Of Ashikabi's and their treasure (Frogger and Silverknight)

Miyako continued on, heels clicking on the asphalt passing underneath the young woman's feet. Her obsidian black hair, so much like liquid night given solid form, fanned out, melting into the darkness that which has fallen. It was not long until she ran into a park, where lightning crackled and shot up high, hitting various objects -trees, power poles... roofs and anything that attracts it. Miyako managed to dodge a bolt, though not without losing a shoe. "Hey! Watch it!" she cried out, more annoyed than pissed off. Brown eyes collided with electric blue, a devious smile forming upon the latter's face. "'Watch it?' Why? I'm having fun doing exactly what I'm doing..." came her response, lightning dancing between long, delicate fingers. Miyako let out an aggravated sigh, shadows flickering around playground equipment, under her feet, and in other places which she barely paid any attention to. "Don't you realize what you're doing? The Plan is supposed to take place in secret... not out in the open. No one is supposed to know except us Sekirei, and the Ashikabi." A laugh followed Miyako's words, slightly maniacal and tinged with insanity. "Really? You're playing that card, Number Six?" With a sweep of her hand, lightning darted towards Miyako... only to bounce off a sphere of darkness that has been erected.
Moria got closer and closer to the scene of the two of them watching the whole thing unfold, he was soon within hear shot of them as he could tell they were very much focused on one and other. He blinked as he looked at them. What the heck where they, his eyes grow large as he watched the scene unfold, before him. He saw a woman shoot lightning out of her hand and then Miyako block the lightning with some defense that he couldn't really even see. It was strange, he knew right away that neither of them happened to be normal, or maybe even humans. He had no clue what was going on, but he knew right away, there was nothing he really could do to help out Miyako and help her with whatever this other female was. The green haired young man could move, he was very worried, but he knew he couldn't help. He felt sort of bad about that small fact, as he also was very confused about the going ons as well.
The shadows retreated after a moment, revealing the young woman within. Miyako lurched forward, running with a speed unlike any other, a speed which the naked eye could not possibly track. In just seconds, Miyako was mere feet from the Lightning User, shadows warping around her hands, along the ground, and everywhere else -an intimidating force ready at her disposal. “I told you to stop!” Miyako barked, a little more ticked off now than ever. What is it this girl thinking?! Is she dense? Her hand lifted, shadows jumping forward to envelope the other young woman… when a bolt of lightning slammed into her chest, sending Miyako flying backwards. A trash can broke her fall, as did, say… the park equipment, mostly the slide, though. Miyako let out a groan as pain radiated throughout every part of her body, making her reluctant to move.
Minoa saw that Miyako was knocked to the ground, and his heart started o pump and he started to worry, on the ground she was defenseless and could do nothing to stop the lightning girl, he had to think of something and fast. He moved between them as he stood there using his own body to protect Miyako, he knew that he couldn't win, but maybe he could buy her a few seconds, and that would be the time to recover. His eyes looked up as he looked at the woman hearing her laugh at his damn foolishness as she put it. he took a rock and threw it at the woman, yelling for her to leave Miyako alone. It failed of course, and the woman he could see was starting to get quickly upset with him, or so he thought, but at least he could tell that this would buy her some time, the cost might be high, but helping this beautiful woman would so be worth it.
Stars dancing before her eyes, Miyako shook her head, trying with all her might to focus on the here and now… on the fight taking place, but to no avail. A groan escaping her lips, dark brown eyes lifted… the pair having to blink only seconds later, having found… Moria… standing between she and the Lightning User, acting as a shield… and yelling at the other woman. It was foolish, Miyako can admit that much… but it was also so sweet, she didn’t know what to think. This was their FIRST date -not second, not third, the first… and could it even qualify as a date? Torn, Miyako was soon lurching forward, coming to stand in front of him, shadows parrying various bolts of lightning that would have hit him. “Moria… I’m sorry to have involved you in this…” she began, glancing back at him over her shoulder. “Is there any way you can forgive me?”
