Spiral Legacy (AU RP) Whitewolf / MysteriousD


Probably drawing something
Sep 20, 2013
Art Hell
Fenris was pacing around as usual, just clearing his mind on the whole situation... ever since Kamina died things kind of went gloom here.

Going to the main gunmen parking of the Daigurren Fenris would quickly notice one of the more unusual crew members. If it hadn't been for her signature orange hair and striped tattoos known by all here she may have been mistaken for a beastmen. Apparently she took some pride on how convincing her disguise was, all the way from the fake claws which were actually special gloves, some of her teeth being sharpened, the fake yet ridiculously realistic fake paw feet... yeah she was quite a thing to look at.

But hey no one would argue when she was a very capable hand to hand fighter and her 'disguise' had allowed her to fool beastmen back on her homeland.

She went by Tigris, and probably was one of the weirdest characters of the crew. Not to mention as of late she had kind of been beyond busy with repainting and repairing her ice colored gunmen Hisame... God knows what she was up to but no one really paid much attention to the oddity since she had lost in the last skirmish (against simple common gunmen)... obviously someone was in need of some battle practice.

It was an unusual thing really, how ghostly pale the whole thing was, made sense since the gunmen was meant to be in icy regions rather than here. It's face seeming always stern and tiger like, with long fangs and various blades sticking out from it's back area and shoulders.

She continued to spray paint some new markings on the Gunmen. For the past few days she had been adding some tiger stripes much like the ones she had tattooed and was re adding a new coat of purple for the other markings... so far she had been doing quite a good job with painting the giant mecha.

"YO TIGRIS! see you are still painting that thing, I think your gunmen is back in business." He's call out as orange eyes would narrow a bit before she looked down and waved at the black haired young man below (Fenris).

“Eh?... Oh Fenris nice to see ya, so what's been going on? Any news on... you know who? Probably not I still guess?” She would say a bit concerned, everyone here knew well who 'he' was. And the concern for Simon's eventual recovery was a usual topic around these parts as of late.

(Basically introducing characters feel free to have yours stumble onto these two dorks XD)
"He's finally asleep. After nearly running himself to the ground with a week of nonstop fighting, little food, little rest and grief, I finally manage to get him to sleep. I'm hoping it will do a bit of good," a voice said at the duo. Coming at them was a young man with what seemed to look like a mining helmet with a visor. He was older than Simon, but younger than Kamina. Beyond his midly strange helmet, he has on a red overcoat that kinda looked like a doctor's along with some long pants and sandals. He had his hands wrapped on occasion and didn't wear anything under his doctor's coat.

It was Toryu. The third founding member of Team Gurren along with Kamina and Simon, he was the brains of the trio. Knowing more than a little bit about everything, he was happy to be with his brothers, though he felt the pain of losing Kamina. However, he acknowledged that Simon was in much worse pain.

"How's repairs toward your gunman going?" Toryu asked them. He certainly looked a bit haggard himself. Of course, that was to be expecting because of the power struggle between him and Kittan. Ever since then, Toryu's patience and nerves have been wearing thin, more liable to snap at most people. Not alot of people believed in Simon enough to try and help him. He knew that trying to go on without facing this truama was a bad move. Simon needed help and whole Toryu was his soulbrother, he was also even more socially awkward than he was and not as close. Which is why he thanked whatever god exists for sending Nia. Girl was an angel, helping Simon to face what he lost and helping him to beleive in himself. Beyond her, only Rossieu and the twins truly beleived in Simon. He wans't sure about Leeron, but that;s cause Leeron is mysterious. As for Yoko... he blushed before he shook his head.
Both of them quickly shift their heads in the direction of the current head that kept the place running... well at least one of them since Kittan was kind of on the same boat and line of respect.

"Ah Toryu I assume Nia is being Nia and slowly bringing him back to his feet... bless her soul." Fenris was the first to speak with a smile, he had always seemed to find his way around the Daigurren just to get to Feira (Aka Tigris). It seemed like he had a small crush or something going on but Feira never really seemed to notice since she always was doing her own agenda. Not to mention since her last loss she had sort of changed, becoming more elusive and being in thought when left alone.

