Icy Heart (Books and darjeeling)

Kaira listened to Adela's recount in rapt attention, her steel-grey eyes barely blinking. So the Norn was not completely unfamiliar with humans. She wondered why the giantkin would treat humans so poorly; though it ashamed her to admit that she had forgotten their faces already and guilty that she was seated in a warm bath while they were... elsewhere. There were too many questions, the nature of which Kaira hesitated to ask. Had she bedded the brothers before? The Charr, perhaps? The nature of her inquiy may not be so sweetly received.

Bubbles rose to the surface as she was submerged beneath the hot water, squeezing her eyes shut as she shook her head slightly to swirl her hair about the soapy suds occupying the surface, only pushing against Adela's head when she needed air to which the Norn complied. She found the brief thought that the threat of being drowned had not bothered her odd but quickly decided not to think too hard on the matter. She found the methodical motions against her back relaxing, her stiff shoulders drooping and Kaira squirming slightly at the tickling sensations dancing up her spine. She arched her back when Adela hit a particularly sensitive spot but was otherwise mostly silent as the Norn continued to speak and clean her.

In a way, there was very little difference between this and being washed by a maid, the only glaring disparity being that the Norn was the one in control and not Kaira. "Our caravan was bound for Ascalon territory." She finally said as Adela finished her bathing. The now clean noble rubbed her fingers over her skin; with the sweat and dirt scrubbed away, her skin took on a much lighter sheen. Despite the red from the heat, Kaira looked and felt much better. At Adela's gesture, she looked down at the water with dirt floating about and realize that she would not remain clean much longer if she stayed.

Splashing her face one last time, she clambered out of the bath, careful not to slip on the water before she was enveloped into a large towel. It was somewhat coarse against her still sensitive skin but she was happy to oblige to being dried off. She did not want to catch a cold or die from some terrible sickness. [color=#4682B4I don't know much about that place,"[/color] Kaira continued, her voice muffled behind the thick material. "But I am rather glad I was not slain by ghosts of the past." If she was ever returned home, perhaps she should ask what her mother and father expected her to find there.
Adela considered this new tidbit of information offered to her by her pet as she dried her with care, her hands lightly squeezing her breasts or buttocks once or twice during the whole ordeal but otherwise avoiding anything sexual after cleaning up. Ascalon was a very strange destination for a human caravan, the Charr were not exactly known for being… welcoming. The Norn pondered the possibility that Kaira’s caravan might have been raided there Justas easily as here. In that event something didn’t seem to add up, unless there was some protection offered the caravan that Adela was unaware of it seemed shady. Why had Kaira intended to travel there?

The giant woman bit her tongue and focused on finishing up on drying her human, tossing the towel aside once she was done and walking out of the room. She made her way back to her bedroom, waiting for Kaira to catch up before helping the human up onto the bed first whether she wanted it or not. Adela was not exactly tired but she was willing to bet her captive was very exhausted after marching here in the cold and then forced into becoming the pet of the Norn. Besides, it would be nice to have something to sleep against tonight. Not that Adela would ever say that aloud.

“Why would you travel to Ascalon, little Leonhart? Seems an odd destination for one like yourself? You were… someone of note among your people, yes?” Adela said as she climbed onto the bed next to the human, wrapping her arms around her and pulling the human into her so that her face was in the giant woman’s breasts.

The ‘were’ in that statement had left her lips easily, the Norn caring little that she had destroyed the human’s life. Adela seemed only to care about her own amusement and what she gained by keeping Kaira around, though she was also by extension willing to make the human’s life comfortable. It was an odd situation really though it was obvious the giant woman regarded the human as a pet. Already the Norn was pondering a few additions to her pet, attire mostly. Maybe a leather collar with a leash? Branding might be a good thing to enforce her ownership, possibly her name? Bah, she'd figure things out tomorrow.

“Mmm… you should sleep, little Leonhart. We still have ninety-eight more times to go in the next ninety-eight days. I’ll try not to accidently smoother you in your sleep.” Adela said, chuckling darkly at that last little joke.
Once completely dry, the noble noticed only then that she was not offered any clothes to wear. She berated herself for that expectation: as gently as the Norn had treated her thus far, she was really only here for one thing. Clothes would only get in the way of that, she supposed with a sigh. Kaira considered staying in the bathroom but with the tub drained of hot water and the steam escaping out the open door, the tiles were quickly becoming cold and the crackle of warm fire drew her towards the exit. She knew by now, and by the tingles of the larger woman's tight grip about her arms that if she did not comply with the giantkin's whims, said giantkin would have no qualms in dragging her forcibly to where she was meant to be.

"I was to be courted by strangers and married to one." Kaira replied airily as if the matter mattered not at all, her steps light as she crossed into the bedroom. It looked different when she was not limping away or being rocked on the bed, but Kaira swore she could still smell the musky scent of their... coupling. Yet she found her thoughts wandering all the same as she hauled herself up onto the downy mattress. Had the caravan made the journey to Ascalon unscathed, what would greet her there? Even more strangers and powdered faces with names she could not recall. For all the honeyed tongues the court held, Kaira could proclaim that she never enjoyed sweet things. Engrossed in her thoughts, she did not notice Adela join her on the bed until a pair of arms came into her line of sight.

Drawn and all but crushed into the woman's body that was quickly becoming all too familiar, Kaira could not help but snort. "I am someone of note." It was said stubbornly but even she was finding it difficult to believe it. While she did not parade her status around like many of the nobles, she was not blind to her privileges either. A voice whispered to her, from the dark at the back of her mind: what if the caravan had meant to keep her in Ascalon? What if she was not wanted in her parent's court because she refused to give in to their demands? A rebellious adult was of as much value to a House as a child was. These thoughts were not new and as always, Kaira pushed them away.

Instead, she smiled tightly at Adela's jest, barely stopping herself from pointing out that she was already being smothered and sleep had not even come. But oblivious as she was to Adela's thoughts, she was already imagining her captor's large chest as an equally large set of pillows with a heartbeat; the sound was comforting and methodical in its motions and the heat was easy to lose herself in. "Your loss." Was all she said in the end, her eyelids growing heavy as the weariness of the day and night took her in its grip tightly. Her face moved of its own accord so that her cheek laid against Adela so that she might breathe a little easier but as far as conscious movement went, there was none. Kaira was asleep, her breathing steady and she was not like to wake until sunrise came knocking at her doors.
Adela allowed herself to frown as Kaira drifted off to sleep against her, her thoughts drawing inward towards what she had just managed to get out of her captive. Some form of noblewoman was what she appeared to be, wealthy and possessing some influence back at her home. The Norn didn’t really care overmuch about that, she was too far from home for her influence to really matter. However that further caused the giant woman to grow curious as to why of all places she would be sent to Ascalon. Marriage perhaps, it seemed a long way to go when Divinity’s Reach was much more human friendly.

