Spiral Legacy (AU RP) Whitewolf / MysteriousD

"Don't worry, Mugenn Gurren Lagann couldstop it," Toryu said to Fenris before looking to Yoko. He sighed. He needed to talk to her. While everyone was playing volleyball, prepping the barbeque or whatever, he went over to Yoko. While her bathing suit did cover her up more than her usual attire, he didn't care and found her attractive still.

"What's on your mind, Yoko?" Toryu said. Simon was happy with nia and the others and Toryu was happy he came a long way. He sighed once more, looking back at how many people really believed in him. Only him and Kamina and Rossieu. The twins and Leeron possibly as well. He wasin some swim trunks. He was pretty average looking, if not stocky. He looked over to the sniper and wondered what'd she say
Now that everything was settled down Fenris would leave the two alone as he headed out to help with the food. Back in his old village he was a man of all trades and he may as well make himself useful and help out with the barbecue... besides some well done grape hippo steak would really hit the spot right now.
"I just don't trust Nia... She is still the daughter of the spiral king... I can't help but feel a bit cautious and suspicious about her." Yoko would tell Toryu as she looked out the nearest window. Keeping an eye on the others below who were having some beach style fun.
"Was it that she's the daughter of the enemy? Or that she took attention from the boys?" Toryu joked, rmemebering what Leeron said sooner. He sighed though. Looks like she didn't Simon avoiding her. Then again, Simon wouldinteract with everyone more or less, but still kept to himself except for Nia, him and sometimes Rossieu. Toryu looked up at the clear sky before he lamented the loss of Kamina once more. Perhaps it was needed for Simon to grow... He and Kamina would have continued to rely mainly on one another and the same with him...

Then again, he was no seer. He went back to his notes on their future would-be civilization. Everything was going smooth sailing for everyone and Leeron would be almost done. Simon came over and greeted him, conspiciously avoiding eye contact with Yoko. Toryu just told Simon to be careful and make sure the others didn't get into too big of trouble. He then hugged his little bro back before he went off with Nia.
"Bah... She's the daughter of the enemy and I can't come to trust her just yet. She could be spy for all we know." Yoko would say a bit annoyed at his comment, she wasn't jealous she was just being cautious... she WAS being cautious. For the most part the rest of the morning was pretty nice, everyone was having fun on the beach and not having anything to worry about for once.

--- A few hours later.

"Okay guys Leeron says the DaiGurren is now sort of water functional. It can't dive but it can float and get us to the other side." Fenris would say through the loudspeakers as he waved from the main cockpit.
Toryu just chuckled before he went off and have fun with everyone else, catching a glimpse of the attractive sniper that his heart still belonged to every now and then. After a while, he went over and checked the new Dai Gurren in water mode.

"All right, let's get going," Toryu said as he helped everyone on. He couldn't help but wonder if there was gonna be trouble coming. With their luck, it was a distinct possibility.
"Yo Yoko! Toryu! how about we take some defensive positions to look around us... I'm not sure if enemy gunmen are water proof but we should play safe." Fenris would say as he'd walk next to them, a rifle in hand as he took to the bottom observatory to check out on the kids. From there he could probably get a good view of what was under them... it looked pretty pretty too.


"FUCK NO! WHY? HOW?" Ursa would roar out as she stomped on the beach, her breath boiling as she roared out. How were they supposed to follow the Daigurren now and avenge the fallen fire general and her fallen member?
Toryu nodded before he went around and made sure everything was okay. He was not that good at fighting outside his mech as a doctor. He had his scapals sure, but even then... Well, what evs. He couldn't help but feel as if something was about to happen.
Who would have known the ocean was so filed with life, there was all sorts of animals everywhere and even the predators looked impressive. However everything would soon change as Fenris and the kids watched what seemed to be dolphins raising from the depths... uh oh.

"Umm... Guys... there's these really menacing looking dolphins with missiles on their back heading towards us." He'd say through the intercom as the first explosion hit them.
Everybody batter button down the hatches becaise they are being attacked. "Radar is showing gunman coming mainly from the front along with port and starboard," Toryu announced to everyone as they begin to man their stations. Simon, Rossieu and Toryu began heading to their mech to fight.
"OH COME ON!" Fenris would growl out as he got all the people from his location to safety and helped close some hatches. "When will these furry flea bitten bastards leave us alone!" He would add as the Dai-Gurren suddenly shook violently, the sound of metal on metal taking up the whole area as an equally sized Gunmen appeared below them. For some reason he felt as if this was all dejavu again.

"Toryu if I didn't know any better I think our old 'nuisance' the cat-shark is back." Fenris would say with a sigh as he awaited orders with a rifle at hand. Also it appeared that they were now sinking and panic was all over the place.
Simon, Rossieu and Toryu formed the Mugenn Gurren Lagann and proceeded to head out. "Looks like another one of the Generals along with our fave beastman, Viral," Toryu noted as they dove through the water like with earth. Toryu ignited with his spiral power as mini drills appeared from the feet to propel the mech and began to drill through the mechs with speed.
"Think it's Adiane again... and I could have sworn that damn flea bitten cat would have been out of lives already. Those nine lives should have all been wasted by now." Fenris would say with some acid in his voice, what was with the spiral king and these beasts chasing them down like mice. It appeared they were here to battle once again and Fenris took to the rifles since only MGL was water tight... damn the odds. He prayed to the maker that they would succeed.

Down below Adiane had decided to take the fight into her own hands, donning her own gunmen and leaving her giant aquatic monstrosity in charge of the whining cat. To be honest that's how she viewed Viral, he was supposed to be a lion but he just hissed and bared his claws at these humans and had so far proven to be weak. Hopefully he wouldn't mess up this time if he wanted to stay alive.

