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School Rumble (Broom and I)

"That's for later," Jana smiled. "C'mon, the air has been way to serious lately. Today is going to be the fun fights! Mifune is fighting Cat, and I'm up against Kitten! You can't tell me it's not going to be interesting to watch!" she grinned. "You need to cool it for a little bit, what better way than some good old fashioned violence at someone else's expense?"
"It would be funner if my title wasn't on the line." Mei grumbled, although she was at least looking forward to seeing more of her cousin fighting and was interested to see how Jana would fair against Kitten. "Kitten hits hard, Jana...she put me on crutches for a few weeks, if you remember. So I'd probably try to avoid her direct attacks."
"Pfft, there you go again, being so serious," Jana smirked, ruffling her perfectly made hair. "Trust me, I got it in the bag, just you wait and see. Kitten won't know what hit her!"
Mei smiled a little at that, not that she wasn't already smoothing out her hair back into it's perfection. "Alright, I guess we should start heading over there then. I want to see how Mifune handles Catalina. I don't think Angel could bring out all of his potential." She said with a shrug.
"I don't think anything is bringing out his potential," Jana chuckled. "He's just so very cool Mei, you two are practically the same person. So refined and casual about how much ass you kick," she said dryly. "And Sophie, woo boy, I think she wants to get bent over by all those muscles. Lord knows I wouldn't mind," she sighed, fanning herself dramatically.
"That's my cousin, Jana. I don't want to hear that!" Mei whined, although she knew it was true. Mifune, her quiet little beanstock of a cousin had transformed into one of the hottest boys in Turuga. She had to wonder how Kokoro was dealing with it!
"More for me to drool over anyway," Jana smirked. "Now come on, I don't want to miss the fights. You need to stop worrying so much! Something to get your mind off things is some good ol' Turugan violence."
"Alright already, let's go then..." Mei muttered as she moved to her feet and walked Jana out of her office. She really wished she could enjoy the fights, but she was still worried about Komoku. "..So, what do you think of Eva fighting one of the new girls? Have you seen any of Yoko's fights?" That was Jana's girlfriend, she had to wonder if she was even a little worried about her.
"Dunno," Jana said, her expression shifting somewhat. "She'll be fine, she's about as much of a brick wall as Komoku. I haven't heard much about her, I had Adam do a little digging...we're thinking she's not from here, she doesn't show up anywhere...but that doesn't mean a whole lot," she shrugged. "Lot of kids in Turuga don't really go to school either."
"That's true, but she doesn't strike me as the type that doesn't go to school." Just from the way she carried herself, and from what little she knew about her, she was leaning more on the fact that she wasn't from here. "Still, if she somehow convinced Nicholas to back down from the fight...I'm just suspicious about her, even more so than Komoku's opponent."
"Yeah...that girl reminds me of myself a few years ago," Jana said, without much fondness. "Something about her makes me on edge, Mei. She's so...casual about all of this, like we don't even matter."
"Well, hopefully she's just here for the experience and nothing more." Mei said hopefully as they approached the arena. "Either way, good luck with your fight, Jana. I'm sure you'll give Kitten a run for her money." She gave her a smile.
"Something like that," Jana smiled, giving her a faint hug. "I expect to hear you cheer the loudest for me, Mei! I'll be listening!" she teased, heading off to prepare.
Man, how did he get caught up in all this again? Oh, right...Sophie. She was just drinking it all up, seeing her bodyguard win left and right. He honestly hadn't expected to get this far along, stopping now, he supposed. He had become quite the popular fighter in such a short span of time. Which probably had a lot to do with his aloof personality, his chiseled looks...he could practically feel the eyes of people gaping at him all around, and he felt just a little bit violated.

"We love you, Mifune!" he heard from some shrill voice. "Beat that mean Cat into the dirt!"

Of course, Cat had her own fans...her boyfriend included.

"Hey!" Dujae shouted over the throng. "Shut the hell up, you skinny tramp! Cat's gonna wipe the floor with him!"

