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An amazing Adventure (silverknight and the creator)

Sean listen to Marvin's words and knew that he was right. He just had to go out of his personal comfort zone and fight for what he wanted. He had to be strong where it really counted. Yet he doubted himself. He had to just hide his fears and simply not speak of them. He wouldn't force Aeris to come back to him but he would ask her to do so. He doubted that she would however. But he had to try his best to win her back.

He straitened his shoulders and walked about the deck to think about how to win her back. He wanted his beautiful princess ninja but could he be a better man? One that she can depend on...... He leaned on a railing to look out over the vast ocean. He just needed someone who would simply listen to his fears and doubts. The only one who ever understood him was Mystique.
Xavier walked out as he yawned, he was tired but he had to find something to drink or something. Xavier walked over as he saw Sean and blinked as he yawned and stretched his hands over his head. "Good night, sir, you are Lady Bessie's brother correct, I don't think we have had the chance to talk before," he said calmly as he looked over at her. "I must say there is a resemblance between the two of you," he said as he paused taking a look over the water which he could see do to the full moon. "She is doing well, she seem to be adjusting slowly from what I can tell," he commented as he sat down on the deck of the ship for a moment as he looked over the side, "Not sure, I will get used to this ship and how it moves like ever," he said laughing weakly afterwards.
"Good night, Xavier." Sean spoke quietly as he kept his eyes looking out over the water. He sincerely believed that one could look into someone's soul and see what was going on inside of him. He was not too sure of Xavier, another worry that he had. He still feel like he needed to protect Bessie yet.

"Some gain their sea legs rather quickly and others like us, have a hard time finding them. I am not nauseous but feel more secure being by something that I could hold onto if need be.
Bessie seems to be doing very well at the moment. I only hope that she will not have a relapse but most likely she will sometime in the future. Perhaps a change of scenery will be good for her." he spoke simply yet honestly.

Sean's mind was more on how to win back Aeris and since she was on his mind, his hand was playing with the ring that she had given him. He had not ever fallen in love with anyone before and when he fell in love with Aeris, he was hit hard. He would have to either change or hide some of his emotions from everyone. He was not the type to hide anything beyond presents and often times gave the present early because he had a hard time hiding his emotions.

As he gazed out over the water, the first thing that he could think of was to find out how to get more self confidence. Princess even told him that so that must be the one thing that he must do first. Once he got some self confidence then he could move on to the next step. Perhaps he could talk to Xavier? Would he not be so judgmental and listen to the meaning of his words? The worse that it could do was be told the same thing as Marvin. Which he probably would hear from the princess anyways.

