Young friends to young lovers (wiki-manada)

She sighd and gets up dressing and getting her stuff to go to school as some people are already there. She heads to her own locker as she checks the time but sees that she has a text. " hey, whats it for? Is there something? Whatever it though I do really wish you luck." She opened and sees some tickets, " hey what's the tickets for? Is it for an event that's important? Did you want to invite me?" She not remembering if Miku told her something a long time ago about some tickets.
"For my track meeting silly. I want you to wish me luck. And the tickets I gave you so if you want you can watch me run." Miku replied in one whole message. Sitting in the back of the bus, listening to her music. "But if you can't come don't worry don't feel obligated" Miku added in a second message
She took her stuff and put the tickets on her pocket, closing and walking. Down the hall, " I'll just be there then..." Rin sends back, "where do j go then." Rin goes out to sit for a bit before the school would start, "is it after school or maybe at lunch?"
"Go toothed front of the school, there should be a bus letting people on with the tickets. It should be leaving shortly so hurry up <3" she replied resting her head on the window. The bus slows and pulls up to the large arena where this tournament would take place. Miku places her hands on her chest as she tries to relax now
She leans back agais t the wall and looks over to the phone getting up and walking as she sees it, finally she would see the line of people as she would joinin and take the tickets, sitting in the middle seats of the bus. Somehow she felt nervous just knowing about seeing Miku again, when she thought of her now she would think of what happened yesterday. Finally after a little while th bus closes and starts to leave with the people going to watch the tournament including her.
The next hour was stretching, prep, the rules and everything they needed to know. By this time the stands where filling up. Miku didn't know if she was going to be able to see Rin. Once the formalities where done the man on the PA systems comes on and starts to introduce the schools and their runners.

Coming out on her name Miku waves around a bit hoping to spot Rin
Finally even after another long while they are into the back of the stadium as evryone would feet off with a huge crowd of people coming from all over and getting together to sit down. Rin didn't have anyone else to come with her so she would be able to just pick whatever then, following behind the others as they went onto the track and turning to walk up the stairs behind them as she would find a seat low or in the middle where she could see most of it clearly and be easily seen at least. As everyone waits she sits down and goes on her phone, recording what was happening before. She pressed the button and turned the camera to herself. " hey, you were cool...and just awesome, I can't wait to talk to you when we come back to school...." Rin pushes the button to stop the recording and saves it.

Finally evryone starts to sit in the crowd as she leans back a bit with a sigh watching, standing up as she hears her school "hell yeah! Hey over here, the cute blonde!" She says with a wink wondering if Miku could hear and if she would look around to find that voice.
Miku had a hard hearing Rin, but by chance cause of the blonde hair, and petit sature, Miku turns just in times and waves to Rin, then blew a kiss to her before joining the rest of the team. Mikus heart was beating even harder then it was during her confession
Rin keeps the watch on her as she's the little kiss in the air. She yells out the name and does a little jump waiting for it to start already as she would be having her hands up and cheering for Miku when she would start. She had full heart and faith that she would try to make it fast and hard. " Miku!" She yells waving again and jumping.
Everyone is still loud even as the announcer tries to ask people to stand for the national anthem. Miku stands straight to the anthem. Shorty after it is announced the races, Miku was going to be in the first one, and the last one. After some more formalities, everyone goes to their area, then Miku is called up and she takes her place
She stops with a sigh just giving up, but she would want her to be amaxing and just even do her best. Finally the girl does the same and sits down to relax as the actual ace would start already, she gives another yell and a wave wondering what it would be to be down there.
Miku looks to Rin and smiles winking, before focusing on the race right ahead. She slowly zones all the extra noises out of her head. Mikus hair done up on a bun now, to keep out of the way.
"Get ready!"
Miku gets down a bit
"Get set"
She raises her ass, her tight gym shorts hugging her ass
"Go !!!"
Miku goes along with the other five, at first it's a dead heat, and slowly others slow down it is between three people, including Miku
It was very close Miku focuses hard on the task at hand. Slowly it's just two Miku and another.
Slowly Miku falls behind by just a bit,
The finish line draws near and Mikus musters all the enters she has and tries to make it
The crowd erupts, as it looks like a draw.
A photo finish was needed.
"In third place Jane...second place....Miku....and in first Jen!!! Congratulations ladies great race" the announcer goes. Miku falls to her knees panting some tears roll down her face, she is comforted by her school mates, even Jen comes up to Miku and hugs her, both girls crying a bit
She looks up as the race starts, her heart was so intense right now before it would even start, shit she was nervous as hell, " Miku miku miku!!!" She tried to yell. She was moving side to side almost like she was pacing in place. Her breathing heavy as she watched evryone. "Yes!!! Dammit come on!!" She jumps up with her hand high up as she just stares to see what happened, suddenly slouching her shoulders as her mouth is open, "what the hell!!! That's stupid!! She would of still have been an inch behind!! That's not fair!!" She says as her body heats up. Finally as the race ends evryone starts to head down some meeting the runners being the other students themselves as Rin slowly walks down and sees the girl just a bit away from her.

