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Corrupted Academics (TheSilentProtagonist x Goddess)

Putting her book bag on the floor, she swung the seat slightly to the side and made herself comfortable, or at least as comfortable as she could be alone with her professor. Taking her seat, Emily was slouching forward, her legs slightly parted as she put her hands on her knees. She didn't like her professor closing the door, but wouldn't be impolite to ask him to keep it open? Would that be disrespectful and tell him she didn't trust him? Would it attest to the strange sensation she got in the pit of her stomach whenever she was alone with him, whenever he looked at her too long? "Well..." she started, trying to ignore the fact that her voice choked for half a second, "Its about my quiz..."

Emily took a breath in, pushing her hair back. "I can't take it... I mean, I tried... and I would be more than willing to take it right here and now... but..." She was looking at her knees. What she was asking didn't make much sense. Why only her? "My moodle seems to have a bug or something and it didn't let me take it. I went to the IT department and they said to talk about it with you... Is there..." Another breath, she looked up towards him. "Is there any way you can manually unlock my quiz?"
Donovan looks at how Emily is sitting, frowning at her. He sits up straight and attentive, expecting her to take the hint quickly as to how her own posture should be. It wasn’t too much to ask for some respect after all, was it? He listens to her start talking, raising an eyebrow at the girl’s words. “Your quiz, again?” He asks, putting some disbelief in his tone. He nods, though the look on his face shows that he’s starting to think she isn’t being completely truthful with him. “Well, why don’t we just check what’s happening here?” He asks her, opening his computer up and turning the monitor and keyboard to the girl so she can log in.

Once inside of moodle, Donovan clicks around a bit. Of course by now he’s already opened Emily’s quiz up for her. When she clicks to take it, the student is put into the quiz right away. “You couldn’t get in?” He asks, looking back to Emily. He lets out a sigh and rolls his seat back. The whole point of his act is to make Emily think he expects more excuses and is starting to suspect that she’s not as hard a worker as she claims. “Just go ahead and take the quiz here for now, Ms. Jones.” He says with some annoyance in his voice, folding his arms and letting her work.
Emily was now glowering with embarrassment and distrust. It had to be his doing. There was no way that, after so many tries, so much fighting to get into it, it just opened up. Her anger was boiling, along with the sense of being ridiculed. There was nothing to do now but to prove him wrong, to show him she was indeed a good student, despite his doing. Her breathing was hot and heavy as she leaned forward, still not daring to look at him as she hunched over the laptop to take the quiz.

Already having studied this, Emily answered everything quickly and smoothly. The quiz she had half an hour for she finished in less than 10 minutes, all completely ignoring the annoyance in her professor's voice, but unable to keep a scowl from her own face. She was blaming him, there was no way this was her fault. As she hit submit, she expected a perfect score in her quiz, just to shut him up. As soon as she hit submit, Emily looked at Donovan, defiant.
Donovan notices the accusatory glance, but simply ignores it. Emily had absolutely no way of proving any suspicion she had. Even if she somehow did, well, evidence had a way of disappearing around him. He isn't worried at all about letting his plan go forward. Instead, he takes the time to lean back in his chair, staying away from the computer completely as the girl works. It would make it harder for her to prove he did anything if she can't claim he was somehow using his own electronics to mess with her. Of course, that argument wouldn't exactly hold much weight to it anyways.

