemed like petals along their branches. Finally releasing the girl's waist, he moved to take a seat against one of them, lightly patting the ground next to him in an indication that he wanted her to sit. "And also... what was that earlier? Your cheeks going red like that?" he curiously asked.
Seeing as she was a bookworm and stayed at home for most of her life, only interacting with her family on a usual basis, it was no surprise that she could be be easy to fluster especially when teased by anyone. Much more so when it's someone she knows and since Lucario was just her little Riolu earlier who was like a little brother to her, it came as great shock when she stood in front of him while he teased her. It was even more effective since he didn't have the voice of a 12 year old now and wasn't as small either, but not seemed more like a young man if he was human.

Chocolate brown eyes drank in all the sights that the town had to offer, glad thar for once her Rio-- Ehem, Lucario walked at a leisurely pace beside her this time which allowed her to take in all the beauty that was ever present in this small town. When Lucario finally atarted to answer her question, she immediately turned her attention to him and listened with attentive ears as he spoke, "I never guessed that evolution ends up giving you a better set of vocal cords though. It's quite amazing and great since now we can easily communicate with each other without a problem" She mirrored his grin with one of her own, truthfully quite happy about the effects that evolution had on him. Seeing him motion to a different direction, she was just about to follow his lead when she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist, a blush quickly appearing on her lightly-tanned skin at the actions of her Pokemon, but otherwise making no move to remove it from her person since she felt quite safe and secure like this. Alexis thought that it was most likely because he was her Pokemon which was why she felt nothing but safetly and security beside him and nothing more. Besides, would there even be any other reason for her to feel so safe and secure around Lucario especially when he wrapped an arm around her?

"I did say that and you're right about that, we're either training or exploring the places we go to so we never really get the chance to rest" A gasp escaped her lips when she saw the many different colored trees surrounding the area they were in. As soon as Lucario had taken his arm off her waist, she couldn't help but feel a little....sad? That's not ir, why would she even be sad in the first place? Seeing him patting the spot next to him, the trainer happily took a seat beside him only to almost choke on her own saliva in embarrassment, "You mean that blush?'s a natural thing that happens to us humans whenever we're embarrassed" She explained to him as simple as she could.
"Yeah... must be because I've already been working on them for a while," he considered with a little shrug. He didn't really pretend to understand it, nor care, honestly; it was what it was, and it was undoubtedly useful. Of all places for it to happen, though, the Lucario had to admit that this was not such a bad one. It was peaceful here, it most assuredly smelled nice, even to his particularly sensitive nose; they could indeed just relax, and quite easily. That, itself, might have even been a first for him at all, since he thought of it; even before he was caught and confined, he still had to worry about some other pokemon around, after all.

When she explained that red tint on her cheeks, though, he couldn't help but chuckle lightly and tilt his head a little to the side in some consideration. If it was going to be that apparently easy to embarrass her, then... might as well have a little fun with it, he figured. So, to that end, he wrapped an arm back around Alexis's waist, holding her just a little closer as they sat next to each other. "Hm. It's certainly odd, I'll give you that," he somewhat thoughtfully spoke. "Then... I wonder how embarrassed you'd be if I took something before anyone else was ever able to get to it. You humans especially do seem to place some value in 'firsts' of anything," he added with a slight, teasing grin.

What said 'first' would be, he didn't let the girl wonder for very long. Instead, he leaned over a little more, tilting his head a little such that their faces came ever closer in the already fairly short distance. Acting on but one of the odd little human customs he did know, at least to his best ability, the Lucario pressed his lips softly against hers. Letting the contact linger for a decent few seconds, he slowly broke it off... just to have, by all rights, stolen his trainer's first kiss. Something he very clearly didn't regret in any form, his expression simply that of one waiting to see what the girl thought of his latest action.
This town was serene and beautiful, she decided, the kind of town she wouldn't mind visiting every now and then even just for a few hours to relax herself and bask in the heavebly scent of the fresh and clean air that had the distinct scent of the flowers. Maybe she and Lucario could come back again after they've traveled to more places as their vacation spot? That sounded like a good idea, she thought to herself as she continued to relax to her heart's content after working so hard ever since she and Lucario first set out on their journey together. Heck, maybe in the future she could even move here when she's done with her Pokemon journey abd live out the rest of her life in peace and happiness

It was safe to say that she was completely caught off guard when her Pokemon wrapped his arm around her waist again even though they were just sitting down together and enjoying the scenery and serenity of this place. Once again, a faint tint of red wound its way to her cheeks as she tried to speak while wondering what had gotten into the fighting-type's head to pull this move on her again. "L-Lucario?" She internally cursed her stuttering, but she couldn't help it when she was faced with highly embarrassing situations like this one, "W-What?!" Damn it! She couldn't form a single sentence without stuttering like a fool, but it wasn't her fault becauae for some reason Lucario was acting word and doing this to her. Why did she have to be so easy to tease and why did he have to look cute when grinned like that?!

