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Fates Altered-Avengers Moon/Lady

“...I think you’re lying to yourself if you think that.’Tony rolled his eyes but looking curious, he usually understood why james called him things. “Why then?”He asked after a moment before making a face. “That’s disgusting. Alcohol is different flavors for a reason.”Tony twitched a little before snickering. “Indeed. I think he was curious enough that he didn’t realize I was using the hammer until after I had the condom on it.”

“I have faith, just not alot in how well I know a man I just met.”She said shrugging a little before looking concerned at james as he snuggled tony. Before pausing, glancing towards the door, “I’ll be back.”She said heading down to the medlab, figuring maybe it wasn’t james that was cold, but the sick feverish super soldier.
he smiled at Tony. "oh. maybe i'll tell you someday." he decided. when he was sure Tony wouldn't run away screaming from the explanation. "it is disgusting." he mumbled, taking another long, long swallow before snickering at Tony's explanation, shaking his head. "that's horrible Tony." he complained, looking very, very amused indeed before studying Charles and Alais, head tilted. "where is she going?" "checking a theory." Charles admitted. and indeed she was right, Steve was sweating hard and trembling from fever chills, face flushed and temperature up, Hank gently soothing Steve with ice-packs on the face and neck to try and keep his temperature down. it wasn't high enough to be dangerous yet, but they did need to keep an eye on it. it made sense though, because James was normally only cold after a Chair dream or a memory of being frozen in ice. if they where putting Steve on ice as well, they'd probably use the chair directly after being unfrozen, as well as right before putting him back on ice. so James was getting ice-cold sensations from his twin as well as his own body memory of being frozen himself.
“...Okay.”Tony sulked at not being told but willing to let the other tell him later. “It was indeed very horrible. I think Loki was hiding somewhere and secretly laughing at me to.”Tony made a face before tilting his head. “Steve. You’re cold cause he’s cold.”Tony said making the connection. “You need any help?”Alais said looking at hank in worry as she moved over to the bed, gently brushing a lock of sweat slick blond hair out of steve’s face. Even if she was hurting and grieving, it hurt even more to see him like this, to know what he’d gone through.
"he probably was, Loki is always watching for Thor." he admitted with a chuckle, trembling again, smiling when Charles wrapped another blanket over the man's shoulders. "Steve's cold?" James asked, looking confused before blinking ad grimacing. "shit. that explains the dreams even more." he muttered, shuddering violently and trying to snuggle deeper into his blankets and took more long drinks of Logan's 'hooch'. "should you be drinking that?" Charles demanded. "it's the only thing that warms me up. i can't get drunk don't worry about that. my body works through the drinks too fast for me to even get a slight buzz."

"yes please." Hank stated. "i need to bring down this fever." he admitted. "go and run the bath would you? not hot water, about lukewarm, skin temperature would be best." Hank ordered, gently laying cool rags over Steve's feet and replacing the cloth over Steve's forehead. "he's finally fighting the infection which is why he suddenly has such a serious fever." he admitted. "he'll be okay so long as we can keep it down to a manageable level."
"Well he's probably got a fever, which usually gives you chills,so yes steve's cold."tony said overexplain ing because he was upset he couldn't do more, so he did what he Could. Which was explain thinGs."hey I got you."tony muttered as james snuggled deeper into the blankets, shifting to get under them with him, snuggling close. "Don't worry charles. We tested it once. even my best, and some of the most vile stuff from around the world doesn't do anything but warm him up."

"Okay. I can do that."Alais said disappearing into the bathroom and running the bath,looking thoughtful as she walked back out. "Why it take so long for his body to really start fighting it?"she asked curious as she helped hank get steve towards the bathroom
James nodded. "oh. okay." he mumbled, snuggling into Tony, suddenly feeling very tired and upset, pressing his face into Tony's shoulder he started to cry because he couldn't think of anything better to do. his Stevie was so hurt that he didn't even know his own name, let alone who James was. Scott, one of his dear friends was dead, killed by Steve. he was cold ad had finally realized his life was never going to be the same and nothing was ever going to be okay again. "should we move him to bed?" Charles asked, worried. "we have a heated blanket we can put him under for now, cuddling with you does seam to be helping." he admitted. "will you be okay with laying under a few blankets?"