"May I ask for some advice? Please remember that I am not too artcut something or another... I don't always get my thoughts across like I want to." he spoke very softly while yet still looking out over the water so not to show his emotions- mainly his hurt and loss of Aeris.
Xavier rested his eyes as he waved to Sean, he found the spot that he found to be very peaceful, the rocking of the ship, the sounds of the waves, most peaceful indeed. He laid there for a good moment or two relaxing before he heard the comment from Sean just barely and then opened his eyes calmly as he looked up at the stars. "Go ahead, I tend to give advice a good amount," he said as he laid there, "What is on your mind, brother of Bessie," he asked as he stayed still on the ground. "I am guessing you are having trouble in your life at the moment," he said with a calmness to his tone as he had no clue what was on the mind of the young man or what he needed advice on.
“I have a major problem. Aeris and I had a falling out last night or tonight or whatever time you want to call it. Now Marvin is angry at me. I know Princess Mystique will not be happy and Prince Edward will be angry when he finds out.
Basically what happened as far as I am concerned, Aeris and I walked out on the deck. Aeris took the notion to help the men with the sails because she is not good at watching people work and I teased a bit by saying that I would have my hands full.
She never ever done any of the things she did but she was out there as if she had been doing it for many years. She was very graceful and beautiful working like she did but I noticed a few men were watching more closely than I cared to see. I got jealous in more ways than one, if you get my drift. We went back to the room before I told her my feelings.
I guess that I messed up by telling her my feelings of jealousy and I did try to start out right by telling her that I loved her body but did not want other men to look at it because I was jealous of the looks they were giving her. She says that she couldn’t help what they look at. Which is true but did she have to flaunt her body and skills like that? I know that she is not interested in them but men are men. They have desires, you know. Like they did to Bessie when she was younger…..” Sean took a deep breath to keep his emotions as calm as possible.
“I also told her of my jealousy of how she was able to pick up a new skill so easily. I told that perhaps I am over reacting but I always had to work for years to get half way good at anything. I can’t even write a love letter and my writing is child like. I told her that was the reason that I never was able to advance in my work life. I couldn’t do knight work because I never could build enough muscle mass…….
The only thing I can do decently is make jewelry and learning that took ten years of hard work after doing my chores as a squire the kitchen help. She tried to sooth my feelings and told me she like me , I was cute- matter of opinion- smart, brave- which I am not- and that I worked hard which I have done all my life out of necessity and want to advance myself which I have not done.
I guess she couldn’t handle the fact that I was worried and unsure of a few things. I may have unthinkingly sired a child by her. I want to give the child should there be any, a good home where the child knew that there would be a roof over his head, food on the table, clean clothes and a few things that he wanted- or she if it turned out that way- wanted. I am seeing my dreams vanish in front of my eyes. I told Aeris that I had dreams of what I wanted in my life.
She thinks that I am wishy washy, indecisive, that I should be grateful to travel the world with royal friends, a knight who is willing to train me, and I am not sure what else now. She doesn’t understand that I don’t want to travel. I only left my comfortable job that I can have at that moment to keep Bessie and Princess safe with a rusty old sword and no skills to use it with.
Aeris is the only female that I ever was attracted to and now I don’t want to hurt her but I can not stay with her because I know that I am not the man she thought that I am. I do not deserve her but I am afraid that she may be with a child that I helped create. Except for that one thing, I would be leaving at the next port and leave Bessie in the care of Princess. What is your advice for smoothing everything over and soothing Aeris feelings? Marvin, I am going to stay away from. He hates me with a passion and there is no way that I can do anything against him.” Sean finished up speaking. Sometime during his talking, he had absent mindedly made balls of water and was juggling them to ease his tension.
Xavier listened quietly as he looked over at Sean and then blinked as he paused for a moment, "She isn't with child first of all, there would be a influx of magic cause the child would be half elf and elves are born with their magic skill even have some before they are born. Trust me, I have delivered a lot of elven babies in my days. You safe on that front, nothing to worry about from what I could tell when I was around her," he commented as he gave him a bit of information as he was a rather good mage and that was his one great skill, healing people. "As for Marvin, of course you should avoid him," he added as he looked over at her with a shrug of her shoulders. Xavier looked at him and thought about how to phrase the next part. "If you had a daughter, and a man harmed her, and broke her heart, how would you react? Marvin raised Aeris since she was a kid, he is basically her only family."

"I have two questions for you, Sean," he asked calmly, "first are you just attracted to her, and only want the elf cause she has a beautiful body and you are attracted to her, is this only lust that yo feel for the young woman," he asked pausing for a moment before he went onto his second question. "In your ideal dream, what would you have Aeris do, how would you have her react to your wants and needs, and worries. What would you have her do. Would you have her be that housewife and mother who stays home with you and raises your child, living her life out as a traditional woman," he asked looking at him, "Do you think that Aeris fits this type of role in the least, that her dream of the future would align with your dream for your future. That she would want to give up her life of adventure and travel for a settled down life?"
Sean sighed softly as he knew the answers would not be the ones that he wanted to admit to. He took the balls of water and threw them as far as he could into the ocean.

"I do admire her body but I also enjoy her company. I think that I am in love with her as a person but I am not sure. When we did what we did, I enjoyed it for the most part. I did not like it when she took charge of it. I wanted to be the dominant person. But if I marry her, I am afraid that we will have many fights. I have a completely different dream than what she does. I would love her to be the mother of my children and my wife but since her dreams are different than mine, I would not want to make her stay home and just take care of the children.

I want to have a wife that has the same dream. One who will listen to my worries, my fears, and will come to me with her worries. I would share all that I have, the good and the bad and expect that she would do the same. And not make each other feel belittled. A marriage has its ups and downs, and many compromises must be made.

As far as Marvin, yes I do know how he might feel because Bessie was repeated raped on the dining room table by several men and I was tied up so I couldn't do a damn thing. Aeris and I both wanted to have sex. I did not force her in any way nor would I ever do that to any female. So he shouldn't be too upset because little girls do grow up. But I will not talk to him ever again. I have a certain deep hate for him which replaced the admiration that I had for him.

