Doctor Feel Good, House Rp (Me & HerrFuckface)

"Yeah,you're right." House said.When you were dealing with an addiction or chronic pain,it was easy to hurt those around you.You get lost in your own suffering,and you don't see theirs.Or maybe you do,and it's just that you've spent so much time trying to ease your own pain that you lose the ability to care about theirs.House himself knew that personally,because he was guilty of both.But when Caid said that you only need to be sorry for how you treat those around you,he was stating a fact.And he was doing it in a positive way,instead of saying something like, 'Hey,maybe if you weren't such an asshole all the time,more people would like you.' Which was probably what House would say to himself if he was someone else meeting him.And then he'd get told how he was an idiot and wrong.Poor treatment of people was a vicious cycle.If someone endures it long enough,they just start treating everyone else the same way,and it keeps going down the line.Spreading like an epidemic.He was guilty of that,too.

"I definitely wouldn't mind learning something new,especially if it's that helpful." House said.As a Doctor,he liked learning things,and mastering them and applying them to treating patients.The more tools and techniques he had at his disposal,the better chance of helping more people.His bedside manner wasn't great,it never had been,and maybe it wouldn't be,but he was a great Doctor,and he wanted to keep getting better.

"I could tell,and I'm glad you liked it.I know,but the seed tastes good.I don't have to if you'd rather I not." He said,noticing that Caid seemed to be embarrassed.It was adorable how easily he got that way.He noticed the goosebumps on the boy's skin and couldn't help but smile.He had always hoped he'd have that sort of effect on Caid,but to know that he actually did was something else entirely.

"No,but yours isn't exactly small either." House pointed out.Goosebumps formed on his own skin when Caid lubed him up.The cold lotion mixed with the warmth of the boy's hand provided a nice sensation.Sort of like an icy hot patch. "You can.That and minimizing pain and discomfort are why I wanted to make sure that you were stretched properly." House then pushed into Caid gently,and began thrusting.His movements were smooth and deep,but not rough.House wasn't used to being careful like this,but he didn't feel like it was a bad thing and he certainly didn't dislike it. "I'm...not used to being gentle like this,but it feels good." He admitted,the last part of the sentence escaping his lips in the form of a deep moan.
Caid groaned and shut his eyes as House pushed deep with in his body, he felt his ass spread wide and his face stayed red from House's words. He opened his eyes softly and stared up at House as the man finished speaking. "Well I thank you for being gentle with me, and if you like my seed you can taste it all you want." he whispered panting slightly as his walls clamped around the warm cock inside of him. "For my first time, it actually doesn't hurt like I thought it was going to be. It feels good for me as well." Caid croaked as he moved his hand down and grasped his own cock a shiver running up his spine and he bit his bottom lip.

"Well I know my dick ain't small but it ain't massive either, its just average." whispered the boy but he shrugged. He was slightly embarrassed with his size but it wasn't like he hated his dick or anything like that. Caid moaned loudly when House's cock suddenly pressed against his prostate and he stared up into his eyes. "Ah....your really good you know. Sorry I'm a virgin and all." whispered Caid as he kept his left hand moving up and down his shaft, his right hand grasping at House's jacket on which he lay on. He could hardly believe how much pleasure was taking over his body, it made his cock leak pre cum.

"Tell you what....I can suck you off later, if you want." Caid whimpered meaning after work if House wanted that. Caid's cock throbbed harder in his hand and he clamped his eyes shut once more. "Its better then any old toy. Your so deep inside of me, so warm. I can feel you throbbing." Caid whispered as he tried hard to catch his breath. He was panting now and you could see that he really was enjoying himself a lot. "But yes I will teach you all I can about massage." whispered Caid as he leaned up and kissed House gently on the lips and let out a happy moan, he moved House's hand back to his cock and smiled.
"You're welcome,and thank you." House said,groaning in delight when he felt Caid's walls clamping down around him.God,how he missed that feeling.He missed all of it,really.The taste of a man's seed,the taste and sensation of a hard cock in his mouth,in his hands. "I'm glad it wasn't as bad as you expected.It helps a lot if there's lubrication,proper stretching and a partner who will be careful and considerate." One of the main reasons he had been so careful was because that's what he was taught to do.His first time with a guy was Wilson,and he'd been on the bottom.It had taken a lot of convincing,but it happened.Wilson had been so careful with him,and he had appreciated it greatly.They took turns being dominant,and would often fight over it.House licked his lips when he saw Caid touching himself again.

