A Mockingjay Fettered (HeavenSundered & Randomname)

After their kiss was gone, he let his hand brush up against hers as she left. He took a good, long look at her and found himself confused as if he liked her better from behind or from in front. Either way, she was gorgeous, all his. Happily, he went back inside and finished up the chores around the house for the night, telling his family good night and then going off to bed. He looked to the empty mattress beside him and thought what a great fit for Katniss’ body it would be. Despite the oppression the people of Panem faced, maybe they could have a happily ever after and perhaps get married and grow old together, live on their own, sleep in each other’s arms every night… maybe he shouldn’t think about things like that with a girl he hadn’t known that long but he did think about it and something told him she was thinking about something along that line as well.

Sleep didn’t come easily to him, not because he was feeling bad but because he was feeling great. He got up earlier than normal so he could go looking around in the woods near his house, near a small pond where he found a nice, blooming flower for Katniss. Troy didn’t know what the hell kind of flower it was but it looked pretty and hoped she would like it. When he got to the Everdeen house, he smiled when he saw Katniss and her sister on the porch. He waved at them in greeting, the flower tucked away in his back pocket. It was funny to him, he was even ten minutes early and they were already there, waiting for him. The entire walk up, he looked at Katniss right in the eyes and shared a smile with her. “I hope you like flowers.” He said softly, pulling out the flower, brushing some hair back behind her ear and sliding the flower in place behind her right ear. After pulling back, he let his hand travel down her braid that was just so gorgeous and cute and he absolutely thought she looked adorable. Katniss looked like such an innocent girl but it was clear she had a crazy, kinky, sexy side that only he was allowed to see.

Never before had Troy really been happy to go school, but he wanted to show off his girlfriend. Of course, Katniss may worry that it would damage his reputation but she should know that he doesn’t care. After they greet each other and Troy leaned down to kiss Katniss’ nose, he took her by the hand and started walking along to the school Prim’s school for the pre-teen kids was just a block away. They dropped her off there and then were on the way to their school, passing by some fellow classmates whom were giving them hard stares. Of course, there would be a handful of Town girls that would be so jealous and mad with Katniss for having Troy because they all thought that they were the best looking girl around.

Just as it would be thought, Troy didn’t even bat an eye with the looks and instead happily, lovingly swung his hands with Katniss to the school. They talked a bit more and Troy got all cuddly as they walked, holding her close to his body and kissing all over her cheek, giving her compliment after compliment. There were four classes in a full day and they only shared one class- it was second block, Math. They didn’t sit that far away from each other so hopefully they’d be able to talk some. He doesn’t even know if she’d uttered a word the entire year in that class because she was just so quiet.

Now they stood outside of her first block class and he leaned up against the wall with her. “I will see you later, Miss Everdeen… don’t miss me too much.” He said softly and lightly kissed her lips. “But if you do, I’m always there with you.” He said and smiled, alluding to the flower he had given her. It was a gift from him, something she could have anywhere she went and he would be right there. He exchanged a goodbye with her and kissed her multiple times on the lips before letting her go and then heading to his own class, a wide, childish smile on his face, he was so happy.
Katniss wasn't a huge fan of school. She didn't really enjoy having to be surrounded by a bunch of people, many of which she disliked to varying degrees, plus it all just felt like one big waste of time. No matter how well she did, or how poorly some Townie did, she would still have no chance of finding anything better than some menial labor job while the Townie got the cushy, well paying job. If she could just hunt all day, then maybe she could bring back enough to actually make some profit rather than just barely enough to survive, but no, instead she had to waste her damn time learning useless facts.

That thought alone caused her to start off most days in a foul mood, but of course, this day was not like all the others. Kat was so happy to see Troy again that she forgot to be pissed off about having to go to school, at least for the time being. "Every girl likes flowers...yes, even me," she told him when he brushed some of her hair aside and slid the stem of the flower behind her ear. From that point on, Katniss couldn't wipe the happy smile off of her face until they reached the school grounds after having dropped Primrose off.

Troy seemed very at ease and relaxed about all of the attention that they were getting, but Kat was a lot more uneasy about it all. She didn't want everyone staring at her, pointing, whispering, making her wonder what nasty things they were saying about her. She could put up with it for now, for Troy, but she really hoped that it wouldn't be a persistent thing. Kat's good mood had obviously been dampened somewhat by the time that they reached her first block classroom, while Troy was still just as cheerful as always. It might have been annoying if he wasn't so damn perfect. When he kissed her goodbye, she kind of seemed in a hurry to pull away and go to class. She was still squeamish about public displays of affection like that, even more so here among her peers.

Class seemed even longer and more boring to Kat than usual. She just wanted the school day to be over so that she could go on her picnic with Troy, but for now she would have to settle for just seeing him during second block. He was already sitting at his desk when she walked into the classroom, their eyes meeting as she made her way to her own desk, which was one across from him. The only person sitting between them was Nitya Elestren. The Elestrens were one of the richest Townie families, and their eldest daughter was one of the school's meangirls, always bitchy and full of herself. Nitya was also one of the prettiest girls at school, always impeccably dressed, her long, shining blond hair flowing down almost to her waist.

She mostly kept out of Katniss' way, only because there were much easier targets for her and her friends to harass and torment. As soon as the teacher was ready and class started, Nitya wouldn't stop asking Troy stupid questions, trying to get him to help her with every problem that they were given to solve. She'd recently broken up with her boyfriend, and it was pretty obvious that she was suddenly interested in Troy now, probably thinking that he'd be glad to 'upgrade' from Katniss to her.

Meanwhile, Kat was shooting daggers at the bitch through her eyes, watching her the entire time, listening to every word. It enraged her to think of how arrogant the other girl could be, coming on to Troy when she knew that Katniss was sitting right next to them. Not only was she angry, but she also became instantly self-conscious, wondering if Troy really would prefer someone like Nytia. Why not? They were both Townies, so that alone would make everything easier, plus she was hot and her family was rich...Katniss had nothing that could compare to that. Fuming silently, she just continued to watch as the blood started boiling in her veins.
Troy wasn’t happy with the girl either during the class and when she kept asking for help, Troy finally just stopped. It was clear that he had no interest in the girl at all. That was mainly because she was so mean and arrogant, Troy hated that and he hated that he couldn’t go to Katniss and hug and kiss her. He knew that once the people got used to them that this would stop but it was a pain now with this bitch separating them. Not only did she act like this when Katniss was right there but she even spoke about her in a whisper but still, she was too dumb to even whisper quiet enough so that Katniss wouldn’t hear.

