a pierce in the the veil .//. sixlikesgore & dragonfoot

Tequila gritted her teeth when he still grinded his hips into her despite she was writhing wildly in his arms from her orgasm. She could sense a warm sensation that came from his swollen and twitching manhood inside her. Allowing herself to be wrapped up into his arms while her breathing returned to normal, "I love you too" she said between intakes of air. Tequila met his loving gaze with her own, her stomach doing flips every time he stared at her with those golden brown eyes of his.
When the elf within his arms returned those three words he'd whispered, the grin that overtook Cullen's lips was indescribable. The scar above his top lip was much more prominent, lips parting with genuine happiness as his eyes searched over the woman before him. He couldn't find a single thing wrong with her; not even the few bruises he could notably see from her recent battles could cause him to think anything less of her beauty. "I keep thanking the Maker every day you remain here," he started to admit, nuzzling his nose against her own as he remained still otherwise, keeping her locked securely in his loving embrace. "But now I have a suspicion that I should be thanking you for putting up with me enough in order to." The grin he'd worn moments before returned, slightly dimmer this time, but nonetheless surfaced, showing her he was joking - at least slightly. He did very much fear for the day she might wake and consider him too much to handle. "You've blessed me more graciously than I've ever been before."
"If someone told me a long time ago that I would have fallen in love with a human. I'd rip out their innards but now I can't imagine anyone else I want more by my side" she whispered running her leg up the side of his in a rhythm before sighing in content. Tequila looked around to see the mess they had made, clothing littered the floor of his quarters and Cullen's desk in disarray but she found herself smirking in thought "should I go?" she asked pulling away from his embrace for a moment.[/i]
Narrowing his eyes softly at her words, he was extremely glad that she finished it off the way she had. He couldn't imagine anyone else by his side, either - or hers, for that matter. The feeling of her leg sent shivers over his bare skin, causing him nuzzle his lips against her forehead in a soft kiss of appreciation. Even the simple things she did made him feel ten miles high. As she glanced around, he slowly did the same, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his lips as he took in the same sight. Usually, it would've caused him to fuss, but in her presence, he was completely content with the mess. At her question, and the small pull, he instinctively pulled her back against him, his forehead coming to press against her own. "Definitely not," he mused quickly, almost too quick. Planting a soft kiss to her lips, he lifted his right hand to cup her jaw, smiling as he broke it. "You've been in the Arbor Wilds for too long. Your Commander would like to formally request dinner, with his Inquisitor.." Trailing off for a moment, he slid his hand from her jaw to lace within her hair, playing with the strands softly. "If your schedule permits it, of course."
Tequila's eyes brightened at the mention of having dinner with him. Usually their sessions were cut short due to the world getting in the way. "Why not, These formal affairs bore me to death" she laughed lightly before returning the soft kiss. Color began to return to her flushed face despite her pale complexion, her body still kept the cool temperature from the open air of his quarters. Her arm snaked up the back of Cullen's neck to twine her fingers into the locks of his hair just as she as done to her.
"Good," he mused softly, inhaling her familiar scent as he pulled her against him once more. At the feel of her fingers entwining within his blond locks, his eyes closed contently, releasing a soft sigh of peace. The cool air that clung against their body's did not bother the Commander, who was regularly sending the mason who came to schedule repairs for his tower off to do more "important" tasks with his repairs. But, at the thought of the ceiling being so open, Cullen's eyes slowly opened, and he peered down at his elven love. "Perhaps we could spend the night in your quarters, however. There's been talk among the troops about a storm rolling in. As much as I'd like to see you wet," he leaned in to press another quick peck to the woman's lips. "I'd prefer if the rain didn't muck up my dinner."
She glanced up at the open patch of sky that was visible from where they were standing. Cullen's sultry words made her heart skip a beat, her face taking on a pink hue on her cheeks. "y-yes" she said before wrapping the fabric back around her chest. She hated the feeling of any free movement when engaged in battle. Josephine had suggested a corset and Tequila had promised she would atleast try it despite it being more of a Orlesian fashion. By the dread wolf I hope I didn't leave it lying about she thought nervously nibbling her lower lip in the process. Tequila felt bad messing up all his paperwork...and knocking over any breakables that may have be broken from their love making. But It was sure hell of a sturdy desk her mind began to wonder if it was made out of Ironwood. Her attention was brought back to her lover's words about Rain...Maker did Tequila hate Rain. Ever since her journey to Crestwood along with the recruitment of Iron bull and his chargers she hoped not to get soaked to the bone like that again. It could be possible but the mention of being wet made her shudder as if she could feel the chill settle into her bones.
A boyish grin took over the man's lips as she agreed to have dinner in her quarters, quite glad that she'd accepted the offer. Especially for the location; as much as he hated getting rained on occasionally, he knew that their hold had more pressing repairs that could always be dealt with. It wasn't like getting rained on in the middle of sleep was the worst case scenario he'd ever been faced with - at least here, he had a bed to be woken up in. Watching as she shifted to grab the clothe and start to wrap it around her chest, Cullen's hands helped her tie the soft material, making sure it wasn't too tight around her torso, but tight enough to remain in place no matter her physical state. The bite she made against her lower lip had his eyes searching around them, slowly noticing the shape of his desk, and the mess they'd created. But he didn't find himself worried about the parchments, or the vials that had smashed to the cobblestone below; he was only concerned for the woman within his arms. He'd be able to get new vials, and re-write the letters he'd been working on later.

