A frozen rpg (ElsaX Jack Frost) Myself, HaloHeroWolf118

Phoenix Rising

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Sep 25, 2012
Elsa enjoyed being reunited with her sister but she missed the freedom she had on the north mountain, the pressure of being queen of Arendell made it harder to keep her focus. She felt lonely because no one understood what it felt like to be so isolated so vulnerable to the curse she held, yes she had been born with her powers but to her they were a curse. There was no one for her to talk to no one around that got that she needed to feel loved by someone besides her little sister, when your cursed with a power as strong as her's a normal commoner would be in danger so there had to be someone out there that would understand the gaping hole in her heart.
Jack Frost chuckled mischievously as the cold wind blew him into a land he had seen many times before Arendell looked as it always had, Jack smiled it was warm and kind even with his powers, the wind blew him away as he tightened his grip on his staff he moved from the town up into the mountains where he encountered something he had not seen. He landed on what was a terrace and knew it was ice from the touch on his bare feet but it wasn't at all uncomfortable, he never felt cold not since he could remember. He was rather amazed at the construct and his curiosity was peaked, with a laugh he jumped into the air and made his way back toward the city, he watched the people smiling and laughing but none turned to see the tall thin young man floating on the air. No one noticed his silver hair or bright blue eyes as blue as a frozen pond in moonlight. He had grown used to not being seen, yet still it burdened him, he longed for someone anyone to see him, hear him and even touch him. It was hard to watch the world and be invisible unable to recall if he had ever felt loved. Pushing the thoughts aside he started to play some trick and bring some fun into the lives of kids, soon there was small snowball fight that raged on with the laughter of children and the pleasant chuckles of their elders. Jacks path ultimately brought him to the palace where his curiosity once again took hold and he slipped through the stone wall into pristine and well decorated interior, the suits of armor and the portraits along the walls informed him he was in a hall way. With trouble makers grin he spun his staff and began to leave a trail of frost along the wall and armor. He made his way around as he enjoyed this little look around, "Not a bad place but that Ice palace looked allot more comfortable." he said unaware of any listeners as he tapped a suit of armor turning into a frost and snow covered pile of armor.
Elsa could feel the temperature dropping, she knew it couldn't be her because she tried not to use her powers in the castle. She felt the chill, smiled as she walked down the halls looking around to see what was going on. " So your the culprit.. " the blonde said as she looked at the young man, grinned. She was glad there was finally someone that understood what she was going through, she had heard him say the ice palace looked a lot more comfortable which she agreed with. " I'm Queen Elsa of Arendell, this is my home well my siste's home I rather be far far away from here. You can just call me Elsa, you are?"
Jack froze in surprise as he heard someone speak but it wasn't that which surprised him, instead it was the fact that she had directed her words at him that made his heart skip a beat, turning he looked at her. She was beautiful with silver hair and slim frame with nice curves, "You can see me?" he began smiling at her, "Can you hear me?" he asked her a he hovered off the floor as he approached. "No ones ever seen me before." he said looking at her with his blue eyes, he then remembered she had introduced her self to him, "Jack Frost but Jack is alright." he said answering her at last. "Been through here a few times, first time in the palace." he went on smiling that mischievous smile of his as he continued to hover before settling on his bare feet again.
" Yes, Yes.. I heard the armor fall, well watch this." Elsa chewed on her lower lip then formed a ball of snow in her hand, let him see what she could do. She could tell he was like her by the color of his hair his eyes etc, it intrigued her because she had never met anyone that could do the stuff she could. There was something about him that made her feel like she could trust him, she made the snow ball vanish just as quickly as she had created it. She knew the towns folk had accepted her but she was still afraid she would have to run, she would go back to the north mountain.
"Well I never met someone who could do what I can." Jack said as he smiled at the queen a warm and kind smile, "So you're a queen right? And you can make snow and Ice. I bet it must be fun at parties." he said as he created a snow flake and made It dance around his fingers. "So Elsa you wouldn't happen to be the one that made that Ice palace in the northern mountains would you?" he asked as the snow flake continued to dance around his fingers. It was then that a maid appeared her breath showing in the cold air as she puffed down the hall. Jack moved out of her way as she approached Elsa, "I was wondering why it had gotten so cold your majesty." she said in a relieved tone never even glancing at Jack as she bowed to her queen. "Is everything alright?" she asked, Jack meanwhile was waving his hand in front of her and making faces behind her back.
