Slash's New "Pet" {darkest_fate&MellowYellow}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
April O'Neil probably shouldn't have entered this section of the sewers alone. She knew that, knew that she probably should have contacted at least one of the guys, probably Donnie, and let them know that she'd seen Slash and he'd headed down into the sewers. At the very least April should have tried to contact somebody, maybe even Casey or Splinter. But no, April had seen the opportunity, and she'd decided to take it.

The redhaired teenager ran through the sewers now, fighting to control her breathing. She'd been training with Splinter for a while now, and she did have the steel fan on her. Surely a trained kunochi could handle Slash. Besides, April didn't actually plan on confronting the guy. She just wanted to spy on him a little, figure out what he was doing, then maybe report back to the guys. Just enough to show that she didn't need their help.

April swallowed and ran her hands down her sides. The sweat left her palms to hit the skintight jean shorts that hugged her lithe frame. A pair of long black leggings covered most of the rest of her legs, thankfully; she definitely didn't want to get any sewer gunk on her. Her yellow t-shirt didn't do a whole lot to add to the whole stealth thing, but it wasn't as though she had the time to change or anything like that. Besides, the orange-red hair should be something of a beacon by itself. None of her clothing really added to April's confidence right now. She was slender, tiny, something that she was reminded of each and every time she faced some sort of crazed mutant creature. Just once she'd like to face a mutant that didn't tower over everything in sight. Though by this point, April had nearly built up a strange immunity to these things, a sort of "you've seen one deadly mutant who wants to kill you, you've seen them all."

A rattling noise made April freeze. She flicked her fan out, peering around a corner. the darkness did not help with the whole seeing thing, though of course April used it to her advantage as best she could. Ninja were supposed to be one with the shadows and all. Though, again, April didn't think that most ninja would leave red hair out to be seen or wear bright yellow shirts. Didn't stop her from sticking to the shadows, practically glued to the wall as she tentatively moved forward.

"C'mon," muttered April, peering into the dark, her blue eyes narrowing, "you're a big, ugly turtle thing. It can't be that easy to hide," she took a few more steps closer, wondering if she should try for a flashlight or something next.
The tunnels were quiet for the most part, with only the distant dripping of foul liquids serving as background noise. After a time, when you got used to it, even that dripping noise fell out of focus. As such whenever a new sound filled the darkness it seemed amplified almost tenfold and served to strike fear into anyone who caught the distant noise. Horrid and ominous noises like something out of a horror flick.

*clink clink clink*
*scrape scrape scrape*

Every once in a while, if one strained their ear harder, they would hear dull thudding and thumping sounds joining that strange chorus and echoing off the moss and filth-encrusted stone. Stealth was something that Slash could never do properly but he could hardly be fully blamed for it. After all if you were eight feet tall, green and weighed as much as a pickup truck you too would find it hard to mask your noises. And yet in spite of his lack of subtlety he was much feared by the four main tortoises. He had beat the tar out of Donatello, Michelangelo and Leonardo, with Raphael only stopping him through exploiting a nerve cluster. Even Tiger Claw would have trouble putting down a mutant of Slash's monstrous caliber.

He continued his solemn trudge through the blackness, occasional stretches of light catching off the twisted spines of his shell and illuminating the dark green material. In one leatherclad fist he held his child-sized mace of sturdy steel while the other held a net containing four canisters of glowing mucus-like mutagen. Mutagen, something he conversely liked and loathed. The goo had given him sentience but he knew that it was also the chief lethal weapon of a horrid monster invasion. He took it upon himself to gather some wherever possible, one of the many ways he struck out at the Krang outside of literally striking at them.

The canisters continued to clink, the spines of his mace continued to scratch off the walls and he continued to thump along unaware of the inquisitive human on his trail. Brightly coloured she may have been but Slash, doubting anyone would be dumb enough to track him, never once bothered to look behind him.

Slash took a sudden turn to one glowing alcove in the tunnel and walked into his own lair, a large expanse lined with his own weapons, a showerhead grafted to one wall, stolen furniture lining the area, and a heavy lead-lined trunk where he housed his recovered mutagen. A few generators were lined around the large chamber which served to power the lights. Every once in a while his backward lizard-mutant brain would spark with brilliance and teach him how to work machinery, and that was how he had managed to spruce the lair up as well as he had.

A low grumbling sigh rolled out of his fanged maw and he proceeded to prop his mace up by the wall next to the only bed large enough to support his superhuman bulk. "Shit... I'm gonna have to go on the hunt again soon... catch another sewer gator..." he murmured to himself as he popped the trunk open. With careful motions he slid the lead-lined case open and filled it with his recovered mutagen.

It was a lonely existence... soon enough he'd have a solution for that issue.
Yes! The clinking noises had actually been something! April felt a rush of excitement as she heard the voice echoing in the dank sewer. It took her a few moments to match a voice with a face, but it wasn't as though there were that many sentient beings in the sewer (though that number seemed to go up with each passing week). It had to be Slash, the massive turtle who had once been Raphael's pet.

April crept a few more feet, her heart hammering. She could do this: just peek her head in, look around for a few moments, confirm it, and get the heck out of there. Slash was stupid, right? Usually the big ones were and they really didn't come a whole lot bigger than Slash. Of course, that just reminded April of how very tiny she happened to be, especially when put in comparison. Still, she was a trained ninja: he was a lumbering oaf; surely she could do enough to get away.

