Trapped treasure hunters [Azecreth & White-wolf]

The wraith screeched as the fire dragon moved in for the attack, his fire breath hitting it head on. It seemed pretty sturdy though, despite being burned and weakened the spiked tendrils went and writhed about as they tried to injure his wings. Whatever this thing was it seemed to know that dragons had a weak spot around their wings, and if they got injured they wouldn't be able to fly.

Whatever was this place it seemed to have a pretty good protective spell or curse over it. However that could only mean that the legendary armor was probably real and it was somewhere on here.
Firenze smirked in triumph as the wraith screeched under his fire and other attacks. That was a good sign, since it indicated that this thing could be hurt, could be damaged, and if he could do that then it was more than apparent that he could beat it. It might just take a bit of effort to do so in the process. This wraith definitely had no idea which dragon it had messed with, and it would seen regret that, very much.

He grunted then as it struck back, laying light wounds upon his back and hurting his wings. Not enough to completely prevent him flying, but it did restrict his ability to some extent. That was annoying to say the least, but he would not let a wound like that deter him. He was a Hero after all, and a Hero never let a small thing like that keep him from his victory.

"Heh, still got a bit of fight left, do you," he taunted, noting that the resistance meant that he was probably close. Lumina would regret not coming with him once he killed this thing, clawing and blasting flames once more as he continued to try and dodge, using the ruins and terrain to compensate for his reduced flying ability. He was not about to lose this fight, if he could help it.
The wraith didn't seem to care about how damaged it was getting, all it lived for was to punish intruders who were foolish enough to think they could walk like the owned the place. With another roar it would strike again, it's spiked tendrils lashing out to just do general damage to the fire dragon. While it seemed fierce it was pretty clear that it was in a loosing battle, it's form flickering a bit from it's lack of energy.

However it's end would come as it slammed stringht into one of the ruin pillars and it came crashing right on top of it, it's body fading away. And with it's fall a wall would fall to reveal a small cave of sorts... what could be in there?

With some inspection within the cave there would be some strange instructions of sorts. Telling the reader about a master key that seemed a lot like a golden egg.
Firenze grunted as the fight went on, the wraith very persistent in not giving up even though it should have known it was outmatched. It served to raise his annoyance and ire, as it merely fought o, without seeming strategy or end goal. What was this thing supposed to be in the first place, It obviously couldn't be alive, or it wouldn't have fought with such reckless abandon. Not that it mattered in the end since it wasn't his place to idly philosophize, but it did raise some curiosity.

Still he fought on, lashing out with fire and claws while taking his blows in return. And he did take them, the wraith drawing blood in the process, but nothing he would consider life threatening. and that was all that mattered in the end, as he watched with satisfaction while it rammed straight into a column and crushed itself, earning a scoff from the dragon.

"Idiot," he commented as he padded forward and into the cave, wincing past the pain to see if there was anything of interest in here. His face lit up with a successive grin as he found that there was, instructions for a master key shaped like an egg of sorts, that he assumed could be used to get to the treasure, or an armory of some kind. It seemed most likely, with traps such as these. It seemed awkward places for instructions, but it was his first lead so he wasn't going to doubt them.

He looked it over, taking careful note and committing it to memory before leaving the cave and heading back to the beach. He'd gotten something at least. Now he would need to plan and figure out where to go from here, if he was to find the treasure first. Hopefully Lumina had had less luck than him.
When Firenze would arrive at the beach Lumina had started to work on her shelter, like most light dragons she found more comfort in being above ground and working on some sort of hammock like shelter was up her alley.

"Found anything oh 'greatest adventurer ever?" Lumina would roll her eyes as she continued to work on tying some vines and leaves along the trees. She didn't feel like showing him her discovery neither... at least not yet that is. She would heed the phantom's warning and decided to hold onto it till she found Firenze worthy of knowing.

