Of Ashikabi's and their treasure (Frogger and Silverknight)


Jul 14, 2011
Moria Tocatsu was headind home, he had just checked out the new school that he was going to head to and was going to spend a considerable amount of time at over the following years. It had been a long but important day for the young man for it was the day he signed up for all of his classes, and the day that he set up his various plans for the comming spring semister. He had arrived late, due to the fact that he graduated late, because he spent a good amount of time overseas before he went to college. Moria was happy about the fact that he was in school, but even more happy to continue to be able to live alone, though he was moving into a old home that belonged to his great grandparents and was frankly to large for the young man.

Moria smiled as he came to the stop on one side of a road. He looked both ways, and then waited and helped a old woman cross the road. It was just in the style of the young man to help others, he walked across with the woman and when on the otherside he smiled and polietly wished the woman to have a good day before he walked to a small store and got some misu soup for his meal that night. He figured he wasn't a good cook at all, in fact he sucked at cooking and honestly he wished that he was better at it, but every time he tried to cook he ruined the meal that he made and ended up making something unattible and gave up on even trying to cook. Thus he went to places like this and got food, he smiled and waved goodbye before heading towards his home.

Sami was generally avoiding people, she was a Sekirei, and number 11 at that, a high number, as such those who knew about it bothered her and those who didn't still did just cause of her looks. The redhead hated this so much, she hated the fact that people wouldn't leave her alone, which caused her temper to spark and then her temper normally would get her into trouble with people. This day was no difference as she got into a fight with two guys a fist fight, when she knocked one down she ran, knowing fighting so many wasn't going to be something that worked well. She ran down the sidewalk and then cut into an alley hoping to hide but finding herself soon surrounded which worried her cause she didn't want to use her power and it was so unpredictable for her to control it without an ashikabi.
Nonaka Gesshin is your typical male; strong-willed, perhaps a bit rebellious, and with a laid-back, nonchalant attitude about life. Behind the rough exterior was a sweet, kind young man, awkward about expressing his feelings… and yet, no one has stumbled onto that other side of him, thus no one knows. Warm, golden light spilled forth from over the horizon, mingled with red, indigo, and other various colors he couldn’t put a name to, casting its glow over everything it possibly could. Gesshin lifted his head, gold playing over dark red, giving him highlights.. and all without him going to a hair salon. A grin tugged at the corner of his lips, revealing a dimple hidden somewhere within his cheek.

The street clear, Gesshin crossed the street, mindful of any drivers stupid enough to ignore, say, trafficking laws, or really, their common sense. Near misses happen on an almost daily basis, unfortunately, and he’s even seen cars whiz on past pedestrians, just millimeters away from tearing off an arm or leg. It’s sort of ironic, seeing as how this town’s population is less than… six thousand? Seven? Gesshin can’t remember. Not that it really matters, in his opinion. Far too many people, really, seeing as how it feels like you can't go anywhere without bumping into someone you know. Gesshin kept to the sidewalk, the houses on either side growing more decrepit as he kept walking. His family was less than prosperous, and buying a good quality house cost a lot of money. The parents died a while back, leaving Gesshin to take care of things... heh, right. Not much can be done for the place. If he could, he'd tear it down and move somewhere else, if it wasn't for the fact that he had no other place to go. Work paid him next to nothing as it is.

Miyako left campus, heels clicking on the asphalt while she walked. Her long hair, black as night, black as shadows, flowed out behind the young woman, as her eyes -a pretty, albeit blank, brown- gazed down at the phone cradled within her palm. I need to be careful… Miyako thought, finally closing the phone and slipping it into her purse. Being Sekirei Number Six -one of the elite- makes her a prime target for anyone who knows of the Game. Lips forming a grimace, Miyako began making her way towards the full-time job that lines her pockets with a little cash. It was just waitressing, but hey, it was better than nothing. Her fingers tapping a rhythm against the top of her purse, she found the little cafe and went inside, walking towards the back in order to change into the uniform.
Moria walked into the café, it wasn't his normal place, and this wasn't the normal time that he would show up, but it seemed like a good time to try it. He heard about this beautiful woman who worked there. He also heard about how good the food was as well. He was excited about seeing the woman, and eating the food as well. he went in confident with a warm happy smile on his face. He found his seat and saw her, looking at the dark haired woman he smiled blushing a tiny bit at just seeing how beautiful she was. He raised his voice as he looked at her, "Hello, miss, good morning today, how are you doing on this great day," he said boldly as he looked over at Miyako, giving her a kind greeting hoping that she would one hear him in the first place, but also then walk over to where he was and say hello at least.

