Doctor Feel Good, House Rp (Me & HerrFuckface)


Feb 11, 2015
His name was Caid Selvon and he was an 18 year old med student who had just recently turned 18. He was a small boy about 5'5 with long blond hair he wore in a pony tail and dark brown eyes. He was feminine like, he only weighed a light 120lbs and his skin was very pale but almost perfect. Many people thought he should have been a model but Caid's mother had been a Doctor so he wanted to follow in her footsteps, he had ever since he was 13 and now his dream had come true. He was rather smart and had graduated at top of his class and very early.

Caid had recently moved from Scotland to New Jersey where he took up a job working at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital under Dr. Gregory House who most people hated. Sure Caid was almost always annoyed with House and most of the time he would hold his tongue but recently House had been getting on Caid's nerves and he was sure it was on purpose. Caid was always a nice and sweet boy but recently he had gone silent when ever Gregory popped up, he was trying his best not to burst out and yell at his boss.

Caid had just started his shift the day after his 18th Birthday and it was 12 in the afternoon. He was busy working with a few drunk patient and was unlucky to have a man come in with a dildo stuck up his ass. "I will see what I can do. I will get you in touch with the Anesthesiologist and we can get that removed today. Your going to have to sleep, it will be painful to remove while your awake." Caid said to the man who was laying on his stomach, his ass in the air and a blanket over him.
HollowSoul said:
His name was Caid Selvon and he was an 18 year old med student who had just recently turned 18. He was a small boy about 5'5 with long blond hair he wore in a pony tail and dark brown eyes. He was feminine like, he only weighed a light 120lbs and his skin was very pale but almost perfect. Many people thought he should have been a model but Caid's mother had been a Doctor so he wanted to follow in her footsteps, he had ever since he was 13 and now his dream had come true. He was rather smart and had graduated at top of his class and very early.

Caid had recently moved from Scotland to New Jersey where he took up a job working at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital under Dr. Gregory House who most people hated. Sure Caid was almost always annoyed with House and most of the time he would hold his tongue but recently House had been getting on Caid's nerves and he was sure it was on purpose. Caid was always a nice and sweet boy but recently he had gone silent when ever Gregory popped up, he was trying his best not to burst out and yell at his boss.

Caid had just started his shift the day after his 18th Birthday and it was 12 in the afternoon. He was busy working with a few drunk patient and was unlucky to have a man come in with a dildo stuck up his ass. "I will see what I can do. I will get you in touch with the Anesthesiologist and we can get that removed today. Your going to have to sleep, it will be painful to remove while your awake." Caid said to the man who was laying on his stomach, his ass in the air and a blanket over him.

Gregory House gave an exasperated sigh as he finally got out of bed.A couple of his neighbors had been extremely loud and irritating last night,which meant that he hardly got any sleep.Maybe he'd dozed here or there for a few minutes,but as far as actual sleep,he got jack shit.

"Figures..." House murmured as he grabbed his cane and stood up.All of the assholes who had kept him up were now quiet as mice and sleeping themselves.The doctor sighed and went into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee.Oh,yeah.He was definitely going to need that today.Five cups ought to do it.

It came as no surprise to House that he had a plethora of annoying neighbors.Directly across from him was old lady Miller,who was legally deaf in both ears.She would often have her hearing aids on full blast (though the left one's volume setting was starting to malfunction.) Often times,she would have it turned up all the way,but she couldn't actually hear anything.Last night,she had the tv blaring,the noisy dishwasher running and her fucking record player on full blast.

Then there were the newlyweds,next door who had been married for an entire week.They were probably his least favorite.Every fucking night without fail,they were screwing.Moaning and screaming and the creaking of their bed frame.Last night,he'd had enough.He'd taken his cane and pounded on the wall where their bed was. "Don't drink too much,Jack! You wouldn't want to end up with a case of whiskey dick,now would you?" All of the sudden,all the racket stopped the next thing he heard was Tiffany,Jack's wife bursting out laughing.

House grabbed everything he needed for work and walked out to his motorcycle.Hell,maybe Jack would drink himself to death and en up destroying his liver.Today was going to be one of those days.A day where anything and everything could and would annoy him.He could feel it in his bones.House parked his motorcycle and walked into the hospital. "Alright,Chase.What do we got?"

Chase grimaced. "Well,some bloke came in with a dildo stuck up his ass.He was off his face,and somehow...that happened.Caid is trying to get him some anesthesia so we can take it out."

((Very nice! Also,extra points for giving Caid an accent.I love those!))
Caid let out a groan as the man was finally taken away, put to sleep and about to have the dildo pulled out of his ass. "That is why you shouldn't by things so short, nor push them so far into your rectum." he said to another student by the name of Kali, she was like a sister to Caid. He muttered something walking passed the nurses who giggled, they loved his thick Scottish accent and thought that ht was sexy when he was angry. However Caid ignored it, sure he didn't mind woman but they didn't float his way sexually, no the boy was a virgin who had an eye for guys. However he had never told anyone this however, not that he minded though.

