One hell of a butler (wiki234 x jaburo56)


Roll for Initiative
Jun 15, 2014
To make a deal with a demon is pure madness. However, sometimes revenge calls for mad actions.

It is early morning and the mansion is already a buzz of activity. The gardener has already begun tending to his greenery, the chef has almost finished breakfast, the maid has already cleaned two wings, and the young mistress still has not awoken.

"Is the young mistress still not awake? Just how long does she plan on sleeping today?" The chef exclaimed impatiently. He had always worried that his food would not be enjoyed at the moment of completion. It just wouldn't be the same if they had time to alter temperature too much. A chuckle left a man standing in the corner of the kitchen. The man stood tall with fair skin, dark black hair, a cool and calm look of confidence ever stuck to his face, and a pair of almost unsettling red eyes in his skull. He looked to be no older than mid twenties but displayed a wisdom and knowledge of someone much older. Sebastian Michaelis, the head butler of the house and closest person to the young mistress. He spoke after a few moment, "She has a busy day ahead of her. She will need as much sleep as she can get if she plans to get through it all without getting cranky." He watch the chef continue cooking. Though he was not the chef himself, he took it upon himself to ensure the food was perfect. Once completed, he took it upon himself to take the breakfast up to his mistresses bedroom.

As he walked through the corridors to the master bedroom, his eyes calmly surveyed the area around himself in search of faults. Already, only after one hallway, he had made mental notes of at least a dozen fixed he needed to see to. These fixes would have taken a normal butler ages to notice, but Sebastian was no normal butler.

He approached the door to the master bedroom and knocked with his free hand, mostly out of tradition before entering. He approached the bed, "Your breakfast is ready, won't you rise?" He smiled and looked to his mistress, the one who had summoned him, a demon, to aid in her revenge.
Serena was the craziest person to many people that knew her. Well she was already crazy normally but this wasn't normal having a butler....a demon butler. She didn't care, Serena didn't have to because she was fueled by revenge of what had happened to her when she was young. The long storry short of her past being that her parents had split after a huge fight over a serious matter that cause her and her mother to live away in the mansion though he lived somewhere as well as this in another part of the country.

Serena couldn't forgive him for what he's done personally to her, seeing as he didn't care much for her safety or just general care as being his daughter. Though somehow she inherited a Mansion from her great grandfather, and she's been surviving for a little while now.

Right now Serena was asleep in her bed, wearing a white nightgown and her long black hair that laid behind her as if they were a bunch of black snakes that couldn't move at all. She yawned and hugged the pillow next to her, slowly opening her eyes to see the dress man in front of her. Yawning and sitting up Serena slowly stretched seeing the Suns Ray barely hitting the window from the curtains that still covered it, " thank you.." She said softy turning to pick up her plate and place it on her lap beginning to eat it.
Sebastian held the tray with her breakfast steady and waited for her to pick up her bowl before putting the tray away and placing a napkin below the bowl, on Serena's lap. He bowed and placed a hand on his chest, "Of course." He stood straight and allowed her to eat a few bites before giving her a run down of her tasks for the day. "Mistress, the Count Du Lion will be here in a few hours to discuss the partnership he mention at last weeks party. He seems very eager." Sebastian pulled several letters from his vest, all from the count. He moved on, "You also have a singing, mathematics, and history lessons today." He finished and waited patiently for Serena to finish before removing her plate and providing her with hot morning tea. He stepped away, "I shall prepare your bath." Sebastian turned on his heals and entered her bathroom where he began preparing her bath.
She sighed and let him take the plates once she was done, taking the teacup and slowly sipping on it. Now she felt a bit better and more awake now, but of course she rolled her eyes hearing what she ended up having to do today. The partnership, she remembered him clearly mentioning about it but of course serena didn't care or pay much attention to people who wanted things from her, but hearing everything else at least she didn't seem to have anything big and she didn't have to travel, everythig was right at home which means that she wouldn't have to worry about how comfortable she was.

