Bombs Fall, Witches Burn (TheSilentProtagonist and Vi)

Draco's fingers run along the Eloise's skin, loving the feel of a warm womanly body in his hands again. "I'm only just getting started." He says confidently when called wicked. At the girl's words, he lets out a little laugh and looks back at the wall. "You're right, of course. It could be fun. I can't say I'm not curious how they'd react." The wizard tells her as his hands continue to move up towards her bra. Truth be told, he didn't care too much about Alex. Sure, it would be fun to let him know what he's up to with the girl, but it isn't a top priority for him.

Now, Draco does have to admit that he's a bit more curious about what Luna's reaction would be. Back in school, back before he became better, he remembered the rumors, hell, he'd helped spread some of them. None of them really added up and he doesn't know if even one word of any of them is true. Everything from her being a virgin, to being easily tricked into sex by claiming that it's the only cure for the snazzlelocks. If the girl had ever heard even one word of it, she didn't say so.

Focusing back on the task at hand, Draco's fingers find the latch holding Eloise's bra up. He struggles with it for a few moments before getting frustrated. Why was this so hard to take off?! He refuses to let it stay in his way. It had been too long, and he's far too eager. Whether it's simple luck, or Draco's want gives him some modicum of control over his magic for a moment, he isn't sure. What he does know is that as his fingers struggle with the strap, it suddenly snaps, a ripping noise cutting through the air as it falls apart.

Alex loves the look of realization on Luna's face, coupled with her sudden shout. He can't help but think how cute she looks. He loves it. The black haired wizard keeps lying back, putting his hands behind his head as he watches this adorable witch go through some internal debate in his head. He's a patient guy, and will be fine with whatever decision she makes. Though of course, he knows which of them he'd prefer she go with. Alex won't push though, not wanting it to be something Luna would regret. So when she actually leans down to kiss him, the young man smiles and accepts the quick peck on the lips, chuckling again as she pulls away.

"It's no worry. I can show the way from here." Alex tells her as he starts to sit back up. "Just relax and let m know if you want to stop at any point." He mutters before leaning in and putting his lips to Luna's again for a soft kiss. His hand is resting down at the girl's thigh, right where his head had been laying. Alex gently rubs it as he runs his tongue against Luna's lips. The wizard's other hand is holding the soft cheek of the witch, his thumb running against a few loose stands of blonde hair. All the while, he keeps things slow and gentle, not wanting to rush or force Luna and inadverantly end up scaring her.
Eloise pulled away when she heard her bra break. She didn't move out of his lap, or even take her hands off his skin, but the wry expression on her face said volumes. She removed the broken garment slowly, giving the torn edges a resigned sigh before tossing it to the floor. It would need to be mended in the morning, but for now...

For now she sat in his lap, shirtless and unashamed. In the dim light her nipples were small and stiff, just a few shades darker than the fair skin of her breasts. She sat back, loving the way his eyes lingered on her narrow waist and curving bust. When she moved her hips she could feel him stiffen and twitch, so she moved more. The rolling rhythm was an explicit promise, both to herself and to him.

"Naughty boy." She scolded as she kissed him again, rougher this time but with more passion than punishment. Elle pushed him back against the wall and tugged his shirt up over his head. It was tossed to the narrow bit of floor, beside her bra. "Maybe I should undress myself, so you don't go ripping up everything I own. It wouldn't be very nice to go around naked all the time."

Luna blinked several times in succession. Her heart was pounding so loud, surely everyone could hear it. Without entirely knowing why, the witch returned Alex's kiss. She was timid at first, but gained confidence quickly until she was leaning forward into the kiss. She even scooted forward a little, though that movement pushed his hand further up her thigh and into... Interesting places. The thin fabric of her pajamas offered no protection and she gasped at his inadvertent touch.