“So… I broke up with Kolton last night… I’m so lonely, do you want to hang out after school?” Nytia asked, batting her eyelashes playfully at him and sweetly, trying to seduce him. Immediately, Troy shook his head at the girl and glanced over to Katniss. “Sorry, but I have a date with my beautiful girlfriend, you’ll have to find someone else.” He replied as casual as can be before smiling over at Katniss and pressing his hand to his lips and blowing his girlfriend a kiss, hoping that could help calm her nerves. Although the town girl heard he was taken, she kept insisting. “Come on, she’s from the Seam, Troy!” She hissed at him and that angered Troy, it clearly upset him and he narrowed his eyes at her. “So? She’s beautiful and smart and sweet and she’s not a bitch like you are, keep on dreaming. “ he rolled his eyes at Nytia and at that time the bell that signaled the end of second block rang and Troy walked right up to Katniss and pulled her into a hug and then pressed his lips against hers. “I’ve wanted to do that for an hour.” He murmured and finally pulled back from the hug. “Don’t worry about her, she has no value at all to me or you, I only care for you, Katniss. I promise you don’t have anything to worry about.” He said because he could see the look on her face. These were just words now, he planned on showing her later but that would have to wait.

He walked her to the next class and leaned up against the wall again. “I’ll meet you after school in the courtyard, okay? Then we’ll drop off your sister and go have our fun. We won’t have to worry about anyone except ourselves. Just stay strong for me Katniss, and know that I am yours and you shouldn’t worry.” He said softly and kissed her hand then pecked her lips. The sincerity was in his eyes and he clearly wouldn’t want anyone else but he needed Katniss to understand that so he had a big plan for later. If she thought that he fucked her senseless earlier, he couldn’t wait for what she would be thinking later that night. He was going to make sure that she understood that she was his and in turn, he was hers and no one could change it.

The rest of the school day went by slowly, Troy talked to his friends some and went through class. Now, his closest and best friends were those that were truly nice and caring. They were happy for him and Katniss. Troy didn’t associate with assholes or any bitches at the school even if they tried to associate with him. After the last class, Troy stood there waiting for Katniss in the courtyard like he said. He greeted a couple people as they passed and when his Katniss appeared, he walked over to her and embraced her in a big bear hug. He hoped her day was getting better, if not, it was about to and they were going to have some real fun.
The only thing saving Nytia from Katniss' wrath was the fact that because of their different social classes, Kat would have to face severe consequences if she yanked that little Townie bitch out of her seat by the hair and slammed her to the ground in the middle of class. She'd most certainly be given detention for at least a month, not to mention that Nytia's family could even prosecute her for assault if they really wanted to, in which case a Seam resident like her would stand no chance. Still, there was only so much that Kat could endure, and she was about to make a really stupid mistake had it not been for Troy finally speaking up when he did.

She couldn't help but take some kind of sadistic pleasure and satisfaction from the way that her boyfriend harshly told that Townie bitch off. More important, though, it was also a huge relief and confidence boost, seeing Troy remain loyal and hearing that he had no intention of dumping her. All the other kids around them had overheard his little outburst, and the clearly very embarrassed Nytia kept her nose down in her books for the rest of the class. Katniss was so happy that she even blew a kiss back to Troy, which would normally have been something that she'd be reluctant to do in public.

The little pep talk that Troy gave her after class also helped to bring her spirits up. Kat believed every word, and she even felt stupid for having doubted him at all when he'd given her no reason to. Still, she knew that there would be consequences for upsetting one of the school's most notorious meangirls, and between her and Troy, Katniss was the much easier target. Sure enough, when she went to the bathroom between third and fourth block, there were a bunch of extremely disparaging and vulgar comments about her scribbled all over the stalls. Bringing her books back to her locker once the school day was over, Katniss also discovered the words GOLD DIGGER scratched into the metal door. Everyone in the hallway was staring, curious to see her reaction.

Unwilling to give them the big dramatic show that they wanted, Kat managed to keep an impassive expression on her face as she walked away, ignoring everyone until she could rejoin the only person who she felt was on her side in the courtyard. "I missed you," she said simply, burying her face in the nook between Troy's shoulder and neck as she hugged him back. She didn't mention anything about the nasty messages left for her, not wanting to bother Troy with that or to make him feel responsible in some way. "How was the rest of your day?" she asked, choosing to focus on him instead of herself.
Troy returned her hug happily and didn’t let go of her at all. “Well, it went pretty bad… I missed you so much. Any second I wasn’t with you was torture.” He said and looked down to her, the emotion and happiness in his eyes to be reunited with Katniss. What he said was truthful, he really missed her and he didn’t ever want to be away from her. When they were away, he felt empty, lonely, even though he had many friends. No one compared to his Kat. “Now, I do believe that we have a date, tonight.” He grinned and poked Katniss’ nose before moving to take her hand and walking away from school.

Troy had no idea at all about the slander that she was receiving and if he found out, he clearly would be enraged. They should know better than to mess with his girl, the person he cares about for fully and whole heartedly. If anyone had done something to harm his Katniss, he would make them pay. However, he chose not to focus on the bad things that happened and just think about the moment ahead of them. They stopped by Prim’s school and took her on home. Once to the house in the Seam, they entered and greeted Mrs. Everdeen and told her where they were going. She seemed happy that Katniss had finally gotten close with someone and was glad that she was in a relationship and even told her that if Katniss wanted to stay the night at Troy’s then she could. It was the weekend and there was no school for the next two days so that would be amazing bonding time for them.