"For what it's worth,I think it's perfect." The words escaped his lips as a moan as he hit Caid's prostate.In this particular context,average suited him just fine.Too little,and you couldn't do a damn thing with it.Too big,and you're probably going to have trouble walking correctly for a while. "Thanks." Well now,that was one hell of a compliment. "Like I said,you don't have to be sorry.Everyone's a virgin sometime.I was sort of in the same boat last month.I was a virgin when it came to guys." So he had been half a virgin,if there was such a thing...Normally,he wouldn't admit these types of things to anyone,but it was really easy to talk to Caid.Hell,it seemed like he was just easy to get along with.That scared him,only because he himself wasn't.But Caid saw something in him.Something that had been buried under years of pain and suffering.Something that taken on all these layers of gruffness and harsh words in order to protect itself.What Caid was seeing was the person that House used to be.The person that somewhere,deep down inside he wanted to be again.

"I'd like that a lot." House said.If it wasn't the understatement of the year though,he didn't know what was.The idea of Caid's perfect lips on his cock turned him on even more.Hell,this kid was just hot period.And nice.And he understood House. "You're so warm and tight.I can feel you clamping down on me." Caid's moans and pants were music to his ears,and it showed him that he really was doing good. "I look forward to learning it." House kissed Caid back.Once his hand was placed back on the boy's cock,it began moving in time with his thrusts,working the shaft and the head.House leaned in to kiss Caid again,slowly and deeply.When he was dating women to try and determine his sexuality,he hadn't been overly fond of kissing.But when it was another man (especially one he was attracted to,like Caid),it was different.There was heat and fireworks.At least,for him.It had been the same with Wilson.And with Cuddy? All they ever did was fight.And make up,and fight again.It was destined to be a train wreck from the very beginning,though neither of them would admit it for the longest time.
Caid moaned louder and groaned loudly as he felt House's warm lips against his own, it felt so good. He gasped and arched his hips up more feeling the way House's hips slapped into his, House's hand moving up and down his shaft. Caid groaned and clamped his eyes as tightly as he could trying to take deep breaths to calm himself down from panting so hard. He could feel the tension building in his stomach and in his balls and he knew that he was going to cum hard sooner or later but he really could not get enough of House inside of him. He had never thought his first time would be now, on his eighteen birthday let alone that. He didn't say this to House though, he didn't want to celebrate his Birthday really.

"I am very sure I want to do this again." he whispered then squirmed his hips. "I have used toys in the past but I never thought how amazing a real dick would feel. Damn...its by far the best thing I have ever felt." Caid said gently still returning any kiss Gregory would give him. He wondered what it would be like if another male tried to flirt with him, Caid had a feeling that House was going to be over protective of him after this. Caid groaned and opened one eye slightly and started at the older man's handsome yet gruff face, he felt strange inside. He suddenly realized that he was slowly falling for House, the man who was his boss, he bit his lip at this though as he went beet red.

"I never realized it before until now but, but I think your making me fall for you Gregory." Caid whispered very softly. His body squirmed slightly and he tried his hardest to hold back the urge to cum yet again. "So um are we like an item now? I am just wondering, you did just take my virginity after all." Caid said in a gentle and teasing way. Though House would be able to see the worry in Caid's eyes, worry that House would just fuck him and dump him. Sure Caid had only had once boyfriend before but it had never been sexual, the poor kid was now scared about getting hurt, he grit his teeth together as his sweet spot was hit again.
House watched the way Caid reacted to what he was doing.It was perfect.The way he panted and writhed and moaned.It added to his own pleasure as well.The older man pulled the Scotsman's sweat-soaked body closer to his own.That wasn't like him at all,but with certain people,he just couldn't help wanting to be close to them.It didn't happen very often,but Caid was one of those people.And to be perfectly honest,it baffled him as to why the boy liked him.But at the same time,it made him really happy.He was also a little worried,though.Worried that somehow,he was going to mess all of this up,and--but he quickly pushed those thoughts to the back of his head.Maybe all of that wouldn't even happen.There was no sense in getting ahead of himself,especially at a time like this.Right now,he just needed to enjoy this moment and being there with Caid.Living in the moment was always something he'd struggled with,too.It was so easy to get caught up in other things.Often times it was pointless,meaningless things like worrying.

