Slash's New "Pet" {darkest_fate&MellowYellow}

Broad shoulders shrugged in a vaguely disinterested manner "If you want," he replied simply. By this point he had no intention to go straight for a second round, so he'd let her keep some semblance of dignity for a little while. Slash was cautious all the same, loosening the chains with one hand while the other hand gripped at her left forearm to then ease her back down to earth. She looked too sore to make a break for it, and even in her prime she was no threat.

Still... the monstrous mutant knew better than to just throw caution to the wind. The redhead was a crafty little bitch who could think up some sneaky plan without his knowing, and she was likely bullheaded enough to try it.

Once he had given her the chance to stand and get her balance he then waited for her to fix her attire before snatching a length of rope and managing to gradually bind her wrists together with the reinforced lengths. The tied length was not so tight so as to cut off the circulation in her hands, but tighter than she could break with her own strength and closed well enough to keep her from just slipping her wrists out without significant effort.

Slash stomped back over to his bed, stretching his large arms before him, though he seemed to stop abruptly when he heard a rumble coming from April's direction. He looked to her for a moment, made a noise that was a somewhat annoyed growl, and then slid the large bag of foil wrapped burritos to the redhead. He said nothing but the intention was of the act was all too clear- he wanted her to eat.

It was better than being asked to eat a sewer gator...
What April wanted was to repeatedly kick Slash in the head until the damn turtle passed out, then possibly kick him a few more times in the stupid crotch before telling the boys exactly what he did. But she knew she had to get her strength back, had to play cautious, despite wanting nothing so much as to make another break for it. That temptation roared as Slash undid the chains. The moment April felt her arms able to move again, she wanted to bolt, but the second she tried to walk, she felt her body nearly collapse. Her arms ached, wrists throbbed; her sex still felt sore; her legs had taken some damage at some point too. Even if she somehow managed to get out of the lair, he'd just track her down and drag her here. Hell, April probably couldn't even fight him if he did.

So instead she quietly went to grab her shorts. She spent a few moments looking for her panties before remembering. Yep, there were a few shreds of cotton. April turned to Slash. "If you're going to keep me, I'm going to need new underwear," she said, tired, but obviously determined. She pointed. "You shredded mine, and if you don't give me some kind of protection, I'm probably going to catch some sort of disease. I guess if you want your stupid cock to fall off, that's fine," she shrugged and wiggled back into the shorts. April fought back a hiss as the denim touched her still aching sex. She had to close her eyes and breathe a few times, fighting back the urge to do or say anything else. She zipped and buttoned, careful to keep them as clean as possible.

Then ropes on the wrists, again, and not soon after that, burritos. April looked at them for a moment, then remembered her whole plan. So she worked to opening and eating one as best she could, given her hands and all. At least it didn't seem as though Slash had much sexual stamina; she had that going for her, and she needed all the "going for her" she could get right now.
"If I find the time," he remarked. Slash did have to occupy his time somehow, and more often than not he was either crushing Krang operations or gathering mutagen. He supposed it couldn't hurt to get the girl some underwear. A few gestures of kindness might get rid of that sour puss of hers... Slash didn't much mind if he hated her, and in all likelihood she did and he certainly would understand, but she was a real buzzkill like that.

For now Slash waited, seeming to be in some sort of meditation. He didn't move. Didn't breathe. Eyes shut as if he was in some kind of daze. Yet the way his monstrous muscles were tensed made it clear that he could uncoil like a hissing serpent at a moment's notice if given the reason to. He had thoughts to process, ideas to comprehend... going by his internal clock he was going to assume it was very late in the night, and he supposed he could do with some sleep soon.

Of course with his prisoner here he couldn't just doze off. Fortunately he did have his contingencies in mind.

Slowly and surely Slash got to his feet, letting April eat quietly while he moved toward the darkness just outside his alcove. Occasionally he glanced over his shoulder just so April knew not to try anything. He reached for something hidden by the pitch and then began stomping backward with scrapes of metal heralding his return. His massive hands had taken hold of a chunk of old train car, several tons of rusted mass that he was able to slide into place just outside his alcove. It covered a fair bit of the entryway and would be far too heavy for inferior human muscles to move.

Once he had noticed April was finished eating he lifted her up by her hips, set her on her side on the massive mattress (Which looked big enough for an elephant to sleep upon) while he plodded to the far corner of the room. "Sleep," he said firmly, before taking a crosslegged position on the floor. His eyes were shut, and just a moment later he was tucking the T-phone under the sharp buckle of his belt.

