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[M4f] Ideas of Breedable Hips and Milking Tits (check last post, from con to extreme noncon)

Death by orgasm

Feb 10, 2012
Looking for literate, and enthusiastic female writers.

That jolly giant, that miraculously is able to traverse the entire world in 24 hours, delivering gifts and holiday cheer. To all those who would mail in their wish list up to the North Pole, for him to check his list…to see whether they have been Naughty or Nice? Rewarding all of the 'Nice' children get most, if not all, of their requested toys and gifts. While those were bad…bad, Naughty, and disrespectful kids were rewarded only with coal to fill their stalkings! Then there was his malicious, vicious and often cruel cousin, The Krampus! His demonic alter ego that terrorizes those worst offenders when Mr. Clause is busy attending to the mandatory holiday responsibilities.

Like all things in the world, the stories, fables and myths we're told is only a fraction of the Truth. Most of the magic of the past, and the forgotten histories of what came before us have been lost to the veil of time and progress. Cultures adapt and change over time, with the newer generations moving away from the cherished traditions of yore. The youngest always believe in Santa blessing with presents for behaving all year. By the time their adolescents…they think they're smart enough to figure out that the parents and family are Santa. By the time their adults, it's just a fun story to tell kids to make the holidays more special…right?

Smartphones, declining faith, economic recession—things aren't as simple as they used to be. Someone would have gotten a video or photo of Santa by now. Doesn't matter if he's magical or not…there would have been a red blur photographed somewhere. Less people celebrating the holidays, decorating and embracing the spirit of the season. Then by the time you're a young adult with friends and starting to make money…you realize how much the holidays can really cost.

But then again…for young, hot and horny "professionals" who are monetizing their youth, tight curves and bodies to make the most of the digital economy. The last two months of the year were big months for camgirls and professional solo starlets. So many themes, you stack up the new wishlist for all your fans—shop around for the sluttiest new costumes. It's a nice time of the year to be a Naughty Girl.

Times indeed do change. While milk and cookies might have done the trick for the last century or two…Santa's changed his mind on what he wants to do on Christmas Eve. Traditions can change on both sides you see. After all, after all that hard work…shouldn't Santa be rewarded? Mrs. Claus certainly performs her wifely duties…but Santa deserves something a little more special from time to time, surely?

Mrs. Claus was the first to notice it actually. How the top 10% of the Naughty list had only been lewd whores for the past couple of decades. And the last few years? Some of the nastiest young woman she's ever seen. Not that they were terrible people, but they were certainly being perversely naughty every day for money has some consequences.

What's the expression these kids say now-a-day? "Work hard, and play harder?"

Taking a page out of his cousin's book, and doing some self-indulgence this year: by kidnapping the Naughtiest Girl in the World. Santa's bigger than you think in all regards, he's over 7 feet tall, 14 inch cock that's wrapped in a lattice of bulging veins. All sitting on top of oversized testicles. Those balls can spit out an ocean of sperm, with him getting especially backed up leading up to the Big Day. He's going to kick back relax, take his new sexual toy for a ride all night long. Enough cum seeping out of every hole and orifice to leave a sticky trail of every where they've been.

Did you know the North Pole is only closed between Christmas and New Years? Santa will let everyone play test the newest and hottest toy of the season. If she behaves, she can start the New Year back at home. If she's a bit too bratty to Mrs. Claus's liking…then she can be the bitch for the Elves and Reindeer for the next 360 days of the year…

I'm looking to write out a version or two of the vague idea above! This is very much an open-ended idea that is intended to work at more 100% consensual and fun levels, all the way down to the most violent and depraved. For the sake of simplicity, I'll break down the main things I'm looking for the Con, Dub-Con, and Non-Con approaches.

All of these, will have the main overarching themes and kinks. I want Santa to be massive in every way, for some sexy sizeplay. I want him to be over 7 feet tall, hulking, and massive. I very much intend for Santa to have hyperspermia, with the bulk of the sexual escapades that I have planned being them traveling the world, and fucking throughout the night. So some elements of public nudity and exhibitionism, sneak-fucking and getting caught by other adults or parents.

While I want Santa to be a mostly jovial, and light-hearted character, but he'd be sexual deviant still. Choking, hard fucking, fingers in the mouth, general degradation, spanking, and punishments. I do want to have an emphasize on cumplay, bukkake, and anything creatively possible with semen. It will be cascading off YC's face in thick sheets of slime. Whatever doesn't getting blown away by the wind, will dry quickly with the layers slowly caking up. She should be unrecognizable by the time the night is over.

On a long enough terms with a partner, I'd love to have scene of them back at the North Pole. The levels of kinkiness would extend to how Mrs. Claus, The Elves, and other creatures of the North Pole would treat her.