As Caid turned a corner he suddenly froze and narrowed his eyes seeing Chase talking to House. "Oh I am not in the fucking mood for his bullshit right now." Caid muttered to himself. He made his way around the nurses station and headed up to the elevator. He made his way to the next floor checking on another patient who had, had surgery the day before. Caid had been the only one who was able to figure out the child had swallowed a sewing needle which cut his insides open. So to two of his teammates stupidity poor Caid had to watch House yell at them and fire them one by one, yet he still remained with three other people.

After he had vanished checking on his patient he made his way back down to emergency frowning still as to see House moving about, lurking as he did. He took his next patient, this was a little girl this time and she had very pale skin and looked very sickly. Caid spoke to the mother and a sad expression grew on his face. The girl was starting to lose vision in one of her eyes while she had a sore throat and Caid was very worried about what it was. "Let me grab Doctor Chase." he said popping his head out. "Chase, can I have a hand here, if you got a moment." he called out not wanting to call to Gregory who was bothering the nurses again.
HollowSoul said:
Caid let out a groan as the man was finally taken away, put to sleep and about to have the dildo pulled out of his ass. "That is why you shouldn't by things so short, nor push them so far into your rectum." he said to another student by the name of Kali, she was like a sister to Caid. He muttered something walking passed the nurses who giggled, they loved his thick Scottish accent and thought that ht was sexy when he was angry. However Caid ignored it, sure he didn't mind woman but they didn't float his way sexually, no the boy was a virgin who had an eye for guys. However he had never told anyone this however, not that he minded though.

As Caid turned a corner he suddenly froze and narrowed his eyes seeing Chase talking to House. "Oh I am not in the fucking mood for his bullshit right now." Caid muttered to himself. He made his way around the nurses station and headed up to the elevator. He made his way to the next floor checking on another patient who had, had surgery the day before. Caid had been the only one who was able to figure out the child had swallowed a sewing needle which cut his insides open. So to two of his teammates stupidity poor Caid had to watch House yell at them and fire them one by one, yet he still remained with three other people.

After he had vanished checking on his patient he made his way back down to emergency frowning still as to see House moving about, lurking as he did. He took his next patient, this was a little girl this time and she had very pale skin and looked very sickly. Caid spoke to the mother and a sad expression grew on his face. The girl was starting to lose vision in one of her eyes while she had a sore throat and Caid was very worried about what it was. "Let me grab Doctor Chase." he said popping his head out. "Chase, can I have a hand here, if you got a moment." he called out not wanting to call to Gregory who was bothering the nurses again.

House was quite preoccupied watching Caid tend to his patients.The way the nurses swooned over the young Scott's man didn't escape his notice. Oh,please.Like they'd even know what to do with a man. He thought,biting back his jealousy.

One of the nurses turned to House and frowned.She was trying to make her rounds,and having the older man hovering over her like that wasn't exactly comforting. "...Don't you have patients to see,Dr. House?" She ventured.

House popped a couple of vicodin like they were candy. "Nope." He said simply.After an incident that occurred earlier in the week involving a high House and a botched operation,Cuddy cut the amount of vicodin he received in half. "Cuddy's PMSing or something,and she doesn't think I can do my job right.It should be illegal to be that much of a bitch."

Just then,Cuddy walked in. "You almost killed an eight year old on Tuesday because you were high as a fucking kite,House.What the hell am I supposed to think?" She said,straightening some papers on her desk. "Honestly? I'm surprised her parents didn't sue you for malpractice."

"Sure thing." Chase said,going into the exam room where Caid was.When sparks were flying (especially between House and Cuddy),he did not want to be caught in the crossfire. "So,Caid,how do you think we should examine this girl?" Chase sort of took the liberty of helping to actually train Caid.He was a very sweet kid,and he enjoyed working with him.Hopefully House wouldn't drive him off by,well...just being House.
Caid looked back over at Chase and he nodded his head when the Aussie asked his question. "Yes of course we should examine her. She says she is losing her vision in one eye and has a sore throat. I want to see what is making her lose her vision and runs tests on what is causing her sore throat. It could be more than just a normal cold or sore throat." Caid said as he began to examine the girl before he pulled his gloves off after ten minutes of checking the girl out. "I want her to stay here for awhile, I think it would be safer. I will put you under my friend Leo's care." he said and looked at Chase.

"Leo can help with the throat and the eyes. He has more experience and that is what he used to work in." He said talking about one of the older medical students who had happened to be a eye doctor. "I however am pretty sure she has strep throat however, I will make sure she gets some antibiotics." Caid said before he looked out the curtains and narrowed his eyes watching House. When Cuddy looked his way he smiled a her before turning back to look at Chase and he wrote a prescription down for the girl's antibiotics while referring them to his friend for her eyes and loss of vision.

Caid bit his lip again his head felt a bit sore and he had a feeling he had a headache coming on but he wanted to ignore it. "Looks like House and Cuddy are going at each other again. Is House ever going to untwist his panties, they are always in a knot." growled the Scots man as he walked out of the room with Chase. "I have to go and check on the guy who had the dildo up his rectum. I just got buzzed that they got the dildo out alright." Caid said to Chase his face blushing slightly Chase probably had seen funny things before.
HollowSoul said:
Caid looked back over at Chase and he nodded his head when the Aussie asked his question. "Yes of course we should examine her. She says she is losing her vision in one eye and has a sore throat. I want to see what is making her lose her vision and runs tests on what is causing her sore throat. It could be more than just a normal cold or sore throat." Caid said as he began to examine the girl before he pulled his gloves off after ten minutes of checking the girl out. "I want her to stay here for awhile, I think it would be safer. I will put you under my friend Leo's care." he said and looked at Chase.