At her shudder, he grinned wider, leaning in to plant one last, small kiss to her lips, before he retreated from his hold on her. Gathering her clothes, he rested them on the desk beside her with a knowing smile, slowly turning his attention to gathering his own garments and pulling them back over his body. "It might take a little while to convince the chefs what I'd had in mind, but I don't think they'd want to take the chance at upsetting their Inquisitor," he mused softly as he tightened his belt, his chest still exposed to the crisp air. "But I don't expect you to wait around while I take care of preparations." Eyeing her over, he closed the space between them again, trailing his index finger along her cheek bone. "Go take a bath, my love. Retire those bruises, and I'll have your dinner prepared and ready for the next hour." Smiling, he pressed a kiss to her soft lips, but didn't allow himself to linger long, knowing he'd have to make his way into the kitchen relatively soon if he didn't want to make Tequila wait that long for their time together.
Tequila returned the gentle kiss he had given her, slipping herself off his desk. The smile he had given her made her glance over her shoulder giving one last smirk at how sheepish he looked. Leaving his quarters and making her way back to her own, it was quite empty looking in the main hall since the battle at Arbor was over. Her walk was surprisingly undisrupted, No scouts reporting from the war room No companions approaching her to talk. It was nice for a change she could have a moment to herself and relax without anything getting in the way.

Luckily the repairs had been made in the empty space just before the climb of stairs to her sleeping quarters. It was strange bathing in a wooden tub instead of a stream, it reminded Tequila more of water trough then a tub. She did have to admit the idea of a Basin filled with warm water with soothing herbs added to ease her aches in pains was rather pleasant. It only took a Basin and a half to fully fill the tub, steam raised from the hot water only making it more inviting. Stripping herself of her clothing again she used a toe to test the water so it wasn't too hot. It wasn't screaming hot but temperatured enough that it would help relax her. Letting herself sink to the bottom so only her head was exposed she let out a content sigh of relief.
After Tequila had left his tower, Cullen had done the same in a relatively good mood, walking the wall that connected his tower to Skyhold's main part of the castle. As he slipped through the common foyer to take the steps down to the kitchens, he did his best to ignore the whispers among the visitors, knowing that most of them had to deal with him and who he spent his company with whenever he wasn't absorbed into his duties. Knocking on the door when he came to the kitchen, he was confronted with two of the chefs helpers, the immediate hands within the kitchen at all times. Greeting them with a smile, he pushed the door open, standing in the doorway as casually as he could manage. "Commander Cullen," an elven woman greeted with a smile, her hands busy kneading into some dough. "Is there anything I can do you for, Ser?"