Instinctively, she pulled back though she regretted the motion instantly. After a moment of consideration, she relaxes back into her previous position. There was no need to be so jumpy! Luna couldn't have explained why she was being so shy, it made no logical sense at all! So, heart pounding away, she leaned into his kiss again. There was a thudding noise from Ellie's room, as if something was knocked into the wall, but she ignored it. Instead, Luna focused on the way his lips felt and the way his mouth tasted like raspberry leaf tea.
Draco notes the expression and can tell that Eloise isn’t too pleased about it. However, right now he doesn’t really care at all. She isn’t stopping what she’s doing, so if he remembers, he’ll apologize for it later. His hands immediately move up to grab the soft globes of the muggle’s breasts, his thumbs running over her stiff nipples. As Eloise rolls against Draco’s groin, the wizard pushes up, pressing his erection against her legs so she can feel it. He grasps her breasts a bit tighter, keeping her in place as they kiss.

“I’m more than just a boy, but you’ll be figuring that out soon enough.” He tells Eloise. He knows his back hitting against the wall makes for a loud noise, but at this point Draco doesn’t care who knows what they’re up to. Draco lets the muggle girl take his shirt off for him, but when she suggests taking care of the rest of the stripping, he immediately grabs Eloise’s hands and replaces them with his own on the hem of her bottoms. “Where’s the fun in that?” The wizard asks her. “If you’re naked all the time, it just makes things easier to get started from now on.” He immediately starts tugging down on Eloise’s pants and underwear. He’s not trying to rip them, but once again isn’t showing any care in what happens as he frantically tries to get her out of the clothes.

The kiss tastes so oddly sweet, which suits Luna perfectly, Alex thinks. He’s leaning further into it, and is pleasantly surprised when the witch does the same. The fact that it allows his hand to move further up her body is just a plus, of course. The wizard groans when Luna suddenly pulls away, but he’d already said that he won’t push things. Being a man of his word, Alex isn’t going to throw that aside just because he’s hornier now. Instead, he runs his hand gently through Luna’s hair to comfort her. “It’s okay. We can take all the time in the world.” He tells her.

The thud on the wall gets a smile and half chuckle from Alex. Well, it sounds as though his traveling companion and new friend are at least having fun, and now Alex figures that he’d like to do the same. Breaking the kiss he sits back and pulls off his shirt, exposing the sight that he’s already shown to Luna once before this night when changing. He takes the witch’s hands and moves them up to his bare skin, letting her feel his toned body if she’d like. “I wouldn’t mind seeing more of you as well, if you’re comfortable doing so.” He whispers to Luna, giving her a kiss just below the ear.
Eloise made a pathetic mewling noise when he pressed into her thighs. She hated the sound; it was a weak thing, something a distressed damsel would make while begging for mercy. Draco's hands on her waistband made her stomach quiver and her legs weak with need. It occurred to her that perhaps she really was pleading for mercy of one kind or another. Well, whatever. As long as she had him begging by morning, Ellie was willing to be the 'damsel'. She moved out of his lap and sat, legs out and feet on either side of his knees, across the bed. The movement was quick enough that her pants (and panties) were left in the blonde man's hands.

Eloise smirked evilly and leaned back on her elbows. The pose put her whole body on display: smooth, strong legs leading to broad hips and a flat stomach. Her sex was almost hairless and what hair she did have was too fair and fine to obscure anything. With better light he might see a few freckle-like scars from where her hair had been burned away, but in the dimness they were hard to spot. Flower-like labia folded neatly, pink and waiting just a few feet away. There was no way she could have hidden her desire from him even if she had wanted to. The lamplight sparkled on the wetness and might have been embarrassing if she had even a scrap of modesty left.

"Well?" She teased. He had been fighting for control from the start, now it was time to see what he did once he finally had it.

Luna stared unabashedly; although, perhaps 'stared' was inaccurate. She examined him in great detail, her eyes lingering in the creases and shadows as if she could memorize his muscle patterns. She is reluctant to touch him at first but... Soon her fingers are spread across his belly and chest as she traced over Alex's skin. Luna leaned forward and found herself pressing her lips to his chest while her fingers slid over him. She didn't know why she was breathing through her nose, but his rain-washed skin smelled amazing. Pheromones, most likely, though what did that matter?