Sami looked at the group and paused, she had to work her way out of this problem, she had to avoid these bad people. She moved towards one of them and tripped him before running past him moving past the group, she had to figure a way out of this problem. She saw Nonaka from a good bit away, perhaps this would help. He looked like someone she would meet, she ran up to him and tapped him on the shoulder for a moment, grabbing his arm, "Hey you better stop following me, or my boyfriend will kick your asses," she said boldly then she melt that wonderful musky scent of the man and blushed then looked up at him, wow, she felt her heart beat faster in her chest as she looked at him and then at the group not worried about them at all suddenly and wanting to know this guy a great deal more.
"Hello, miss." Miyako was carrying a tray full of drinks and dainty pastries, some chocolate and some vanilla, a few having strawberries. Dark brown eyes glanced in the young man's direction, her lips curving into the smile she always delivers to the customers. There was something different about this man, though... something... what was it? Did it have to do with that smile? Miyako delivered a drink to a waiting customer, and nodded towards him. "Good morning, sir. I'm doing great. If you give me a minute, I'll get right to you." Unfortunately, one of the other waitresses has called out earlier... thus, making it to where she was covering the entire cafe. Miyako set a plate of something yummy and delicious down at another idea, and repeated this at least five times. The cafe uniform consist of a short black skirt, with an apron over it, and a red blouse. Of course... Miyako had trouble with the blouse, because of her breasts... but oh well. After all that was done, Miyako went over to the young man, bringing out her small notepad meanwhile. "Is there anything I can get for you?"

What the-? Gesshin was just minding his own business, walking home, when... a young girl, with bright red hair, ran up to him, tapped him on the shoulder, and grabbed onto his arm. "Hey, you better stop following me, or my boyfriend will kick your asses." Gesshin lifted those amber eyes of his, which narrowed upon seeing the three guys coming their way. "Grayson, Dawson, Werner! Seriously, guys? You've taken to chasing girls around. Get your asses out of here, before I come over there and do it myself." All three halted in their tracks, brown, green and blue eyes widening... before all three turned tail. With a chuckle and a grin, Gesshin directed his attention to the girl still clinging onto his arm... only to find that she was looking at him... with this... look in her eyes. "There, those boys shouldn't be bothering you anymore. You can let go of my arm, now."
Moria looked at Miyako and then smiled, damn, she was the most beautiful women he had seen before, at least one of the most beautiful women, as he smiled at her he knew that she was busy and he didn't want to cause her much more problems for her at the moment. He turned his attention to the menu a moment later, as his eyes looked over the details of the menu. He looked over each thing that was on the menu and then smiled as he found something that looked really good. He figured that he could wait for help before he ordered as he put down the menu, and then he looked at Miyako walking up at him. "Thank you, um yes, I would like a hamburger and a vanilla shake to go with it as well," he commented calmly as he looked at her giving her the warm kind smile. "I hear that the burgers here are really good from what everyone tells me."

"Thank you very much, Mister," she said with a warm smile as she looked at Gesshin for a good moment feeling the warmth of his body against her body. She blushed a great deal and then got on her toes and kissed Gesshin on his cheek. "Well, um, do you mind if I walk around with you for a bit, I understand if you don't want to spend any time with me, but I would like to just walk wherever you are going. I promise, I am not any trouble and I won't be some evil crazy woman or anything," the redhead said honestly as she looked at him. She was excited about how he was able to stop the others, and how manly that he happened to be. She was so impressed, and felt a natural attraction for him.
Miyako glanced up from under long, dark lashes, before jotting down the order. "The burgers are good, from what I've heard. Now, what all would you like on it? Cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup? If you're not sure... I can include a little bit of everything, but on the side." Miyako finished writing with an elegant twirl of her wrist, and lifted her gaze back up to meet his. "I'll bring you some water here in just a minute." What is it about this young man that is just so... intriguing? Normally, Miyako isn't interested -vaguely, or otherwise- in customers, but this one... is different. It could be that smile of his, or his glasses, or... something. Who knows? Clearing her throat, Miyako left to fetch the glass of water, and returned after just a little over a minute. Her black hair is tied up in a high ponytail, a few strands escaping to frame her features. "Here you are, sir. Your burger and vanilla shake will be ready in... about ten minutes or so. Would you like me to bring out the vanilla shake at the same time as your burger, or before?"

"Ah, sure. I suppose. I'm just on the way home." Gesshin gave a little shrug, eyes elsewhere, while a light pink spread along his cheeks from her giving a kiss. One of his hands lifted to scratch the back of his head. "It was no problem, either. I know those guys, and they're just douchebags. I've known them since we were kids." His amber eyes glancing down at the girl, he couldn't help but notice how... tiny she was, and how cute. Under different circumstances, he would have totally asked her out on a date. Something classy, if he was capable. Gesshin began walking again, this time with the girl in tow. "So... do you mind introducing yourself? My name is Nonaka Gesshin, but you can call me Gesshin." He gave a faint smile.
Keep yourself cool, this woman is amazing special, enjoy just being able to talk to her and getting to know her as you can, he thought to himself as he looked at her walk away, want a beauty. He took a deep breath as he cleared out his mind for a moment and then looked over at Miyako and then fixed his glasses as he then heard her comments about how long that it would take for the food to get back to them. The green haired young man was very impressed by the dark haired female. "Now, I think that I would like it before my meal, ma'am," he said with respect, "oh, I feel as if I should give you my name, it is Moria," he said giving her his name, he knew she most likely didn't care about that, but he might as well tell her his name. He thought about being bold, and paused, "Miss Miyako, I can see why everyone says your the best waitress in town, handling a huge place like this alone is so impressive."