"Anyways now that you are back help me get some food and other edible things... I think we all know today would be the Winter festival and I would like to at least have a decent feast." She would add as she looked at some fruit she had been collecting in a pile, this year she had actually hoped to have found a decent male light dragon... or maybe a water or ice one to fling with but it seemed like she would have to wait to next year for that... Such a shame she would be stuck here in this hellhole while everyone else was celebrating and pairing off.
Firenze grunted as he emerged back on the beach to find Lumina making a shelter for herself. he'd taken a moment to stop and straighten himself out, removing most signs of the attack he had endured, and it seemed to be effective as she was totally oblivious to the signs that remained. At least, if she had bothered looking in the first place. He'd admit as well that, given how things were going, working on his own shelter might be a good idea. But he'd never be telling her that, since she would never let him live it down. And he didn't need that.

He strolled onto the beach, making his way over to his spot there as he watched her. "Well, I found some sort of phantom thing, but it wasn't too tough," he replied with a shrug, leaving out the ruins and he clue he had found. Let her stumble around and look for it if she really wanted it. He wasn't going to give her any handouts if he could help it. It was her fault they were here anyway.

Noting the pile of food as well as her comment about the Winter Festival, he rose to his feet then, letting his efforts to rest be wasted as he tromped back out again. "Alright," he ceded with more than a hint of reluctance. "But I make no promises." Who knew what kinds of food would be lying around in this place? He'd do his best, but she shouldn't expect anything amazing. And if she blamed him for it, he would be ticked off. With that said though, he moved off to go find some food, so that at least he could have a decent meal tonight.
Pale blue eyes would scan the fire dragon, taking note that he did seem to have gotten in trouble. Figures he was too stubborn and full of himself for his own good, such a shame they couldn't even look at each other nicely anymore. The rest of her kin and the ice dragons had been right, the fire breathers always thought they were better than anyone else.

This really did suck though, the least she could do was eat a decent feast. She would ignore the slightly darker blue tinges around her wings for now. All light dragons sort of got a tiny bit of vivid coloration around their wings during certain times anyways.

After hearing his rather reluctant agreement she would also set off to find her share. While Firenze had been gone she had taken the time to study animal tracks and had discovered a group of wild boars... hrrmmm... maybe she should take the time to hunt some pretty decent food and rub that in his face.
As Lumina went off to go track down some food of her own, Firenze was less enthusiastically walking through the woods once more, trying to track down something to eat. It was a pity that column had fallen on the phantom, or it might have been a good choice. Well, if it was edible anyway. He'd let her have the first go at it to make sure, just in case. He'd be the one protecting them, so it wasn't as if he could afford something like food poisoning in a place like this. And who knew, suffering like that might be just what she needed to get her attitude to something more agreeable.

Well, that was enough musing about the possibility of that, and he returned to walking about as he searched for food. He'd found some things, some fruits and berries that he would admit were tasty, but what he really wanted was meat. A hero like him couldn't survive or fight on a diet like this, that much he would say even if it wasn't actually true. It was just a preferred diet of fire dragons, and he was reluctant to deviate from it unless he had to. And while this might be one of those situations, he was loathe to give up just yet, especially since it would mean going off of her charity, which would provide for more annoyance.

So for now he continued his search, making sure to keep an eye on the time. He would find something sooner or later, as he stalked along in the hunt. He was sure of it.
As the time went on Lumina would eventually collect a decent pile of food. While she wasn't on good terms with Firenze she wasn't an arse to the point where she wouldn't share. She wasn't THAT full of herself and she would have technically done the same for any other dragon she may have found herself stuck with.

At this point she may as well count her blessings, eat some decent food and hope the night would be pleasant enough for her to sleep though. She wasn't really expecting anything weird really... she honestly wasn't.

Once the sun started to vanish on the horizon she would hover in the air for a bit, wondering where the fire dragon was.
After some time Firenze managed to return, dragging a fairly large creature behind him. It was hard but he managed, grateful for the fact that he had managed to take it by surprise. It seemed that his luck had turned around and he was glad for it. Of course, he expected that she had gotten her own food, and between the two of them they should have a bit of a feast. It would have to do with the situation they were in.