Was there something more sinister at work regarding her travels? Possibly. Adela had been ambushed and drawn into enough traps to recognize when things did not add up. Maybe it was because she did not know the whole story. Still it was interesting to puzzle over this little mystery of the human’s caravan. Why it was traveling through such dangerous territory and why someone of import was in a place so lightly defended, both questions worthy of answers. Perhaps Olong would have some answers, a possible lead to follow up on when she found the time. Tomorrow though she’d need to see about getting some human sized attire made, winter was fast approaching.

The giant woman smiled as the human shifted her face against her breasts, settling against her nicely. She was sleeping by now and Adela intended to follow shortly, casting aside thoughts of mystery and intrigue. Carefully the Norn shifted positions on the bed so that Kaira was able to lie atop her and she was at the bottom on her back. Her arms were still wrapped around the human and her breasts still acted as her pillows and this position was simply safer. Adela, despite her jest, had no desire to accidently roll over in her sleep and risk smothering the human. With everything in place Adela allowed herself to drift off into peaceful slumber.

The next day arrived rather quickly for the Norn who was awakened by a knock at her door, prompting her to pull the covers up over her a tad in a groggy manner. Her red hair was wild about her head and her eyelids were drooping, sand still flaking the corners. The weight on her chest was noted with some amusement, the giantkin careful with her movements so as not to risk waking Kaira if she was not already awakened by the banging at the door.

“You may enter.” Adela said, the door opening to reveal a blonde haired young Norn woman.

She raised a single gold brow at the sight that greeted her. “Well. I suppose you didn’t kill her then. Pity. I just lost five silvers.”

“Elise. So nice to see you. Anyway I was wondering if you could check her dimensions; need to fit her with some furs. Also maybe fit her neck with a collar. Leather preferably.” Adela stated, seemingly unconcerned with appearing as she did to the other Norn.

Elise inclined her head and removed a silk length of string from her pocket, approaching the bed without hesitation. Adela shifted the covers off fully and unceremoniously shoved Kaira off of her body and onto the bed. This prompted the other Norn woman to take in her form, humming quietly as she judged her form visually. Blue eyes calculated her height and overall proportions in skilled estimations, the way she assessed what she had to work with before actually measuring her subjects.

“How much do you weigh human?” Elise would ask, shaking the smaller woman if she was not awake already.
In her dreams, she was surrounded by bushels of blue flame, licking at her skirt wrought with thorns and there was screaming. So much noise - intonations of prayers in the voices of men, the battle cries of children as they played at war and the mocking laughter of the whores the lords brought to their tents. They swirled about her eyes as the slaughter did, and the way her bones and cheek ached from the slap and the blistering cold evoked a great shiver through the azure fire. Kaira found herself wishing for home, yet not. Wishing for escape, wishing for something.

The heat brought by the fire evaporated in an instant but she found that she could not move, curled up on the bed. Her fingers twitched as did her eyes beneath their lids; breathing irregular, her limbs were frozen as the voices swam about. A stranger. Giants. Kaira clenched her teeth. Furs. Collar? A pet. Erratic thoughts jumping like mice from tile to tile. The sudden movement that lurched her body forth shook the paralysis from her body and she opened her eyes. It was not an uncommon occurrence for the noble to wake up in such a fashion but that did not make it any less of an irritation.

It was not the dream that bothered her - it was the roving eyes of a Norn she did not know that did. From what she had heard, this stranger would offer her furs to clothe herself with, but a collar would also be snapped about her neck and Kaira did not much like the sound of the latter. A frown settled on the shadows of her face. She should not be so complacent. Adela meant to keep her here whether she liked it or not, whether she begged or grovelled. She chewed her lip, lifting her fingers to touch her bare throat lightly. It was only when the blonde Norn spoke up that the noble snapped back to attention.

"A great deal less than I did two days ago." Kaira replied, far more sharply than she had intended. She was far from a morning person and the paralysis made her cranky. Being awoken in so rude a fashion only served to fan the proverbial fire. She drew her legs up towards herself and her arms to her breasts to hide them away despite the stranger having already taken in her fair share of the noble's body. Though she wasn't self-conscious about her weight, she didn't know her exact measurements - that was her handservants' job, not hers. Yet she had not forgotten the other giantkin present in the room and if anything, Kaira edged herself away from the redhead too, as subtly as she could.
Elise smirked to Adela, shaking her head slightly. “You certainly have your work cut out with this once. Cute though.”

The blonde Norn took hold of the human and dragged her out of the bed, trying to get her to stand up straight. With this done she took her silk string and started taking down the human’s measurements, the process more clinical and cold than anything. The giantkin hummed a little tune as she worked, wrapping the string around her breasts and then her neck. With that done she measured her feet and her hands for boots and mitten, as well as her overall height. She was extremely meticulous and if Kaira made a single move that messed with her measurements the human would receive a glare cold enough to freeze the blood in her veins.

Adela meanwhile had already gotten up and out of bed, dressing herself in a fur tunic, trousers, and boots. She strapped her weapon belt around her waist but did not don her armor this time. The Norn then set her fiery hair up into a ponytail, looking much more presentable in a matter of minutes. She seemed to have no qualms with getting up quickly and possessing as much energy as ever. Years on the road had made her something of an adaptable woman, after all one never knew where danger lurked out in the wilderness.

“Hmm… I won’t need too much material. What type of clothing do you want for her exactly?” Elise inquired, finishing with Kaira and easily speaking about her as though she were not present.

“Practical but easily removed, a robe would be ideal. No undergarments, they would just obstruct her and make it easier for her to keep herself from me when she’s moody. Like now. Boots and mittens as well of course. I’d like to be able to attach a leash to the collar as well if possible, makes it easier to lead her around you understand. She is a bit... stubborn.” Adela stated.

“Of course. Have you considered a bit of reward and punishment? Seems to work well with Harold's dogs. Also that sounds perfectly doable. I should have something for you in a couple of days. As to the matter of payment…” Elise responded.

Adela was hardly lacking for money though coins were not often what was traded around in her homestead. They weren’t exactly useful this far out, so barter was often how deals were sealed or the exchange of services. Technically this was a personal purchase and did not benefit the homestead to Elise was well within her rights to demand some kind of payment. The redhead pondered what she could offer the other Norn, her eyes flickering over Kaira for a moment as a rather fun idea popped into her head.

“Well, I think it would be fitting to let her pay for her own clothing no? Once you’ve finished with your project I’ll let you join me in playing with her for a night.” Adela offered.

The blonde haired Norn considered it, staring at Kaira with cold blue eyes before smirking and extending her hand to Adela. “You have a deal. Been a good while since I scratched that particular itch. Need to find me a husband sooner or later.”

