Fx Male My hardcore smutty entertainment ( Smut \ story )

sexy forest girl

Free spirit with dark desires
Jun 24, 2013

Welcome everyone to my domain

Enjoy your stay

I hope you all are having a good time. I won't keep you much, all I want to say is that I have been role playing for quite sometime, and usually I do three or more paragraphs depending on my partner. I like smut roleplays, as your going to find out when your going to check the two role plays that I'm craving ay this moment. But that doesn't mean that they don't have a good story to them, though the smut will have a significant effect on the story. Check out the role play plots I have here, at least the two that I'm craving, and if you find something that you like, specially if it's one of the two that I'm craving, send me a Pm, and lets see if we can starts something together. So thanks for reading and have a pleasant day.

The Lust Arena: Dark Future- AND -Peace Keeper- roleplays is what I'm craving to do at the moment
I have a huge kink for non-con and dominance. But that doesn't mean that my characters are mindless submissive or the role plays will be all about smut.

General requirement:-

- I would like active roleplaying partners that can reply in constant bases, other wise the roleplay will be stuck, so please, if you find the following plots interesting, you will have to be able to reply to me on constant bases. Multiple replies daily is nice, but generally it can be difficult, though if you do that ill get back to you with reply as soon as I can. Three times a week is also much appreciated. I don't want to push you too much, as my partner I want us to have fun, but in order to progress in my long term roleplays you will have to be able to reply at least on constant bases.
Please do understand that this is important for me, and thank you for taking time to read my plot, I hope we do roleplay together and have lots of fun together.

Its year 6000, The world has three large nations that rule it, Ultima, Kosses and Luxerion. Like any other planet, there was war between them to decide whom was going to rule over the world as a super power, and the answer came swiftly with Ultima showing their advanced technology that dominated everything Kosses and Luxerion had. Before the things could turn in a large scale blood bath, both Kosses and Luxerion signed the defeat treaty announcing their lose against Ultima, with that a peaceful era spread all over Ultima and the other nations.

The three nations gave birth to many cities but things were not as they seemed as massive catastrophes hit Kosses and Luxerion crippling them and even reversing the advancements returning them or rather major part of their nation to time before technology, making them almost obsolete.
Kosses fell hard after a meteor strike. The meteor strike brought to their land a new type of virus that turned the men into sexual hungry zombies. With help of Ultima and Luxerion, Kosses got the control back and even managed to make an vaccine. Though there were powerful people that benefitted from the catastrophe, so by their influence they controlled the vaccine and made Ultima and Luxerion withdraw their help as they ruled of a crippled Kosses and shadow of what it use to be.
Luxerion fell because of the rise of the unlawful gangs. It took some months and before anyone could do anything, many strong gangs like the ever mysterious Yakuza and the dangerous mafias announce that they controlled Luxerion, and with that a dark evil fell on all of the nations.

My character is a peace keeper in Ultima, which means is short, that she is a detective but more power and authority.
A peace keeper has the authority to do what he/she sees is fit, and open any hidden records, files and search for any relevant information about anyone or anything. Its safe to say a peace officer has authority to do whatever he/she can with law protecting them, thus protecting the Ultima's interest and peace. Working only with high elites in Ultima and solving cases that can cause harm to nation.
My character's name is Ariana Wallis. Smart and talented, though not a genius. Her parents immigrated to Ultima, they had to work very hard to make their daughter get a decent education and even after their death Ariana kept their work ethics her parents had, which made her one few approved people in Ultima to be a peace Keeper.
Having a very attractive sexy look ,quite busty with her hourglass body shape. With a good track record made her one the three peace keeping officers, and she enjoyed it, as life couldn't be any easier for her. Living in an luxurious apartment, having latest in tech to help her do what she wanted, and although she wasn't rich, everything was provided for her no matter how expensive it was, as peace Keeper's expenses were covered by Ultima's elites directly. In other word Ultima's treasury was her account as long as she is a peace keeper.

Our roleplay starts when the third murder happens in Ultima, and once they were briefed on the case, they were given access to everything they needed to help them resolve the murder. This matter wasn't small in Ultima, is it had no murder cases and suddenly there was three in one week.
But there was another thing, my character had solve it but there was something unsettling about these horrendous kills. The Chief sits with my character and explain to her that these murders are part of different case, a very dangerous one, called the Dark case. No one went on the record to solve it had even been found, but Ariana wasn't afraid of the task and took it. After all she didn't know what was waiting for her.

For starters there are going to be many, highly dangerous, gangs and people behind the dark case, they won't let her know the truth, either about the murder or how they want to use a special drug to control the world. They may send assassins after her, not the type that kills, but the type that will get close to her, and manipulate her, then bang her senseless forcing her to never come after a certain individual or they would pay her another visit.
That being said, sex is very normalized in this world, like workout, human body needs sex, that is the way people lived at least in Ultima. Moreover, Ariana is not a virgin, she had some one night stands with strangers, and its considered to be a daily activity like workout to many in Ultima.