Many just thought she was rethinking her life choices, after all she was kind of a chicken when she had gotten surrounded by common enemy gunmen. Perhaps the battle field wasn't her best choice, already Leeron had offered her to become part of the mechanic team but she simply always answered with 'let me think about it'

"I have to agree with that, she's the only one who seems to snap him out of it... now if only her cooking didn't almost kill us all..." The last comment would get a quick response from the orange haired woman dangling from a few chains above them. Having just finished her last paint line.

"Yes mines back up... but sometimes I wonder if I ever will get good at fighting... I'm not used to all of this. I always tended to avoid those things since beastmen are pretty daft and easy to fool with my disguise." She would confess with a bit shame in those words.

"Says the one who actually sharpened eight of her teeth... permanently." Fenris would respond jokingly to only get a not so amused glare from Feira as she came back to their level.

"HEY! at least that little added touch makes my act much more believable... plus it does wonders when it comes to eating meat and crunching on bones to get that sweet tasty bone marrow." She would say with a chuckle, she always did seem like an oddball and had weird tastes when it came to food anyways.

"So Toryu any news on what the Beastmen could be up to, last time we ran into a simple group of scouts they were pretty pissed at us." Fenris would ask.
"Not really. They really don't do anything outside of patrol. Thanks to the Gunman parts we collected, we can keep track of them and figure out how to get to their main base, Tepplin City," Toryu mentioned to them as he leaned against the wall.

He then does a double take before seeing something. "Oh HELL NO!" Toryu said as he saw Lagann put with the garbage. He stomped out of the room before he went over into Mugenn and walked over to Kittan. Fortunately, they didn't end up fighting... yet. There was just mainly screaming.

"What the hell do you know, you second-rate hack?" Toryu screamed back as he and Kittan were arguing over throwing away Lagann as well as the overall behavior toward Simon. Eventually, from they can see in the window, Toryu glared back at Yoko before he got off Mugenn and he was led over to the local prison area in order to cool down. He was glaring at most of the group, but had a look of betrayal at Yoko (this is before they get captured in Episode 11)
Feira (tigris) would much rather listen to everything rather than talk now, at least they were not in any immediate danger if they could keep track of all those animals. That was all she needed to hear since she was dreading going back into the battle field... especially when the remaining three Generals at large. Fenris would be the one more open to talking though "Figures since I hear they are really simple minded and not much different from animals, honestly their hatred towards humans is their only driving force if anything." He'd say while using the bit of information he had gotten from both rumors and Feira herself.

Though inner problems would arise once more...

"What's that all about?" Feira would say a bit confused, she tried to evade most of this trouble by just dwelling in the hangars most of the time... honestly she needed to find some new past times and perhaps find some new people to befriend.

"Kittan's being an asshole again." Fenris would answer with a sigh as he had been slowly growing unease and saddened with all this tension. They were supposed to be a team, working as one giant group towards one common goal. But as of late clearly everyone had their own demons to deal with, just some days ago he had been talking and joking around with Feira (Tigris) and she brought up some jokes that just brought a smile to his face... Save for one which he hadn't found too funny. She had sarcastically said that she could likely survive being among beastmen and seeing herself just how dumb they were... surely that was her own sense of humor despite getting a weird look from her as he laughed... surely that was a joke because that would be the the most horrible and stupid idea to ever be conceived.

On the other side obviously even Yoko was a bit depressed about watching old friends be at each others throats all the time.
Toryu was sitting in the cell. He was convinced to be placed here to cool down so everyone would not tear themselves. It was namely Nia who convinced him to do so. A such, he sighed as he leaned back and attempted to relax in the cell. Cell was nice with its own bathroom. He went and saw Yoko with a neutral if not mildly negative face come in with his food. When she set it down, he took the tray in.

He looked at it before facing her.

