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Hello and help?


Dec 22, 2014
Hi! I'm kind of new to this site but I'm certainly not new to roleplaying or writing!

Lately I've been craving a really intense story, one that'll grab my emotions and drag along the ground by a freight train and I'll love every minute of it.

Problem is that when I poke my head into the male request section (I primarily do MxM) and I see nothing that fits this description (there's more smut than story requests). So I want to come up with my own plot! One with action and wonderfully fucked up characters (and only a little bit of smut)!

Except I have no ideas :s I don't know where to start trying to think of one so I thought I'd ask for tips; how are some ways that you come up with new and exciting ideas for a story?

I'd really appreciate some advice ^_^
Random tables.

Nothing quite like a random jumble of ideas that you have to twist in order to make sense.
Hello there,

I guess you may try a sort of checklist. Honestly, i never did it before, even been primarily a GM, i create my stories on a process based on character's point of view.

A nice place to start is the general mood. Perhaps you already know that, but placing on a paper may help you to fix on your mind this definition. You want something dark, depressing, up, light, bright, classy. Adjectives helps a lot!

Then, decide about the setting you think may capture this mood/story you want to tell.

When you are writing, you have more time. Even when role playing here with someone, you have more time than in real-time action. Use this time to define your characters. Find what is important to them, what they want and what they would do to reach objectives. Then, find if there is something holding them back somehow. I use to be stuck on some situations, because my characters have objectives, ways and the general situation holding them. The situation goes so well balanced, that it prevents action happening. That is not necessarily bad. When you have that, you need the event that takes the balance away.

After you set all these things together, you must create a list or description for your creation. This is a way to tell people what the game is about, but not spoiling the setting. In many cases, people need to know what they will face. If not, they will spend a lot of time typing and playing a game which does not satisfy their needs. Try to also include a few things that are not part of the story itself, but may be found there. For example, if you thing a certain kink will be largely explored, include this on the list. Sometimes people are looking for this, but in the general proposal for your game, they cant notice that at first.

Hope i have helped.
KuroTenshi said:
Hi! I'm kind of new to this site but I'm certainly not new to roleplaying or writing!

Lately I've been craving a really intense story, one that'll grab my emotions and drag along the ground by a freight train and I'll love every minute of it.

Problem is that when I poke my head into the male request section (I primarily do MxM) and I see nothing that fits this description (there's more smut than story requests). So I want to come up with my own plot! One with action and wonderfully fucked up characters (and only a little bit of smut)!

Except I have no ideas :s I don't know where to start trying to think of one so I thought I'd ask for tips; how are some ways that you come up with new and exciting ideas for a story?

I'd really appreciate some advice ^_^

Well, here is one way of doing it.

See, When looking at cultures it's important to keep in mind that EVERYTHING ever follows it's own logic. Whether it makes sense to us or not, it DOES have a step by step reasoning behind it.

One easy way to make an unique setting is to come up with a premise that's unlike our current reality and then ask, "Why does it work this way? Why is it done?" And then extrapolate the whole universe whole cloth from those answers.


All women in this universe have to, by custom, have two civil unions in their life. One, the man they are married to. The second, the man that father's her children. They can be one and the same but not necessarily so.

Why is it done this way? Maybe it's to give women a bigger role in the power dynamics between partners. But human society is usually patriarchal, how would this even fly at all? Well maybe the setting is more matriarchal then patriarchal, where the female leadership instituting such practices to cement their power.

Or maybe it is a patriarchal society where men in power want a legal way to fuck the women of those in lower rungs and have set up the law and tradition to reflect this.

Can something like that even be enforced?

Well, if it were culturally entrenched enough, sure. But that would take this being a very old tradition for people to take it for granted enough to be seen as wrong to do otherwise. Or maybe is not and there is constant civil law fights to upkeep the right of it.

But what does that in turn say about their society?

Well, that there is a very big chasm between those people in power and the plebs for this to even be a thing in the first place.

And so and so forth. Point is, if you follow the logic of your world far enough, it writes itself.
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