While walking, he took his free hand and reached into his jean pocket to pull out a folded piece of paper. He made no comment and just handed her the drawing that it was. The special drawing was of the Katniss flower around a beautiful lake. Two figured could be seen sitting together and that would represent himself and Katniss. Around them was a nice, red heart with a lot of smiley faces. Cheesy, corny, fluffy? Yes. However, Troy could not care less. He hoped it would be something she could charish, to have in her room or to take wherever she wanted. If something got too bad, just one look at the picture and hopefully it would bring back memories. “In art today, the teacher gave us a free drawing assignment and told us to write about the last dream we had.” He told her with a smile and showing that she was in his dreams and he thought about her a lot over the past day. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her temple gently and squeezed her and. Once they got to his house, he greeted his sister whom was home alone and his parents were at work. He made himself and Katniss a couple sandwiches and got a few muffins along with saving a basket to take to her family when she left. If she would aruge that she didn’t want chairity, he was countering it by saying that since she was his girlfriend, she needed to be prepared for random gifts. He did know that her family struggled and every fiber in his being wanted to help them so it all worked out. Now they were ready and the food was prepared and the blankets were in the basket. Taking her hand again, he walked out the door to his house and out into the woods behind it to find a place to rest.
Kat was happy to let Troy take her away from the stupid school, and their even more stupid fellow students. At least she could forget about that now, and for the next couple of days. She was already looking forward to spending the weekend with Troy, or a much of it as she could, anyways. They both chatted a bit with Prim on the way back to the Everdeen household, and once they got there, Kat was slightly surprised at how supportive her mom was about letting her spend time with Troy. In fact, her mother even suggested that Kat could sleep over if she wanted to, which of course she did. Then again, considering that her mom had been trying to get her to be more sociable for years, she supposed it shouldn't have come as that much of a shock.

That was already plenty for Katniss to be happy, but Troy still had another pleasant surprise for her while they walked to his house. "Awwww!" she gushed somewhat uncharacteristically when he showed her his drawing. "It's beautiful, I love it!" Kat put her hand up on his shoulder and pulled him down a bit for a kiss. "I'll pin it on the wall next to my bed so I can look at it before falling asleep." It was exactly the type of thing that she would have though was silly just a couple of days ago, but currently she was extremely touched.

Kat also appreciated him wanting to prepare a basket of goods for her family, not that it stopped her from trying to tell him that he didn't have to. However, Troy wouldn't relent, so eventually she slouched her shoulders and agreed to accept it. To be fair, Katniss tried thinking of what she would do if the situation were reversed, and she knew that she would be doing everything in her power to help Troy and his family out, so she couldn't blame him.

A little while later, they found a suitable clearing in the woods to set up their blanket and sat down to eat. Kat was starving, so she quickly scarfed down two sandwiches, complimenting Troy on how delicious they were. When she was done eating, she laid down next to him with her head in his lap, looking up at him. "So, got any plans for later?" she asked, reaching up to caress his chest suggestively. " 'Cause I think I can think of something..."

She rolled off of him, getting on all fours before trying to undo the button and zipper of Troy's jeans.
After eating, Troy was starting to relax until he heard Katniss speaking again. Once she was on all fours, he looked at her and grinned. “I was thinking the same thing, actually.” He stated and tilted his head at her. Once she had removed his jeans, he watched her for a moment. Now, he wanted to have that fun he was thinking about earlier. Sitting up, he had ideas of his own as his hands trailed under her shirt and took the shirt off, raising it above her head and dropping it to the side.

“You know what, Katniss?” He whispered, now sitting on his knees and whispering into her ear. He quickly took off his shirt and then placed her hands on his muscular, chiseled core since he could tell she loved it. “I could see how much you loved that I was dominating you, yesterday… pinning your hands down, gagging you with my hand… I think you love being my little slave.” He whispered seductively again, kissing down her neck to push her to lay back down. He didn’t have too many things now and he should have brought more, but he had her scarf and that could work as a restraint, somewhat. After her jeans were removed and off to the side, he grinned and took her hands behind her back, crossed her wrists and tied the scarf tightly around them. She would be unable to move her hands now and they were kept behind her back. It would also be torturous to her, or so he hoped, with her not being able to touch him freely. “Next time, I’ll bring some rope and a few toys.” He whispered into her ear. He wasn’t planned for this but he would be ready next time. He wanted to slowly lure her into this anyways because it was something he knew they would both love.

Her panties were gone next and she was completely nude. Now she was under his control and he kissed between her thighs, crawling on top of her and then pressing their lips together. They were alone in the woods and no one could bother them now and he loved that. His boxers were slipped off by his hands and he placed his large hands on her thighs, grinding his flaccid shaft against her now. “Now I’ve got you, Everdeen, no one can save you.” He whispered in that alluring, seductive tone, playing along as if she were his little captive, and if that were true, he wouldn’t be complaining at all.
Kat's intention had actually been to try pleasuring Troy with her mouth, like he'd briefly done to her the previous day, but before she could even get started, he was all over her, tearing her clothes off. She blushed when he reminded her out loud of the way that he'd dominated her while they had sex, but it obviously excited her as well, judging by the way that she rubbed her hands sensually over his bare stomach. "I'm not sure if I liked it...we might need to test it a few more times to make sure..." she teased, biting her bottom lip as she stared up at him after he'd pushed her down on her back.

"Hey, what are you- " Katniss pretended to struggle a bit while Troy turned her over and tied her hands behind her back using her scarf. Keeping up her little bout of roleplaying, she squirmed while he tugged her panties down, trying to make it a little bit more difficult for him. Her pussy was already getting moist with arousal just from that little bit of fooling around, even before he started kissing her, making a trail up from her pussy to her lips, letting Katniss taste herself.

"Nooo! Let me go, don't touch me!" she exclaimed jokingly, pretending that she was trying to wiggle away when in fact she was just rubbing her thighs and her pussy against his manhood, trying to get him hard. "Oh no...not there, not my weak spot!" Kat said in her most cutesy and girlish voice before shutting her eyes and opening her mouth as she gave out a soft moan. Meanwhile, tiny goosebumps sprouted up all over her arms and legs and her nipples quickly rose up into two hardened points, giving her true feelings away.
Needless to say, Katniss' attempt at playing the role of his little hostage was more than arousing for Troy. The feeling of pretending to have this being a real encounter exhilarated him all the same that it did for her. At the first signs of her struggling and pleading, his cock had hardened significantly. Troy could barely imagine how he would be once he could tie her up fully and gag her effectively. For now, however, all he had to work with were her bound hands and her struggling. To keep the acting going, Troy's large hand clamps down over her beautiful lips, muffling any please that she tries to make. Who knew that this girl could be so kinky and sexy? Troy knew he was more than lucky. Perhaps he could turn her into his perfect little slave before long... The idea made him smirk visibly.