"I do,too." House said easily.It was true.And there was really nothing wrong with admitting that.The older man felt a familiar pressure in his stomach as his insides started to strain and twist,letting him know that he was getting close to cumming. "It's one of the best feelings there is if it's done...ah...done right." Caid felt so good that he didn't want this to ever end.If anyone else tried to put the moves on the kid,he was prepared to set them straight.He felt protective of the Scotsman,and that hardly ever happened,either.It was a nice feeling,actually.It probably wouldn't be for whoever else ended up liking Caid.That wasn't to say that he had to rip their head off,but he was going to be direct and make sure that they got the point.And for him,that wasn’t really all that difficult.

House looked a bit shocked at what Caid said next. "I am?" The initial shock took a couple of minutes to get over,and frankly,he was surprised that it hadn't taken longer. "I'm happy that you feel that way.Because I feel like I'm falling for you too,Caid." When was the last time someone had said that to him? Cuddy had said it a couple of times.So had Wilson,and he'd said it back,though difficult it had been. "Yes,I'd like for us to be.We can go and do something after work and then go back to my place if you want." House had indeed seen the worry in Caid's eyes,and he knew why it was there.House saw no reason not to be with him.Sure he was his boss,but so what? They were still people.A deep groan escaped House as his orgasm tore itself from him.
Caid went wide eyed as he felt House's seed shoot deep with in his ass and he himself moaned and then cried out as he came hard into House's hand, he had kissed House hard on the lips as well, a shutter tore through his whole tiny body from the pleasure. Once they were done and had cleaned up, and redressed Caid stood with trembling legs. "God, its going to be hard to walk, not that its sore but I can still feel you up my ass. Not that I mind though." Caid said blushing beet red. He then kissed House quickly after grabbing some supplies and made his way out of the closet his face beet red, he could hardly believe what they had just done and no one had bothered them either which made Caid feel rather happy, glad he had been able to bond with his new lover.

He would go about the rest of the day a bit of a limp on him though he felt no pain. However he was growing more and more annoyed when night came, he wanted to be fucked again, he wanted House's hands all over his naked body. He bit his lip and flushed when Cuddy walked by and asked if he was feeling alright. "Uh yes, just had a bit too much coffee." he said in reply to her before he watched her leave. He almost cried happily when he saw his shift was over and he grabbed his things from the locker room and walked past Wilson in the hall. He froze suddenly remembering what House had said, then his eyes landed on Chase who was staring at him, he could tell that Chase seemed to want to talk to him and that made Caid feel a bit shy and nervous, he just wanted to go and see House. But Caid was the type to be polite and wouldn't be rude to his friend.

"Uh hey Chase, thanks for your help earlier but I can't really stay much longer. I have an appointment to attend to tonight. I will see you on Monday." Caid said gently as he felt suddenly cornered by Chase. Caid gulped and looked around wondering how he could get out of there. He wanted badly to get to House, he wanted to spend his whole weekend having House fuck him. Caid went beet red in the face the more he thought about it and a shiver went down his spine. He felt himself wanting to go hard but he forced himself not too. "Um anything else you need to me help you with on Monday, Chase?" he almost croaked as he found it hard to meat the handsome man's eyes. He felt nervous, his body was tense and he felt a bit of tightness in his stomach.
After he and Caid had finished having sex and had cleaned up,House left the storage closet with a few supplies.It wouldn't look very good if he'd come out empty handed,now would it? House went on about his day as he usually did,but he kept thinking about Caid.His compassion,his courage.The way he kissed and touched him.The way his accent sounded,and the way his panting and moaning had hit his ears.Oh,yeah.He definitely had feelings for the kid.And they were deep.House went back to his office to work on some last minute paperwork that Cuddy had asked him to do,listening to some classical music to help him concentrate.It wasn’t easy,though.All he wanted to do was see Caid again.And repeated glances at a seemingly slow-moving clock weren't helping.He sighed and took a drink of his coffee.Several minutes later,he finally finished the paperwork.House grabbed his leather jacket and put it on before retrieving his cane which was propped up against his desk.

Paperwork in hand,he left his office and saw Cuddy in the hall.She didn't look annoyed like he expected,but rather surprised that he was holding the papers that she'd asked him to do.House handed them over,and she thanked him,her smile was a mixture of gratitude and relief. "Yeah,no problem." He answered,smiling a little back,thankful that they hadn't ended up crossing swords again.They said their goodnights,and he continued down the hall.

House saw Wilson,and the two had a brief but pleasant exchange of words.Friendly banter.He did miss being with the younger man,but he would rather be his friend than not have him in his life.After saying goodnight to Wilson,he spotted Chase talking to Caid.The Aussie looked like he was quite close to the Scotsman,and Caid looked really nervous.