Once she was done with her tea and setting it down on the tray, she stood up and stretched again with another yaen, pulling the curtains out for the sun to shine on the room and seeing the view of garden and some of the other parts of the mansion in front of her, " ok..." Serena replied deciding to stand there for a bit and look around from her window.
The water didn't take long to warm. Once at the perfect temperature, Sebastian left the steam filled room and walked back into the master bedroom where he saw Serena standing in the window. He smiled and stood silently with a towel draped over his arm. He remained quiet as he waited patiently for her to enjoy her bath, though, he could not wait forever. He took this time to enjoy the sight of his lovely mistress. His red eyes scanned her body as the night gown clung to her frame. She was indeed attractive. It would be a lie to say Sebastian did not desire her, body and soul. A smirk appeared on his face as he moved closer, "Mistress, your bath is waiting for you." He stopped a few feet behind her, "Will you require my aid, mistress? It would be my pleasure." A devilish grin appeared on his face as he loomed over her.
Serena put her hand out to touch the window, it reminded her of the beauty of her innocence when she was younger, the smiles and laugh and fun times she had before growing up with a big happy family like she always wanted it to be. She looked down with a sigh for a moment then looked out continuing to enjoy the view for a moment before she turned to see him with an innocent look on her face like she was younger. " ok then.." Serena replied turning to walk past him into the tub, " I want you to...wash my back.." Serena quickly stripped and got in leaning back before he could see her conpletely slim and innocent naked body, she sat up a bit and leaned forward so it was easier for him to get her back when he stood behind her.
Sebastian followed after her and gave her a moment to strip and enter the bath before moving into the bathroom. He removed his coat and hung it on a hook, rolled up his sleeves, and began lathering up his hands and wash cloth. "Something on your mind? You seem troubled." He knew full well what was likely on her mind. Though he only sought to fulfill his promise and devour her soul, he still intended to keep her happy until then. He placed a warm hand on her shoulder and began washing her back with the wash cloth. This was not the first time he had done this. He worked the cloth down her back until he could go no further. All the while, his hand rested on her shoulder, keeping her steady.
"It's that I'm expecting someone who's only interested In me for their own little gain..." Recently she has had quite a few even visit and try to talk into her investing some into their company and how it would help her own and how it could give her even more wealth. Well she sure as hell didn't trust any of them at all and she didnt have to accept the deal or offer if she didn't want to, it seemed like nothing bad would happen anyway.. " I don't trust things like that Sebastian but if I must meet him then I will.." She started to wash her arms and her body herself while Sebastian did as he was told, staying still so he didn't have any trouble with her at all. Serena just sighed and tried to relax for now before the day would really start for her now.
Sebastian smiled with understanding, "Ah, of course." He grabbed a bucket and filled it with warm bath water, "But don't forget, each new connection you make means a new source of information to fuel your search." He poured the warm water over her back to rinse off the soap. "I do love how your soul gets when you hate and distrust like this." Sebastian ran a finger down Serena's back as he spoke, his voice teasing. "It's absolutely delightful." He chuckled a little before standing, "I shall wait outside until you are ready for your towel." With that, he turned on his heals and exited the room to wait just outside the door.
I guess..." She said rolling her eyes at him especially with im sayinft hat about her. Sebastian didn't really care about her accept taking what she gave him after this was done. Serena sighed and leaned back against the tub for a little bit to relax before she slowly stood up hugging herself and sleoly walking toward the door of the room coveeing her certain spots she didn't want him to see, "Sebastian i need my towel now..."
Sebastian extended his arm for her in the doorway to give her the towel. Once taken, Sebastian waited until she exited before entering to empty the bath and clean up any remaining suds. Once completed, he returned to her room and bowed low, "If that will be all mistress, I shall tend to the house. I am sure someone has broken something by now. I shall warn you an hour prior the the count's arrival."

