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what are you l o o k i n g for? { hetero, lesbian, and herms. }[update! 5/4]

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Mar 2, 2015

            • I've been on this website for less than an hour, and I know
              that's more than enough time for me to make a request thread. So let's go!

              My name is Banks, so do be a doll and call me that, ok. I'm a twenty something
              with a job and a life, so obviously I don't live in role play land, and I won't be here
              all the time.

              /insert crying children here/

              but alas, I'm here now and for a while, so let's get into what my kinks are,
              because for right now, I don't have one of those cute little kink listing things.
              Lazy, really.

              I'm into rough sex, gagging, choking, spanking, foreplay,
              slutty clothing, plot, smut, entertaining conversations between characters.

              I love incest and school settings and nine times out of ten, my characters are switch. I can easily play a dominant female, but she's going to want to have a
              reason, she's going to have motives and her dominance is going to be with
              a purpose. Got that?

              So none of that " I only play submissive characters. " shit, because I'm not even going there with any of you.

              I'd love to build ideas and start smutty stories and actual
              stories with you. So send me all your lovely PMs!

              Also, a very not so lovely thing I like to point out,
              if it's been a day or two, please do not send me PMs asking where I am.
              I get busy, because I work a job where some days I come home and go straight
              to bed to equal out to the sixteen hour shift I just worked.

              Thank you in advance.

              update update!
              There are so many good, grand movies coming out this year, huh.
              One of which being Mad Max: Fury Road. I am so, so into the influx of female
              character's that fucking matter, you have no idea. So for this, I want a lot of
              violence, a lot of grit, and obviously, some sexual situations. I want there to
              be multiple characters between both of us, and I want there to be a mutual
              understanding that some of our characters will die, and that is for plot
              development. So let's go go go!

              I am all Mad Maxed out.

              ANOTHER UPDATE!?!

              So, I've been in and out a bit, mostly out due to me going through
              a move that put me in absolute exhaustion. But with that being said, my idea is
              set in a medieval / fantasy time, and I want the idea to be split between a Barbarian
              warlord and a Tribal priestess. I want them to both learn from each other and start to grow, well, fond of one another in the obvious ways. I want there to be violence
              and sex and anger, etc etc. I love that shit, so let's flesh it out and make it happen.

              ANOTHER UPDATE!
              Is it weird that I want something fairytale based? Or something done in a world where the big bad wolf is a household name, Cinderella's escape to riches is there for everyone's knowledge. Oh the possibilities.

              I also want dragons. A dragon's sacrifice and a (humanoid based) dragon. Mmmmm yum.

              ANOTHER UPDATE!
              I've returned, and in being grossly sick, I've been watching
              manymanymany crime shows involving women. I love it, I really do. Something
              about women with that much power that makes my skin crawl, in the best
              of ways. So, I'd love to brew an idea of a murderess with someone else in her
              life, whether it be a future victim or someone she hasn't necessarily decided
              to kill yet.


              cause that's daddy, mmmph.

              ANOTHER UPDATE!
              because it's about fucking time, right?
              So I've been reading a bit lately, and I miss corrupting perfectly sweet characters,
              changing their genders, etc. I'm looking for an Alice in Wonderland RP, gender
              switches for certain characters, and all that fun shit.

              I also, want a DC Villain idea.
              Involving Pamela Isley and Jonathan Crane as their respective
              roles. I haven't completely fleshed this one out yet, but PM me anyway
              and we can gab about it.
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