Moria looked at her as he was so glad that she was up and about, that she wasn't out for good, this was his great worry, he hoped that she would be okay, and she was. He wasn't the type who liked to see such a sweet and amazing woman hurt and he had to just protect her in any way that he could, seeing her protect him now, he smiled a bit. He looked at her and smiled, "I am just happy that you are good and fine," he said with a small smile on his lips as he moved closer to her. "You can do so by doing to things," he said confidently, "first win this little fight of yours, and secondly," he said looking into her eyes, "please don't zap me or anything after I do this," he said as he leaned in and kissed Miyako on her lips. It was a bold move as he leaned in and kissed her lips passionately for a moment, he felt bold for a moment and this was a very bold thing he was doing.
Miyako was mostly paying attention to the battle taking place...which, by the way, was fairly important… and yet, she could not help but look into his eyes while he talked… and be… mesmerized by their color. Her breath hitched at their closing proximity, and anticipation prickled along her skin, making her a little… weak in the knees. Their kiss caused pleasure to bloom throughout every part of her body, having it to where her knees gave way, and that she had to hold onto his biceps in order to keep herself up. A glow surrounded the young woman, and in a heartbeat, black, inky wings burst out from her back, big and truly magnificent. Miyako slowly broke the kiss, a shy, hesitant smile forming upon her lips. “I swear… to make all my Ashikabi’s problems disappear…” she whispered, glancing at the Lightning User who was hovering nearby… but with an expression of horror.
Damn, could a kiss me so magical, he had not thought so till that moment, and that kiss he shared with Miyako. He looked at her not surprised by the fact of what happened. After seeing the battle it was harder to take him by surprise, but that kiss with her was special a moment to be remembered as long as he was alive. He looked at her giving her a smile, his green eyes having a small shine to them. "Now, Miyako, I know you can win, I believe in you," he said confidently as he looked at her knowing that she could win. He felt a connection with the dark haired woman that was very much stronger then any other he felt. He took a step back letting her do what she thought would be best for her to do next, knowing that she was some type of powerful and that this was in fact very much her fight.
"I can win," Miyako told him, confidence surging through every word. That said, dark brown eyes shifted from him to the young woman in question, and causing fear to fall over her shoulders like a cloak. "You can't run... and you can't hide..." Miyako lifted both hands, shadows reaching out towards the Lightning User, giant hands clamping down onto her arms and pulling her forward. "I am everywhere there is darkness... I am everywhere where shadows lurk, and I will always... find you." The hands gripping on tighter, Miyako began walking forward, making sure that the hands did not loosen their grip. "Please... don't run. Just give up." With a grave nod, Miyako reached behind the young woman's neck, and pressed her fingers there... right upon the Sekirei Mark. Within moments, it was gone... and the Lightning User collapsed onto her knees, eyes wide.
He knew that she could win, and to see her with such power and skill was amazing, granted he did feel a bit bad for the lightning girl, but she had started the whole mess and her losing was her own darn fault really. He looked at Miyako after she was done with her match watching up to her and looking at her, "That was something different that happened, the whole thing. I am guessing there is something big that I don't know about huh," he commented idly as he looked at her, he noticed helicopter arrive in the area, and men in black coming to collect the lightning girl to take her away from the scene for some reason. "There is something really big going down that I don't know about. I am sure of that now, but I will support and help you Miyako in any way that I can, promise," he said with a helpful enegetic smile on his face as he gave Miyako a thumbs up.
Miyako could not help but give a soft, musical laugh, the likes of which danced through the air and wrapped around the two. "You're right... Something big is about to happen, something not very many people know about... and I know I have a lot of explaining to do." Her hand reached out to his, their fingers coming to link together intimately. "Not to sound... presumptuous or anything, but... is your place nearby? I still have quite a ways to walk, and... I'm feeling a bit tired after everything..." Miyako shifted closer, her head coming to lay on his shoulder, strands of black cascading down over hers and touching upon his chest. It was not long until she peeked up at him, brown eyes glistening in the semi-darkness. "That kiss... was amazing..." she admitted, a soft pink blush spreading over her features and emphasizing her high, defined cheekbones and the like.