Wordlessly, she unbuttoned her pajama shirt. The buttons were rather difficult and her fingers felt strangely numb. It only took a few moments before she was sliding her arms from the sleeves and letting the garment pool around her. Luna wore no bra, but her breasts were small and firm enough that she could get away with it. Besides, she was dressed for bed! The cool air and her own excitement had her nipples standing up and they were significantly darker than Elle's. Luna paused for a fleeting moment before standing up beside the bed and stripping her pants off. Her underwear was a cotton bikini brief, rosebud pink and decorated with tiny carrots and painted eggs. Of course, once her pants were on the floor she noted that his were still on his butt. Had she jumped ahead too far? He didn't seem upset, but... It took a large amount of willpower not to cover her chest as she stood and fidgeted. He wanted to see, after all.

"Like this?" She said with a playful smile. Something in his eyes sparked a bit of mischief in her so Luna turned in a circle, growing more confident with every step.
The swift movement of the muggle girl leaves Draco with nothing in his lap, and holding a set of bottoms in his hands. He looks at them for a brief second before looking back up at the girl and grinning, clearly liking what he sees. The pants and panties are quickly thrown to the floor, not caring about them anymore. There was a far better prize waiting for him to claim, after all. The pose seems like something out of the magazines some of the other boys in school used to look at. Never Draco, of course. He wouldnt need such things. No, he never snuck off or stole such things when he was younger. That wouldn't be proper of him.

If the blonde wizard had been the sort though, all he can think now is that Eloise looks much better than any of those models ever did. Adding in that she was posing just for him of course only made it that much hotter. "Well indeed..." He mutters, quickly sitting up. His clothes soon join the pile on the floor, leaving the pale wizard naked. The dim light seems to shine off his lean body, his fully erect penis jutting out noticeably as a result.

His long member isn't the thickest, but that's far from a bad thing, or so he's been told. Above it is a crown of pale blonde hair trimmed short. Draco stands for a moment, allowing the muggle girl to admire the sight of him before he moves in again, lips locking with Eloise once more. His hands move along her body, roaming it. One finds her left breast as the other works its way between the girl's legs to her sex.

Alex lets out a sigh of pleasure as Luna's fingers glide along her skin. He looks down at the girl, smiling at her, patiently leting the witch explore as much as she wants. It's fun letting her do so, and it seems that he's rewarded for it as she starts kissing his chest. The wizard's own hand moves up, gently playing with Luna's hair as he continues to watch her.

Having the wich move away is a bit disappointing, but when Alex sees her start to unbutton her shirt, he decides it's not worth complaining about. If he had to guess, Luna's chest is smaller than her friend's but he doesn't mind. The soft globes look perfect on her, in his opinion. "You look beautiful." He tells her in a whisper, smiling as his gaze move up from the witch's breasts to focus on her eyes instead.

Alex is about to move close to the girl to take her back in his arms, but she surprises him by continuing to strip further. Raising his eyebrows, he stands back and lets her finish. The panties... are absolutely adorable and he quickly decides that they suit the blond witch incredibly well. She doesn't look the most comfortable standing in front of him like that, but he has to respect the girl's strength in not covering herself back up.

"Yeah, just like that." He responds with a low voice before standing up as well. In a swift move, his pants and boxer briefs are dropped to the floor, leaving the olive skinned man standing tall, naked, and fully erect. HIs cock is slightly shorter than Draco's, being around average length, though certainly thicker than the blonde wizard's, and a well kept bush of curls above it. He walks back over to Luna, wrapping an arm around her back as he pulls her back in for a deep kiss.
Eloise had a system, or at least she had before the world ended. If she picked up a fellow at a club or bar and things went well, she would always let him be the first to undress. This way she could get a good look at what he was working with, and if he was... 'safe'. If he didn't meet her standards, it was simple enough to finish him quickly and send him on his way. This method had served her very well, and no bloke was going to complain about an enthusiastic blowjob in the cloakroom. The only real downside (besides being called nasty names on occasion) was that this system took patience, and that was something Elle did not have. Tonight she was too desperate to care about standards, but she was more than delighted to see that Draco would never have been turned away.