With their business concluded Elise departed Adela’s quarters, though not with casting a wink towards Kaira. The redhead was rather pleased by that turn of events, happy that the other Norn had settled for a bit of pleasure for her efforts. She had known that she had not yet wed so she based the offer on the assumption that she was leading a sexless life currently. Good to see that her assumptions had been spot on.

“Well… that went rather well, my pet. In a couple of days you’ll have some clothes, though in the meantime it would be a good idea for you to stay in my quarters. Unless you like parading naked in the cold.” Adela said.
Kaira could only brood and brood some more as she was violently tugged and pulled away from the comforting confines of the soft bed, her nails scrabbling against the uneven surface, seeking purchase but finding none as the flaxen haired Norn succeeded in parting bed and girl from each other's embrace. She was dumped to the ground, the floor hard and cold against her backside before she was abruptly pulled back up and made to stand on shivering legs. The noble did try her utmost best to remain stock still, considering the first time she tried it her already shaky stance had almost collapsed under the weight of the giant woman's stare. That didn't change the stubborn thin line that creased her brow and the equally thin line of her lips as she pressed them tightly together.

They spoke as if she was a matter of little importance, as if she were a cut of meat to be weighed and sold at the markets. Kaira had seen it too, where women would pick out the fattest pig and watch as the butcher slaughtered the squealing animal and later shaved of its fat. She only hoped that there would be no slaughtering and as little squealing as possible. She could only be thankful when Elise had finished her work and she was free to relax her stiff shoulders though Kaira dared not return to the bed in case she was thrown off again. Her back still ached too.

But try as she might, she could not ignore Adela's words that came all too easy. Morning brought forth a different Norn it seemed, or perhaps it was because the redhead was in the presence of one of her own. Either way, Kaira simply bit her tongue into silence, holding back a deluge of retorts and words of similar nature. She was stubborn, that much she could concede to but Kaira hardly thought it was unexpected, just as Adela's kindness had been. When the giantkin in her thoughts looked at her, Kaira was briefly concerned that the Norn had read her mind. She shifted her weight from one foot to the next, her arms crossed tightly about her chest with a tangled mess of gold tumbling over her shoulders - she knew the look of appraisal well and misliked it all the same.

However, Kaira found she could not remain quiet at the giant woman's offer. "Wait-" She blurted out before Elise overrode her tones of consent and satisfaction. Her hands clenched against her skin, suddenly chilled to the bone. The other Norn frightened her even if Kaira was not about to admit it aloud. The way her eyes regarded her with all the warmth of a lake frozen solid and just as blue was enough to make the noble almost balk at the idea of being submitted to a woman she could barely look at. Even worse, her thighs began to throb as a reminder of the previous night and how much damage a Norn who had been gentle could do to her.

To her great relief, Elise left the room but the mood had been soured greatly. She refused to look at Adela and glared pointedly at the floorboards instead. "Maybe if I do, I might die from it." Kaira replied aggressively, though some of the aggression was misplaced by the way her teeth chattered against one another, her slender form trembling at the draft that had swept in through the opened door. Pride was a fickle mistress and the noble had a way of following the path most wearisome though it did not make her sick to choose it. "I never thought you'd be one to share."
Adela snorted and rolled her eyes at Kaira’s overly dramatic words, she hadn’t died under her roughhousing so it wasn’t likely she’d break too easily. Elise would be a while so it wasn’t like the threat of possessing two Norns granting her attention would be immediate. The red haired woman patted the human’s cheek in a patronizing way before stretching up, her joints popping and working out the sleep from her bones. She would make very certain Elise would not break her new pet; the blonde was a tad cold and had something of a bitchy streak but was not stupid.

“If I wasn’t generous then my homestead would be empty and barren. Besides I think you might have more fun if you let yourself. You are far too dramatic and uptight, why not just go with it and see where the path leads?” Adela replied with a shrug.

Adela left her sword on the ground and leaned over Kaira, pushing her down gently onto the bed so that her front was facing her. The Norn hummed low as she surveyed the human’s naked form, her fingers lightly trailing up her sides. Honestly the Norn did not see what Kaira’s problem was, she was alive, she was being provided for, and Adela liked to think she had not been overly abusive to the human. Certainly most of this was against her will but it seemed like adapting would be simple.

“You need to learn to let go, little Leonhart. I didn’t attack your caravan; I didn’t kill your people. If anything I’m giving you a better life than toiling away in hard labor until death.” The giant woman said, getting down on her knees and spreading the human’s legs gently but firmly.

The woman was grateful for the bed as it gave Kaira some height and didn’t make this difficult, her lower lips present before her. Adela planted a tender kiss upon them, careful in her handling due to the bruises on her legs. Her kiss moved up to her clitoris, her tongue lightly peeking out to give it the most feather light of licks. She smirked up at the human, giving her a wink before lowering her tongue again. This time Adela actually licked inside of her, her tongue sliding nicely between her lips. The giantkin figured that since she’d be leaving her pet alone for the day she might as well give her a parting memory.
Kaira felt the vein at her temple twitch at Adela’s response, though it could hardly be called as such. The accompanying derisive gestures that had preceded it had already made the human somewhat irked; especially when she felt compelled to snap at the giant woman’s hand. Being kind does not immediately justify any sort of wrongs done, even if it had not been to her per se. She was still taken and was being kept here without a say or a choice, and ever since the Norn had even suggested being shared she still had the gall to call her ‘dramatic’ and ‘uptight’! “That path leads to a place I am most eager to avoid,” Kaira replied through grit teeth. Certainly, there was a matter of pride to consider and that was more than enough.

Through her fuming, she did not notice that she was being loomed over until she felt herself being pushed down into the downy mattress. A dark red flush exploded on her face in almost an instant; the morning light always made everything so much more exposed. She shuddered at the touch ghosting up her waist and ribs, the bite of hunger roiling in her stomach temporarily forgotten as the Norn made it fully clear that she wasn’t about to let the human leave the room any time soon. Still, she managed to say, with some struggle, “You could have asked your homestead to stop attacking defenseless carava—ah!” Her sentence was cut short by a cry of surprise as cold air swept between her thighs and Kaira found she did not have the strength to draw her legs together against the strong hands of her captor.

She really had no excuse for the soft peep of surprise which issued forth when something warm pressed up against her, nor could she justify the way her back arched off the bed ever so slightly. Bruises and aching limbs forgotten, Kaira’s fingers worked into the bed sheets, scrabbling against the soft, smooth material. Her face burned as she closed her eyes, away from the sight of the red hair and the mischievous grin. The last thing she needed to see was the Norn’s smug glances as the human was effectively undone by mere lips and tongue alone. The wet muscle slipped expertly in, easily to her great chagrin but the tingling all the way up her spine and back down again wouldn’t allow her to think of anything but the warmth at her lower lips. Her nipples hardened, peaking in the cool air and in her arousal – whether she wished it or no – and Kaira squirmed.