"I didn't expect you to turn your back on Simon," Toryu said after a long moment of silence. After she said her response, before Toryu could retaliate, the ship rocked, as if something was ramming the Dai-Gurren ship.
Yoko would just look at Toryu with a bit of sadness on her face, she still felt some pain for the loss of Kamina and she disliked how almost everyone was taking literal crap about Simon. She would look at him for a while, thinking about what she could say to him, he had known the two 'brothers' far before she did anyways...

"I have not given up on Simon... but we need-"


The crew would have little time to react as something or somethings seemed to have rammed the right side of the Dai-gurren, the force likely knocking people off their feet or flying off chairs. But what made it worse was the fact that it continued to persist, the thudding on the side implying that whatever was ramming the over sized gunmen was still there. Soon their sudden attack would be answered by a booming and heavy female voice, one that didn't sound too friendly with some hints of a snarl as a large burly earth colored gunmen would land on the docking area. (Front area that makes the giant sword part)

"I Ursa Commander of the far mountain district am here to avenge the death of General Thymilph and show you thieving monkeys what's coming to ya!" She would roar out as her bear themed gunmen held a large hammer of sorts in hand, it was the same size as Gurren alone so it was safe to assume it was a lesser custom made for the slightly bigger honchos out there. (Aka one face variation)

With that the two ram gunmen would continue to headbutt the Dai-gurren as if attempting to either shake the crew up or maybe even threaten to knock the thing over. In total there was those two, plus the over sized custom bear one, a common bull skull one, a stag themed one with a pair of jagged antlers, one that was sleeker and with hints of blue, and a smaller sturdy built dark brown one. Making seven in total.

"TIME TO PAY YOU MONKEYS!" The bear woman would roar out as they began to move... hell had broken out pretty early.


Yoko was quick to react as she grabbed onto the cell bars to keep herself from falling over. They would be able to talk later but for now they needed everyone who could fight, so she released Toryu without question.

Without their main gunmen they would need all the fire power they could get.
Toryu was shaken up in his cell from the impact. He gotte back on his feet before overhearing that some gunman has come after them. He looked annoyed before he ran out. He went to check on Simon and Nia. He still looked despondant, but also concerned for the crew. Nia held onto him, still with her comforting gaze. Toryu went and have his younger brother a hug.

"I'll be right back, Simon," he said before he went into Mugenn. He felt the fighting spirit activate it and he saw the others out there, including Rossieu in the Gurren. "We're not letting you touch this, you aritficially-made inferior lifeforms!" Toryu shouted before he went and activated the main feature of Mugenn, a spinning saw-like shield. He then went and tackled Ursa while Kittan led the charge to attack. The twins attwmpted to defeat the ones attempting to ram the group while he saw the others fight as well as the support team firing onto the gunman on deck.
Team Dai-Gurren would be quick to jump to their positions, Yoko taking to the canons and keeping her gun at hand as she started to shoot at the stag themed gumen that had decided to take on Kittan with his jagged antlers. On the other side the twins were doing a good job at keeping the twin ram ones distracted as the two goat beastmen started to bicker and curse under their breath.

"You got guts to talk shit about my kind you ape... I can respect that so I shall give you a fast and clean death!" Ursa would roar in between some heavy laugh as she rammed her hammer into Mugenn's shield, knowing well that the material the thing was made of was nearly impenetrable and hard as hell. If he wanted a battle of who had the biggest blocking technique then she would oblige... she was Ursa, the mountain bear-woman and she would hold that title with pride.

Meanwhile in the smaller gunmen parking Feira had lost her balance quite horribly and landed face first on the floor, getting up with a groan revealed her nose to be a bloodied mess. Oh just for her luck... the pain coming from her injured nose felt like she had shoved her face straight into a pile of burning coals. "Oh FRICK!" She would growl as she clenched her nose and started to walk to the side entrance to see what the hell was going on. At least now she had a reason to not be in battle and loose against some simple gunmen... again.

While the fighting continued on the deck the bluish wolf gunmen would quickly maneuver and jump off the deck, his intentions were unknown but with all the commotion he slipped by unnoticed... save for Fenris who rushed to get his gun. That bastard was up to something and with everyone fighting the main threat he made it his duty to take down this one himself.
"Bring it on, honeysucker!" Toryu said as he began moving his shield to deflect the hammer. It was one of the things he learned of combat. You should usually never meet a force dead on. Instead, a glancing force would deflect it from the side. By using his shield to take the blow before moving it, he was able to avoid damage.

