An Ironman's Fae Prince (KGT Witty x Krystal)

KGT Witty

Dec 6, 2014
Tony stark Billionaire Playboy Weapons manufacture, Son of Howard Stark original CEO of Stark industries. When Howard passed away Tony took the seat and quickly turned the company into the ultimate company for warfare and weapons selling to the United states army exclusively. He soon found out that other army's had been using his weaponry for killing innocent people and none worse then in the middle east where he was taken captive after showing off his new invention the Jericko missile. If it wasn't for the doctor they had in their grasps he probably would have died from the large amount of Shrapnel in his blood. He soon created a ddvice that he could wear in his chest to keep the shrapnel out of his chest. He lied to the afghan leader building an iron suit of armor using it to make his escape before returning to NY where he created a functioning and smaller version which he used to destroy the weapons he had created that were used by the afghan army.

He then found that his friend and colleague had learned about the suit finding it in afghan and stealing the device that kept tony alive. He was lucky that his assistant Pepper potts had found him and saved his life by putting the prototype device back into his chest. He quickly became the hero known as Iron man after defeating and killing his friend simultaneously destroying his weapons labritory. After that he was attacked by many men and women some political and some not most of all his main enemy the owner of Hammer industries. He found help a dangerous criminal who had used his fathers blueprints to make a slight copy of Tony's suit and try to kill him. The man turned on hammer turning his androids into killing machined bent on destroying all that tony stood for. Tony destroyed the androids with his best friend James rhodes who had previously stolen a suit from stark.

Tony was soon recruited by a secret goverment Unit named Sheild where he was teamed with other well known heroes as they defeated Loki the asgardian bent on taking over the world that thor longed to protect. During the large battle in new york tony traveled to space through a wormhole to space flying a nuke that was launched at new york at the alians instead. His suit died during the explosion and as the portal closed he fell through falling from almost 5000 feet in the air and as tony's life flash before his eyes Hulk lso known as Bruce Banner scientists who created a monster of himself while experimenting with Gamma radiation. Starks life soon becomes a nightmare having a really bad case of insomnia and post traumatic stress, He soon finds out about a terrorist under the command of a mad man named The Mandarin. Tony's bold and brash but unhealthy ego causes him to call out the mandarine and give his address to him. He was Attacked the next day being saved by his suit which had ended up flying him all the way to Tennessee.

Pepper potts, his assistant and girlfriend at the time was captured by the mandarine and was held hostage until Tony showed himself. Tony befriended a young boy who looked up to him and wanted to help him fix his suit. Together they fixed the suit allowing tony's plan to go underway, Tony pinpointed the mandarine's secret location finding out that he was nothing but a british actor paid to make hate speaches while the real mandarine worked behind the scenes. Tony was captured as the mandarine's plan began to unravel, during the attack on tony's house all his Iron man suits had been destroyed, all but one. The one suit other then the one tony was wearing that had not been in tony's collection for a little while now.

The Iron Patriot suit that now belonged to Rhodey, Rhodey was scheduled to protect a VIP's plane as they began making plans to wage war on the mandarine and his forces. Little did they know that Rhodey was in the exact same spot as Tony. Tied up as a hostage waiting for the moment he would be put to death. With tony's suit fixed he was able to call it to fly to him all the way from Tennessee while the iron patriot went rogue. Tony got his suit freeing himself a rhodey making an attempt to stop the partriot suit. He quickly found himself chasing after 14 free falling passengers as the suit got away with the vip. He saved them all and tracked the suit to the harbor where the VIP now hang precariously chained up. He also found Pepper dead in a testing setup that the real villain had created to make himself and his lacky's invincible. Rhodey found his way to the harbor which was now surrounded by hundreds of Iron man prototypes which tony had created during his long hours awake. Using many different tactics for each suit he killed the real mandarine and saved the vip with little problems.

He still suffered from his Post traumatic stress but his insomnia was no longer a problem. Trained medical professionals removed the shrapnel from his body allowing him to live on without a battery in his chest. Though he moarned his beloved pepper, Nick Fury had hired a new receptionist for tony as well as recommended he see a therapist for the stress. His new receptionist was told by fury to get him to a therapist knowing tony would just try to brush it off. He now finds himself in the waiting room to be called upon by his new therapist.
James "JJ" Buchanan Barnes jr poked his head out from the door. "Oh, Mr. Stark. Please come in." He said with a soft smile, opening the door to show his whole self, and to let his patient in. He wore simple yet expensive dark wash jeans, an ACDC tshirt, and a few leather beacelets on his right hand. They had been gifts from his uncle thor when he had visited. His hair was shaggy and blue, and he was tall, at least 6'4. He smiled at Tony, writing something on his Starkpad. He could tell that the two of them would be great friends.