Far different from any sort of finger or other such insertions, Adela’s tongue served to somehow entice her further, drawing forth a slight whimper. She did not trust herself to speak, only grip the bed a little more tightly and turn her head over a mess of blonde tresses which spilled beneath her as soft pants began to invade her quiet breaths as the Norn continued her ministrations with abandon.
The whimper from Kaira was music to Adela’s ears and her moistening womanhood was positively delectable, her probing tongue running itself along as much of her inner walls as possible. The giant woman pulled out for breath, licking her lips and swallowing the residual fluids Kaira’s body let off. She kissed at her clitoris and lower lips once more, her nipples hardening in arousal as heat centered between her own legs. Adela loved how she squirmed even now, the way her body was certainly betraying her words. Her teeth lightly grazed at Kaira before her tongue peeked out again and began its explorations anew.

She dove deeply and this time took her time to explore every facet of her pet that she could. The giant woman was also looking for something else, something she had come across last night while pleasuring the human. Adela was not exactly certain where the human’s sweet spot was, last time she had hit it purely by accident and by Kaira providing a bit of assistance. So her tongue explored, memorizing the surfaces of the human as well as her flavor. As her tongue came out this time she made a sucking intake with her lips upon Kaira’s lower lips.

Adela herself was very much enjoying this though found sexual frustration and urges rising in her own body. Her legs subtly moved a bit closer together and started rubbing against each other and her mind was turning to Kaira’s own tongue and exactly where she could put it. Or those small hands of hers, the giantkin imagined one of them could fit snugly into her. It was a pity the human was so very uptight, otherwise she’d have the ability to act on those fantasies for now though the giant woman contented herself with driving her new pet up a wall with sheer bliss.

“Mmm… maybe I should just stay in today. I’d hate to leave you all by your lonesome, little Leonhart.” Adela said, already unbuckling her weapon belt once again before returning to her ministrations.

This time she was very much intending to drive Kaira over the edge, her tongue lapping at the human with increased speed and frequency. The wet member scoured as deeply as it could reach and tasted as much of Kaira as she wanted. This human was more entertaining than any creature taken into her bed for years. Now she just needed to see about breaking her in properly and teaching her at least a bit of respect. Not too much, Elise might think Adela wanted just another broken toy but she did not. She wanted something fun, something that was different, something very much like Kaira.
Kaira’s body was happy enough to betray her as she shivered and twitched, her fingers almost wrenching the blankets off the mattress itself as Adela continued to explore her depths with surprising dexterity. She could feel her arousal seeping from between her thighs, coaxed out by the Norn’s expert touch along with quiet moans emerging from deep within her chest. Words failed to form correctly in her mind as every time she tried, she would be drawn back to the delectable sensations running through her nerves, to the very tips of her curled toes and to her fingers. Her slender neck tilted, gleaming with the first signs of sweat as her body heated up, furthered by her captor’s attentions.

“Nngh…!” Kaira gasped openly, her lips parting as she sucked in a sharp breath of air as the inquisitive muscle searched within, her sex trembling and her walls contracting as if trying to draw the tongue deeper in her. Once or twice, it flicked over the one place that had the woman cry out until her throat ached not hours earlier and once or twice, Adela would be rewarded by another gasp, louder than the others but the tongue never stayed long. Through the heat, her bruises throbbed and they only seemed to add to the onslaught of pleasure. After all, Kaira was still human with human desires and Adela was far too close to unlocking them.

But she’s going to make me her pet, Kaira told herself amidst the haze. She could not deny her body these sensations, but she could deny her captor’s want to have her cave to her whims. The noble opened her mouth to speak, only to bite down harshly on her own tongue as a wave of need crashed down upon her at the way the giantkin worked at her netherlips. She did not even notice Adela’s own discomfort, much less the subtle shifting as her eyes remained firmly shut though her lashes fluttered when her back arched slightly off the bed. Even the low voice that vibrated against her sex was almost too much but Kaira found it was not enough. She barely heard it either way, only the woman’s nickname for her reached her blushing ears.

Still, she tried to reach for a response. To her, the words were broken and sounded eerily like groans speckled with the potent perfume of lust. “T-too… too much…” Adela’s height did not seem to be the only abnormally large thing, as even the Norn’s tongue seemed to reach deeper than Kaira’s own fingers ever would. It touched against places where only Adela’s digit had been the night before; even the man she had shared a bed with had been far too rough in his ministrations and the woman only seemed to be keen on having Kaira pleasure her instead of the other way around. The mere thought of them made her frown, though it was for a split second before Adela’s tongue tugged her back with another vicious lick.

Another guttural moan clawed its way out, the sound almost ghastly and ill-suited for a woman like Kaira who prided herself in maintaining a modest appearance. The touches, the sensations; her clit throbbed and her lower lips ached, itching to be filled even if by the Norn. She opened her eyes, stormy and cloudy at the same time for the briefest of moments before she shut them again and ever so slowly, guiltily and ashamed, her hand crept up to rest on her own tender breast and squeezed the soft flesh beneath her palm.
Adela’s world was the taste of Kaira, the musky smell of her lust roiling beneath her mouth setting the giantkin’s own aflame. There was a marked difference here when compared to yesterday as the Norn was less concerned with her own pleasure and was much gentler with her ministrations. She lapped up Kaira’s lust with great delight, her tongue swirling around and licking every nook and cranny it could reach. She had found the human’s sweet spot through some trial and error but for now merely teased near it, drawing out her pet’s pleasure for a good little bit as well as her own frustration building between her legs.

Her eyes flicked upwards across the rolling landscape of flesh before her, noting with extreme arousal that Kaira had put a hand over her sensitive breast. The mound of flesh was squeezed marvelously under her palm, getting the Norn very moist. She needed her own needs cared for very quickly. She had just the idea how to do it, it was pretty manipulative considering what she was bringing her pet to at the moment but it was likely the human would refuse otherwise. Now that Kaira needed some kind of release the Norn could parley that into her own.

Abruptly the giant woman’s tongue left Kaira and Adela stood, slowly untying the binding on her pants and letting them slide down her legs. Next she slipped her moistened undergarment down as well exposing her much larger sex for Kaira’s viewing pleasure. She moved to hold the human’s arms above her head, still pinning her to the mattress. The Norn leaned in close, her eyes filled with lustful need. Her heavy breathing caused her breasts to rise and fall in great swells, warm breath falling over her pet with each exhale.