As his student works though, the professor does take the time to appreciate her body some more. He knows that Emily can likely feel his eyes on her, and even if she looked up, he wouldn't make any serious attempt to hide it. Once again, her word against his would not get her very far. It really was a shame the outfits she decided to wear. the clothes she did. He imagines how much fun she'd be to look at if she went with something a little more revealing... or maybe not. His cock gives an approving twitch as he wonders if Emily had gone to a Catholic school before college, and if she had the uniform to match it. He pushes the thoughts aside, focusing on the matter at hand as the girl finishes her quiz. A smirk appears on his lips when the grade pops up, but he quickly has a neutral expression back before his student can notice. He's sure that 87 must surprise her.
All the way through the quiz, she ignored his stares, and he already had a neutral expression on his face when she faced him. Once more she looked to the quiz, the grade making her eyes widen. Emily worked on stilling her breath and got up from her seat, her chest heaving still. There was no way she had gotten anything wrong, the grade had to be wrong somehow. Nothing in her time in her Catholic High School had prepared her for these situations. Everything there was so by the rules, even the way she dressed was monitored. She was not one to question authority but with him... she had an innate drive to.

"Professor, there has to be something wrong with my account," she concluded, not wanting to outright tell him of her distrust. It was obvious, but still, she wanted physical evidence. "Is there any way you could let me take the quiz outside of the computer? Like, print it out and I'll take it right here, and you can explain to me what I did wrong." Her posture was, for once, straight and strong, her head back, her shoulders up, her perky pigtails the only thing that was out of line. There was a light tint in her cheeks, hinting at a controlled, subdued rage and embarrassment. "I am going to be a doctor, and there is no way I can do that if I don't learn the material properly, right?"
Donovan holds back the urge to smirk. He couldn’t let on how much about this situation he actually knew, after all. It’s obvious the girl is suspicious now, but it hardly matters. Emily would have to make a scene for anything to be noticed, and the school did hate having a scene be made. The professor frowns, shaking his head in disappointment. “I am sorry, Ms. Jones.” He tells her, letting his body language send the message across, essentially showing how little faith he has in her now. Her insistence on a hard copy version was to be expected. The quiz grabbed the questions from a pool, giving the student a set number of them.

Donovan pretends to think it over for a minute before shrugging his shoulders. “If I print it out, you will be taking a harder version with more questions on it.” He warns her. “This will be the only time I will do this for you too, Ms. Jones, and you will have to take it right here and right now. You may have nothing on your person while you’re answering the quiz.” He warns, already printing out the quiz. “Do you agree to that?” He asks, picking up the papers and waiting for her.
Her shoulders were raised as she felt more and more uncomfortable by his stares. His tone and his body language revealed nothing, but the feeling she got on the pit of her stomach around him was becoming increasingly clear that it wasn't butterflies of an innocent crush. but a bad feeling of distrust. Her jaw clenched as he gave the conditions, and she nodded, accepting her.

"I can take the longer version, professor, I'm confident in my knowledge of the material" she said, trying to keep her voice neutral and definitely failing, the defiance, anger and embarrassment obvious. "I don't need anything to answer it." She outturned her pockets, showing she was hiding nothing there but a pencil which she placed in front of herself, She even pushed her bag to the side, to prove she wouldn't be grabbing anything from there. With her posture straight on her seat, she nodded. "I'm ready, professor."
Donovan considers for a moment making take Emily rosary off. If she does so, then the professor would have much easier access to her. No, he decides in the end. That would be too suspicious, and she’d likely raise an argument. Even worse, of word of it got out then he could face actual interrogation from the higher ups. Besides, he realizes, he had no spells prepared at the moment to give him full advantage of the short time he had in this situation. For now, he just hands over the quiz so that Emily could start work on it.

The professor taps a pencil on the table, keeping a very close eye on the girl as she works. He has to, of course. Since he was giving Emily this second chance, he had to monitor her closely to make sure that no there would be no shenanigans at all. His gaze only ever leaves her to check the time. The quiz has more than twice as many as the online version. That alone wouldn’t make it more difficult. However, Donovan isn’t giving his student any more time than she would normally have when taking the quiz. At thirty minutes exactly, he clears his throat and reaches a hand out to collect the papers. “Time is up, Ms. Jones.” He tells her. “Please put the pencil down and hand over your quiz. Working on it any further will result in you getting a zero on the assignment.”
As soon as Emily got the quiz in hand, she began working on it. She could feel her teacher's eyes on her, unsettling her and making her lag a bit, but five minutes in she just took the glasses off and concentrated on the paper, which was the only thing her nearsightedness allowed her to see without it turning into a blur. She did fidget slightly during the test, but it was not because she was nervous about it, but because she didn't understand how she could have previously gotten less than a perfect score. Her nose wrinkled in concentration, the pencil scratching the pen the only sound escaping her other other than the occasional breath.

