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Bridget's exile (Tessylyn & OneNightNinja)

RE: Bridget's exile

From the way that the girl was looking at her, Jada could tell that there was at least some interest there now. Maybe it hadn't been a rejection, just someone too inexperienced to know that they were being flirted with and asked for sex. At the question about being fun, the fox gave a knowing smile and assured Bridget "Very fun, you wouldn't regret it".

Before they could get any further though, the door swung open and Alder came in. "Hey sis" she greeted the other furred woman, explaining the slight resemblance, the two were sisters. She seemed not to notice the bulge in the front of the other's dress, as her eyes went back to Bridget as she held up the club she had been to fetch. It was two and a half feet long, three inches thick down its entire length except for a leather wrapped handle, clearly designed to be held by a single hand. The wood was dark, clearly having been treated so that it wouldn't split or crack if it got wet, and along the length there were several iron bands to stop it from warping and splintering if it hit something hard. Her other hand held an adjustable leather belt, with a loop to carry the weapon on.

Jada stood up and refastened her apron to hide the lump in the front of her trousers, taking a measuring tape out of the pouch sewn into the front. "You'll have to wait before strapping that thing to her, we just came to an agreement with the clothes" she lied. "A jacket, shirt, and a pair of trousers in exchange for the dress" she explained, both to Alder and to let Bridget know what her terms were. Stepping over she made a few quick measurements on the girl, arms, bust, hips, waist and leg before measuring her collar, using the excuse for being so close to whisper. "Looks like the plans are on hold, come back tonight if you want to find out first hand how fun it can be".

With that she stepped back and nodded to herself, apparently at the measurements. "Yep, I've got stuff that will fit you sugar, just let me know what colours you want and then I go fetch it from my stores in the back, once you get out of that dress of course".
RE: Bridget's exile

Bridget blushed a bit brighter at the suggestion that it was a positively wonderful experience. She had to wonder if a lot of things involved sex in this part of the world, as everyone seemed much more open about it. Sex where she came from was pretty much taboo, at least as far as womenfolk went. Men could brag about their exploits. Come to think of it, she hadn't yet met a man. All the smithies were men in the human lands, as far as she was aware.

Alder came in though, interrupting the two. Apparently Jada wasn't too keen on letting her sister know what she was up to. So there was some restraint, maybe. Out came the measuring tape as Jada got nice and close, close enough that Bridget found herself resisting the urge to squirm under the soft brushing of fur, ticklish feeling that it was. The whispered message though only made her blush all the brighter, trying to hide it from Alder. Still, the moment was fleeting. And soon things were back to normal.

What colors? "Well, does this green suit me? Maybe I'll keep to that. But whatever is available." The mention of undressing made her blush though as she suddenly remembered something important. "Alder... I need that bag a moment..." She sheepishly informed her before getting the bag of gold and retrieving the undergarments she had within. She'd been in such a hurry to cover up in front of the goblin that she'd forgone the underwear in favor of one quick cover-up. She then looked around for a private place to undress. "Is there a place to, um, change?"
RE: Bridget's exile

Jada considered the question she was asked, glancing over Bridget’s skin tone and hair colour before giving a nod “I think green does suit you, and that’s a good thing too, I think I have something right here that will fit with only a little adjusting”. Turning to her storeroom she quickly fished inside, coming out with a pair of very dark green cotton trousers that looked very comfortable as well as durable. A white button-up shirt followed with a short overcoat coming next in lighter shade of green, more similar to that of the dress.

It all looked comfortable and well made, not likely to fall apart any time soon, but it was only clothing, it wouldn’t provide any protection if another goblin or something else decided to attack Bridget.

“Hmm, the bag?” Alder asked in a confused tone, but unhooked it from her belt where she’d put it out of the way and opened it up. For the first time she actually looked inside it and a little snort of laughter, before letting the human girl take it and fish out her undergarments. “I did wonder about that when you mentioned the goblin’s potion… you seemed remarkly calm for someone who’s had a dose of that. Guess I know why now”. She gave Bridget a pat on the shoulder before adding “Don’t worry, we’ve all had that potion used on us at one point or another by those sneaky little greenskins, and we all know what the cure is. There’s no shame in it”.

