Teamwork (AnonymousRelated and Naomi David)

Desmon laughed at her suggestion that he feed off of her, while the possibility of it was very high. The result would likely end up as something she wouldn't want, he was an Ancient and of all the Vampires his kind had the most pleasurable of bites. They were where the idea of a Succubus had originated, a simple case of mistaken identity. "If you wanted to lose yourself in pleasure, then by all means come over here and move your hair from your neck." Desmon said as he looked up to her face. "I appreciate your concern, but you don't want to do that, you'll enjoy yourself too much." he warned.
She frowned, she didn't like being laughed at. She gave him a dirty look, and she spoke,"I know the risks, but you being able to function properly over rides it." When she wanted to do something, she would do it. She moved closer to him, moving her hair away from one of the sides of her neck.
When the attractive young Fae came over to him, and stood in front of him pulling her hair off to one side, Desmon's eyes dilated again. Just the sight of her neck, and being able to smell her blood coursing through her veins had Desmon watering at the mouth. His hand moved like lightning and it took her wrist in his grasp. Pulling her down so that she was sitting on his lap, Desmon pulled his other hand from behind him and he cradled her head with it, as his other hand pulled her tunic down over her shoulder more. "No... Going back... Now," he said his lips near to her neck, so that she'd feel each hot breath against her skin. Desmon parted his lips, and his canine teeth sharpened and lengthened. They were like needles at this point, even including the very tiny hole in the center of the tooth that he would use in order to sire someone if he chose to. Slowly Desmon sunk his teeth into her neck and as he did he squeezed his eyes shut tightly. He felt the warmth of her blood flood into his mouth and it felt like the world around the two of them stopped. He moaned quietly against her soft, fair skin as the warmth surged through his body.
She blinked, and even faster than she could move, he had her wrist in his hand, and had her on his lap... She secretly liked it, she could feel the muscles in his legs as she sat on his lap... She could feel his fingers pull her tunic down ever so slightly, could feel her head in his hand, the hot breath on her neck... His bite was slow, it hurt very little... Like getting an injection at a hospital when she was a child, before her parents quickly learned that she wouldn't get a mundane illness, she wouldn't die from mundane diseases... She softly moaned as he drank...
Desmon heard her quiet, soft moan as he sucked on her neck. He could feel his energy levels returning to normal, and then some. He could smell her that much more clearly now, and the scent aroused him. Desmon knew that he needed only a little more, though the sounds she was making made him want to keep his teeth in her, or put something else in her. After a moment longer, Desmon pulled his teeth from her neck and as he did he licked up against the two pinprick holes where the blood leaked down her neck from. His breath still hot against her skin, an Ancient's saliva was capable of clotting blood as such, the two holes on her neck sealed with two scabs. Breathing heavily, Desmon released his hold on her head and he panted briefly catching his breath. "You're as brave as you are beautiful..." Desmon said catching his breath.
She could feel her pulse racing as he drank from her, her body heat increasing... God damn, she was feeling extremely good right now, so incredible... She became that much more aware of him, how his body felt as she sat on his lap... She sighed when he withdrew from her neck, and she spoke heavily, tinged with desire,"Tell me something I don't know..."
Desmon could hear and smell her heart pounding blood through her veins, his mind buzzed and spun with a euphoric rush. The blood was so much sweeter, and more charged than he could have of ever imagined it to be. He had almost not even heard her speak to him, his eyes dilated and he licked his lips as he looked up into her beautiful eyes. "I've never had sex with a Fae before," Desmon said, his hand shifting down to her thigh.
Well, that was certainly an interesting answer, him never having sex with one of Faerie blood before. She spoke, her voice slowly growing husky,"And I've never had sex before."
Desmon was shocked to hear her reply, how was it that such an attractive looking Faefolk as herself hadn't been courted by another? The other thing that shocked him from her reply, was how she said it. Her voice was filled with a husky desire of sorts, something that he was certain was caused from the bite. Though he wanted to take advantage of this situation he didn't know exactly just how right it would be of him to do so. But the words slipped out of his mouth without him even realizing it. "I could... Change that for you," he told her looking up at her face still.
"And I think I'd very much enjoy that..." she replied, her voice still seductive sounding. She was in need of sexual relations, in need of them now, from this Vampire.
Desmon leaned up and pressed his lips to her neck again and he kissed her skin softly. Desmon let his hand slide up her thigh and he slid it between her legs. Pulling his lips away from her neck Desmon's cock surged with blood and began to stiffen. "So... Do you want it here or in your tent?" Desmon said in a hushed voice.
She smiled softly, and she spoke,"In my tent. The Hunters will kick yer ass if they see a Vampire screwing one of their most promising initiates." She smirked, thinking of all the fun they would have later.
:: I'm eating, but I'll post after I'm done. ::

Desmon listened to her and nodded when she said that they should go to her tent. It wasn't that he was scared of having a Hunter come across them, he didn't figure anyone would be able to lay a finger on him right now with how much her blood had given him a boost. Desmon swept Belle into his arms and stood, walking over to the tent Desmon opened the front of it and ducked inside. Setting her down on the set of furs and sheets that made up her bedding, Desmon stripped himself of his jacket and his shirt, his hands went to the buckle on his belt and he began to quickly pull it loose. "I'll be gentle," he said as he pushed his pants down, and kicked off his shoes. Desmon wore no undergarments and so his hardening seven inches was in plain view for her. His manhood would grow up to ten and a half inches if he was really into it, and he could tell that this was going to be one of those nights. "At least until you're comfortable with me being a little more rough." he added with a grin.
She giggled when he picked her up and brought her into her tent. Wow. He was incredible looking. Not just his face, but his body... And his cock. She spoke,"Mmmm, delicious, sounds fair!" She happily began to strip naked.
After Desmon had fully disrobed, he moved over to Belle's side and laid next to her on the bedding. Watching her as she stripped herself of his clothing, Desmon reached down and began to rub the swelling head of his cock. "I look forward to teaching you the pleasures of your body, as well experiencing them myself." Desmon said. As she shifted back, Desmon sat up and leaned forward placing his lips against her neck, he bit down into her neck once more only this time he didn't do so for the purpose of feeding. His hands came around the front of her body and he began to gently grope her chest. Even though he wasn't biting her to feed, the blood still trickled into his mouth and he moaned against her neck, his left hand sliding down between her legs and rubbing softly at her entrance.
She had never imagined stripping herself naked for anybody. It was hard for Hunters to form attachments, since there was always a chance of being killed at any given moment... She smiled as he was so gentle, gentle as he bit her a second time.. A nice hickey she'd have.... His hands, like silk and feathers, were gently working her chest, he was really so gentle with her since this was her first time... She spoke,"I look forwards to it."
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