Internally, she was screaming at herself to go and pull away from his brace already, but she couldn't find the power to do so which is why she was left in her Pokemon's mercy, whatever it is he may do to her. "What are you g-gonna do to me?" She asked in a soft and barely audible voice before her eyes widened to the size of dinner plates as their lips pressed against one another, the blush she wore reddening all the more to the point that her face was a red as a Cheri berry. Once he pulled away, Alexis blubbered and sputtered in an embarrassed manner, unable to form any understandable sentence due to the overwhelming embarrassment of having her first kiss just stolen from her and by her Pokemon if all people.
Just as he'd expected, there came that red tint again as soon as his arm had gone around Alexis's waist. Honestly, it really was so easy to embarrass her now that he was like this, now that he was a little taller than her and could actually talk properly. It was even fun, interestingly... though perhaps not quite as much so as constantly leading the way for her to keep up. And she had kept up so far at the pace he'd given her throughout their little journey thus far, he most certainly had to give her that. Now, though? Now he could easily leave her even further behind than before... not that he had any plans to.

He did have to admit, though, the girl's lips felt... nice. He was almost tempted to go in already for a second, but perhaps that would be pushing too much? After all, his trainer was already quite thoroughly speechless. Not that he could blame her in the slightest. "So... good? Bad? Somewhere in-between?" he curiously inquired, shortly enough breaking the general silence that had fallen. And he wasn't exactly hiding what he was asking about -- that was, the kiss he'd given her -- especially when his face still lingered a mere foot or so from her own. "I admit I possibly shouldn't have stolen this particular first, but... it's not something I wanted to hand over to anyone else. And you know me... I wouldn't have stuck around at all in the first place if I didn't at least care about you," he offered with a little smile.
She was so surprised that it toom several moments before she snapped out of it and blushed for all she was worth that it almost looked like she would explode from embarrassment if that was even possible. "I-It was....It was...good..." She practically squeaked the words right out of her own mouth, because she was incapable of speaking clearly due to all the shocking things that had happened to her so far. First being cornered by a pack of Shinx, then finding out that her Riolu had evolved into a Lucario and finally said Lucario stealing her first kiss. What next? Meeting Arceus? It was honestly almost too much for her, but she persevered anyway.

The trainer placed two of her fingers on her lips absent-mindedly, still feeling the heat from Lucario's lips earlier. "Y-You're right, if you didn't then you'd have probably left me when we first started our journey" Woth that, she found a tiny bit of strength to laugh even though her cheeks were still as bright red as Cheri berries, unable to take her mind off the kiss and how surprisingly soft and gentle his were against hers. Where did he wven learn how to kiss in the first place? Not wanting to make things awkward, she mirrored his smile with her own even as her cheeks bloomed a beight red still.
The Lucario's ears perked up a little atop his head as the girl spoke, waiting for anything she might have to say in response. When Alexis said it was good, he even grinned slightly; some part his own normal pride, some part satisfaction at hearing that from her after he'd granted such an... intimate contact. And he didn't miss how her fingers came up to her lips, where his own lips had been moments before. Where they, perhaps, wanted to be again... to give the female that he'd surprisingly come to quite like even more. What would she think of that, though? How far could he push it, or would anything ever possibly come of it? Even he was a little nervous about that in particular.

"If you hadn't made it up the tree that day, I would've probably left right then and there," he offered with a little chuckle of his own; a bit of a tease, perhaps, but no less the truth of the matter. "Though if one was to say back then that I'd come to want to be this close to you, or even find you attractive, well... who knows what I'd have thought. Certainly wouldn't have believed it, if anything, but... what about you? Would it even be possible for you to find me at all attractive, with me just being a pokemon, I wonder?" he asked, his tone one of pure curiosity even as he leaned just a little closer again. He still wanted to feel her lips against his a second time, but... only if he could safely get away with it. Right now, he wasn't completely certain.
If it was possible, her lightly tanned cheeks had become even redder than they were before when he'd more or less just admitted that he found her attractive. What would her parents say if they find out what transpired between her and her Pokemon or if they knew that he apparently found her attractive. When aaked if she would ever find him attractive, she fiddled with her fingers and looked away so that he wouldn't see just how flustered she was. It was already obvious though with how even her ears turned as red as her face, "E-Even for a Pokemon I think you're quite attractive yourself. I mean, you're taller than any other Lucario from what I've read, you're strong too, and you have a nice voice. What's not to like?" As soon as she admitted all that however, she slapped her hands on her mouth and turned away from him again.