"Yeah," she said happily as she looked up at Gesshin, there was something about him, that was nice and sweet and powerful and manly. It was something that she liked to be able to look at. "Now, I am glad that you were around, so that I could see what a real man looks like," she said a bit dreamy eyed as she made the statement. "My name is Sami, I um, well, um, I don't really have a home or anything myself," she said honestly as she kind of ran around most of the time, and lived in the park. "Mister, Gesshin, do you mind if I ask you for a big favor," she asked looking at him, "would you be my ashikabi, you look like a perfect one, and I want to kiss you once, if you do not mind please."
Huh? Miyako froze, having half-turned to deal with other problems on hand. As a waitress, one doesn't just look pretty, bring food to the customers, and wish them a good day. Ooh no, she also has to deal with keeping the floors clean, the bathrooms stocked with the necessities, not to mention keep everyone happy by making sure the dishes don't pile up. Her eyes blinked, surprise swirling within the depths for just a moment, before being swept away. "Ah, well... thank you. I've been working here a long time, so I've learned how to multi-task." Miyako gave a small shrug, obviously a bit embarrassed. "As for my name... it's Miyako. It's nice to meet you, Moria. Now... I'll bring out your shake whenever the cook is done making it. I have to check and see how everyone else is doing." Miyako tilted her head, giving a nice, polite smile, before moving on to another table. Her short black skirt flirted about her thighs, revealing long, toned legs... not to mention creamy smooth skin.

Gesshin chuckled, the pink blush getting a bit of red mixed in. "Eh... I don't know about all that. I was just doing what I felt was right, and that was helping you out with those bozos." Wait, she doesn't have a home? When his mind finally processed that, Gesshin frowned, looking down at the girl walking alongside him. "You don't have anyplace to crash? I, well... I have a place, it's just me, but... you can stay there, until you get up onto your feet and all. I don't mind. It'd be nice, having company... and once you have a job, we can split the bills straight down the middle. Whatever you feel is right." Gesshin cleared his throat, unable to believe that he just offered his home... to a stranger. The girl was cute and all, but what if she's a serial killer or somethin'? His eyes glancing in her direction, he froze, his mind glitching... or as he likes to put it, stuttering. "Ashikabi? What is that? You've already kissed me, and it's really not necessary..."
He nodded his head as he looked at her and then smiled, "yes, of course, no worries, keep up the great work," he said with a cheerful tone as he watched her walk away from himself, he looked at those endless legs, that great form, and it was impossible not to have very impure thoughts go though his mind of laying Miyako on one of the tables and making love to her. He blinked as he caught himself and looked at the chair for a moment, or two or three. He wasn't paying attention as he thought about her, he then fixed his glasses nervously as he knew that he most likely seemed like some type of idiot in front of said female. He put down the glasses and blinked rubbing his nose, his green eyes far more visible at that moment then before. This was a interesting meal, and his friends were right, see Miyako in action made it work going and eating at this place if nothing else managed that fact.

"What you will, yeah, of course, I will help out, I am good with lots of things, um, cooking and cleaning and such things like that," she said happily as she held his arm firmly in his surprisingly strong grasp. She looked up at him with a great deal of positive energy as he asked about an Ashikabi, "Well, it is really hard to explain, but it is kind of in some ways like a boyfriend," she said happily as she looked at him, hearing his comment about the kiss, "I don't mean a simple kiss on the cheek silly, I mean a real kiss on your lips," she said boldly as she walked with him open and honest about her feelings was her advantage and really a disadvantage as well. She smiled happily as she looked ahead of herself. "While I look for a job, I will help out at your home in any way you want."
"Mr. Jackson, do you need another cup of coffee?" A veteran at the cafe, Mr. Jackson was a fifty-something year old man, with black hair touched at the temples with silver, and kind brown eyes. Miyako always found him sweet, especially when he leaves behind a ten, sometimes twenty, dollar tip after eating. His smile coming to life just about immediately upon lifting his head, a low chuckle leaving his lips. "You know me so well. Yes, I'd love to have another cup." Miyako smiled, moving to fetch the coffee that is always on hand. A minute later, she was pouring him a fresh cup, steam coiling from its surface. "There you are, just the way you like it -fresh." Miyako checked to make sure everything else was fine, and then half-turned towards the kitchen... only to groan, and adjust the red blouse she was wearing. "I swear, I keep telling them to buy bigger sizes..." Miyako grumbled under her breath, annoyance flickering along her features while she tried to adjust how her breasts were laying. A button began undone at the top, showing a generous amount of cleavage.