"Shh..." He whispered down to her, not taking on that gentle, loving tone if earlier, but a dominating, aggressive one to show that no matter what she did, she was trapped. After the smirk dissipated from his lips, not another sound was uttered by Troy before he roughly, violently, and ardently slammed his raging, throbbing manhood inside of her. If she thought he felt big yesterday... She had no idea what he could do. His arousal level was so incredibly high and his cock was significantly bigger than before. He would allow her to use her mouth later but for now, he just wanted to be inside of her. As he continued with the moment, his hand pressed hard against her mouth, effectively stifling any noises coming from her. He felt his cock rippling against her walls and pentrating her so impossibly deep... He didn't think that was supposed to happen but it felt so damn good, hearing her muffled cries and hearing her wet folds against him as he thrust
Katniss was having quite a bit of fun playing Troy's hapless victim, and judging from the way that she could feel his big cock swelling against her inner thigh, its heat radiating against her flesh, she could only assume that he was enjoying it too. She kept up the act, struggling playfully and moaning into his palm when he covered her mouth the same way he'd done the last time. Kat never would have believed that she could enjoy being dominated by anyone, let alone get off on it, but this was different.

It was consentual, private, with somebody she was fond of - actually, Katniss already knew that she was in love - and it was understood by both of them that it was purely to enhance their sexual enjoyment. She absolutely did not feel disrespect or degraded. Quite the opposite, in fact, with Troy treating her like a princess the rest of the time.

She cried out sharply against his hand when Troy suddenly impaled her with his iron hard cock, spreading her sensitive folds and inner walls wide open. That time, it hadn't required any acting, since it did actually hurt a little for real due to her tightness compared to his sheer size, but it was easier than the first time, and Katniss found herself enjoying the pain. It contrasted against the feeling of heat, friction and absolute fullness in her cunt, making it feel twice as wonderful.

If it was even possible, Troy's pulsating manhood somehow felt larger than before as he savagely drove it into her, the rough fucking rapidly causing Kat's arousal to skyrocket. Already moaning lustfully like the slut that Troy wanted her to be for him, she arched her back up, pressing her taut belly against his rigid abs, the slight shift in position also changing the angle with which he was penetrating her to make it even more enjoyable, the head of his cock now fully grinding against her sensitive g-spot with every fervent thrust.

Lewd sloshing sounds from Kat's sopping wet pussy mingled with the fleshy slapping of her breasts being bounced around as well as her increasingly desperate cries until she reached another violent orgasm, her cunt spasming wildly around Troy's shaft while her nectar flooded all around it.
As Troy felt Katniss have her first orgasm, he was getting the hang of things. She seemed to be enjoying how his cock just expanded her ferociously and smacked against her g-spot repeatedly. She seemed to enjoy the pleasuring pain so he decided to add some more. Taking one of his large, masculine hands on her ass, he raised her up slightly and took his hand back, spanking her hard with it, the sound making a pop as he knew her ass would be red after that hit. He didn’t stop there, spanking her twice, three times, and then taking a break to hammer away at the other side of her ass. Nothing said that she belonged to him quite like what was going on with them now, his huge cock inside of her, his hand over her mouth, her hands tied behind her back, and his dominating spanks to her ass.

He was so attracted to her, especially when she was his little damsel in distress, tied up and unable to move or scream or speak. It wasn’t until she had another orgasm before he reached his first of the session. Something told him that their night would be full of kinky fun and that they weren’t done yet by any means. As he rode out his orgasm, he could feel her walls clenching onto his manhood and milking him, her folds drenched by now as she had a couple orgasms, their juices slipping out all over the lower half of their bodies.

Finally, to take a break, he pulled his cock slowly out of her womanhood and just laid down beside of her. He was breathing heavily and panting, turning his head to look over at her. He decided to keep her hands tied up because even though they were resting, it didn’t hurt to keep her like that to remind her that she was his little slave now. After his breathing evened out, he crawled over to her body, one leg sprawled out over hers and his lips were soon pressed to hers. He kissed her deeply and passionately, moving a hand to play with her right breast, rolling her nipple around in between his fingers and then just fondling the mound of skin happily.

“You sound so sexy when you’re all tied up… I can’t wait to use a real gag on you.” He whispered with a seductive wink, his lips finding her left breast, kissing and sucking on her skin slowly and gently.
Katniss was having quite a bit of fun playing Troy's hapless victim, and judging from the way that she could feel his big cock swelling against her inner thigh, its heat radiating against her flesh, she could only assume that he was enjoying it too. She kept up the act, struggling playfully and moaning into his palm when he covered her mouth the same way he'd done the last time. Kat never would have believed that she could enjoy being dominated by anyone, let alone get off on it, but she was quickly becoming addicted to it.

This was different. With troy, it was consensual, private, and they both understood that it was purely in the pursuit of their mutual sexual satisfaction. Outside of sex, he never made her feel like they were anything but equals, even going so far as to make her feel like a princess. For Kat, giving Troy all of the power and control was also a demonstration of trust, which hopefully he appreciated, just as she appreciated that he didn't abuse it.

As Troy lifted her butt off the ground and started smacking it, Katniss' squeals of ecstasy only intensified, so it was a good thing that they chose a spot deep enough in the woods, far from any houses. The stinging feeling on her ass cheeks actually felt perversely delightful, and her cunt clamped down hard in reaction to ever smack that Troy gave her, which probably felt really good for him too. It didn't take long for her to reach a second orgasm, this one even more violent than the first, her pussy milking his cock so frenziedly that he came in tandem with her, which she absolutely loved.

Still in somewhat of a daze, Katniss could only lay on her back while Troy settled himself next to her on the blanket, panting heavily while she gazed up at the sky and clouds. Her shoulders were slightly sore from having her hands tied behind her back and having to lay on them the entire time, but she hardly even noticed. Troy's body felt like a furnace against her flesh when he partially got back on top of her, fondling one of her breasts as they indulged in a long, passionate kiss.

"He- Hey!" Kat exclaimed, shuddering slightly when Troy started suckling on her nipple, which was still very sensitive after her climax - even more than usual. "No fair, teasing me when I can't do anything!" She half-shrieked, half-giggled as he kept going, squirming in a halfhearted attempt to get away. "Nooooo!" Finally, she managed to roll over on to her stomach, feeling slightly victorious that she'd managed to save her nipple from Troy's teasing lips, but also hoping that he'd take it as a challenge to go even further.
Once Katniss had managed to roll over on her stomach, Troy grinned to himself. Even a better angle for him now. Thinking of how to make this really fun, he crawled so he was straddling her at her thighs. With her hands being tied behind her back, they rested on her ass and Troy lifted his hips, placing his cock in her hands. He let her grab it, feel it, and get to know the feeling for a brief moment before taking it away from her hands. Walking around the front, he grinned before going back to a prone position, staring at her at eye level. “Don’t you wish you could feel my cock all the time, baby?” He asked with a smirk before moving to roll her back on her back. Earlier it seemed that she wanted to put her mouth on him and pleasure him, so now he was giving her that chance.