At the right moment, he grabbed at the arm with the hammer and he began trying to crush it. "Who the hell do you THINK I AM?!" Toryu said as he shield smashed her. All the pilots were fighting as hard as they could, with Kittan dealing the most damage.

"Feira! Are you okay?" he said, contacting his comrade and making sure she was all right.
"With pleasure!" Ursa would roar through her com as her gunmen's facial reader feature did a good job at copying her angry yet slightly amused snarl. She was really curious as to how these thieving apes managed to get a hold of so many customs, sure they were of the slightly lower end like hers but they were uncommon models which implied they were stolen from similar ranked ones like her.

At the moment they had gotten lucky since most of the gunmen were distracted by the fight and were no longer ramming the side of the Daigurren. However the moment the blue wolfish one was gone the smaller bear one seemed to follow as well, this one getting attention as he appeared to be responding to a call.

While all of this chaos happened around them Kittan was left fighting the stag one as his antlers continued to try and impale him to the nearest wall. "Oh no you won't!" Yoko would yell out as she shot one of it's antlers clean off and that seemed to make it chicken out in place a bit.

"Is that any way to speak to a woman you uncultured ape!?" Ursa would roar at Toryu as she refused to give up, at least not yet as her hammer hung dangerously close to Mugenn and about ready to crush him whenever she could.

"I'm fine just a bit shaken up from a fall, Worry about defeating those-" Feira would say over her com as she clenched her bleeding nose and suddenly froze as she heard a strained mechanical noise coming from the hangar doors. Everything would go into slow motion as the doors were pried open by the blue and silver wolf gunmen who would growl as he stomped in and caught sight of her scurrying. He'd start to laugh as he prepared to kill the puny human but soon stopped once she was pinned to a wall with what looked like she was about to faint from a panic attack.

"Eh?" It would seem to say as it's mechanical eyes seemed to be scanning her over in confusion a bit. In the mind of the wolf man he really wasn't sure what he was looking at, she had sharp fangs and humans didn't have them that sharp or had eight of them plus she seemed to have claws and walk on her toes. Well he'd meet with Ursa later but for now seeing Feira as a bloodied and bruised up mess made him think she was some sort of prisoner who had made a run for it right now.

However the moment of awkward staring would soon end as Fenris blasted through the doors with his gun and looked at the droplets of blood on the floor as well as the blue gunmen pinning Feira to a wall. He snapped as he would begin to shoot.

"Take that Gunmen! The humans won't miss loosing this extra one." The wolf would Roar out as the smaller bear one came in and grabbed the pilot-less Hisame as he made a run for it. The wolf on the other hand placed his foot in front of Feira as if to shield her from the bullet shots. "You humans disgust me!" He would howl out angrily as his hand would grab the now in shock Feira and in a quick burst of speed he was gone out the broken door.
"No it isn't, but let me know when I start fighting one," the mouthy Toryu said back to the momma bear while he dodged the hammer blow. However, things went south when he lost coomunication with Feira. However, he dealt with the mother bear. He took a breath and calmed down. "Why are you doing this? What did your boss... Lordgenome was it, tell you to do?" he said, recalling the name that crazy scorpion woman ended up mentioning.

The other guys were just about ready to finish off the rest of the gunman army based on the injuried. "Come on! One final charge!" Kittan announced over to them and they yelled in unison.
Ursa was starting to struggle as their strength was slowly being drained away the more they fought. She despised these murderous humans and she highly disliked how this one seemed to have quite a mouth towards her. "The Spiral king has told us ALL to do whatever it takes to destroy all of you, I'm in no position to deny his orders to exterminate you 'Murderous' apes." She would growl as she noticed one of the ram gunmen get shot down and blasted to smithereens via Kittan and a few others.