He exited the room and began work on the household duties that only he could manage. It would be a few hours before he would need to find Serena. No doubt he will have completed every task by then. Lunch was already being prepared when the time drew close. Sebastian was hard at work preparing the entry way for their guest.
She took the towel and wrapped herself in it, taking out her clothes for today, a long three colored dress of red orange and black (my avatar) serena slipped it on once he left then looked in the mirror fixing herself up to get the certain look she wanted as always. "Jeez.." She said to herself when he was gone, "I thought he would dress me too..." Serena always expected a butler to do everything but it seemed apparently not which got her a bit annoyed at the moment. Serena slips on some black heels as well and walks out of her room, deciding to check on the garden and even relax there for a bit.
Sebastian roam the halls, especially the ones he knew their guest would likely walk down, to ensure they were in perfect condition. As promised, an hour before the count was due to arrive, he went and sought out Serena. He found her in the garden, though it was not much of a search. Their connection allowed him to find her with the greatest of ease. "Ah, there you are mistress... oh, it seems I have forgotten one of my duties." He referred to her dress, "Please, forgive my absentmindedness." He bowed low, "You have made yourself look quite lovely in my absence, regardless." He smiled up at her, still bowing until she forgave or punished him.
Serena sat out in the garden, she always loved sitting here when she wanted to be alone for a little and think about things or just a place to avoid things for a little bit before Sebastian would always find her and make sure she did her duties for today. The mistress just quielty relaxed with a sigh as she slowly turned to see Sebastian behind her, " I guess it's time then..." She said standing up and walking past him inside, deciding not to say anything. Serena didn't really like physical punishment a lot becasue it made her do work, mostly sticking to just ignoring or mostly verbal but usually she would have to be more mad than usual for something as bad as verbal. Serena stopped at the door and glanced behind her, "just hurry up and come inside..." She told him turning to walk inside and to the main hall expecting the guest to come in just any moment from now.
"Of course," Sebastian silently followed after her and made a mental note to treat her later. It would not do if she went to be angry or annoyed. As he followed her through the house to the main hall, the maid called out from an upper floor, "A car is approaching!" Sebastian spoke clearly and deeply enough for her to hear without having to yell, "Very good, thank you." Sebastian walked behind Serena for the most part until they drew closer to the door, "On moment please," He stepped before her and adjusted her ruffles, bow, and head band. Once she was perfect, he turned to open the door. Just as he did, the count and two guards were standing at the door. One of the guards was about to knock and seemed surprised by the sudden opening. Sebastian smiled as if it were nothing, "Welcome to the home of Mistress Serena." He bowed to his guest and extended a hand in Serena's direction. "Mistress, the Count du Lion."
Serena put her hands to her sides and gave a sigh to calm herself for a moment letting him fix her dress and anything else that didn't seem right. She crossed her arms and waited until the meeting would begin and she would see the count slowly come into her home, " pleased to meet you, it's nice you came here to see us." She gave a small bow, looking over at his guards, "seems he's afraid..." She thought with a little giggle, glancing over at the two guards behind him, " I'm very interested to hear about your plans for a partnership offer...please follow me.." She said walking over to the dining table and heading to her spot.
Sebastian closed the doors behind their guests and followed after. He was sure to pull Serena's seat out for her and ensure she was comfortable before tending the their guest. Once both were seated, he prepared tea with a kettle containing preheated water. The tea was ready in moments and distributed to both parties, Serena first of course. Once both parties were supplied and a small tray of sweets were provided, Sebastian moved to stand next to Serena. His red eyes scanned the guards. They were no threat, not to him at least. He lowered himself to speak to Serena, "Shall the count's men and I give you two some privacy?"
" I think you should stay..." She said with a grin, just having a sense that the count was feeling at least a little nervous around her. Serena wanted to maybe see him try to hide behind his guards or something if he did manage to piss her off. Serena leaned back and looked toward him, "so why are you wanting to have a partnership with me so soon?" She asked closing one eye so he wouldn't be able to see the demon symbol on it, " is there something you think you would gain from working with me?" Serena took her fork and slowly started to eat.
Sebastian nodded and stood by Serena's side with a towel ready.