Couldn't afford to get careless. Not with this one.
"Yeah, because you've got so much to do," April fired back. She nearly rolled her eyes, but had instead worked on getting down the burrito. She stomach churned, and part of her wondered why she seemed to be taking the whole getting raped by a mutant thing so well. Maybe she'd just been mentally prepared for it, or something like it, to happen, so it wasn't really that much of a shock when it actually did. Maybe she was just too used to weirdness. Maybe she was too tired, too exhausted, too frustrated to really think that deeply about it.

Instead, she ate, ate and watched and gathered her strength and thoughts. Exhaustion certainly sank in, especially with everything that had happened, and April dimly wondered who would miss her first. her wonderings made her recall Splinter, and she saw that Slash, of all people, appeared to be meditating. She nearly made a comment on that, but again reminded herself that she didn't want to piss off her captor too much.

So more eating. Eating and waiting. And then he got up, and April tensed, curling her body tight for a moment. The turtle dug; April watched, waited. If she'd been in a better position; not aching, not tied up; she might have made a break for it. That was not the case though: all April could do was watch as he moved a chunk in the way. The message was clear: no escape through there. April could wait, and watch, and plan. She hadn't expected him to move to her though, and yelped as he touched her.

However, within seconds of hitting the mattress, April was laying back and sleeping. The sheer exhaustion just overwhelmed her, and she couldn't think of doing anything else. She didn't even dream. It would be sound too, likely to last for several hours, or until Slash did something to the poor girl. After all, surely a mutant couldn't have a pretty little teenage pet without wanting to play with her.
When Slash awoke he found that April was either still asleep, which would not shock him given their prior 'interactions', or was playing possum and waiting for a chance to move. He didn't mind either way, he had his 'morning exercises' to attend to. So after making sure he still had the T-phone, and making sure all the sharp objects were stored away from her, he grabbed his mace and forced the barrier open just so he could slip out and shut it behind him.

The Krang were plentiful, and far from subtle (which made it all the stranger than only a handful of people knew of their existence) so it hardly took him long to find one operation in the twilight hours of the early day. Fifteen of their bog standard units working inside an old fishery, experimenting both on samples of water and various species of fish. If Slash was a gambling man, and he probably would be if casinos didn't have a strict 'no mutants' policy, he would say the squids were trying to make some waterborne mutation plague. Naturally he took exception to it.

He had charged through them, decimating them with mighty swings of his mace and powerful fists, braving through rounds of laser fire that peppered his broad scaly body. One of the mechanical bastards had the misfortune of having his exoskeletons head ripped off by Slash's jaws. In the end they had lost an operation, many of their 'men' were worse for wear, and Slash had acquired himself a new case of mutagen.

He was all but set to head back, but while he was out he supposed he could get April some underwear. Anything was better than having her moan, and he could get some things for 'fun' in the future...

Just under two hours had passed since he left, and he was soon forcing the barrier back open with his mutagen under one arm and a large paper bag in the other. Slash set the mutagen case down on his headline box and then proceeded to take out two packages wach containing three sets of panties. One set looked normal enough, white red and blue underwear in a standard design. The other set was a little more... racy, and lacy. Still they would fit. Who knew what else was in that big ass bag.

"Hey red, you hungry?" Slash looked a little banged up all things considered. In the light of his alcove the various laser burns on his broad arms were fairly visible, and some metal talons had brushed along his left shoulder. Not that he seemed to mind. The guy was a tank among turtles.
No dreams, nor even the slightest hint of dreams. April simply slept, her exhausted body working to repair itself as best it could. All that training and her own special genetics helped considerably, but it could only do so much after what April had endured. It would take Slash's words to finally awaken the girl.

Though April did get up rather quickly. She lurched upright, her orange-red hair askew. Her blue eyes blinked rapidly, taking in the sight: visual confirmation that what she'd remembered had happened. Her sticky body confirmed as well; April's thighs and sex felt utterly caked with who knows what. Just moving meant she felt some of it flake off her. At least she didn't ache, though her sex was still plenty sore. Everything felt dirty and stiff.

Hungry? She looked him over, slightly surprised. April blinked. That much damage... he'd fought Kraang, had to have. Didn't the guys say he did that, though he did it recklessly or something? Coming from Raph, that meant a lot. Why couldn't this guy just be an ally? Instead he had to go and kidnap and rape her. Now he wanted to offer her food?