"RETREAT!" The bear woman would roar out as she placed her hammer back on the gunmen's back and quickly maneuvered herself out of the fray. With that the remaining fighters would flee as well, having lost a comrade and not seeming to be happy on the little dents they barely manage to leave.

It seemed to be a fine victory as Yoko would fling her rifle across her back and check on the damages along with the rest of the crew.

That is until Fenris came bursting through the nearest door with a look of horror.

"Those bastards Killed Feira and stole Hisame!" Fenris would yell out with both anger and grief as he held his rifle in hand, he swore they had killed his friend. Plus the stolen gunmen was just more salt on the wound to fuel his anger.
"You're the murderous ones! How many people over the last thousand years has your kind slaughtered?! How many people have you killed underground by causing shakings with your Gunman," Toryu countered in a voice of traunquil fury as his Spiral power grew before she tried to shield bash them.

"Fenris... calm down. I've checked through the cameras aborard the ship. Feira appears to have merely been captured. Otherwise, we would have found her remains," he said in that cold business-like voice whenever he was in emergancy leader mode.

"Nonetheless, we need to advance further and put an end to this. We need to find out why this Spiral King is doing this," he said before he went and paid Simon a visit.

A few days had past and he kept busy in the med lab. On the table was the comatose body of the lone beastman that remained. Toryu salvaged the pods that was on the hotspring Gunman from weeks ago in order to help keep this one alive.
The bear woman would only shoot a glance back at the Dai-Gurren as she snarled back and vanished along with the rest of them. Sure she had killed humans before and completely obliterated a village or two in her lifetime but it was under orders. She knew no better and as far as the law went the spiral king ruled everything and created her race. If he ordered her to destroy humans then she would, that's the way the world worked for her kind.

However once they reached their meeting point it soon became clear that they had something else, apparently a human prisoner from what 'Roscoe' described. She had her doubts though, for a beastwoman she was damn scrawny and 'runt' looking, wasn't much of a talker neither. Ursa wasn't much of a fan of the more human looking variations of her kind but a sister was a sister either way so in the end she took her in to replace her lost scout. In some time Ursa had no doubt that she could toughen up the 'runt tigress' to a decent fighter or at least a scout.

On the other hand Feira who now went by Tora was terrified for her life and simply went along with whatever the bear woman said or risk dying.

--- Some days later

Fenris has started to develop an anger, an anger for those damn beasts that thought they owned everything. Toryu had said she had been taken as a prisoner but yet they had no ransom note. No word about that damn bear... had they killed his friend once they noticed she was of no use or of important rank within the Dai-gurren? It never seemed to cross his mind that her unusual fakery might have actually saved her ass. Such a thing sounded too good to be true actually, Feira had never truly used her fake appearance to last for days living with those flea bitten furbrains.

Well he would dedicate his anger on blasting the living crap out of whatever beatmen he ran into now, he was pretty sure Feira was dead or pretty close to being dead... but for now it was time to check on the living and try to leave his concerns and thoughts behind.

"Toryu how is 'That thing' doing?" He would ask him with a bit of disgust in his voice, clearly the medic had changed a bit.
"The beastman you mean? He's stabilizing. I am learning alot from examining his blood in comparison to a human. It's interesting. Credit to the mad Spiral King. He is a genius," Toryu said before facing Fenris. "Fenris, you need to have more faith in Feira. Viral looked more human than she did so I am sure she is sruvivng," he explained. He was writing something down for later.

However, the alarm set off at the group got a distress call... from a human settlement. Kittan of course went over to rescue the supposed endangered females. Toryu finished writing the note and taped to the pod where the Beastman was napping.
"More like an insane genius... honestly how interesting could his pet projects be? I'm guessing they must be a jumbled up disaster of genetics." He would say with a bit of a scoff as he would notice Toryu writing down various notes down in a book of sorts. Despite his slight anger towards the partially human species he could't help but have some curiosity as well. Perhaps there might be a slight chance that Feira was alive... probably in a bad place but alive.

"Isn't that the psychotic shark-lion man you stole your gunmen from? I just hope you are right... blending in with those savages probably would have given her white hair by now." He would ask and then end his comment with a sigh. Feira had been such a nervous wreck, she was going to be lucky if her heart hadn't stopped in a panic attack.