"Really? Cooking? I'm not so good at cooking myself, just decent enough to get by." Gesshin had to admit, he was impressed. His amber eyes met those of the girl, only for him to realize how strong her grip on his arm was... and, that her eyes were a warm brown, framed by long lashes. "You want me... to be your boyfriend?" Gesshin asked, mostly double-checking to make sure he heard right. Girls liked him, sure... but not as boyfriend material, just for 'making the bed creak' sort of fun. His mind having trouble processing it all -again-, he tried to clear his throat, and direct his attention onto something else... only to catch Sami's last words. Help out at the house in any way I want, huh? Why don't I just bent you over, and... Gesshin quickly brushed aside such thoughts, scolding himself for thinking that way about someone he's just trying to help. "I don't know if you want me as a boyfriend."
Moria couldn't but help notice how well stacked that Miyako happened to be, which didn't help him not fantasize about being with the beautiful dark haired woman. He took out a college book as a way to just even think about something else while he waited for his food for a moment or two. It was a small book on poetry that he had to read though. He put back on his glasses as he read, they were mostly for reading as he pretty much couldn't see close up without getting ahead ache without them. He read quietly for a good few moments his focus completely on the book, as well as possible. Seeing the beauty, having talked to her was a blessing for him but he figured that he needed to focus on something as a distraction for a few moments so he didnt' embarrass himself when she came back with the food. That would be a poor thing to have something like that happen. He also could see it happen, him do something stupid or clumsy and idiotic.

Sami wasn't one to back down from something when she saw that she wanted it. The natural princess of a Sekirei was the type who saw something and went after it. She wanted Gesshin at the moment to be her Ashikabi and frankly the proud redhead wasn't planning on taking no for an answer. "Yes, I want you to be my boyfriend, I am sure I want you as it, your a brave cute man who I want to spend time with," she said as she looked at hima nd then smiled, "your my destined ashikabi," she said looking at him, before raising herself up to just kiss him firmly on his lips, she was bold like that. It was marvelous the kiss, as she gave him one hell of a passionate kiss, closing her eyes as two wings made of fire exploded from her back awakening her natural power, before fading away. "I am Sami, Sekirei number 11."
Ah… much better. Miyako left the matter be, and walked back into the kitchen, where smoke was choking the air. With a small cough and a grimace, Miyako went about making the vanilla shake… which should have been done earlier, while she was out on the floor, doing her job. The cafe isn’t normally this… disorganized… but lately, everyone has either been sick, just given birth -which is the case for the manager-, or has relatives out of town who are on their deathbeds. Miyako has gotten more hours this week alone than she has during an entire month, sadly enough. Kendrick was nice enough to cover what shifts he can, but he’s at his wits’ end… just as she is. Vanilla shake made to perfection, Miyako gave it a generous amount of whipped cream on top, plus a cherry, before bringing it out. The light fell upon the young woman’s long, midnight black hair, upon her dark brown eyes, and soft, yet angular features. “Here is your vanilla shake,” Miyako spoke to the young man, placing it in front of him on a napkin. Next came a straw and spoon, for however he wanted to eat the delicious treat. “Your burger should be ready in just a few minutes. In the meantime, is there anything else I can get for you?” Miyako stood there, unaware -or rather, not caring- that she was showing off quite a bit of cleavage.

Wh-What? Destined Ashikabi? Gesshin couldn’t make head or tails of this cute girl’s words, or make any sense out of… well, anything going on. One moment, she was looking up at him, with this really cute smile on her face… the next, she was raising herself up, and kissing him on the lips! Not that he was complaining, exactly. The kiss was amazing, all fiery passion and crackling with an undercurrent of something else...but what really surprised Gesshin the most was that two wings of fire exploded from her back, lighting up the area all around them. Sami pulled away, leaving him more shocked than anything. “I am Sami, Sekirei Number Eleven.” Gesshin blinked at the girl, obviously taken back. “What? Sekirei? You’re not making any sense…” he finally grumbled, shaking the back of his head. “Are you sure you didn’t hit your head, running away from those guys…?” No, wait… there may be some truth to what she’s saying. After all… he did just see wings of fire burst out of her back.
Moria looked at the beautiful Miyako as she returned with the shake and then smiled as he took a sip of it, wanting to try it out rather quickly. As he did he noticed the cleavage a great deal more, it stood out a fair bit, and it was very impressive too. He blushed a good bit for a moment as he looked at her, before putting his snake down which gave him enough time to at least thing of something to say to her. He was glad he took a sip cause he might of made himself look like some kind of fool if he hadn't done such a thing.