Though no one thought that sex could be used as weapon. As the gangs and people behind this case had already knew about the peace officers specially about Ariana, how skill full they are and very well equipped to deal with any situation. And immediately they found, that the one area that Ariana wasn't very skilled in was in sex. After some very deep research about her, they found that although she has some sexual experiences, but like many in Ultima, it was very normal to boring compared what the people of two nation experienced in sex.
As Ultima only believed in technology and science not so much on human interaction, this made them use this aspect against her like they used it on many before her. With that it was decided among them that they would use a different approach against Ariana, as the people she would interact with would use seduction to get close to her, using things like romantic approach or setting dates to lower her guard and make it easier for them to get into her pants, and when that happens they would do it her, what was done the peace keepers before her, till she removes the guy's name for her suspect list and decide to move to her next target. So will she find a way to counter their many different sexual approaches and solve the case ? or will she fail and let Ultima be corrupted by the gangs and highly dangerous people behind the dark case?
That would be up to us , me and my role playing partner to decide.

Important info about the roleplay to my partner:
- While I'll be playing as the talented sexy Peace Keeper in this case, your going to play as the people who come in contact with my character.
- I'll be driving the plot and introducing characters even doing some plot twists. I'll be doing that while keeping you posted in an ooc, so we both can have an input on what is going on, or at least know where is the plot heading.
- I'm open to ideas, and gladly would work with you if you want to change things in this role play. Plus, we will have an ooc like I mentioned, so even later on if there is something you didn't like or want to talk about, we both will have a place to dump our ideas in.
About the sexual zombies in Kosses:-
This is an important part of this smut roleplay, and I want my partner to get it correctly, and if there is something that you didn't understand it, don't hold back and ask me. This roleplay is one of my major craving and ill do what I can to answer all your questions.

So the Zombies:-
The zombies are placed into scientific categories by the way the dealt with their targets. These are example of their sexual nature, by getting the idea you can use your creativity when controlling the zombies.
Note:- the zombies will show up later in the roleplay , not at the beginning.

The hardcore: Is the sexual fighter, the one that jumped at his victim and wrestled with her to get the upper hand, or fight hard using hand to hand combat, rising the heat while fighting. Than on very specific points is uses some sexual attack, by doing that it uses the intense heat and the combat focus build up, sexually against his target. If this happen his target get struct by sudden lust urge which can be very hard to fight off. The hardcore zombie attacks the lust struck target fucking her very hard till his target looses and gets impregnated with zombie babies.

The seducer: Is the slow lover zombie, as once he get his hands on his victim it seduces her using sexual and lustful skills that many might take lessons from it, it can know instantly which way is best to approach his victim and seduce her with his high sexual and lustful skills, he won't leave his victim no matter what or stop his seduction tell he get to fuck his victim in brutally and hardcore, or the way he sees best and impregnate her.

The hyperdrive zombie: is the highest in number found roaming around. It has a very strong and very high sperm reserve with amazingly strong cum shot. Not only that but it can change its cum specs. For example it can cum large white tennis balls of cum into their target, that can burst hard into their targets womb after sometime, helping in immobilizing their target and have better chance in impregnating.
they take advantage of surprise attacks, they jump on their victim and in just three thrust in her, they can start cuming, other times they can cum very hard at will, once they finish they go away, one climax is all that they waste on a low value target, as the more sexy their target is the more they tend to have orgasm into her till she gets pregnant.


- Seduction
- extended foreplay
- paying attention to what she is wearing and using it against her
- having sex in different positions
- deception
-rough and aggressive
- manipulative
- con and non-con
- large quantity if cum
- hardcore sex
- forced sex
- brutal sex
- sex fights, sex competition, breeding, Slapping, Name calling, Body writing , Dirty talk , Heavy kissing, Teasing, Forced continuous orgasms, Bath/Shower Sex.

Turn off: BDSM, Vomiting , things that goes in the bathroom ( pissing …etc), incest

A reminder: This role play is a major craving of mine. Can't wait to start this adventure.


The plot:
The Lust Arena

There was nothing more exciting to the world than the future, the question of what would be the next big thing never left the minds of the people, until the inevitable happened. A war like no other, it transcended countries and even planets, there was no place safe to hide or to run as everyone took part in it. People fought and killed among them selves as all wanted to have the upper hand. It started with small conflicts among large cooperation, than it involved countries, than as things kept escalating while the technologies improved, the war started and nothing was the same since.

In the aftermath of the war, humanity was now located on very different planet, it looked much like earth but it wasn't earth. Part of it was desert and other part of it was where most of the people lived, one large metropolitan city. It was safe to assume that no one won that war.
The world was desolated, fights between gangs, companies and authorities would happen in daily fashion till it was considered normal and crimes were daily occurrences, with that a new world was born, and dangerous people whom had control over it, lived and thrived in it.