But soon the alarm went off and he would respond.

"Hrmm... something seems very off about this whole thing...didn't those girls seem a bit monotone and too in sync to you?" He would ask Toryu as he would arrive in the main control center and look down through the monitors to see the village in question.

----------- Meanwhile some distance from the Dai Gurren.

Ursa had become interested as she got an order from Guame himself to set up some sort of projector system over this one puny human village. Apparently he had some sort of master plan to make the humans cower in fear, she had no idea what the hubub was about but the moment the smell of honey hit her nose she would smile and turn around to meet her newest addition... Who had just arrived with some bee stings and a hive in hand.

"Ah my favorite runt-cat is back! and look at that you have less stings than last time. Keep this up and you will become faster and look less like a runt." She would chuckle as she patted the reasonably smaller human on the back, Feira (Now Tora) letting out a pained grunt as a smaller and younger Bobcat beastwoman jumped up on her shoulders and started to cover up the bee stings with some sort of gel.

This was Lifa, still apparently a child in beastmen years but she was training up to become a medic and had been assigned to Ursa. She was strangely happy and always seemed to be the first on the scene whenever someone was injured. Bless her soul she was so kind and strangely anything but cruel... kind of reminded her of Nia in a way... just looking like a cat of course.

Tora had learned quite a few things from her 'unusual' group for the past few days and if she hoped to survive she just followed along. Though concern was filling her mind as she would look at the machinery being set up... what in the hell was that thing for.
"Well, I'm trying to figure out what makes these guys different from humans. Their genetic code appears to be stationary," Toryu said as he leaned against the wall in thought. He thn looked at the monitors. Diego paled before he sighed. They were in for s surprise attack. They were captured and Toryu interrupted Guame every 5 seconds with seemingly pointless but philosophical questions that most of the oher Beastmen got.

They were then put underground and he saw how everyone else was frantically trying to dig out. He was currently resting... and keeping an eye on the man he knew would save them.


When everyone gave up, he cleared his throat and signaled. Everyone saw Simon using his core drill digging through the bedrock and through the silence. "Do all of you get it now? If not, here's the truth in bluntness. Every bit of success came from Simon. Every victory, every bit of courage and hope that Kamina had was because of Simon...

He's the man who will lead us to victory," he said with conviction.

"Believe in the you whp believes in yourself, Simon" Toryu thought before a crash was heard and a large tunnel was made... by the self-repaired Lagann. Toryu winked at everyone, particuarly at Yoko before he jumped into the Lagann. He gave a knowing look to Simon as the kid smiled for the first time in a few weeks.

They went to save Nia while the others were free to retake the ship
Well perhaps Fenris in time would learn to get over the stress of his missing friend, perhaps she would rejoin them later if she got the chance to escape? Sadly her Hisame might be now lost and in the hands of someone else but all he cared about was her getting back. In the bottom of his gut he felt like she was going to come back- And just like that some quick rationing from the higher ups got them captured by ant eater men.

Now stuck in a dungeon he started to wonder if perhaps what had happened to Feira was actually going to save her from the fate they were all gonna meet by Guame now. Perhaps her getting captured and stolen just like that had been a gift of survival in disguise.

But then everything seemed to change as Toryu spoke and Fenris turned to watch Simon who was slowly and steadily digging a hole with just that one tiny core drill of his. Incredible... he had never really seen the kid before but something about him made the recently grumpy medic feel some hope.

After watching Toryu blink Yoko blushed a bit before the rest of the crew went to get rid of their cuffs and join Simon above ground soon enough.

Meanwhile on the Dai-Gurren Nia had just listened to her origin and why she had been thrown away, it pained her heart how so many of her sisters had met such a horrid fate. But now she seemed pretty close to death as Guame pulled out a gun and was about to take her out of her supposed misery.

------------ Some distance away from the Gurren brigade's location.