"no. now that his body has the liquids and nutrients to actually fight with, i'd imagine he'll fight off most of the infection in a matter of a few days." he admitted. "of course i am taking the serum into account, a normal person would be down for a few weeks, even up to a month from Sepsis and extreme malnutrition like this." he admitted, gently settling Steve into the water, who cried out in terror and tried to fight back. only half awake, fighting the hands because he didn't want to go in the chair, didn't want to go on ice again, didn't want to do what they told him to do. he calmed once he realized they weren't hurting him, settling back into fitful sleep, cradled by the lukewarm water.
“Hey, hey, hey. Barnes, what is this?”Tony sputtered startled at the tears, looking upset and anxious as he stroked the other’s hair. “Jamie, what can I do?”He said sounding upset himself before looking up at charles, nodding slightly. “Yes. Let’s. And get the blanket, I’ll be okay.”he promised as he got up, gently getting james to walk to the guest room with him. He might be strong, but he was no way strong enough to pick up james. “Come on sweetheart. Bed.”he ordered smiling slightly, upset as he got them settled into the bed, snuggling into the other with a sigh as he got them under the blankets.

“Ah. That makes sense. Good thing he is a super soldier, otherwise this would be worse. Especially since James is feelign the effects to.”Alais shuddered a little before wincing, hands gentle on steve’s arms. “Hey, Steve, we’re not hurting you. You’re not going back to the chair, or ice. You’re just to warm. We’re trying to help Steve.”She soothed sighing softly as he settled into sleep, closing her eyes for a moment before gently washing his hair, wincing at the sweat damp strands.
James shook his head. "sorry. i c-can't seam to s-stop." he stuttered through his tears. "i don't know." James whimpered, sniffling, hiding his face in Tony's shoulder. Charles nodded and wheeled off to get the blankets. James staggered to his feet, shaking his head, mumbling that he wasn't tired, but not protesting the nickname at all. he was still crying, silently while he snuggled into bed, and Tony, and went to sleep.

"yes." Hank agreed before pausing. "is James being affected?" he asked, looking worried, wincing when he realized Steve was crying. whether he was crying because of James or James was crying because of him, it was impossible to tell with both boys so out of it. Steve didn't seam to understand what she was saying, but he did seam to recognize her voice, grasping at her with desperation, as if begging her to save him before he settled down. "ah. a good idea. he'll probably feel better for getting clean." Hank agreed. "we'll have to drain the water. look how filthy is is already." he muttered, shaking his head, draining the tub while flowing in clean, cool water through the shower head so they could get him clean and then submerge him again. "a haircut?" Hank asked her. "do you think it would upset him?" probably, he'd never had a haircut before if the length of his hair was anything to go by. it brushed his shoulders for gods sakes. Hydra really hadn't cared about he looked so long as he could function. Steve had a massive rash, a Staph infection from not showering. that was easily cleared up by a proper bathing regimen and hot compresses, once the fever broke.
“Shhh, it’s okay. Well, it’s not, I mean, I dont know what to do with tears, Jamie! This is upsetting to me I can’t help you.”Tony said sounding upset and confused, sighing quietly tiredly as they laid down, snuggling into him and sleeping.

“Very. He’s got the chills and is upset.”Alais sighed softly, gently trying to sooth Steve, smiling a little as she caught his hands. “Shhh, I got you. I’m not going anywhere, steve.”She promised, figuring he didn’t understand the words, but she wanted him to not hurt himself. “Probably. Might help with the fever to, if he feels clean.”Alais said sighing a little as they cleaned the man up, before wincing, looking at his hair before shaking her head. “Not yet. We’ll wait till he’s feeling better to cut it.”Alais said wincing a little as she saw the rash, wincing as she dried him off and get him settled back into bed, sighing quietly as she settled in a chair next to him, not wanting to leave him since he’d responded to her and calmed. Worried if she left, he’d be upset.
Hank grimaced. "i'd use the interception drug, but i don't think it would help at all." the interception drug was a drug used only for extreme emergancies, it was very regulated by the government and only one government controlled facility in a city had it. you have to sign so many papers to get it, it was almost not worth using at all, save for the fact that sometimes it was the only way to save both, or one of a twin. it literally canceled the mental and emotional connection between a set of twins while the drug was in their system. a useful thing to have when one twin was dying, or worse, one twin was dying ad the other was failing to live because of the sensations they where getting from their sibling. if improperly used, the drug could actually kill both twins, or cause serious and irreparable mental problems. "it very well could make him feel better." Hank agreed, relaxing when Steve did, pleased he wouldn't have to use that drug. so long as at least one twin was calm, they wouldn't need it, he hoped. "alright, wait to cut it. it is fairly pretty." Hank agreed, examining Steve's honey golden hair, smiling when they pulled him out of the water. "Fever's crested." he informed her. "he's out of troubl now but i'll continue to monitor him. you don't have to stay if your uncomfortable." he promised her.
“No I don’t think so. It’d mess them both up I think, not only because he’s sick, but they’re serum’d. The drug is bad enough as it is, trying it on two people who aren’t in any way physically normal.”Alais frowned a little thinking about it, before looking pleased as it did indeed make the other relax some. “Good.”Alais said pleased to know that steve was out of trouble, looking down at the other, before shaking her head. “No....I think I’ll stay. At least for a little while.”Alais said not sure why she was staying, but wanting to stay.