In this new world, new earth, I was born. Living my life by doing what I can to stay alive and survive till one day I was introduced the biggest secret the underworld was keeping hidden. I knew about it after I accidently stole a brief case from a dead guys body. I assumed that it would have money but what I got instead was an access to the largest fighting tournament in the world, called the Arena.
The brief case had a watch with hologram screen, once I was back in my room I start browsing through it, my eyes were fixed on the prize, as huge sum of money, but to get it, I had to win. I had other questions and curiosities that I wanted to have answers for, and some of them were about the Arena competition.

Through my research I found out that Arena was the largest underground battle tournament, that ran in span of 2 to 3 years. Organized by war surviving groups of organizations and corporations, there were fighters from all over the world participating in it, these were very highly dangerous and very skilled people, and most of them were from very dangerous gangs. It was interesting, as there were those whom represented other organizations as well, people not to be missed with, and others whom live far away in runes of dessert cities and villages. It was very interesting, the amount of people and places registered in the Arena was to say many, is to put it mildly, it was like another world registered in here.

What took me a bit by surprise, was the highly sexualized nature of the Arena. The fights normally were when two opponents met and fought, the one whom was unable to continue was considered defeated, but that wasn't what was happening. One of things that you had to include to entered the Arena, was your DNA, the problem with that was, thanks to the advanced tech, you would know everything there is to know if you get the DNA analyzed. You would know things like what someone liked and disliked, what move was more sexually effective against your opponent, how to deal with her sexually or deceive her. Its safe to say that if you ran the DNA with resources that was given, you would know everything there is to know about your opponent, be it physically or mentally.

For example, in one of the battle the man had invited the his opponent to a dinner, He had studied her sexually and started to deceive and seduce her before she could even realize what was happening. He would later on use that to his advantage while fighting and get to fuck her till she gave up, that was what normally happened. As we were at point where gadgets and devices were not always put to good use.

Every battle was about a sexual planned mess, and both parties would try to exploit it with the fight changing it's flow to a sexual battle, till someone taps out or losses consciousness. For that reason once you had registered your name the Arena, everything changes. You start to see the world and the people in it in a different way.

* I looked at the screen for few minutes, and with few taps I was registered in the Arena. And immediately I had my name registered to a battle. The opponent was in a village, I smiled thinking that this one was going to be easy, with that I got by small back pack and went to meet my opponent.*

Summary of how this roleplay works:

So its a bit like street fighter setting, where fights could happen quite anywhere. So in general your going to play as the characters that would come after my character, or oppose her in Arena fights, which turns to get very sexual. And add to that, some advanced DNA tech, that the opposition can use to know every sexual point or opening my character has, so he can use it to seduce and foreplay with her during the battle, and eventually break and defeat her sexually. You can say they are sexual weak points, but what they actually could be are ways, that my character wants other to approach her if they had evil sexual intents.

- Once someone enter in the Arena all their data, information, be it hidden or personal, specially the ones that are sexual in nature, and all the DNA information gets posted into their profile. Meaning, if anyone is interested in fighting my character, with few taps he can know all that there is about my character, and when activating the DNA advanced learning faction, he gets know how to approach my character sexually. As it will show my characters sexual points thanks to all the data access, and the DNA backup that is available.

- Registering a person into the arena, signing up for a fight, losing or winning records, ranking, activating the DNA advance learning function, access to all the information about any opponents at any time, even location tracking. There is only one device that does all that, and everyone whom enters in Arena has one, It's a hand watch that has a hologram interface.

- During my replies, I would provide you with special segment ( if your character activates the DNA advanced learning function) to give you sexual hints and ways, that if used your going to open my character sexually for your sexual advances.

If it gets very complicated, and if you find anything that you don't understand, Pm me with all you concerns,
ill be more than happy to help you out, to understand anything regarding this plot.

My character: -
Her name is Millia, She is 27. Her parents worked for a mega corporation, they died thanks to a sudden attack by some gangs on their building. She is very capable and skilled individual, sexy and confident. She is very curious about the arena competition which made her enroll in it. She wanted to know who is behind the Arena. Later on she would know that her parent never wanted the Arena to happen.

The story:-

Arena is a very lucrative competition with different people, gangs and cooperation using it as tool, to settle some of their differences. Thus making people behind it have an immense control of some of the major conflicts. As Millia gets closer to her goal to know whom is behind The Arena, she will get to be a part of the conflicts and start to know some very dangerous secrets. After knowing that, it would be up to her, will she try to change things or depending on what she learns, perhaps get revenge.

DNA holographic advanced learning:-

Its a feature in the advanced hand watch that is provided to everyone in the Arena.
When your characters - the characters that would come after my character - get registered to battle my character, or simply someone is coming to get my character, the character would use this feature in his watch, if he finds that my character is hard to deal with, given all the information he has.
The Arena has all the data of everyone in it, physical, mental and even some personal ones, add to that all the data regarding sexual aspects, be it physical, mental and personal. It joins all that together and implants it into the user.

- what does that do?
It gives all the ways, in and outs and teaches all the skills and ability needed to win against their opponent sexually, in span of blink of an eye. So by using that they would know how to deal with my character sexually, seducing her, or fighting hard with her and turning things sexual, suddenly making her feel fighting and battle excitement turn to lust.