"Well, honestly, I think that I am good at the moment, you are busy, and I don't want to demand any unreasonable amount of time, as I can tell you have your hands full tonight," he said politely, "the milkshake though is very good thank you for that, I very much like it," he said complimenting her. "Now, um, you shirt had a bit of a malfunction, just so you know," he said giving her the information about her shirt, figuring that it would be wrong to not be a gentleman about the whole thing and tell her about the problem she might have with her shirt.

"Well, I am a fire type Sekirei, and well it is hard to explain, there are like a hundred and something of us, we are here to have a contest between each other," she tried to explain as she rubbed her temples, "each of us had special powers, and such, different and well we can't awaken our powers without our Ashikabi, which your my Ashikabi, so you awaken my true power, I think so," she explained as she thought about how to explain better, "wait watch this," she said as she took a deep breath, and then breathed out a fireball into the sky, which seemed to fly a great deal before exploding, "See, that is my power, I can use fire to fight with, thus why I am a fire type," she explained cheerfully. "I was running cause I didn't want to use my power on mistake, and well really hurt one of those guys back there."
"Don't worry about demanding my time, really. It's part of the job. Besides, a lot of people are clearing out." Miyako indicated the emptying tables with a nod of her head, chunks of black falling against her cheeks. Luckily Sakura came in early today, or else she'd have to cover the register herself. "My time is freeing up. I wouldn't be too worried, and I'm glad you like the milkshake. I made it myself." Why did I just say that? Ugh... there was no need to tell him I made it myself. It seems like I'm trying to get his phone number or... into his good graces, or something.

Miyako was about to leave, else make a bigger fool out of herself, when the young man pointed out the... 'malfunction' of her blouse. "Ah... yeah... Thanks, but really. My manager never buys the right sizes. I'm practically falling out of this one as it is." Miyako lifted her hands, tucking on the neckline... and was only successful in causing her breasts to bounce. "I appreciate you being a gentleman about it, though. Most guys would just look, and not say anything." With a shrug, the beauty retreated back into the kitchen, bringing out a few orders with all the skill and grace one obtains through practice. It was not long until she was bringing him his food.

Gesshin's eyes grew wide, the light reflecting off amber, and making the depths appear to flicker and smolder, much like banked coals. "Ah... yeah... Before you go off blowing fireballs into the sky, or... at someone's dog by accident, why don't we head to my place first? At least there, you'll be hidden from sight..." Gesshin wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders, pulling her in close as he began leading the way. His eyes were narrow and glancing about, making sure no one had noticed that little display of... fiery passion. Against Sami was firm muscle, hiding underneath fabric... which, really was a shame. "I'm going to need you... to start at the beginning, too. I didn't understand any of that."
Moria looked at her and smiled such a sweet woman, he was so taken in by her. SHe was kind enough to make this on her own for him, and then the fact was so respectful and nodded his head at the statement about how she had the wrong size of shirts. He knew why, cause men would want to see her cleavage, as he knew that anyone would want to see how stacked she was, as it was one of the few things that drew people's attention, he watched her from that moment on, as he smiled as he smiled a bit. "He looked at her as she brought him his burger. He took a deep breath as he knew that he was going to make a fool of himself, he was sure of that, but he felt that he had to do what he was going to do. "Miyako, I want to ask you, something, it is okay if your reject me completely," he said softly. "Well now, I want to know if you would want to go out sometime, or perhaps if I could walk you home tonight," he said softly and politely figuring that he would be rejected right out.

Sami nodded her head as she smiled, she knew that Gesshin was the one for her and that he was something else. She wasn't dumb she could feel how strong she was when she walked with him and smiled a bit. "Well, I think that it shouldn't be to hard," she said as she walked with him towards his home. "Now, you see, I am competing against other women like me to see who is the best. The winner gets a great prize, the losers not well lucky," she said softly as she knew losing meant losing everything. "I think that you should know that you will find these people running into you in the future, and if you run into another woman and kiss her, given that she is a girl like me, I will let it pass. Now, if you go kissing these other girls and ignore me, then I won't be happy at all, and I will make you know this fact," she said letting out a little annoyed sound from her lips.
Miyako blinked, surprise rippling through dark brown depths, and parting her lips just so. It was not long, however, until she forced her gaze away from him, a light, rosy pink blush making its way along her features. Why am I blushing?! I get asked out almost everyday... she thought to herself, brushing aside a few strands of black as she tried to gather her wits. Maybe it had something to do with the way Moria asked, sweetly, politely, that was making her blush like this...? It could very well be. Most of the time, Miyako gets asked out simply because of her breasts or ass... which, quite honestly, was getting old. "Ah... I... I don't know what my schedule is going to look like.." Miyako admitted, the pink blush lingering across her nose. "My classes are in the morning... and sometimes, I have a lab that is mandatory to attend... H-However... you can walk me home tonight... that is, if you want to. You don't have to or anything." Miyako cleared her throat, the blush steadily growing darker along her features, and just bringing out little details that make up her face... such as the full shape of her lips, the high cheekbones, and her dark brown eyes.