Jada on the other hand was finished with the clothes and clearly trying to hide a little smirk of her own since this was the first time she’d heard about the goblin encounter. “Somewhere to change? This aint one of those fancy stores in the city sugar, we don’t have something like that. Alder, close the door, give her a little privacy” the more slender sister demanded, and Alder promptly did as she was told… but stayed inside the store.
RE: Bridget's exile

So Bridget now had some clothing, probably better things than she'd ever had in the human lands. No more hobo clothes. It was kind of a nice feeling. But she was soon informed that changing was just going to have to happen out in the open, as there were no extra rooms to do swap out her clothing. Blushing, she turned around and reached behind her back, so she could undo the small clips that held the dress tight to her chest. This allowed her to peel the top half away from her petite body, revealing her pale skin. It would be easy to see she wasn't terribly well fed from her wispy figure. But her body was unmarred despite a rough and tumble life in the streets. Her small breasts were firm and perky, as she granted them both quick glimpses from the side on occasion in the effort to remove the dress. The air was just a bit chilly, and her chest would show it too, should one of the sisters maneuver to catch a better glimpse. Once her upper body was free, it was easy enough for Bridget to slip the dress down and under her feet, stepping out of the fanciest thing she'd ever had. Of course, this meant bending over right in front of the pair, who would get to see long legs leading up to a small, firm butt.

She did her best to hurry into her undergarments, the silk clinging to what little curves she had. And she seemed to have no issues getting the clothing on. Trousers first, then shirt and jacket. She only buttoned up halfway, leaving a rather deep V, not that she had a whole lot of cleavage to show for it. Turning back around, she spread her arms a little, blush on her cheeks very evident. "So um... How do I look?"
RE: Bridget's exile

Now that her sister Alder was clearly not intending to look away as well, Jada stopped trying to hide the fact that Bridget had caught her eye. As the girl undressed neither of them went so far as to actually stare at her, but they did sneak a circumspect glance every now and again at those perky breasts of hers and her cute behind. Fortunately for both of them, it wasn’t possible to actually blush with fur covering your cheeks, though from the way that they seemed remarkably short on conversation while she was actually getting changed it was pretty obvious that both of them were quite enjoying the sight of Bridget naked.

“Looks great to me” Jada answered with a smile “but of course I made the clothes, so I would say that no matter what”. Alder rolled her eyes at that but gave a nod, showing that she too approved of the new garments. There was no bulge in the front of her own clothes though, so given her enjoyment of the situation that meant she probably wasn’t ‘equipped’ the same way as her sister.

“I think Lucina was done collecting your stuff together when I went past” Alder pointed out, handing the cudgel and belt to Bridget. “You want to go grab that then get on with whatever it is you have planned for the rest of the day?”

You'll have to 'equip' a weapon if you want to use it - by that I just mean put the belt on and have it at Bridget's hip, otherwise it will be considered to be in her pack and not actually in use when/if you get in a fight
RE: Bridget's exile

Bridget tried to put on a smile, though it came off as a little forced due to her nerves, and the embarrassment that came from the clear attentions that both of the women were all too happy to give her during the changing. But it came with good news, that Lucina had gotten the full set of gear together. She'd be able to find a good place to set up camp and get everything ready to go. Taking the belt from Alder, she nodded in thanks and fastened it about her waist, the belt helping to keep her pants from slipping down. Without much of a butt, even the best fit pair of pants would slowly slide down her hips, so it was nice to have a proper belt rather than a tied off cord.

"I figured it'd be a good time to set up that camp for myself. Get nice and set up... Try to do something about feeding myself tonight." Bridget spoke of her plans for the night, as that was about all she had going for her. Well, and Jada's proposal for night time, but Bridget hadn't quite decided if that was a good idea or not. Since women being together in that sense was not something that happened in the human lands, or at least not openly, it was certainly very unusual... But oddly enticing.

Bridget equipped "Stout Cudgel"
RE: Bridget's exile

Alder nodded again in approval at the way the belt fit, it seemed a gesture that she was fond of, being a woman of relatively few words at times. With that she hefted the pouch of gold a couple of times to make it jingle and announced “Well, I’ve got work to be doing, you know the way back to Lu’s, Bridget, so I’ll leave you to it. That charge-stone will be ready tomorrow at noon don’t forget, you don’t have to pick it up from me right away, but you’ll probably need it sooner or later, so don’t go forgetting about it”.

At the mention of finding something to eat neither of the two women seemed to offer a suggestion or an invitation to join them. Being a small farming village this was probably not the wealthiest of places, and so it wasn’t likely that anyone could simply afford to feed any traveller who happened to wander through. Manners and help could be found in abundance, and fair trade was always welcomed, but there was little real charity to be found. Not wanting to give away that precious little that you had was probably something a street rat could understand.