"Back," he announced before letting the thing, that he couldn't name, drop to the sand. He wouldn't simply leave it there though, but instead walked over to set up a fire pit so they could cook the thing, arranging the rocks in a circle and some kindling before a burst of fire breath set them ablaze. There was nothing to it really. He didn't ask her for help either, as he began to set up a way to cook it. Regardless of what she did, he planned to enjoy himself, and he wouldn't let her spoil it.
Lumina would partially stick out her pale blue tongue at his reaction. As usual he was going to be a loner and not ask for help... some day that would really end up getting him in trouble and odds are no one would be able to help him.

"I have sea food and vegetarian stuff if you are interested." She would offer as she shook some water off her scales and grabbed a few claws that she started to carefully pry open and eat them. She'd sit atop her small rock ledge as she did so, overlooking the ocean as the sun finally set down.

Damn it... she could have gotten herself a good companion tonight, surely the one section where the water, light, and ice dragons always hung out would have had some decent suitors. For Lumina it was safe to say this would have been her first time, she was old enough now to seek suitors and... she'd likely learn the hard way that she couldn't really evade that primal surge for long without getting a bit jumpy.

It couldn't be that bad could it?... at least she hoped so otherwise things would get slightly out of her control here.
"I'll keep it in mind," Firenze commented in return to her offer, not terribly interested but willing to consider it. He'd extend the same courtesy when it came to what he had caught, the least he could do on this night, though he had a feeling that she wouldn't take him up on it. But if she chose to not keep her strength up by having a balanced meal and simply eating leaves and stuff, that was her business. She would be the only one to suffer for it.

The meal he had made was soon cooked over the fire and he got to work, tearing off a good chunk and sitting down with it, sharp teeth ripping into meat as he practically chowed down. After the fight before he could use it to get his strength back, and he would need that if he wanted to beat Lumina in the end.

Firenze's gaze swept the beach as he ate and thought, considering what he could be doing at the moment. There were plenty of other places he would rather be, people he would meet, the good times that he could have. This would have been far from it, and he was merely hoping that nothing happened to so that he could get out of here as quickly as possible. THe wraith had indicated that it would be far from likely, but as he ate, he found himself wishing anyway. There was no harm in that, right?
Lumina was quite fine actually, she always had preference for seafood and fruit but she supposed she could nab a bite from his kill once he was done or in the morning once she'd be looking for some possible easy breakfast. However once she finished she couldn't help to take some sort of mind helping flight. Just some minutes to not care about her worries or think some other things... mainly a strange itch she was feeling in a psychological way.

“I'll be taking a small flight along the shore now... and while I'm gone don't go in the jungle.” She would say with a bit of a sigh as she seemed to be a bit in a hurry to leave. The strange fiery feeling she felt was shocking her a bit, she knew exactly what this was but she would try her best to ignore it. She had other things to think about... like getting off this hellhole and likely running off with the legendary armor.
Firenze rolled his eyes as Lumina headed off, instructing him to not head into the jungle. "Yes mother," he called back sarcastically before turning back to his food. It wasn't as if she could tell him what he should do, much less decide what was good for his own welfare. He was a grown dragon, and he could do that much. So she could just keep her instructions to herself and look after herself, and leave him alone. He'd made it this far already, so he could survive whatever else showed up.

Once she had vanished, he went back to his food, humming to himself as he chowed down on roasted and otherwise raw meat. Now this was a good meal, and he was definitely enjoying himself. It was a pity that Lumina couldn't appreciate this meal. how tasty it was. But no, she preferred her leaves and stuff like that, which he frankly thought unpleasant.

He was considering leaving some for Lumina just in case when the wind turned, bringing an unusual scent to his nostrils. "Hm, what's that," he asked himself, though he already knew to some extent, strange emotions and feelings stirring inside of him. With that was the desire to find the source, and he rose from his meal and headed off down the beach, leaving his food behind as he went to locate it. Of course, he might be less than pleased to find it, but by this point there was nothing he could do, fully ensnared by his instincts. All that could be left was to ride it out and see what happened.
Once far enough Lumina would land on another decently sized beach, this one was mostly filled with tide pools and seemed to have some old ruin parts sticking out of the sand... perfect a way to distract herself and just think some stuff over.

Sure dragons were an advanced species but when it came instincts they weren't pretty good at holding them down. The only thing that seemed to save them from going mad was the fact that most females had standards. In the case of Lumina she valued cunning and a right amount of strength to get impressed... and element she didn't have also helped.