“Okay…” Gesshin wasn’t sure how he felt about stumbling into other girls like the one in his arm, but what can he say? If it happens, it happens. “What will you do if I kiss girls that are not like you, and start ignoring you?” the young man asked, just for curiosity’s sake. Five minutes later, the two arrived at a small, however decent, home, with two windows in the front, and a gate encircling the property. “Here we are,” Gesshin announced, opening the gate for Sami, before leading the girl up to the front door. “This is my place. It isn’t much, but hey… it’s better than nothing, right?” With a little shrug, Gesshin unlocked the door and went inside, making sure that she came in first before closing the door shut. The house was nice enough, albeit somewhat messy, but it was to be expected from a young man of college age. “Do you want anything to drink?” Gesshin offered, heading towards the kitchen.
Moria nodded his head, as he could understand both her being busy, and am woman of this quality being frankly over his head in every possible fashion. He figured that she wouldn't want to go out with him, but it was worth a shot. A chance to go out with a woman like Miyako, was a one in a million shot and he wasn't going to pass that type of thing up. He knew if he did he would regret it for the rest of his life. He blinked as it wasn't a complete reject or even a rejection in some ways at all. "Well, of course it would be a great honor to walk you home, Miyako, and it is fine, I am also starting school too, so I understand just how easy it is to lose any time to do anything you want or can do," he said with a kind and warm smile, his eyes focused on her own eyes as he looked at the beautiful woman. Something about her in that moment was so remarkable, and made him so happy that she agreed to let him walk her home.

"Well, I will think of something when that comes up, but I am sure it won't be pretty, I will leave it to you to think what a girl who can use fire can do," she said as she walked with him to the small home. It wasn't bad, it wasn't great, but that was just fine with her, she was glad to have a home, and also glad to have an ashikabi as well. She knew that the place would be a messy, or at least somewhat of a mess, and that was fine too. "Well now actually, I think I am good, thanks for the offer though," the redhead commented calmly as she walked around for a moment. It would be easy to fine her way around which would be very nice too. She knew that there was much that she would figure out in time. She figured she could clean up the place to in her free time, though she was sure that might be limited given the nature of what she was, and the fact that at some point in the future all the girls would be claimed and the fight would be on.
"I get off at six." Miyako twisted around to take care of other tables, but not before a glance in his direction. A smile touched upon her lips. "I might be a few minutes late, because I have to change out of uniform... but I'll wait for you, outside the front door once I lock up for the night." The blush lingering along her features still, Miyako left him to his meal, heart pounding in her chest... pounding against her rib cage, as though trying to escape. Why am I feeling this way... and towards him? Sure, Moria seems sweet, but not my type at all... Miyako cleared her throat, using that to brush aside such thoughts. Moria can't be my Ashikabi... No, it's not possible... The rest of her day went well, give or take, though Miyako wished she could have made more tips. Waitressing doesn't pay the bills, especially when not enough tips are left on the tables. Five forty-five, Miyako is in the back, shedding the red blouse with a sigh of relief. It was not long until she was dressed in a white, almost transparent, white blouse and in the same black skirt as before, and was out front, locking the door.

Gesshin chuckled, opening the fridge and taking a peek inside. Nothing caught his interest, so he just let the fridge drift shut. "Alright, alright, I'll give you that one. Look..." With a long, loping stride, Gesshin leaned against the nearest doorway, watching the girl look about his home. "Don't worry about... you know, if that's what you're thinking. I'm not gonna force myself or anything onto you. Not unless you're willing." His lips stretching into a grin, Gesshin chuckled and looked up at her through his eyelashes, amber flashing in the semi-darkness. "I will admit this, though... You surprised me with that kiss earlier... I think it's about time I surprise you with a kiss of my own." Gesshin moved forward, closing the proximity between their bodies... and forced her up against the wall, not by touch, but by proximity. Their eyes met for but a moment... before Gesshin leaned in, and pressed his lips firmly to hers.
Moria nodded his head as he made a mental note of when that he needed to be back to meet her and walk her home. He knew that it was going to be great to get to spend alone time with Miyako. He smiled as she walked away before shortly there after leaving himself and walking to his place and putting away his books from the first day. There was enough time to do his work for the next day before he headed back to the location to meet up with a bit of time. He stood waiting, the green haired young man fixing his glasses as he waited. He figured time with this woman was worth waiting for, he knew it was possible for her to stand him up. Yet, he knew that was something that she didn't seem like the type to actually do. Maybe he was wrong, but he figured that she was worth a shot and worth waiting for even if he ended up looking like a complete and total fool. He saw her walking out in a very tasteful and sexy outfit, "Hi, Miyako, here to walk you home as promised," he said with a warm kind tone as he saw her. "Well, you look great out of uniform too," he said looking her in the eyes, something he was sure most men didn't do.