"Oh of course leave it to Mr. Guame to show off his large scale execution. Those murderous and thieving apes deserve all they get." Ursa would grumble in between words as she shoved another honey cluster in her mouth and chewed lazily on it. She was sitting on some collapsible chair of sorts that she had set up. With Tora, Lifa, And Roscoe to her sides. Tora/Feira had been just looking at the people from the village below emerge to look at the screen above them, they really did kind of look like ants from up here. Everything just seemed like a waste of time till her blood ran cold when the words 'Execution' came from Guame and on the projector all she could see was her brigade comrades... this couldn't be happening.
Suddenly, a massive drill went and broke Nia's bonds before sticking to the ceiling. "Nia! I'm here to rescue you! Come on," Simon said with a smile before Nia went and glomped him in joy. Toryu smirked at them before he reached into a hidden pocket of his jacket. "Sedative!" he shouted before throwing several dart-like objects to tranquilize most of the gunman before seeing Guame fall into the hole.

"I'll be getting into Mugenn," Toryu said with a knowing smile before he got in. As the group was fighting, Guame got back into his mech and began fighting Gurren while putting a video for people to say, hoping that he could break people's faith. That was certainly a wrong thing to do.

Mugenn burst out while Simon gave the order to combine. Rossieu managed to pull himself out before jumping. Lagann inserted itself into Gurren before drillings came from Gurren's legs and attaching to Mugenn's shoulders. The three mechs slammed into one another and Mugenn Gurren Lagann was created.

The head opened to reveal Simon:

"My bro is dead. he's gone. But hes right there on my back and here in my heart. He lives on as a part of me!

If you're gonna dig, dig to the heavens! No matter what's in my way, I won't stop! Once I've dug through, it means that I've won!

Just who the hell do you think I am?! I'm Simon! I'm neither of my bros... I'M ME... SIMON THE DIGGER!" Simon said before he drilled out Guame's mech.

As Guame performed the press, Simon broke out...

"Finishing Move!"

"End this, Simon!" Toryu said, his blood boiling with excitement. Simon launched the sunglass-like weapon to trap GUame's mech.

"GIGA... DRILL... BREAK!!" Simon shouted before drilling through the mech. The whole time Toryu smiled. His bro was back. The mech massively exploded as everyone saw another of the big general's lose and the return of humanity's greatest champion.
Nia would nod and gladly jump to safety as one hell of a battle was about to take place, Simon was back and it was something that would bring both hope and horror... the latter for the beasts. Especially since they would be the ones at the sharp end of a very large and menacing drill.

"GYAH! RETREAT!" Guame would command as he jumped out of his exploding Gunmen and flee as fast as he could, the rest of his team doing the same. Heck even those that had gotten sedated by Toryu started to get up and try to get out of the situation on stumbling feet. They weren't taking any chances at getting impaled by drills or ending up as prisoners of war.

As the exploding mech hit the sky humans around the globe would cheer, what had been horror at first had now turned into blazing hope. Humans had won this battle and the rest of the now freed Gurren Brigade cheered in unison. Moments ago they were close to death and now they were up and kicking again thanks to Simon...

"Glad to see you back Simon!" Yoko's voice would ring over as she would rush over to the victors, waiting for them to exit their mechs before giving them all a reassuring hug and a smile. It was good to be back with this newly renowned fighting spirit.


"FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!" Ursa would roar out as she literally punched the projector to bits with her own raw fists. By the time she was over she was bloodied a bit but she seemed to care less as she continued to growl, clearly not liking the sound of the humans cheering below. If Guame couldn't defeat them then who? Adiane was said to have gone rouge so that only left Cytomander...

"Alright crew pack your stuff and move out, we are following the Dai-Gurren's trail and we are going to aid Cytomander to bring them down." She'd add while taking a deep breath and shooting a glance at every one of her crew. A shudder coming from Tora's end as the bear lady just seemed to chuckle in amusement... surprising how a tiger could be such a coward. By now she could have given up on training this scrawny runt but she hadn't, something in her gut told her that this one was different. She was hellbent on seeing whatever this scrawny tiger was capable of once her cowardice was broken down. She had seen her behavior around the rest of her crew and she had noted that she had the potential of becoming her second in command... the main factor being her hidden benevolence. Ursa believed that in order to have a truly good and loyal crew one had to show humbleness and respect towards their underlings as well. Fear and intimidation only went so far obviously.

