The threads that forever bind us (wiki-frogger)

The aura faded as he was thrown into the ground just sitting there like an unfolded mess in front fog her. His power was awakened and now he had full human consciousness able to talk but not move very much at least for now. " I am the forbidden kamui... The god robe of the corrupted legion...I am the Black Death, my name is kensekt...."he said introducing himself as he looked up at her easily since he was laying flat. " I must feed I don't want to go back there to that place....I need to be worn..." He told her calmly though hinting he was begging to be put on. Kensekt would go back to being dormant without a supply of blood, and that would work only if she was in danger and needed him to fight. " I am a godrobe those powers are what you've only had a taste of."
"Kamui? Corruption Legion? Powers?!" Elva shook her head, pink flying about her features as she tried to process everything... which, she wasn't doing very well. Her hands raised up in the air, she began walking around... confused, angry, and so much more. "You... You need to be worn, right? Why not find some other girl, feed off her blood, huh? I can't keep you! I can't wear you! It'd raise too many questions, and I just... I can't, okay?" Elva focused her eyes on those purple ones of his, red and blue shining brightly. "I don't want powers... or... whatever. I'm happy with the way things are, and I just... I don't need things to change."
" you just happened to be the first persons blood I tasted. You started this my touching me like that, that cut on your finger is what happened until we got to here now. You don't have to always be in that form for me to stay like this. There are things that have changed already that you can't understand unless you become one with me....things must always change and they already have....think about what you can do...there are others like me and many of them must be stopped. The world will be in chaos and darkness without change...." He kept calm with her choice not to wear him anymore. " it's your choice then....either you can protect the things you want and yourself or my soul is sealed away into eternal sleep...." Kensekt wanted her to make a choice, this new world was very strange and it would have to continue to evolve, eventually sh would be forced by things around her to understand that.
Elva shook her head again, pale flooded with pink as she, torn, considered his words. "As I said before... any girl could wear you, it wouldn't make any difference, would it? All you want is blood... because that's what keeps you... awake, alive, whatever. Others like you? I doubt it, and honestly... it doesn't much matter, does it?" With a small frown, Elva placed her hands on her hips, swallowing the lump in her throat. "What sort... What sort of blood do you want? A Positive? A Negative? O Negative?"
It doesn't matter....after a while the person who I am with will feel a's hard to explain it...." The uniform still sat there flat on the ground looking up at her. " I want to destroy the other kamui'a I fear for another global invasion of the life fibers...." Kensekt sighed, " I feed on blood to be awake but I've been waiting for someone to use me for something. I want to find my purpose once again...." He simply told her. " if you leave me here I will be nothing, I'll be back to sleep and my dark power will fade away again."
Wait a second... Another invasion? Elva bent at the knees, scowling, pink framing those features of hers, and polishing those unusual eyes of hers to a bright luster. "You fear for another invasion of the... the Life Fibers... right? You feed on blood... which awakens your powers, and it doesn't matter what blood you drink. In other words, it doesn't matter who wears... you. I have to head home, too, and I can't walk down the streets naked... You tore my clothes really bad..." Elva ran a hand over her cheek, torn once again. "Maybe I can take you home, just until I can find someone who wants to wear such an outfit..."
The uniform was getting a bit annoyed at the fact that she didn't want him, she's heard of the first invasion and she didn't seem scared, just surprised. Maybe she didn't want to fight or just look skimpy in his other form. Kensekt sighed, "whatever...." Was all he said before waiting for her to take him. Awakened by a possible host who didn't even understand or care much about the danger.
Elva gave the uniform a look, rolling her eyes and reaching out, picking up the fabric... though not without a great deal of reluctance. Gathering it into her arms, the girl rose back up onto her feet... and hesitated. "Ah... I can't go home... the way I am... I know this is a bit much to ask, but... is it okay if I wear you, at least until I get home and can change?" It wasn't that much to ask, but... she had to at least ask, right?
"Go ahead, I wouldn't see why I wouldn't let you wear me..." He looked around as it got darker around them since it was beginning for the sunset to appear then dissapearing turning it into night. They would indeed need to get home fast. It was even better to just be here with her outside at the moment than of course being still in the museum. He was a bit happy for now....kensekt gave a nod and waited for them to start going again with him being worn now again.
"Ah... Thanks." For some reason, Elva expected this... thing to have refused her request, after being turned down as he had. A bit wary nonetheless, she picked the uniform up from where she tossed it, the fabric unfolding as she did so. This... Kamui, or whatever it was, really was pretty, in her opinion... though it wasn't something she's walked around wearing while in public. Of course, Elva doesn't have much of a choice, in this case. Glancing about to make sure no one could see, Elva tried to figure out how to put it on, without much success. "Um..."
He just laid there as he was picked up flat in her arms, " you have to slip me over your head and put your arms through....." He told her waiting to be put on finally when she understood. He was happy to not be on the floor though something told him that later than sooner she would want to try and pull the clips down on her shoulders again and have to transform to her skimpy but more powerful form. She had to get what he was now. Kensekt sighed and looked around at the moment as the sun soon fell even more past the horizon, "hurry lets go..."
Elva slipped the uniform on over her head, putting her arms through while the fabric settled into place. It was... a perfect fit, once again, and it still surprised the girl, despite having worn it earlier. After brushing her hands over the skirt, feeling a small stab of embarrassment at how much leg she was showing... Elva ventured out down the road, casting her gaze about. It is getting late, and with every passing moment, the danger arises. Gangs are out on the streets, looking for any unsuspecting victim... and she looks the part, even she will admit that much.
Kensekt looked around more as it got darker and the street lights started to come on around them on the street. "If there's any danger you know what to do..." He told her wondering if she remembered about the bands to transform. She was even able to protect herself if that would happen. She was superhuman, armor, speed, and superhuman strength she could beat a bunch of gangs at once, though she would also need to find his weapon to become A stronger knight to his host.
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