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"I was right about there being away into the chamber throw the lake but there is also a way in throw the forbidden forest". Sabrina said. "Try the heirs, not the house and he wasn't really that mad. Just over protective. His choice is remembered as a bad one no muggle borns aloud in the school but what is not being told is that muggles were killing our kind at the time he made the choice and founded the school". She looked at him. "How did you know it was his and not a copy?"
"Because don't forget, one of my relatives were in the Slythrin household and he study massive on the ancient history of all magic and the school. I mean it never help him in the end because he became a Death Eater and was then killed but I know this writing in the real thing" Mike told her reminding her that the Black line ended up following two separate paths. "Though honestly, I think we'll need a Parasalmouth to get into the other entrances though" Mike said as he looked at the book and the way into the chamber though the other routes.
"Yer I don't think anyone alive is going to admit being related to the Slythirn line because of Valdamort or Tom as his real name" Sabrina said "And one, try the Draco's side as well, don't forget his mother is of the Black line and who says that the stuff they studied was the real deal you know what a large percent families study the dark arts, and that's just my mother who has had her wand taken off her by father. I think that's the only reason why they are still together".
"hmmm, I can't even remember my mother and father faces to be honest with you" Mike said before he sn as snapped his fingers and said "There is one Slytherin I can think that can talk to snakes but he's a very lonely kid who likes to read books and be alone, however his girlfriend is a Ravenclaw... And one of my ex's"
"I hope your not talking about Richard. If that's the case when did he come back to the school". Sabrina said folding her arms. "If you are talking about him, we are far from speaking terms. Both of our snakes escaped there tanks and he blames me for it since mind was female. On top of that he accused me of telling his snake to escape and have babies".
Mike shook his head "Nope I'm talking about James and my ex Laura" He told her as he chuckled a little at the story. "James, is Richard younger brother so it not too surprising to me as for Laura she may be a lot harder to convince since we kinda broke up on bad terms" Mike said as he shook his head to remove the images.
"Yer he is going to be getting a howler if he doesn't respond to mothers letters, I am debating on if I should warn him or not". Sabrina said. "I can't bleave you know those two. It's not like you have to put up with them rummaging throw your draws once a year. That reminds me one of them is going to die when I find out which one went throw my under wear draw this summer. I really can't stand there father and I have to play nice every charismas coz he is my mothers older brother".
"Well sometimes people go rummaging because they think they can find something to use in a deal or something. Lucky for you, Your best friend can turn into a wolf and go invisible." He then rummaged though his bag before he return Sabrina item to her.
"That's fathers mothers earrings. Sabrina said taking them off him. "Thank-you he had been looking for them especially since Percy is getting married soon it was going to be her something old blue and borrowed, which delightful nephew does he have to slap?"
Mike thought on it before he said "I don't actually know to be honest with you Sabrina, I just know that I stole them back from some Ravenclaws". He looked at the earring himself before he said "You know, my father left me something important as well". He showed her the black family crest necklace he was wearing.
"Surprized. He hated everything to do with his family. That was what he told Harry". Sabrina said. "It's weekend tomorrow want to get out of here. Can't use the origonly found passage ways as they are being guarded at all times but I do know of others."
Mike nodded and said "Sure, I could do with getting out of these stuffy halls for the day", He looked at his famly crest one last time before he put it back where it belonged, honestly Mike was not a big fan of his family line ether. The only member he had like was his uncle Serius Black, who had helped set things up forn Voldemorts death.
"OK Cost is clear but we had better hurry up and move from here it's past curfew and Peeves will be here soon and you know what a big gob he has gotten". Sabrina said listening throw the wall to make sure it was safe to leave the secret room within the library. "I know that there is an old passage way what use to be used for emergences what leads into the forbidden forest. Not advisable as it leads straight to those spiders". She said as the memory sent shivers down her spine as one of them tried to eat her. "There is another one throw what leads to the centor territory and the spider one I reported just in case a first year got eaten or someone who fears them".
Mike nodded to her and said "If we're going to take that path, then let me lead as my wolf can picked up all scents". Mike then patted her on the shoulder to offer her comfort as he knew how much she hated Spiders, kinda of a repeat of how her father hated spiders himself. "Well lets go then" Mike said with a smile
"The spider path is heighly guarded to stop anyone elts accidently descivering it.". Rebecca said. "I told Nevil to stop anyone getting killed and no one knowing where to find them. Never looks good on the school if students disappear, it's how it will get shut down". She then lead the way out of the room and out of the library hoping that she was being followed.
Mike indeed followed her as he took on his wolf form and turned invisible and followed beside her. "Sabrina, I'm still here next to you but I'm invisible right now and I will warn you in advance if I hear anyone coming this way that you can't hear" He promised her as his ears went up and his nose sniffed the ground.
"OK thanxs. Witch way do you want to go back to the dorm?" Sabrina asked.
Mike sniffed the ground before he said "We should take the right hand path, theirs less scents there. I'm guessing a lot of prefects are out in force today, so we should go the long and safer way round to ensure we don't get caught"
Sabrina nodded slowly going in the direction she was told so that Mike would know what to do. After all if they were caught they will both get a whipping.
Mike lead Sabrina though the long route pulling her into cover whenever he smelt someone coming and would always wait until they were gone before he would resurface again and in about 2 hours, they were back in front of the common room painting with the Fat Lady telling them off for waking her so late which Mike just replied with the password "Calpo Serna"
Sabrina laughed when they got inside. "I don't think we have had it that close for a very long time". She took off the gloves she used in the library and placed them into the bin.
She went into her bag and pulled out an old map of the school. "These are the ones the founders knew about this one once belonged to Slythrin himself". She pointed to a wall not far from the trophies room. "Here is the original passage way to get to the founders offices, then if we go to the entrance the wall facing the double doors is the original trophies room, come down to the dungeons the long therestrip wall. the one north to the right was girfindoors, to the left slythrin, facing grifindoors was huffapuffs and slytherins raven claws, sleeping quarters for the ones what didn't pay for there education for the poor foke, the towers were originally for the rich".
Mike nodded as he became human again and said "So you plan for us to take the Founder passageway to get to one of the other common rooms, I'm sure I heard that one of the route is very small and very tight to get though. A student said they had to rid themselves of all their clothes just to get though that area. Should not be that much of a problem for me because of my Animagas form but I'm not sure for you" Mike told her. Mike often snuck out of the common rooms at night on his own to do scouting or to listen into people conversations.
"Adults needed to get throw these passages I know we were smaller back then but still it won't be that much I am not exactly tall so they won't be that much smaller than me". Sabrina said. "with the height the original builders made this castle they can't be that low. Maybe the door ways and we have to bow our heads a little, the originally designed escape route might be a tight squeeze for us, so maybe that's what the student found, and it has to be male to not think of just taking off the school robes and keeping the shirt and pants on, that or making stuff up to see who bleaves the rumour".
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