With yet another nod and a quick farewell, Alder headed out of the shop and back over to her smithy to start work, and Jada offered a something leading smile that was no doubt meant to remind Bridget of her offer before picking up a pin cushion and ripped shirt, starting repair work.
RE: Bridget's exile

"Right, thank you both." She nodded to them both as they all went their separate ways. Work to be done for all of them. Bridget went to pick up her bundle from Lucina, thanking her for the time and effort. Fully geared up, she was as ready as she'd ever be for the indignities of living outside of a city. The thief was thinking of where along the way might have been a good spot to set up camp. Her mind immediately went to that little cropping of trees and bushes that she'd had to duck into on the way to the town.

She headed out in that direction, trying not to think too much about Jada's proposal. She wanted to make sure that her head was clear when she started setting up camp, as it was her first time, and it'd be something of a home while she traveled. Sure enough, getting to that area was surprisingly easy, and she found that same patch of plants. Due to what happened last time though, she wanted to look around and search the area first, to ensure she wasn't going to be attacked while she set up.
RE: Bridget's exile

Lucina was indeed ready once Bridget arrived, and had not only gathered all of the items, but had already stowed them in a sturdy leather pack that could be slung over both shoulders like a backpack. Right now it was a little bulky and not to mention heavy due to having the tent and bedroll inside along with a thick metal cookpot, but that would be rectified once Bridget set up her camp. “All the instructions are on top” she explained, taking one out to show Bridget – thankfully they were all drawings.

The only item which didn’t follow this way was the waterskin, which was added to the second loop on bridget’s belt, since she’d likely need it quite frequently. It had already been filled from the fountain in the village square, and was likely large enough to last a full day without refilling.

After that last farewell, the walk back to the little stand of trees took only ten minutes, since as Alder had alluded to the distance simply seemed to melt away as Bridget walked given that she had a specific destination in mind. Once she arrived and begun her search, it was quite clear that something had changed. Apparently that little copse with the secluded clearing that Bridget had found was already someone or something’s home, since the soft sound of snoring drifted through the branches as the thief grew close.

The sound wasn’t particularly loud or deep, meaning that the source was probably something small, perhaps another goblin or something of a similar size. It hadn’t woken up yet though, so Bridget could either look for a new place to make her camp, or see about trying to evict the previous tenant.
RE: Bridget's exile

Unfortunately for Bridget, her spot was occupied. And while she could try to do something involving said occupant, it was best to leave it alone. Right now she was loaded with gear that made being a sneaky devil a lot more difficult than normal, and sneakiness was her main asset at this point. So she let it go and decided to travel along the stream. Maybe something new would show up. After all, there was just so much to the world that there had to be something. In fact, something on the stream itself would be quite nice, so she'd have easy access to water for drinking and bathing without having to abandon her dwellings. Already she was getting used to the fast travelling, finding it rather lovely that she didn't have to worry as much about getting lost. Still, she kept a hand near her cudgel. Just in case. The goblins were sneaky, and she wasn't keen on the idea of being attacked by another one. Especially since the last had vowed revenge.
RE: Bridget's exile

The thief's retreat did not wake the sleeping creature, and so once again she was able to set off along the path that led along the stream. Heading south, back in the direction the village of Vayrun, Bridget passed the place where she'd acquired her supplies but this time followed the path past the village and further south still. There had been no suitable places to stop before, but about a fifteen minute walk south of Vayrun she would come across another stand of trees, this one opposite where the stream really started to widen out and look more like the actual river that the village was named for.

This copse was larger than the previously occupied one and full of what looked like evergreen trees, though from the shape of the leaves these were clearly not the type found in or near the city that Bridget had called home. There was no real path beaten into the ground and leaf litter covered a lot of the area, but the trees were just about far enough apart that walking between them didn't require a large detour. From the road the thicket looked fairly deep, deep enough that the centre was completely obscured by trees, in a way that would probably give a good deal of shelter, as well as privacy.
RE: Bridget's exile

Seeing a new area that might work for her, Bridget got a little excited. It was more dense, but that was a good thing as far as privacy was concerned. Especially in case she needed to do another round of potion curing. Plus the trees were kind of pretty, and they would provide a good selection of firewood for quite a while. Walking into the thicket, she began to look for a clearing, where she'd be able to set up her tent and put a fire pit a decent distance away from anything flammable. She may not have been an experienced camper, but she knew enough about fire to not want to start a forest fire.