Moving to a position, straddling her head, Troy grinned at the girl. His cock was dangling down right in front of her lips and her cheek, his balls doing the same. Tilting his head at her, he spoke. “Go on… make me hard again Katniss then I may give you my cock… I bet you want that so bad, don’t you? You want to taste my cum and taste my cock, don’t you Katniss?” he whispered, his hands moving to hold onto her at her breasts, squeezing and massaging them in his hands. Now, he started to grind his cock against her cheek and in her mouth once she opened it until he was hard. He thought about how great it would be to reach his orgasm, pull out of her mouth, and spread his seed all over her face. That was the true way of showing that she was his. Tied up, naked, and his cum all over her face and breasts. He couldn’t wait and the idea turned him on so once she opened her mouth to take him, he started to move his hips back and forth, slowly thrusting against her mouth and tongue.
Yelping cutely when Troy straddled her thighs, Kat tried to squirm and buck him off, but of course there was no way that she could dislodge him with how much bigger, heavier and physically stronger he was - not that she truly wanted to. Fooling around with Troy was the most fun and freedom that she could ever remember having, kind of ironic considering that her hands were bound, but she was absolutely thrilled by every second of it.

His manhood sliding against her hands seemed to pacify Katniss, who stopped struggling and immediately wrapped her fingers around it as best she could behind her back. Even semi-erect, it was still huge and burning hot, not to mention wet and sticky with a mix of both their fluids, which only made it more arousing. Just as Kat started to flicking her wrists back and forth, trying to stroke him with both hands, Troy pulled away like the evil tease that he was, causing her to groan with dissatisfaction.

She was then turned over, soon finding herself with the object of her desires dangling right above her face, appearing even more gargantuan from that perspective. "No way...that's gross!" Katniss snapped back at him, her words clearly contradicting her actions as she stuck her tongue out and eagerly tried to lick his shaft while he rubbed it against her cheek, making it easy for Troy to penetrate her mouth when she was fully hard and ready.

"Mmmmpphhh..." she moaned appreciatively, wrapping her lips tightly around Troy's hot flesh and keeping the flat of her tongue firmly pressed against the bottom of his manhood as he started fucking her mouth. Having him want to use her mouth the same was as her pussy had Katniss feeling incredibly sexy and desired, and combined with the vigorous massage that he was giving her breasts, Troy had her writhing with pleasure and excitement beneath him.

As he started to thrust deeper, she tried to stabilize herself a bit better, spreading her legs wide and bending them partway back so that her feet were firmly pressed against the blanket-covered ground. Kat winced and reflexively gagged slightly when the crown of Troy's cock began to poke against the opening to her throat, her whole body twitching, but the adoring look in her eyes as she stared up at him would let him know that she was okay and that she didn't mind. In fact, it was quite a thrill, being pushed past limits that she didn't even know she had, enough that her cunt was overflowing with excitement, some of his cum that was still in her seeping out as well.
HeavenSundered said:
Yelping cutely when Troy straddled her thighs, Kat tried to squirm and buck him off, but of course there was no way that she could dislodge him with how much bigger, heavier and physically stronger he was - not that she truly wanted to. Fooling around with Troy was the most fun and freedom that she could ever remember having, kind of ironic considering that her hands were bound, but she was absolutely thrilled by every second of it.

His manhood sliding against her hands seemed to pacify Katniss, who stopped struggling and immediately wrapped her fingers around it as best she could behind her back. Even semi-erect, it was still huge and burning hot, not to mention wet and sticky with a mix of both their fluids, which only made it more arousing. Just as Kat started to flicking her wrists back and forth, trying to stroke him with both hands, Troy pulled away like the evil tease that he was, causing her to groan with dissatisfaction.

She was then turned over, soon finding herself with the object of her desires dangling right above her face, appearing even more gargantuan from that perspective. "No way...that's gross!" Katniss snapped back at him, her words clearly contradicting her actions as she stuck her tongue out and eagerly tried to lick his shaft while he rubbed it against her cheek, making it easy for Troy to penetrate her mouth when she was fully hard and ready.

"Mmmmpphhh..." she moaned appreciatively, wrapping her lips tightly around Troy's hot flesh and keeping the flat of her tongue firmly pressed against the bottom of his manhood as he started fucking her mouth. Having him want to use her mouth the same was as her pussy had Katniss feeling incredibly sexy and desired, and combined with the vigorous massage that he was giving her breasts, Troy had her writhing with pleasure and excitement beneath him.

As he started to thrust deeper, she tried to stabilize herself a bit better, spreading her legs wide and bending them partway back so that her feet were firmly pressed against the blanket-covered ground. Kat winced and reflexively gagged slightly when the crown of Troy's cock began to poke against the opening to her throat, her whole body twitching, but the adoring look in her eyes as she stared up at him would let him know that she was okay and that she didn't mind. In fact, it was quite a thrill, being pushed past limits that she didn't even know she had, enough that her cunt was overflowing with excitement, some of his cum that was still in her seeping out as well.

Keeping his gaze on Katniss’ gaze, Troy started to thrust his dick further into her mouth. He heard the gagging noise she made and from the look on her face, she loved it. The way her lips perfectly wrapped around his massive manhood was so arousing, along with feeling her tongue along the underside of his shaft. Therefore, it didn’t take that long before he reached his climax. Once feeling the base of his cock clench, signaling an orgasm, he lifted up his hips and his semen shot out onto her face, breasts, and even down to her abdomen while giving her a taste of him, some of the sticky liquid finding her mouth for her to swallow.

Pulling back, Troy sat beside of her, leaned up on his elbows, a panting, grinning mess. His hair was all ruffled from the violent thrusting and his lower body was throbbing but he felt like he could do this all night long. Now, there Katniss was, hands bound behind her back, nude, cum all over her body and in her mouth, right beside of her master. If that doesn’t show true ownership then Troy didn’t know what would. That session was rough and intense so he figured that she would want to take a break.