"No problem.Always glad to help a mate out." Chase said.He noticed that Caid seemed a bit nervous,and he thought that was really cute.He frowned when the other man said he couldn't stay. "Well,I've gotta run some tests on Monday,and I figured you could help and learn and then maybe we could get a coffee after wo--"

House had walked up just ad Caid said he needed to get to an appointment. "Chase," The older man said a bit firmly. "Caid has somewhere to be.He'll see you on Monday." Then,he turned to Caid. "Come on,I'll give you a ride."

Chase blinked. "But can't I just get his num--uh,okay..." House's glare told him to stop right then and there.Chase liked Caid,and wanted to get to know him more.He was bisexual,but he preferred men.
Caid relaxed as soon as he saw House coming to his rescue, he was going to answer Chase but House had answered for him. Caid simply walked off with House feeling a bit sad for Chase. He wanted the Aussie as a friend, he knew House was worried about people hitting on Caid now. Once outside Caid adjusted his backpack on his shoulder and looked up at House and pushed his blonde bangs out of his eyes. "You know you didn't have to glare at Chase like that. I don't want him to hate me, he has a lot of professional experience he could teach me." Caid said to House scolding him gently. The boy then let out a heavy sigh and patted House gently on the shoulder and thought to himself for a few minutes. "I thought Chase was married anyways, I do thank you for saving me though." the boy said as he looked the bike over and gulped slightly, it sort of scared him a bit.

Caid however would get onto House's bike with him, he sat behind House his backpack over his shoulders. He had made sure to put on the spare helmet as he clutched House gently around the waist but tight enough he wouldn't fall off. "Motorbikes scare me. I hope you know what your doing, please don't go to fast." Caid whimpered his head buried into the back of House's leather jacket. The boy was very scared but House could see that Caid did trust him, though he could not bring himself to look about as the drove off down the road. He wondered where they were going to go now, House was rather strange but at least Caid knew he would not be bored with this man, he knew he would be fucked sooner or later as well when they got to House's place.

They had quickly stopped by Caid's apartment where he dropped his bag off and grabbed a change of clothes before he locked his door and went off with House again. He noticed the next time they stopped that they were outside a gay bar. Caid flushed deep red and stared up at House as he got off of the bike. "Never been here before. Guess they have good chicken wings?" Caid said in a joking tone wondering why they were here. However he didn't bother to ask however, he knew that House must know something that Caid didn't. "I hope we don't stay to late. I am getting that ache back." Caid whispered softly, is face beet red showing that he wanted to be fucked again, however he would not say this out loud in a public place.
"I know I didn't,but I wanted him to know that I was serious.Chase is a good Doctor,and I'm sure there's a lot he could teach you.If anything,he'll be mad at me.I saw how uncomfortable you were,and...I got jealous,too." House said softly. "You're welcome.And I'll...try not to do that anymore." He did feel a little bit bad.Chase probably did want to help Caid,but he also saw the way he looked at him.It was the same way he himself did. "He is,but I think things are kind of rocky." Chase sometimes talked about his relationship with his wife.They had their ups and downs like any couple,but he seemed like he was bored.House put his helmet on,and sighed contently when he felt Caid patting him on the shoulder.

House knew that Caid trusted him,and that was important to him. "Don't worry.I know what I'm doing.I won't speed or do anything crazy." House knew that Caid wasn't looking as they drove.The kid must have been terrified.That gave him even more of a reason to be careful.He went the speed limit,making sure to watch out for cars and pedestrians.Being on a motorcycle gave him a thrill.It made him sort of feel invincible.On it he could go faster than he could on foot,but there was no reason to be reckless.House didn't want to get hurt,or killed and he didn't want to hurt or kill Caid.Cars zoomed past them as they headed toward their destination.People walked on the streets,having indistinct conversations.

"They have good drinks and food and the music is decent." House said. He sometimes went to the gay bars after work and just hang out.Occasionally,he'd check the guys out,but none of them really ever caught his interest. "We won't be here too long.I want to get you alone." At his place,they'd really be alone,and they could get comfortable.It was just nice to get out sometimes and forget about the streas at work,even if it was only for a little bit.There wasn't a line in front of the bar,but there usually never was.
Caid nodded and walked in to the bar with House and looked about at all the type of men that were there. He noticed some who was pretty sure were pretending to be gay just to impress a couple of lesbians not far off. Caid rolled his eyes at this and followed after House his mind drifting about here and there for a few seconds before he took a seat at a table across from House in a corner. "Sometimes I don't get people." Caid said nodding towards the men pretending to be gay then he laughed slightly. "I can tell they are faking it and the women are not even interested. My twin is a lesbian." Caid muttered then shrugged it off before he watched a servant making his way towards them, the server ad his eyes on Caid the whole time as he made his way over to their table.