“I bet you want release don’t you? Tell you what I’ll give you the greatest release you’ve had in your entire life, if you pleasure me. I’ll keep you from pleasuring yourself if you try, you don’t get yours until I get mine.” Adela said, her voice tinged with barely controlled restraint.

The Norn released the human’s hands and moved to sit herself down on the side of the bed, the intension to give Kaira some assistance with actually reaching her sex. Perhaps this was a tad cruel but the Norn needed something beyond just humping the human this time. Last night that had been enough but now it was nowhere near enough, not with all of this build up. She needed more from the human and now with her release held hostage from her the Norn believed that she would be more likely to cave to her desires and fulfill them. If not Adela knew she was fully capable of keeping her promise.
Kaira tried very hard to latch onto some choice words she might have for Adela should the Norn ever let up her persistent ministrations, no doubt repeating old insults she might have used already but anything would be better than letting this giant woman know just how good she felt. It made her gut churn and her thighs twitch; her mind had already unraveled into a messy bundle of incoherent thought and sometimes, a quiet peep would escape her unwittingly whilst other noises were simply impossible to hold back. She could feel her arousal dripping, melting in the heat Adela’s dexterous tongue offered, though it was frustrating that the Norn barely missed that spot each time.

Even as she dug her digits into the soft flesh of her bosom, Kaira refused to believe that it was her doing it. Perhaps it was an old Norn’s trick which moved her hand so indulgently; to direct her fingers to the turgid peak of her breast, rolling it between her digits shamelessly but deep down, the noble knew that it was not the Norn, but herself. Another moan accompanied a particularly rough tweak, her hips shifting against the bed sheets, urging the woman between her legs in perhaps just a little deeper, just a little more—

Her eyes shot open, the absence surprising her more than she would care to admit. Glancing down, Kaira was quick to remove her hand from her chest before lifting her torso with her forearms though her body still trembled from the giantkin’s cruel denial. Adela’s naked form was not so strange to her, but when Kaira had last laid eyes on it, she had been all but crushed into it. Now with a much clearer view, she could only gulp audibly. The difference between them was made even more apparent, the woman’s sex more than enough to intimidate the much smaller human. She made no move to stop Adela from pushing her back down against the bed and drawing her hands above her head. Her neck craned, as she looked up, stormy grey meeting icy blue in a mutual, hazy lust.

Suddenly aware that she should respond, Kaira shook her head though the gesture was so minimal it could barely be called as such. There was no way she could vocally refute Adela’s words. She wanted release, more than anything. Her breasts ached and her thighs were doing their utmost best to rub against each other but the way the Norn was positioned made it difficult to do so. Then there was the fact that Kaira thought Adela might wish to smother her again but all her captor did was free the noble’s wrists from her clutches. It was the other’s words that gave her pause as she rose up from the bed once more, this time fully as she clutched her hands against herself.

“I… I don’t know…” Burning with embarrassment, Kaira could only shift and stare helplessly, seemingly truly vulnerable for the first time in front of the Norn. She was not a lustful creature and she had never been made to pleasure someone before. At a loss, she slid towards the edge of the bed tentatively, her knees shaking as she stood. Even with Adela seated, she could still make comfortable eye contact with her. Kaira placed both hands on either side of the redhead’s knees, trying her hardest to glare and only managing to look somewhat flustered. “I don’t know how… you like… it.”
Adela smirked at the inquiry as well as Kaira’s vulnerability; it only added further fuel to the fire of her arousal. She was inexperienced and embarrassed and this time the Norn could see something beyond just lust or prideful indignation. It intrigued her greatly so she opted to press onwards and save the human from her own burning embarrassment. The poor dear was at a loss for what to do now that she was between her knees. The giantkin’s netherlips were moist and twitched ever so as they ached for attention and beneath her shirt her nipples had hardened to tight buds. If she didn’t find some release she’d go mad.

“Kiss me there. Taste me there like I tasted you. Try using your fingers if you feel the need. Do a good job now, little Leonhart, and today I’ll erase ever thought from your mind but bliss.” Adela said, her voice thick with lust.

The Norn allowed herself lay back on the bed just as Kaira had been positioned; only the sight was a bit more comical with the much smaller human positioned between her thighs. Adela’s right hand rose to her breast, pressing into the mound of flesh before rubbing and playing with her hardened nipple with her fingers. The actions sent a pooling of warmth down between her legs, resulting in more fluid being secreted from her lips. There was only so much she could do at the moment annoyingly. Certainly she could take care of the problem with her hands if they traveled south, but that would defeat the purpose of having Kaira here in the first place.

“Don’t hold back, I want you inside me. I want to feel you there.” Adela said, biting her lower lip after.

The giantkin had given a bit of control over to Kaira though she wondered if the human would recognize this. Technically she was the one holding all the cards still and she had manipulated the human into this by holding her release hostage. However her pet did have some power in this situation, that was in how quickly she allowed Adela to reach her point of release. The Norn realized this of course but was hoping that the human wanted her release enough to avoid dragging this out overmuch. Of course she could be rather spiteful and vindictive when she wanted to be so there was always that bit of danger.
Kaira’s fluster seemed to worsen at the expression Adela wore, even if it was not unkind and far more preferable to being mocked and jeered at, the fact that it had not gone unnoticed was a cruel jape the gods deemed necessary to inflict upon the shivering human. Try as she might to avoid looking, she could not stop herself from inhaling the strong scent of arousal which perfumed the air about her. It made her body burn and her fingers twitch against the giant’s knees; her palms were small and barely covered anything, if at all. Adela’s instructions seemed straightforward enough, as they always were. Applying that knowledge was a little more difficult.

Swallowing thickly, Kaira moved closer, surrounding herself with the Norn’s thighs. The height of the bed made it so that she had to duck her head down slightly but for the most part, she appeared to be eye-level with Adela’s sex. Convenient, Kaira thought dryly, moistening the sides of her mouth as she neared Adela’s lower ones, squeezing her eyes shut as her little pink tongue darted out and pressed against the giantkin’s dripping core, her lips following shortly thereafter to draw her sex into a lewd kiss.

The taste was almost overwhelming and it sent a bolt throbbing at the juncture between her legs. Kaira’s hands had slid upwards, her fingers curling against the other’s warm thighs. She was blind to the other’s movements above her head, but whatever Adela was doing, it was making her sex even wetter and it was all the human could do to lap it up. Her tongue pushed in, doing its utmost best to explore the Norn’s heated depths. The tip of her nose nuzzled against the sensitive bundle of nerves perched atop Adela’s drooling netherlips and almost as an afterthought, Kaira tilted up to give the hardened pearl a languid lick, mimicking the Norn’s prior actions on her own sex.

