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Drowning in Sin (heartlesskitten x Kuro)

Cerdic considered Vigi's story and he felt a twist in his stomach. A man should claim his son, even if other people might look askance at it. Though he understood better than most why the Jarl did not and why it hurt Vigi. Swallowing hard, he kept his silence, trying not to think of the boy. Instead, he looked Vigi over and though their cultures differed he was not blind to the fact the seidmadr wore fine clothing and had jewelry, he was not poor nor a drunkard. It was only that cultural taboo of him being a priest that made his father embarrassed. A smile touched his lips for a moment and he glanced at his master, "Where I am from, it is common for a man to have at least one son take the cloth, become a priest or monk like myself. It is not considered shameful or womanly, it is convenient when there is too many sons for inheritance. Keeps him out of the way of the heir and keeps him safe in case something happened to the other sons. Of course it is very different here but one thing that doesn't change is how bastards are treated."

The monk rubbed his hand over the short beard he wore now, unable to shave on the ship, "Their uses are the whim of the legitimate."

His brows quirked together and he was unable to hide the brief grin, "The get of an elf, huh? Interesting...what does your mother say about that story?"

Cerdic knew he should not speak so freely with him but he spoke in English and tried to keep his voice low, so not to draw attention. Vigi had explained what elves were on the journey and though he thought it a bunch of superstitious nonsense there was a similarity to how he described them as being small, fair beings who either brought health or illness to people depending on how they were treated. The woman who birthed him had an elvish air about her as well and he could see why the story was believed.

The clothing that was purchased for him was of a good make, too fine for a slave perhaps but then again, just as in his world, the better a servant looked was a reflection of the wealth and benevolence of his master. Whether he meant it or not, Vigi would at least show that he could afford to dress a mere thrall like a freeman though it might rub some the wrong way. Like freemen who could not afford the fine woolen trousers or tunics. The fur was certainly more than he expected, made from the hides of grey wolves. Cerdic made no complaint, he had missed nice clothes though he had grown used to the rough spun robes, he would change after he had a bath.

Cerdic looked over the large hut, his attention caught by the sounds of someone in pain. A chill ran down his back when he saw collared men in long tattered tunics working on various projects outside. They wore leather collars and all had short hair, cropped unevenly and they barely spared the pair a look as they approached. Vigi ordered him to stay put and Cerdic obeyed, for the moment. He could hear the pleas of a female and his teeth ground together, she was crying in English, she was a Saxon woman! A Christian from the sounds of her sobbed prayers for salvation.

The slaver came out, a gross man who could probably only get a woman if he forced her. Cerdic had to keep himself from reaching over and squeezing his throat until his eyes popped from their sockets. His sharp flint colored eyes stared daggers at the man when he turned his back to go inside. He heard the curse and slap and rolled his shoulders, dropping the clothing and started to step forward. He never did have a stomach for rape, even though he had been told time and again it was a way of war. It was illegal in his land and even among the rough Picts of the north. He was certain it was not legal here either, but that would be against a freewoman. This thrall was only a slave, no longer a person. Just like him. What was he going to do? Cerdic was no longer a man and it was certain to end in his death. He froze, his big fists clenching as he stared in the darkened doorway, hearing her sobbing.
Vigi turned to the sound of a heavy thunk and felt panic spike through him seeing Cerdic's visible rage. "Cerdic." He hissed, moving forward to stand in front of him. "Calm your ire." He encouraged him, holding up his hands to try and calm down the muscular slave. He could not have him attacking anyone and making such a scene. It would reflect poorly not only on him, but possibly on Sven.

"Do not do anything that will result in your death." He said in a slow, soothing voice.

"Seidrmadr?" At the call of his title and gave Cerdic a long look before turning around and returning to the doorway. He collected the collar and deposited two coins into the man's hand. "Let me know if you change your mind about selling." He said, pointing to Cerdic.

"Doubtful." Vigi called over his shoulder, looking over the quality of the collar. He stopped in front of Cerdic and held up the leather band, raising his eyebrows at him. "Will you make this easy or do we need to get into a fight?" He asked him lowly, knowing that this was going to be possibly the most difficult aspect of being a slave Cerdic will have to accept. To wear a collar that branded him as someone's property. It would be difficult for any man, especially a man as stubborn and proud as the priest.
Cerdic was breathing heavily, he knew he could kill the portly slave trader with his bare hands. He growled out between gritted teeth, the tension visible in the tendons of his neck that stood out, "She's a Christian woman, I can hear her begging God for help. What am I but that?"