A few more feet, then April peered into the room. It looked... almost homey, definitely more pleasant than April expected. Slash had... well, he'd actually tried. It didn't look quite as good as the turtles' lair, but, well, that was to be expected. Slash only had himself; the turtles had each other and Splinter... which was kind of sad when you stopped to think about it, especially as Slash had once been a part of that very family.

April licked her lips, peering in, trying to determine what to do next. She saw him, sitting there, looking as dumb and huge as ever, so that was technically all the confirmation she needed... but for some reason, April wanted just a bit more. Maybe... maybe she could just get a token of some kind? Some sort of proof that the giant turtle really had camped out? Yeah, she could do that. April crept forward, as stealthy as ever, heading into the lair. Just grab something and get out...

then her foot caught on something, and she let out a little cry as she hit the ground. April rolled and looked up, but she had a feeling that Slash had most definitely heard the noise in the relative quiet, and that things were about to get a whole lot uglier.
He had just been securing the bolts on the lead-lined box when a noise came from behind. Large he might have been but stupid he was not, and with a surprising level of swiftness he spun about and gripped his large mace. The solid steel length was of such great size that even a trained body builder would have issue raising it and there he was swinging it in one hand as if he was merely plucking a stick up off the ground.

He looked down at her with a great intensity in his gaze and in that moment she would see a strong burning intensity in his gaze. It was different from how the other turtles looked at her- something distinct in his eyes. He looked closer to a beast than the other four did. "Well well," he said in a deep growling tone that would send a shiver down the spine of even the bravest man. "The turtles' pet human, come to pay me a visit. I guess it was just a matter of time."

Slash quickly glanced to the weapon in her hand, the jagged corners of his mouth curling up into a sneer "Heh... seriously? A steel fan? Why didn't ya just bring a feather duster, it'd be about as useful even if you weren't a novice... Where's Raphael and the others?" Silence fell for a moment and then he gave a croaking laugh that echoed throughout the shell of his home "Ah I see. April O'Neil, striking out on her own to prove her mettle? I appreciate the guts kid- you've got more nuts than half your species. Too bad you picked the wrong mutant to stalk."

Michelangelo and Leonardo had found out the hard way that he was faster than his towering frame would imply. Like a rhino from the savannas he could build up a stunning momentum when he charged, but in terms of reflexes he could match any of his 'brothers.' That was why when his hand shot down and gripped April by the collar of her shirt it was like a bolt of green lightning shooting downward and a vice clamping around the fabric as he moved to hoist her up.
That look froze April's insides as though Slash had some sort of mutant power. It wasn't the alien, bestial look in that gaze: the same sort of look that every other creature that April faced wore on their face. No, it was the familiarity. A turtle stared down at April with an expression only slightly removed from Donnie's, one that made April suddenly acutely aware of the fact that she was a female and Slash a male.

The growling voice only served to further lock down April's body. The lean girl had to fight from shaking, from quivering like some scared child. Hadn't she just been reminding herself that she was a kunochi? That she'd trained for this? that she'd seen this and worse? April saw that sneer, and it reminded her of it all. Swallowing hard, she straightened, readying her fan.

"You don't need to worry about--" began April, her voice showing more confidence than she felt. That confidence left as Slash's hand blurred forth. April did see it, did even manage to react, jerking back. Yet his fingers still snagged her shirt, still dragged her up. April let out a "hrk" as she felt her feet leaving the sewer floor. The shirt tugged tight around her throat for a moment, and she had to yet again fight to remain calm. She had a weapon, and a ninja wasn't just as good as that.

"You're gonna regret this," she hissed, twisting as best she could. She snapped the fan and worked to bring it down as hard as she could upon his wrist. On a normal human, the blow would have at least caused enough pain to cause April to drop, it might have even severed a Kraang bot. But on a mutant like Slash? April didn't know: she just knew that she had to fight, and she had to act fast.

Though something told her that Slash was much, much faster.
The blade did have an effect, the refined and sharpened material colliding with the flesh of Slash's arm. But it could only do so much- the man had skin like treebark, taut scales slowing the sharpened blade and ending her swing halfway. A normal man would have risked having a chunk of his arm torn out, yet Slash merely felt one jet of pain race up his arm while a few dribbles of neon green blood raced to the surface of the cut.

He gave a low and imposing growl akin to those same beastly snarls Leatherhead had become known for. His sneer left him in an instant, and was replaced instead with a predatory frown that bared the points of his fangs. Great big teeth that could rend flesh from bone and most likely crush human bones like twigs if he bit hard enough.

"I admire the effort. If I was as scrawny as my brothers that might even have hurt me a lot. Too bad for you that's not the case." Slash narrowed his eyes and peered into the opening at the neck of April's shirt, peering at the freckles on pale flesh that just so barely showcased the peak of her bust. It teased at the existence of those mounds and he was left all too aware that he was 'alone' in more ways than one. Small wonder that bo-staff toting loser was so worryingly obsessed with the redhead. "Though now that you're here, I might as well put you to use."

Suddenly his arm jerked and his fingers released their grip, the momentum launching her and smacking her back against the wall. Had he wanted to Slash could have killed her then and there, but he was very deliberate in the force he put behind his arm. That impact was merely meant to disorient her and leave April dizzy for a moment, while he reached over and snatched a length of chain from his weapon wall.

Acting quickly he tossed those chains over the large and sturdy pipe hanging overhead in the center of his lair so that both halves of the length were dangling on either end of the pipe. Now with both hands free Slash grabbed April's wrists together in one large hand while the other slowly tied her arms together with the clinking lengths of cold iron. Thick and sturdy- a mutant would have trouble breaking those links. A scrawny teenage girl with less than a year's worth of ninja training? She was more than trapped when Slash got done tying that knot.