Considering that the previous time she only took 10 minutes to finish the quiz, it was not a challenge for her to finish it in the allotted time, confidently doing the final marks on the 23 minute mark. She used all the remaining time to revise all her answers were as intended. When Donovan asked for the quiz, she had almost finished revising everything, but quickly put the pencil down and, pushing back a strand of blonde hair and her turning her bright brown eyes to look up at him, she handed him the quiz. "Of course, here you are, professor!" You'd need a miracle to get away with anything but a perfect score, she thought.
Damn, Donovan thinks to himself. He’d really been hoping to have messed Emily up on the quiz. She managed to finish in time though. Oh well. Shuffling the papers, he sits down with her, taking his sweet time grading it, going over every question carefully before going to the computer to verify the answer. Unfortunately, he can’t find a single wrong answer. Well, that was to be expected. It’s clear she takes her studies seriously. Still, he’s not sure what his student is hoping to prove with it. He smirks as he grades the last one and puts Emily’s score at the top of the first sheet before handing it back to her.

“There you are, a 100.” He tells the girl when she looks it over. He sighs, getting ready to put on his act. “So now can you accept that I’m not out to mess with your grade, Ms. Jones?” He asks in a tired tone, looking at her with some annoyance. “Whether they were actually computer errors, or because you put different answers the other time, I don’t know. However, it’s not because I have some agenda that’s served by making you get 87s on my quizzes. Now if you’re done here, I have other work to get to. You’ll have another quiz next week, and the first test is the week after that. I hope you’ll be prepared for it.” With that, he turns away, entering Emily’s 100 on his computer right in front of her. Any hope the student might have that she could accuse him of messing with her would easily be crushed now.
A bright hue of red covered her freckled cheeks. She'd been careful never to actually word her suspicions against him, trying to blame it on the computer or her account, but her glare had certainly revealed her thoughts. Without a word, she stood up, once more avoiding his gaze, and bending over she grabbed her book bag before giving her back to him and making her way to the door. Trying to remain polite, she said, "Sorry for the trouble", before getting out of the office and making her way to her apartment. Getting on the wrong side of the teacher was the last thing she wanted, even if she felt she'd done nothing to deserve it, still attributing the incidents to his doing.

The week passed without further incident, just her usual classes and nothing but a heightened sense of dread changed during her classes. Still, she made a point to look nowhere but the board, the powerpoints, and her own notes. The following Wednesday she made another shot at her weekly quizzes, sighing in relief when moodle let her take it. Because of her rush to take it and a few doubts, she scored a 90 on her first try. Still, that was enough for her to smile about: it was better than all the former grades. While that was enough for her to lower her guard a bit, the fact that she got a 95 on her second try and not more was still enough for her to think that her not so esteemed professor, Mr. Kane, was messing with her grade. Sure, it might have been a slip up, but after the seed of doubt was planted, it's difficult to uproot.

Still, a 95 was not worth going to the office over, it wasn't worth it to get looked at by those judging eyes again and to feel her chest beast fast and her stomach clench. That week, she saved herself the trouble. But now they were finishing the material for the test, and Emily was uneasy. She really wondered about the test format, but plenty of classmates were already making the questions for her. How long is it? What material will it include? What format of questions will appear? All of that was being discussed in class and she had no reason to call Donovan's attention. The mere fact that she tried to meet his gaze to gauge his intentions was difficult enough.
"It's fine." Donovan says as his student gets up to leave. A dark smile spreads on his face when Emily walks out the door. "No trouble at all." The professor says as soon as he's alone. The rest of the week seems to pass witout incident. He knows he has to bid his time well. Things were in place now to allow for properly interfering with the student, but too much at once could work against him. There was always the chance that she might decide to drop the class after all, and he couldn't allow that. So for her third quiz, he doesn't mess with her... too much at least. The real fun was going to be the next week anyways.