As a warrior and a man of God, he failed as he stood there, impotent to do anything for the unseen woman whose sobs quieted to whimpers. Cerdic clenched his fists, the whites showing on his knuckles under the sunburnt skin. Vigi's attempts to reason with him penetrated the cloud of rage and he let out a shuddering breath, giving a nod of his head to show he had heard him. His eyes dropped to the leather collar in the slim masculine hands of the shaman. With an icy look, Cerdic took a step back from him. It galled him to wear such a thing, to mark him as lower than any of the fish breathed pagans that called this backwater town a home. He was better than they were, his blood was that of lords from both Saxons and Britons, even the very blood of Rome ran in his veins. His nostrils flared slightly and he shook his head, hearing the tendons pop from tension.

"Fine, master, whatever you wish," he said quietly, knowing the slaver was close by. "I don't wish to fight you...put the thing on. It means nothing to me."

Cerdic rubbed his hand over his face, taking a sharp breath before standing still, his arms at his sides and resisted the very real urge to smack the collar out of Vigi's hands as he brought it up to put on him. He would not fight him, not here and not now. The leather was light and braided but it felt like a chunk of iron weighted around his neck.
Vigi tugged on the collar once he put it on, making sure that it was not too tight on Cerdic's neck. He did not feel any guilt placing the collar on the proud man's neck. Though he did feel worry with the storm lurking behind those grey colored eyes. He was angry and he looked close to his breaking point. He had planned to take Cerdic back to his home, but with such rage brewing beneath the surface he was a tad worried for his safety.

If Cerdic attacked him he would have no means of fighting him off and because he was so isolated he would have no one to help him. However he could not keep him in town as he was now. He would likely snap.

"Pick up the trunk and the clothes you dropped, we are going to the docks, getting a boat and then returning to my home." It was a big risk letting himself be alone with Cerdic as he was now, but it was better than letting the whole village see how poor his taste in thrall's were.
Glad to be away from the slaver's hut, he picked up his things and Vigi's trunk, following him to the docks. He secured their belongings as Vigi sat himself at the prow, leaving Cerdic to pick up the oars. Not as comfortable in the rowboat, he felt awkward but a few instructions from the shaman helped him figure it out. The glided through the inlet and he followed the directions Vigi gave to him, making a line towards the towering green cloaked cliffs with a silver white ribbon of water tracing down the face of it. Cerdic spotted the small jutting dock made of logs and made for it.

Once they arrived, he waded out into the cold water, pulling the boat up on the pebbled shore. The small skiff rasped against the stones, and he tied it securely. He was not a sea man but he knew enough to know it was low tide, he could see the mark of the sea weed on the shore. The monk looked around, the forest was close with tall straight ash and birch, green and full of summer leaves intermixed with the deeper shades of spruce. It was a mountainous land, at least from where he stood. The fjord was unlike anything they had in Britain, steep and towering cliffs carved by the sea in a time long since forgotten. It was certainly breath taking, he had to admit, the only thing that came close were Snowdonia mountains of his mother's ancestral lands. He had only seen them once, as a child, and perhaps through a boy's eyes they had seemed impossibly high. Cerdic looked over the steep walls of rock, covered in forest and then at the little boat bobbing gently at the dock. Escape was going to be difficult.

Masking his concerns, he carried their things to the small hut. It was well made, snug and faced the water about two hundred yards away. There was a clearing beside it, where the land was not so rugged. There was a livestock pen with a few sheep and a large garden laying fallow. It was past time to put in crops, but if they hurried, they might make the growing season yet. Cerdic balked at the thoughts, like he cared if the shaman's garden was planted? It's not like he was going to be here for the winter.

"Someone's been lazy about watching your farm," Cerdic commented, walking over to the garden and the sheep pen. He wiggled the posts and found one broken and one loose. "How many sheep did you start off with? I doubt your curses kept the wolves away, they are not superstitious like men."
Vigi smiled when his home came into sight, his land marked by the beautiful slim waterfall that caressed the mountain. He had missed it and his hut, after spending months on that cramped boat he was looking forward to a little solitude. Even if he was keeping a tempermental slave with him.