Elle whimpered into his mouth, not caring now how weak she must sound. Her back arched as his hands roamed and she opened for him without trouble. His touch was electric. Her legs jumped when his fingertips brushed over her clit, slick already and as hard as her nipples. Her hand reached up and tangled in his hair, holding him against her as she returned his kiss. Her other hand gripped his wrist and guided his fingers to where she wanted them. Gasping and panting for breath, Eloise broke the kiss and rested her forehead against Draco's. The hand that had been on his wrist moved away. Ellie met his eyes as her hand found his cock and began to squeeze and stroke the length.

A little nagging voice in her head wondered if she should have laid a towel down first. Probably, yes, but now was certainly not the time. Muscles deep inside were flexing and trembling, demanding attention. Not for the first time, Eloise was very glad she was not a man. Tonight she had no stamina and no desire to hold back. Were their genders reversed, Draco would probably be in for a disappointment. How lucky then that she wouldn't have to stop and wait when the fun got to be too much!

"You don't need to be gentle." Her voice was breathy against his ear, lips teasing along the lobe. "Don't hold back."

Luna stared, and this time it was the right word. Her cheeks colored happily at the compliment, though, and she looked at her feet in a fit of bashfulness. Only one other man had bothered to call her 'beautiful'. She had slept with him, too, and had a very enjoyable time. That had been a long time ago, however. Luna had long since moved on and now she was very glad of the fact.

His cock pressed into her belly as he kissed and held her. It didn't seem polite to touch such a personal bit of him, particularly so soon after meeting, but as Ellie often said: 'Fuck it'. His arms were warm and strong around her, his kiss deliciously sweet. She loved the feel of him prodding heavily at her stomach. She let her hands wander his bare back until they cupped the curve of his buttocks and pulled him tighter to her. For once, Eloise had good advice.

Luna broke the kiss and smiled brightly. Slim and quick as an otter in a stream, she dropped to her knees and out of his arms. One hand stayed on his ass while the other traced lightly along the underside of his shaft. Her fingers tickled and teased while she brought her face close to examine it. A penis was a rare organ in the house and she barely hid her wonder. Head cocked, Luna gave him a quick glance to make sure he wasn't going to object before she stuck out her tongue and gave him a tentative lick. Alex didn't argue, so she wrapped her lips over the swollen tip. Her tongue was velvety soft as it ran over and around, writhing in her mouth as she moved as far down the shaft as she could manage. He filled her mouth with his girth, stretching her lips and making it hard to take all of him and still breathe. Or she might just be out of practice. It wasn't as if she had done this very often, anyway.
Draco groans and immediately leans in for another kiss when the muggle girl takes hold of his cock. It had been far too long since a hand other than his own gripped it, and even longer since he’d gotten to use it proper. He pulls away his fingers from inside the girl’s wet sex, his digits now slick with her juice. Bringing them up to his lips, he gives a gentle suckle, adoring the taste of womanhood before smirking at Eloise. “No, of course I won’t be.” He tells her smugly.

The blonde wizard has no intention of being gentle tonight. The girl has offered herself to him, and he fully intends to take it and use the girl how he wants to. Moving around on the bed, Draco lets Eloise’s hand guide his cock to her entrance. Once there though, no time is wasted. With a single thrust, he enters the girl’s warm tight walls, sinking deep into her velvety folds. “Damn…” He mutters, leaning in close and nibbling at the muggle’s ear as he pushes his entire length inside her, amazed at how amazingly tight she feels. Had it really been too long since his last time? Had sex always felt this amazing, or is it just because of this girl that he’s with?