"Leo can help with the throat and the eyes. He has more experience and that is what he used to work in." He said talking about one of the older medical students who had happened to be a eye doctor. "I however am pretty sure she has strep throat however, I will make sure she gets some antibiotics." Caid said before he looked out the curtains and narrowed his eyes watching House. When Cuddy looked his way he smiled a her before turning back to look at Chase and he wrote a prescription down for the girl's antibiotics while referring them to his friend for her eyes and loss of vision.

Caid bit his lip again his head felt a bit sore and he had a feeling he had a headache coming on but he wanted to ignore it. "Looks like House and Cuddy are going at each other again. Is House ever going to untwist his panties, they are always in a knot." growled the Scots man as he walked out of the room with Chase. "I have to go and check on the guy who had the dildo up his rectum. I just got buzzed that they got the dildo out alright." Caid said to Chase his face blushing slightly Chase probably had seen funny things before.

Chase nodded as Caid answered his questions. "Good call.I think staying here would be the best thing for her." The Aussie was deeply relieved that the girl was Caid's patient instead of House's.Sure,the guy was brilliant,but his bedside manner stunk.

"Yep.That's pretty much just what they do." Chase said,updating the information on the girl's chart and getting her ready to be transferred into Leo's care.

"Oi.That had to hurt bad." Just thinking about it made Chase grimace. "I don't think that's possible,mate.I think maybe they're permanently twisted.He probably has a permanent wedgie,too..."

House rolled his eyes. "Come find me when your aunt Flo leaves." He said flatly before walking off.

Cuddy bit back her anger.Why did House have to be such a dick? And why did she have to be in love with him? Why couldn't she just stop caring?
"Oh well House will never change. Maybe he has a dildo up his ass along with a stick." he whispered softly and then nodded to Cuddy who had walked by. "Have a good morning." Caid said gently to her before he turned back to Chase. "Thanks for your help Chase, I rather have you than have House. That man seriously makes my skin crawl." Caid whispered then frowned as he noticed House getting closer and closer before he went over to the nurse's station look for another patient to take. "Sorry hun no one yet." said an old black nurse and that made Caid smile a bit though he was wondering if House had scared all the patients away.

"Its alright Mira, that is a good thing when no one is here. It means that no one has been hurt or that they are in pain." Caid said speaking in his deep Scottish accent. He pushed a few stray blond hairs out of his face before he turned walking smack into House. "Excuse me Doctor House." Caid said simply his face almost emotionless. Sure he was both pissed and annoyed but that is something that he did not like to share. Oh he wanted to bug House, he wanted to tease the old man but the boy wouldn't he knew better, he knew that House would get all pissy and start snapping at him yet again.

"Hope your having a good day." Caid said softly as he walked around House and grasped a folder from one of the nurses. "Can you make sure Dean Chester from room 883 gets discharged tomorrow morning. He is the one who had the sex toy in his rectum." Caid said with a serious face to the nurse. "Sure right away Caid." she said blushing slightly before she went to work. "Is there anything I can do for you. Doctor House?" Caid said going about his work with out even looking House in the face, no he was just ignoring the old man the best he could for the time being.
Chase laughed. "Yeah.Who knows what all he's got up there." He said. "You're welcome.I'm glad I could help you.Well,a lot of people feel the same,so you aren't alone there."

Because of his lack of sleep,it took House a minute to register that Caid had run into him.He murmured something,but it didn't really seen to bother him.Hell,this was actually the tamest part of his morning so far.

"Not really.I've had better." House said,taking a drink of coffee.What cup was he on now? Fourth? Fifth? Fuck if he knew. "Actually,I could use some help grabbing some things from the supply room." House knew exactly how he wanted to release his tension.Caid was hot,feminine and he had a great ass.

Oh,and he hates me,too. Maybe,on some deeper level,Caid was attracted to him.God,he hoped so.
Caid stared up at House slightly shocked the man had not roared in anger or made a rude comment towards him. He bit his lip and looked over at the nurse's station and then forced himself to look House straight in the eyes. He did feel a bit better about Chase's words though, he was glad he was not alone and people liked him. "You know you could at least say please if you want someone to help you." snapped Caid suddenly to House and he put down a clipboard on the desk.

"But since you didn't make an asshole of yourself this morning then I will help you out." Caid said rather coldly before he grabbed his pen back from his clipboard and put it in his pocket before he turned and headed off with House as he limped off. He spotted Cuddy as they walked past her in another room and he raised his brow before shaking his head and kept on walking. He had patients to get to, to help and here House was hogging his time.