And right now she was in a pretty... not so desirable spot. She knew that if some random wraith that somehow looked like a dragon showed up she may find herself in a very awkward situation... she really wasn't thinking about the real dragon on this island though.
It was some time after walking that Firenze emerged onto the beach, to see to his alarm what the source of that alluring scent was. Normally he would have been far from thrilled with it, but at the moment he wasn't exactly in the right state of mind for it. A dragon's instincts could be a powerful thing, especially when it came to times like this, and right now his were more powerful than he might have cared to admit otherwise.

So he advanced forwards, towards the scent and the female dragon. Of course he was aware of who it was, the only logical conclusion, but at the moment he didn't care all that much about it. It could be justified as her fault anyway, moreso than his, and that was all the justification he needed. Besides, as the Hero she should be grateful for the opportunity to do something like this with someone like him. She certainly wouldn't get another chance.

A low rumble escaped his throat as he approached, tail swaying a bit in slow tempo. Time to begin this ages old, and instinct driven dance. One way or another, this was going to be interesting when it was all over.
The moment a certain scent reached her nose she would visibly stiffen up, normally she would have hated being followed but at the moment the scent of a male dragon was enough to erase who he was at the moment. To make it worse his approach pretty much made her no longer care about who was before her. He was just another wannabee suitor and she was there to watch if he was worth it or not.

Letting out a similar rumble and shifting her wings a bit with a slight flash of bio luminescence she would let him know she was watching. Hero or not he was just another male and with her standards she wanted to see a test of strength and element capabilities before she'd even let him get near her rear. While female dragons were known to control whether they would breed or not the first times were usually just for bonding. In the next three days or so (if he succeeded) he'd have to prove himself worthy of such a thing.
Firenze took the recognition and challenge as it came, as determined to succeed in this as he did in all things. Perhaps the female didn't see him as a willing and worthy mate straight off the bat, but she would soon enough. If there was one thing that his hormone addled mind still had in spades, it was confidence, and he was ready to put it to good use to get what it was he was after at the moment.

So he acted out the next part of the ritual that existed in instinct for all dragons, lowering himself slightly as his wings flared, showing off physical with his swaying tail before he moved on, unleashing a blast of fire into the sky so she could see the sheer height and intensity of it, a show of how strong his element was. He knew he was being judged, and though it wasn't as if he had any competitors to worry about, he was still going to give it his best. Otherwise she might not agree, and then things would really get heated.

For now though he let the blast go for as long as he could, red fire painting the sky above before he closed his jaw, letting it die away and tilting his head down once more, looking over at Lumina as he waited to see what her initial impressions might be before going on. He was certain she wouldn't reject him out of hand, but it was all part of the ritual. So, look and wait he did.
Watching with pale eyes Lumina would witness his elemental and endurance display, it was definitely impressive no doubt about it. The strength and the shape of his fire was almost on par to a dragon worth of a guardian apprentice.

Letting him know she was impressed with his display she would shift her wings in a back position and flicker some of the patterns on them with her light element. At this point if he played his cards right he could approach her and try to mount her. He'd have to be decently quick about it though cause if a male took too long trying to find his entrance they would likely have to start some display to convince a female all over again.

Hovering down from the rock she would land next to him and look him over, checking his build for any deformities which he did not have. Once she was done with this she would stand next to him shoulder to shoulder as she moved her tail a bit, now it was up to him to do the rest.
Firenze grinned a bit as his prospective mate accepted the worthiness of his show, as expected of someone as strong and powerful as himself since there really hadn't been any doubt as to whether or not he would be successful. Well, there was, but his hormones weren't letting him consider things like that at the moment. As far as he was concerned, it had been a foregone conclusion, an act he needed to put on, and he had done it well.

At that point he noted the signals, the flares of light that made their point and showed her interest. He stood still as she came over and up to him, bristling with confident and perhaps showing off a bit as she looked him over to make sure he was of a physical status that satisfied. Beyond the wounds that he had received earlier in the day, there would be nothing to disappoint there, and it was with continued satisfaction that she moved to stand shoulder to shoulder, letting him take over.