April did feel a bit hungry, and she didn't see any reason not to let him know. Again: fuel to help her get ready. "A little," she admitted, looking up at him, still braced for him to do something... lewd.
"I figured. I could go f'r something too... course, smashin' aliens tends to do that to a fella..." he said with a ragged little cackle leaving his throat. He moved to the back of his room, pried open another small chest in his room. As one would imagine he didn't have much diversity to his food, a fellow who was far from picky when it came to his meals. Soon enough he had pulled out something wrapped up in cling film.

A baguette of some kind, filled with vegetables of different sorts, mainly lettuce and tomatoes. Cold to the touch, the sandwich was at least somewhat fresh. Slash padded back over, planted the sandwich in her bound hands and then peeled the plastic off with one stroke of his talon. "Go on, eat up..." he said, glancing down at her petite frame. She looked so petite, so compliant... much better than the overly cocky fool that had rushed headlong into his home.

"You're goin in the shower after that," he said as he pointed to the showerhead that had been built into the tiled wall. "Don't worry, it ain't sewer water. There's a hotel not too far above this place, I managed to rig a pipe up to their hot water tank. So long as I don't use too much they'll never know... but hell, the fuck are they gonna do if they do find out? Come on down here an' ask me to leave?"

Slash gave a ragged laugh once more, that same hissing noise that blurred the line between man and beast. He glanced to the sticky purple stain on his new wound and grimaced a bit "Hrn.... shit, guess I could do with a wash too."
He almost sounded like the guys, which just made things worse. Though April had to remind herself yet again that he should sound like the guys; he'd hung around them for some time, arguably a lot longer than April herself. Still, hearing something similar just made the situation all the more awful, twisting April's stomach in knots.

Didn't stop her from reaching for the food. She took a few tentative bites, wondering how he kept getting it. Must be harassing people, threatening them, bullying them. Not like there were a whole lot of options, though April supposed he could charge for protection or something. She nibbled at the food, again keeping her eye on her captor. He had her phone; she saw that. He also had her stuck: she'd have to wait till he left enough space there or till she could get the phone. The being patient thing was torture though.

Into the shower; the command galled April even if it was something she wanted. "What, so you can watch me get naked and then steal all my clothes?" she replied. April snorted. "Yeah, pass," she nibbled a bit more of her food, again eying him. Had he actually gotten her new panties? That would be something, though she wouldn't be surprised if he forced her to wear just those. Yeah, she wasn't getting undressed for him, not even for the promise of a shower.

Nor did she feel any sympathy for him when he whined about his wounds either. She just rolled her eyes. "Yeah, big guy whining about his wounds. I hope it gets infected," because then he'd get sick and she could get her phone back. Not a bad idea. She definitely wasn't going to help him get better; that was for darn sure.
"Tut tut. So fiery," he remarked, though he was clearly unimpressed by her bravado. "If I wanted you naked, I could tear those clothes off easy, ya halfwit. I want you to shower so you'll stink less," he said firmly. In a way what he said made sense- there was literally nothing keeping her clothes but his good graces. After all, he held all the cards, he could pervert her however he saw fit too here and now.

Suddenly his large hand was gripping the top of her head, applying just enough pressure to hold April in place and also leaving her acutely aware of the ungodly might held in his hands. He could pop her head like a cork on a champagne bottle if he saw fit to. "Now listen and listen well you little shit," he said, his voice taking on a sinister edge that made him sound so unlike his 'brothers' and highlighted the cardinal difference between Slash and his kin.

"While you're here, you're going to do as I say when I say it. I couldn't care less what snide remarks you make, and I certainly don't care what you think of me, but you're going to jump when I goddamn tell you to jump, otherwise you're going to be eating your meals through a mouthful of broken teeth... and that's what you'll get if I'm feeling merciful. So when you eat that, you are gonna get under that hot water. Got. It?"

His hand released it's grip, and then to complete she show of condescension he patted the top of her red hair. His message made clear he padded over to the wall, adjusting the valve protruding from the brickwork.
Yes, Slash had a point: he could just annihilate the clothing at any time he so chose. There was a decided difference between "willingly getting naked" and "being violently stripped" that April was very tempted to point out. She was learning the line though, learning just when to shut that mouth of hers and just let him keep ranting and raving. now he talked about her showering and stink. It took all April had not to fire back about how foul the turtle smelled. The words even started forming.