When James woke Tony whined, stirring tiredly as he nuzzled his face against the other’s neck, snuffling a little as he curled closer. “ okay?”he muttered whining quietly, while he didn’t sleep well, when he did sleep, he hated waking up without coffee. And he didn’t want to get moving yet.
he paused and then winced. "i hadn't even thought of the effects of the serum." he admitted, shaking his blue furry head. "you are right of course, we have no idea how their bodies will react. we don't even know how the serum affected them mentally or emotionally." he mumbled before smiling at her. "alright." he agreed. "i can always come and get you once he's awake too." he admitted. "whatever you feel more comfortable with." he said, checking Steve's temperature. "a hundred and three, yes much better." he admitted with a smile. Steve's fever continued to go down the rest of the night until it was barely a hundred with the morning.

James groaned a little and then nodded. "better." he admitted. "sorry for freaking out on you like that, last night." James admitted. "i think Stevie and me where in a loop." a loop, when one twin got upset, making the other upset, which made the first twin even more upset, each feeding the other until they where in complete hysterics though that level of Loop was pretty rare. most twins could knock themselves, or the other out of the loop. "ugh. i need coffee. sit tight, i'll be right back." James ordered, sliding out of the bed and heading for the kitchen to make Coffee. they both drank the same kind. thick black sludge that no human should ever drink. he made two pots and carried both back to the bedroom with two cups. "here you go."
“There really wasn’t time to study the serum before. Now, I think we’re going to get a chance to see how it affects them both.”Alais shuddered a little at the idea of how many experiments the two had probably gone through before nodding a little at hank. “Thanks. That would work.”She said settling in to read her book, and by morning was sleeping with her head pillowed on her arms on the edge of the bed. Having not really slept since Scott was killed, the woman was exhausted.

“Good....and damn. Well. Hopefully we can keep it from getting to bad then.”Tony sighed a little nuzzling the other a little, before purring happily. “Coffee is good.”he muttered grinning happily when he saw the other returning with coffee, shifting to get his cup, sighing a little as he sipped the sludge. “hmmm, perfect.”He muttered humming happily. “you are my hero, bringing me perfect coffee.”
he nodded. "i don't dare try to experiment at all." Hank admitted. "perhaps they might lend me some blood, but they have been through so much, i couldn't bring myself to ask any more of them." he admitted with a sigh and a shake of his head. once she was asleep he gently covered her with a blanket. she woke to a gentle tugging on her hair. Steve was awake, and examining a long strand of her hair. he was still as blank as he had been before, but he showed no signs of wanting to fight, escape, or cause problems. he had clearly recognized the hospital for what it was because he did not claw at his I.V. or panic at the straps on his wrist, which would keep him from fighting them or trying to escape. nor did he try to get rid of the cast around his stump or try to pull off his air mask. he just tugged on her hair, gentle as he examined the color and felt the soft silky strands.

he nodded. "i think yesterday was just a bad day for everyone." he admitted, smiling at the nuzzling. "Coffee is good." he agreed, chuckling at Tony's hum, nodding. "yeah, i'm my hero too, making such fantastic coffee." he agreed with a chuckle, slurping down his first cup, uncaring that he's burned and scalded his lips and tongue. they where healed in seconds anyway. "we should go check on Alais soon. i want to make sure she's okay with Steve being here." he admitted, looking worried again.
“It was.”Tony agreed smiling slightly as he sipped his coffee.”It truly is fantastic coffee.”he agreed sipping it till it cool just enough to drink without injuring himself, nodding. “Me to.”He said looking a little worried before shuffling out of bed. “let’s go.”he said heading for the door, following the slight tugging he could feel. He wasn’t sure where she was, but he could find her. Pausing in the outer room he stared at the sight in the room, looking at their twins looking at each other as steve fairly petted her hair. “’m seeing this right?”