He was unaware that House was attracted to him, unaware that House wanted to take his ass as his own. He followed House to one of the bigger storage rooms and raised his brow. "Alright, what all do you need?" he asked his blonde/white bangs falling into his eyes slightly. He moved then away with his slender, pale skinned hand and let out a sigh. "I need to get back soon, Mary is late and I am the only other med student helping out down there." Caid muttered softly.
HollowSoul said:
Caid stared up at House slightly shocked the man had not roared in anger or made a rude comment towards him. He bit his lip and looked over at the nurse's station and then forced himself to look House straight in the eyes. He did feel a bit better about Chase's words though, he was glad he was not alone and people liked him. "You know you could at least say please if you want someone to help you." snapped Caid suddenly to House and he put down a clipboard on the desk.

"But since you didn't make an asshole of yourself this morning then I will help you out." Caid said rather coldly before he grabbed his pen back from his clipboard and put it in his pocket before he turned and headed off with House as he limped off. He spotted Cuddy as they walked past her in another room and he raised his brow before shaking his head and kept on walking. He had patients to get to, to help and here House was hogging his time.

He was unaware that House was attracted to him, unaware that House wanted to take his ass as his own. He followed House to one of the bigger storage rooms and raised his brow. "Alright, what all do you need?" he asked his blonde/white bangs falling into his eyes slightly. He moved then away with his slender, pale skinned hand and let out a sigh. "I need to get back soon, Mary is late and I am the only other med student helping out down there." Caid muttered softly.

"Yeah,I guess I could have." House said as they walked.Because of the lack of sleep,he wasn't as much of an asshole as he normally was.It was like his personality had been diluted or something.

Once they were in the storage room,House pinned Caid's body to the nearest wall with his own. "I need you." The older man answered huskily.House brought Caid's arms over his head,and held them there.

House then leaned in to kiss him deeply.The fact that the kid stood up to him was actually a turn on.In the back of his mind was the possibility that Caid would push him away.But if he didn't take the chance,he knew he'd regret it.

And this whole on again off again thing with Cuddy was getting old really fast.Not to mention the fact that she was constantly fucking with his Vicodin.
Caid went wide eyed as he felt his boss pin his hands above his head inside the store room them those words started to ring in his ears. "Why would house need me?" he thought. He suddenly gasped and cried out softly against House's warm lips and felt a shiver go down his spine. He could hardly believe it, his boss was kissing him on the lips. He never thought House was the type to be with men, this left Caid rather shocked from all the thoughts going through his head. Caid stared up into House's eyes, his heart beating loudly in his chest. He was half Gregory House's age and now this man had him pinned inside a storage closet and was forcing Caid to kiss him.

The boy squirmed and pushed. his hands however unable to pull free from House's grip just yet. He pulled his head away when he got a chance and glared at Gregory. "What the fucking hell do you think your doing House? Your my boss....what the fuck..." he snarled as he squirmed pulling at the hands that were wrapped around his wrists. He felt his face was slightly red as well and Caid was starting to grow hot. He could hardly believe that he was starting to react to Greg's kiss, this shocked the poor boy slightly. He had never been kissed by a man before and it actually felt rather good.

Caid was pulling and tugging as hard as he could trying to rip his arms free, he wanted to get out of that closet as fast as he could. "Let go of me damn it, let go of me you damn pervert." snapped the boy his accent thick and heavy in the air. He looked about but all there was is medical supplies in the room and the door was rather thick. He had a feeling no one would really be able to hear him if he yelled or cried for help. "Why would you do such a thing? I know your an asshole but I never thought you would sink this low, House." he snarled and pushed his body as flat as he could against the wall behind him.
House felt Caid shiver,and heard his heart beating fast.These were the types of reactions the older man wanted.People lied,bodies didn't.No one at the hospital knee he was gay.House wasn't ashamed of it,he just wasn't waving a banner around,so to speak.He wasn't flamboyant.

"I'm going after what I want." House answered,matter of factly. "You're squirming,but your body is getting hot.You've never been kissed by a man,have you?" That fact actually surprised House.Caid was very attractive,and he figured the boy would have at least kissed another man by now.

"You're sexy when you're angry." House said.The thickness of his accent settled in his ears. "Because you drive my hormones crazy.Because you have the balls to stand up to me when everyone else pisses down their legs.I've wanted to do this since the day I first laid eyes on you."

House ground against Caid,and looked him dead in the eyes. "Do you really want me to stop?" The older man asked. "Because your body doesn't seem to want me to..."
Caid was spitting furious at House now, the mans words made a shutter go through the boy's body and he whimpered. "I don't know if I should even accept those so called compliments from you. From all I know, you could be making fun of me." snarled the boy as he pushed harder against the wall but he bit his lips feeling House's crotch pushing against his own. "Going after what you want, seriously House....its rather immature to go after something this way." Caid spat and kept his glare on House's face though he felt his cock slightly harden between his legs from the pressure of House's knee pushing against him.

"So what is I haven't been kissed before, does it really matter? Maybe I was saying that for someone who I loved." Caid snapped again as he let out a small and weak groan. His body was so hot now, another shiver went through him and he could still taste House's kiss on his lips. He clamped his eyes shut the older male's ears still ringing away inside of Caid's head and he could hardly believe what was still happening between both of them. "So what, someone had to grow a pair and stand up to you sooner or later." hissed the angry boy.