The count sipped his tea as calmly as he could. His bushy mustache seemed to stand on end when looking to his host. He finally mustered up the nerve to speak, "I think we could both gain something from this partnership. I am an old man but I am wise with years. You are young and wise as well. With my help, you could expand your estate well beyond what I ever could have done in my life time. In return, I will be able to expand my business dealings to new cities, allowing more people to enjoy my fine products." The count's family got most of its fortune from the iron works and forges in most coastal cities. They were known for having unsafe work conditions and high mortality rate. They always seemed to pop up in the most impoverished towns were few other options were available. The count grinned, "With you and me working together, we could bring this country to a new age of prosperity!"
" seem confident...what a sad promise though....with older age you tend to act like everything will always be so only care about making money but you don't deem to care about the customers expectations much do you. You have full confidence that nothing can go wrong just by expecting to expand become more popular just like that..." Serena took another bite of her dessert before crossing her arms again, I have my own little company as well and I expect to grow as well but with more knowledge of how I can improve my business much more here at a steady pace then hurry off and find a cheap way to expand.." She sat up a bit and ran a hand through her hair, it will happen I agree with you on that but I don't expect it, working with someone who seems like they just want someone to give them more money without really doing much themselves...I'll consider your offer still though..."
The count was insulted. It was obvious that he was not often spoken to in this manner. "Wha-?!" He was about to express his displeasure with her choice of words but backed down once his eyes got a look of the cold expression on her face as well as Sebastian's calm but deadly smile. Sebastian knew this man would be hot tempered. It pleased him a little to see his mistress get a rise from him. The guards were less than pleased. The count composed himself and finished his tea, "I see... I hope that you do. If you should so choose to partner with me, this is the amount I would be requesting." He pulled a piece of folded paper from her pocket and placed it on the table. Sebastian moved to pick it up and placed it near Serena, should she want to see it at the moment.

The count stood, "It seems you need time to mull it over. Can I expect an answer with in the week?" The guards seemed ready to be out of this place as much as the count did.
Serena picked it up and looked over at it for a moment before she gave grim, setting it down in front of her then closing and opening her other eye to show the demon symbol, " of have my word to expect an answer from was nice to talk to you count, please..." She said standing up opening both her eyes, " do have a safe travel home, it would be nice to see you soon again." Serena crossed her arms with a giggle and smiled closing her eye to hide the symbol again and keeping her normal eye open as she led him out to the front doors of the mansions and sleoly waved at him, " you'll have an answer from me, don't you worry..."
Sebastian smiled as the count faltered at the sight of the mark. He stared at it for the entire time that it was present and shook his head once it was hidden again. "That... excuse me. It seems the heat has gotten to me on the drive. I will take my leave." He nodded to his guards and joined them as they exited the room. Sebastian followed after them, ensuring the made straight for the door without detours. With a final bow, Sebastian bade the count farewell, "Drive safely sir. It'd be a shame if your negotiations with my mistress were cut short due to misfortune." Without another word, he closed the doors and rejoined his mistress. "Well that was certainly bold. If he had called you out on that, I would have needed to have some new carpet installed." He poured Serena another cup of tea, "What do you think, will he be useful to you?"
(Srry I was at the movies)

Serena stood up and watched them leave waving with a giggle, she looked over at Sebastian when he turned back to her. "I wouldn't care, but it seemed he was more scared after that than angry at that point..." Sitting back down she started to sip on her tea again with a calm relaxed smile, "maybe I could use him for something, he'll be useful as a pawn but maybe not as a real business partner for the company...." Serena stretched her arms and gave a yawn, " so what's next now?"
Sebastian nodded, "Very well then." He sniffed the air and smiled, "Ah, it seems lunch is almost ready. You have time for one lesson before lunch." He grinned, "How about some singing to work up an appetite." He extended his hand in the direction of the hall that would lead to the music room. The room was specially created to be sound proof for the sake of Serena's privacy and concentration. "After that, lunch, then history and mathematics." He chuckled little, "Then you are free to enjoy the rest of your day as you see fit. I suggest a trip to the market. It is a lovely day."
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