Key to The Heart (SilentProtagonist x SweetMarie)

Ree had never seen a heartless like this it was almost amazingly dangerous but she knew things about heartless, and this thing was a heartless. Ree wondered if Harik was actually ok or if he was lying to her, she couldn’t tell. Ree released her arrow though invisible it was an arrow with great power inside it. Ree grinned as the arrow struck into the heartless’s eye creating enough of an opening for Harik to get a close range attack.

Ree grabbed the string and pulled it back preparing herself for another strike when and if Harik asked for it. Sure Ree could come and join Harik but it was easier to let him defeat it on his own, she didn’t want to get in the way. Harik was handsome when he fought and Ree watched him with a great deal of pride in the fact she had trained with him. His keyblade was engulfed in his typical element (fire) as it came down on the eye of the heartless’s eyes. Ree grinned lowering the bow and releasing the string making the arrow disappear, she had figured they had won this one, but boy was she wrong.

The thing moved covering its damaged orb or eye or whatever it was with one of its appendages and then swung it at Harik. Ree shouted for Harik to watch out but it was really a pointless scream after all he was watching it just as closely as Ree was and could see the giant thing flying at him. Ree grabbed her bow and pulled the string she didn’t want Harik to get hurt but she knew he would most likely want to defeat this on his own.

Ree smiled as she moved in closer to Harik as he mocked or teased that the beast wasn’t happy any more. “Ya think?” She teased back playfully as she pulled and released three light blue orbs that meant she was using her water magic. If he couldn’t kill it with fire maybe she could drown it enough to get them the hell out of there and get a real keyblade master. Before the arrows could come into contact with the thing its appendage slammed down and the ground shock and jagged rocks shoot up and knocked the arrows into oblivion. Ree stared at the thing in disbelief at what it had done. Her eyes roamed around she didn’t know how there was so much darkness seeping in and she bit her lower lip.

Ree was being pushed back and into Harik they were being surrounded and that never turned out good at least in Ree’s head it didn’t. Ree stepped back letting her right shoulder brush against Harik letting him know she was there. He was the one in charge for now. Ree nodded but she didn’t figure Harik was looking at her to know she would do as he said.

Ree looked at each small fry heartless and grinned she’d easily take them out for Harik to get to where he needed. “Go for it!” Ree shouted for Harik nailing every heartless that stood in his way. He needed as much power as he could muster on the boss. Ree didn’t pay much attention to those who were closer to her nailing those that chased after Harik letting only a few of her arrows to attack the ones on her. She needed to help Harik more than she did, there were way too many among them. Ree grabbed the string letting off an arrow every two steps Harik took.
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