"Welcome to Antonio's what can I get you gentlemen tonight?" the man said and grinned showing pearly white teeth. "I am Johnny by the way, if you need anything please let me know." he said nodding to Caid. "Uh, just a coke and rum." Caid muttered then his eyes dropped to the table. "And some chicken wings, BBQ." he went onto say his eyes moving to meet House's. The boy flushed slightly and his hands clenched into fists under the table. It felt so strange that he was going out on a date with his boss, however he would never have missed this chance. Caid hoped that House was not going to snap at the sever however and he eyed House giving him a warning to be polite and not to snap at Johnny who was rather kind towards the two of them.

Once House had ordered his drink the server went off to fill the order out and Caid let out a heavy sigh. "Thank you for holding your temper and not being rude. He was just being polite." he said to House and gave the older man a smile. He watched House for awhile then jumped slightly as Johnny came back with their drinks and Caid's chicken wings before walking off again. "You want some?" Caid asked and smiled up at House as he pushed a second plate towards House so that he could take his helping. "So um, what do you have in mind, uh for this weekend?" Caid asked as he flushed beet red in the face and took a few sips of his drink. He knew one thing for sure, his ass was going to be taken many times that weekend, not that he minded however.
"You and me both." House said,arching a brow at the men who were pretending to be gay.What part of lesbian didn't they understand? It wasn't as if they were going to magically turn hetero and want to go home with them or something.He'd had patients who would lie about extramarital affairs just to keep their sham of a marriage together,which would hinder House's efforts to treat their child.Then he'd have to pry everything out of the "father",which wasted precious time.Everybody lies.The only variable was about what. "Yeah.They're trying way too hard to emulate the stereotypical gay man,which isn't always accurate." Sure,there were flamboyant gay men,but then there were those you never would have pegged for gay,like House himself. "I didn't know you had siblings.I have a cousin who's a lesbian."

After House ordered,he looked around.The bar was full of gay men,and posers alike.The scent of cigarette smoke,beer and cologne hung in the air,and mingled with the smell of the bar food.Conversations and laughter could be heard.Some people were playing billiards,others darts.There were even some occupied video poker machines.A radio blared unfamiliar new music,as some people danced and sang to it.

House smiled. "You're welcome.I think it helps that I have somebody who's nice about reminding me.Besides,it's just part of his job." He said. "Sure.Well,I've got some toys at my place,so I figured we could have some fun with those." The older man added quietly,knowing how prone to embarrassment his lover was.It was adorable,really.Watching Caid blush and be shy.He never got to experience that with a lover before. "It's really cute how shy you get."
Caid blushed madly once more when House spoke about sex toys back at his place and the boy bit his bottom lip. He then went red from head to toe when House said he was cute with how shy he was. "Oh uh thank you, lots of people find it annoying when I get so shy." Caid said sipping his drink and eating his wings. He swallowed hard a few times his mind running back to what had happened at the hospital. He wanted House so badly, he wanted that huge cock buried back deep with in his ass. He watched for awhile as House finished his wings and drink but before he could go and pay Caid payed first and nodded his head. "You can pay next time." he laughed gently and bit his bottom lip as he looked down at his crotch, he had boner in his jeans and he wanted it to be gone, it would be hard though.

Caid now that they were done got up with House and headed back outside where they got on his bike and headed off to the place where Gregory House lived. "Thanks for the fun time at the bar, though we should go to a restaurant next time." Caid said as he followed House into his home. "Nice place you got here, but yes I have five siblings in all, the two who died, two who are in the navy and army and my twin sister who lives in Ireland where she works for a farmer." he muttered and stared around the living room and sat down on the couch for a few moments and removed his shoes. "Uh so what kind of toys do you have? All I own is a dildo." Caid said beet red once more as he slowly stood up and walked over to House and smiled.