The man nodded his head, crossing his arms formally in front of his waist. "Actually, there is. I was going to have dinner with the Inquisitor," he spoke softly, his eyes casting around the large room, searching for ideas on what the meal could contain. "Would it be possible to have a few plates made, ready to be taken to her quarters?" he asked softly, his voice quiet, as though he were trying to keep it under wraps from other people's ears, despite the location of the kitchen being rather discreet. The elven woman smirked and nodded her head, her eyes lighting up with an idea. "I have the perfect thing, Commander. Should I have one of your masons bring the plates to her quarters?"

"No, no, thank you," he started, much too fast to be considered casual. Laughing nervously, he shifted his weight from either leg. "I mean, I'll be down to retrieve the dishes to take up myself, thank you." At her nod, Cullen whisked himself away back to his tower in order to clean up the mess that he'd so delightfully ensued, and to rewrite some of the letters that had become damaged. By the time he was nearing the end of the replacement parchments, a knock came at his door, and his eyes lifted to see the elven woman from the kitchen, a silver tray within her small hands. "Your meal, Ser." Rising from his desk, Cullen grasped the handles of the tray as soon as he reached her, smiling largely. He barely had time to mutter another thank you for her efforts before he was shifting past her in the door frame, his feet carrying him to his love's room.

As he approached the final door to her chambers, he waited a moment, before giving the wood a soft rap of his armored knuckles. Opening the door, he lifted himself up the stairs after closing it behind him, the tray delicately balanced with his left hand. "Tequila," he called softly, not wanting to startle her. Coming to rest the tray on the top of her desk, he lifted both lids on either plate, revealing smoked ram's meat, garlic seasoned potatoes, and assorted vegetables that they'd been able to trade for. The smell that wafted up to his nose instantly had a grumble soothing from his stomach, but he ignored it, smiling at the sight of the two win glasses, paired with an unopened bottle. "This may just be the best dinner we've ever had.. I'll have to ask Josephine to send the cooks something nice in return."
Tequila had just finished bathing and was in the middle of dressing herself when Cullen entered without her expecting. "Shit" she cursed quietly looking around in a panic to find her top but was defeated when their eyes locked with one another "I see you brought food" she blurted trying to distract herself from her own embarrassment that made her ears blush. The food did smell mouth watering, Tequila didn't realize how hungry she was until the tray lid was taken off. Completely forgetting that she was half dressed with only her chest wrapping to cover her torso. Her gaze followed Cullen's motion with the tray of deliciousness onto her desk, only to be interrupted by her own stomach growling. This was a much better meal then the leg of Mutton and Ale she was used to eating on her journeys outside of Skyhold. Even the Ale that was shipped to camp was a luxury to have since Iron bull usually downed his tankard before any one else could finish.​

She was sure Cullen wouldn't mind seeing her half dressed after all he had seen her fully naked not only 30 minutes. It wasn't much of a problem to Tequila because her main focus was the food that had been brought up to her so kindly. Sera and Varric often joked that she had the same Appetite as a lone wolf did. Perhaps it was a side effect from the Anchor that was given, Tequila didn't know. Blackwall described it as something that happened to new Grey Wardens aswell. Barely hearing Cullen's comment on to return the favor to the Cooks in he kitchen but she nodded in agreement incoherently, distracted by the scent that wafted from their Dinner.​
Of course Cullen was a little surprised to see the condition of Tequila's wardrobe, considering it wasn't often that he had the chance to see the Inquisitor without her usual attire. But the surprise ebbed away quickly, and replaced with desire. A smile pulled onto his lips after he'd been able to separate his eyes from her magnificent form, not wanting to spill any of their dinner or wine's contents in his bewilderment. "Yes, I did deliver the meal as I promised," he quipped softly, his smile only growing from the blush that took to her cheeks. He wished she wouldn't be so shy around him sometimes, but it wasn't like she couldn't ask the same of him; always whispering his sweet nothings to her, even when no other ears were around to listen in; always scared that someone was going to toe into the room, or conversation, and interrupt in some way.