The reason for Kaira’s cooperation was all too obvious. The ache she was experiencing was borderline unbearable and she had no doubt that Adela would have no qualms with stopping her from bringing about her own release. Pleasuring the giantkin was the simplest way to get what she wanted and while the vague possibility that she might drown was there, Adela’s taste was far from vile. In fact, she was almost starting to become more bold as her tongue continued to lash away at the slick flesh, her cheeks gleaming in viscous juices though her eyes remained tightly shut.
Adela’s eyes shot wide as Kaira made contact, a jolt of pleasure coursing up her spine as her back arched ever so. The movements were small but very much noticeable as the human drew her sex into a deep kiss. Her tongue slid inside her oh so perfectly and though it was small the giant woman could feel every movement. The Norn’s fingers searched out the bedsheets, clawing into them as her breath hitched. Her lips parted and a deep throaty moan escaped them as Kaira licked at clit, increasing the moistness of her aching sex. Gods this was so much better than last night.

Her lower lips were oozing with pleasure, the air thick with musky lust. Higher and higher she was climbing, her red ponytail having come undone and a messy toss of hair crowned her head. The giant woman bit her lower lips and actually sat up straight, looking down as Kaira worked. Her hand found the human’s hair, pushing her head closer to her dripping core as her hips worked to try and draw the small muscle deeper within her. Her walls clenched and unclenched as her fingers worked their way into the noble’s hair firmly.

She was rising higher and higher, her thighs twitching with each lap of the human’s tongue. Adela was not letting the human go, not after this; she was far too good for that. Her free hand found one of her harden nipples and started rolling it between her fingers, heat further pooling between her legs. The pressure was growing more and more as viscous fluid stained her human’s tongue and lips. The only thought on her mind was more, she needed to find release or it was going to cause her to explode. The ache was deep, in places that Kaira’s tongue could not reach but was still causing her to rise more and more.

The giant woman would press Kaira closer still to her aching sex, practically putting her face right against those lips. Her legs were jelly under the human’s ministrations and another moan, louder this time, ripped its way from her lips. Her mannerisms and moans were filled with need, aching, raw, unfulfilled. She felt so very good but also so very needy, vulnerability that she so rarely showed was shown here as she came closer and closer to the apex of her pleasure. Adela wanted more, needed it.
Her jaw ached and her tongue was beginning to tire; only the ever rising sounds of the Norn’s pleasure encouraged Kaira to keep going, as well as fact that her thighs were slick with a veritable amount of arousal. Her tongue withdrew once or twice to outline the shape of the giant’s sex before plunging the dainty muscle back in, the taste was something she could not describe, only that it was completely and utterly Adela. She had wondered if the giantkin could even feel her, though the continuous river of sweet liquid dripping into her mouth and the reverberation of groans high above confirmed that the Norn was not immune to the smaller human’s ministrations.

A muffled gasp of surprise could be heard amidst the glistening flesh of Adela’s netherlips as Kaira felt the woman’s large hand weave into her unbound hair, thrusting her forward encouragingly; she almost found that her nose could slip in too, but she didn’t fancy the idea of that and tilted her head back to stop the insistent motion. Kaira did offer another firm lick on the giant’s throbbing clit, teasing the turgid nub with the tip of her tongue before her tongue returned to continue its short exploration of Adela’s quivering inner walls.

Yet in almost an instant, when she heard the Norn’s voice breaking into breathy sighs, Kaira’s tongue slipped away and back into her mouth. A small, coy grin graced her visage now as she lifted her head to make eye contact with Adela, her cheeks glistening with moisture as she licked her lips clean of the giant’s arousal. It was bold of her, especially when Adela’s hand was still grasped tightly in her hair and one forceful shove could have Kaira smothered in her swampy sex or yanked away and left to hang in the limbo of excitement and frustration.

But some part of the human felt cheeky, lust clouding her judgement as she lifted her hand and traced the tip of her finger over the giant’s inner thighs, marvelling at the roiling muscle and the effect her amateur attentions had on Adela. She brushed her thumb against the giant’s clit, passing over the wet surface smoothly. Kaira remained silent, the look in her eyes and the smile on her lips saying whatever that needed to be said: that it didn’t feel so good when it was her being edged.
Adela couldn’t think but she could feel, she could feel everything going on between her legs and it was driving her crazy. Her eyes searched towards the ceiling as the walls of her core attempting to draw Kaira further into her. The human was far too small to go much deeper and that irritated her very much. Even still the Norn could not deny that her results were very effective. The pressure inside just kept building up more and more until it felt rather like she was about to burst. The light lick upon her clit sent a spark of pleasure that pierced the haze sharply.

Then just like that Kaira was not there any longer and the Norn’s eyes immediately looked downwards to the human. Her eyes were filled with need, lust, and ache that was so raw it hurt. Kaira started teasing her again, denying her release and it took all of her fortitude not to shove the human’s face right into her lower lips. Instead she realized full well that if she wanted Kaira to willingly do these things in the future she would need to give her some petty victories. It stung the Norn’s immense pride to be toyed with by someone she intended to collar and leash.

“Please, Kaira… don’t stop. Just a little more, please.” The Norn said, her voice a mix of lust and ache.

She was begging the human for her attentions, it sounded ridiculous that the mistress would beg her pet for anything but Kaira had the cards in her hands in a manner of speaking. Adela was in a strangely vulnerable position and while she was hardly stupid enough to grant Kaira here freedom or anything, there was a number of thing she’d do for her release. Viscous liquid dripped from her lower lips into a tiny puddle on the floor below, the muscles twitching and desiring attention.

Adela ruefully reminded herself that she had indeed wanted something different in her lovers, her new pet had seemed that something. Not only was she small but her spirit was not easily broken, even now with Adela’s hand poised to shove her face into her sex she was somewhat defiant. The Norn wanted to get some of that out of her, just enough so she was more willing to spread her legs. She did not want all of it out of her though; it was what made her unique in her own little way. Cheeky and defiant even when it was stupid. She reminded the Norn of herself years ago.
Adela’s begging sang a sweet tune to the human girl who felt both smug and powerful – even if her control ran the length of a rope held by the Norn at the very end, it was still control at its barest essence. Her dark eyes found the redhead’s own lighter blues, currently misty with a messy mixture of almost physical pain and pure, unadulterated lust, a look which Kaira knew she had possessed moments before. She also knew that she was only successful because Adela had allowed it, the quivering hand pressed into her hair proved as much and she almost found the giant’s restraint somewhat endearing.

Yet as much as she’d like to crow about her triumphs, however minor, Kaira was aware that she tread thin ice. Lust sometimes made people too powerful and were more likely to do things without thinking, such as breaking her neck from shoving her face forward too hard or scenarios of a similar nature, none of which appealed to the human girl who had no intention of dying quite so soon. The thought itself was somewhat morbid and she also had no intention of pondering on the matter; not when the heady scent of musky arousal perforated her thoughts so intensely.