"There. Now let's put this away before someone gets hurt," Slash remarked with a mocking laugh. His foot flicked forward, kicking her blood-spattered fan toward the rest of Slash's arsenal. He would leave it there for now. Just out of reach for April's foot. "Now, let's chat- since you really have nothing else to do."
She'd drawn blood! April nearly couldn't believe it, even as she saw the trickle of neon oozing out from Slash's arm. She smiled, feeling hope surging in her. He could be hurt; she could hurt him. All she had to do was ----

Slash growled. April jerked at that, her blue eyes going wide. That bestial noise had caught her off-guard, but only for a moment. Already she'd started to move, her reflexes kicking in, helping her to react to the situation. She twisted, twirled, even tried bringing her feet up. All the while April could hear Slash taunting her, talking about how her blow might have done more on someone else, about how she was hopeless in his arms. Yeah, like she didn't already know all that. April hissed and turned to spit at him as he finished, hoping for the glob to distract him even further. As April did, she remembered that she still had a T-phone on her belt. If she could get to that, just make enough noise to let the guys know something was up.

Put you to use? April didn't bother worrying about that, instead twisting, trying to bring her hand down. She felt him moving her, fought against the dizzying sensation of it, and she succeeded until...


April gasped out in pain as her back slammed against the wall. As Slash planned, it stunned April. Her fighting ceased for a second, her body going limp. April could see stars swirling in her vision while blackness threatened to creep in via the edges. The girl took several deep, sucking breaths, feeling her pert, teenage chest rise with each desperate gasp of air. April fought to regain her mind and body, even started to feel sensation returning just as...


April felt the chains binding about her arms, tying them together and up. The girl let out another cry and jerked, but she could feel it pulling her up, trussing her, stretching her out. Her shirt pulled, a bit of it coming loose from her shirt. Soon a small expanse of freckle-dotted hip would show, complete with a cute little belly button. enough pull and April's cute little panties might even show.

The girl twisted to glare at Slash, only now realizing that her weapon was gone too. "Chat? I'm not going to talk with you!" she snapped. She twisted again, then let out a harsh laugh. "You are so gonna regret doing this when the guys show up. You really think this is the first time some big dumb mutant has chained me up? This isn't even tight. All you're gonna do is make them nice and mad, so they'll kick your butt even harder," and April put on a confident smirk, even while she could feel her back aching from the recent blow, and her body stretch thanks to the chains.
"Kick my butt? Oh I get it- my brothers never told you how badly I demolished them. That loser with the bo-staff went down in one punch, and the moron with the nunchaku hits like a spring lamb. Even Leonardo was a glassjaw up against me and Raph only got lucky... Let 'em come, I'm not afraid for a repeat performance..." He moved to one of the stolen chests in his room, opening it up to reveal some of the medical supplies he had scavenged. "Hnph... I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't get the whole story about me. Donatello probably couldn't bring himself to tell you about how he got emasculated... so damn predictable."

It took a little bit of focus for him to unscrew the cap on his disinfectant bottle, and rather than waste time on swabs or rags he merely poured some clean into his fresh wound. Limited discomfort and only a low murmur of annoyance leaving him from the sharp sensation. "Yeah but they ain't comin' here. You came out here alone. I know that much because those four would never let you come anywhere near me if they knew. Even then this tunnel is over a mile from their lair, and the only way to get to it is through some networks that my brothers fear to tread."

Spending many years as Raphael's pet turtle 'Spike' had given him the kind of insider knowledge the Shredder would pay a fortune for. Not that Slash would dare lower himself to that- he liked to think he had more honour than that.

Now he got to work on bandaging, tearing off a long strip from a roll of the white fabric. Again it was awkward for him to wrap it into a knot with how cumbersome his digits were but soon he had managed to tie the bandage in place on his forearm with a combo of his mouth and teeth. "Mnf... nope April. You're stuck here for the long haul, and I'm gonna use you as leverage. Keep my brothers off my back."

He padded around behind her and suddenly two of his fingers were stroking over her partially exposed midriff, feeling the toned pale flesh so soft against his coarse fingers. He grinned again and blew out a low exhale, a hot puff of steam hitting the back of April's neck and hitting her with a strong scent of spiced meat to make her head spin. "An' while we're doin' that, we might as well get better acquainted."
Wait, they'd lost? Yeah, that definitely wasn't the story that April had heard, and she mentally cursed the guys for that. She supposed she could see why, if what Slash said was at all true. Not that April readily believed the bulging, evil turtle or anything: for all she knew, he'd made the whole thing up just to demoralize her... and it was working a little, enough to make her stomach leaden.

April kept her attention focused on Slash, looking for any sign of weakness or escape. He sounded oh so confident, and he didn't even look at her. April licked her lips and dared glance down at her hips, where the T-phone still hung on her belt. She began wiggling subtly, letting Slash talk for a few moments. She knew she'd have to keep him distracted if she was going to get the phone working at all.

"How do you know that we didn't just split up and look for you?" she replied, again filled with confidence and bravado. "The others are just roaming, scouting. I saw you and told them I'd go look ahead," only a half a lie, which made it easier to say. April didn't even sound the least bit bothered or worried: she just kept squirming slightly, working to bring the phone up.

A rip. There for the long-haul... used as leverage. April nearly rolled her eyes at that. Yeah, it would work, or it would just tick them off. April squirmed again, moving to pull the phone up... only to stop as she felt fingers touching her skin. They felt rough, clawed, and April became reminded yet again that she was a teenage girl without super-thick skin or anything. A scratch could cause her to bleed out, and even if she managed to escape, she likely wouldn't make it to the surface.