I think that it would be the best thing to make a clean break. I will find a place that is out of the way and not talk to anyone. I will leave when we get to the next port. Where I live does not matter."
"Yes, I agree, you don't belong on this trip nor have you ever belonged on this trip. You are here cause you felt you had no choice and didn't come cause you wanted to be here on this adventure, one should never have sex when you don't know if you like a person as a person," he admitted as he got to his feet. "Aeris is still a girl, only 18, she isn't grown up yet, and honestly neither are you, you have a lot of growing up to do, and I am sure it won't be here. You and Aeris don't share the same dream or anything close to it. You didn't force yourself on her, but you did take advantage of her nativity and the fact she thought you were completely in love with your whole person. There isn't that much difference from that and what happened to your sister. Heck you were going to marry her tomorrow, but can't say that you are in love with her sure, but only for sure in lust, that is pretty bad, one of those things that create bad karma. If Tomel would of been on this journey would of been burned alive already," he said calmly as he looked at him. He pointed to a point of light, "There is a lighthouse, take the lifeboat and leave, you are not needed here anymore nor wanted. Go fine your simple life," he commented taking a bag out of his pocket, "here is plenty of pieces of silver take it and go start this life you are dreaming of."
"What about Bessie and the Princess? She needs to know. Tell them for me. And I did not know that she was only 18. I thought her to be older than I. I don't need the money. I have enough to get by......" Sean spoke as he began to get ready to go. He would miss Mystique and Bessie. But he needed to leave and sooner the better.
"I just want to get my belongings. I am nothing but trouble...."
"Fine, go get your things and go," he said calmly as he looked at him, "keep the money, it is for services up to this point for the princess if nothing else," he said calmly as he looked at the young man, "yeah, she is a decade younger then Marvin, who found her when she was 8, abandoned living on her own, also give me the ring she gave you," he explained as he looked at him, "I am sure her hardships caused her to grow up a bit in someways, I guess," he commented as he then went over to the boat and prepared it for Sean, so that he could take it and leave as soon as he was ready to do so. He knew that the young man had been in the wrong place as he waited, he let out a sigh as he looked at the ring and started to focus his magic upon it, chanting lightly as he broke the magic Aeris had on the ring, if he didn't he knew that the elf wouldn't ever be able to fall in love again.
Sean quietly got his cart, backpack and satchel. He would have to leave Shadow behind. It hurt to leave as he did. But it was for the best. Who knows but maybe one day he would fall in love with someone again. His heart was hurting and he could barely move but move he did. He tried to tell Aeris goodbye but he didn't get no response from her.