“Since you asked so nicely,” Kaira replied, ghosting her fingers across the Norn’s thighs as she leaned forward, “how can I refuse?” Uncharacteristically bold in tone and action, there was no doubt that the human woman had been empowered by her recent victory in making the other murmur her pleas.

She lowered her mouth, this time taking drawing her clit between her lips like a syrupy treat, at the same time slipping two of her fingers with ease deep into Adela’s sex. She brushed the pads of her digits against the places her tongue could not reach, the heat within almost searing her skin but Kaira was determined now. Her tongue flicked ostentatiously against the Norn’s clit as she inserted another finger in, just as easily as the first two, twisting them and curling her tips upwards almost aggressively to drum at what she hoped was the other’s sweet spot.
Adela could see the smugness in Kaira’s eyes and hear it in her voice; it burned her to let the human feel in control. That was until she reminded herself that she was indeed letting her feel in control, she still had the overall power here. Even if it did not seem like it as Kaira so easily toyed and played with her desires. The human was bold and Adela liked that, it was arousing in some manner. However she’d need to try and cultivate the proper mix of boldness and submission, no easy task considering Kaira was very willful.

A sharp gasp tore itself from her lips and her back arched as the human put her lips around her clit, her toes curling and her hands searching the bedsheets for a clawing purchase. Then Kaira’s fingers slipped between the folds of slick flesh and Adela’s world became a haze, fingers twisting and rubbing against sensitive flesh. Her blue eyes opened wide and the pitch of her moans reached the level of lewd cries. Adela was beyond embarrassment at this point, the walls of her sex attempting to draw the fingers deeper within her. A third finger slipped in and the lapping at her clit simply increased the growing pressure.

“There, Kaira!” The Norn cried, the human’s fingers hitting her sweet spot.

She used the noble’s actual name, not her pet name. Her back arched as the human worked her magic, the haze becoming thicker and thicker. No Norn could do as she was, lips wrapped around her clit as well as fingers plunged deep inside. Adela had never before experienced this, it was new, exciting, and most of all pleasurable. She fell back against the bed, putty in Kaira’s fingers as her moans reached new pitch with each movement of her fingers and every flick of her tongue.

Everything continued to build and build until there was blissful white, the Norn’s body tensing and her walls closing tight around the fingers. Then there was complete and utter release, flowing from her and likely onto the human. Her chest heaved as she fell into a state of afterglow, her cheeks scarlet and her body satisfied completely. She twitched here and there but was otherwise the very picture of satisfaction. Her shirt seemed to have avoided being stained with her passion, so there was something good. First though… she had some unfinished business.

“You… you were exquisite, my pet. Allow me to fulfil my end of the deal.” Adela said, sitting up and reaching down between her legs to bodily pick up Kaira and set her down on her legs.

“How do you want it? Tongue? Fingers?” The Norn asked, taking two large fingers to gently roll one of the human’s nipples between them.
The use of her real name, especially from one such as the Norn she was pleasuring, somehow made Kaira turn a little redder, an odd look for someone who had only recently been teasing a being more than twice her size. But the thought was quick to evaporate as a veritable gush of arousal flowed onto her tongue, her fingers pressing against the other’s hot, convulsing walls as Adela’s moans climbed in both volume and intensity. Her tongue followed the movements doggedly, mirroring the rise and falls and side-by-sides, never letting up even as Adela reached the very peak of her pleasure.

Kaira felt her fingers being drawn in powerfully, the motions almost tempting her to slip another in but she refrained from doing so for now. When Adela’s twitching had slowed somewhat, she drew her digits out, thin strands of arousal following them briefly before snapping, her skin glistening and drenched in the stuff. She wasn’t quite sure what she should do then, only that it made sense to clean her fingers free and so made quite a show of licking the sweet honey from her flesh.

She was in the process of checking her jaw to make sure she hadn’t dislocated it, which seemed like a very real possibility judging by how cramped she felt there and her tongue ached like nothing else. Still, the satisfaction she felt at the sight of Adela’s flushed face and heavy breathing made her believe that it was worth the effort. Kaira might not get another chance like this again and she was quickly becoming something of an opportunist.

Having not spoken since before Adela’s release, Kaira didn’t know what to say but was saved from racking her brain as the Norn filled the silence with her own compliments. She was quick to blush, in equal parts embarrassment and modest pride but the throbbing between her thighs disintegrated any likelihood of a biting comment in return. She did let out a quiet noise of surprise as she was lifted from her spot with ease and set down, her legs straddling one of the giantkin’s thighs much to Kaira’s dismay and delight.

She issued a soft whimper at the inquiry, unused to being asked something as overt as that. Not when it was accompanied by an all too tender tweak on one of her stiff nipples. She groaned insensibly, her hands coming up to rest near Adela’s waist, her nails clutching into her captor’s muscled stomach as she rolled her hips forward slightly against Adela’s upper leg with a reasonable amount of shame at the display. “A-anything,” Kaira managed to whisper, much of her lion-like boldness gone now in the face of potential relief.
Adela was feeling quite generous given Kaira’s excellent performance and thus was more than willing to continue her previous ministrations from before. The giant woman gently moved the human and set her down in the middle of the bed, pushing her onto her back with one hand. She loomed over the human with a content expression upon her face, positioning her mouth over her breasts. Her tongue lightly lapped at one pert nipple, before accepting it between her lips and lightly suckling at it. Her tongue peeked out again after a moment, licking much more forcefully at the hardened nub.

From here her tongue trailed down into the valley of her breasts, past her stomach before finally arriving at that familiar place between her legs. She took the human’s clit between her lips for a moment, repeating Kaira’s own motions from moments before. She glanced up at the human from the landscape of flesh before her, releasing her hold on her for a moment. Adela licked the residual moisture from her lips, making a show of savoring the human’s taste. She was really quite something, Kaira, delectable in a way Adela had not found many women to be. So easily controlled physically but not so easily tamed.

“You are really something else, my pet. I think this makes two times… only ninety seven more to go.” The Norn said, smirking as she lowered her lips down again.

This time she wasted no effort on teasing, her tongue plunging deep within Kaira’s folds and wriggling about inside of her. The wet muscle twisted and turned, rubbing every surface she could manage to touch. Being that her tongue was twice as long as most human tongues this made her reach rather far. Once more the giantkin sought out that spot that the human so craved for her to touch. Fortunately the Norn had a very good idea what she was looking for now with a bit of experience down.