The class has thinned out slightly by the test week. That's only to be expected though. Donovan explains to his students that the fourth quiz would be due on Friday night as usual, but he highly recommended that they take it earlier than that since the first test would be the same day and it made for good practice. The wednesday before the exam, he opens the floor for questions and does some review.

They'd have the full class time to work on it, though he doubted all that time would be needed. The format would be mixed. Twenty five multiple choice questions, five short answers, and three longer questions that would require making a diagram or writing out a couple of paragraphs. Everything they covered in class or had as homework was fair game on the test, and there would even be potential for extra credit. With that done, he gives the time for a review session before letting the students out for the day.

When it's finally time for the test, Donovan is waiting at the door. He has a TA assisting him with monitoring the test. As the students come in, they show their ID and take a scantron before going to the seat assigned to them, all to prevent cheating of course. "Be sure to check over everything carefully, Ms. Jones." Donovan says as way of greeting to the student. "I'd hate for any computer errors to pop up." With that, he lets her go to her assigned seat. The professor had given her the spot directly in front of him of course. The tests are passed out, and after going over the instructions and academic integrity policy, he allows them to begin.
Upon arriving on the test room, a shiver went up her spine as she got directed right in front of the classroom. Why did he have to sit her right in front of him? Even the blue polo she chose, picked because of a study she read that blue was good for concentrating and test taking, wouldn't be enough to push away the feel of his eyes on her. With her scantron in hand and a number 2 pencil on her right hand, she flipped the test over and began.

With her hair in a high ponytail and well out of the way and her glasses now on the desk in a futile attempt to concentrate on nothing but what was on her desk, she began the exam. Her writing was quick and methodical, and her reading was fast. She was confident of her knowledge of the material, and the physical evidence was enough to make her feel like he could do nothing to ruin her. There was no way, with written evidence, he could give her anything but 100%.

She could do prompt work of the multiple choice, and she was meticulous with the short answer questions. She had no trouble describing the properties of water and of the basic function of each cell compartment. Even on the longer answers, she was more than able to diagram mitosis and meiosis and describe the macromolecules of life. The test they'd described, she would have been done with it in 30 minutes.
One advantage that Donovan has, which aids in his ability to teach, is his level of awareness. It was a simple matter to set things up in the room so that he could keep an eye on all of it at once. The crystals would only be noticeable to those who knew to look for them, but he could tap into it to take in everything in the surroundings at once. He doesn’t know why a student bothers trying to steal answers from his neighbors when it’s obvious that the test versions are different, but he doesn’t much care. He sends the TA to collect the student’s test and escort him out of the hall to be dealt with later.

With that taken care of, the professor is able to rather freely watch Emily with ease. He’s sure she can feel his eyes on her, which he practically wants at this point. The outfit she has on would be cuter if she undid a couple of the buttons, but he knows by now the student is far too much of a conservative type to do that. Donovan can’t help smirking as he sees how meticulously she goes over every part of her test. He doesn’t even see her erase anything, which will just make it even better when he messes with the exam, of course. The rest of the period passes by rather soundly. Any other student that might have considered cheating is now sufficiently scared off, and most finish and hand theirs in early, giving the exams to either Donovan himself or the TA. Plenty of students decide to make use of the entire class time though, likely making sure they got everything.
Normally, Emily would revise the test time and time again, making sure there were no errors, taking every bit of time in the period to do this. With the unease Donovan's gaze brought forth, however, one revision was enough. She didn't even have to erase a thing, though she did make sure to double-mark each question: both on the scantron and on the test.