The bashful look works for Alex, he has to admit. He always loved the appearance of the clearly eager but shy or nervous girls. It turned him on so much, and with Luna’s huge eyes looking at him and back to the floor, the wizard imagines a lot of fun will be had with her tonight. He chuckles into the kiss as she gropes him, but certainly doesn’t complain at letting the cute witch feeling him over. He groans into her mouth, starting to push his own hands under her panties to cup the witch’s own ass cheeks as well.

Suddenly though, the kiss is ending, but Alex doesn’t complain when he watches with a smile as Luna drops down to her knees. Oh, it had been way too long since he had a girl do this so eagerly, and Alex isn’t about to pass up the chance. He turns his head up, rolling his eyes back as she traces the length of his shaft. Smiling when the girl’s eyes lock with his, he nods at her. “Go ahead, I’d love it if you do.” The wizard mutters in a low whisper. “Fuck yes…” He moans as the tongue touches his cock, now very glad that he’d been managing to keep up proper hygiene throughout his journey. Tilting Luna’s head up slightly so he can look into her eyes as she sucks him, he grins at her. “You’re fucking amazing.” He tells her, smiling at the girl again as his fingers work their way into her hair.
Elle's first orgasm crested almost immediately. Deprivation followed by so much teasing had brought her too close to the edge and she wasn't about to slow down. She didn't hold back, shaking while her toes curled in the blankets and her muscles spasmed tight around him. It was over quickly and Eloise was left gasping into his neck. Residual spasms seemed to pull Draco's cock deeper and hold it tighter, until it filled her completely. Though her legs were weak, Eloise wrapped them around his back and resumed rolling her hips against him.

Her lips met his and she could taste herself on his tongue. Though she might not ever admit it, Eloise loved the flavor. And second hand, from a lover's mouth? Even better. Something scratched at the walls of the cabin, dead hands scrabbling for the prey inside. Eloise couldn't care less, however, there were far more important things at hand.

"There. Just like, mm, like that." She angled her hips to better guide him, still moving under him as if she planned to do all the work herself.

Luna blushes again, though it's hard to take a compliment gracefully with a dick in your mouth. She let his hands on her head guide her movements. In, out, in, out. Her movements were timed to her breathing, half because she couldn't figure out how to suck and inhale at the same time without choking. Practice. She needed practice. Tongue running along his cock, Luna was very aware of the veins and arteries. His pulse was strong and quick and utterly fascinating. Why didn't she remember Rolf's pulse? Actually, all of her previous 'entanglements' seemed like dim memories now. All that mattered, all that was real, was this.

"I'm not really sure I'm doing this right." She admitted when she came up for air. She shifted a little, giving her knees a little relief from the cold wood floor. Something Ellie had said once flitted through Luna's brain like a horny wrackspurt. If anyone knew their way around a man, it would be Eloise. So, taking her friend's advice, Luna lifted Alex's penis so that it pointed up and began licking and nibbling at the base where the shaft joined his balls. Her hand moved over the shaft as well, fingers skimming over the tip occasionally while she tenderly took each of his testicles in her mouth in turn.
It takes Draco by surprise when he feels the muggle girl’s quivering pussy lips grip him tight as they do. It takes him only a few moments inside her before he realizes what’s happening. Eloise was already cumming? The blonde wizard can hardly believe it, but he certainly isn’t going to complain. It’s just another boost to his ego, which he is happy to take at the moment. Fortunately, as she wraps her legs around him, Draco can correctly assume that she isn’t ready to stop yet. As such, he slowly starts to pump in and out of the girl.

The wizard returns the kiss hard and passionately, practically pushing Eloise down with him as he fills her with his entire length. As she instructs him, telling Draco that he found the right spot, for a moment he considers changing things up. “You don’t order me around.” He hisses in the muggle girl’s ear before thrusting in hard, one hand finding a nipple and giving it a hard squeeze. Still, he keeps moving as she suggested. He’s close himself, the long wait keeping him rather pent up and ready to burst. Before that though, he wants to feel Eloise cum again around his throbbing cock.