When he got back to the life boat, he put his belongings into the boat. He turned to Xavier to ask one last question.
"Why doe my chest hurt so bad and I feel like lead? I never felt this way before."
"Most likely cause you care deeply for your sister, your princess and Aeris as well," he said as he looked at her, with a shrug of his shoulders as he looked at her. "You most likely feel really bad about how things went down between you two and how things are naturally depressing when you have such things happen to you. You most likely have never been with another woman or had a relationship like you did Aeris, and I would call this a rather nasty break up," he commented as he looked at Sean with a calm look on his face. "You don't want this life, as you said the life you wanted was one of a simple village life style not one that puts you in danger. With Aeris you will live a life of adventure and danger, it is part of her personality, and such," he said as he shrugged his shoulders.
"You are right. Aeris is the only one. I never looked at another female the way I did with her. I wish all of you well and I hope that the uncle is defeated soon. " Sean stepped into the boat and without looking back, he lowered the boat into the water. He took the paddles and looked back up mournfully to Xavier. He could not say anything more so he quietly left for the light house an a new life.
Xavier nodded his head as he waved to Sean, "take care of yourself and stay out of trouble, I will take care of your sister, promise," he called out to Sean as he waved to him and watched him go away, it was for the best, he didn't want to be there, and he wasn't fitting in with the lifestyle either. He walked to his room and went to sleep. He would deal with the aftermath of the situation in the morning explaining how Sean decided to leave, after realizing that the life of travel and adventure was not for him. It would be hard on Bessie, but he was sure she would be able to get by, and survive as well. He slept well, knowing that the trip and coming day would be hard, but in time they too would pass.
Sean rowed and rowed that lifeboat until his arms hurt from the rowing. He paused to rest a few minutes and to look for the lighthouse. He was heading straight for it somehow. He turns around and began to row once more.
His chest was still hurting from earlier and now this rowing was making him feel a different pain all together. He was still very upset and tired from lack of sleep. Yet he pushes onward until heard an unfamiliar voice called out to him suddenly.
“It is about time that you arrived. You have a lot to do and precious little time to get it all done in. Where is that lazy owl?” the old wizen man spoke gruffly.
“That owl is not mine so how should I know? Who are you to talk to me like that?” Sean spoke back in a very hurt tone.
“You will know what you need to know when you need to know and not before.” The man spoke once more as he gazed out into the water for the missing bird. That phrase was used for the first time but certainly not for the last time.
“Get your belongings ashore. We shall send the boat back. We do not need to have the tag of thief on your head.” The man spoke as he leaned on his strange staff.
Meanwhile back on the boat, Archimedes had a strange urge to find someone some where but where he did not know. He flew off trusting his instincts to guide him to where he was to go. The urging took him to a lighthouse and to an old man who was standing next to Sean.
“I see that you took Marvin’s words to heart and leave. Good thinking. He is not in a good mood at all.” Archimedes spoke sharply.
Before Sean could respond, the old man spoke up
“Mind your tongue, bird. You are here to perform a duty. Take this bird cage to the one who is hurt by this man. Take this canister to his Princess. If you do not, your ability to hunt will diminish. Now be off with you!” the man spoke as he levitated each item into the boat. The boat was then levitated back to its spot. He watched the owl take the two items into the cabin area then turned and spoke sharply.
“Follow my footsteps exactly or you will be lost.”
Archimedes flew back to the boat and swooped down to pick up a cage with an egg in it. He flew into the cabin area where he placed the cage in front of Aeris’ door. He then flew back and took the container to the Marvin’s door since he was not happy at the moment.
Archimedes pecked on the door and called out
“Hey Marvin! Let a tired bird inside to rest!” he called out in an irritated voice.

Mystique began to get restless in bed and finally woke up with a feeling of dread and of a great loss. She sat up with tears in her eyes. She did not know why she felt this way but she did. She put her hand on her chest and rested it there as she stared ahead with wide open eyes.
Marvin was in his room resting as he was going to deal with the issues that came up the next day. He was still very sour with Sean for taking advantage in his opinion of Aeris, and then hurting her like he had. He felt really sour with him and if he saw him again, he might end his life then and there. The silver haired ninja heard the sound of the bird and slowly got up from his bed and then went over to the door and opened it. He saw the bird below and kept the door open. "Go ahead and rest wherever you wish to rest," he commented as he looked at her and then went over and laid down on his bed as he tried to get some more rest knowing that he might need some rest for the following day that or he could stay in and avoid the people on the ship for the next few days both seemed possible.

Edward felt Mystique move in his arms and slowly opened his eyes as he looked at Mystique as he could tell something was up and wrong with her. "Mystique, are you awake, is something bothering you love," he asked softly as he held her gently in his arms, he was sure that there was, but he wasn't going to force her to open up about it. He would leave it up to her to tell him what was bothering her. No matter what it was he would be as supportive as he could be. He knew that was the key and most important thing to building a good and improving relationship between himself and her. He wanted to make this relationship rock solid and he knew that he had to work at it always to make it as best as he could be.
Archimedes spoke as he waddled in. He spoke in a tired voice
"There is a container out there if you wish to get it first."
He found a place to rest and tucked his head under a wing to sleep.

"Edward.... something is terribly wrong but I can't tell you because I don't know what it is. I think that I will check on Bessie and Sean. Come with me, please?" Mystique looked at Edward with a sad hurt look. What ever it was she thought that it concerned all of them in some way.
He blinked and nodded his head as he looked at the sleeping bird and grabbed the container and pulled it into his own room and then put it aside as he then went back to bed, he was tired, he wanted some sleep, and figured he could look at the container the following morning. He continued to think about it for a moment before falling asleep tired from his long day and the drama of the day.

"Of course, I will help you however you want me to," he said to her softly as he knew that she needed his help, and that sad hurt look rather bothered him a great deal as well. He paused for a moment and then got to his feet and got dressed getting some shoes on as he looked look at her, and then motioned her to follow, "Well now, lets go for a while and figure out what your worked about, hopefully it is nothing," he commented as he offered her his hand. He knew it was important to her, therefore it was important to him as well. "We should be able to find them rather quickly I think.
Mystique nodded as she got up and dressed. She knew that it had to do with either Sean or Bessie which was more likely of the two. Quietly she went to Bessie's room and Bessie was sound asleep in her bed.