Glancing over his shoulder to see her approach her desk, he smiled at her, his hands coming to rest on her shoulders softly. "Not yet," he whispered softly, leading her towards the couch in front of her fireplace. Seating her softly, he gave her another grin as he leaned in, pressing a delicate kiss to the center of her forehead, before retreating to return to her desk. Uncorking the wine bottle, he tilted it lightly into both the glasses they'd been provided, filling them both halfway. Setting both the glasses onto the tray, he lifted it carefully and carried it to come join beside her. Leaving a space between him and the arm of the couch to set the tray, he lifted her plate and handed it to her, waiting until she firmly had it to hand her her wine glass. Lifting his own, situating his plate in his lap, he leaned in and planted another kiss to her cheek, this one much more abrupt, clearly a spur of the moment gesture. As he pulled away, he lingered for a moment, his eyes boring into her own. "You still look absolutely magnificent, Tequila."
The corners of her mouth turned into a mischevious grin when she caught him staring at her freshly smelling form "Are you planning to starve me Commander?" she inquired before testing the fine Antivian wine he had given her. It was certainly different tasting then Ale, it was sort of pleasant in a sour sweetness it had. The food is what she was more intrested in then the wine. "the Keeper didn't let us partake in drinking, she said it poisened the mind" she laughed casually "I'd have my hide tanned if she knew I was bedding a human and drowning my worries into the bottom of a Tankard " she said before sighing heavly realizing how much she missed her Clan. But shaking her head of any more distress she could cuase for herself. "Do you ever miss being in Ferelden? being a Templar?" she questioned while cutting a chunk of Ram's meat apart.

Tequila felt guilty about asking about his days in The Circle knowing the great pain and torture they put her lover through that dreadfull night. "unsecond thought feel free not to answer that. I didn't mean to bring it up and... and I'm rambling again aren't I? I always say the stupidest things" she muttred shamefully and had completely disreguarded his compliment, another one of her misfires.
A careful, curious brow rose as soon as Tequila mentioned that her clan's keeper hadn't allowed them to drink. He could relate, considering there were most groups that completely disregarded life's toxic substances, but he hadn't thought that Tequila's clan would've been one of them. "Your keeper isn't wrong," he spoke softly, lifting his cup to taste another small sip of the chilled liquid. "It does poison the mind." A small smile pulled at the corner of his lips, loving the sound of his lover's laugh. Her sigh that came afterwards was easily picked up upon, however, and he scooted closer to her on the couch, nuzzling his lips into the nape of her neck to smother her exposed skin with kisses there. "She'll have to step aside until the tanning I deliver you is finished," he joked softly, hoping that she wouldn't dwell too much on the fact that she was very, very far from home. Her next set of questions, however, had him slightly pulling back to peer at her face.

He hadn't put much thought into his Templar days; only when his withdrawals grew too severe. But there was much he didn't wish to think about in those days.. a lot of incidents that he couldn't forgive himself for allowing to happen. As she spoke, quieting anything he might've said about Ferelden and his time in the Circle, Cullen quickly raised his hand to brush over her lips, silencing her from scolding herself any further. Turning her head's posture, so his eyes could properly gaze into his own, he forced a deep kiss to her lips, capturing her own in a solid manner until he was sure his thoughts had been portrayed within the motion. "I could listen to you ramble for ages," he muttered softly when he finally parted the kiss, his hooded and clouded with love as he peered into the elf's eyes before him. "And you know there's no one else I'd rather share those memories with, Tequila. Maker knows you've suffered so many of my nightmares already.."
Tequila smirked lightly "I'm glad we are one the same page then" she whispered after she pulled away from his suffocating kiss. "Be careful commander, I am more then meets the eye." she laughed poking his armored chest with her index finger "Infact I think I heard a challenge in your voice" Tequila said leaning to nip his collar bone in a teasing manner. His words spoke of truth and she trusted him with everything, hell there were plans and tactics that only he was trusted. It was one of the many benefactors of courting her Commander. Funny how War could bring people togeather or shatter them apart, as far as far as Tequila nothing could tear her from Cullen except death itself.

Fuzzy warmth swelled up in her chest at the mention of him trusting her with the memories that still plagued his slumber. She knew what it felt like to lose sleep after all Corypheus was still out there and all of Thedas was on her shoulders waiting for her to stay two steps ahead of the inpending Apocolypse.
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