But that was the least on her mind as she quickly reached the red gunmen and started to give it all she had, tossing it around like a mere plaything. The sea was hers and she would make it their grave.

--- Meanwhile at the beach.

"GRAH! WHY DOES FATE HAVE TO BE SO CRUEL!" Ursa would roar out as she started some sort of tantrum and kicking sand around. The Dai-Gurren was gone and they were stuck here and unable to follow, damn the odds. On the other side of the beach the rest of the mountain crew seemed content with roasting some crabs. Tora was fixing a few things on her gunmen as well. It appeared their wild goose chase was over and maybe she would never get to see the crew again-

In a loud rumbling hum Tora got nervous as she appeared to have touched something she shouldn't have, Hisame's armored exterior started to feel cold to the touch as it suddenly launched a beam to the nearby water and in a burst of steam a rather large chunk of ice was left in it's place.

"BRILLIANT TIGER! I think you need a promotion to my second hand." Ursa would be heard in the distance as the rest of the crew cheered... looks like they now had some sort of boat... she just had to keep Hisame steady in order to keep it afloat and cool though.
"Dont think so you crazy scorpion lady," Toryu mentioned as they kept fighting her under the water. Simon was piloting Mugenn Gurren Lagann like a champ as it would conjure drills to block attacks while Rossieu kept a cool head and Toryu used fancy foot work to dodge things.

"Uh oh," he then said when he saw Nia be captured and Adiane's demands of having the Dai-Gurren shoot them.

"Any ideas?" Simon whispered to Toryu.

"I'm thinking..." Toryu whispered back as he was trying to figure out how to save Nia as inconspciously as possible. They had little time.
The battle went by with lightning speed, no one had the time to make a single mistake as Nia now found herself in the clutches of a literal mecha scorpion. At this point no one knew what do do save for Yoko who walked forwards with her rifle at hand and simply looked at Nia and then gave her a nod...

Yoko would remain silent as she went into position, her rifle seeming to be aimed at Nia dead center. And despite the flood of comments from the others she aimed and took fire... taking some of Nia's hair and damaging the gunmen holding her.

"Well... what you idiots waiting for! that bitch said fire so let's show her some fire works!" Fenris would be the first to yell out the moment Nia fell out of her grasp.
Simon grabbed Nia and had her be in the cockpit with him. Toryu saw the others firing upon the ship before he looked to Rossieu and Simon. "Now's ur chance!" he shouted. Toryu nodded before SImon led them to go and GIGA DRILL the ship of the enemy. They piereced the ship and a massive awesome explosion ocurred.

"And they're getting away. For now," Toryu noted of them escaping. However, it was stilla good day and everyone began heading back with Nia approaching Yoko to fix her hair.
Even from afar the explosion of enemy gunmen painted the sky red as Ursa and the rest of the mountain crew looked around and swallowed. Deep in their guts or perhaps just animal instinct they knew the humans had won, no doubt another general now lay dead at the bottom of the ocean now.

But the worse came when the giant shockwave came right at them and soon enough the wave was upon them. Ursa cursed but was cut short as the wave took them under, their gunmen leaking in water until their prayers were heard and they surfaced again... and after some more paddling they started to find the leftovers... from metal to corpses of their own kind.

"Look for survivors!" Ursa would roar out as two of her men would jump off their gunmen and search the mess.


"HOLY SHIT THIS FEELS INCREDIBLE!" Fenris would yell out as he stood on the deck along with a few other people and enjoyed the view and the feeling of riding along with a giant wave.
Toryu smiled as he saw Yoko finally warming up to Nia, becoming an older sister like figure to the princess. He smiles to Simon. Nia goes and talks to Simon, asking about her new hair and such. "You now okay with Nia then, Yoko?" Toryu asks her with a smile.

He stands near her. He was slowly moving on from his anger at her. However, his heart still yearned for the sexy redheaded sniper.
"Yeah... I kind of feel sorry for her with everything she's gone through... what kind of father leaves their own daughter to die." Yoko would say while looking at Toryu and the land that was now starting to come to view. Despite the odds they had faced they were still alive and continuing forwards to the eventual freedom of the humans.


"We got three survivors and two of them are unconscious." The deer based beastman would say as he finally got back from scouring whit what appeared to be an unconscious dolphin man flung over his back. "Let's head to land then... we can tend to their wounds once we are on sold ground." Ursa would say noticing that Hisame was letting off a lot more steam and the block they were on was melting on the sides.

Lucky for them the nearby shore had just been an hour away, having ridden the leftover waves they arrived on the beach and quickly sighed in relief. Tora on the the other hand was quite frozen, some of her clothes having frost over them as her gunmen had been being pushed and she had gotten the blast facefirst. Lucky for her Ursa had given her a break and as she lied in the sun warming up she just had to aid the medic with the other three if she asked for help.
"No need to hold back your newfound sisterly affection, Yoko" Toryu said to her with a smile. They were starting to make their way across the landscape.

A few days later, it was pretty quiet across the landscape. Toryu was watching Simon and Nia talk, with Nia requesting their fearless leader of a potential job. She was asking how she could contribute to the group.

Simon was thinking on what though.

(Yeah this is where Yoko comes in and reminds him to eat)
"No way, she's just part of our crew and I couldn't just leave her to die at the hands of that bitch." Yoko would pout at Toryu as a slight scowl came across her features.

"You probably would have done the same wouldn't you Toryu." She would then ask crossing her arms.
"Yoko, what's the matter with admitting you care about her? I mean, there aren't alot of girls here and Nia looks up to you. I'd figure you'd be happy talking to her," Toryu saidd befor ehe shrugged his shoulders.

"Well yeah. She's our friend and Simon cares about her. I gotta say, it's nice having someone who saw Simon for he was and not what anyone wants him to be," he noted.
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