'...you can do this Simon, Toryu, everyone, humanity shall not fall and this surface will be ours.' Tora would think with a sliver of hope in her heart, however those word's weren't as hopeful as they should have been. Her stay with the mountain crew had revealed to her that the so called flea bitten idiots weren't so stupid or brute as she had been told... no not even close, even the bear lady Ursa had proven to be a benevolent leader who cared for her subordinates in her own weird way. Every single one was almost human save for looking a bit beastly and having their own weird perks from time to time... the idea of actually fighting them was slowly becoming more and more unacceptable to the false tiger and she hoped that wouldn't be the end of her.

But the thought of meeting a general was pretty damn terrifying...
Everyone was simply watching the sunset as Toryu was behind listening to Simon and Nia. Simon gave Nia a valuable-looking gem or stone as they discussed their personal revelations. Toryu smiled at both of them. Things would be okay.

Beyond that, the next few days wasn't filled with much. However, Toryu did notice a pattern. While Simon would sometimes talk with people, he never got that close to them the same way he was with Kamina or currently with him and Nia. Only others were apparent with Leeron and Rossieu along with the twins. Not even to Yoko he didn't talk and he actually was avoiding her a bit, having a bit of a nervous look on his face.

Toryu was currently writing notes and sketeches for their future society, something he did in his off-time. He was recalling Kittan's idea for areas of sports and Nia's knowledge from her time as Princess helped. He was unawae Yoko was behind him.
"Still drawing I see, anyways Yoko was looking for you a while earlier but was dragged into the kitchen to help out... I think she's got a thing for you." Fenris would say with a rather amused grin and a chuckle, part of his old personality had returned back. He reminded himself that Feira had either escaped by now or was laying low. No doubt that hothead would return one day after kicking her captors off a cliff and possibly return with some new skills that could be put to use... heck maybe she finally gained some actual confidence. "NO I DON'T YOU NUISANCE!" Yoko would quickly retort and make her presence known as she had been onlooking Toryu's sketches as he drew on, her face with a faint trace of red. "Surrreeeee..." Fenris would add with a grin.

Sadly as the days went on Fenris had no clue that the friend he once trusted and was looking forward to returning would have changed far beyond what he imagined...

"So we are close to the ocean now and I have a feeling that we will somehow have to cross that thing, honestly I wonder how Leeron's gonna pull this one off otherwise this oversize tin can will sink like a stone." Fenris voiced out his concern, he didn't like the thought of being on this thing if it suddenly started to go under.
Toryu just rolled his eyes at what Fenris said. He knew she wasn't interested in him in that way. She was interested in Kamina. Toryu sighed as he looked at the heavens, no doubt where his bro was. He was waiting for Simon to pierce the heavens to meet him there and for Toryu to make sure the tunnel is safe for others to follow. They'll then probably eat, drink and share a laugh.

"I have faitn in Leeron. Besides this, we've been working on how the future civilizations will be like," Toryu said before he looked at Yoko. He noticed how odd she acted when Nia was around. "Something our new princess bothering you?" he asked her. He was wondering if she noticed Simon's avoidance of her. He had put his collection of drawings away. The ship was amazing. Besides detecting the critters to make food, it had all sorts of entertainment material for hobbies. It certainly let the crew members explroe their creative, constructive and practical sides.
"Well the ocean is pretty damn big and I just hope there is no such thing as aquatic gunmen otherwise we will be screwed." Fenris would say with some concern as he shuddered at the thought. The last thing they needed was to run into some mecha fish monstrosities... Well only time would tell but obviously nothing would stop the Daigurren from going forwards. Yoko on the otherhand didn't seem to want to answer that question, it should have been obvious by now that she still distrusted Nia in general. She couldn't trust the princess just yet.


By the time they arrived on the beach the mood was quite serene as everyone seemed to unwind a bit as people worked on the Daigurren.
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