" Yes everything is fine. Sorry it's so Cold in here.." Elsa said as she gulped the question Jack had asked her still rolling arond in Her head, she placed a blonde strand of hair behind Her ear then waited for the maid to leave. Her stomach was fled with knots her heart was racing, she felt like she was going to be sick. She needed to be free, all her loyal subjects or whatever they were would be much warmer if she wasn't around. But this wasn't as bad as the night of her coronation ball that night still haunted her, she always smiled at how an act of true love had saved her sister then taught her she could change it all back.
Jack chuckled a little as he watched the maid leave, "Why so worried?" he asked taking in the look on her face as he walked around his staff over his shoulders as he watched her. "You could have asked her to join in a game." he said as used his staff on the pile of snow turning it into a pile of snowballs, "You look like you could use some fun." he added as he moved down the hall. "Maybe visit your castle home." he suggested trying to be helpful as she seemed stressed and worried.
" The night of my coronation celebration my powers got out of hand, I froze the entire land. If it wasn't for my sister's act of true love I would have discovered that love was what could break the curse, I'm just scared that it could happen again. When I'm upset or nervous I have a hard time controlling things, I can't leave the castle. Your welcome to show yourself to everyone besides me I'm sure you have that ability. " Elsa said as she looked around then back at him, everything she had said was the honest to god truth. She had always been afraid she could lose control again, now that she'd met Jack she just felt different but was still scared.
Jack looked at her a seriously look in his blue eyes, "You need to relax learn to enjoy your gift." He said smiling as he made a snowflake dance around his fingers. He took her by the hand and looked into her eyes, "Just relax and have a little fun. C'mon." he said as he led her toward the front doors of the palace outside she could see the children throwing the snowballs he had made for them laughing and having fun. "Being afraid of yourself is what caused the problem so go have fun. " he said smiling.
" Alright!! " Elsa said as she smiled, basked in the wonderful cold weather. She love the cold, always had loved the cold. Taking a snowflake into her hand she turned it into a beautiful flower, just enjoyed herself. She still felt alone, wanted someone like Jack who understood her. Her emotions were calm, she felt relaxed enough to just let it go giving the kids a snowman lie Olaf to play with them watched them burst with excitement.
Jack watched Elsa the first person to see him in over 200 years. He couldn't remember anything before climbing out of the frozen pond and looking up at the moon. Looking at Elsa he felt a desire he could not put a word to, she was pleasant and shared his gift for Ice and snow. Watching her with the kids he floated about as they played with the snowman she had built for them. "So you don't get out much?" He asked smiling at her.
" No I don't.. My sister Anna has her boyfriend, I'm all alone." Elsa said as she watched the children play with the snowman she had built them, placed a strand of hair behind her ear. She might have been in control of her emotions but she felt empty inside, she had nobody that understood what it was like to feel so isolated so alone. All her life even from the beginning when she first discovered her power she felt alone, after the accident with her sister when she was young everything was shut off so she couldn't hurt anyone. Then the night of her corination had been a disaster, still made her wish she had stayed in the mountains.
Jack smiled at her, "You know this is the first time anyone has been able to see me." He said as he took her hand, "The first time no one walked through me." He said as he looked at her smiling. A little wisp of snow wrapped around their hands as he held it looking into her eyes.
" I guess I'm special then.. I've never been able to connect with anyone the way I can with you, to be honest I believe our paths were supposed to cross for a reason. " Elsa said as she chewed on her lower lip, looked down at their hands her heart melting while her stomach fluttered. She had never been able to touch anyone because she wss afraid she might hurt them, now it was like her curse was slowly turning back into a gift.
(Sorry for the long waits)

Jack Frost smiled at her as he felt she was right, "Well come on, I'm sure we can have lots of fun." he said as he pulled her further away from the palace showing her how he played tricks on those that couldn't see him or got even more children in on the fun with snow balls soon the kids were building snow forts as they waged their fun. The parents were happy believing it was their queen and her gift that was doing it all as none of them could see Jack. He watched the kids for a moment before returning to her, "So want to visit that old palace of yours?" he asked her as he took her hand again the effect from before happening again.