Santa's Favorite Suckslut Streamer:
Consensual, cute, fun, sexy slutty and flirty vibes.

You're the hottest egirl of the quarter. Fast rising starlet who has a talent for deepthroating the longest and fattest of dildo. Brutalizing her throat daily, with her just being a gym bunny maintaining the best physique she can. Implants and other filler type things are optional, but not necessary. Basically the hottest, and sluttiest girl next door vibes. Because of your dominance of OnlyFans recently, you've jokingly crowned yourself 'The Naughtiest Girl in the World'.

Your other egirl friends have been making lewd and tasteless jokes about how Santa is going to show up looking to get Milked. You're streaming on Christmas Eve, when you hear a sound and your bedroom door opens up revealing Santa Claus' mind boggling stature. He tells you that you're at the top of the naughty list, and you need to come with him. Not before showing your fans what you can do to Santa's colossal cock and balls first, only after giving her fans the show of a lifetime, then they depart on the stickiest adventure across the night sky.

YC would be eagerly streaming whenever they were in the sleigh showing off to everyone how lucky she is getting to be Santa's Sexiest Suckslut.

The Festive Fuckdoll:
Dub-con, more spanking, punishments, hate-fucking, orgasm denial, and bondage elements, christmas lights, tinsel, piercings.

Essentially the same as above getting roughed up plenty. Santa wasn't asking he was demanding, and you better say, 'Yes. Mr. Claus' followed by 'Thank You, Mr. Claus'. He's not entirely outwardly maliciously evil, but he's not holding back either.

The Worthless Whore:
Full non-con, beatings, abuse, sexual exhaustion, blood, ruined holes, prolapsing, filthy, puke and toilet kinks. This is for people who want to see how deep the waters can get.

This also could be a setting for Krampus, or homeless people to replace Santa.
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Im looking for someone literate to continue a story/role play that I'd be interested in continuing. Looking an eager submissive slave for an incest scat game.
The Mindless Mentor
Older Female Magical Mentor x Younger Male Magic Prodigy

(magic usage, open-world, peril/bimbofication/mind-trap/mind-break)
Inspirational Image (whoever I stole it from, sorry?)

MC would be a younger, late-20's students of YC of the prior decade, with YC teaching him everything she knew about runic majik. MC being a human born in the capital of the nearest city-state, coming under her mentor-ship when an Ambassador was sent to YC's cottage with the proposition. She accepted out of curiosity which turned into nearly 10 years together of her being his primary teacher/adult role model for the many of those years. During his first couple years under her tutelage, only summers at first, but once his prodigal ways started to become very clear, he spent 5 years with her almost exclusively in the forests learning different sects of majik and perfecting them. Only returning to the Capital during the summers for brief trips to see his parents and show off his latest new spells.

During his 7th year with YC, they got into an argument of sorts...not that they never fought, but this was different. This was about her refusing to show me the highest levels of the majiks she knew. She purposely made him study the fundamentals, reteaching him things he had clearly already mastered. They fought and screamed on a daily basis until he left that summer and never returned until the following Summer. They had ways of staying in touch, but he purposely ignored her until he reappeared outside her home in the 8th year. They were smitten with each other having forgotten all of the nasty fighting from the year prior. It felt like a phase to them, as the first half of the summer went by smoothly, almost too smoothly. The latter half however, that tension was back nearly over night. This time, when she was firm with him about the most advanced techniques, he revealed what he had been up to in the Capital for the last year.

"I'm so sorry to say this, but this is exactly why I stayed away. The Capital had an Warlock from the Imperium that's teaching me Arcane Magic. While I wouldn't call it superior to Majik...but I can definitely do more things that majik can't compete with. If I were--"

YC hearing enough of this disrespect, she fired first with an explosive cannon blast of white-hot fire. MC snapping his fingers, and circling his hands around each other, as a Arcane circle glowed in front of his hands, he was able to redirect her blast away from himself with ease. Their first duel ever was her firing recklessly at him, while he played defense for an hour. As the sun set over the treeline, MC walks away to return to the Capital to further his advancement in the superior Arcane arts.

During his 9th Summer, he appeared at her footstep practically begging him to teach him whatever else she knew. She slammed the door in his face, and the he returned home to only continue to outpace her via the new order of Magic. In the 10th year, he comes again humbly asking for her forgiveness and her guidance in the Runic arts, to which she refused. They started to argue again about the purpose of reverence and tradition, versus the callous pursuit of power in the 'unstable arcane'.