Only to die as the head grabbed her. It was a reminder, a reminder of position and power and just what April had gotten herself into. The words that followed destroyed any and all resemblance to the brothers. April almost wanted to thank Slash for that: it made it all the easier to hate him. She held her tongue though, held her tongue and her spit and everything, just glaring once more, her blue eyes shards of ice.

Didn't care so long as she obeyed him. Ugh, how she wanted to tell him off, but considering everything he'd done and said, she definitely didn't want to push it. "Got it," she agreed, waiting a moment before mumbling, "buttwipe," under her breath. She was tempted to go for something worse, especially with the condescending pat, but again held her tongue. Instead she took another bite of the food and set it aside. Like she could eat now.

Her hand went to her shoes first. Slash might strip her shorts off in a rush, but April did things in order. First the tennis shoes slid off. Then she worked down the thigh-high socks. Then she reached up and yanked her yellow t-shirt off. The black undershirt soon followed, leaving her in a yellow and black bra that perfectly matched the underwear.

Nearly nude, April's tight teenage body was on display. Muscle definition showed from all the ninja training, pulling the girlish curves tight. Her abs looked nearly taut, just a little valley of flesh. Her hips still swerved, and while her breasts may not have been massive orbs, they still jutted enticingly from her body. Freckles dotted the white skin, scattered over her chest, right over her hairless, sticky sex, and along her face and shoulders. April took a deep breath and removed the bra, then finished with arm-bracers and the hair, letting the red-orange fall.

"Right," she said, looking to Slash, trying to appear as though standing naked didn't make her feel painfully fragile. "I'm ready. Do I get to shower now or do I have to ask permission first?" All bravado, but she couldn't help it. She forced herself to look straight at the shower, not thinking about anything else, at least not until she was clean and dressed again. Oh how she hoped she'd be dressed again.
She looked good with her hair down. It was a small difference of course, as her hair was of a modest length, but it did have a nice new look to it. Slash held his tongue on that matter. He also didn't mention how oddly attractive those dotted freckles were. It was strange, really, as she did look just so adorably fragile like that. Slash nodded his head and turned the valve on the wall, hot sprays of water rushing out from the head and sending small wisps of steam up through the air.

Slash stepped back so the teen could slip under the hot spray. He watched her for just a moment, hungry eyes directing their gaze over the taut flesh of her cute butt. He'd seen it before of course, but that didn't mean he couldn't admire it. He stayed that way for a moment before removing the band around his eyes. Strong hands slipped off his belt and then undid the wrappings of leather that covered his hands and calves.

He was naked, but it didn't make much of a difference anyway considering how little he wore. But hell, why get his stuff wet if he didn't have to? Especially the leather, that could be a real pain to dry out again from his experience.

He stepped up behind her, his mighty body still towering over her from behind. Low puffs of steam fell from the thin slits of his nostrils, and for now it seemed he was more than happy to just let her wash while his hand cleaned the wound on his shoulder. Accelerated mutant healing would take care of the rest from there, so much of the water was left to rush down the crevices of his sinewy muscles and the indentations of his shell.
The silence nearly unnerved April. She'd almost grown used to Slash blustering about, growling or outright yelling at her. To have him suddenly grow silent just felt so strange, so out of character for him. It didn't help that it had happened immediately following her getting naked. Either he didn't like what he saw, which definitely worked in April's favor, or he had become so enthralled in it that he didn't want to talk, which worked so far against April that she didn't want to think about it. April figured that she should go with what he said last.

Again, it certainly didn't hurt that this was precisely what April herself wanted. She got under the spray and bit back a groan as the hot water hit her body. Her own accelerated healing, not nearly as good as Slash's or the guys' but definitely noticeably better than standard, had put her nicely along. The water just made her feel better, relaxed her. She could feel it plastering her hair. Despite her situation, April just stood there, head turned up, eyes closed, enjoying the spray for a few moments.

She felt a presence behind her and nearly jumped. She did open her eyes and hurriedly turn around, staring up at the technically naked turtle. April blinked. "What, you aren't going to leave me alone even with this?" she demanded. She considered bringing her arms up to cover her chest, but that felt rather pointless given everything else. She did need to clean her front, but without having supplies it would be difficult. April definitely didn't relish scraping off the dried stuff with her fingernails, and having Slash watch would just make things all the worse.
"It's my damn water and I'll use it when I want," he replied. He knew it wasn't his, had even said as much to her, but that look he agve her was practically daring her to say as much to him. He continued to scrub at the wound on his shoulder and then once he was satisfied with the technicolour wound looking far more pleasing he proceeded to wash some of the blood from his palm, letting it spirit away into the drains so it could rejoin the rest of the sewer that surrounded them.