House would be able to see that Caid was rock hard once more in his pants as he stared up into the older male's eyes. "Do you know how badly I want you inside of me?" Caid whispered as he touched House's chest then leaned up on his tip toes and kissed House on the lips. House could feel the boy's hard cock pushing against his thigh. Caid groaned and slipped his hand into House's pants and grabbed his cock gently and stroked his hand up and down the older male's shaft. He sure enjoyed the feel of House's huge penis as it throbbed and hardened in his hand. He could hardly wait to feel that cock rubbing against this prostate once more, moving in and out of him while House did things to his body and caused him pleasure.
"You're welcome." House said. "I don't see how anyone could think it was annoying,but to each his own I guess." He just thought it suited Caid so well.It complimented everything about the Scotsman so very well. "Sounds good." As they got up to leave,the bar seemed deader.People moved to the doors.The bartender was closing out tabs and cleaning off his counters.Some people left with their chosen hook ups for the night.The radio was turned off and unplugged,and the lights began to die down.The janitors came in and started to sweep the place down.

"You're welcome.Next time,you can pick where we go." House said,starting up his motorcycle and driving toward his place. "Thanks.That's quite a bit of siblings." And they had an array of different jobs,too. "Well,I've got pretty much everything you can imagine,but I won't use any of the rougher stuff on you." House wondered what sorts of places Caid would want to go to.Maybe a quieter bar,or a sit-down restaurant.Or even dinner and a movie.There was really only one way to find out.He usually just went to a bar and had a beer or two by himself,or sometimes with Wilson.

"I have a pretty good idea,yeah." House said.He kissed Caid back.The older man groaned softly when Caid started stroking his cock. "God,you're really fucking good at this." He murmured,his eyes closing halfway in contentment.House licked his lips and pushed Caid down on the couch.He opened the boy's shirt and leaned down to kiss his neck.House loved how soft Caid's skin was,how he smelled and felt.He just loved him. "What about you? What sorts of things are you into?"
Caid groaned and arched up as House pushed him back onto the couch and he stared up into the older male's eyes. "I didn't know that I was that good. I mean I have only played with myself and not anyone else until now." Caid whimpered in reply as he felt House's mouth moving over his chest and it sent shivers through his young body. He felt his own cock harden even more in his pants and he moved his free hand down, opened his pants and pulled his own cock out. Caid then moved his other hand up and down his own shaft as he stared into House's eyes now and again his right hand working up and down House's massive shaft. "What kind of thing am I into, well if you mean sexually I haven't done to much in my short life." Caid said blushing even redder panting slightly now.

"I have done stuff with a dildo before, um I well have watched porn." Caid croaked as his nipples grew hard from the cold air of the room and House's mouth moving over his pale and scarred flesh. Caid shifted his body and put their cocks together so their shafts were rubbing. He held his right hand over them and began to jerk the both of them off together. "I do like trying new things but I don't like anything that involves tying my feet up, it freaks me out." whispered and moaned Caid at the same time as he kept bucking his hips up and down gently grinding his penis against's House. "I like having your cock up my ass the best though. But if you want to explore me then go ahead just be gentle." Caid whispered panting even harder now.

"What kind of things do you have, I mean toy wise? I have seen dildos, cock rings, ass beads, vibrators. Um... what else, I have seen that type of lube that heats up when you fuck, oh and I also seen anal plugs." Caid said as his own cock started to leak pre cum down his shaft and some onto House's cock. "Hnnn I am going to cum so hard again. I want you to cum inside me though, soon." whimpered Caid as he licked his lips. He moved his free hand up and lifted House's head and kissed him hard on the lips again his eyes shut. House could see that the boy was so very horny and he was willing to try some new things out as long as it didn't involve any pain, that was one thing that Caid hated.
House licked his lips. "That's how you do it.Find out what you like first,and go from there." Caid may have only played with himself,but God damn,he definitely knew what he was doing. "I was really hoping you'd say that." It meant that he'd get to share a lot of Caid's firsts with him,and that was always good. "Have you ever been rimmed?"

House groaned when their shafts rubbed together. "Yeah,feet being tied up is just...I'm not a fan either." He didn't like the idea of his legs (especially his bad one) being denied natural motion. "I like that best,too.You feel really good." He loved the way Caid would clamp down around him.

"I've got all of the above,and more." House said. "I have paddles,floggers,whips,chains.You name it,I've probably got it." To him,the fuller the arsenal,the better.Wilson was quite the masochist,so he'd needed to get a variety of different things.House himself wasn't so keen on pain.House briefly thought about tying Caid's hands up,but he liked it when the Scotsman touched him.It was like a jolt of electricity passing through him.He kissed Caid back,finding himself incredibly turned on by the force the younger man had used. "Is there anything you've always wanted to try?"
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