Its also a way for us to decide how things unfold during a fight. So when there will be a confrontation going on, ill share with you some of the ways you can deal with my character sexually. On the other hand you can tell me how you would like to do it, and with that we both can make out how should things end up during a fight.

What to expect:-

- The plot that has both story and smut driven, though the smut is more prevalent thanks to the sexual aspect of the Arena fights.
- My character would be traveling the world, the new earth. Meeting people and opponents as she tries to know more about the Arena.
- Writing about the different sexual aspects, as the smut scenes won't just be about jump on and start the smut scene, I would like my partner to be creative and present seduction, foreplay and other sexual possibilities when engaging with smut details. We would discuss that more in an OOC if you want to.
- A vast world with many different environment, from desert to a crowded city. From a rainy forest to cold icy mountain and desert ruins, Millia would travel this vast planet in search of answers.
- While going around the world to meet her opponents or to get some answers, there will be others that would come after her, hunt her for different reasons. Some for more winning points, others because they are payed to do so, and some because they find her to be just too sexy to not have a taste of her.

Important for my roleplay partners:-

This role play takes place in world that has element from Conan the barbarian, some sci-fi and steampunk elements as will. Its has story and smut, but I consider it more smutty plot because of the all lust battle that will take place with my character being a part in it.

- Ill be controlling Millia, and driving the plot. While you will have to control the character she that she will meet, we will discuss more on that in the OOC if you want too.
- You should be able to describe sexual scenes. Don't go straight to ground and pound, there should be foreplay and slow build up to the actual smut scene. Sometimes we might have to move straight to ground and pound depending on the scene , but not always.
- Its important to describe the chain of events that's going on, not just simply -teared her clothes down-. How about if your character could do it without removing my characters clothes, or take her on in different sexual positions, use your imagination.
- I will have an OOC for this plot, so we will be able to discuss what we like or want to change in the role play.
- You should be able to do three or more paragraphs.
- I'll play in first person perspective, I can play in third person perspective as well if you want. As for you, its your choice, I don't mind first or the third person perspective.

- Turn on:- gangbang, large quantity if cum, hard sex, forced sex, brutal sex, having sex in different positions, deception, get taken advantage of, Romance ( only if it’s used to take advantage of my character ), rough , aggressive, manipulative, sex fight, sex competition, con, non-con, breeding, Slapping, Name calling, Body writing, Dirty talk , Heavy kissing, Teasing, extended foreplay, Forced continuous orgasms, Bath/Shower Sex, Hair Pulling, cheating, cuckolding, NTR.

- Turn off: BDSM, Vomiting , things that goes in the bathroom ( pissing …etc), incest.

This is the direct sequel to my original idea the lust arena. Common and step into a world that is filled with different large parts of cyberpunk, sci-fi, mad max and Conan the barbarian genre mixed with deep lust and dark erotic very sexual smut
Though before we start I must mention that this roleplay will have adult and mature themes, expect smut, blood, gore and lots of erotic sexual themes both, consensual and non consensual, cheating and cuckolding. This plot has story but its base is built on smut, so expect a very dark and disturbing events which will very deeply impact the characters of this roleplay and change them. Things like Killing and non-con sexual encounters, hardcore and brutal sexual acts can become a bit frequent.

All the characters in this plot are 27 years and above. You don't need to know anything about the lust arena to roleplay this sequel with me, I hope it gets you interested enough to roleplay it with me.

The setting:

War, it is where it all starts and ends. Once a brutal war took over and nearly killed and destroyed earth, humanity abandoned earth and traveled to a new faraway planet, they called it the new earth. With forest and ocean, the largest part of it was the desert, there the corporations integrated them selves into people's lives.
They build a large metropolitan city as the rest of the planet was getting taken over by very dangerous bandits, gangs and other outlaw criminals, in short the bad people also got what they wanted. Soon there was much killing going, so the cooperation introduced the arena competition to change the populations focus form brutality to sexual endeavors, but it didn't last long, as even that was getting used to evil, and corporations also used that to cover what they were hiding, new type of human, whom were man made.
However after some events their plans got exposed and the population that was present took them down, and instead of old corporations, new leadership rose and put an end to the lust arena. With that the metropolitan city, now called Ultima, flourished. Many thought that was it for the Arena, but it wasn't.
In the grand scheme of thing, strong gangs and very skilled and dangerous people got more power, with that the world outside of the Ultima was getting even more darker, and now it was knocking on Ultima's thick giant walls, as the threats were only growing stronger evermore. Very few knew that the Arena competition was still going on strong and it managed to flourish even more in the past years, thanks to all the gangs and very dangerous individuals backing it up, it never died, but it seemed so if you were living a very peaceful life inside of Ultima city walls.
However the leaders in ultima were not standing idle, the leaders had made plans and preparation to get to these dangerous gangs and individuals and end them, along side the arena competition, but nothing was working, as the people they were sending to get information, or kill some dangerous people, would end up dead. They managed to come up with new plan, and It took long years of patients and handwork to pull together everything, but soon everything they had planed got destroyed by one mistake, a mistake that changed the course of life and results. One man that got mixed into this was the skilled assassin named Vorn.