Alais stirred a little, blinking sleepily as she turned her head a little towards the tugging, looking fairly adorable looking like a turtle, the blanket looking slightly like a shell as she looked up at the blond as he tugged on her hair. The sleepy look on her face saying she wasn’t quite aware of the world just yet."steve?"She muttered softly, starting to wake up
he grinned. "it really is." he agreed. "i should get awards for this Coffee." he admitted, nodding happily before following Tony out of bed, ignoring that neither of them had bothered to change their clothes. "...yeah, your seeing that. Steve always had a thing for hair. he loved to braid our Ma's hair. all the time." he admitted. "Peggy's hair too. hell he even braided Howard's hair." he smirked. "funny. people used to think he was gay." he admitted. "turns out i'm the gay twin." he admitted with a snigger before simply watching.

Steve blinked at her and then in a very surprising move, opened his mouth and spoke. "Steve?" it was an exact mimicry of her tone of voice. as if he was a child and was simply copying his mother. his eyes where cautious though, frightened of her. it was the first expression he'd ever had on his face that the Avengers had seen. horrible that it was fear, wary of being punished for speaking. weapons did not speak after all. he had stopped tugging on her hair was was simply watching her now, cautious. waiting to see what she would do.
“You should. I’ll reward you for it. Build you a statue or something for being amazing at coffee.”Tony snickered a little before snickering quietly. “Howard’s hair to?”He said amused shaking his head a little. “Are you sure about that?”He teased amused at the idea of the other being the gay twin, even if he knew it was true, accepting that james was gay was hard on him sometimes, because it meant accepting that the man was flirting with him to. “....I don’t think we have to worry about her not being okay with him here.”

“Yes, you’re steve.”She said her voice soft and quiet, gentler then you would have expected from a woman who was facing her husband’s killer. Swallowing thickly as she saw the expression on his face, relaxed and easy. “...You’re safe. You’re okay here...”she reassured him softly.
he smirked. "i do deserve a statue." he agreed. "or an award, something i can put in the office. 'worlds best coffee' it should say." he decided. "yeah, Howard's hair too. he looked funny as fuck with his hair all done up in braids. could be why he hated me so much, because he could never say no to Steve and i wasn't scared to laugh in their faces." he admitted before smiling, watching the two. "i think her mothering instincts have kicked in. Stevie was always good at that, getting people to want to protect him. it wasn't something he tried to do, he's just so used to being sick and weak that it happens naturally."

He blinked and then looked at her, almost as if he was puzzled. he still looked blank, but there was an air of confusion about him as well. he narrowed his eyes at her, head tilting the other way, studying her now much the way he did when he'd first come across her during the funeral. as if checking to see how fast he could kill her and how much of a threat she was before he settled down into the bed once more, deeming her safe enough even if he kept his eyes on her, as if curious. like he was trying to figure her out. he knew that she wasn't a handler, she wasn't smacking him, barking orders or forcing him into the chair, his memories where slowly flowing back, letting him remember vague moments of other handlers and other missions, short and useless as they where his handlers didn't like to risk it. so, how safe was he really? had he escaped after all?
“Hm, I’ll make it. It’ll be great.”Tony snickered a little, amused before snickering. “I can imagine. That’s awesome really.”Tony said shaking his head a little before smirking. “Mothering huh?”He said amused because he knew his twin wasn’t a mother, but she was definitely treating steve like a wounded child. “It’s quite amusing really.”

Alais tilted her head to watching him, studying him just as much as he was watching her. “Okay. I’m going to get food. I’ll be right back.”She said before getting up, moing slowly, carefully before heading for the door, looking at the two there in startlment, rolling her eyes a little. “Breakfast please?”She said looking at james, because much like tony, she could cook, she wasn’t great at it, but she could. Probably better to let james cook for them all instead of poisioning the man who was still recovering.
"i have pictures. i'll show you later." he promised with a smirk. "yes, mothering. she's fussing over him the same way every woman we have ever spent more than ten minutes with has mothered him." he admitted. "poor Stevie's dates usually ended with him having another sister than with sex." he admitted with a chuckle, watching them. "still, this might be for the best. slow movements, gentle appearance and actions and the like will probably help keep Steve calm." he jumped when the door slid open, he'd been watching Tny instead of the two people inside.