JJ's office was large, an had a lovely cherry wood desk with dragons introcately carved on it, with a modern yet tasteful black office chair behind it, a large aquarium with all kinds of fish, and a velvet chaiz lounge chair across from a couple of big plush arm chairs. The color scheme was mostly blue and black, though there were simple touches of silver and Cherrywood to balance it all out. It looked more like a home office than an office in a busy medical center.

JJ smiled again. "Please, make yourself comfortable, Mr. Stark. I am Dr. James Barnes, but you may call me JJ. Everyone does." He said as he finished writing on his starkpad. He put the tablet on the desk, and set the stylus back in his pen holder. He gave Tony another smile, sitting in one of the plush blue chairs across from the lounge. He crossed his legs, rec)ining in the chair easily. He knew of tony's record with therapists, so he wanted to make this meeting as casual as possible.
Tony had always had a bad relationship with therapists especially one he didn't know, he had always felt that any problem he had faced he could fix on his own and it led to many therapists hating him. He followed JJ into his office and observing the room as he walked in, His eyes wandered the room and the look made him a little less more at ease though not by much. All this furniture seems a little high priced for a therapist and a little less then professional He thought to himself before sitting down on one of the velvet chairs. His face turned to JJ's as he spoke and he nodded still fairly uncomfortable with the situation he was forced into.
JJ spoke candidly. It wasn't in his nature to bend the truth. He smiled slightly. "My mom decorated the office. She's convinced I needed a reminder to my patients that I don't do this for their money. You probably know her. Krystal Kobayashi is her name. She insisted I have Dad's last name." He admitted with a sigh, admitting something abut himself in an attempt to get Tony to open up. He was curious about the billionaire, not having seen him since he as a child. He used to nanny him when he was younger and studying pediatrics. It was longer ago than JJ cared to admit, and he also didn't want to admit his huge celebrity crush on the man. He was a professional. He wouldn't let his needs trump tony's.
Tony's head turned to JJ's and his eye brow lifted showing that he wasn't sure how to react "So let me get this straight you're Krystal's son?" part of him wanted to believe considering that JJ looked very similar to the woman he called his friend but another part wasn't convinced. "Last time I heard, her son was on shields pay roll so I'm sorry if I don't believe you but if you were her son you'd be sitting behind a desk" He said his voice growing in frustration at the fact that he would try calling himself the son of someone dear to him. His head turned from JJ and he stayed quiet not wanting to be here anymore just from that one statement. In his head he started counting out all possible ways this could go and some of them worried him but not that many of them.
JJ chuckled. He had expected that reaction. "Fury's to scared of me and my mom to put me behind a desk. Been looking for my uncle Steve actually. We're getting there. Mom's in DC dimension right now. Probably boinking that Dick guy she's always talking about." he said with another chuckle, knowing that Tony would know just what and who he talked of. Krystal told Tony everything. He was half trying to prove he was who he says he is, and also, trying to make Tony more comfortable. He knew from his mother ho the man could be, so he saw his as the best approach.
He slowly started to believe him but it wasn't quite enough yet, fearing that this man had just been following him around. "Okay well if you really are her son you should have a specific set of skills" he said knowing there is no way a therapist who just wanted to impress would be able to fake that. He waited wondering if it was even worth it, even if JJ was her son what would it change his comfortability? He began eliminating scenarios as waited for JJ to try and impress him even though it would probably be to no avail.
JJ chuckled, smirking a bit. "A certain set of skills huh? Thats an interesting way of putting it" he said as he body started to change, and before tony's eyes he looked like a copy of tony himself. He chuckled again, sound like tony too. There was a metal shelf by the door, and JJ levitated it to himself, the shaped it to his will, making a smallish iron man figurine. He knew from his mother that Tony knew all her powers, so when he reverted back, he looked him straight in the eye. "Still don't believe i'm krystal's son?" He asked, the smirk on his face muchbto like his mothers to be mistaken for someone not related.