During this roleplay, my character and her husband will be going on a long journey, to stop and put an end to the Arena competition by knowing whom is behind it and killing them. This isn't something new as people in ultima would send people out in the world every ten to twenty years, in attempt to get any information and continue to investigate about the Arena. All my characters will be enrolled in the Arena competition including Vorn. Vorn will be acting as our guide, as the circumstances that my character and her husband finds themselves in, with all of the original intended guides and helpers are dead.

My character: -

Her name is Andrea, she was born in Ultima. only knew about what happened in new earth from couple of people and by reading the digital archives in the library portal. she worked as the law keeper in the city for as long as she can remember. she's 27 and one of very highly respected member of law keepers. What they did was simple, whenever anything from outside of the city walls comes in, they intercept it and almost every time end up killing it. Though it was hard, as the people outside the walls were skilled killers and strong. It didn't happen very often but when it did, there was hell that they had to keep everyone away from as they dealt with it. Though she wasn't alone, she had Alan, they were in love, and now are a happy married couple.

Alan (my second Main character):

Alan is a good man, leader and captain of the law keepers, many saw him with Andrea as perfect couple. Most people didn't know what they lacked, but they were happy. They where nicknamed as the reapers, as no one has ever managed to beat them, they single handedly had dealt with more than thousand threats.
They were very capable in their fighting skills, though Alan was a bit better than her, but in term of pure flexibility, he was never close to Andrea's sexy body's level. Everything around them seemed normal, but the world was bigger than just the city of Ultima, and a very dangerous shift was coming, a shift that would change their world forever, a shift that no one saw coming, after all, this new world belonged to the dangerous evil men, a fact that they yet had know it, the hard way.

Vorn ( Partner's main character):

A very skilled, strong, dangerous cold assassin. Born and raised by the sands and dirt streets of Talon city and the vast dead desert.
Ae 36, Worked as underling for the Claw, the second most dangerous gang in new earth. most thought that they were dead, but they were not, they had sent Vorn to deal with Alan and Andrea. It wasn't something new, as the Claw are used to send many other assassins to hunt after the people that came out of Ultima, in order to never let them succeed in their attempt to bring down the Arena, and reveal whom are behind it all. Normally his job would be to kill Andrea and Alan, but because many where ending up being dead, killing them was going to get Ultima suspicious, so he was tasked to completely ruin Andrea and Alan sexually.
That was going to be easy for him, as he would introduce Andrea to many hardcore sexual experiences that Alan could never show her. Than by doing that he would turn her and corrupts her and than let the Arena and the brutal sexual world steal her form Alan, or that was what he had planned for them.
They won't have a romantic relation as he hates both Alan and Andrea. Andera will treat him as friend she can trust while he deceives them and lead them to the dark depth of sexual swamp that they won't come out from.

The story:-

Arena is a very lucrative competition with different people, gangs and cooperation using it as tool, to settle some of their differences. Thus making people behind it have an immense control of some of the major conflicts. It was thought that the competition was brought down, but it wasn't, and now Andrea with Alan will enroll in it and meet and many different enemies and taste what it really means to be sexually broken and defeated. While Vorn is already enrolled in it, he would make sure that Andrea and Alan would never find a way to stop it, especially Andrea, as he wants to make her get completely devoured by the deep sexual aspect of the Arena. And if the process of than she has to leave Alan behind, and break up with him, so be it as he wants to do that too. After completely ruining them, he would return to the Claw, where he would be granted to be one of the main leaders, than just some dump subordinates. Though it will be hard, because Andrea and Alan knew what he was up to, they would do more than not trust him. And there is always a chance that Vorn fails and the Arena finally be over once and for all.

DNA holographic advanced learning:-

Its a feature in the advanced hand watch that is provided to everyone in the Arena. When your characters - the characters that would come after my character - get registered to battle my character, or simply someone is coming to get my character, the character would use this feature in his watch, if he finds that my character is hard to deal with, given all the information he has.
The Arena has all the data of everyone in it, physical, mental and even some personal ones, add to that all the data regarding sexual aspects, be it physical, mental and personal. It joins all that together and implants it into the user.

- what does that do?
It gives all the ways, in and outs and teaches all the skills and ability needed to win against their opponent sexually, in span of blink of an eye. So by using that they would know how to deal with my character sexually, seducing her, or fighting hard with her and turning things sexual, suddenly making her feel fighting and battle excitement turn to lust.
Its also a way for us to decide how things unfold during a fight. So when there will be a confrontation going on, ill share with you some of the ways you can deal with my character sexually. On the other hand you can tell me how you would like to do it, and with that we both can make out how should things end up during a fight.