His fiery red and spiny length had already begun to protrude from it's sheath as he moved over and behind Lumina, taking his position there. That involved heeding his instincts once there, shifting forward and wrapping his limbs around hers, to the point that his cock brushed against her rear, seeking her entrance.Not the easiest task in the world from this position, but he managed as it soon caught, and a slight shift allowed him to slide it inside her, cementing this relationship. At least, for the moment anyway.
She wasn't really thinking about any of this or who exactly was getting onto her back right now. Under normal terms if a decently built water or ice dragon had been here she probably would have chosen one of them over a fire dragon. But for now she really had no choice, he was the only male and her hormone driven mind was telling her he was pretty impressive and good enough for this honor.

As she felt him wrap around her and press himself onto her the sudden feeling of being penetrated was quite an odd thing at first. She trembled at the sensation as she let out a slight groaning noise, it felt good... way better than she probably could have imagined.

Supporting his weight she'd move her tail to the side more, it was pretty much up to him what would happen now since males did the job of the general mating once they found their entry point. For now they would both partake in what kept their species alive, while others would find this happening over a few days tiring they probably wouldn't mind it.
Such was how things were, that the two of them had to put up with each others company and deal with the fact that they were the only actual dragons here at the moment that could deal with each others problem. Of course, Firenze would object and point out that his problem was her fault, but at this point in time such objections were nowhere to be found. Such was the benefit of the pheromones and bestial instincts that ran their course, that even two avowed enemies could be affected like this.

He noted idly as she moved her tail further to the side to make things easier for him, even as he found the target that he was looking for. Sinking inside her entrance earned a hiss from himself, just as it got a groan from her, a voiced response to how good it felt in general. She would not have been his first choice for a mate, but in the moment he was not complaining as he prepared to do what had to be done now.

Since it was the job of the male to lead at this point, he wasted no time getting to it, his hips shifting backwards to pull out of her before slamming back in, setting up a steady and rocking rhythm. He could practically feel his breath heating up as his member brushed against her inner walls, massaged and coaxed, with sparks sent tingling up his spine in return for what he was doing to her, and he had to imagine the sensation was the same on her end. Not that he really cared as he went on, carrying out the act. For now they would do it, and then they could worry about the consequences.
Groaning a bit Lumina would close her eyes as she gritted her fangs slightly. This felt far too good for what it was, her rival/enemy was basically dominating her and she didn't mind it at all (For now that is). Then again they were both in this together and neither of them could deny it, her rushed breathing growing more erratic by the minute.

Pushing her hind side towards him she hoped to give him a better reach, one where she could enjoy every inch he had to offer to her depths. At this point she was pretty well wrapped around him, her tight walls enjoying every pump and ram he gave her. She could feel bursts of pleasure dance along her spine by now... every second of mating was driving her up the wall with new sensations she could have only dreamed a bout.
The two of them were enemies, had fought and would probably fight in the future, yet now it was that they were united by common instincts. While Firenze might have appreciated and been more willing to gloat over being on top had he been in his right mind, for now he didn't particularly care. and neither did she, as was all too obvious by her own reactions. They were dragons, and in the end it seemed they might not be able to rise above that.

Still, things went on as the siren song in his blood said that they should. It was made all the easier as Lumina shifted in place to make his job that much smoother, and he reciprocated as he sped up, pushing in every extra inch that he could. The feelings he was being barraged with had his mind in a haze of heat, how her walls wrapped around his length, hitting every ridge and bump along his cock and setting him panting audibly at the same time.

It was....It had been a long time since he had done something like this, and that was all too apparent with how he went about it. Not that he was clumsy, but such inhibitions rapidly fell away as he moved that much faster and harder, the sound of their meeting spreading in the beach, as he felt himself growing hotter, and that much closer. He would hold on as best he could, but with what she was doing, and his own actions, it would not exactly be that smooth of a desire. But he did his best, fully enjoying the sparks and bolts of pleasure from below as this went on, hoping to satisfy her with the conclusion when it came, so that this would not be the only time. Just like his instincts said should happen.
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