He smiled with a sweet look on his face, a caring thoughtful look in general, "Yes," he said with a nod of his ehad as he interlocked his fingers with her own. There was something endearing about Miyako that just caused him to want to be near her and when possible, protect her, though he knew he didn't need to do that. He walked with her down the street, staying close to her as he smiled, "The kiss was perfect, amazing and so much better then I thought it would be," he said softly as he looked ahead of himself, "also my first kiss with a girl as it were," he admitted openly feeling kind of embarrassed about that, but as he admitted that he blushed a bit himself, as he walked. "Now, you are a beautiful woman, Miyako, and so very cool, those things you did, were really amazing, and the black wings so beautiful," he said outloud as he walked to the rather large home of his, it was two stories with a number of empty rooms due to the fact it was his families hold home that they let him use while he went to school.
"No kidding..." Miyako could not help but agree, still blushing a delicate shade of pink. "You didn't think the wings were... strange, though?" As a Sekirei, a kiss between her and an Ashikabi is very important, for it unlocks all the power she has locked away inside... however, besides it being strictly... business, per se, she had to know what he thought about it all. If it was anyone else, Miyako would not have cared what they thought, but... she and Moria have a... a connection, that goes beyond the bond they just forged. Something about him drew her to him beforehand, and it was drawing her to him now, still... even though she is his Sekirei. "I'm sorry to have dragged you into this..." she murmured, peeking up at him through long, dark lashes, before quickly averting her gaze elsewhere. "If you hadn't kissed me... you could walk away, not have anything to do with me... but... you're my Ashikabi now, and I have to fight against others of my own kind..." A sad, but true, fact that hangs over her head everyday. Miyako will have to defeat her fellow Sekirei, and win... or else, who knows what will happen.
Moria moved himself closer to Miyako and slipped his arm around her waist and then looked her in the eyes. "I think that if I wasn't there something bad would of happened to you. I don't think I could of lived with myself if that had happened. You have nothing to be sorry about, if I get to help you, then that is good with me," he said with a smile as he looked down at her with a kind smile on his face. He knew that she wasn't like him even in the least, and that was fine. He knew too what happened now when one lost and it didn't look good at all. "I think I will do what I need to help you do what you need. Still, I think that maybe we can find some way in time to avoid the unneeded fights, I don't know, but then I figure that I will learn about this thing your in, and I will support you as best as I can," he said honestly to her as he smiled. "your wings are beautiful, strange, yep, but in the best way possible, I think the word unique is the best way to put it though."
Miyako's soft, musical laughter filled the air, shattering whatever silence has fallen. "You are very sweet, Moria..." Miyako finally told him, and with a smile that could melt the iciest of hearts. "Come, let's go to your place, rest... and there... I will tell you everything you need to know." That said, Miyako leaned up to press a kiss on his cheek, before resting her head back on his shoulder. Their walk did not last much longer, and he was unlocking the door of a large home, two stories, a home that looked a bit like an inn of sorts. Miyako cast those brown eyes of hers about, curiosity prompting the young woman to explore this new domain. "Your home is very nice," she commented, venturing out into the living room and looking around.
"The house, it was made by my great grandparents, they had a lot of kids, and well, it is still often used for family reunions, there are like 6 or 7 bedrooms, um a large kitchen, 3 bathrooms even. It is a lot for a person living on his own," Moria admitted, "but I stay here so I can keep the place up and make sure that it is well taken care off. It is kind of important for my family. In return I get to stay here free for room and board as I go to school," he explained kindly as he looked at her and smiling. "Now, you can sleep in any bedroom you want tonight. I am sure your very tired after such a long day of work and such a crazy night of fighting and all," he said kindly as he was happy she seemed to like the place. He yet out a small yawn as he stretched his arms above his head, unbuttoning his shirt, he waved to her, "I myself am going to head to bed, I shall see you in the morning," he said with a happy but tired tone as he made his way to his room and laid down.
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