"I am sure you won't, you are not that type of guy," she said looking around a bit more, her brown eyes scanning the place carefully getting to know the lay of the land as it were, and figure out where everything happened to be in that moment. "Well, it was what needed to be well um done in the moment, and I wasn't going to end up with a different Ashikabi," she replied before noticing him walking closer to herself. She blinked as she started to blush a bit, as she felt her face warm. She knew that her heart was beating a great deal. She knew that her kiss was almost a con job on him and he might not really want her around. Yet, now he was so closer, she felt her body tingle a bit from the proximity of him, as she looked up at him for a brief moment before she was kissed. It was wonderful, and she was so confident that things were turning up flowers for her, and Gesshin was so right. She felt her back against the wall, as she didn't mind as she put her hands on Gesshin's waist gently letting him take the led this time around as fast as the kiss went.
Miyako was a little bit surprised to find him standing there, but… she had to admit, it was nice, having his eyes meet hers, rather than having to deal with his eyes being...elsewhere. A smile bloomed to life upon the young woman’s lips, and a chuckle left the pair soon enough. “Thank you. I have to say… it’s refreshing, meeting a gentleman who can look me in the eye, rather than...staring at my breasts.” Miyako was used to being oogled… however, it can more than a little frustrating at times. Brushing aside a few wayward strands of obsidian black, Miyako turned about to face him, gifting him with a faint smile. Of course, those wayward strands dared to venture forward yet again, falling against the curve of her jawline and neck. “I meant to ask you this earlier…” she spoke, starting to walk down the sidewalk with him. “You mentioned earlier that you’re a college student, too? What are you studying?” Why am I even asking? Miyako kept her gaze forward, though she did glance down the alleyways and various streets, making sure nothing was going to jump out. The Game is close at hand, which worries her to no end… especially since she has yet to claim an Ashikabi. A frown began working its way along Miyako’s features, tarnishing the smile.

All Gesshin wanted was a kiss -nothing more, nothing less. This girl, Sami, is sweet...and under his care, and he’s not going to push her into something she doesn’t feel like doing. His large, slender hands coming to rest on her waist, Gesshin tilted his head, allowing the kiss to continue… at least for now. A few threads of red falling to mingle with hair just as red, if not redder. Their lips met more so, until… Gesshin had to break the kiss, or else pass out from oxygen deprivation. “Now… Now that that is out of the way…” Gesshin whispered against her lips, giving a grin before moving back, “why don’t you go upstairs and take a bath? I’m sure I can find some of Mom’s old clothes to fit you… or at least a bathrobe you can change into, until you buy some. What do you say?” Gesshin didn't mind, however... he did have to take a shower sometime tonight, or else arrive at work grumpy and dirty. His hands slipping into his pockets, amber eyes meeting brown, and a smile lingering along his features.
Moria blinked, "Well Miyako, you have very pretty eyes, so it would be but natural to want to look into them," the green eyes young man said closing his eyes for a moment giving her a warm and winning smile for those seconds before continuing down the path that she was leading him in. "Me, I am going to be a computer programmer," he said confidently knowing that would be a great job as it was were there was a good amount of jobs and a good future to be had. As he walked he both felt that there was something off about Miyako and that there was something bothering just by looking at her. He had to wonder what it was, what was bothering this raven haired woman so much, and was troubling. He wasn't the one to let the problems of a single person go unnoticed when they were so sweet and kind. "You are having some issue, if you don't mind, why don't you tell me, I don't mind seeing if I can help you out with whatever this problem is. I am pretty resourceful when I need to be."