Finally she turns and runs toward her, falling to her knees in front of her "m-m-Miku? She asks softly, slowly reaching her hand out to her, with a gulp. " h-hey....I came like you wanted, and I saw...I want you to know that your amazing and you did your best and I'm proud, oh...and ummm when you get a chance do me a favor...and check your phone for me..." Slowly she takes her phone and looks down, sending her the recorded video to her phone, before slowly leaning in to put a hand on her shoulder. " you did awesome Miku..."
miku never noticed the other students, so Rin shocked her. Miku looks up to see Rin as she spoke. Miku smiles brightly crying and blushing she hugs Rin. "I'll win the last race don't worry I promise you" Miku said smiling looking to Rin her eyes sparkled. Shortly everyone was told to go back to their seats. "Please remain in your seats till the end of the tournament " and announcement was made. Miku sitting down now resting reaches for her bag to get her phone. She watches the short video and cries a bit more. She looks to Rin and makes a heart with her hands
" for me you always will be first, you did your best, you don't have to promise but do amazing.." She says hugging, and having her head close to her. Letting go she highs and stretched, getting up to walk back, looking back at her again. " Miku.." She says with a smile, walking back now seeing it wasn't done yet. Finally she would sit and wait now.
Just over a hour or so till the last race was going to begin. It was the 4 person rally race. Miku was the finisher. To this point their school hasn't won yet, only Miku getting silver. Everyone who was racing was told to get ready Miku waves to the crowd again but makes sure to wave the most to Rin. This was to be the final race
Rin would be leaning back with her phone as she would wait and finally look to see now. She sighs and looks down and over as she crossed her arms hoping and wondering, to see how she would want to win being here for her of course and knowing that would make it now no matter what even happend.
Miku places her hands on her chest as she wishes luck for everyone else. Once the race starts Mikus watches. The first person stayed in second. The second racer fell to third. And the three racer began to fall into fourth place. It was still close enough Miku could do this. Seeing her team mate running to her Miku gets ready her hand and arm extended. With a small pay the metal rod is placed in her hand. Miku smiles and takes off. Gaining some ground her team lost. Rounding the coroner it's just her and the same girl from the first race. The huge stadium erupts into cheers for both girls. This one again was coming down to the wire.
She watches quiwtly as she was nervous before even more now as Miku started to run. " come on!!" She started screaming and yelling for her. " Miku I know you can win!" Rin starts to jump and breathe heavily her heart beating so fast. " your gonna win!!!" She starts jumping, then starts saying her name and cheering hoping she would.
(Our other two are ready for you ask well missy :3 )

The crowds just kept getting louder and louder, the two girls rounded the corner, Miku had a small lead she had to keep it. Pushing herself harder then she ever did Miku breaks into full sprint, slowly pulling ahead. Her legs burning, her heart pounding in her chest ever so hard. Miku wanted too. No had to win, she doesn't stop, the finish line fast approaches, not giving up this time no photo finish was needed. Miku crosses the tape winning the race, the crowd erupts again in cheers, her team runs to her as Miku leans on one of them. Sweating and out of breath Miku can't talk yet, she sees Rin now and waves to her.
Rin starts laughing, "yes Miku miku!!!"she starts jumping more and waving at her back when she sees her stopping, she sighs and relaxes for a bit before she pushes and goes down the crowd, toward the gate next to the finish line. It was locked so she couldn't get in, but she stood there with a smile still cheering that she won.
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