He was drawn away from soaking in the feeling of being home when Cerdic spoke. It seemed his anger had diminished, rowing the oars may be responsible for that; allowing him the chance to take out his anger on the water.

He joined Cerdic by his sheep pen and frowned. "I am missing sheep." He said after counting them, his frown turning into a scowl. "That is the last time I trust that git Banki to watch my land." He growled, referring to the son of his closet neighbor whom was a ship builder. "I had eight sheep before I left, one was about to give birth to a lamb so nine! Now I've only four!" He shouted, holding out his hands to motion to the sheep. "Oh that boy's father will hear of this, they owe me five sheep!"

He smacked one of the posts in anger and it fell over into the grass. Vigi's face started to turn red.

"Go, get out of those wet clothes and into the ones I bought for you. We've work to do and then you are going to throw a mindless boy off a cliff." He could not believe the sheer laziness, the lack of respect for his property after he had trusted the word of that boy's father.

It was infuriating.
Cerdic watched with slight amusement as Vigi raged about the missing sheep. Perhaps the shaman should have stayed home to tend his garden, maybe all of the damned Northmen should stay home and tend their own affairs. He smirked a little, his Saxon blood was evidence that not all invaders just stole and destroyed. He cocked his head, muttering, "My, what misfortune to have your valuables stolen away..."

Flicking his eyes at Vigi, raising his brow at the irony, he shrugged his broad shoulders and pulled off the ragged, salt encrusted robes. The trousers were tattered and he stripped them off, standing naked. The sea breeze was cool but the sun warmed his skin and the monk found a bucket half filled with fresh water. He crouched before it and dunked his head in, rinsing the dried sweat from his dark curls. Flipping his head back, so the water soaked hair whipped the back of his neck, he turned and squinted through the droplets trickling down his face, "I won't murder a child, no matter how mindless. Even at your orders, master."
"He's of age, it'd hardly be murder of a child." Vigi said distractedly as he picked up the fallen post to stick it back into it's hole. "I'm not being serious either." He threw over his shoulder, checking some of the posts to see if anymore were as wobbly. "We'll have to check each of the posts, there are probably this." He had turned to look back over at Cerdic while he spoke and trailed off seeing the slave completely naked.

Unlike before on the ship he was now able to fully look upon the man's naked body and appreciate it. Even with the fading marks on his back from his whipping Vigi still greatly enjoyed the sight of his broad shoulders. He bit his lip feeling himself stir when his eyes ran down his back to his ass.

He had always wondered what it was like to fuck another man instead of being the one fucked. Now that possibility was in front of him he could feel the heat in the pit of his stomach growing.

Vigi stepped away from the fence holding his sheep and approached Cerdic. "Stand up, face me." He ordered, with a flick of his hand. When he did Vigi's breath caught seeing the other man's cock. "By the gods." He muttered, bringing up his hand to bite his finger, tearing his eyes away from Cerdic's crotch to look into his eyes.

"I think you're one of the best looking men I've ever seen." He said, lowering his finger and grinning lustfully at the priest. He took a step closer to him, not quite sure what he wanted to do yet but knowing he wanted to be closer.
Cerdic snorted water out of his nose, "Then not a child, just a half-wit. That's much better."

He swiped his hand back along his hair, squeezing the water out of it, feeling it tickle down his spine. Cerdic brushed his hand against the thick dark beard that had filled in and he grimaced, he would have to ask Vigi for a knife to shave and cut his hair, he could feel it had grown out since he was taken. When the shaman spoke, he glanced his way and stood up at his order. There was no mistaking the hooded look to those pale green eyes and Cerdic felt nervous, standing nude and vulnerable. It had been some time since he had anyone look at him in such a way, man or woman, as he had been hidden at the monastery. As the healer grinned at him, his eyes sparking with desire, Cerdic blushed, feeling heat spread down his neck and shoulders.

Cerdic cleared his throat, "Uh, thank you...master."