After letting her glance down at his cum on her body and let her get used to the feeling, he took a few towels and cleaned off whatever of his seed was left out of her reach from licking it as he instructed her to lick up the cum off her lips and chin. Her hands were covered in both their juices too and Troy realized that when he went to untie her hands but felt how wet they were. Grinning, he tossed the scarf down to the ground and then wrapped an arm around Kat’s waist.

“No matter what those girls tell you at school…” He started and smirked. “Just remember who is the girl that gets my cock whenever she wants.” He winked at her, hoping for her to consider it. Regardless of any girl that will be jealous of her and try to taunt her, Katniss was the one whom could taste him, feel him, and pleasure him. That should be what she needed to be happy and not allow those bullies to disgruntle her.
Katniss watched Troy's face and eyes intently, wanting to drink in every little detail of his expression while she pleasured him with her mouth. It was her first time, so she had no experience or anything, but she improvised as best she could, trying to swirl her tongue a bit and refraining from swallowing all of the saliva building up in her mouth, instead holding on to it until it overflowed past her lips, ensuring that Troy's cock was well lubricated.

Kat hadn't really thought about where he would finish, but it came as a pleasant and welcome surprise when he sprayed his thick, warm seed all over her face and chest. It really made her feel naughty, like his hot little filthy slut, which she very much wanted to be. She closed her eyes instinctively but kept her mouth open wide, even sticking her tongue out to catch as much of Troy's cum as she could. The taste was peculiar, a sort of mix of salty and sweet unlike anything else that Kat had ever taste, but she thought that it was quite delicious, especially because it came from him. She gulped it all down before licking up as much as she could from her lips and chin as instructed while Troy was nice enough to clean her up.

Once her hands were untied, she wiped them on the scarf before wrapping her arms around Troy's torso and pulling him down on top of her, still craving the warmth of his body. "Really, whenever I want?" she asked in a playful manner, a smile dancing upon her lips. "Careful, I might just hold you to that...and next time I think I'll drink all of your cum...it was yummy."
Troy chuckled softly as he looked down to her after he felt her tug him to lay on top of her body again. “Yes, Katniss, whenever you want, and you can hold me to that, don’t worry.” He said with a little smirk, pecking her nose. “Yes, next time you can have all my cum in your mouth.” He affirmed with a nod.

It was getting later on in the afternoon now, the sun was setting over the horizon and it had an orange-ish tint around it. Curfew would be coming in about an hour so Troy figured they would need to head back. He was tired and didn’t want to move from her but they could resume cuddling when back at his house.

“Let’s head on back.” He proposed softly, leaning down and kissing her neck with sweet, gentle little kisses before nuzzling his nose against her cheek. Standing up, he went on a hunt to find their clothes- his boxers were the most difficult item to find because they were buried under a fallen tree branch. He had no idea how that happened, he just blindly threw it when he was undressing.

Once they were dressed again, he collected everything into the basket and made a mental note to dispose of the blanket somewhere and the scarf since they both had their juices all over the material. Holding the basket in one hand, Troy took Katniss’ in the other as they began walking. To Troy, it felt like he and Katniss were the only people in the world, he had no worries, he had no fears, it was just the two of them, like it should be.

His house was just five minutes back through the woods. Slipping in the back door, he closed it tightly since his parents were likely resting because of having to get up early for work tomorrow as Troy lead Katniss upstairs to his bedroom.
Katniss lounged about a little bit longer while Troy cleaned up, only getting up when he needed to pack up the blanket that she was laying on. After a bit of searching, she managed to find all of her clothes and put them back on, and then they were ready to head back to his house. She could still hardly believe that they were already going to be literally sleeping together after knowing each other for less than two days, or that their parents had all agreed to it so willingly, but she was definitely not complaining.

They sneaked back into the house silently, not because they wanted to hide but rather to avoid disturbing Troy's parents who would have been back from work by then. Kat followed troy back upstairs and told him that she wanted to freshen up a bit, so she would join him in a few minutes. Making a detour through the bathroom, she washed her hands and face and tidied her hair up a little before going back to join him in his room.

"So, what do you feel like doing?" Katniss asked, tossing her jacket over the chair in front of Troy's desk before plopping herself down on his bed. "Do you guys get any better channels on TV over here?" In the Seam, they only had a few channels, all of them consisting of nothing but unbearable Capitol propaganda, but she'd heard that the Townies had more variety to choose from. There were movies, too, but that was obviously a luxury that Katniss and her family had never been able to afford - they didn't even own a VCR, let alone a DVD player.

It didn't really matter to her what they ended up doing, though. She was happy enough just being in Troy's presence, hearing his voice, seeing his smile and finding out more about him. "Or I could watch you paint, if you want. I bet you get all serious and sexy when you concentrate," Katniss teased, poking her tongue out at him.
It was six months after Katniss and Troy had first started dating. Their time together was full of kinky sex, happy kisses, and holding hands. Six months and a strong bond has been built by the two teenagers whom were madly in love. The Reaping for the seventy-fourth Hunger Games was nearly one month away but that wasn’t necessarily on anyone’s mind at the moment. Even though it was rather close, the citizens of District Twelve were able to relax at this time, even if just for one night. They school was hosting a dance of sorts, where couples could go on a date and have a night of fun together.

Of course, Troy had asked Katniss to be his date and she agreed. The dance was formal so Troy had dressed himself in the best suit that his family could afford. It had a dark grey jacket with a lighter grey t-shirt and matching pants. It was fairly nice compared to what most other people could afford.

He was happy with his look, making sure to shave and groom himself to perfection. He wanted this night to be perfect and memorable for both himself and his date. The gathering would begin at seven and it was really the only time to have fun in Panem. Troy wanted to make sure that they took full advantage of it. He arrived to the Everdeen house early as usual and stood at the front door and knocked a couple times. Then he stepped back and waited for someone to answer, holding a flower in his hand that he had gotten for Katniss on the way.
Without a doubt, the last six months that she'd spent with Troy had been the happiest of Kat's life. The only thing that could have made them even more perfect would have been her father still being alive. Whenever she and Troy were together, it was absolute bliss, and her heart yearned for him desperately any time that they had to be separated, even if it was only for a few hours or a night. Katniss didn't know how she'd managed to live without Troy for sixteen years, nor could she imagine her life without him in it going forward.