Tony looked at JJ whose face began to look exactly like his, He stood up walking towards JJ who had began making the iron man figurines. He laughed as he now looked at a perfect copy of himself "Handsome and Talented" He said circling around JJ "Well I always knew I was but this is a talent I wish I had. Not really I love being me but the levitation thing is cool" He said now knowing that it was her son feeling much more safe around him, at least safe enough to speak freely. As JJ turned back into himself tony stopped in front of him. "Well I guess there isn't anything I need you to do to prove yourself but I must ask..." he said looking to the now new carved figurines "Why Iron man figurines?" he asked wondering if there was any specific reasoning.
JJ chuckled at the first comment. "Well, yeah. but don't get used to this." He said with a chuckle, reverting back and making the iron man figures. He blushed a bit looking at tony, unsure quite what to say. "Cause i'm a fanboy." he admitted meekly knowing he was probably fuelling the billionaires ego, but realized that was probably better for him. "Say whatever you want, Tony. I can't tell anyone what goes on here unless court ordered." He promised, handing the man a coffee as he sipped an iced tea.
Tony nodded not noticing the blush red color swelling on JJ's cheeks "Well thank you, then as a fan you should see that there is nothing wrong in fact I don't know why they think so." he said with his body moving more frantically then usual. He sat back down on the couch and took a deep breath in "So unless you have some sort of idea as to why people keep thinking I'm having a problem then I guess it's going to be a long session of silence" He said, It was clear to anybody that he truly believed that he was fine but it was also clear to everyone but him that there truly was a problem.
JJ chuckled. "While I can see you are okay, I can also see how mentally damaged you are. Tony, i know you feel like you're fine, but talking will still help. Don't thinknof me like your therapist. You're my mom's best friend. All I want to do is help anyway I can. Hell, talk about schematics for new suits if it helps. This is about you." he told him concern shown on his face. He knew Tony had troubles opening up, but he also knew how Tony works. His mother had given him a rundown of everything, since she had been there for everything. JJ knew that subconsciously Tony was in trouble, and it frustrated him that he couldn't really help. While he had mind reading powers like his mother, he refused to use them. It just wasn't professionalnor right.
Tony crossed his legs looking up at the ceiling "I honestly have nothing to talk about I just, I don't know" He said folding his hands "I honestly have no clue, ever since the harbor and pepper everything I did just seems unnecessary." He turned his head back to JJ not realizing that he was already showing his problem when he didn't know. "Is it lack of mentality, lack of drive? Or is there just no reason for me anymore." He gave a sigh putting his legs onto the couch and laying back. Don't get me wrong I intend to make the main opiron man suits again, but I should probably just stick with those now." He continued closing his eyes.
JJ nodded. "I can absolutely understand what you are going through. In the late 60's, I met a man and fell hopelessly in love with him. We were together for ten years, then one night I came home from a psycology class, and he'd hung himself. After that I just had this period where I felt as though nothing I did mattered. It was a slump of sorts. I thinknyou are dealingbwith a similar situation. The loss of the one you love is turning the world grey. You need to find someone new. Someone who is unlikely to die on you." He explained, his tablet in his hand again. He was tirelessly sketching the one he had loved, a tear falling. He knew all to well how much loosing love could hurt. He looked to Tony. "Tony, I encourage you to build as many suits as you need to, otherwise you will begin to feel powerless. That can be toxic, especially after a lover's death." he told the other, finishing his sketch. JJ just wantedbto help
"Look JJ if you were told anything before this meeting it was that making the suits cause a huge insomnia problem" He said looking to JJ wondering what he meant by a lover who can't die. "If I started making them again I'd probably end up not sleeping again." he continued though stopped that conversation there "What... did you mean by a lover who can't die or is unlikely. the only people I know who can do that are Krys and thunder boy" He said and laughed "And while your mother would be nice, I'd rather not have that conversation with her son" he chuckled lightly.
JJ tilted his head in confusion. "While mom has told me a lot of stuff, she never mentioned that. She wants you to build the suits. knows how much you love them." he admitted, crossing his legs in the chair. He was caught off guard by the question, unsure what to say. "well, Take my mom for instance. she's been aloe for the last 70 years because she i to in love with my dad to do anything else. She lets that hold her back. I think you are essentially doing the same." he said, chuckling at the man' other comment. "i'm a fae, tony. could care less if you shag my mom" he said, but under his breath he sai "i'd rather you shag me though..."