"Anyway, would you like something to eat? I have some Pecha berries left here in my bag" Opting to just change the subject, she pulled out several Pecha berries from her backpack and offered them to him to take as many as she wanted while she took one and started to eat the sweet berry. Alexis was unaware or didn't really mind as she bit on one, the juice dripping down her lips and practically begging to be licked off, not that she was asking for any of that of course since she was merely eating her favorite berries in order to make light of this situation.
When Alexis looked away, the Lucario tilted his head slightly to the side; partly to follow it just a little, mostly just out of pure curiosity. Did she, then? He had a feeling, but it was only that, and his abilities as a Lucario weren't good enough to help let him know for sure... at least, not yet. Even if they were, though, he was certain he'd want to hear it directly from her rather than some roundabout method of feeling it like that. On her admission, though, and subsequent further embarrassment, he couldn't help but chuckle lightly. No doubt he'd have to do something about that sometime.

Then, after the admission, the subject change... honestly. She couldn't possibly think he was going to let her off that easily, not after knowing him for this long. With a little shrug, though, he consented to eat a few berries, making even shorter work of them than before thanks to his larger maw and somewhat sharper teeth. His eyes, however, barely left the girl next to him, the habit of eating letting him not even really have to look as he idly popped berries into his mouth. It took him just a moment, but his eyes soon enough caught sight of the juice dripping down, and perhaps, an opportunity.

"Hold still a moment, you have something..." he requested. Leaning a bit closer, he moved a paw up to rest on her cheek, even as his face approached ever nearer her own. It was only a slight lick that caught the end of the juice dripping down near her chin, then another slight lick just below her lips to clean that up a bit further... then a third, small lick, this time right on Alexis's lips themselves. Not content with just that, the Lucario closed his lips gently over her lower lip around where that berry juice had started dripping down, suckling ever so gently at it in some pretense of making sure there wouldn't be any more juice dripping down for now... though, perhaps, that little pretense was rather meaningless by now. Releasing her lower lip after a few moments, his face nonetheless remained there, hovering a mere inch or two away from her own. Most of all, he wanted to see if she might act this time, between his face being close, both admitting to finding the other attractive, and his paw still resting gently on her cheek, starting to stroke just slightly down it.
"Hmm?" One delicate eyebrow was raised when she was asked to hold still by the fighting-type, wondering what he was up to this time around. It was safe to say that Alexis was more or less completely befuddled with her newly evolved partner, especially with his personality change since she distinctly remembered him keeping her at arms length most of the time, but now he seemed to want to always have her by his side. It was honestly surprising and a little bit hard to get used to, but she thought that she'll manage at least since he was her partner so the only plausible option was to accept the present and move on.

Her chocolate brown eyes widened a fraction when a soft paw was placed on her cheek, lifting her hand up and placing it on top of it out of curiosity just to see how much bigger it was compared to her hand. She was jolted out of her thoughts however, when she felt a tough tongue on the skin of her chin, licking off the berry juice that had dripped down from her mouth. Her breath caught in her throat as Lucario proceeded to lick off any remnants of the berry juice and continued even when there was none left to lick off. The trainer's breathing started to deepen as her eyes dilated while the blush on her cheeks faded into a light pink, heart hammering inside her chest as the fighting-type continued his ministrations on her lower lip.

This was wrong, no trainer and Pokemon should do this to each other, right? But....But she couldn't find the will to push her partner away nor the will to not enjoy what he was doing to her, it was as if she WANTED him to do this to her when it was clearly taboo. At the moment though, it was as if she couldn't really care anymore if this was wrong and or if it was frowned upon, because all she really knew is that she wanted more. Seeing his face so close to her, Alexis placed her hands on his own and pulled her to him, pressing her lips against his as she pushed back all thoughts of this not being right to the back of her mind. Screw whatever rules they had against trainer and Pokemon doing this, she couldn't really care right now.
Even if he weren't able to read emotions, the Lucario could tell the sort of effect he was having on his trainer. Her breath changing, that red tint on her cheeks that wasn't going away... even the fact that she'd done nothing to stop him, even though he knew he would've let it be easy for her. Prideful and stubborn though he was, it was not so much that it would be at the cost of Alexis's comfort, at least when it came to something like this. She was the best sort of person he could hope to have with him; perhaps not the strongest, by any means, but she tried, and had been nothing short of caring and respectful of his decisions and personality. That was more than enough.

Then her hands moving, drawing him just that little bit closer. That was all he needed right now, and just as he'd hoped, she gave it to him. Never mind if it was strange or wrong or some silly thing like that, with her being a human and him being a pokemon... her sole pokemon, no less. If they both wanted this, that was all that mattered to him right now, and it appeared they did. So he shifted himself a little to further face her, his other arm moving back down so both arms were now wrapped around her waist. The Lucario happily returned the kiss as it came, his eyes closing contently as he appreciated the intimate, though to him somewhat strange, touch. It didn't even take long for his own bit of instinct to kick in, his tongue that was his kin's normal medium of showing affection soon poking out a little against her lips, brushing just slightly against them for no other reason than to show that affection in his own way.