"I am sick and tired of you walking all over us, me mainly. I won't have it anymore so you better show me respect." Snarled Caid as he shuttered again. He however shut his mouth and did not answer when House asked about Caid really wanting the older male wanting to stop. "Why don't to figure it our for yourself House. I know you have some brains in that old skill of yours." he growled trying to get free. Caid let out another sigh and just weakly slumped against the wall once more as he tried to catch his breath.
"It doesn't really matter if you believe me or not.Those are the facts." House said.It was all about being right.Proving to everyone else how superior he was. "Immature? Sure.Effective definitely". The boy was getting turned on,but trying not to let it show.That was highly arousing.

"Love?" House asked,his tone drenched in skepticism. "Nice to know somebody has balls." Luckily for him,they were big,and growing hard.

"Are you?" The older man asked,not entirely convinced.House ground against Caid once more before one of his hands moved to undo the boy's belt. "What are you going to do about it then,Caid?" He was still able to hold both of the boy's arms down with one of his own.Despite being crippled,his upper body strength was actually pretty good.

The sound of Caid's zipper being unzipped rang in his ears. "I intend to." House smirked to himself.The boy was supposedly tired of being stepped on by him,but he was also turned on by his actions.After pushing down Caid's pants and underwear,he licked his lips before taking his cock entirely into his mouth.

It had been a while since House had done this,but he didn't have a gag reflex,so he didn't need to ease into it,thankfully.

A chill raced down his spine.House let his tongue caress Caid's shaft slowly,teasingly.He was determined to make this feisty Scotsman his.Or at least make his body betray what he was saying.Better yet,why not both? A muffled moan escaped him.
He narrowed his eyes growing more and more angrily from what House was saying but his body was growing hotter and hotter from the way House ground into his crotch. "Your going to get into so much trouble for this, you know that?" he snapped and squirmed with his arms again, them still pinned above his head. He felt another shiver go up his spine and he wondered why his body was reacting to his boss this way. House was going to be his first, he gulped at this and grit his teeth together wondering if House was going to just fuck him with our preparing him first.

Caid could hardly believe how strong his boss was, even though he had a cane. "I am going to get you in trouble for this. I am going to make sure Cuddy finds out." Caid hissed then went wide eyed as he felt his belt coming undone before it was followed by the zipper to his jeans. Caid yelped slightly as he felt the cool air of the room hit his sex inch cock still not fully hard just yet as House shoved his pants and boxers down towards his ankles and he raised his eyebrow in shock. "What the fuck." he groaned and before he knew it he felt a warm wet cave around his shaft.

Caid squirmed and bit his bottom lip as his cock instantly went its full 6 inches and he felt his dick grow fatter and fatter until it was 2 inches in girth. He could hardly believe he was acting this way, his own boss was sucking his cock off. Caid's arms grew weak at his sides and he shut his eyes trying his hardest not to thrust his cock into Gregory's throat. Oh but this man's mouth felt so good around his cock, he wanted more, oh he wanted so much more. Caid could feel his cock actually aching with need the more his boss sucked him.

"" Caid growled as his hands now free moved forward and grasped onto a few boxes at his sides to hold himself up. House's tongue was so warm and wet, and skilled as it ran down Caid's cock. The boy bit his lip hard trying not to cry out or to make noise. Caid's face was so red and flushed now from just the way his cock was being sucked, he felt his legs trembling a bit and slumped down onto a box his legs spread slightly, he still had his trousers and boxers, as well as his shoes around his ankles.
HollowSoul said:
He narrowed his eyes growing more and more angrily from what House was saying but his body was growing hotter and hotter from the way House ground into his crotch. "Your going to get into so much trouble for this, you know that?" he snapped and squirmed with his arms again, them still pinned above his head. He felt another shiver go up his spine and he wondered why his body was reacting to his boss this way. House was going to be his first, he gulped at this and grit his teeth together wondering if House was going to just fuck him with our preparing him first.

Caid could hardly believe how strong his boss was, even though he had a cane. "I am going to get you in trouble for this. I am going to make sure Cuddy finds out." Caid hissed then went wide eyed as he felt his belt coming undone before it was followed by the zipper to his jeans. Caid yelped slightly as he felt the cool air of the room hit his sex inch cock still not fully hard just yet as House shoved his pants and boxers down towards his ankles and he raised his eyebrow in shock. "What the fuck." he groaned and before he knew it he felt a warm wet cave around his shaft.

Caid squirmed and bit his bottom lip as his cock instantly went its full 6 inches and he felt his dick grow fatter and fatter until it was 2 inches in girth. He could hardly believe he was acting this way, his own boss was sucking his cock off. Caid's arms grew weak at his sides and he shut his eyes trying his hardest not to thrust his cock into Gregory's throat. Oh but this man's mouth felt so good around his cock, he wanted more, oh he wanted so much more. Caid could feel his cock actually aching with need the more his boss sucked him.

"" Caid growled as his hands now free moved forward and grasped onto a few boxes at his sides to hold himself up. House's tongue was so warm and wet, and skilled as it ran down Caid's cock. The boy bit his lip hard trying not to cry out or to make noise. Caid's face was so red and flushed now from just the way his cock was being sucked, he felt his legs trembling a bit and slumped down onto a box his legs spread slightly, he still had his trousers and boxers, as well as his shoes around his ankles.