'' Yes Please! I would love to visit my palace on the mountain.'' Elsa said as she smiled, chewed on her lower lip as she held his hand she started to caress it with her thumb. She could feel a strong connection with Jack , she wasn't sure how that made her feel because she'd been alone for so long that finally finding someone like him that just happen to have her gift was a dream come true. Her sister was off with Kristoff so it was just her, Jack actually made her feel like she was more then just the queen of arendell.
Jack let go of her hand as his arm slipped around her slim waist bringing her closer to him they were so close he could smell her subtle perfume as he looked into her eyes. So close they could almost kiss before he raised his staff, "Hold on tight." he said as their feet left the ground as he carried them up into the sky his eyes never leaving hers till he had to look at where they were going his arm tightened around her as they flew spinning and dancing among the clouds as her Ice Palace came into view. "What's it like being a queen anyway?" he asked her as they landed on the balcony as he had when he had first found it.
'' Stressful.. '' Elsa said as she smiled watching her ice palace come into view she held onto him as tight as she could, when her feet touched the balcony of her icy creation she smiled as she looked around. Taking a deep breath she let it go like she had when she created the palace, slowly started to do a little remodeling. She added a throne, smiled at Jack as she gave him a place to sit by her side then she did the unexpected. Elsa had never felt the contact of another person, as she stepped closer to him she could feel her lips getting closer to his then before she knew it she was kissing him.
The kiss had not been unwanted as Jack Frost had always wondered what it would feel like and the sensation was like a burst of warmth after being in dunked in freezing water. He put his arms around her pulling her in close as he continued the kiss not wanting it to end as swirls of their magic floated around them swirling and fading into tiny blue sparkles. He wasn't seeing any of this as he was so focused on her and where their lips touched. Slowly and reluctantly he broke the kiss breathing deeply as he smiled at her, "Well that was a first." he said looking at Elsa with that playful smile on his face as he drew her in for another one.
Elsa smiled hearing what he had to say, as he drew her closer to him she could feel her lips getting closer to his again. She pressed her lips to his as she wrapped her arms around his neck, slid her hands up under the back of his shirt. This would be her first time but she was very confident she wouldn't hurt him, he was just like her so the connection was based on their magic abilities. She had always wanted a boyfriend, now she had one but she didn't know how far he wanted to go since they had just met.
He felt her hands run up his back it sent a pleasant shiver through his body as he was still unused to being touched he enjoyed the feeling of her soft hands against his skin. He smiled at her, "It feels nice to hold someone after so long." he said his hand moving up her back then back down to her rear. He pulled her against him tightly as he kissed and gently nipped her neck being invisible had come with some good as he had watched couples kissing before being able to perform was very different as Elsa fit against him like a glove. He felt his length stir as for the first time he was feeling all new things that didn't want to stop.
'' It feels nice to be held..'' Elsa said as she kissed him, slowly started to pull his shirt up from the back until she had it up over his head. She pulled it off of his arms, tossed it to the floor of her ice palace as she continued to kiss him. Her body was tingling, she was feeling things she'd never felt before. She had never been able to get close to anyone, now that she had contact with someone she never wanted it to go away. Her hands roamed his body as she looked down at his pants, thought about undoing them.
"I've never done this before." he said having been to respectful to watch those couples went further, now however he could touch and feel someone and she was like him. As she removed his shirt revealing the trimmed chest and arms beneath he wasn't over muscles but he looked fit and lean, he reached up and began to undo the bindings of her dress fumbling a little as he was unused to the activity of undressing another. Soon though he was sliding her dress off her shoulders leaving her in the thin underdress and he smiled as he could make out her breasts and the curve of her waist. He undid the binding of his trousers loosening them before pulling her to him again and kissing her deeply slipping his tongue past her lips to wrestle with hers as he held her to him.
'' Neither have I.'' Elsa said softly as she watched him, felt her dress fall to the floor leaving her in just her underdress. She watched him loosen his trousers, felt him pull her closer to him with his lips against her's she couldn't help but smile as her tongue danced with his. The blonde ice sorceress could feel something strong between her, Jack but she couldn't quite figure out what it was all she knew was that he made her feel like she actually belonged. She had never felt anything so strong, so passionate but she knew it was love because her heart was skipping a beat.
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