At school, the meangirls still gave her some trouble, trying to ruin her day whenever they could, but having Troy at her side gave Katniss the strength necessary to deal with it. He'd also asked her to accompany him to the big yearly school dance, which she accepted, though she pretended to be more enthused than she she really felt. Not because she didn't want to go with him, of course, but big social gatherings were definitely not Kat's thing, and neither was dancing, for that matter. She would have much rather stayed home and spent some quiet time with Troy instead, but the dance seemed important to him, and that made it important to her too, since she just wanted to make him happy.

Katniss couldn't afford to buy a fancy dress like all of the Townie girls, but thankfully, her mother and sister had generously volunteered to create one for her. In fact, they both seemed far more excited about the dance than she did, even though she would be the one attending. The dress was composed of a strapless bustier around her torso, entirely covered in beautiful black feathers, and from it, a long ultramarine blue skirt reached down to just an inch above the ground. Her mother had lent her a pair of black stilettos as well as a pair of long dangling silver earrings which had been an anniversary gift from Kat's father. Prim had also helped her to do her hair up more fancily than usual. It was all swept over to the left side, flowing over the front of her shoulder in big, soft curls.

While waiting upstairs for Troy to arrive, she couldn't help but feel a bit silly and uncomfortable, obviously not being accustomed to being all dolled up like that. When the knock at the door finally came, it was Mrs. Everdeen and Prim who answered, greeting Troy warmly and inviting him in, both of them complimenting him on how dapper and handsome he looked. Meanwhile, Katniss slowly started making her way down the stairs, concentrating very hard to not trip in the high heels and ruin all the work that her mother and sister had done on her. Still, the affection in her eyes was obvious as she made her way down, keeping them trained on her boyfriend the entire time.

"Hi," Kat said softly, blushing a bit as she approached Troy. She still felt pretty silly in her dress, but on the other hand, she thought that he looked incredible in his tailored suit that fit him perfectly. "You look like a dream," she told him, slipping a single blue anemone flower into his jacket pocket so that they would match beforeplacing a hand behind his head and pulling him in for a slightly chaste kiss, since her family was standing right next to them. Then she accepted the flower that Troy had brought her, smiling as she held it up to her nose, breathing in the sweet scent.
Troy could feel his heart beating hard and loud in his chest when he laid eyes on Katniss walking down the stairs. Watching her all the way up until she stopped in front of him, Troy felt like the luckiest guy alive. No words could truly capture the essence of his girlfriend’s beauty in that moment. For some reason, not that many people seemed to think she was all that attractive- especially his friends whom all preferred a Townie girl. However, Troy knew that Katniss was the most gorgeous girl- not just in their school or their district even, but the most gorgeous girl in all of Panem and the entire world. He didn’t once take for granted what they shared.

A small blush came to his face when she told him that he looked like a dream and then gave him the flower in his pocket. After pulling back from the kiss, he had reached his hand up to her cheek and smiled. He was getting the feeling that she wouldn’t want to go to this social gathering at school so he had to make sure that she enjoyed that night, tonight would be worth it for her. “You look just like that really pretty girl… what’s her name? Katniss… Everdeen?” He teased and took her hands in his, placing a kiss to the back of them both. After she had accepted his flower, he moved to set it in behind her ear slowly and delicately before pressing a kiss to her cheek.

The next ten minutes were full of conversation with her mother and sister before they bid each other goodbye and were leaving the house. Mrs. Everdeen had seemed to take a liking to the boy very much, just as Primrose did. He was always kind and courteous around them and never gave Katniss a reason to come to them and complain about Troy as so many relationships have. It was all perfect so far. Now the couple was walking towards the school, holding hands and swinging their arms. Troy thought back to the first day and how far they had come since that day. He also recalled that she never told him what she wanted him to paint for her.

“Katniss.” He spoke to get her attention, still smiling at her. “I’m still waiting on you to tell me what I need to paint for you.” He told her with a grin, lacing their fingers together now. Regardless of what it was, he knew it would be his most perfect creation yet. He would take as long as he needed to fix the painting and make it where Katniss could cherish it forever.

Troy figured that she would have trouble walking in those fancy shoes, so he made sure to keep a firm hold on her hand. He wouldn’t let her fall- both figuratively and literally. Anytime that she felt sad or upset because of something some of the mean girls at school would do, Troy would be there by her side to comfort her. People were getting used to seeing them together now so it wasn’t that big of a deal anymore. Not anyone really thought it would last that long, everyone thought that Troy would see someone better along the way but of course, that wasn’t the case. He would barely even look at another girl to say a word because he was so concentrated and infatuated with Katniss.

They were approaching the school now and everyone was starting to pile in. Even though that so many people were poor here in the district, this was a big deal for everyone and they often found a way to find some suit or dress to wear. “Here we are…” Troy said and looked down at her. “But…” he said with a smirk. “We can either go into the school with all those people or we can sneak away and have our own little version of the dance.” He suggested with a smile, deciding that he would rather just be with her alone as well.
As soon as Katniss noticed the way that Troy was looking at her, all of her self-doubt dissipated instantly, as it always did whenever she was with him. "Shut up!" she mumbled bashfully, trying -and failing - to hide an amused smile as she gave him a light punch on the shoulder. She pretty much melted when he kissed her hands and placed a flower behind her ear, reminding her of that first time when he'd walked her to school the day after they'd met. Troy made her feel so special and appreciated that Katniss wasn't even worried about the dance anymore. With him, she was willing to go anywhere.

After a bit of chit chat with Kat's mother and sister, they headed out and she gave Troy her hand as they walked. She'd actually forgotten about the request for a painting that she was supposed to give him until he reminded her about it. She thought about it for a few moments before answering, "This is gonna sound really stupid, because it is, but...do you think you could paint my sister's cat? I hate the damn thing, but they're inseparable, and I think she would really appreciate it. After all, I shouldn't hog your talents all to myself, right?"

A few minutes later, they arrived at the school, and Katniss was surprised when Troy suggested that they could go have their own private dance instead. She hoped that it wasn't because of her not feeling too excited about it, although it probably was. It really wasn't that big of a deal, especially since she thought Troy wanted to go, and Kat just wanted to make him happy. Plus, they'd both gotten all dressed up and everything, it almost seemed like a waste. "Are you sure you don't want to go in even for a little while? I'm okay, really, you don't need to worry about me. And you look so handsome," she said, slipping her hands over his shoulders , "I'd be crazy not to want to show you off. Make Nytia and all of her bitch friends eat their hearts out, you know?" Katniss gave him a devilish little smile. "So what do you say?"
Troy looked down into her eyes, returning that smile in the same manner. “Hmm, I like that idea.” He whispered as he started to kiss on her neck, his hands holding her at the waist. There is nothing he’d like more to do than to show her off and show to everyone that he loved her and was not ashamed to be in love with a girl from the Seam. “Okay… let’s go, you sexy little girl.” He winked down at her and kissed the corner of her lips before reaching down to take her hand in his and entered the school.