Spiced hot breath hit her head, and she fought against the odor. "Yeah, because I always secretly wanted to get to know Raph's pet," she shot back. "Why don't you just go ahead and knock me out? I'm certainly not going to be quiet or anything," she let out another little laugh, this one more nervous. His hands were on her hips, after all, or close enough, and April couldn't help but remember that the guys did happen to be teenage boys and all.
"They'd want you to be as far from me as possible- just like they'd want you to be far away from Tiger Claw or Karai, or the Shredder. If they're coming then let 'em. I have no plans on leaving my home. Which, by the way, I was more than happy to mind my own business in before you came snooping..." Slash said. She could well have been telling the truth, and for a moment Slash did seriously consider investigating and leaving her dangling.

After all he had just gotten this place the way he liked. Having to move on again would be too much of a pain and he didn't know if he'd find a spot as good as this. On the other hand April had been in this situation many times. No doubt she had gotten used to lying in a bid to buy her time. No dice... Slash was no Krang geneticist, but he was far from the doorknob-dense idiot April had expected him to be.

"Oh I don't want you to be quiet... I want you to be nice and loud. After all if my brothers are out there, maybe we should give 'em a signal to draw them in," he said. Suddenly his tongue unfurled from his pointed mouth. It, much like that of a canine, was long, dexterous, hot and lined with saliva. Slowly and steadily it ran up the side of April's pale neck, searching out any sensitive nerves while that heady scent continued to bombard her.

While his tongue got to work as a 'distraction' of sorts Slash's hand gripped the waistline of April's denim shorts. One swift yank and they went down to pool at her ankles and it was some kind of miracle that his monstrous strength hadn't torn them straight off her legs. His thick thumb-claw (In reality it looked more like a protruding bone than any kind of nail or talon) slid at her left hip, hooking the fabric of her panties and then releasing it so the elastic could spank right back against her hip. All the while his tongue kept working, slithering around to caress her throat and jawline.
Yes, the guys certainly would want her to be far away from anything. It irked April that Slash knew that, knew it and spoke it with such easy confidence. Apparently being Raph's pet had given him far, far too much insider knowledge, and he certainly didn't seem to have any qualms about using, or in this case abusing, said knowledge. Still, that didn't stop April from firing back: "Yeah, because I definitely just do whatever they tell me to and sure wouldn't go ahead and scout an area," she replied dryly, continuing to layer her bluff with more truth. April knew she'd have to be careful: too much truth and Slash might figure things out. He was already proving to be far more intelligent than April had hoped.

Though April had seriously hoped he'd at least try to render her unconscious. She could have faked it and then worked her way out of the chains or something. Instead, she saw his tongue loll out, and she shivered. it had barely touched her when she was letting out an "ewwww" followed by a "this is so gross!" neither of which she could suppress. Nor could she suppress the shudder that slid over her as well, pimpling her skin and causing her to whiten slightly.

Claws hooked April's tight shorts and she felt them pull. They tugged sharply, and April felt the panties underneath dislodge a little as well, at least enough to fall lower on her hips. If Slash was expecting sexy lingerie, he would be sorely disappointed. April wore a pair of panties meant for active moving: smooth cotton that slung well upon her body. Their pale yellow color got close to matching what she normally wore, and the black lining only further emphasized that connection. They certainly looked like what an active teenage girl would put on if she expected to be doing things, though they'd also slid enough to show the top of April's hips, along with the dotting of freckles that covered her there.

"Hey!' she protested as she felt her shorts catch. April jerked her legs closed and felt a deep blush appear on her, which only served to further showcase all available freckles. "What kind of sicko are you? I'm a human girl, not some kinda mutant or---PULL MY PANTS BACK UP!" she was genuinely angry at the last and squirmed, trying to jerk the denim back up her little body.
"Well well look at those... hrm, do you just have a whole wardrobe of matchin' yellow? Go to bed in yer yellow pyjamas, wrap yourself in a yellow towel when you get out of the shower? Ha. Newsflash Red, vibrant yellow isn't exactly a complimenting colour for ninjas," Slash said. he didn't rise to the challenge at her yelling. if anything he thought it cute seeing that red flush on her cheeks... soon enough that anger would loop back to fear.

His tongue retracted, saliva sliding down the freckled pale skin of her neck and staining the collar of her shirt. "Yeah you're a human girl. A very pretty human girl. You know how goddamn awful it is to be a male turtle living in the sewer with nothin' else but other male mutants down here. Hell there aren't even any lady mutants. No no, while I have you I'm damn sure gonna make good use of the chance."

Slash's talon tugged again and then suddenly the edge of her underwear was torn away. The article fell away and landed slowly on the dirty floor. Discarded and useless and leaving April's purity on display for the leering mutant. He gripped her ponytail and very slowly pulled her head back. She could try and resist of course but it would be like trying to tug a mountain- she would barely slow him.

Once her head was pulled back enough he leered at her and once more than burning intensity was in his gaze. "I told you. I was you to be nice. And. Loud." His other hand whipped over her pert bottom, a powerful spank echoing off the walls as his thick palm struck the pert flesh of April's tight buttocks.
April did, in fact, have a matching outfit of yellow. She'd read somewhere that you should always match, since you never knew what would happen. Of course, she doubted that whoever wrote that had expected a giant mutant turtle to string up a girl and tease her about how her panties were the same color as the rest of her outfit. Worse, April knew that the sports bra supporting her perky little breasts happened to match just as well.