She also had to keep a look out in case there were any creatures nearby. Possibly rabbits or the like. Things she could snare for food. Or maybe edible plants... Maybe not edible plants. She didn't know if any were poisonous or not. Not without a guide. In fact, if she didn't catch anything, she might have to go to bed hungry. Not that it'd be the first time that happened. If anything, at least she had clean water.
RE: Bridget's exile

Walking intro the clearing allowed the young human to see more of her surroundings, and at first this was mostly just an array of smaller plants in, amongst, and even growing directly on the trees. There were several patches where mushrooms of an earthy brown colour were growing, as well as a few bushes which held fruit that looked like green grapes, except that they were twice the size and the skin a more vibrant and opaque shade. There were also a few small tracks that seemed to have been scuffed into the leaf litter, not footprints, but what looked like the trail of small animals.

About a minute's walk into the copse Bridget found what she was looking for, a nice open clearing about twenty feet or so across. It was perhaps a little shaded due to the branches of a few trees overhead, but enough light was getting through to see clearly, and in the event of rain those branches overhead would likely provide just a little shelter. There was still a fair covering of fallen leaves here, but not so thick as elsewhere, easy enough to clean up and even useful as kindling besides.
RE: Bridget's exile

It was perfect! Well, almost. But good enough indeed. Bridget immediately began on the task of cleaning up, which was a bit of a tedious prospect considering all the leaves that could fit in a twenty-foot radius. So she just started in the key spots; where she was going to put her tent, and where she was going to place the fire. Once it was all cleaned up, she began setting up her tent, following the drawn instructions and finding it a little difficult in practice. But it worked out as she finally got the tent up and ready to go. For the fire, she needed to tear out the grass and debris, making herself a shallow pit. Using a stick to help her out, she scraped up the ground and shoveled some of it about, so the fire wouldn't spread. She should have gotten a shovel too. Once that was taken care of, she set up her bed roll and various items under the tent in case it rained. Then came the task of setting up snares... Except she didn't have a knife, so even if she caught something, she couldn't really prepare it. Curses. Sighing, she put away the snares for now. Perhaps if she found a plant or mushroom that appeared to be a favored snack of herbivores, she could eat that. After all, animals knew what was poisonous or not.
RE: Bridget's exile

Cleaning up the leaves really didn't take all that long, and so soon enough the tent was up, the fire-pit made, and Bridget's bedroll was laid out. The lack of a knife was indeed and oversight, but buying one would be simple enough with another trip back to Vayrun either today or tomorrow when going to collect her charge-stone. There was the alternative of trying to find something else sharp to the work of course, either in the copse itself or the nearby river. Bridget's idea of trying to observe animals might also work, but first she' have to leave the clearing (since by being a clearing that meant there were no plants there) and wait to see what got eaten.
RE: Bridget's exile

Bridget decided that observing what the local animals ate would be the best way to quickly identify a plant or two she could eat for sustenance. A knife could be picked up easily enough as it was, as long as she found some way to make a profit... Or just steal. Heck, maybe she'd go to Jada under the guise of the night time fun, just as an excuse to pilfer a few items. Leaving the clearing, she made sure to move silently and keep a low profile, so as to not spook any small critters. She'd also make sure to inspect the plants themselves. Some might have signs of having been eaten. The grape-like fruits were suspect, as were the mushrooms, so she had a good feeling that she'd find something edible at least somewhat soon.
RE: Bridget's exile

For the majority of people, sneaking around on dried leaves would have been a near nightmare, but Bridget's practice at trying to move quietly paid off as she managed to move around without making very much noise. Her time setting up camp had likely scared the majority of the smaller creatures into their burrows, but now as she skulked around the occasional rustle or squeak marked the passed of such an animal.

With the plants, there was something of a problem in the thief's city-raised logic. Indeed several types of plant showed signs of being chewed upon, but animals were not as fussy as humans. Most of the plants that showed signs of such activity didn't bear any fruit, and whatever creature had decided to take a nibble had gone for the leaves rather than anything Bridget herself could eat. As she was moving around though, a red squirrel that had been trying to stay still so as to not be noticed decided that the human had gotten too close for comfort, and darted up a nearby tree. It was struggling to carry one of those green grape-like fruits up the side of its trees, but after a moment dropped it in haste to escape.