"If he doesn't suffocate under her fat ass!" Another countered back, which resulted in Sejae trying to stop Dujae from tearing into the crowd and beating the everloving shit out of everyone who wasn't screaming her name. Mifune sighed heavily, hands in his pockets.

...What a day this was turning out to be.
"This ass is all muscle, punta!" Catalina shouted into the stands as she made her way into the ring. She gave Mifune a big smile, already feeling the adrenaline rush from the crowd. Even the ones cheering for her opponent, she couldn't wait to disappoint them. "Mnn, finally. Someone worth wrapping myself around. Are you ready, Bombón?" He didn't seem like it, the nerve. Acting like he was too cool to be excited about fighting.
"Absolutely," Mifune said regardless, tugging off his sunglasses and his shirt. "I saw your fight earlier, I was I expect to be impressed again," he said, giving her an easy grin. "C'mon, girl...let me see those muscles in action."
"You can't distract me with those muscles," Catalina teased as she started to briskly walk towards him in a very intimidating manner, flexing her fingers. "They're impressive, but I'm professional." She didn't even hesitate, she suddenly leapt at him, aiming to tackle him to the ground. Her last fight was a little boring, she'd put on a show for sure this time.
Mifune weaved back in surprise, sucking in a faint breath as she landed a hair's breadth away. Okay, new rule...don't assume that the big girls are slow. This would be difficult, she was a grappler...and from what he saw before, a damn good one. It was not his stronger suit, but he could make do...he'd rather not, however. But, fortune favored the bold, right? He shifted forward, jerking his knee in the intent to slam into her.
Catalina had watched his fights before this, and she wasn't sure if she should risk taking a hit from him. However, she couldn't properly gauge his strength unless she got hit one way or another. She forgot that his technique was an odd one, there was no element to it and he didn't have to physically touch her to strike her. She quickly moved to the side to dodge his knee, but her arms shot out so she could grab him before he had the time to draw back.
Mifune should have expected that, but before he knew it, he felt her iron grip tug him closer as he grumbled in irritation, jerking his knee out to hit her gut. This was going to be annoying, she was much faster than he expected. He had to time his attacks a little better, or he was going to get thrown around like a sack of potatoes.
Catalina gritted her teeth as his knee sunk into her gut, but her grip did not weaken one bit. It only seemed to tighten as she took a second to catch her breath. "Heh, once you get caught by me, I don't plan to let go!" She grinned and then rammed her shoulder against his chest to knock him down to the ring. Ugh, he hit hard...good thing she had taken all those hits from Emma or she might have let him slip away.
Mifune could play that game as he jerked back, but his grip was on his shoulders as he went with the motion and rolled, his foot on her stomach in an attempt to throw her outside of the ring. He needed to keep the distance, this girl was hardcore close up!
Catalina blinked, she wasn't expecting him to actually kick her away! He was fast...and strong. The only guy she knew who could kick that hard was Dujae. So he would be REALLY annoying. Before she flew too far, a long vine appeared in her hand and she used it like a whip. In a fluid movement, she managed to wrap it around Mifune's leg and she tugged hard, using him like a weight to keep her from flying out of the ring. She landed hard at the side, her legs hanging off the edge. "So it's like that, huh? Guess I'll need some range." She grinned.
Mifune grimaced a moment, fingers tightening as his knuckles cracked as he sunk down to a knee with a grunt. "Terrific," he muttered. "Two can play that game, you know. Don't start something you might not win."
"Your threats just make this even better. Show me everything you've got." Catalina purred as she drew her vine whip back and then began to charge at him once more. The crowd was getting wild, hearing the chants of her fans were only filling her with more energy. More adrenaline. This was fun!
"You asked for it," Mifune said dryly, shifting his hands back with a determined frown. He swung his hands up together with a focused growl, and the wind roared with it, trailing along the ground in a shockwave of energy.

"Whoa," Jana grinned. "Sophie, you got a hell of a bodyguard!" That was incredible! Was he moving his arms that fast!?
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