House closed his eyes in contentment.The heat and the sensation of Caid's cock in his mouth was positively orgasmic.The threat of getting in trouble was pretty arousing too,actually.Maybe Cuddy would get jealous,and that would be great!

House's hands moved to Caid's hips.The older man traced the chiseled bones there,loving how soft his skin was.The Scotsman had goosebumps from the cold air hitting his skin.God,this was too fucking perfect.Better than he imagined.

A pleased albeit muffled sound escaped House when he felt Caid's cock growing.He let his teeth graze the boy's shaft slightly.His tongue worked on the head,dipping in and out of the sensitive slit.He shifted slightly as his jeans began to grow tight.

House knew Caid's hands were free,as he'd heard him grab the boxes.He felt the boy's legs trembling,and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.House opened his eyes and looked up.He saw that Caid's legs were spread,and that sent his hormones into overdrive.House pulled back and once again looked him in the eyes. "That can be arranged." He said,a bit breathlessly. "But I need to know whether you want it or not.I may be an asshole,but I won't fuck you unless you want me to."
Caid actually could tell that House was enjoying his cock in his mouth, the boy was growing more and more aroused as seconds passed into minutes. He could hardly believe that House was moaning as well from pleasure because of how hard Caid had grown inside of his mouth. The boy still was to weak now to do anything and he wanted nothing more than to cum hard into House's mouth. He cried out softly as he felt House's mouth move in and out of the slit at the head of his cock, he could hardly believe how much this man was teasing his young, virgin body.

Caid almost cried when House pulled away from his cock and he felt how painful it was now with no warm mouth wrapped around it. However his mouth dropped open in shock when Gregory House admitted he would not fuck Caid with out his consent. The boy groaned and whimpered slightly as he stared at his rock hard cock and he couldn't help but clutch it. "Well its kind of your fault you made me this way. I think it would be best if you took responsibility for your actions House." Caid said and narrowed his eyes glaring at House.

However Caid had a soft spot for Gregory deep down inside of his soul. He knew that House actually cared and wasn't really that bad of a man. "Look if your going to take me, I am a virgin, do not make fun of me. And please be gentle with me, I am not into that rough stuff. But still, you should be ashamed of yourself for causing such a problem for me. You know that you could get in trouble with Cuddy for taking one of your students, let alone having homosexual acts with a man?" he said panting hard as he moved to touch his rock hard cock between his legs.
HollowSoul said:
Caid actually could tell that House was enjoying his cock in his mouth, the boy was growing more and more aroused as seconds passed into minutes. He could hardly believe that House was moaning as well from pleasure because of how hard Caid had grown inside of his mouth. The boy still was to weak now to do anything and he wanted nothing more than to cum hard into House's mouth. He cried out softly as he felt House's mouth move in and out of the slit at the head of his cock, he could hardly believe how much this man was teasing his young, virgin body.

Caid almost cried when House pulled away from his cock and he felt how painful it was now with no warm mouth wrapped around it. However his mouth dropped open in shock when Gregory House admitted he would not fuck Caid with out his consent. The boy groaned and whimpered slightly as he stared at his rock hard cock and he couldn't help but clutch it. "Well its kind of your fault you made me this way. I think it would be best if you took responsibility for your actions House." Caid said and narrowed his eyes glaring at House.

However Caid had a soft spot for Gregory deep down inside of his soul. He knew that House actually cared and wasn't really that bad of a man. "Look if your going to take me, I am a virgin, do not make fun of me. And please be gentle with me, I am not into that rough stuff. But still, you should be ashamed of yourself for causing such a problem for me. You know that you could get in trouble with Cuddy for taking one of your students, let alone having homosexual acts with a man?" he said panting hard as he moved to touch his rock hard cock between his legs.

"I agree." House said,moving the boxes out of the way.The older man took off his jacket and laid it down on the floor before gently picking Caid up and laying him on the jacket.

"I won't make fun of you." House said,moving to search for a condom and some unscented lotion.This was pretty much the go to room for sex and make outs.There were condoms tucked behind a box of rubbing alcohol wipes.House snatched one up and moved to grab the lotion.

"I do feel bad about causing a problem for you." House said honestly.Caid was a bright kid,and he definitely had potential in this field. "If anyone finds out about this,I'll take full responsibility.My colleagues know the kinds of things I do,and they expect it.You shouldn't have to pay the price for my impulsiveness,and you won't." He set the condom and lotion down next to Caid.

"If Cuddy finds out I'm gay,the worst I anticipate is jealousy.She'll get sad because I'd rather suck a dick than eat her out.She'll curl up on her couch with some Häagen-Dazs Rocky road,watch a sappy Lifetime movie,go through a box of Kleenex and get over it." His tone was neutral,with undertones of softness and not malicious like one would expect.