A little while later the thief came across a bush with small red berries the size of a fingernail on many of the branches, several of the branches had been stripped bare however, giving the appearance that something, or someone, had removed and eaten them. In copse there didn't seem to be much else, until a squawk from a bird overhead sounded and what looked like an orange fell off of a tree, except for the fact that the skin was a shade of reddish brown. Looking up, Bridget would see that there were more, though they were well hidden by the leaves unless you happened to know what you were looking for.
RE: Bridget's exile

While she'd come across a few dead ends, Bridget did get some insight from the creatures, and from looking around carefully. First were the large grapes, which seemed to be a target for squirrels. It'd make sense if Bridget knew more about fruit, in that the seed was what mattered, and that animals taking the fruits was a way to spread the seeds around. But she wasn't that bright, or at least not raised in the right environment. So she found herself getting a small handful of those. Then the red berries, which were small and bright. Since it looked like large amounts were taken at one time, she picked a group of those as well. And finally a dark orange-like fruit from high above formed the last of Bridget's gatherings.

So now that she had a grouping of fruits, she felt she could have herself something of a meal. Just not the orange-like fruit. Just because it fell from a tree didn't mean it was good to eat. Instead, she was going to do her best to be cautious, by only eating one of the grapes for now. If they were dangerous, she'd have only eaten a little, so hopefully that would translate into a mere stomach ache instead of say... Full on dead.
RE: Bridget's exile

Back at her camp now with the armful of fruit, there was little point actually adding it to her pack, so instead the inside of the cookpot seemed a better place to leave it for now, since there none of the animals would be able to steal it with the lid fastened in place. There was enough here that she'd be able to make a decent meal of it, and go to bed not feeling hungry. Then again it didn't seem as if sleep would be happening just yet, since there looked to be a few hours of daylight left still.

In any event, the fruit that Bridget ate tasted sweet and quite pleasant with a slightly sour taste, though honestly quite indescribable with it's own fairly unique taste. Nothing actually seemed to happen, other than a little of the juice dribbling onto the girl's fingers.
RE: Bridget's exile

Locking up the fruit in the cookpot, Bridget enjoyed the taste of the little fruit. If it was good, then she'd have a wonderful new thing to eat. Maybe enough for her to not need to worry about catching animals and preparing them. But she had time to spare before night fell, so it would probably be a good idea to explore a bit. And she could gather firewood so she didn't have to be cold. So she grabbed the tinder box that she had and set out to gather what she could from the ground around the copse, being as careful and observant as usual. Since the dangers were unknown, she'd have to make sure her guard was up at all times.
RE: Bridget's exile

Leaves could provide all the kindling that Bridget could possibly want in this little copse, and indeed as she walked it wasn't long at all before she had a good armful of sticks of varying size that would be able to keep a fire burning for a good long while. As she ventured back in the direction of the path a little though a sound started to come from the road, two sets of footsteps that sounded as if they were running, one of them accompanied by a laughing voice. "You can't run from me" it cackled, just as through a gap in the trees two bodies came into view.

The first was a goblin, sweat clinging to her forehead and dampening her black hair as she ran, though clearly she was reaching the end of her strength as her strides started to shorten and pace gradually slowed. She yanked something free of her belt that looked like a potion bottle, though rather than take the time to use it properly she simply tossed it behind her. A billowing cloud of green mist exploded into the air as the glass shattered, the entire contents of the bottle being released at once. Through that mist ran the second figure, coughing and spluttering on the other side.

About the same height as the goblin, maybe even a few inches shorter, this creature had a skin without fur that was a shade of vivid red. A thin tail tipped with a tuft of white fur flicking and slashing behind it as it ran, matching the white hair on its head. It's feminine features were twisted with the coughing for a moment longer, but it straightened up again and started to run harder, gaining on the goblin. As it did so it's fairly small breasts, not at all covered, bounced and jiggled wildly, only a loincloth that looked to have been stolen from a goblin covering its body at all. "Tricky tricky, I'll make you regret that" it cackled, the points of two small stunted horns sticking out from it's forehead now visible as it tilted its head back to laugh while it ran. At a closer look the creature didn't actually have feet, instead it had what looked like hooves, and they were quick.