The school was rather crowded and Troy didn’t like it. He was never a fan of big crowds and small spaces or big crowds in general. However, he didn’t really find himself thinking about the crowd. There was a very pretty girl holding his hand now and that’s what he was looking at. Strategically, Troy looked around and found Nytia with her arrogant friends whom Troy despised. “Watch this.” He whispered to Katniss, leading her over and stopping beside the group of girls. Even though most people had gotten used to Troy and Kat being together, Nytia and some of her friends were still thinking that they deserved to be with Troy, not a Seam girl. Therefore there was going to be some looks at the couple tonight.

After making sure that they were spotted, Troy took Katniss’ face in both his hands and he looked down at her into her gorgeous grey eyes. “Katniss… you are so beautiful… your hair is just so long and curly and perfect, your eyes are captivating, your lips taste so sweet… you are perfect, Katniss.” He whispered to her before pulling her in for a long, deep kiss. The true emotion and love in his voice was clear, he wasn’t just saying these things to say them, he truly meant them and that was obvious to anyone around.

After pulling back from the kiss he looked down to her with a smile, taking her hand and placing it over his heart. “The only reason that my heart beats…” He said softly and then leaned down to kiss over her chest, right over her heart “..Is because this one does too.” He added in a whisper, moving one hand to grab hers again and hold her impossibly close to his body.
Katniss was glad that Troy agreed with her, and that he wouldn't be missing out on the dance because of her. In fact, she'd even kind of talked herself into wanting to go now that she'd put the spin of making Nytia and her evil cronies jealous on it. She purred lightly when Troy called her a sexy little girl, slipping a hand around him to give one of his butt cheeks a firm squeeze before retracting it so that they could hold hands as they entered the school.

The dance was held in the gym, which was the only space big enough to accommodate so many people all at once, and it had been decorated a bit to make it look nicer. Trusting that Troy knew what he was doing as he led her forward with conviction, Katniss just focused on not losing her balance in her heels and not stepping on the hem of her own gown until they stopped. They were right by Nytia and her friends, directly in their line of sight, so apparently Troy wanted to get right down to business, which was fine with her.

Still, the instant that he held her face so that she was staring into the endless oceans which were his eyes, everything else around her faded to black and ceased to matter. There was only the two of them, and Troy had Kat's completely undivided attention as he spoke. Her eyes twinkled as he paid her the most beautiful compliments, and she had to fight back tears when he made the statement about their hearts, a tidal wave of emotion sweeping over her.

She tenderly caressed his chest where he'd placed her hand, enjoying the heat of his kisses against her upper chest, for once not even concerning herself with the fact that they were very much in public. "I love you," she breathed earnestly when Troy pulled her into a tight hug, wrapping her free hand up and around the back of his neck. Surprisingly, Kat's body even started to sway slightly with the beat of the music that was playing without her even consciously thinking about it, just because she was in such a wonderful mood and the moment was so magical. "I'm never gonna let you go," she affirmed. "There's nothing in the world that could keep me apart from you."

After a few minutes of slow almost-dancing, Katniss noticed that Nytia and the other meangirls were already gone, so apparently she'd missed them storming off. It didn't matter, she hardly cared about them anymore, her eyes and thoughts were only for Troy. Removing themselves from the main crowd on the dance floor, they went over to the table on the far end of the room where there was a big bowl of punch, non-alcoholic, of course.

When Troy poured her a glass, Kat leaned in as she accepted it, bringing her lips as close to his ear as she could manage. "I want you to fuck me up the ass tonight," she whispered shamelessly in that sexy, gravelly voice of hers. That was the beauty of their relationship - they were so comfortable with one another that they could do or say anything without having to feel uncomfortable or fear being judged. The request was something that Katniss had been thinking about for a while, since she really liked it when Troy teased her rosebud and even stuck a finger in it while they fucked, but she'd still been working up the courage to fit his huge cock back there. Tonight was the night, she told herself.

Staring at him as she pulled away and casually took a sip of her drink, acting like she'd just said something completely innocent, Kat eagerly waited to see her boyfriend's reaction.
After moving to grab the bowl of punch, Troy was starting to sip until Katniss whispered to him about wanting him to fuck her up the ass tonight. With a grin, Troy winked at her and then leaned down close to her ear. “Of course I will, you dirty little slut, wanting me to fuck your ass. How cute.” He smirked and kissed her ear, his hand reaching down to grab her ass and give it a quick squeeze. “I will tie you face down on the bed tonight, Katniss and spread out your legs wide and make sure I fuck you harder than ever, right in your little asshole. How does that sound? Do you want to be my little damsel in distress again tonight?” He asked with a wide smirk, kissing on her neck now in that arousing, sensual way that he would do to start turning her on. Something told him they wouldn’t be at the dance for too much longer.

After this, he pulled back and grinned down at her, running his hand through her hair. He just couldn’t wait to have her all bound and gagged again for his pleasure as he fucks her. It’s the sexiest thing he had ever seen. He felt like they got good use out of being there that night. They ran off Nytia and her bitch friends and they shared a nice little dance together and a few hugs and kisses and great moments that were magical and full of love and passion.

“How about we go ditch this place, hm? Go to my house and have some fun.” He winked at her. His parents would be gone on business again, sometimes it was frustrating since it was almost every weekend but it was working out very well now with Katniss coming over and having the house to themselves. Since his sister was getting older, she could go on these trips to learn how to take over the business. It was assumed that Troy would be doing the same in five or six years, but he planned to be out the house by then and be with Katniss, not still living in his parents house. Little did he know what would happen next month.

However, now, they were about to have some fun. He took her hand and was leading her out the side exit and off into the woods towards his house, taking a shortcut. Without a word he sweeped her off her feet and held her in his arms with a wide smirk. Finally, he spoke. “Now I’ve got you, Everdeen. Let’s go have some fun.” He said and pecked her ips before carrying her like a small child through the woods and towards his home in the Town part of the district.
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