And if that wasn't enough, there were his arms around her, drawing her a bit closer, close enough that her chest started to press a little against his own. Lacking a chest spike certainly showed a benefit for such a thing, and he didn't feel he'd ever have needed the thing anyway. If he could freely enjoy more of this closeness, this intimacy, then all the better. So he thought as he went about enjoying it, one of his paws in the meantime starting to slowly slide up along Alexis's spine.
This felt so wrong and yet so right as trainer and Pokemon kissed, wrapped in an intimate embrace as their lips moved against one another's slowly and softly as if tattooing in their minds how the other's lips felt like. The feeling of that rough tongue licking her lips only seemed to fuel that slowly growing desire inside of her as she let go of his face only to wrap her arms around his neck, lips instinctively parting to let her tongue meet with his. Alexis had never kissed or even been intimate with anyone before so this was all so new to her, only going by instinct at the moment and so far her instincts haven't failed her yet.

She could taste the berry juice once her tongue met with his, a pleased hum reverberating from her as they kept kissing, but this time the kiss was much more intimate than that of the previous one before. The ebony-haired young woman could barely get enough of Lucario's taste now that she'd sampled it, he was like a drug that she couldn't help but want more of even though she knew that it was wrong and should be stopped. Pressing her body closer to the fighting type, she could feel the lean and strong muscle of his own upper body, mentally thankful that he didn't have that chest spike or else there will be a bit of a problem. Seeing as they were already this close, she thought that it wouldn't be bad if she moved even closer and so she threw caution to the wind and sat on his lap instead while facing him.

It was a good thing that the place they were currently in was one that no one really knew of so they had their privacy, imagine the look on the face of the person who would walk in on them. What would she do then if they were discovered doing this? There was no way that she was going to let anyone take her partner away from her, not now and not ever even if everybody else despised her for what she had done. Was it really wrong in the first place when the both of them wanted this?
As he felt Alexis's lips part to the touch of his tongue, the Lucario wasted little time in moving in on that. New and odd to him though this still was, it was no less pleasant, and at this point, he was certain he would take anything his trainer would give him... including that very clear invitation. So his tongue carefully pressed onwards, into the girl's mouth, tentatively starting to slide against her own tongue and very quickly taking in the flavor of the berry she'd just eaten, as well as her own pleasant taste. It only spurred him on a little as he started to enjoy every taste and texture, his tongue becoming just a little more eager in the way that it rubbed up against the girl's own tongue.

Then... feeling her move up onto his lap, at which point the Lucario shifted his legs a little to straighten them out and make them both likely a little more comfortable. With their bodies pressed up so closely together like that, he was becoming quite well aware that they couldn't get much closer than this, but... they could get closer. He wasn't certain his trainer would allow it, but when had that ever stopped him, really? No, whether she'd allow it or not, he felt he at least had to try. So, after what seemed like forever, he finally, slowly broke the kiss, his breaths already coming out a bit warmer and heavier than before. Casting the girl an inquiring gaze, his paws started to move, slipping down just a little to reach the bottom of her shirt... then start to pull it up a little. They didn't get far before he paused, waiting for whatever Alexis's answer might be to that particular, unspoken question. It wouldn't quite be the first time he'd have seen her in her undergarments, he could admit, but now it felt... different. Right now, at least, they were male and female more than they were pokemon and trainer.
Her heart was pounding like a drum inside her chest while her whole body felt as if it was starting to burn up from the inside as they continued their ministrations, but this time even more intimate than before. She could taste berry juice and Lucario's own unique taste as their tongues played and mingled with each other in a sensual dance of tongues inside her mouth, only making her feel all the more hot and bothered. Why did she feel so heated? Even that....that private part of her felt weird when it shouldn't.... The fighting-type's tongue just felt so heavenly as it played with her own inexperienced one.

Sadly though, there was such a thing as air and so they had to separate from each other, a thin trail of saliva connecting their lips as the both of them tried to catch their breaths, heated looks being sent to one another as they both took the chance to catch their breaths after that steamy makeout session which left them both breathless. Her dilated chocolate brown eyes continued to gaze into his own crimson ones, cheeks tinged with red as they gazed at one another. Alexis made no move as Lucario started to slowly pull off her shirt, the corners of her lips twitching upwards into a small smile as she nodded to him in confirmation. The raven-haired female wanted this as much as him so she was not opposed as to whatever it was that was going to happen to them, although she already sure that their relationship will never be the same after this.
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