MC snapping at her ignorance, "Unstable?! You're unstable! Just become there's another way outside of your dated fucking forest traditions doesn't mean they're sacrilegious! Runes can't parry, redirect, polymorph, slow time or fucking do anything abstract. They're the basis of arcane magic, not the antithesis!" As YC postured to cast a spell, MC snaps his fingers first as the time around them started to decay and slow down--YC sending a massive bolt of lighting towards MCs chest, snapping with his other hand he redirected the blast back to her, and amplified it trice in magnitude. YC would summon a mountain in front of herself attempting to shield herself, but the barrier would explode sending both casters flying backwards breaking his time dilation spell. The mountain was vaporized by his counter-strike.

Where YC feeling threatened for her life unleashes a barrage of lethal lightning to kill MC. MC realizing she may have been practicing for their next altercation, but he didn't want to harm her! Only let her know that sometimes you need to embrace the new ways! Snapping his fingers twice, followed by a double-clap, he felt his body resonate with magical energies, as he formed the appropriate arcane circle, to nullify everything she threw at him. While his defensive-counter was successful, he didn't have enough practice casting a Magic IV spells~ feeling his magically aura nearly depleted even strained. He knew she wasn't going to slow down, he couldn't lets his strength fail him now "...I warned you..." A double-snap and another double-clap of the hands, instead of a soothing hum, the arcane hummmmm was sharp and piercing, as attempted a Pacifism spell on his majikal mentor. Casting on humanoids was super advanced, and if they were casters, even tougher. It was possible with a stage IV spell, but its stretched the spells limit, as well as his personal limit.

Both mages collapsing from the battle, only to awaken several hours later, when he heard her voice sceaming out to him. Jolting awake remembering their fight, he awoke to see the body of YC carelessly chasing around a rabbit, as YC's disembodied voice mentally berated him. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME." As MC watched YC frolicking without a care in the world, almost like a mindless child, as the voice of YC echoed, "PUT ME BACK INTO MY BODY. NOW!" MC panicking realizing that he may have messed up the Pacifism spell, immidately tried to reverse it, but received arcane back lash when he clapped his hands, as the Arcane humm fails to resonate. Panicking, as he attempted level II spells, double-snapping his fingers and being shocked again when he couldn't hold the essennse of magic long enough to wield it into a magical circle/gate. Starting to realize he may have over-stepped his own prodigal limits. Panting on the ground, coming to terms that was unable to cast anything beyond a basic arcane spell, "I cant...I don't have the ability to cast anything of substance to."


YC could be any race really, but she would lived her life among the forests and trees studying all the now ancient tomes of Runic magic to devote herself to the craft that lifted the world out of the dark ages.

Runic magic was discovered by the Primordial forest elves of the young world 1000's of years ago. As the world slowly became more full and other races ventured into the old wood forests, the ways of Runic magic was spread across the earth, as the various sentient races encountered the magic and decided how they'd use the primal magics. The various tribes of Elves and Men of the Earth took to the runic magic embracing it and using it to flourish and enter the world's first Renaissance. The Gnomes, Tauren's and High Orcs took to the explosive magic to help them either: build fortified structures, to prosper on their nomadic ways, or to forge the more sought after weapons any mortal would desire. The Goblins, Low Orcs, and other monsters of the world shunned as they remained in the wild, thriving on their primitive ways. While Arcane Magic is the 2nd Renaissance of the majik arts, its shunned by all the Elves, while Arcane is embraced by the humans, and is the new conflict of the times (fictional 1400s?)

TL;DR: Stubburn Older Mage gets outclassed by her long-time student using newer techniques. There long term relationship as friends crumbles leading into a series of esclading fights. MC is being entirely defensive, fending himself from the maddened mentor. MC gets cornered and tries to Pacify her, semi-successfully locking her conscious into her mind, unable to control her own body, or to a very, very limited degree. MC suffering from a backlash, can't restore her immediately, they begin a lewd adventure to try and restore them to their rightful capabilities.

MC can control YC via commands, even make her perform runic majik, but just not on YC's own accord. YC body/vessel will be the bimbo of sorts, and the disembodied voice will represent her character and how she struggles in this power vacuum. Will her spirit and mind be broken through the course of their adventure, or will be persevere and tackle the challenge head on?

(Runic) Majik v (Arcane) Magic.

I'm basically thinking Runic Majik is essentially elemental magic (like Last Airbender) that can be conjurer with hand signs (thinking of ninjutsu from Naruto specifically). So its a primative raw form of magic.

While Arcane Magic is closer in execution to Full Metal Alchimist, where the number of snaps/claps indicates the levels of spells. Majik scales more linearly, while Magic scale more exponentially which is why MC over-stepped what he can control, and is dealing with the severe rebound effects while YC is trapped within her own mind, unable to control her body, but is able to mentally communicate with MC. While MC can do basic level I spells, hes limited in his magical capacity. Their adventure would start with YC deciding to attempt to lead MC into the 'Feral Forests' and attempt to locate various ingredients to restore his powers, to thusly restore her into being the one controlling her own body.
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