"Yeah, because you know all about--eeewww!" April kicked and squirmed as the tongue slithered again. She jerked, her eyes widening as fear started to leak through that confident shell. That tongue slid down her flushed skin, edging underneath the tight tee. April could see the sinewy muscle bulging underneath, distorting the fabric and pulling it taut against her. Soon it would be teasing the top of her bra, and Slash's words left little doubt that it would be go further.

"Stop!" said April, the fear sliding into her words. She kicked out, struggling, pulling and tugging. "You can't seriously want to--Ow!" the last came as the turtle grabbed her tail and jerked her head back. April closed her eyes and hissed in pain, taking several deep breaths. She could feel the dank air of the sewer upon her tiny little nether lips. The girl looked every inch the little girl, despite having been a teenager for several years now. Her little sex had even been shaved clean: April had been tricked by a friend into believing that was "hygienic" and she'd kind of liked the look. It did make her look far younger than seventeen though, which she regretted now.

April forced her eyes open, looking into those burning orbs that slid more fear down her body. she could feel that damp air upon her lower half, knew what he meant to do. She shook her head, fear again bubbling. A blur, and SMACK. April hissed as she felt the blow shake her entire body. Red already blossomed upon the girl's pert ass, the red showing acutely amid the freckle-dotted white. It had to hurt, but April didn't show it beyond slightly watering eyes.

"This--this your big plan, Spike?" she asked, purposefully using the name. She let out another little laugh. "You're going to spank me? Come on, haven't you heard? Corporal punishment doesn't work." She let out another little laugh, smiling. At least she could be brave; if nothing else... and then she realized that her T-phone now had been draped across her feet with her shorts. Maybe if she twisted she could poke the emergency button. April bit her lips and focused, shifting her legs, trying to make it look like she was just dealing with the pain.
"Oh trust me I'm just getting started... though I do like it that you shaved down there. Nice touch... too much hair is just, bleh. I mean the girls Raph has in those magazines from the eighties, the girls in those look like goddamn yetis," he said as if they were having the most normal exchange one could imagine. He didn't much care that she was afraid, or even trying to mask it. He knew he had all the power in this moment and was more than happy to toy with it.

"And you can stop trying to reach that damn phone of yours, otherwise I'm gonna shove it up your ass." That wasn't an idle threat. He knew he could, and if he kept April long enough he knew he'd be forcing something much bigger than a T-phone into her asshole. Slash let go of her ponytail and let her head loll forward a bit to remove the strain on her muscles. Somewhere else would be straining soon enough...

There was a sudden cracking sound, as if something was splitting open. The plates on his shell just at his groin opened out wide like a pair of flaps on trousers. The gap widened and widened and widened still until it looked wide enough to slide a coke can into.

A turtle's cock was supposed to be about half the length of their body and it seemed that mutant turtles were not exempt there. The thick red organ with the pointed head was certainly humongous and was quick to reach full hardness, reaching past the slight paunch of Slash's belly. It was well over a foot long, and poor April was set to have her work cut out for her. Slowly and steadily he stalked around, hoisting her discarded panties into his thick hand. Now he was standing before her, giving April a glimpse of what she was working with here and now.

Slash's hands lifted her slim legs by the ankles and held them spread as much as he could in the confines of her denim shorts. The peak of his cock now 'kissed' at the chilled entrance of her pussy, feeling a few beads of moisture tease along the apex of his mutant dick. "My my April, wet already?"
"That's for hygiene!" snapped April, even as she knew it was a silly, stupid thing to say. Her face had gone nearly deep red and she felt as though most of her body had started matching it. April hadn't realized that you could effectively blush throughout your entire body, but she certainly seemed well on her way to doing so now. The girl fought through the embarrassment and shame though, knowing that she had to if she ever wanted out of this.

Slash's words did made April freeze. He knew, or at least guessed. April shifted her eyes back to look at him. Something in what he said... it didn't sound like a threat. But if he did that, couldn't she activate the emergency beacon with her butt? It sounded ludicrous, but if that's what it took to get her out of this, she'd take it. The girl looked directly at Slash and quite purposefully moved her feet.

Only to stop at the cracking noise. April let out a yelp and started, feeling her pants starting to slide. She lunged for them with her foot, barely managing to catch the tiny shorts. The phone hung precariously, and April licked her lips, nervously trying to bring it back. The girl focused so much on getting the phone that she totally forgot about the creature. There, she almost had it! Just a little shift and---

and there was Slash standing in front of her. April didn't look, still focusing, but she soon felt hands upon her legs. April let out a gasp and shook her head, but felt Slash parting her slender legs. She whimpered, looking to the dangling bit of short on her right leg, held out teasingly, far from reach. As she did, April finally took note of the thick thing heading toward her. She felt it touching the edge of her sex and looked down, freezing.

"Wh---wha--what is---" she stammered, staring at the angry thing between Slash's legs. her eyes went wide as she saw where it pointed: right at her tiny little sex. If he tried to thrust her with that, he'd surely kill her. "You can't!" she said, forcing herself to look into his eyes. "I'm--I've---never--it's--I'm like half your size!" That thing between his legs looked to be nearly as big as April. "Please!" she'd entered begging, not caring what it took so long as that thing didn't enter her. "You're too big, you'll---you'll--" April didn't even want to think about what that cock would do to her tiny body: she just knew it wouldn't be good.
"Hm? Is that begging I'm hearing? Oh but I thought the others were coming to kick my ass? Well goodness, you sure don't sound so sure of yourself now, do you April?" Slash replied with that cocky edge returning to his deep voice. When their eyes met she would see that his intense gaze didn't falter for a single zeptosecond. Regardless of what was going to happen, he WAS going to do this.