The blond witch’s movements have Alex weak in the knees, and he feels about ready to collapse. The black haired wizard has to put actual effort to keep from forcing Luna further down his shaft. As it is, she seems passionate if not the most experienced at this, though all Alex can think is that it’s perfect. He couldn’t ask for anything better right now. “Hold on…” He barely manages to grunt out, turning slightly and sitting on the bed before pulling her along with him so that she’s between his legs again. He pretty much has to take a seat on the mattress if he wants to keep from falling at this point.

Looking down at Luna, the wizard gently strokes her cheek with his hand and smiles at her. “You’re doing amazing. Don’t worry about a thing. The fact that you’re eager to do this at all makes it awesome enough.” He reassures her, not wanting the girl to think she has to try too hard to impress him. Her gentle movements from there have him look to the ceiling and letting out a groan of pure pleasure. “Fuck, I’m close…” He mutters to Luna as a fair warning, not sure how much longer he can hold out, and wondering with arousing curiosity just how the girl will react to this news.
“You don’t order me around.” Moment of passion or not, Eloise bristles at his tone. She might have even taken offense (why the hell shouldn't she order him around? Who did he think he was?) but something inside her head clicked. His ex had treated him like royalty and he was nearly as pushy as Elle herself. Did wizards have nobility? It would make sense, he was an awful lot like a better-looking version of that Duke's son she picked up at that warehouse rave in Cardiff. Better hung, too. Draco plunged deep and drew a breathless cry from her as he hit her cervix.

"Why don't I?" She goaded him softly. His movements were delicious, stroking along all the right places. Even when he went too deep, it felt good. Eloise had meant to taunt him, to assert herself as an equal, but she was soon distracted. "What will you do? Cover my mouth? Pull my hair until I submit and say 'yes, sir?'. Hold me down and fuck me until I can't walk? Oh god, please do."

Ellie dug her nails into his back, her cunt gripping him even tighter to put more pressure on the deep and sensitive places. Without knowing why, she buried her face in his neck, licking the sweat from his throat while still whispering between gasping moans.

"Or perhaps I should order you around. I could put you on your back and ride your cock until there's nothing left. Make you worship me, body and soul. Put you on your knees and let you kiss my thighs... Oh, harder! Fuck, yes..." She grabbed his hand and pressed it to her throat while she fumbled between her own legs with desire-numbed fingers. Ellie rubbed her clit, feeling his cock sliding wet past her fingers and pushing her to the edge of a second orgasm.

More compliments! Luna had no trouble telling that they were genuine, which made them all the better. Alex was making such adorable noises and they only served to encourage her more. In fact, the noises might be better than the compliments! The bed is much easier on her knees than the cold floor and, shockingly, it's a little easier to take him in her mouth. Luna's ass was pointed at the ceiling, Easter egg panties pulled tight enough to nearly see through. She didn't notice, though; she was far too busy trying to keep a suitable rhythm. Her hand wandered to the damp spot between her legs. Though it had been a little while, she certainly knew how to do this at least! Luna slipped her hand into her underwear and began stroking and fingering herself to more or less the same beat that she was using on Alex. It seemed like a good way to keep the rhythm (besides just feeling so good).

“Fuck, I’m close…” He says, though that doesn't give her much direction. Does he want her to stop? Slow down? Dance like a chicken? Somehow none of those options seem like the best idea. Her quick Ravenclaw mind bounced over a few other options before settling on the simplest. Keep going. At first she just maintains the same speed and depth, but feeling him throb and twitch between her lips? It was almost too much. Luna's braid flopped over her shoulder and hit his hip as she moved with more enthusiasm. Her head bobbed over him while she sucked deeply on each stroke, not caring that it made a weird squishy noise. She thought she heard a passionate cry from the next room, but it very well could have been Luna's imagination.

Alex was so stiff, so very close to breaking, that she had trouble holding his cock upright with one hand. The little witch was forced to employ her other hand, though her fingers were visibly wet with her own juices. It didn't seem to matter though, his prick was wet enough already. She rolled her eyes to look up, wanting to see his face as he came.
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