Once done with the revision, she handed the test in, being the first one in the whole class. "Thank you for the test, here you go, professor," she said, leaving it in the desk, and not bothering to look at him even as she tried to be polite upon her exit. With a light bow of her head, she grabbed her backpack and left. Even if she didn't feel she could trust him, there was physical evidence to her performance. Because of that, she would have a very good night sleep this night. Because of that, after too many times of staying in her apartment to study instead of going home, she would visit her family over the weekend and find the strength to ignore school, even if only until Monday morning.
Donovan looks down at the test as Emily turns it in. “Done already, Ms. Jones?” He asks. She certainly seemed to be in a hurry. That isn’t too surprising if she was avoiding him, and honestly, the professor doesn’t mind at the moment. Her rushing would only make things easier for him, after all. He collects the scantrons and tests, and arranges for Emily’s to be on top as he leaves. He goes straight home after the final class. Sitting down at his desk, he pulls the girl’s papers over and smirks. “This is too easy.” The professor mutters as he puts his magic to work.

Come Monday, the large stack sits next to Donovan throughout the class. “You’ll get your exams back at the end.” He tells everyone, patting on it. “The TA and I will call you by name to come and collect them. I have A through J, and he has K through Z.” The professor explains. “Most of you did well on the test. The class average was a 78. There were a few outliers though, and it’s to be expected.” The arrangement works out perfect, with an almost even split of students between the two categories. Even better though, it means that Emily is the last one called as Donovan takes his sweet time getting to her.

“Here you are, Ms. Jones.” He says, looking her in the eyes as he hands the paper over. That was the nice part of subtle manipulations. The marks had not been easy to move, taking him most of the night and into the morning to rearrange the girl’s answers on her test. The lack of a single eraser mark means that proving he did anything will be impossible to. He studies Emily’s reaction closely, preparing for the worst when she sees her 75.
Emily was not expecting the test to be corrected so promptly, so when come Monday the professor announced that at the end of the class, she was far more nervous than she expected for the result. She could feel, letter after letter of the class going to the professor, and the dread of hearing her name in his voice. After everyone in her group, she is finally called and her palms were sweating.

As she saw the 75 on her exam, her face turned sheet white. She stood there in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape. She was about to protest but she just keeps quiet, going over her exam and trying to figure out what she cold have possibly gotten wrong that caused such a drop in her grade. Did she have a problem with the scantron? It was too much of a coincidence. But when she looked at her exam, there it was, her scantron showed one more answer than there were questions. "Professor... Could I go check on my exam after class...? I... I think I made a mistake on the scantron..."
Donovan has turned away to pack up his things when Emily asks her question. In truth, he did it so that she wouldn’t see the wide smile spread on his face. Already having rehearsed what he wants to say, the professor lets out an audible sigh of exasperation before turning back around. “Was there?” He asks. The tone is cheery, but he’s sure the underlying message of sarcasm is conveyed. He was playing the teacher who was getting fed up with his student’s excuses, a role he’s actually had to perform a few times in the past, making better able to handle it.

Closes his briefcase, he takes Emily’s scantron and looks it over. “Everything looks in order, Ms. Jones.” Donovan says before handing the sheet back over. “You can stop by tomorrow to look over your exam if you wish though.” He tells her as he starts walking to the door. “I’m afraid I don’t have the time to deal with it today. I’ll be in my office all day tomorrow though, so just come in when you have the chance and I’ll see what went wrong this time.” Donovan finishes, giving a smile that feels quite obviously insincere.
"It was my doing," she admitted, feeling her face blush. She wasn't sure how she made a mistake like that, but there were no erasure marks: there was no way they could have edited her work to that extent, was there. "I answered a question twice and everything else was moved over one. Here, you can even keep it, see I made no alterations! It'll even match up to my test! I really, really apologize for the trouble!"