He closed his eyes for a brief moment, he had no idea how to react. His pulse pounded in his ears and he willed himself to stay calm and not look over at Vigi's fair face or his beautiful green eyes filled with lust. Cerdic put his hands over his genitals, not just a defensive gesture against any touches or gazes, but in case it decided to act on it's own. The monk could feel a tingle at the base of his spine as he glanced over at Vigi who stood closer to him now.
Vigi moved in a little closer when Cerdic didn't recoil or became angry. "You don't look so...horrified to have my attention." He observed with an impish smile. "I would have expected such a devout, civilized Christian to recoil." He brought up his hand and brushed his fingers down Cerdic's beard covered cheek. "Hmm, you should shave. You look better without the scruff." He muttered, stepping in closer until their bodies were almost touching.

His eyes dropped down to Cerdic's lips and he let out a soft breath. Those lips looked so inviting, especially knowing the priest had likely never been kissed by another man before.

Vigi turned his eyes back up to Cerdic's. "Do you want to kiss me?" He asked with an intimate smile, bringing up his finger to drag over his own bottom lip. "Push me on the ground and make me silent with a hard kiss? Let out all of the passion you've had to repress for so many years?"
Cerdic looked sharply at Vigi, his broad chest rising and falling with his heavier breathing. his voice was rough as he spoke, "You've done nothing yet to make me recoil, let's keep it that way."

When Vigi touched his cheek, he turned his head away, not wanting to feel the slender, strong fingers that had brought him both comfort and pain. He could feel the warmth of the other man's body so close to his own and grit his teeth, not wanting to run away like a frightened child. Cerdic was no boy, he was grown man and not afraid. That thought was hardly finished when Vigi asked if he wanted to kiss him. Rocking back on his heels, his face reddened. "Now I know you are a devil."

Huffing out a breath, Cerdic backed up, "You know nothing of my passions, nothing of me!"

The monk jabbed his finger at Vigi and curled his hand into a fist, wanting to punch that pretty face, the taunting tempting mouth. He was his slave, things were expected of a slave. In his mind, he heard the cries of the woman back at the slaver's hut. Swallowing hard, he glared at the man that had put the collar on him. "If I pushed you to the ground, Northman, you would not be getting kissed nor would you be getting backup."
Vigi slowly lost his smile at the violent reaction, huffing in disappointment and crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes narrowed into a glare at the threat to his person. "Are you threatening me?" Vigi asked, dropping his arms to his side and gripping onto the hilt of his saex. He closed the distance completely between them while taking out his blade, holding it up so he could see the gleam of the ruin covered metal in the light.

"I allow you some liberties Christian, but do not think I will tolerate such...Such," he was becoming so angry he could not think of the proper words. "Disrespect!" He finally spat out, grabbing onto Cerdic's collar and jerking his face close until their faces were nearly out of focus to each other.

His erection was still straining in his trousers and he desperately wanted to let it out on this slave but if he forced him he would just come to resent him even more. "You think I don't see that lust in your eyes when you look at me? You think I don't realize you have a particular fascination about how our culture doesn't care if two men fuck each other? You think I am as blind as you?" He took a small step back and lowered his blade but kept his hand on Cerdic's collar. "I bet you are still a virgin. Perhaps your god will come and fuck you and have you birth his next child."
Cerdic backed up a step when Vigi pulled his blade. Though naked, he was sure he could get it away from the more slender man, though he would not go without injury. And where would an injured slave who just murdered his master go? Straight to the chopping block to be blood for one of their heathen gods. He put his hands up defensively when Vigi grabbed his collar, hauling him close. His storm colored eyes met the pale green and he fought the urge to pull away. Cerdic had no where to go and even if he had a head start it would take little to track a slave unfamiliar with the land or sea of this place. When Vigi slung out his accusations, the monk's face burned with shame.

Those feelings were wrong he knew that, his brother had been sure to instill that in him. How Aelle had used to his advantage too, manipulating him with the threat of revealing his suspicions to their father. Cerdic grit his teeth and at the last insult, his eyes blazed, "I've fathered a child!"

He snapped his mouth shut, his face going from red to pale and he shook his head. Vigi would not care or know about paternity in some Mercian lord's family. It angered him that the man thought he was so inexperienced. He had proven himself, his brother said so and yet the act had made him feel ashamed. It had made him a liar and it hurt more to watch that lie grow and expand the mother's belly without being able to ever touch him. All to keep a bigger lie safe.

"You think you read me so well, heathen," Cerdic growled out, pushing him back, "You know nothing about me. I am just flesh for you."