Steve blinked at her, his stomach growled it's agreement to food though and Steve glanced down it, as if puzzled by the sound, he tensed a little when she stood up, that frightened, wary look in his eyes again, would he be slapped now? tortured? put back on ice? no, sh was leaving, how odd. no one left him alone once he started to remember because then he'd run away, not that being surrounded by people would stop him. he never escaped though, and this was... different. he was curious. he wanted to see what would happen. "Hank said he'd be allowed to eat?" James asked, Hank walking up. "soft foods like soup. cottage cheese, stuff like fresh fruits." "no dairy. Stevie's lactose intolerant, he'll get horrible stomach pains and then he'll stink like... well he'll stink, a lot." James warned, Hank's lip twitching in amusement at that.
"Poor steve. Having sex would have been horribly complicated for him if they were all sisters."tony snickered amused that the big and tall soldier in front of him was always mothered over things. "Hm probably. Better to have her in there or someone who might be viewed as a threat."tony said jumping himself. Alais smiled a little at james jumping looking amused.

Bi don't know...hank?"she looked over at the man titling her head a little."ahhh..yea no feeding him milk thEn. Fruits would be good."she smiled slightly leaving it to them to get food and stepping back into the room not wanting to leave the man alone for to long.
he chuckled a little. "don't forget, he was super tiny back then. and pretty sick all the time too, he didn't have much of a libido back then." he admitted. "he didn't loose his virginity until after he became a super soldier." he admitted before nodding. "and he recognizes her, which helps a lot too." he admitted. "if we can transfer his dependent nature to her, that would be great." he admitted. "not a day goes by that i wondered if i could have saved him." he admitted softly before smiling at Alais ad headed to make food, coming back with hot chicken broth with soft noodles and overcooked carrots and some fresh, soft fruit. strawberries, apples, peaches and pears along with some mango. Steve didn't want to eat at first, moving hurt and he didn't seam to have the strength to feed himself. once she started feeding him, he happily ate everything she gave him until there was only a bit of broth and a few bits of fruit left. full, he turned his head away from the offering and settled in for some more sleep. "i'm surprised he ate so much." Hank admitted. "we'll have to be wary of him being ill." he admitted. "it's good that he has a healthy appetite, it means the infections are dying down." he admitted. "i imagine he'll be strong enough to feed himself tomorrow. and i don't think we need this either." he admitted, carefully undoing the wrist strap. Steve was awake again a few hours later and just watched the world, eyes sharp and intelligent but calm. every time someone new slipped in, fear entered, would this be his handler? would they torture him? put him in the chair? the more that didn't happen, the more relaxed he became until, that night, he actually smiled at Alais.
“True.”Tony said looking amused a little even if he winced at the idea of waiting that long to have sex, having been a teenager himself. Nodding a little. “It does. Hopefully she can handle it.”Tony said worried about his twin, but willing to trust her to know what she could handle. Smiling happy, pleased at how much steve was eating. It was quite good indeed to see.

That evening Alais smiled back, tilting her head as he smiled. “How are you feeling?”She asked, having kept the questions to a minimum instead, remembering that james had guessed that asking him things would upset him. But she wanted to know how he was feeling, even if he couldn’t answer, she wanted to see how he would.
he nodded. "i'm sure she can. she's a Stark after all, even if she didn't know it. she's a lot like your ma. strong and stubborn, she won't let anyone push her around, ever." he admitted, happy that his brother was really okay.

Steve blinked at her, frowning, confused by the question before deftly replying. "Status, Damaged." his voice was hoarse from disuse, but he could speak at the very least. though he seamed to only know things that where in reference to his physical well being and his missions. "Awaiting Handler Assignment." he informed her, wondering if maybe she just didn't know that he needed a handler. he couldn't remember that ever happening before, but he supposed it could. she would go and get a Handler and he could settle back into a proper pattern. he was starting to regret getting some of his memories back. he wanted the blissful silence of a mind wipe, even if it hurt like hell. "Mental State: Recovering. Mind wipe recommended." he stated after a moment before fell silent and stared at her rather expectantly.
Alais tilted her head, thinking. Not quite sure how to handle things. Swallowing thickly as she considered things, biting her lip. Wondering how to handle this, not sure if they should gie him a handler, or try to fill that spot herself. Feeling confused before shaking her head. “We know. You’re on medicine to take care of the damage. And no more mind wipes, we don’t hae the equipment, not to mention it’s not good for you.”She said sighing quietly. “Steve, you’re not with hydra anymore. You’re free. With the x-men currently actually.”
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