Only really looking for F/M roleplays, sorry! But what you are in real life doesn't matter to me at all, when it comes to RPing.
I like Messengers (Discord)! not looking for thread based RPs.
If it's bold, I'm more interested in than things that aren't! You know, it's more of a 'craving' or whatever
I'm also much more into non-con type scenarios than romance! So please don't come messaging me about romance focused RPs! At the very most all you'll get is a polite decline!
My F-List
Original Ideas
Superheroine - Young superheroines, ending up over their heads, or the like, versus villains (super and otherwise), henchmen, and other folks...
I have two particular heroine ideas in mind - both would be on the longer term side of things, preferably, and would involve the heroines having 'fun' both in and out of costume.
Valkyrie - Marisa Valdottir by day, Valkyrie by night, Marisa is a very tall, very shapely woman of Nordic descent who has various abilities modeled on what one usually thinks of with Valkyries - Fighting prowess, flying, ect. Anyway, she's supposed to be pretty competent and powerful, but begins to undergo, shall we say... most unpleasant circumstances, both as Valkyrie and Marisa. Having to protect her secret identity is just one of the multitude of ways I could see her ending up in trouble.
Origin Story - I don't have a name for this particular heroine concept, but, I want to play an Origin story. Something in which a young woman (late high school, early college age) ends up gaining powers somehow, decides to become a superhero, and has to deal with whatever happens as she comes into her own. Things don't exactly go how she would hope though...
Magical Girl - I've seen some hentai animes now that are pretty fun. Would love to come up with something similar. Stuff like Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia Mamotta Ningentachi Ni Uragirarete. Google it!
DnD - I like DnD a lot. It's fun to play with friends. Of course, with those people I know in real life, I'd never explore what could happen to unfortunate adventurers... That's where you come in
All sorts of setting styles too - fantasy, sci-fi, cyberpunk, whatever.
Ghost Story - A haunted house! Some cursed object...! Something fun and sexy.
Virtual Reality - I've not seen Sword Art Online but I've heard of the general premise - getting stuck in a game or whatever. Sounds like fun to me!
Blackmail - happening to all sorts of different, unfortunate women.
Allow me to expand further! I'm talking people like babysitters, or teachers, or 'milfs,' or cheerleaders, or... ect. Good fun scenarios, really, is what I'm looking for. I'm also really into the idea of them having their 'misfortune' come from a variety of unrelated sources? Things just get really bad all at once.
If you don't see something listed here, feel free to ask! Worse that'll happen is I don't recognize it or don't feel like an RP in that fandom right now.
Video Games
Dark Souls...?
Dragon Age
Fire Emblem
Kid Icarus Uprising
Horizon Zero Dawn
Lolipop Chainsaw
Mass Effect
Soul Calibur
Tomb Raider
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Trails of Cold Steel
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Most games related to Super Smash Bros.
Others...! If you think I might know it, come ask!
Code Geass
Fairy Tail
Fate S/N and Zero
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
High School Of The Dead
My Hero Academia
Iron Blooded Orphans
and... no doubt others I'm forgetting.
TV Shows/Movies/Books/General Media
Harry Potter
Marvel Cinematic Universe
DC Cinematic Universe
Lord Of The Rings?
Disney Stuff
Plenty of others too! Feel free to ask.
PM me, or check my profile on here for my discord ID
I like Messengers (Discord)! not looking for thread based RPs.
If it's bold, I'm more interested in than things that aren't! You know, it's more of a 'craving' or whatever
I'm also much more into non-con type scenarios than romance! So please don't come messaging me about romance focused RPs! At the very most all you'll get is a polite decline!
My F-List
Original Ideas
Superheroine - Young superheroines, ending up over their heads, or the like, versus villains (super and otherwise), henchmen, and other folks...
I have two particular heroine ideas in mind - both would be on the longer term side of things, preferably, and would involve the heroines having 'fun' both in and out of costume.
Valkyrie - Marisa Valdottir by day, Valkyrie by night, Marisa is a very tall, very shapely woman of Nordic descent who has various abilities modeled on what one usually thinks of with Valkyries - Fighting prowess, flying, ect. Anyway, she's supposed to be pretty competent and powerful, but begins to undergo, shall we say... most unpleasant circumstances, both as Valkyrie and Marisa. Having to protect her secret identity is just one of the multitude of ways I could see her ending up in trouble.
Origin Story - I don't have a name for this particular heroine concept, but, I want to play an Origin story. Something in which a young woman (late high school, early college age) ends up gaining powers somehow, decides to become a superhero, and has to deal with whatever happens as she comes into her own. Things don't exactly go how she would hope though...
Magical Girl - I've seen some hentai animes now that are pretty fun. Would love to come up with something similar. Stuff like Nerawareta Megami Tenshi Angeltia Mamotta Ningentachi Ni Uragirarete. Google it!
DnD - I like DnD a lot. It's fun to play with friends. Of course, with those people I know in real life, I'd never explore what could happen to unfortunate adventurers... That's where you come in
Ghost Story - A haunted house! Some cursed object...! Something fun and sexy.
Virtual Reality - I've not seen Sword Art Online but I've heard of the general premise - getting stuck in a game or whatever. Sounds like fun to me!
Blackmail - happening to all sorts of different, unfortunate women.
Allow me to expand further! I'm talking people like babysitters, or teachers, or 'milfs,' or cheerleaders, or... ect. Good fun scenarios, really, is what I'm looking for. I'm also really into the idea of them having their 'misfortune' come from a variety of unrelated sources? Things just get really bad all at once.
If you don't see something listed here, feel free to ask! Worse that'll happen is I don't recognize it or don't feel like an RP in that fandom right now.
Video Games
Dark Souls...?
Dragon Age
Fire Emblem
Kid Icarus Uprising
Horizon Zero Dawn
Lolipop Chainsaw
Mass Effect
Soul Calibur
Tomb Raider
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Trails of Cold Steel
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Most games related to Super Smash Bros.
Others...! If you think I might know it, come ask!
Code Geass
Fairy Tail
Fate S/N and Zero
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
High School Of The Dead
My Hero Academia
Iron Blooded Orphans
and... no doubt others I'm forgetting.
TV Shows/Movies/Books/General Media
Harry Potter
Marvel Cinematic Universe
DC Cinematic Universe
Lord Of The Rings?
Disney Stuff
Plenty of others too! Feel free to ask.
PM me, or check my profile on here for my discord ID
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