His eyes were intent on Vigi's and without thinking, he gave him a predatory grin and then kissed him roughly, his hand snaking back to grab a handful of pale golden hair. Unable to think of much but his own shame, at his sinful sexual feelings, at the lies he lived, and now of his bondage in the hands of the enemy he took out his frustration with his rough mouth on the pretty lips of the shaman. His tongue thrust into Vigi's mouth, forceful and he bit his lower lip. His own cock was responding now, swelling thickly to half mast and when Cerdic pulled back, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Has your property pleased you yet, Master?"
Vigi was stunned with the shouted confession that Cerdic was a father. He noted how his red face quickly turned pale as though he had revealed some deep dark secret.

Some of his anger died down to give to curiosity, wondering about the past of the man that was now his slave. The thought fled his mind when Cerdic first grinned then kissed him roughly. He stumbled back in surprise of the forceful kiss, feeling the anger behind the action but not caring. It sent lightning through his body, sparking it alive more than any other man had before. A whimper sounded from his throat as he responded to the kiss, tangling their tongues together until Cerdic pulled back.

He blinked open his eyes, his pale cheeks flushed from the heated action, his kiss bruised lips parted to pant for breath.

"A little." He answered breathlessly with a grin, sheathing his saex once again. He looked down at Cerdic's half erect cock and licked his red lips. "He could do better." His grin widening he stepped forward to grab Cerdic's collar, jerking him closer so he could returning the intense kiss. He pressed their bodies closed together, wrapping one arm around Cerdic's waist and jerking their crotches together to grind their erections.

He moaned into the kiss as pleasure sparked through him again and he started to thrust his hips up against Cerdic's.
Cerdic stood still, letting Vigi pull him closer, his heart pounding as he held his breath as the other man kissed him back. When he felt his hard cock press against his own, he hardened to his full length, despite his conscious screaming at him to stop. He was sinning and he called his brother’s taunting that he would burn in hell with coals shoved up his arse because that’s what happened to sodomites. He wasn’t though! He had proved it and his brother got what he wanted. With a gasp, he broke away, “I can’t...can’t do this...”

His cock throbbed, betraying him and he closed his eyes tightly, willing it go away. Cerdic reached down to cover it but instead his fingers wrapped around it, sliding the foreskin back from the purpled plump head. He groaned, biting his lip hard enough to show a white line.
Vigi blinked through the haze of lust when Cerdic pulled back from the kiss. He looked down feeling his hand move between them and gasped softly watching him wrap his hand around his arousal. "Why can't you?" Vigi asked him breathlessly, leaning forward and pressing another kiss to Cerdic's lips to help him along. "What is wrong with this?" He murmured against his lips before pulling back.

He let go of his collar and with his arm still on his waist he moved to stand behind Cerdic, his hands sliding along his skin as he went. He continued to stroke his hands gently over Cerdic's hard, muscular torso. He had to resist the urge to rub his erection up against Cerdic and after kissing his neck he stepped back in front of him.

Vigi took off the belt that tapered his tunic to his waist and lifted it up to show his sleek wiry chest. He unlaced his trousers and started to push them down to reveal his straining erection a little more. He continued to watch Cerdic touch himself, his eyes heavy lidded and his kiss red lips parted. "There is nothing wrong with your human urges." He assured him with a smile.
Cerdic sighed deeply, feeling the man's nimble fingers tracing his skin and he squeezed his cock. It felt good and by God he was attracted to his master but it was wrong. So very wrong! Licking his lips, he tried to speak, to tell Vigi why it was wrong. Memories of another young man, one with dark laughing eyes and smooth hard muscles. The archer. Cerdic's face burned and he tried to block out the images. "Please, I can' matter how much I want..."

He looked at Vigi undressing and his cock throbbed in his hand, Cerdic unable to stop himself from stroking it. He bit his lip and felt the heat building in his lower core. How wrong it was, just like it was when he was eighteen and he let his desire get the best of him with the handsome youth. His throat ached and he sobbed once, dropping to his knees, tears springing to his eyes, "Master...I'll burn for it, in Hell. I've caused enough damage with my unnatural lust, God forgive me."