Handing him the papers, she nodded and took her bag. "I'll see you as soon as I get out of my morning lab," she told him. It was getting to be embarrassing, and it almost made her wonder if this had all been her doing all along... but it couldn't be, could it? There would need to be some kind of magic for someone to forge something like this, or it must have taken hours!

With a casual bow, she took off, heading straight home. The walk would take her a good 15 minutes, all to scream in her pillow. Despite the long walk back, the fact that she was almost late to her next class, and it being just for that, Emily thought it worth it, since it made her relax enough to be able to go through with her classes during the day. Still, on the back of her mind during the whole day was that test and how she'd made a stupid mistake that cost her greatly.

Once her school day was over, Emily had great need to detox, and to try to understand what was going on, her fierce belief that her teacher was the one in the wrong doubted on. After a long, calm bath, soaking in the tub, she took her rosary from her neck and wrapped it around her hands and began to pray. She prayed for guidance, for wisdom, for understanding and for forgiveness. She did a few Hail Marys and sang the Eucumenic chant. All in all, it took her well over an hour and, because of such a long day, she was already mentally exhausted. She even went to sleep in those same clothes.

The next day, still exhausted, she missed her first alarm and had to get ready in a hurry. Because of that, her rosary, which she hadn't managed to put back on, was left on her dishelved bed when she went off to her morning lab. It took her a while to finish her lab, working with crushing leaves and finding out the parts of plants, but as soon as she was done, she headed to Donovan's office.

"Professor, its me again..."
Donovan lets out the sigh of an exasperated teacher. She admited it was her fault. He practically wants to smile at how easy the student was making things for him. "You should double check your work more carefully instead of rushing to be the first out of the class, Ms. Jones." The professor remarks, reminding Emily of how fast she'd left the first test. The more he has her believing it's her fault, the better. "Tomorrow then, I'll see you in my office." With that, he gathers his things and walks out of the room, a large smile spread across his face.

In truth, Donovan doesn't have any exact plan in mind for when Emily shows up to his office. He could make her retake a much harder version of the test, but he's not sure how much good that would do him. All through his remaining classes for the day, the professor is distracted in trying to come up with a plan. As he gets ready for bed that night, he decides that all he can do is wing it. Depending on what Emily asks for and how the conversation goes, he can see what to arrange. As he goes to bed, a few ideas go through his mind that he's sure the girl would never agree to.

During his office hours for the day, Donovan sits back in his seat, staring at the door. As soon as he hears Emily's voice, he replies. "Come in." The professor says with some annoyance to his tone. As the girl enters, Donovan fails completely in hiding the evil smile that appears on his face. It was obvious to him how tired Emily was. More imortant than that, his eyes go to her neck and down to her chest, taking in the complete lak of a rosary.

Using every ounce of his will, he holds back his laughter and points to the door for Emily to close it. Donovan stands up and walks around to his student. "Ms. Jones, please, take a seat so we can discuss this problem of yours." He says, the smile never leaving. Without warning or care, he puts his hand on the girl's shoulder, directing her to the chair. He feels the immediate connection, and with a careful thought and concentration, he reads into the girl's mind and emotions, filling in his knowledge of nearly everything about Emily Jones.
Emily had no idea what she was getting into as she entered Donovan's office. It was a place that always made her uncomfortable and brought unease to her mind and knots to her stomach. She could feel her shoulders rise defensively as he told her to close the door but reached out to do it anyway.

As she felt his hands on her shoulder, she felt an unnatural burst of energy flowing through her. Her chest felt tighter, and Donovan would be able to see so much into her: her two brothers, her loving parents, how her mother always got her feminine clothes, how her father was protective of her. He could see her childhood crushes on boys of no consequence and her firm belief in her faith, how her body had never been touched. Years of school and of dreams flew into his head about her, how her insecurities only existed in the academic world and how, despite her tomboyish demeanor, she really wanted to have kids.