What to expect:-

- The plot that is both story and smut driven, though the smut is more prevalent thanks to the sexual aspect of the Arena fights.
- My character would be traveling the world , the new earth, with her husband and Vorn. Meeting people and opponents as she tries to know more about the Arena.
- Writing about the different sexual aspects, as the smut scenes won't just be about jump on and start the smut scene, I would like my partner to be creative and present seduction, foreplay and other sexual possibilities when engaging smut details. We would discuss that more in an OOC if you want to.
- A vast world with many different environment, from desert to a crowded city. From a rainy forest to cold icy mountain and desert ruins, villages and settlements, the three would travel this vast planet in search of answers, but Vorn making sure to make it harder on them.
- While going around the world to meet their opponents or to get some answers, there will be others that would come after them, mainly Andrea and Alan, to hunt them for different reasons. Some for more winning points, others because they are payed to do so, and some because they find Andrea to be just too sexy to not have a taste of her.

Summary of how this roleplay works:

So its a bit like street fighter setting, where fights could happen quite anywhere at any time. So in general your going to play as Vorn as your main character, also the characters that would come after my characters, or oppose them in Arena fights, which turns to get very sexual.
And add to that, some advanced DNA tech, that the opposition can use to know every sexual point or opening my character has, so they can use it to seduce and foreplay with my character during the battle, and eventually break and defeat her sexually. You can say they are sexual weak points, but what they actually could be are ways, that my character wants other to approach her if they had evil sexual intents.
- Once someone enter in the Arena all their data, information, be it hidden or personal, specially the ones that are sexual in nature, and all the DNA information gets posted into their profile. Meaning, if anyone is interested in fighting my character, with few taps he can know all that there is about my character, and when activating the DNA advanced learning faction, they will gets know how to approach my character sexually. As it will show my characters sexual points thanks to all the data access, and the DNA backup that is available.
- Registering a person into the arena, signing up for a fight, losing or winning records, ranking, activating the DNA advance learning function, access to all the information about any opponents at any time, even location tracking. There is only one device that does all that, and everyone whom enters in Arena has one, It's a hand watch that has a hologram interface.
- During my replies, I would provide you with special segment ( if your character activates the DNA advanced learning function) to give you sexual hints and ways, that if used your going to open my character sexually for your sexual advances.

Important for my roleplay partners:-

This role play takes place in world that has element from Conan the barbarian, some sci-fi, steampunk and cyberpunk as will. Its has story and smut, but I consider it more smutty plot because of the all lust battle that will take place with my character being a part in it.

- Ill be controlling Andrea and her husband Alan, while driving the plot.
While my partner will have to control of Vorn, and the opponent characters she and Alan will meet. We can discuss more on that in the OOC if you want too.
- You should be able to describe sexual scenes. Don't go straight to ground and pound, there should be foreplay and slow build up to the actual smut scene. Sometimes we might have to move straight to ground and pound depending on the scene , but not always.
- Its important to describe the chain of events that's going on, not just simply -teared her clothes down-. How about if your character could do it without removing my characters clothes, or take her on in different sexual positions, use your imagination.
- There is obvious cheating and NTR involved, if you don't want it, I can take it out.
- I will have an OOC for this plot, so we will be able to discuss what we like or want to change in the role play. This roleplay will depend a bit on our communication in the OOC, so you can take full advantage of Vorn's knowledge.
- You should be able to do three or more paragraphs.
- all the interactions during sexual and smut scenes are F X M, there can be more than one man against one female.
- I'll play in first person perspective for Andrea and third for Alan, I can play in third person perspective for both if you want.
As for you, its your choice, I don't mind first or the third person perspective.


- Turn on:- gangbang, large quantity if cum, hard sex, forced sex, brutal sex, having sex in different positions, deception, get taken advantage of, Romance ( only if it's used to take advantage of my character ), rough , aggressive, manipulative, sex fight, sex competition, con, non-con, breeding, Slapping, Name calling, Body writing, Dirty talk , Heavy kissing, Teasing, extended foreplay, Forced continuous orgasms, Bath/Shower Sex, Hair Pulling, cheating, cuckolding, NTR. pegging, sloppy seconds, small penis humiliation, orgasm denial, ruined orgasms, impregnation, hotwife, queen of spades, blue balls.

- Turn off: BDSM, Vomiting , things that goes in the bathroom ( pissing …etc), incest, romance or romantic relationship between Andrea and Vorn.
( Vorn can use romance or romantic approach to get close to Andrea, and show her the sexual aspect of it, but love is not something Vorn will have for Andrea, he can steal her sexually from Alan, but only to use her for something else)


A married couple living happily in city called Ultima. The wife, obviously sexy and hot, in fact one of sexiest models in the city, also an instructor in many self defense arts. She is married to her husband whom works as city guard, a tough job to keep all the filthy and dangerous people from entering the safety of the city. They have a great relationship, and they do love each other a lot, but when it come to sexual endeavors they had a huge issue, that they didn't know how to deal with.

The husband no matter what he did, and how hard he tried to satisfy his wife, or tried to dominate her to any sexual capacity, he couldn't. In fact every time they went at it, his wife would come up on top, dominating him, rendering him useless and many times he ends up unable to continue, and she would remark and tease him saying things like her pussy is stronger than his weak cock, it would fuel him to do her bit longer and harder, but in end she was always more than he could ever handle sexually. It even became more prevalent in his attempts to get her pregnant, as his small to average size cock, and small to average size balls, were unable to get her pregnant no matter how much he would cum into her. But they didn't mind that at all, as they were happy as they were together.

