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new girls test (with Mido)

"I am going get mother to change the school uniform". She thought to herself. "This really is illegal you know that". She said shaking her hand as she un zipped her dress. She hated him for what he was forcing her to do against her will with his threats and all.
" I am sorry that it had to be like this Miss Charlotte" the man approached her while she shook in an abnormal way, for that it was clearly the first time she does something like this,"it's alright,you don't have to be afraid any more" the man said and took the zipper and zipped up her uniform again "the test is finished now" the man said to her all of a sudden
"Why did you do that". Charlotte said looking at him. She felt really dirty, like she had been playing with dirt outside. This deffently wasn't what her parents would have wanted to happen while she was in school. Her fathers side were strict catholic of the old kind and didn't like the girls showing off too much skin to protect them from any male who might take advantage of matters.
"Why do you think i did that ??" the man asked her as he set in the chair with his face all changed and seemed like he calmed a bit,he crossed his hands staring at the young frightened,confused girl in front of him and he said " still afraid ?"
"How am I meant to know what is going on in that head of yours". Charlotte said. She had this strong feeling that this one was dandrous to be around. One of the types her father always told her to stay away from.
he laughs for moment " New girls are always funny,but you are different" he said after that,"anyway it doesn't matter, u passed the second test and only one step remains to make it to the school,come closer now i won't bite " he said joking
She come closer now knowing what was going to happen next. This one was hardest opponent she had ever had to try and word out. That was saying something during her tournament she had a teenage lad hard to read and was how she got the scar on her eye when she didn't duck in time.
the man smiled at the disturbed young lady " you are surely a unique women miss charlotte, you lasted longer than most of the previous candidates," he looked at the table and ran his hand through his hair " i really didn't enjoy playing like this since a long time and i wished that it was for a bit longer but you wouldn't handle it if i had pushed it further"
"What is your game? Charlotte asked getting right to the point. "Your riddles are getting old. Fast". She added folding her arms across her chest in an annoyed fashion.
The man who brought Charlotte thought the boys were getting a little cocky they were taking too long as classes started a couple of hours ago and he was sure some of the club member have already been seen.

(Want another new girl to come in yet?)
Just as Charlotte was arguing with the masked man a knock on the door broke their conversation the man went to answer and the words that he said made no sense "This must be a good day, i'll see to it " then he turned his attention to Charlotte and said "i'll be right back, i have to deal with this .." and ah he was closing the door he said " you be a good girl now, don't cause any trouble ok ?"and the door closed
The finder had gotten another new girl tithed up in the room waiting for them, but she wasn't like anyone who had been to this school befoure. She is a forester kid who has been rescued from a prostitute ring only a month ago. She was born to this gang so some things are difficult for her to get use to. Lucy Gee is 16 years old and the first time she has ever gotten to school. A rich man heard of the story and fostered her so she can learn how to behave around others her own age.

Charlotte sat down on the chair. She went throw her had and started to straight on a peace of paper.
the man was informed that another girl arrived at the request of Master "M", This was a first they never did two girls at the same time by the same person but he thought to himself this must be something special, First Charlotte who is non like i have ever seen before and now this, he walked to where the girl was kept and he entered, she was as usual, head covered with a bag and she was trembling and already crying and kept saying that she did nothing
the man got down on his knee and took the bag off her hair and said " Shhhhhh... don't worry,... Lucy,right ?"then he helped her to get up "it's gonna be alright now" he said trying to calm her down
Charlotte continued to write on her peace of paper like she normally did when she had some spare time on her hands. Once she had ran out of paper from her bag to write on she started to practice with her sward.

"Yer what of it. What is it you want?". Lucy said scowling. "First I am snatched from my mother, interrogated by the police, then dumped on a old man, now this". She snapped. All she wanted to do today was go and see her mother in prison but go to school for the first time in her life.
" i'm sorry that they hared you and as for your mother she won't mind if u don't go today after all she won't go anywhere and it'll all be clear in a moment don't rush things and take it easy , come with me" he said giving her his hand " or you prefer to stay with them? " he pointed to the men who brought her here
"What type of game is it you want to play?" Lucy asked as the different me had different fetishes when it come to there girls or what they liked doing with them. It was also a question she was use to asking from an early age so they know they wanted to go or needed for there fun. After all the customer is always right as they say.
"you'll know soon, but we have to go for there is some unfinished business i have to take care of" the man started to walk away leaving the girl there and said " i won't say it again if you want to come than come or else they'll do whatever they want to you " and he grabbed the door handle
She followed him out of the door even throw she had no idea what his game was. Ever since she was old enough to entertain people she was trained on how to make others happy. She looked at all of the locked doors within the corridor. Her uniform was of the old kind it may be white but it wasn't transpartant like Charlottes as it belonged to the old mans daughter before she graduated last year. "So what game is it you like playing?" She asked
"You will soon know after you meet Charlotte" the man said that and kept walking and ignoring every thing else he was so determined and highly thinking of something yet a smile was on his face
"Who?" Was all Lucy said. She had no idea who this girl was any mind the man right in front of her. "Your making it sound like I am meant to know who this is your chirping on about".

Charlotte looked at the time it was almost time to go home. She packed away her paper and watched the door.
" You will know when you meet her" after a while we finally arrived and the man ordered the his followers to leave then he opened the door and pointed to lucy to enter
"You any idea of the time". Charlotte said looking at her watch so he got the message of how late it was.
"Not a clue". Lucy responded
"Almost 3". Charlotte said as it was almost time for them to go home.
" You Already want to leave ? " he asked Charlotte "after we spent just a little bit time, besides, Lucy here just arrived and i want youtwo to meet and i'll see into lucy's weaknesses as i saw into yours" that was obvious that lucy was a new girl and he wanted to test her
"You really need help you know that" Charlotte said. Thinking he defiantly should be on some kind of medication for the way he was thinking.
"Can't read or write, only can count and know nothing about science". Lucy said like it was normal to just come out with that kind of thing to ones you have just met
Charlotte couldn't bleave she just told it to him just like that.
" maybe i would seek help from people like you " he said teasing charlotte and added " admit that u started to like me after all,huh " and just as lucy mentioned her incapability of reading nor writing he said " if you succeed in what comes, you will be a different person from now on" he went to the chair in front of charlotte and asked lucy to come sit there and then said to charlotte "would you mind explaining to her what is this place? maybe she will listen to you better"
"Basically with him. He likes to play games of the humiliating kind". Charlotte said
"There isn't many things like that". Lucy said
She really has no clue" Charlotte thought to herself. "Rule number one don't go telling a complete stranger your weakness unless they need to know, as in teachers or medical".
"It's just not the done thing and it stops someone from using it against you"
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