Her tongue focused on that sweet spot, prodding against it and running the muscle over it as many times as she could manage. The Norn technically had other things to do today; she couldn’t really afford to just sit in her room all day as enticing as that sounded. Lying in bed with Kaira resting up against her, toying and playing with the other’s body while the noble sniped at her in between gasps and moans… it sounded good. At least this was a lovely start to the rest of her day.
Kaira couldn’t hear a thing save for the errant stamp of her heart pressing against her ribcage in what she could swear was five beats per second. She didn’t have the presence of mind to count however, and she was far too invested in other matters. Namely the familiar sensation of a soft bed against her spine as she fell back, warmed by the Norn’s own body mere moments prior and the just as familiar shadow crowding against her flushed face. Her sight was filled with a head of fiery, messy locks followed by the delicious, painfully pleasurable ministrations at her breast.

Her lack of restraint was apparent as she squirmed, the painted trail upon her chest swiftly tightening the coil in her belly and raising the hairs on the back of her neck. The path continued down, over her stomach in sensuous determination to her slick thighs and everything in between. Kaira let out a vocal gasp of approval as the giant sealed her lips around her clit; the sudden rush of pleasure after being denied for so long almost made her come on the spot but no. Adela pulled back in that very instant and a frustrated growl escaped the human. She glanced down amidst her heavy breathing, watching the other woman run that tongue across her own lips with a gaze that said both fuck me and don’t you dare.

If she had to go through this ninety-seven times, Kaira was certain she would go mad, and not in a good way. When Adela’s mouth lowered once again, she found that she was wholly unprepared for the impact the other’s wet muscle provided. She couldn’t say for certain, but at some point she believed that the white spots that dotted her vision meant that her consciousness had slipped her grasp for a split second. But the sensations were too intense and she was quickly brought back in a surge of molten hot desire flooding her veins. She was drowning in a sea of fire and her body felt like it was melting and rising all at the same time.

“This… this, mmn… better not be a- ahh… a regular occ-occurrence…” The vowels and syllables was nothing more but a combination of gasps and moans mixed with what seemed to be words but it was difficult to tell. Neither was it easy to know what Kaira meant exactly, only that she felt like she had to say something as she arched her back, her fingers scrabbling through coarse red hair to draw the Norn closer if it were even possible. Adela’s reach was incredible as it was and when her tongue curved against just the right spot, there was no plausible way to stop the flood.

Her legs stiffened, her thighs clenched painfully and her inner walls were trying so very hard to draw out the pleasure as much as she could as Kaira let out an unearthly moan as she doubled forward for a split second. Her nails dug into the Norn’s scalp, tugging as if it was all too much and pushing her down as if it was not enough. Finally, she fell back as her muscles relaxed as the pleasant buzz and rush of endorphins swam through her as she let out a raspy sigh.
Adela loved it. Loved the almost animalistic way that Kaira handled this, the way her fingers worked through her red hair and pushed her head closer. She loved how yielding she was to her attention; her cries and moans music to her ears. The squirming was magnificent as well, a writhing body of flesh and desire was beneath her and practically begging for more. She had seen that earlier look, the one that had demanded the attention. That was not a demure and weakling tavern wench, no that was the lion inside of her demanding it’s due. How could Adela do anything but was demanded of her.

Nails dug into her scalp and in one glorious moment she felt Kaira about to find her release as her entire body tensed. Her climax flowed from her innermost regions, flooding into the Norn’s waiting mouth and being guzzled down an eager throat. The giant woman worked to collect every drop, the taste something she could get very much used to. Finally she allowed herself to lie down beside the human, breathing heavily as her shirt clung to her by the glue her sweat provided. Her bare legs and feet were over the side of the bed, but she couldn’t even think about moving further up the bed.

The giant woman slowly rolled over onto her side, arms tenderly wrapping around the human’s form to draw it in closer. She kissed the crown of the other woman’s head, affection for her pet overwhelming in the wake of that performance. The Norn loosened her hold slightly to allow Kaira some movement if she would desire it. Adela wanted to stay here in the bed for the rest of the day, to caress and kiss the human in the sticky moments that came after their moment of passion. Sadly that was not to be.

“You enjoyed yourself, little Leonhart. Admit it. You liked having someone pleasure you and you certainly enjoyed teasing me. So… best you’ve ever had or what?” Adela inquired, a smug smirk on her face.

“In any event, it pains me to say it but I’ll have to leave you for a good bit of the day today. As much fun as having you sit naked on my lap would be as I sit on my throne… I’ll spare you that humiliation. Today at least. Maybe tomorrow.” The Norn said, winking at the end.
Kaira was coming down from her high and fast; whilst the sound of her own breathing was still the overarching noise ringing in her ears, the guilt she expected never really came. Sure, she felt embarrassed that she had acted so freely in front of her captor, even going so far as to say that she would have done almost anything for that release. Her fingers were cramping from when she had grabbed a hold of Adela’s hair and the constant ache served as a reminder of it. Still, there was no guilt, just the empty feeling at the pit of her stomach rather than a nauseous one.

She kept her eyes trained on the too-high ceiling as Adela pulled her into a warm, sticky embrace. Kaira licked her lips, tasting the faint residue of the other’s desire and that seemed to waken her a little more. A quick glance at the Norn reminded Kaira just how… similar they were, if not for the incredible height differences. Their facial expression were still the same; the shape of Adela’s face was strong, the dusting of freckles and crystal blue eyes beneath wayward strands of fiery hair, they were all features she had seen on humans.

Screwing her eyes shut as a light kiss was planted on her brow; Kaira found that she could readjust her limbs to suit her mood. She wriggled herself out of Adela’s grasp, not because it was unwanted but because the heat was too much and her throat was parched. She still allowed some parts of the other’s arm to remain in contact with her form but for the most part, the cool unused parts of the bed was delicious relief to her. “As much as there was to enjoy,” she replied in between dry swallows. Of course she would never admit it. Kaira Leonhart had made the mistake of falling for Adela’s rakish, if not brutish, charms and Leonharts were not in the business of making the same mistake twice in such a short time period.

“I will say that it was interesting to hear someone of your ilk beg,” she said with a small snort before Kaira rolled herself right out of the Norn’s grasp. She stopped herself just in time from falling off the side. That would have been an uncomfortably embarrassing situation, and probably a life-threatening one judging by the distance. “The best I’ve had with a Norn, sure.” Kaira allowed herself to smile, largely mirroring that of Adela’s. At the mention of the other leaving, she was suddenly hesitant. What was she to do? Count the stitches in the bedding until her mistress returned?

“Maybe never.” Kaira replied as she dragged herself towards the pillows. She was suddenly very tired, having been pulled awake from her slumber not moments ago. The remembrance of the blonde-haired giantkin made her expression sour just a little but she buried her face into the fluffy cushions to hide it. “But whatever, I can’t stop you.” She muttered, hoping that Adela would at least leave her to rest or otherwise carry her complaining all the way.
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