Due to some unforeseen events, the husband is relived from his duty, no one knew why that happened, but he was fine, because he was going to get his compensation and more as if he was still working. The wife seeing her husband is at home at all times, she too resigns and get to be the hot house wife for her house husband.

The husband hears about a certain activity that was starting to boom, and was getting lots of attention, called swinging. As my different clubs were providing safe zones where couples could safely meet other couples and singles from different backgrounds. The husband didn't know about the other outcomes that can come with this activity, so when he discussed it with his wife and since she saw him very eager, and was not even paying attention to any detail except satisfying himself sexually, she agrees to participate with him.
From the first day they tried out the swinging, no matter which club or place, no matter whom they met, his wife was always the sexiest woman there. But those clubs were like a pass time, till by accident, they get to know and get to the queen of spades club. There things started to take turn to a more dangerous dark corner, but it started out slow and safe, will the husband be able to compete against others, or will he end up getting cuckolded hard, and lose more than than he thought about.

As the couples and the people they meet in general there were more action oriented and forward going. Let just say that every couple or single they meet there end up taking more, doing more, and without mistake or holding back, stealing more from them than they could ever think or anticipate.
They had many advanced world wide facilities, they would jut mention it and it was already there, for example couples can mingle with multiple to many people at the sometime, even participate in dangerous environments where they would be subject to things like, surprise actions, form surprise kiss, hardcore surprise sex, to brutal rape, but all that would be agreed upon by the participating couple.
There were also many other things that they had yet to know about and discover, things like spaces allocated for couples that would like experience accidental pregnancies, or show how much amazing and skilled some are sexually, in the pregnant pace maker section rooms, to simply put it, there the couples meets with other couples or individuals and see whom can get the other's wife pregnant first.
The queen of spades club had a lot of things, and promised a lot of things. But little did couple know, that the husband was going to be cuckolded and demeaned while his wife gets to become the whore, the sexy hot bitch that would get railed by some of biggest black cocks with most dangerous people.

The husband will be finding himself in major problem, as the people here are going to be able to steal and use his hot sexy wife sexually, even attempting to make her cheat and cuckold her husband. As what started as something fun and sexual making them swing on regular basis, start to take a more, hardcore sinister route.

Facilities and activities in (Q.S.C):

couples can use any facility the club has, with the other swingers to have a more enjoyable experiences. From working out fitness spaces, to massage and even some general sport area. You name it they have it. In addition to that, from just few taps in any smart device the couples have, they can engage in things like traveling to other places, go to beaches even hang out at the tasteful night clubs. Though the couples can by themselves arrange meet ups anywhere they want, perhaps in each others homes, but if they want something extra, ( Q, S, C) has their every need covered.

Points and encouragement in ( Q.S.C):

Like its known, this is a club for couples that looking for swinging in more serious manner. The club rewards any sexual aspects that couples engage in and activities, specially hardcore sexual activities. Things like breaking the rules, where one couple break some rules set by other couples, couples that manage to steal the other couple's wife or husband sexually, couples that sneak in other couple's house, paying surprise visits to other couple's house to have some fun, with the lone wife of husband, these activities are all encouraged by points. Than there is things like accidental pregnancies, and couples that sometime engage in non-con sexual activities with the other couple, these are rewarded with higher points. The higher points is the way for the club to say, that your better than the other couple in sexual manner, specially from the ones with lower points.

Generally the couples that has higher points, are very experienced sexually and many of them managed to get other couples pregnant, or have perhaps even managed to steal sexually other couple's wife or husband, or in general are very sexually active than normal.
Sexual approaches and activities are highly encouraged by the Queen of Spades Club, and the points shows how skilled and capable the couples are in that. Other than that the club provide special treats for the couples with high points too. But these points doesn't mean that couples with low points aren't aloud to get together with couples that has high points, as long as they accept to meet they will meet.

Important for my roleplay partners:-

- Ill be controlling the main couple Andrea and her husband Alan, while driving the plot.
- My partner will have to control the other couples and the individuals that my main characters meet. We can discuss more on that in the OOC if you want too.
- You should be able to describe sexual scenes. Don't go straight to ground and pound, there should be foreplay and slow build up to the actual smut scene. Sometimes we might have to move straight to ground and pound depending on the scene , but not always.
- Its important to describe the chain of events that's going on, not just simply -teared her clothes down-. How about if your character could do it without removing my characters clothes, or take her on in different sexual positions, use your imagination.
- There is obvious swinging, cuckolding, cheating and NTR involved each to some extent, I won't be able to change that.
- I will have an OOC for this plot, so we will be able to discuss what we like or want to change in the roleplay.
- You should be able to do three or more paragraphs.
- all the interactions during sexual and smut scenes are F X M, there can be more than one man against one female, or vise versa.
- I'll play in first person perspective for Andrea and third for Alan, I can play in third person perspective for both if you want.
As for you, its your choice, I don't mind first or the third person perspective.

