An Ironman's Fae Prince (KGT Witty x Krystal)

JJ chuckled a little. "The gender change is mostly to just stop the erection. Mom doesn't change into a guy much. She hates having a penis." He said with a chuckle, before he blushed. He liked the idea of seeing tony's house for himself, instead of listening to his mom talk about it. He called his receptionist. "Serena, will you be a dear and cancel the resg of my appointments today? I have some things to do." He said, and the woman obliged. "I'm all free now. We can go whenever you like." JJ added, smiling at Tony. He really liked this man, and still hoped for him to fall for him.
"You really didn't have to cancel your appointments, sounds like something I would do but still you didn't have to" He said pointing his head towards the door before walking out with him at his heals. "by the way, Change back you look to much like Krystal" he chuckled as they walked down the hall some people in the waiting room staring at him before he left. He a small device from his pocket hitting a button before a black Lamborghini drove up next to them.
JJ smiled. "I wanted to. Besides, the people that come to me are mostly celebrities who just want to air their dirty laundry without fear of it getting out." He explained, chuckling a little. His boner was gone for now, so he quickly changed back before stepping out of his office, impressed as the lambourghini drove up. "Nice car. Mom's a fan of lotus's. I just like whatever. If its pretty, i'll drive it."he said with a chuckle, smiling at tony, wondering what to do now.
Tony chuckled a little opening the car door "Well to be completely honest with you, your mom influenced my reason to not use mine" He said unlocking the door for JJ "Well by reason I mean it isn't mine anymore though I paid for it." He said watching as JJ got in the car. "I don't have a problem with it of course but still, she can fly and teleport what's the need for a car" he chuckled again putting the keys in the ignition and driving out of the parking lot.
JJ chuckled. "You bought my mom a car?" He asked, knowing hiw finicky she could be about the car, almost asbifbit were her baby, like him. "Mom likes fast cars. Says they're what dad would have liked if he had survived." He explained, getting on next to tony. He likedbthe interior, so he made himself a note to buy one. While JJ liked andnkind n of pretty car, whenever he drove a lambourghini now, he'd feel close to tony.
"I didn't exactly buy it for her" he said chuckling a bit "more like she took the ability for me to use it away" he said shaking his head. She didn't truly take away his ability to use it he just knew how much it meant to her and he'd have hell to pay if she found out something happened to it. "I only touch it to keep it clean, it's still in my garage" he said looking over to JJ who was admiring the interior of the car. "You like it?" He asked wanting JJ to feel more comfortable with him.
JJ understood what he meant. "yeah, I know what you mean. When she gets excited about something, she has to have it." he said with a chuckle, relaxing into the cloth seat as Tony drive off. It really was a nice car, and he would have to get e for himself while He was usually seen driving his classic 1962 Chevy Corvette, he really liked this. "yeah, i like it tony. thinking of buying n for myself." he told the other, smiling.
It didn't take long for the two to get back to tony's house, it was only about a 45 minute drive from the city though he usually took the suit now that he didn't have many of them there was no point. "You know JJ I'm thinking about just letting Iron man go... I've done pretty much all I can but no matter who I beat they just keep coming. Almost as if as long as I and the avengers are around there will always be someone trying to rise against us." He said looking to JJ walking down the steps into his lab which was right next door to the garage. The suits that remained being in there cases having not been taken out since the incident."I don't know it just feels like... like I don't make a difference" he said leaning on a table.
JJ tilted his head as he listened, looking curious. "Why do you say that, Tony? Because of pepper's death?" He asked, his mom having yold him all about him, so he knew all about pepper too. Krystal had never much liked the woman, but she put up with her for Tony's sake. She had been a very controlling woman, and krystal had always suspected that she was HYDRA. JJ had never met her, so he couldn't judge. He looked at the suits in the cases, admiring them. He had not thought hed ever get to see them up close.
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