House poured some lotion onto his fingers. "I'm going to stretch you now.I'll be careful.If it hurts too much,tell me to stop,and I will." As gently as he could,House slid a sickened digit into Caid's virgin anus.The tightness and heat surrounding his finger felt so damn good. "Fuck..." He breathed,keeping his hand perfectly still. "Let me know when to move." House shifted slightly,getting into a position that was easier on his bad leg.
Caid was slightly shocked with the change in attitude in House and he raised his brow. Though he yelped slightly when House picked his slender body up and lay him down on his warm jacked on the floor. He bit his lip slightly as House went about searching for a condom and lotion, he was surprised there wasn't any lube in the room but he was to distracted by House's words to spot any. "I never thought you were gay, I mean I suspected Bisexual since you were sleeping with Cuddy." Caid whispered his face rather flushed as he took in House's words. He could hardly believe how this man's actions and words had turned so, so kind towards him. It slightly made Caid nervous but there was no lies behind them.

Caid gasped and let out a heavy breath when he felt House's finger slide into his ass and he grasped tightly onto the jacket that was under him. He shook his head panting softly, he was embarrassed to say he had played with himself before. "No..its alright it doesn't hurt. Are you sure you want to do it this way, your leg?" Caid whispered beet red in the face but he had worry in his eyes. He suddenly froze then he went even redder and he looked away. "I'm allergic to latex." he muttered nodding towards the condoms. "I don't want my butt to swell up." he said rather embarrassed of himself now but being a virgin he was clean, he also had been tested before becoming a med student.

Caid actually was more worried about House's leg right now and he watched the man adjust. Caid took a deep breath and moved his hand down and gently ran it over House's sore leg. He rubbed it in a soothing and gentle way which he had been taught when he was in massage school when he had been younger. Caid made sure not to press to heart, right now he wished his dick was being rubbed. With his other hand Caid moved and grasped his cock and began to jerk himself off gently. "I can't believe I am saying this but, I trust you House." he whispered having a hard time meeting the older male's eyes with the fact of his allergy being to a condom.
"Hardly anybody knows.You'd actually be the third person,counting myself." House said. "I actually thought I was bisexual for a while.Batted for both teams for good measure,and found out that women just don't do it for me." He felt comfortable telling Caid about his sexuality even though he'd treated the boy horribly.House really did like him.

House was surprised when Caid mentioned his leg.Most people just overlooked the pain,and went straight to town on his Vicodin addiction.Bringing it and all of the things he did while he was high up constantly. "Yeah,I'm sure.The pain comes and goes.It's a little sore now,but that helps a lot.Thank you...for being concerned."

House frowned when Caid said he was allergic to latex. "No,we definitely don't want you to have an allergic reaction." Especially since it could bring on anywhere symptoms from a runny nose to difficulty breathing.

When House saw Caid touching himself,his breath damn near caught in his throat.It was one of the most arousing sights he'd ever seen.The older man's free hand moved to the Scotsman's cock.Remembering that he'd said it didn't hurt,he carefully inserted another finger and made a scissoring motion. "...Thanks.Not many people have said that.I'm clean.I was tested on Monday.Wilson and I had a...thing.We were both too dominant so it didn't work out too well." They'd been seeing one another for a month,and decided to call it quits over the weekend.They were still friends,though.
Caid's mouth was open a bit in shock as House spoke to him so calmly but he did not stop the man from speaking and he nodded his head understanding slightly how House felt. Caid however from now on would always tell House off if Gregory started to be an asshole towards him again. He would make sure of it, he was tired of being pushed around by people, it had been that way since he was a child. Caid nodded when House spoke about an allergic reaction but he blushed a bit knowing he would most likely break out into hives and his ass would swell which was not a idea he liked very much. Caid shook his head at this thought and grit his teeth together as he went on listening to House speak so openly to him.

"As you would have read in my resume which you might have overlooked, I used to go to massage school. I know how to calm sore and aching muscles." whispered Caid making sure that it went into House's head. Caid gasped loudly and moved his hand away when House's bigger one grasped his six inch dick and began to jerk him off. Caid began to pant hard, his body growing hotter and hotter, sweat ran over his bare chest, soaking his shirt and jacket which he still had on. Caid then cried out softly as he felt a second finger enter him and he moaned out in pleasure his eyes shutting once more and he grasped hard at the jacket under him again now with his free hand.

"Seriously, you may be an asshole but you keep your word and you are careful. You are a good Doctor as well though gruff." panted Caid as he bucked his hips up weakly still rubbing House's thigh with his one hand. He could see House's cock straining in his pants and his face flushed slightly. "Do you want me to do anything about, about that for you?" Caid whispered as he pointed at House's crotch. The boy squirmed his body growing hotter and he began to pull his jacket off and opened his shirt up, his bare chest showed. Caid once again was slender built but alright for being toned, no body fat was on him either.
House felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders by confiding in Caid.He'd tried to do the same with Cuddy,and that failed miserably.Wilson sort of seemed to understand,but he still wanted him to go off the Vicodin,and that just wasn't going to happen.People who got addicted to pain killers started out really needing them.And then their bodies got used to the dosage,or they need to take them more often.And eventually,addiction occurs.

"Yeah,I missed that part." House admitted.His hand began caressing the shaft and he closed his eyes slightly in contentment. "You're very good at it.Why...Mm...Why did you quit?" Whatever massage parlor he would have gone on to work at was sure missing an amazing masseuse.