"It's not Bessie...... it must be Sean that is bothering me. I am not sure if I want to knock on the door....." she spoke with deep worry on her face.
Edward opened the door quietly and then walked in to find the mess of Aeris and the letter. It would seem that there was a good reason to be worried about Sean as he knew something happened between Sean and Aeris. Aeris looked at Mystique as they walked outside. Mystique he knew would be effected greatly but she had to read the letter. He handed her the letter and let her read it. He knew he couldn't read it but he knew it was bad news based on Aeris and how she was told him enough about the situation.
Mystique took the envelope and looked at the writing. She looked at the writing which she did not recognize the writing. She slowly opened the envelope. She frowned and handed the note to Aeris.
"The note is for you. Sorry for opening it. After you read the note, please tell me what happened."

The note read:
The the lady in pain,
Your lover is gone due to some kind of misunderstanding between the two of you. Do not worry about him any longer. I have sent a rare egg to you for your compensation. The egg has the rare bird called Fire Bird or Phoenix. Take very good of it and it will save your life one day. Perhaps one day you shall see him again.
Sorcerer Damion DeForest
Edward looked at the letter and read it for a moment and then let Aeris read, it he paused as he sat by her putting his hand on her shoulder comforting his old friend as she looked at the letter and tossed it aside, as she buried her head into Edward's shoulder, as she tried to regain her composer, "Mystique, lets so a bit more tact, I think she is hurting right now," he said calmly towards the princess. He figured she wasn't used to having to deal with diplomatic situations like he was due to her relationship with her uncle and him being the one who was really in charge of her country the whole time that she was alive. He let her cry into his arm for a moment before she regained her composer, she pulled out her ring to find that the connection was gone which was in her mind at that moment good.

"He left, we are over, he didn't want to be here, with you helping, he was looking for a easy escape out of this situation. Fucking coward, trying to buy my forgiveness off," she said bitter in her tone as she looked down clinching her fists as she sat there. "He tricked me into thinking he cared for me, and used that to take something precious from me," she said cross with Sean as she took a deep breath. "No, it is good he is gone, if he was here, I would cut his throat out right here and now. I don't want to see him ever again," she said with no shortage of venom in her tone. She paused as she looked at the princess, "I am sorry, but I can't help but feeling this way princess."
Mystique went totally white for she knew that he would not ever be the same. She had to cut the bond tie that help them together. This she would have to figure out later.
"I understand. He won't ever be the same and nor will you. I know that you were his only one and he did care about you. I also have the feeling that even if he was scared, he wouldn't have left you unless he felt that you would be cared for and that his life was threaten. When you are wanting to know more, come talk to me. I am truly sorry that the two of you have broken up. I must go. " Mystique walked away as calmly as she could. Then she turned to Marvin and spoke
"Did you happen to get anything Marvin? Like a cylinder with a note in it and a talisman?"
Aeris didn't believe a words that Mystique said as she seemed off, he left cause he was a cowards, and didn't want to go on their journey anymore, it wasn't cause of some threat, he couldn't know if there was some threat, he didn't have that type of power or skills. He said so himself so many times to her that night, that he was only a gem creator, there was no way he would know anything about magic. She looked at Edward and paused and then smiled weakly, "these people are a bit odd that we found, but we will pull though this," she said softly as she looked at him and then wished him good night before she sat on her bed unable to sleep at all.

Marvin woke up again and blinked as she heard a voice, "yeah, it is over there," he said half asleep pointing in the general direction of the object before falling back asleep himself, he didn't care about it so much. So if the princess wanted to see it, all the power to her, it was important to her, it seemed as she to be far more interested in it then he happened to be at the moment. He just went back to sleep leaving the item for her to look over.
"Thank you Marvin. One last question and I shall leave you alone. Did you find out about the argument between Sean and Aeris? If so, did you happen to threaten Sean in such a way that he might want to leave?" She simply asked even though hur gut feeling says he did threaten Sean. She just had to hear it from his mouth. She was going to ask Xavier as well for this will affect Bessie greatly. She needed information so that she could figure out what to do.
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