Sami blinked that was a heck of a kiss, something amazing that left her heart a flutter. She listened to the kinds words of Gesshin and then nodded her head smiling happily. "Thank you so much, I would love that, your the best Gesshin," she said kissing his cheek softly before heading in the direction to take the bath. She wasn't one to pass up such a change, the young woman was having a heck of a good day, and a warm bath would be a great way to perhaps cap it off. She turned on the water, slipping out of her dirty clothes, the redhead slipped gently in the warm water, letting out a sigh of contentment as she felt the warm water against her soft skin, she relaxed leaning back as she took in the warmth of the water. So very nice, she dipped her head under the water before she began to wash her self up not wanting to spend to much time in the bath, so that her Ashikabi would have a chance if he should want one.
"You're going to be a computer programmer?" Miyako had trouble believing it... and yet, she could imagine this young man stuck behind a desk, fingers working away at a keyboard, and with his glasses lit up from a computer screen. "Well... you will never have any trouble finding a job, if it ever comes down to it." Miyako glanced down a nearby alley, though her attention was quickly diverted back to Moria at his next question. "Having an issue? Oh, no... I'm not having any issue. Ah... walking home this late at night has always made me a little jumpy, I suppose..." Miyako gave a soft, albeit awkward laugh, a few strands of black falling against her cheek due to a faint breeze. Of course... that is not the case at all. If anything, night was the girl's domain, for shadows lurked everywhere... and she is, after all, the Sekirei of Shadows. Her dark brown eyes returning to the path ahead, Miyako tried to calm herself... only to tense as she caught sight of lightning in the distance. Not her again... she thought with a faint scowl, eyes narrowing. In the sky above, not a cloud to be seen... and thus, no storm looming with the promise of rain.

Gesshin chuckled low under his breath, not daring to move until she left the room. Once alone, the young man let himself lean against the nearest wall, eyes gazing off into the distance. The kiss was... a lot more than he had expected it to be, and to be completely honest... he wanted it to continue on and on. It was a good thing he managed to tear himself away when he did, or else... things would have gone so much farther. A hand running over his face, Gesshin pushed away from the wall and walked down the hallway towards his room. In there, he threw off his shirt, tossing it into a corner while the jeans followed. Clad in only boxers, Gesshin collapsed onto his bed, stretching his arms high above his head, strands of red falling into his eyes meanwhile. Well, well, well... I never thought I'd be bringing a stray girl home with me... Gesshin thought, opening one eye as he relaxed. Stray cat, maybe. Stray dog... perhaps. Stray girl, not so much. A yawn parted his jaw, sleep trying to stake its claim.
"Yeah, I am still learning a whole lot of the ground work and all, but in time, I hope to learn that type of stuff and work in that field," Moria said with an upbeat tone to his voice. He was glad to hear that Miyako wasn't having any issues or problems as he knew that he had been a bit worried that something was bothering her as they walked. "That does make sense, though, I will protect you, if you need be," he said confidently as he walked with her enjoying the company of the beautiful dark haired woman. He stopped for a moment as he saw the lightning come a bit closer to where they happened to be, he looked up and saw the lack of clouds in the skies as he blinked for a moment. "Miyako, what the heck is going on, this is rather strange," he admitted openly as he looked over at her and then looked in the direction of the lightning wondering what was up.

Sami found her clothes waiting and found her way into the nightie and smiled as she found her way to where Gesshin was and slipped up to him as he was asleep. She smiled at looking over his face for a moment as she smiled, he was so cute and adorable. He looked so right for her and she knew it too. The redhead quietly slipped onto the bed and snuggled up to her and then slipped up to him cuddling up to him and then slipped am arm around him as she rested her head against Gesshin and then slowly fell asleep quietly with a warm smile on her face. This day had been a dream all the way up to this point when she fell asleep. She woke up the following morning before Gesshin and then slipped out and started to cook some eggs and bacon for the both of them for breakfast something she was sure he would be able to smell.
"While I find it sweet that you would protect me, if need be..." Miyako trailed off, not quite sure where that train of thought was leading. A soft sigh escaping her lips, those dark brown eyes of hers met his, a wistful smile touching upon her lips in the aftermath of such a sigh. "Stay here," Miyako finally spoke, the smile gaining confidence around the edges. "I need you to stay here, while I go see what is happening.” The purse she was carrying going from her hand to his, she hesitated for a moment, as though torn. Miyako finally leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to the young man’s cheek, while resting a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you for walking me…” came her whisper, just as Miyako pulled back and offered a shy, hesitant smile. “I really appreciate the thought… Just… wait right here, and if I’m not back in… say, five minutes, look in my wallet for my address, and just drop off my purse there. Okay?” That said, Miyako ran towards where she last noticed the lightning… shadows following the young woman.

((I’m just gonna wait on Gesshin until Miyako and Moria arrive in the morning, same time as Gesshin.))
Something seriously was up, what it was that was going on, he had no clue about, but honestly he was worried. Something that made little sense in the normal was happening, how was lightning showing up in the middle of the night. He blinked as he looked in the direction that she went, he could see that the lightning was goin off, it seemed to going off, far faster and more often as time passed. He looked at the watch, and a couple minutes past, he was more worried just cause he had no clue what was happening. He had a feeling that it wasn't good, that something bad was happening to Miyako. He had to do something, he had to help her, she was amazing, and the idea of harm coming to her, rather pissed him off as well as worried him a great deal as well. He took a deep breath and headed in the direction of the lightning about three and a half minutes after she told him to stay. He knew she would most likely be mad at him, but he just had to help in some way, and this was all he could think of doing at this moment.
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