Tony sputtered at JJ's comment about tony shagging his mom "Yea can we not talk about this" He said chuckling slightly though it was mixed with uncomfortable thoughts. "The point is she rocks and all but she just not my type, and Thunder boy is a little much so there isn't anyone else around who is unlikely to die." he said shrugging. He looked back JJ seeing him blushing slightly though he didn't want to mention anything. "I understand that people want me to continue with my life and making the suits and that's great but it just doesn't seem to be in cards at this point. In fact if it was a poker game anyone could beat my crappy cards" He continued though he hated to admit it.
JJ chuckled. Tony was funny, and very handsome. "Well, I may know of a few others. Though, you probably don't like mom's son steve jr. You know, the one who lead avengers? Yeah, hes a cool guh when hes not acting like his dad. Oh, and phil. He isn't dead. Fae can only die from iron." He said, before he nodded. He gave tony a smile, sipping his tea. "Thats what i'm here for tony. To give you purpose again." He said, daydreaming of kissing the other man.
"Let's leave Phil to his own vices I'm sure whatever reason he is still alive it's for a good reason." he said laughing a little to the fact he was still alive. He looked back at JJ chuckling a little "I know the whole rule on relations with your patients to be professional but somethings on your mind" He said noticing that JJ began to day dream "Who are you thinking about?" he asked generally interested he wanted to stop talking about himself so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable
JJ snapped out of it, looking scared and blushing wildly. "I um.. well... its embarrasing..." he said knowing how bad it was to want one of his patients, but he absolutely wanted tony. He crossed his legs, hoping to hide his erection, looking nervous. "So, i had an idea on your suits. I was thinking, I could make them able to use magic. Mom's taught me a lot on how to mix the two." He said, hoping tony didn't notice.
Tony looked at JJ confused at what JJ was trying to do "Look JJ stop on the suits you're hiding a crush and now I'm interested" He said staring at the bright red color on his face. "We can talk about suits later but this is about love isn't it so why not tell me who your crushing on." He chuckled standing and looking towards JJ "From what I know Fae can't lie so I'll leave you alone about it once I know" He said folding his hands together
JJ shook his head. "No, fae can't lie, but.. I can't tell you. I shouldn't like him. Shouldn't have taken his case..." he said, squirming a hit as tony got closer, erction getting harder and face redder. He looked at tony. He shook his head then sighed, defeated. "Remember how I said I was a fanboy? Well, it goes a bit deeper than that. I took your case selfishly. I hope that if I could help you, you might fall for me. I sorta have a crush on you tony. Iknow. Its bad.. but... i've been so lonely, and mom's toldbyou all about you... and i'm just sorry!" He said excitedly, half expecting tony to laugh and leave. Little did he kjow, he'd found his heart, and that's why they're connection was already so strong.
Tony leaned forward getting even more interested when JJ refused to tell him. He watched as JJ's face became extremely red. He smiled when JJ finally gave up slightly in shock as he announced it was him who JJ liked. Tony leaned back smiling lightly when JJ finished flattered but not quiet sure what to say. JJ was very handsome and it was now obvious to tony that JJ liked him and he was willing to take this case just so Tony would fall for him. "Well now was that so hard" he said smiling "Now that you've told me we can proceed like adults and not this keeping secrets thing" tony continued chuckling "So what are you prepared to do to help me" He asked knowing that he was still JJ's patient.
JJ let out a small sigh, shaking his head. "No, but I hadn't planned on telling you until we at least got somewhere Psychologically." he explained, shifting to his girl form to make the boner go away. He was in session, and masturbation while in session was not professional at all. He looked to tony, tilting his head. "Whatever you need me to, Tony. I'm here to help, though I admit my reasoning wasn't exactly for your benefit." He said, blushing just slightly. In his female form, he sort of looked like his mother, but there were slight differences. You could tell it wasn't Krystal. He wondered if Tony would like him any better with a vagina.
Tony chuckled a little watching as JJ changed genders so it wouldn't be as obvious what he was thinking of. "Changing genders isn't going to help you at least I don't think it is, I've never really asked your mom about it." He said laying his head on his chin "well considering... the fact that there is nothing wrong with me maybe you should cut this case and we can go and talk at my place" he said unsure of what was so interesting about JJ. "That is if you don't have any others." He continued wondering if JJ would really want to come over
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