"The problem ain't that I'm too big, it's that you're too small. We'll simply have to fix that problem and stretch you out a bit," Slash said ominously. He wasn't sure if the tiny teen could conceivably stretch that much but he was going to do it anyway. He was doubtful it would kill her, especially if he moderated his freakish strength, and the prospect of having a chained up little sex-pet was something the lonesome mutant could really get on board with.

The tremendously tall mutant pushed his hips forth, and in an instant the tapered peak of his mighty cock had jammed into April's snug cunt with four extra inches sliding in behind it. It was a great deal to force in in one go, yet if April could stomach the nerve to look down she would see that it was almost literally the tip of the iceberg being forced inside her.

"Come on April, where's the bravado...?" He asked in a mocking hiss as he forced another three inches straight up, forcing her tight and soaked cunt wider still as he probed deeper into the tight recesses of her pussy. His pointed mouth forced forth and once more his long tongue shot out, sliding into her mouth and exploring every last inch of April's maw like a slippery wet serpent.
April wanted to protest, to tell Slash off, to say something in response, but she could already feel tears starting to come down, along with the realization that this was happening, would happen, that he was going to do whatever he wanted. His posture said it all, with his thick member pressing against the entrance to her tiny sex, threatening to utterly wreck the slender orifice. Words only served as further confirmation: he would do this, would stretch her.

"It's not going to fit," she tried, her voice wavering now. She swallowed, looking down at the bulbous thing. She swore it looked as big as one of her slender arms, possibly even a leg. it shifted, the mutant moving, teasing the tapered end. "NO!" screamed April. She jerked, trying to pull her legs free, but his unwavering grip held her pinned in the air. The chains kept her arms up, stretched. The girl was the fuck-toy he wanted.

It slammed within. April's head shot back, her eyes pinching shut as she fought to control the sensations. Searing pain had shot straight through her, as intense as anything April had felt. Slash's member had to be on fire, to cause her entire sex to burn like this. For April could feel every inch of it spreading her tight little cunny. The little sex hadn't even seen the girl's fingers before: April had always thought masturbation sounded too gross to try. Now four inches of turtle prick skewered her, hammering against her hymen.

"Pull it out!' hissed April, jerking and bobbing. She dared look down, seeing that only the slightest bit of him filled her. Already she felt swollen, stretched, aching. She dared look up at him, her eyes watering, anger and fear and frustration mounting. "Get your stupid thiiii--oooowwwww!" spots swam as April felt the massive ram destroy her hymen. One thrust skewered her innocence, and virginal blood would anoint the turtle's cock. April's howl would have extended till her throat went raw, had a slippery tongue not seized her mouth instead. Saliva drooled down, the swinging strands connecting to her heaving chest.

Spots swam in April's vision, the darkness returning to the edges. Pain, such intense, blinding pain, coming straight from her nether region. April fought for a while, though part of her wondered if she should even bother, if it was all pointless, if she should just give in and collapse, let the pain take away her consciousness and leave her to blissful nothingness.
Slash pulled back and let his tongue slither free from the warm cavern of her mouth, his saliva still filling her maw and running from her soft lips. His mouth tasted as his breath did, akin to delicious meat and exotic spices. He had eaten recently and whatever he had eaten was... well, it was really good.

"Hrn hrn... well well that knocked the wind out of your sails. Surprised you're as tight as you are, woulda figured you were banging at least one of my brothers. Donatello was carrying the mother of all fuckin' torches for you hot stuff," Slash said in a low rumbling growl. Oh man, he would really have to consider rubbing this in that staff-toting nerds face at some point, he could just imagine that look on his gaptooth face.

For now though he focused on the matter at hand and seemed to now slow himself a touch. He couldn't have her go and pass out, oh no. Slash wanted the pain to burn away into pleasure, and he wanted to see both the shame and joy in her expression as he got her to enjoy it. She'd be forever shaped to fit him when he got done here and now, oh yes and she would learn to want more as this went on.

So his hips pushed back and forth at a slow and steady rate, his motions shallow and controlled and now more gradually sinking his mutant dick into April's cunt. The muscles in her pussy were giving way for his own muscle, the peak now forcing up close toward her cervix. His shallow motions, hips going too and fro, grew quicker until she was almost swinging in the restraints of her chains.

He was getting into this, oh yes he made the smart move of catching her rather than killing her...
Ugh, why did his breath have to smell, have to taste, bearable? April wanted to be repulsed by him, to feel her stomach churn as he moved close, as he took control. That sensation still existed: she still had the near overwhelming urge to bite down hard upon that tongue, one that she wished she'd acted on before it had withdrawn from her mouth. She could feel the spittle leaking down her mouth, wetting the top of her shirt. For a moment, April wanted to clean it, wished she could.

Then, in the next moment, she realized that some part of her mind was still working, still functioning, that she hadn't blacked out. The girl blinked her watery blue eyes, looking down. The cock still skewered her: still split her tiny little frame open. She looked like a piece of meat shoved onto a throbbing red pole. She could feel every inch of it too: her sex closing tight about it, trying to push against him. That unyielding cock worked against her though, instead stretching out her formerly tight sex, forming it into a sheath for his cock.

Shouldn't he be plowing her? Taking her savagely? April had practically been desperate for this to stop or for that to happen. Instead, he shifted slightly, seeming to just rock into her. She felt her inner walls grip and slide, felt the cock dragging against her sensitive flesh. The pain still ached, still coursed, still dominated, but that friction was beginning to feel... odd. April couldn't quite place it and she definitely didn't want to. She could feel that cock all the way up her, and she seriously worried about it crushing something.