He pressed his hand to his eyes, trying to force himself not to cry in front of the Northman. "It's my fault..."
Vigi stopped undressing himself when Cerdic dropped to his knees. He released his tunic to allow it to cover himself and pulled his trousers up more, staring down at Cerdic in confusion. He was stunned with the sorrowful break down, hearing the crack in Cerdic's voice. This was a first for him, he didn't think the man would break down in such a way; much less over something so small.

"Uh," he was at a loss for words, having never dealt with something such as this before.

His arousal quickly started to die down. He wanted to push the man, but not into a state such as this. Though a great source of frustration some times he rather liked the man's fiery spirit. Seeing it flicker out was disappointing.

Slowly he walked forward and knelt down in front of him. He knew how to comfort the sick and dying, even though Cerdic was neither it seemed that was why he needed. "Nothing is your fault." He brought up a hand to touch him, but thought better of it and lowered it.

"Um, it is getting cold out here." He stood back up to his feet and motioned to his hut. "Go inside, get dressed and lay down. Seems you've had enough excitement for one day." He turned around to pick up his fallen belt from the grass and put it back on around his waist. "Go on now." He said, waving his hand back at his hut before walking off to the shed on his property to get the tools he needed to fix the fence.
Cerdic's own arousal had wilted and he felt small and pathetic. He shook his head at himself and stood up, not looking back at Vigi before going inside. There he dressed slowly, his face burning with shame. He could not lay down so he made himself useful by starting a fire in the cold hearth and sweeping out rodent droppings from the corners, leaving the door propped open to air the rooms out. Cerdic shook out the blankets of wool and fur, knocking the dust out of them and made up the large sleeping bench that belonged to his master.

He sat down once he was done, crosslegged on a woven mat by the fire. Staring into the flames, memories came unbidden of his sister in law and her brother. Both had those deep dark eyes, marking their Briton heritage from the west. Aelle's wife had been a reknowned beauty, pale skinned and with lush dark hair that was nearly black that hung to her waist. Her older brother had come along to escort the new bride and he was as handsome as she was lovely. Unable to even say his name, Cerdic rubbed his beard and shook off the thoughts of the past. Water would be needed to heat for both Vigi's bath and their supper. Pushing himself up he went outside, dressed now in a brown tunic and dark grey woolen trousers. Carrying an empty bucket, he approached the shaman who was repairing the fence, he spoke in a voice that was slightly rasping, "Master...would you show me where your spring is?"
Vigi looked up from the ground after packing hard dirt in the area around a loose post. He brushed the dirt off of his hands onto his trousers and stood up, sweeping critical eyes over Cerdic. "Only if you aren't planning to drown yourself." The man looked absolutely miserable, more so than any time on the voyage home. He looked haunted by something and Vigi could only guess what that was. "Follow me."

He motioned for him to follow with his hands stained dark from the Earth then began on a trek toward the waterfall close to his property. He lead Cerdic to a path that was hidden by some thick brush and low hanging branches of trees. During the walk down the small dirty path Vigi kept silent, no knowing what to say to Cerdic or even if he should say anything at all. Cerdic was a slave, technically his past and whatever emotions he was feeling shouldn't matter to him.

However it was difficult for him to dehumanize slaves. When he was growing up and things had been difficult, he spent a lot of time with his families slaves rather than the children of the village. The slaves were kind to him, taught him to speak English and told him stories. When his mother was gone for long periods of time, visiting other villages and isolated farmers, it was the slaves that looked after him. Because of that upbringing he had a certain softness for them that he could not shake away.

He snapped out his thoughts when he heard the gentle sound of rushing water and pushed aside another low hanging branch. "Here it is." He said, stepping aside so Cerdic to see the spring.

It was a fairly deep pool that would be able to fit several adults comfortably. There was a tiny waterfall that ran down from a small rocky cliff into the clear watered spring, supplying it with fresh water from the larger falls. A few feet to their left was another small stream that led out of the spring and went down the hill side until it joined up with the larger stream that eventually ran into the water channel. The area around it was a bit overgrown since Vigi had been gone, but it was hardly a matter of great importance at the moment.
Cerdic retreated into his monk habits as he addressed Vigi, it was easy to sink back into the stoic man of God routine that helped hide his turbulent temper and emotions. "I would not drown myself. Life is a gift from God, to kill oneself is an offense to Him and punishable by an eternity of the fiery tortures of Hell."