House smiled at what Caid said next.It was a genuine smile. "Thank you.I try to be careful.That gruffness is what keeps most people away.Part of it is just my personality.Add to that chronic pain,people not understanding how that changes people,and've got yourself a regular Prince Charming." His tone was light.He'd learned not to care whether people liked him.Hell,he'd learned to laugh at it. "Yes,please." It was easy to talk to Caid. "I...thank you for not pointing out my Vicodin addiction even though I've been an asshole to you.I know I have a problem,and hearing about it every few minutes just gets old."

((I had an idea.Since House likes Caid,he could keep a close eye out for things containing latex.Some other med student knows he's allergic and somehow manages to get some to him because he's a jerk.House saves Caid and fires the guy.What do you think?))
Caid made sure to keep his hand moving over that sore leg of House's and he bit his bottom lip as a shiver ran through his own body. His ass grew a bit looser as time went on, though his cock ached from how hard he was between the legs. "I quit because I would make more money as a med student then as a Doctor, that way I could pay for my Grandfather's debt back in Scotland. He is 90 years old, can't see or hear very well but would not do well if he was kicked from his home." whispered Caid as he looked away feeling slightly embarrassed but he let out a groan as his prostate was hit from the warm fingers that House had buried deep inside of his ass. The boy could hardly believe how much he was learning about House, it was shocking for sure still.

He blushed when House smiled at him and he groaned bucking his hips up a bit as House's hand still moved up and down his shaft, he clamped his eyes shut tightly panting hard now. "Its not up to me what people chose to do, an addiction is a hard thing but at least its not something like alcohol or heroin, that is what kill my older brothers." whispered the boy as he shifted his hand and opened House's pants and grasped gently at the older male's bigger penis. "I know what chronic pain is like." Caid whispered as he slowly pulled his shirt and jacket off fully and adjusted himself and stared into House's eyes. "My left shoulder, same problem." he muttered and suddenly arched up and groaned.

"I think I am going to cum." whispered Caid as he tried his hardest to hold back but it was hard from how good he was feeling. "Anyways I broke my shoulder blade in a fall, it still bothers me a lot today, bad pain too." whispered Caid. He then squirmed madly and before he could stop it he let out a cry of pleasure and came hard. His seed shot from his cock and rolled down his shaft over House's hand. "I am so sorry." Caid whispered and gulped as he tried to catch his breath, his face blood red from embarrassment. It just felt so good being touched and worked this way, he wanted more and so his cock stayed hard in House's hand.
House nodded. "That's very selfless.Some people become doctors so they can buy fifteen Porsches and marry super models." He said. "He's older and vulnerable...if they want to kick him out of his house in that condition,that's heartless.They should be working with him,not taking advantage of him." Disgust could be heard in his tone then.That was ridiculous.

House frowned when he heard that Caid's brothers died of heroin and alcohol addictions. "No,it isn't.And that's what makes it so hard for the people around the addict.I'm sorry." He moaned when Caid began stroking him.It felt so good. "Then you...Ah....You know how it is." Caid knew how frustrating it was not being able to do things you used to be able to.Maybe he understood the anger,too.

"That sounds bad." House said,pulling his fingers out of Caid gently when he felt him loosen up. "Maybe if you taught me some massaging,I could help you with your shoulder." He added,licking his fingers. "You don't have anything to apologize for.I wanted to make sure you were stretched thoroughly.Besides,it looks like you can cum again."

House licked his lips,and ran a hand down Caid's chest. "You're really good with a dick." The older man said,positioning himself between the Scotsman's legs.
Caid blinked watching House as he seemed to be annoyed and angry with how Caid's grandfather was being treated however he didn't keep speaking about it however, he didn't want to bother him more. Caid frowned some more when House said he was sorry and then he shut his eyes shaking his head a bit. "Your only have to be sorry for how you treat those around you." Caid reminded him as he let out a grunt. He smirked though glad that House was enjoying the way his hand moved up and down his shaft, he could feel how hard House was and it made a shiver go through the boy's body once more, he wanted the huge cock inside of his ass so badly. He almost was going to beg House for it but he forced himself not to.

Caid moaned softly as the older male pulled his fingers out of his ass and he let out a sigh missing the feel of House's fingers inside of him. "If you want mt to teach you about massage then I can." he said nodding his head softly. He however blushed beet red as he watched House lick his seed off his fingers and he bit his bottom lip. "It felt good you know, your fingers inside of me. You uh don't have to lick my seed up though." Caid said embarrassed. He flushed worse when House spoke about Caid's need to cum again and he wanted to hide his face. Caid moaned out softly as he felt House's huge hand move over his chest, it made goosebumps appear all over his flesh.

Caid hid his face into House's shoulder when the older male said Caid was good with a dick, it was embarrassing. "I uh thank you. I hardly um...never touched one as big as yours before." croaked Caid pressure sure House was a good eight inches. However he made sure to let go of House's cock and then slowly lubed it up with some of the cream. He allowed House to move between his legs, the huge cock pushing against his anus. "I really hope that I can fit you inside of me." Caid whimpered very nervous but he forced himself to relax, his cock throbbing between the two of them.
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