"Don't--" she tried, swallowing hard, forcing herself to look at his eyes, "don't you dare---" some of her fire returned as the pain dimmed from overwhelming to just unbearable, "don't you dare shove---shove all that--in me---you'll---seriously---" she swallowed, groaning. April jerked against the chains, desperate to get away. She tried tightening her legs, but his hands remained on her. All she could do is buck, and when she did that, she nearly looked like she wanted more turtle cock. Tears of frustration and anger fell down, mixing now with the pained ones as the girl groaned out her emotions, desperately wishing for some sort of relief.
"If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing all the way," Slash answered in turn, his tone level and far from reacting to the indignation in April's voice. If anything that was just adding fuel to his fire. It reminded him of what he planned on doing, he wanted to make sure just how big a mistake it was coming out here. She was his captive and while she was in this position he was going to make damn good use of her tight teenage body.

Hell, she'd probably even come to enjoy it. What was that thing he heard about on TV? 'Stockholm Syndrome? Yeah. That.' If such a thing existed then in all likelihood it would effect April. After all if none of the Turtles knew she had made this boneheaded move then it would probably be several days before they even knew she was missing. And from that it would take several more days to even get on her trail. Yes, April was down here for the longhaul.

His jagged mouth opened to reveal his wicked smile while his powerful hips continued to saw in and out of her tiny pussy. Even a normal human penis would have trouble in this sheer tightness but Slash showed no intent on stopping. Her labia had been spread nice and wide for his beastly girth and whenever he pulled out he could see copious pussy juices glisten along the upper portion of his cock. On some level, whether she realised it or even wanted to acknowledge it, April was enjoying being violated. When he realised this Slash's grin seemed to grow all the more imposing.

"Why April you naughty girl," he remarked in that ever-confident tone. His next thrust was a strong one that hit deep and hard against her cervix, making April's entire body bounce from the motion. "Getting wet down there? Never thought I'd see the day." At this stage the pointed head of his shaft was pushed up against the tight barrier of the teen's cervix. Before she could rise to his mocking remark or plead with him to stop he gave another strong push that forced April's cervix wide and gave his cock passage, the powerful prick forcing up until the head ground into the very back of her womb!

Slash hissed in a perverse triumph and glanced down to his sealed cock, having forced in from end to end of April's magnificent pussy. As if to prove how real this all was his intruding manhood had formed a deep distending bulge in her abdomen. It would leave whenever he deigned to free himself... and from how he was breathing it seemed that an incoming cumshot would soon give him reason to leave April's wonderfully hot recesses.
"You'll rip me in half, you---" the words ended in a hiss as April felt her sex stretching once more. The intense pain washed over her with those thrusts. He battered against something within: April could feel each thrust hammering against some kind of internal wall. She thought it may be her hymen, but no, no, he had shredded that. She'd felt it tear, and if she dared look down she could no doubt see her virginal blood staining the cock that continued to saw within her. So he must have found something else, something within.

The girl's sex had reacted, moistening, heating up, but it didn't quite get aroused enough to really show any reaction beyond that. The steady thrusts, the constant friction, affected the girl, surely, but that pain overwhelmed any little amount of pleasure that came through: that aching, searing pain that coursed throughout April's entire sex, as though each thrust scraped skin off her interior.

So the girl managed to glare at Slash as he spoke. "You're the one who's---oooowww!" her head fell back at the deep thrust. She'd felt him batter again against that wall, batter hard. Interior muscles clamped down, squeezing him tighter than a vice. Yet like all April's muscles' struggles, this accomplished nothing, save maybe to add more sensation to the cock ravaging her sex. She got ready to shoot back another verbal barb, only to find another push.

"Oh my gaaaaaawwwwd!" she screamed as brand new pain rocketed through her. The cock skewered her completely, far more fully than nearly any human would have been able to do. The teenager was filled to the bursting point with turtle cock. April could feel every inch of it as it bulged within her. Her lean frame showed every inch as well, that bulge showing on her taut little abdomen. It shrank and grew with each thrust, April's lean body showing it off all too well.

The sheer agony of the insertion made April hiss between clenched teeth. She could feel more hot tears running down the side of her face. Yet she forced her eyes open, looking at Slash with as much hate as she could muster. She sucked in pained breaths as she glowered, blaming him for the intense feeling of it all. Though she also felt odd, full, almost, a new sensation that wasn't altogether unpleasant. The problem was that it mixed so totally with the pain that April couldn't separate the two: she just hated the being who did this to her, hated him with her whole body and mind.
He felt the anger and hate in her gaze, but that just added to his thrill. As if he cared what she thought of him... she was just like all the others, and if the only important person in his life hated him then what did it matter if the human scrub didn't like him? The great pain of being stuffed utterly probably wasn't doing her any favors, not that he seemed to slow a whole lot. She was close to perfectly shifted to suit his size now. Round two would go better...

A lengthy hiss rolled out of his pointed maw as Slash felt the limit his him like a runaway freight train. His grip remained firm on April's ankles, keeping her in place and using his mountainous bulk to keep her from pulling away. he was sheathed in her and he had no intention of stopping that as his straining cock finally got to erupting.