It was also cowardly and if Cerdic was going to die, it would be in battle with a blade in his hand. He carried the bucket, following Vigi in silence, his eyes focused on memorizing small land marks. The fallen ash to the left thirty paces from the hut. The flowering rowan on the right fifty paces away. The single spruce that towered in a small clearing seventy five paces to the left. He retained his mental map so he would not have to ask Vigi again to show him where the springs were and he would become more familiar with the land around where he would be living. Once they were there, Cerdic looked around. It certainly was lovely and he said so.

"Your land is beautiful," he said in a polite voice, dipping the bucket into the water. "I'd like to shave and cut my hair, would you lend me a blade for this?

Cerdic looked at him, seemingly all out of fight and he bowed his head respectfully.
"Yes, you may borrow a blade but I don't have it with me. The blade for shaving is back at my hut, in my trunk." Vigi frowned down at him. "Aren't you behaving well." He observed after a moment of silence with only the trickling of the waterfall filling it. "I didn't think a little kissing would be all it took to zap the life from you. It's disappointing really." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

He stared down at him before kneeling by the spring to wash the dirt from his hands. "I can not believe that you endure beating and whipping with your spirit in tact, yet you crumble when you kiss another man." He dried his hands off on his cloak and shook his head. "Very disappointing."
Cerdic set the bucket down, his flinty eyes snapping to Vigi. "You're not pleased I am behaving? I was told I am a slave, I wear your collar, Master. I've been told more than once by your brother that a spirited slave does not live very long."

He reached down and picked up stone, tossing it into the spring, "You know who else doesn't live very long? Men who defy God's order. Men who..."

Angry at himself for letting his emotions slip again in front of the Viking healer, he picked up the bucket then put it back down again. As much as he hated to admit to himself, he had enjoyed Vigi's kiss and his obvious attraction. He had been celibate for the last few years and nearly forgotten the delicious fire that burned inside of him. "Like I said, you don't know anything about me. I'm your slave, why should you?"

Hating his helplessness and the fact he had broken down in front of the man who he had to call master, "In fact, why are you even asking? I'm a piece of flesh, you wish it, take what you want. Like that woman being raped by the slaver."

Cerdic stood up, his arms at his side and he made a little 'come on' gesture.
Vigi stood up as well, folding his arms back over his chest. He supposed he was being contradictory with what he wanted from Cerdic. He did want the man to behave, but he also didn't want that fire in his eyes to go away. "I want you to behave, but I don't want you a weakling. As well as helping me with my chores you are also my guard against those that want to harm me. I need a man that has fire and strength in his soul to defend me and himself. A man that is broken is hardly a valid protector and I am no rapist priest." He answered. "I...know the shame and humiliation that a man can feel being raped. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone, even a slave."

He couldn't quite repress the shiver he felt thinking back to the first man he had ever been with.

He tried to shake that memory away and raised his eyebrows. "You like men and you are attracted to me, that much was made very clear. I don't need to force you into anything involving sex." He tilted his head to the side and looked Cerdic up and down. "You told me once that your god is responsible for creating every person on Earth. He personally crafts their souls before they are born, yes? He made you this way and if he made you this way, why would he punish you for it? It isn't your fault you are this way, it is beyond your mortal control. It's his fault and he sounds like a real bastard to scorn you for it."
Cerdic snorted, turning his head and raising his eyebrow, "I am not a weakling and I've never lost my love for the blade, even at the monestary. I could not practice with it so I used wooden staffs in their place. I can kill a man as easily with a walking stick as I could with a castle forged sword."

His eyes flickered at the Viking's admission and he felt himself soften. He had not expected that and the monk gave Vigi a thoughtful look. At the shaman's words about God, he bristled slightly, a smirk appearing on his lips, "You should know the answer to that question, Master. How great fathers can make sons they are disappointed with. Unless you truly believe you are half elf?"

Cerdic was pushing it but if Vigi did not want a broken slave then he would have to deal with the man he was. Crouching down, the big Saxon looked into the spring fed waters that were clear and cold. "You have trout in this stream, do you fish them?"

His question was off subject but he wished to steer away from their religious differences for now. He reached out and touched the water, flicking it with his fingertips. "I learned a trick once, to tickle a fish out of the water. It was taught to me by a man who was a great woodsman and warrior...I can show you if you like?"
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