His invasion into her mind, however, was not without consequences, for she too ended up with a look into his thoughts. She learned of his magic and his intentions, not the depths of them by far but enough to know it was not her doing, that he had orchestrated this mess out of her grades just to have her in his power. Her immediate reaction was to push his hand away and headed for the door.
There’s a smile on Donovan’s face at first as he takes in all the information he can about his student. He picked up on her insecurities, her flaws, her dreams, and her passions. Her brothers wasn’t a surprise, since she seemed to favor such a boyish appearance. That she wants to have children also made sense, when he thinks about it. It would go along with Emily’s strong faith, after all. The one bit that does interest and excite him the most isn’t exactly shocking. Still, confirming that she was completely virginal meant that the planned fun in the professor’s head just became even better. The smile has barely grown though before it starts to fade, his eyes widening.

Donovan picks up on it, the small spark of power that is too much like his. With horrific realization, he stares at Emily. She had a magical potential, but it was untrained, unharnessed, and if left alone for too long, then it would fade away completely. The horror though comes because of how the connection he opened work. Someone else with magical abilities would be able to share it and see glimpses into his mind.

Having been unprepared for it, Donovan is only just now able to put up a mental defense against it, but he already knows it’s too late. Emily would have seen how he manipulated everything she worked on, how he played with the minds of the tech support staff, and his plans to make her his that only strengthened during the connection. The last part being front and center would have been the first things she saw too. As Emily runs to the door, he knows he has to prevent her from getting away. “Stop!” He orders, jumping forward and grabbing her hand. Holding it tight, he forces his will on her to keep her from running.
It was only a fraction of a second of looking into his mind, but young miss Johnson had seen enough to validate her suspicions and give them form. Emily struggled to free herself from his grasp, looking at him in fear and confusion as she flailed, her mind still processing what was going on. Despite her trying her hardest, she was unable to yank her hand away from him. That didn't stop her from trying and being very vocal about it.

"I knew it! I knew you were trying to trick me!" she screamed at the top of her lungs, her breathing jagged between sentences. With her heart beating fast, she whimpered, her mind racing to understand the how and the why. "Let go of me! What do you want from me?"
Donovan is suddenly very happy that he'd thought to soundproof his classroom. The girl's scream would surely have raised suspicion and brought people running to the door before he had a chance to work on the problem. All it was, the only problem is the damage to his own eardrums. "Ow..." He mutters, rubbing his ears before looking over to Emily. "Do try to keep it down. Yelling won't do any good." He waves his hand at the door, the magical locks already in place activating to keep the student from being able to open it. Without her rosary, she couldn't break the locks, and from what he sensed of her spark, she didn't yet have the ability to ward him off herself.

The professor starts to pace around the room. "I need you to stay quiet and stay put while I figure out what to do with you." He say, not sure where to go from here. "How the hell do you have magic?" He's completely ignored Emily's question, and even as he talks, it seems as though he's speaking more to himself than to the girl. "Did it pass on through family? Maybe, that's how it usually works... It's not exactly powerful, not yet at least." Donovan continues to mutter.
As he let go of her, Emily completely ignored what he said, racing to the door to try to unlock it, but it was to no avail. No matter how much strength she put on the lock or how she tried to turn it, the thing wouldn't budge. She even tried screaming for help a few more times, her teeth clenching at the realization that she was in his power. It still hadn't dawned to her that she was able to use magic, and that this proclivity was the reason she just caught a glimpse into his mind. Overhearing Donovan talk to himself, however, she couldn't help but perk her ears up.

"What do you mean, magic?" she asked, her body shrinking into a chair and glowering at him. "I'm a good Christian, I don't do such things! I don't even know what you're talking about!" Her breath was still jagged due to the previous burst of adrenaline, but she had noticed she had no choice but to follow what he said. It wasn't as if she had a choice right now. She just needed to get out of here, wait it out, and drop the class. There was no way she would continue to be under him, even if it meant her spotless record would be ruined.
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