Giving a low growl of pleasure he proceeded to glance down at the glistening redhead. He'd have to make a mental note of this... for all the bluster and cockiness, she was at the end of the day a teenage girl. Karai had illustrated that point to her in the past, to quite a painful level, and he was more than pleased to know it was more than just a fluke on the part of Shredder's adopted daughter.

Slash lifted his left hand again, the thick digits flexing and clenching for a moment before the bony protrusion of the index claw steadily receded into the flesh and vanished utterly. For what he was about to do, well he could certainly do with minimizing the risk of accidents.

Again his hand moved, now dipping down so quick that the motion would be barely visible to the naked eye. In a flash his hand came back up between April's slim legs, leaving his thick index finger abruptly grinding between the flesh of her soft thighs and up against her previously abused pussylips. The signs of stretching were still there, round two would likely go a hundred times smoother, and with his fingers being slimmer than his cock he could likely slip one in by complete accident. For now though Slash focused on th task at hand, his strong finger grinding against April's labia and clearing away the 'excess' that had hardened there overnight. Slash's fingers felt... oddly smooth all things considered, though occasionally a section of scale would exquisitely grind against her sensitive and exposed core.
"It's not--" began April. The look Slash gave her quieted her though, and she nearly recoiled from him. Nothing said that she had to stay in here though: he hadn't given any orders or anything like that. She didn't think it best to leave before she finished cleaning herself, but the moment she'd finished, April was getting out of there. Her hands began working her body as quickly as possible, scrubbing and rubbing and desperately trying to get herself clean.

She needed soap, at the least. Just one more thing she'd have to insist that the stupid turtle get her. Then again, was she really planning on staying here long enough to shower again? No, no, she wasn't, so she shouldn't. Not really. April shook her head, trying to gather her thoughts, remind herself of what she was doing and why she was there. She could....

Wait, what was that? April felt Slash move and looked over her shoulder, wondering what he could have in mind. A hand came up between her legs. The girl gasped, her own hands flying down to try and cover her tiny sex. Fingers parted hers, moving to the still swollen labia. April had to bite back a noise as she felt the digits prodding against her, looking for a way in... or... what were they doing? It almost felt like Slash was trying to knock away all the excess seed and stuff. Didn't change the fact that he was now touching her without her permission.

April reached up and pushed at his hand, wanting it away. Another hand slid down while her legs clamped shut, desperate to bar him any and all access. "I can't clean up if you're going to do that," she insisted, her body tensing, getting ready to do something more physical if that's what it took.
"As if I can trust you to handle it yourself. You'll probably half-ass it just to spite me," Slash remarked while his large finger continued unimpeded. He reached his other hand up, thumb and forefinger gripping pinching April's cheeks in a light manner. His talons were retracted but the pointed edged were still visible. A silent warning that the towering mutant was more than happy to reinforce his rule through any means he saw fit to use.

The heated water maintained it's steady flow and kept a consistent hot temperature, making it easier to scrub away at the caked-in mess. If she proved herself to be good, then he'd let her clean up immediately whenever he got through with her. For now though he'd let the unhygienic sensation linger upon her for just a touch longer than normal, so long as she proved to be a cranky little shit.

Slash's eyes scanned down at April's slim thighs and the glistening surface of her sex, seeing that by the look of things he had wiped away the last of his slime. "Guess that'll do," he mused idly. He supposed he could have gone to buy some soap, but on the other hand he was a sewer mutant. Soap seemed frivolous to him, since as soon as he got to moving through the tunnels the dirt was all too likely to come roaring back with a vengeance.

Still holding April's cheeks in that somewhat loose manner, his large finger teasingly dragged up her pussylips with an almost delicious slowness. And then up it went, the lips parting to fit the thick length of flesh. Just as he had imagined her pussy held a deal of looseness to it after last nigh, allowing the peak of his finger to slide up unimpeded whereupon the inner walls began to tighten around it. It was slimmer than his cock, and thus had a deal of wriggle room, which he promptly took advantage of through light and slow wriggles of his pointing fat sausage finger.
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