The officer approached the truck and ordered Mike down out of the cab. "good afternoon sir . Are you aware that one of your weight senders has malfunctioned?" "A... no." Mike answered. He hadn't been stopped in a decade, and was feeling nervous. The officer asked if he could enter the cab and inspectthe weight unit. "well sir, ah yes but I'll have to wake my daughter first and be sure she is decent or at least covered. " "yeah right" the officer smirked. Mike restrained himself " look officer that IS my daughter in that truck! I'll let yo inspect, but if you werent wearing that badge, I'd have decked you just now, so lets keep this official. The next off-color remark you make will land you in court defending a lawsuit. If you will allow it I'll talk to her. Otherwise arrest me!" the officer was taken aback by the agressive comments, but decided Mike was serious. "Don't get in the truck" just open the door and tell her what is going on. " He unsnapped his gun.
Mike opened the door and called in to her "you better get dressed and get out your I.D. John Law here doesn't believe you are my daughter!" turning to the cop he said " Now you stay here till she comes out, or I will bust your jaw"