It looked like the red creature would soon catch the goblin, in maybe thirty seconds or so at this rate.
RE: Bridget's exile

Curious about the sounds, Bridget ventured to find a good viewpoint and set down her bundle. Instead, her hand now gripped her cudgel, knowing it'd be needed if things turned out to be dangerous. Sure enough, a gleefully malevolent voice was threatening someone as she finally got the view she needed. A goblin wasn't a surprise, but what was was the fact that it was the prey this time, being chased by a red skinned creature. After the green potion smoke cleared, it was easy to see the similarly shaped creature sported a tail and horns, and it wasn't hard to figure out what it rally was. An actual demon. Like the type on the stained glass windows of cathedrals. Except not human-sized, or brandishing a pitchfork.

She remembered what the others had said. They lacked a conscience, and only cared about doing what made them happy. Which meant that the goblin wasn't in for a mere molestation. She was probably going to have much worse done to her. Bridget had to consider for a moment. Being a hero was not in her nature. Hiding was. Every man for themselves. But then again, the demon was going to catch up to the goblin and probably be quite noisy about what it was going to do. Plus, it might decide to venture into the copse and discover the camp Bridget had just set up. So it was arguably in her best interest to help. Plus it might help her rep with the goblins after the fiasco earlier.

Springing out of the bushes as the demon passed as near as it'd get, Bridget raised the cudgel above her head, swinging for the little red creature's noggin. One swift blow could knock it out if she pulled it off just right.
RE: Bridget's exile

The edge of the copse wasn’t exactly at the edge of the path, and so while jumping out form amongst the trees certainly did startle the creature, it dug its hooves into the ground and came to an alarmingly abrupt stop, one that would likely have caused a taller person to fall flat on their face due to the higher centre of gravity. The effect was that even though the creature stumbled slightly, it did manage to completely avoid the swing from Bridget’s cudgel before regaining its balance and taking a cautious step backwards. That wicked grin on the things face did not waiver for a moment.

Unfortunately for the goblin, Bridget’s emergence from the tree-line had proven to be equally shocking for her, and the green creature managed to stumble over a root and fall, its impact luckily cushioned by a small bush. The little green woman did managed to stumble to her feet again, but panting as hard as she was, it was clear that she was in no state to continue running.

Unlike so many of the other residents of this land, the red-skinned creature didn’t seem too flustered at seeing someone who looked like Bridget, instead it teased in a mocking tone “Oh come on now, don’t stop a girl having her fun. Tell you what, put that stick away and I’ll let you join in with the green slut, if not… well, I’ll make you join in, but I’ll take you instead of her”.
RE: Bridget's exile

Okay... Not the best idea. Bridget admitted to herself as the demon managed to scamper away from the blow. Still, the goblin was able to temporarily get a reprieve from the demon's advance at least. Now she just had to make sure the demon was chased off or defeated. Easier said than done of course. But, things were how they were, and Bridget wasn't going to back down. After all, she did have a height advantage. And she was fully clothed, so that kind of helped. "Or... You leave us right now, and you don't learn what it's like to swallow your own teeth." For emphasis, she flourished her cudgel, brandishing it with a menacing wave. It was the intimidation game. But one of them had a weapon, and the height advantage, and that one just happened to be Bridget for once.
RE: Bridget's exile

Level 0
Level 2​
Health: 45/45
Health: 37/37​
Lust: 0/45
Lust: 0/29​
Stamina: 45/45
Stamina: 5/37​

The creature just laughed at the threat, apparently it seemed to give it little care for self preservation. Anyone looking at this fight could see that surely the taller, stronger and not to mention armed human girl would probably have the edge, and that was before considering that the creature was partly exhausted from its run. Either it didn't care... or it knew something that Bridget didn't.

The latter proved to be true, as with a shrug that seemed to say 'I warned you', the creature raised its right palm upwards, and a ball of blue flame started to hover over the hand. "Watch out!" the goblin called from behind "That's imp magic!". Before it became a threat though, the creature, which was presumably an imp, pressed the flame to its own chest rather than using it to attack Bridget. A gout of black smoke obscured the area where it had been standing, clearing to reveal two identical imps, each with a ball of flame over their right hand's palm. One moved to the left, the other to the right, the pair seeming to try and circle Bridget to make her fight on two sides at once.

"It's a trick!" the goblin yelled "only one of them is real!" ... no further wisdom came from the goblin however, no way to tell which was real and which wasn't.

"Shut up you" the imp on the right snapped, before the one on the left added "you'll get your turn soon enough, keep out of this".
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