- Turn on:- gangbang, large quantity if cum, hard sex, forced sex, brutal sex, having sex in different positions, deception, get taken advantage of, Romance ( only if it's used to take advantage of my character ), rough , aggressive, manipulative, sex fight, sex competition, con, non-con, breeding, Slapping, Name calling, Body writing, Dirty talk , Heavy kissing, Teasing, extended foreplay, Forced continuous orgasms, Bath/Shower Sex, Hair Pulling, cheating, cuckolding, NTR. pegging, sloppy seconds, small penis humiliation, orgasm denial, ruined orgasms, impregnation, hotwife, queen of spades, blue balls.

- Turn off: BDSM, Vomiting , things that goes in the bathroom ( pissing …etc), incest, genuine romance or romantic relationship between Andrea and others, except her husband.

( other couple's husband or individuals can use romance or romantic approach to get close to Andrea, like perhaps going on date of sorts, and show her the sexual aspect of it, but love is not something they will have for Andrea, they would be able to steal her sexually from Alan very much later on in the plot, but only by use of sexual interactions and their sexual skills. )

In vast space, a couple are traveling together to do many thing, discover new planets and species, bounty hunting and stealing from weak travelers. Unfortunately, due to biting on their luck as they tried to steal from ships that where engaged in a galactic war, their ship had sustained critical damage. After fixing all the damage they found out that they own lots of credit the galactic bank that they had no way of paying it back. If they didn't pay it up, they will be hunter as they will get a bounty on their head, and after lots of searching they found a way to do so.

We found out about a planet named galaxy link, an earth like planet, with dessert and greenery, lush forests and cold poles. This planet had only one thing going on it, which was sexual competitions and games, winner and losers were getting payed a lot and handsomely, and taking part in these sexual competitions was our only way to get out of our dept issue. We needed to win in 30 different competitions to get out of the dept, but we didn't know how much this adventure was going to change us, and effect us sexually. Meeting new people and getting to lose many time will change how we deal with each other.

About the competition:

This is action heavy roleplay, where I will have us participate in my sexual competition for example:

- Sexualized beach volley ball
- night sexual fight
- fight between lover and a king, two men and the winner is the man whom can get my character pregnant
- steal her, basically getting at my character while she least accepts.

Important for my roleplay partners:-

- Ill be controlling the main couple wife and her husband, while driving the plot.
- My partner will have to control the other couples and the individuals that my main characters meet. We can discuss more on that in the OOC if you want too.
- You should be able to describe sexual scenes. Don't go straight to ground and pound, there should be foreplay and slow build up to the actual smut scene. Sometimes we might have to move straight to ground and pound depending on the scene.
- Its important to describe the chain of events that's going on, not just simply -teared her clothes down-. How about if your character could do it without removing my characters clothes, or take her on in different sexual positions, use your imagination.
- There is obvious swinging, cuckolding, cheating and NTR involved each to some extent, I won't be able to change that.
- I will have an OOC for this plot, so we will be able to discuss what we like or want to change in the roleplay.
- You should be able to do three or more paragraphs.
- all the interactions during sexual and smut scenes are F X M, there can be more than one man against one female, or vise versa.
- I'll play in first person perspective for the wife and third for her husband, I can play in third person perspective for both if you want.
- As for you, its your choice, I don't mind first or the third person perspective.

- Turn on:- gangbang, large quantity if cum, hard sex, forced sex, brutal sex, having sex in different positions, deception, get taken advantage of, Romance ( only if it's used to take advantage of my character ), rough , aggressive, manipulative, sex fight, sex competition, con, non-con, breeding, Slapping, Name calling, Body writing, Dirty talk , Heavy kissing, Teasing, extended foreplay, Forced continuous orgasms, Bath/Shower Sex, Hair Pulling, cheating, cuckolding, NTR. pegging, sloppy seconds, small penis humiliation, orgasm denial, ruined orgasms, impregnation, hotwife, queen of spades, blue balls.

- Turn off: BDSM, Vomiting , things that goes in the bathroom ( pissing …etc), incest, genuine romance or romantic relationship between Andrea and others, except her husband.

All though I have many kinks, but there are some that are huge turn on for me, which are ( foreplay and seduction) . What I mean is something along the lines of forced kissing, touches that turns to grabs, paying sexual attention to the clothes my character is wearing, dry humping, putting my character in sexual position to sexually use her, always having your hand on MC ( like hold or grabbing her waist while talking to her) and more.
Making her feel your touches and your need to do her. Although I like smut, and most of my plots are smutty in nature, but I would like foreplay and seduction aspects to be a major part in any of my plots I have here.

I hope to hear from you guys soon, have a good day.
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Still open to roleplay with new roleplaying partners.

I'm interested in doing some of my other plots at the moment, as currently I'm craving to do the peace keeper plot and queen of spades: I know him. If you find any one of them interesting, PM me.
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