Each beat of his heart signaled a pulse up the entire red length of his powerful cock. The peak widened, launched out a thick white spurt of spunk... then another, and another and another and another and so on in that manner, all while his hissing grew increasingly loud and continued to echo off the wall. Some part of him wondered if his mutant jizz would have any effect on her. After all there was the species barrier... but on the other hand, mutagen seemed to break all known laws of biology in every conceivable manner.

Finally, after cumming enough to fill a soccer ball with his spunk, Slash slowly pulled himself free of April's ravished pussy and gave a snort of approval as he saw some of the excess now drip from her womanhood. Her stomach was partway inflated with his deliciously taboo mutant seed and it would take some time for it to fully deflate.

"Mn. Now that was some good stress relief. I'm goin' hunting. Speak now if you want some food, otherwise you're gonna be hungry tonight."
The hiss caught April's attention, even through the intense pain that threatened to overwhelm her. She twisted once more, trying one final time to remove herself from the giant mutant. All she managed to do was grind her body on the cock, allowing it to scrape all around her insides. The new sensation made her stop and gasp, her body jerking. Her hips trembled for a moment, her nether lips quivered, interior muscles quaked about it. Had Slash not been holding her in place, no doubt April would have jerked free based on that sensation alone.

"Stop!" she tried one last time, pushing through that sensation. She undulated, her body nearly moving like a wave. At that moment, April felt the head flare. Her blue eyes went wide and she went silent as something hot and semi-liquid spewed into her insides. First one hard spurt, straight into her womb, then another, and another. April held still as she felt the mutant cum shooting into her. Already she could feel the stuff sloshing around, leaking out of her battered sex. So much more filled her. April's cute little stomach had ballooned slightly, the bulge covering the slight one from the cock and looking quite noticeable. It almost felt as though cum had slathered her entire insides. It certainly looked as though that had happened.

Finally the monster pulled out. April let out a hiss at the leaving, shuddering against. His ropey seed, stained with April's virginal blood, leaked from her lips. It took all April had not to start bawling then and there. She did look up at him as he spoke. Did she want food? Not from him. Worse, she didn't... didn't really feel... feel all that hungry...

So the girl just glared at him, her small frame radiating heat. She'd just wait till he was gone and activate her T-phone; the guys were going to be super pissed to find her like this. That was the only glimmer of satisfaction that April could see right now, and it was only a glimmer.
Slash shrugged "Suit yourself. No skin off my shell," he remarked simply. An idea came to mind suddenly and he plucked the T-phone off her jean shorts, holding the minuscule machine between his bulky index finger and thumb. He set it on his sofa and then grinned "Just so you're not... 'tempted' to do something we'd both regret. Let it be a lesson human, don't make yourself more trouble than your worth."

With that he left, plodding off into the dark of the sewers. He had left his mace behind, lacking any need for it. If he got prey by hunting or stealing it wasn't like he'd need it. What human was gonna stop him? Slash continued on through the night and took the time to ponder his situation... perhaps he had acted rashly in the spur of the moment, but barring any sudden time travel powers he wasn't going to change it. He'd simply have to adjust to things as they were and most likely April would grow to adjust. Being stuck at the mercy of a creature who could kill you with one swipe, well most people would do anything to avoid that.

He had been gone for the better part of a half hour, and when he finally came stomping back with a large burlap sack in one hand and a half eaten burrito in the other. He knew a guy, surprisingly lax toward mutants. He was more than willing to give some free food out if it kept his truck being tilted over by a monstrous turtle-man.

Finally he emerged through the alcove of his home and set the sack down by his bed, now looking at his prey. It occurred to him that leaving her chained like that would risk either breaking or seriously hurting her arms, and that was something he could do without. So, after downing the last lump of food, he moved around behind her. "I'll undo your chains and set you on your feet. But you attack me and you're getting a broken limb and strung back up again. Got it?"
It took all April had not to start crying as Slash picked up the phone. Her eyes shimmered with wet, though thankfully some of that was still left over from her frustration at what happened, frustration and pain. She ached so much: the area between her legs throbbing. Each little twitch brought a little more pain trickling in, not to mention the little dribble of seed that continued to slither on down from her leg. Strangely though, April couldn't help but feel a little empty, as though something should be inside her that wasn't, or as if she'd been moving toward something.

April forced herself Slash as he stomped around, carefully tracing his movements, wanting to take note of the exit. She waited for a few seconds after he left, then started squirming. Her exhausted body couldn't do much, especially as her feet barely touched the ground. She tried not to think about her strange state: her t-shirt still on and disheveled, her long socks and shoes still covering her legs, while her lower half remained bared, mutant seed continuing to ooze out, mixed with the pink of her virginal blood. The teenager just focused on trying to get out. She squirmed and writhed and pulled, her wrists likely would have been raw were it not for the bracelets protecting them. Even then, April could still feel them chafing slightly.

By the time Slash came back, April thought she'd mostly worked an arm free. She'd nearly pulled the hand all the way out, and had to jerk it back as he came back. Her arms ached nearly as much as her sex, and her stomach rumbled slightly. At least she'd gotten a good look around, taking note of her surroundings.

Of course he had to sit there and eat. April didn't bother saying anything: her silent anger kept emanating in steady waves. She did look over from time to time, though she tried to hide it. She also wanted to doublecheck, see where her phone had ended up and such. "Do I get to put on pants too?" she asked, unable to keep her voice from being too sarcastic. She'd thought about resiting, or lying, but now she figured her best bet was to play along. The guys would notice she was gone soon enough; they certainly checked on her regularly enough. So April had to keep her strength up and be ready to go the moment they came.

Still, she'd like something to cover her sex, though she'd almost thought of asking for something to clean up the drying seed about her thighs.
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